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Name: Gian Owen P.

Grade Level and Section: 11-ABM 7 Gokongwei
English for Academic and Professional Purposes
(Week 13)
Lesson 2: Designing the Survey Questionnaire
What’s new
Activity 1: WHAT YOU KNOW
What I Know What I want to know What I learned

A survey is a general view, I want to know if there are

examination, or description different kinds of survey and
of someone or what is their purpose and
something. It also refers to goal if ever. I also wanted to
looking carefully and know the proper format in
thoroughly at (someone or doing surveys.
something), especially to
assess them.

What’s more
Activity 2. K-W-L
What I Know What I Want To Know What I Learned

I learned that in a survey, a good

questionnaire makes a good survey. A
questionnaire that should be valid, reliable,
clear and interesting. A questionnaire is very
important because it is the reason for getting
an accurate data. A way to create a
questionnaire is to design where you
brainstorm your question and then, test for
pointing out flaws if there is and lastly is to
revise for final and concise format of the
survey questions.

Activity 3. to change or to not change

Revised Questionnaire:

A Survey Questionnaire on Technology Available at Home

Instruction: Put a check on the given underlined space beside the questions of your chosen answer. Please
answer the questions honestly.
1. Do you have a computer at home?
_____Yes _____No
2. If your answer in the no. 1 is no, what is the reason? If yes, you don’t need to answer.
3. Do you have an internet connection at home?
_____Yes _____No
4. If your answer in no.2 is yes, what kind of internet connection do you use or have at home?
_____WIFI _____Line Others, please specify:__________
5. Do you have an android phone?
_____ Yes _____ No
6. How many gadgets do you have at home?
_____1 _____2 ______3 or more
7. What kind of gadgets do you have?
_____ Cellphone _____Desktop ______Laptop
_____ Tablet Others, Please specify:______________
8. Should students have computers or any gadgets home?
_____Yes _____No
9. If you answered yes, which of the following are your reasons?
____ It is useful for school works.
____ Everybody has it already.
____ It can be used for business.
Others, please specify: _________________
10. If you answered no, which of the following are your reasons?
____ It is expensive.
____ It is not needed.
____ Cellphones can be used in its place.
Others, please specify: _________________

What I can do
Activity 4. design

A Survey Questionnaire About Family Past Time During Quarantine

Name:________________________________________ Age:________________________
Address:_______________________________________ Status:______________________

Instruction: Put a check on the underlined space given. Please answer the questions honestly and clearly.
Activity 5. test

Let your family members and relatives answer your survey questionnaire. List
down what they think about your self-made questionnaire. Write their comments in
your notebook.

Mother: I noticed that there might be a missing part about your instruction and it is needed
to be more concise and clear as to not be misunderstood by the respondents about your
Activity 6. revise

Revised Questionnaire:
A Survey Questionnaire About Family Past Time During Quarantine
Name:________________________________________ Age:________________________
Address:_______________________________________ Status:______________________

Instruction: Put a check on the given underlined space beside the questions of your chosen answer. Please answer
the questions honestly and clearly.
1. What is your role in the family?

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