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For Seed License

(See clause 4)

Horticulture and Farm Forestry
Chhattisgarh, Raipur

1. Full name and address of the applicant:

(a) Name and postal address: ____________________________________________
(b) Place of business (please give exact address):
(i) for sale ____________________________________________
(ii) for storage ____________________________________________

2. Is it a proprietory/partnership/Limited Company/Hindu undivided family concern? Give the

Name(s) and address(es) of proprietor/partner/Manager/Karta.

3. In what capacity this application is made:

(i) Proprietor ________________________________________________________
(ii) Partner ________________________________________________________
(iii) Manager ________________________________________________________
(iv) Karta ________________________________________________________

4. Was the applicant ever convicted under the Essential Commodities Act, 1955 (10 of 1955),
or any order issued there under during the last three years preceding the date of
application? If so, give details

5. Give the details of seeds to be handled.

S.No Name of Seed

/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/714252426.doc/ /1//
For Seed License

6. I/we have deposited the licence fee of rupees fifty vide challan No. _____________dated
_________________ in treasury/bank ____________

7. Declaration:
(a) I/we declare that the information given above is true to the best of my/our knowledge and
belief and no part thereof is false.
(b) I/we have carefully read the terms and conditions of the license given in Form ‘B’
appended to the Seeds (Control) Order, 1983, and agree to abide by them.

Date :

Place :

Signature of Applicant

/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/714252426.doc/ /2//
Note: (1) Where the business of selling/exporting/importing seeds is intended to be carried on
at more than one place, a separate license should be obtained for each such place.

For use in the office of Licensing Authority

Date of receipt

Name and designation of officer receiving the application

100 :- LVkEi isij ij uksVjh ls lR;kfir


It is stated that our company named M/s...................................................

............................................................................... has applied to obtain seed license
for trading in Chhattisgarh state. We hereby certify that the company will not involve
in any business of transgenic seeds in the Chhattisgarh state. If company's
involvement is found in trading of transgenic seeds, the licensing authority will be
able to terminate the seed license with immediate effect.

Date :-...........................
Authorized Signatory
1- ...................................................
2- ...................................................

List of Seed kind / varieties to be produced and marketed.

Name of Variety proposed

Sr. No Name of Crop
Notified Non Notified
1 2 3 4
100 :- LVkEi isij ij uksVjh ls lR;kfir
Notarized document to be submitted by a responsible person appointed by Seed
Dealer/ Producer in the event of contravention of The Seed Act 1966, The Seed Rule 1968
and Seed (Control) Order 1983 ( On 100/- Rs. stamp paper)

Horticulture and Farm Forestry
Chhattisgarh, Raipur
Subject:- Notarized document to be submitted by a responsible person appointed by
Seed Dealer/ Producer in the event of contravention of The Seed Act 1966,
The Seed Rule 1968 and Seed (Control) Order 1983

1) This is to certified that I/we (Name of the company and address) have appointed
Shri/Smt.…...............…………………....................................……………….as responsible
person in the event of contravention under various provisions of The Seed
Act1966,The Seed Rule 1971 and Seed (Control ) Order 1983 , his details are as below:

1. Full Name _________________________________________________

2. Post held _________________________________________________
3. Age of person _________________________________________________
4. Address of Office with Telephone No. Email address
5. Address of Residence and Tel. No. Mobile no.

Yours Faithfully,
Full name with signature of
Director with stamp.

I Shri /Smt. ……………………………………………….. hereby accept the responsibility as

a responsible person as appointed and assigned by --------------------- ( seed company) in the
event of contravention of “The Seed Act 1966, The Seed Rule 1968 and Seed (Control) Order
Yours Faithfully

Signiture of resposible person

Full name ,detailed address with
signature of Director/Chairman/
Managing Director with stamp .
1. ------------------------------------
2. ------------------------------------
100 :- LVkEi isij ij
uksVjh ls lR;kfir





THROUGH SHRI.____________________________________________ AGE __________ .

OCCUPATION _____________________________________________ ,
RESIDING AT – _____________________________________________

Hereinafter Referred to as THE STATE, which expression shall unless repugnant to the
context or meaning shall mean and includes here heirs, assigns, executors, legal
representative and administrators.


M/s .
THROUGH ITS _____________________________________
AGE –_______________________ yrs., OCCUPATION – _______________________
Hereinafter referred to as Producer/Marketer, which expression shall unless
repugnant to the context or meaning shall mean and includes here heirs, assigns,
executors, legal representative and administrators.


THIS, undertaking made on / /20...... is to be submitted to the government
of Chhattisgarh by M/s (herein also refer as seed
producer /seed Marketers) whereas, seed security is essential for food security, and which is very
much relevant to current global situation, sale of spurious seed, has multifold repercussions on
farmers, their life or upon entire farming community and on national economy .
Whereas it is essential to protect farmers interest and this necessitates to have mechanism
to provide assurance of quality seed, meeting standards of the seed stipulated in Seeds Act, 1966,
and under various allied relevant legislations passed by the Government is our bounden duty
Whenever a farmer suffers due to sale of seeds not meeting minimum seed standards of
seed quality stipulated in seeds Act , it is felt essential to make the seed producer i.e. party of
the second part, both, private and public,
reiterate their responsibility & liability arising due to their such actions.
Therefore, in Order to provide justice to the farmer, in case of loss accrued by them, on
account of substandard seed supplied and sold by seed producing or marketing company through
its various chain of dealers is amounting to contraventions of provisions of Seed Act, 1966, Seed
Rule, 1968 and Seed Control Order 1983, is deserving for stringent actions under above
mentioned laws, provided that package of practices stipulated by seed producer company were
followed by the farmers scrupulously, that were provided by them.
Whereas the party of the second part i.e. the seed producer / marketing company, are
fully aware, accept their responsibility under the relevant provisions of Seeds Act, 1966, Seeds
Rule, 1968, Seed Control Order, 1983 Environment Protection Act, 1986, as they relate to
control supply ,distribution and sale of seeds. The licensing authority may take administrative
and legal course of action whichever deemed fit, as provided in the above referred act will be
binding on company.
It is undertaken by the Party of the Second part, that it is responsible for supplying the
Seeds meeting the minimum standards of germination and purity in seed quality as stipulated by
GOI in respect to seeds of any notified –non- notified kind or variety.
It is further undertaken by the Party of the Second part that the mark or label on containers
carrying such seeds will confirms to the provisions under clause ‘A’ of Section 6 of the Seeds Act,
It is further undertaken by the party of the Second part that, such seed is identifiable as to the
kind and variety, the container of such seed bears in the prescribed manner the mark or label containing
the correct particulars thereof specified under clause ‘c’ of section 7 of the Seeds Act,
1966 and complies with such other requirements as may be prescribed. The party of the second part
further undertakes that if the supplied the seeds do not meet the Prescribed quality standards leading
to loss/es by Farmers due to such seeds the party of second part shall be responsible and liable to
pay compensation as per various provisions of existing laws.
The party of the second part further undertakes that they will be liable and responsible under
the act due to supply of substandard seeds are only responsible for the compensation to the suffered
farmers and no other person shall be responsible for the payment of compensation to the said farmers.
If the aforesaid instance / instances mentioned in above paragraph takes place in the state of
Chhattisgarh, company wouldn’t have any objection.
The party of second part also undertakes that they are responsible to submit supply and sell
report in form Directorate, Horticulture Farm and Forestry, Chhattisgarh Raipur and all concerned
District level Licensing authorities by 10 of next month regularly in annexure A. The party of
second part is aware that the reports will be submitted regularly to the authorities by the 10
of next month and non-submission of said report will be viewed seriously under the provisions of the
Seeds Control Order 1983 and necessary legal action will initiated against the said firm Party of said
firm will submit information on seed production program undertaken within and out of the state for
supply in the State, from time to time regularly, prior to season in annexure B
The party of second part also undertakes that without inclusion of variety of any crop in seeds
license issued to them by Hon Director, Horticulture Farm and Forestry, Chhattisgarh Raipur would
not effect sale in the state of Chhattisgarh.
SIGNED & DELIVERED BY THE – ________________________________
Within Named The State ________________________________
Through Shri/Smt. ________________________________


Within Named Producer/Marketer ________________________________
For M/s________________________________
Shri/Smt. ________________________________

1. Signature : __________________________
Name : __________________________
Address : __________________________
2. Signature : __________________________
Name : __________________________
Address : __________________________
Inspection Report of Q.C. Inspector
For Premises used for sale & Storage of Seed
1. Name & Address of Company :- ---------------------------------------------------------
2. Name of dealer :- ----------------------------------------------------------
(Full name,address & contact No.) :- ----------------------------------------------------------
3. Name of contact person --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Phone No.--------------- --------------------------------------
Mobile No.-------------------- --------------------------------
4. Whether the premises are used for sale / storage----------------------------------------------------
4.1. Address of sale point/storage :- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.2. Address of storage :- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.3 Diamension- Length (ft) x Breadth (ft)= Area in sq.ft.
:- ---------------------------------------------------------------
4.4 Capacity M.T.(Approx.) :- ---------------------------------------------------------------

5. Whether the premises used for sale /storage are ownership of the dealer/or Rental basis :-

5.1 If ownership proof verified ------

1. Property Tax Receipt :- ------------------------------------------------------
2. Telephone Bill :- ------------------------------------------------------
3. Light Bill :- ------------------------------------------------------
4. Any other please mention :- ------------------------------------------------------

5.2 If rental basis proofs verified

1. If on rental who is owner of premises :- ----------------------
2. Copy of Agreement or leese deed verified Yes/No:- ----------------------
3. Period of lease or agreement :- ----------------------
6. Enclosed the map of the sale/storage point . :- -----------------------------------------------------
7. How is floor of storage / sale point :- ------------------------------------------------------
8. How is ventilation of storage or sale point :- ------------------------------------------------------
9. How is Roof of storage or sale point :- ------------------------------------------------------
10 Wheter electrification is safe for Storage or sale Point
:- ------------------------------------------------------

The document mentioned in this report are verified by me and are kept in my safe
I have physically verified the above mentioned premise on ---------- date and found that
the remises is / or are suitable not / suitable for seed sale / storage

Signature of
(Q.C. Inspector)
Name --------------------------------
List of Dealers
Name of company:-
Sr.No. District Name of Dealer Address Phone No.


Seed License obtained from various authorities.

Name &
Date of Validity of
Sr No Name of State. Designation of Licensing License No
issue license
1 2 3 4 5 6

Note :- Please attach attested copy/copies of license.


Annual Marketing Plan for the year ------

Sr. No Name of Name of crop Name of Variety Quantity to be

District Notified Research sold (qt)
1 2 3 4 5 6

Details of Research & laboratory Staff

Sr. Experience in
Name Designation Qualification Department
No Years.
1 2 3 4 5 6

Annexure – A

Seed Production Programme undertaken in next crop season -Year –20 -------

Name of the Company :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Person to Expected
Name of Quantity
Type of Seed Source of whom Quantity of
farme planned to
productio Area under Seed with technical seed that
Sr. No Variet y / r with be marketed
Nam e n foundatio Distric t Productio details Supervison will be
. Hybrid add and Chhattisgarh a
of Crop n certified, n (Ha.) (Quantit y assigned with produce
Phone for year
Truthful in qt.) Designatio n d for
No. 20---20--
add & cell No. Year 20-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Information should be submitted farmer wise & not organizer wise.

Name :-------------------------------------------------------
Designation :-----------------------------------------------

Abstract of Quantity of Seed Produced and certified by Seed Certification Agency

Name of Company :------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sr. Crop variety No of Year Total Expected Remark

No. farmers of Regist Area under Seed Production If any
Registered ration Registra tion Qt.
( Ha.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9

Proforma - X

Abstract of Breeder / foundation /Certified Source of seed used for seed production programme
along with receipt

Sr. No. Crop Varieties & Source of seed

Notified Source Non Notified Source
1 2 3 4 5 6

Breeder certificate for Research variety.

I the undersigned Shri. --------------------------- certify that the following varieties / hybrids of crops is
evolved by me and released by ------- company. The details of morphological characters furnished by
the company for these varieties/Hybrids are correct to the best of my knowledge. I also certify that
the performance of the said variety / hybrid will be as intimated by the firm/company under
normal conditions.

Sr. No. Name of Crop Variety/Hybrid

1 2 3

Signature of Breeder
Place :--------------------------
Date :---------------------------

Proposal for scrutiny of Research verities

For Inclusion of research variety in license Company has to make power point presentation
before variety scrutiny committee constituted at Directorate of Horticulture and Farm Forestry,
Chhattisgarh Raipur. The Commissioner of Agriculture is Chairman and Director
(I&QC),Chief Quality Control officer , all Breeders of Concern Crop are the member of this
Committee. Chief Inspector (QC) is member secretary of this committee.

1) Mention about profile of company about infrastructure, Details of breeder, Processing

plant, Locations of different Research station , whether research station is approved by DSIR,
background of company etc. in first slide.

2) Salient features of the proposed Variety.

3) Summary table for seed yield ( Kg/ha ) of the proposed variety. (Mention the data of
recommended season of that variety )

Name of trial Year No Yield of Check

of proposed Variety Variety Variety
Trial variety……
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Station Trial
% increase over
% increase over
Adaptive trial
% increase over
Overall Mean
% increase over

4) Details of varieties / Hybrid already included in license for the same crop and their comparison
with new variety to be included
Proformance of Proposed variety --------- in Station trial conducted at --------.

Year (At Seed Yield ( Kg/ha) S.E .+ C.D. at 5% C.V. %

least Proposed Check 1 Check 2
last three variety

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
increase over

5) Proformance of proposed variety ------ in multi location trials conducted

Sl Variety Year I Year II Year III Pooled %

No. L1 L2 L3 Mean L1 L2 L3 Mean L1 L2 L3 Mean mean incr.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

L= location, C= check variety

6) Prformance of Proposed Variety ------- in Adaptive Trial Conducted one year at atleast 15
farmers fields

Name of farmer Seed Yield ( Kg/ha)

and address Proposed Check 1 Check 2
% increase over
7) Anicillary data. ( include characters as per crop)

Sr No Name of Days to 50 Days to Plant 100 seed Other

variety % maturity height weight specific traits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8) Reaction to Major diseases and Pest .( score 1-9)

Sr.No. Name of variety Pests diseses

Kharif Rabbi Kharif Rabbi
1 2 3 4 5 6

9) Agronomy Trial of Proposed variety ----- for optimum dose of fertilizer and spacing on grain
Yield ( Kg/ha )

Spacing Fertilizer Level Mean

F1 F2 F3
Fertilizer Spacing Interaction
SE +-
C.D. at 5 %

10) Specific character of proposed variety, Quality parameter with supporting data.

11) Table showing the previously sanctioned variety and Variety proposed and if varieties to be
deleted from the license with reason.

12) Please submit seven hard copies of PPT.

13) Please keep trial wise/farmer wise data for discussion if required.

14) DUS data.

/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/714252426.doc //18//
Details of Availability of Seed in Chhattisgarh for the Year -----
Name of producer:-------------------------------------

Variety Availability of Seed for

Chhattisgarh Packing size
Name of Non - of Bag /
No. No of Seed in Remarks
Crop Notified notified / packet
Lot Qtls.
Certified Truthful
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Other documents
1 Copy of Memorandum of Association for Pvt. Ltd. & Public Ltd. Company
2 Details of R&D Processing plants & packing or labeling
3 Details of laboratory facilities
4 Specimen copy of Label

/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/714252426.doc //19//
100 :- LVkEi isij ij uksVjh ls lR;kfir
Agreement for Co-Marketing Seed produced by the licensed producer

This Undertaking is made on this -----th day of ----------, 20........ jointly by

1) M/s ------------------------------------ a company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies

Act., 1956 and having its registered office at ---------------------------------- (hereinafter referred to as
Producer which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall mean and include
its legal representatives and permitted assigns) and

2) M/s ----------------------- a company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act., 1956 and
having its registered office at ---------------------------------- (hereinafter referred to as Marketer which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall mean and include its legal
representatives and permitted assigns)

(The Producer and Marketer are hereinafter collectively referred to as the parties and individually as a

We are in legal agreement (dt. --------------) for marketing of Seed Produced by the above
Producer and marketed by the above marketer for the period of -------------------- to -------------
------- (copy enclosed), we hereby agree to abide the following terms and conditions.

A) The Producer is engaged in the business of Producing, selling and marketing various kinds of seed
included in the license form the licensing authority and the marketer is desirous of Marketing and
selling of the seed in Chhattisgarh under its own brand names as mentioned in the annexure attached and
the Producer has agreed to supply the said seed to the marketer on the terms and conditions as agreed
between the parties.

B) For this purpose, the Marketer is bound to have its own license endorsed with the name of crop and
variety for the limited purpose of this agreement so that the marketer is able to market the seed in
Chhattisgarh state.

C) The validity of this agreement will be up to the validity period of license of the

D) Responsibility of Producer

1. I am aware that the label on the seed container / pouch shall apart from other statutory
requirements also clearly mention as under :
Marketed by : M/s -----------------------------------------(Name and address of the Marketer company)
I will see that the font size of the matter printed on the label under the title „Produced by‟
and „Marketed by‟ would be kept identical.

2. I shall be responsible for all the risk and liability including the quality of produce and packing of the
seed as per label specification.
3. I shall be solely responsible for obtaining and keeping renewed all the statutory licenses, approvals,
permissions, authorizations required and the expert staff required for maintain the quality standard
of the seed. And that all the activities are carried out in compliance to all standards, specifications,
applicable laws, rules, regulations of the Seed Act 1966, Seed Rule 1968, and Cotton Seed Act 2009.
4. I will support the Marketer by giving all the relevant documents required to get those licenses which are
required by him.
5. I undertake that the packing is done as per the correct weight into the packing of mutually agreed
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size, type, and quality and label design of the seed. The label will be printed as per requirement of
Seed Act 1966, Seed Rule 1968, and Cotton Seed Act 2009.
6. I will print and mark price, weight, Lot no., Producers name, or any other details as stipulated by the
Government from time to time on all the packages of the seed.
7. I shall provide to the marketer with a certificate of analysis for each lot of the seed supplied to the
marketer to ascertain that the quality of seeds have met by the Producer.
8. It is bound to me to submit regularly the reports about the details of seed Produced
And Sold in Chhattisgarh State as prescribed in,
a. Monthly Returns of seed in form “D” (See clause -19 (1) of Seed Control
Order 1983.
b. Annual seed production plan Seed availability report and marketing plan of seed kind and
varieties handled by the Producer needs to be submitted every year in the month of July in
prescribed formats online..

9. I will submit separate report every month regarding the actual supply of the seed to the marketer.

10. It is my responsibility as a Producer that the Marketer will not sell the seed quantity in excess of
what is supplied by us to him.

11. I am equally responsible for providing the compensation to the farmers for the losses occurred to
them due to use of seed marketed by me as directed by the Consumer Protection Act.

E) Responsibility of Marketer

1. I will sell only that much quantity of the seed in the market which is mutually agreed and as
mentioned in the annexure and received from the Producer.
2. I am solely responsible for the quality of the seed sold in the market.
3. I will inform the Horticulture Directorate regarding the spurious sale of this product and will take all
necessary legal actions including police case etc. against the culprits.
4. I undertake that by virtue of the agreement between us I hereby licenses to the producer the
right to affix the brand name on the seed.
5. The wrong promotion of label claims associated with the sale and distribution of the seed in
Chhattisgarh shall be my responsibility as a Marketer.
6. I will intimate the tentative demand of seed every year to the producer who in turn may supply
7. I will be responsible for adequate precautions to be taken in storage, transportation and handling
of the seed with producer standards of the quality control, safe handling, shelf life etc.
8. It is my responsibility as the Marketer not to sell the substandard quality seed in the market.
Otherwise I will be liable to punish as per the provisions of The Seed Act 1966, Seed Rules 1968,
Seed Control Order 1983 and Cotton Seed Act 2009.
9. I am bound to submit the report giving details about district wise sells in Chhattisgarh State, to the
district level authorities i.e. District Horticulture Officer and Horticulture Officer of the concerned
Zilla Parishads. The reports will be submitted regularly to the Authorities by the 10 of next
month and I undertake that non-submission of the said report will be treated seriously under the
provisions of the Said Act and necessary legal action will initiated against me.
10. Any change in address of Office, Stocking points, Selling points etc. will not be done without the prior
permission of the Licensing Authority.
11. I undertake that as the Marketer I am legally bound to sell the seed in conformity with the
standards as prescribed by GOI in respect to seeds of any notified /non notified kind or variety and
any deviation will lead to legal action.
12. I am equally responsible for providing the compensation to the farmers for the losses occurred to
them due to use of seed marketed by me as directed by the Consumer Protection Act .

/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/714252426.doc //21//
For and on behalf of For and on behalf of

(Signature with name and address) (Signature with name and address)

Producer Marketer



Sr. Kind Name Quantity to Packing Brand Quantity to be

No. ofVariety/ be supplied size name marketed by
Hybrid by Producer given by marketer in
(Qt.)/Packets marketer M,S(Qt.)/Packets
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

For and on behalf of For and on behalf of

(Signature with name and address) (Signature with name and address)

Producer Marketer

/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/714252426.doc //22//
100 :- LVkEi isij ij uksVjh ls lR;kfir


1- eSa-------------------------------------vkRet--------------------------------
vk;q--------------------o"kZ orZeku es ------------------------in ij dk;Zjr
gwW rFkk esjk fuokl
LFkku------------------------------------------------------------------ gS rFkk
eks--------------------------------- gSA 'kiFk djrk gwW fd vko';d oLrq
vf/kfu;e laLFkk@cht O;olk;h dk fiNys rhu o"kksZa esa nks"kh ugha
ik;s x;s gSA
2- 'kiFk djrk gwW fd cht O;olk; ,oa mldh xq.koRrk dks lqfuf'pr djus dsa
fy, tkjh cht vf/kfu;e&1966 cht fu;e 1968 ,oa cht ¼fu;a=.k½ 1983 esa
fufgr izko/kku dk iw.kZr% ikyu d:xkA
3- 'kiFk djrk gWw fd vuq'kflr fdLe@vuqla/kkfur fdLe ¼fjlpZ½ ,oa 'kadj
cht ¼gkbZfczM½ ds laca/k esa izLrqr tkudkjh fHkUu ,oa ek=kRe
n`f"Vdk.k lsa fdlh Hkh izdkj ls miHkksDrk dks gkfu gksrh gS ;k fdlh
Hkh izdkj ds dhV ;k jksx yxus ls miHkksDrk ;k {ks= fo'ks"k ds
d`"kdksa dks izHkkfor gksus fd fLFkfr ls mRiknd laLFkk ,oa
daiuh@foØsrk la;qDr :i ls mRrjnk;h gksxsaA
4- 'kiFk djrk gwW fd fofØr fd;s tkus okys chtksa esa ohVh ftUl ugha

/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/714252426.doc //23//
mijksDr dafMdk 1&3 rd fd tkudkjh esjs Kku esa lgh ,oa lR; gSA ftls
eS vius gLrk{kj }kjk lR;kfir djrk gwWA

Check List
Sr. Details and Documents Status
List of Document Flag
No. Proforma Yes No
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Application 1 1. Postal Address
2 2. Business Place Address
3 3. Address proof of Proprietor and partners
4 4. License fee details (Challan of Rs.1000)
0435- other agricultural activity
0800- other receipt
0242- controlled commodities- license fee
0243- Miscellaneous
0244-Administrative Charges
5 5. Declaration Certificate (on 100/- Rs. Stamp paper)
2 Proforma - I 6 1. Crops Veriety - Notified
7 2. Crops Veriety – Non-Notified
3 Proforma –II 8 Notarized document to be submitted by a responsible
person appointed by Seed Dealer/ Producer in the event of
contravention of The Seed Act 1966, The Seed Rule 1968
and Seed (Control) Order 1983 ( On 100/- Rs. stamp paper)
4 Proforma –III 9 Undertaking in respect of sale of seed. This agreement is
made and executed on this day of 20.....-....... at Raipur
( On 100/- Rs. stamp paper)
5 Proforma –IV 10 Inspection Report of Q.C. Inspector For Premises used for
sale & Storage of Seed
6 Proforma –V 11 List of Dealers
7 Proforma –VI 12 Seed License obtained from various authorities
8 Proforma –VII 13 Annual Marketing Plan for the year 20.....-.......
9 Proforma –VIII 14 Details of Research & laboratory Staff
15 Annexure –A : Seed Production Programme undertaken in
next crop season -Year 20.....-......
10 Proforma –IX 16 Abstract of Quantity of Seed Produced and certified by Seed
Certification Agency
11 Proforma –X 17 Abstract of Breeder / foundation /Certified Source of seed
used for seed production program along with receipt
12 Proforma –XI 18 Breeder certificate for Research variety
13 Proforma –XII 19 Proposal for scrutiny of Research verities
14 Proforma –XIII 20 Details of Availability of Seed in Chhattisgarh for the Year

/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/714252426.doc //24//
15 Proforma –XIV 21 Agreement for Co-Marketing Seed produced by the licensed
producer with - Annexure (On Rs. 100/- stamp paper)
16 Other 22 1. Copy of Memorandum of Association for Pvt.
Ltd. & Public Ltd.Company
23 2. Details of R&D Processing plants & packing or
24 3. Details of laboratory facilities
25 4. Specimen copy of Label
17 NOTARY 26 vkosnd }kjk vko';d oLrq vf/kfu;e&1955 ds
v/khu ;k tkjh fd;s x;s fdlh vkns'k ds v/khu cht
mRiknu laLFkk@cht O;olk;h dk fiNys rhu
o"kksZa esa nks"kh u ik;s tkus laca/kh 'kiFk
i=A ¼100 :- LVkEi] isij½

/conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/714252426.doc //25//

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