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Zion Kemp

Professor Tusini
SOCI 1301
December 15, 2023

Principles of Sociology 1301: Final Reflection Paper

There were many chapters in the book “Sociology in Modules” that really resonated with me as an

individual and made me question many aspects of society and why things are the way they are. However,

the readings in “Chapter 3: Culture” really intrigued me and motivated me to further my understanding

of the impact of culture on society. Furthermore, I understand that culture is crucial as it guides

individuals' beliefs, values, behaviors, customs, and historical understanding relating to who they are. It

plays a vital role in shaping how people interact, communicate, and interpret their surroundings. A lack of

cultural understanding can lead to misinterpretations, miscommunications, and misunderstandings.

Cultural diversity contributes to the affluence of human identity. Without culture, there would be a lack of

distinct identities, and individuals would miss the opportunity to appreciate and learn from the differences

that make each person unique.

In addition, cultural norms and values shape social interactions and behavior. In a world without

culture, there would be no shared frameworks guiding ethical behavior, potentially leading to societal

chaos and a lack of a shared moral compass. There are many countries today that censor and ban certain

types of media content, such as books, TV shows, movies and music, simply because they believe it will

go against their ethical outlook. Amy Qin, a writer from the New York Times, discovered that China

banned a well-known children’s television program, Peppa Pig, claiming that the content “did not accord

with core socialist values and was not a good guide for public opinion” (Qin, 2018). This is a prime

example of how people protect and value their culture. People protect their culture to preserve their

identity, heritage, history, and unique ways of life. It embodies the human instinct to support community
and societal structure to resist forces that may threaten the distinctiveness of their cultural expressions.

Overall, I think that culture is a microcosm of many other qualities humans have that construct society

and establish the world we live in. Personally, the reason why the topic of culture affects me so much is

because I understand that I wouldn’t be the person I am today without it. Thus, this leads me to my next

point about people being a product of their environment.

We are Products of Our Environment: Lesson 4

People are products of their environment in various ways, as their surroundings significantly influence

their development, behavior, and overall worldview. Cultural influences affect everything, from

communication methods to social expectations and moral ideals. I recognize that it also shapes the norms,

values, and practices of the social setting in which people are raised. It is especially important to

recognize that individuals are shaped by their environment because it fosters empathy and understanding.

It encourages people to consider the diverse experiences and challenges others may face, leading to more

compassionate and genuine interactions. In particular, the animated show Hey Arnold! illustrated a

tremendous example of the topic. The episode “Rhonda Goes Broke” focuses on the character of Rhonda,

who is commonly known for being financially privileged due to her parent's wealth. However, everything

changes when her parents go bankrupt due to horrible investment decisions. Eventually, the family was

forced out of their upscale home and had to move to a boarding house. Unsurprisingly, this devastated

Rhonda; she had a difficult time adjusting to lifestyle changes while living in a humbler environment. The

new atmosphere was completely different from what she was used to growing up. The main reason

Rhonda had trouble adapting to her new surroundings was because she was a product of her past

environment. Therefore, later in the episode, she has no choice but to adjust to her new standards of

living, including her new way of thinking. The episode also showed people of higher economic status

what it’s like to live in conditions that are less privileged and how social status and upbringing can

influence a person’s worldview.

Additionally, another example would be from the well-known animated television series The Fairly

OddParents, centered around the alien character of Mark Chang. Mark Chang originally comes from a

fictional terrestrial planet by the name of “Yugopotamia.” The planet of Yugopotamia is known for

having traditions and values that are opposite to the common views that are held on Earth. For instance,

we learn that Yugopotamians have an extreme phobia towards cute and cuddly objects such as teddy

bears and flowers, even though these possessions are typically admired by humans on Earth. Furthermore,

in the episode “Spaced Out," Mark Chang falls in love with the character Vicky, who is infamously

known for her rude and obnoxious personality. However, due to Yugopotamian principles, Mark Chang

sees negative characteristics in a person as desirable and attractive. Therefore, the more harmful and

ruthless Vicky is to people, the more it triggers Mark’s affection toward her. Conclusively, this episode

displays how Mark Chang is a product of his environment by showing how his Yugopotaimian

background influences his views on what he fancies in a romantic partner.

Ever-Present Hierarchy: Lesson 1

From my understanding, stratification refers to the hierarchical positioning of individuals or groups

within a society based on multiple factors such as social class, wealth, education, or other criteria. It

involves the division of people into different layers, or levels, with each layer having different levels of

access to resources, opportunities, and privileges. In addition, I agree that stratification is necessary to a

degree because there's no such thing as an equal society. However, I will acknowledge the fact that

stratification leads to toxic ideas that are considered highly discriminatory towards different groups of

people. Generally, I think it's important to understand the complexities of how beneficial and degrading

stratification can be at the same time.

Historically, since the start, humanity has always competed over resources and land. Therefore, whoever

successfully conquers the land and equips themselves with more resources will gain social dominance,
authority, and more access to a healthier way of living. There are not enough resources or land in the world

for people to have an equal distribution. Unfortunately, the most effective way to have an unstratified

society is to increase government restrictions and limit people's opportunities for social, economic, and

cultural freedom. That way, individuals will not overstep specific boundaries that will cause them to outrank

each other and make the environment "unequal." As a result, these radical ideologies will lead to concepts

like socialism and communism. Sadly, individuals will have to sacrifice human rights and freedoms to

maintain a more equal and unstratified atmosphere. Thus, creating a harmful dynamic between government

forces and the citizens. Regardless of the format of government, there is no real escape from stratification


Furthermore, apart from economic status, stratification and general hierarchies exist in multiple aspects of

human existence. Such hierarchies include intellectual prowess, physical appearance, athletic capabilities,

and other attributes that can be measured. However, I believe that people should be held to the same level

of standards regardless of their background status or characteristics; everyone should be treated with the

same expectations and rights. Therefore, this will promote fairness in competition and encourage people

to strive for improvement. Conversely, if individuals weren't held to the same standards, society would

have to adjust its expectations to fit different demographics and social groups. Usually, due to the

common misconception that groups cannot strive for certain levels of standards, which can be considered

highly discriminatory. For example, Joshua Nelson, a reporter for the Fox News Channel, writes about the

criticism of encouraging African American students to speak in “Ebonics” or “Black English” and not the

“Standard English” that is typically expected in society. Moreover, he mentions that Fox contributor Leo

Terrell asserts that he finds it “absolutely insulting, and it calls for lower expectations of black kids. It’s

very racist in and of itself."(Nelson, 2021). Terrell further explained that the “black community rejects

black English because it is improper” (Nelson, 2021).

This is a prime example of standards being lowered because of the presumption that a certain group’s

ethnic background prevents them from learning English literacy at a standard level. In my view, reducing
standards will set students back as they won’t receive the essential technical skills needed to compete

effectively in a professional environment. Consequently, individuals may not be morally encouraged to

appreciate the importance of employing discipline and elevating their status through the enhancement of

literacy skills. Recognizing the existence of standards and stratification does not necessarily yield

negative consequences. However, it can be used as a positive to inspire individuals to enhance their

capabilities and reach their goals, thereby contributing to the development of a more advanced future


On the other hand, the idea of stratification raises several disturbing problems, such as the tendency for

the government or the upper class to overuse its power by enacting policies and regulations that restrict

people’s ability to exercise their basic human rights. Ideas such as eugenics, slavery, racism, colorism,

ableism, and sexism are clear examples of systems that are used to brutally discriminate against a mass

group of people. For example, the concept of eugenics is an inhumane field that centers around the

genetic quality of a human population via selective breeding. Meaning only a particular group of people

can produce children based on their race, economic status, religion, and physical features. However, it has

been widely condemned and discarded because of its affiliation with immoral practices such as

discriminatory laws and enforced biases that are based on falsified pseudoscience. Jonathan Witt, a writer

from Evolution News & Science Today, touches on the book “Darwinian Racism: How Darwinism

Influenced Hitler, Nazism, and White Nationalism" by Richard Weikart. Furthermore, Witt explains how

the book shows how Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution strongly influenced Nazism and Hitlerian

philosophies. He mentions that the Nazis “viewed the Nordic race as superior to other races” and that

Nordic Germans need to promote “human evolution by ridding the world of inferior individuals and

races” (Witt, 2022). These ideologies were used to justify the absolute mistreatment and discrimination of

people who did not meet the racial and ethnic standards of that society. In other words, stratification has
gone wrong by reinforcing unjust hierarchies. Overall, I think that understanding the pros and cons of

stratification will give people an extensive outlook on the intricacies of the society we live in.

Beneficial Lessons of the Future

In closing, I believe the most beneficial tool is understanding that we are products of our environment. At

the end of the day, everyone is going to have different beliefs and opinions about various topics based on

cultural upbringing, personal experiences, relationships, political leanings, and religious beliefs. What we

are constantly exposed to and surrounded by will gradually affect our thinking. Moreover, the value of

understanding that we are products of our environment enriches people’s comprehension of the way

society functions. In addition, it encourages us as human beings to analyze and dissect complicated issues

that surround us daily. Lastly, recognizing individuals as products of their environment will guide plans

and actions toward building a better future. By addressing the effects of the environment, societies can

work towards an atmosphere that will promote people’s well-being.


Qin, A. (2018, May 1). Peppa Pig, unlikely rebel icon, faces purge in China. The New York Times.

Bell, Mike, Marmel, Steve. (Writers), Hartman. B. (Director) (2001). “Spaced Out/Transparents!”
[Television Series Episode], Leichliter, L, Hartman. B. (Producer) The Fairly Odd Parents. Burbank,
California: Nickelodeon Animation Studios.

Bartlett, C. Burns, P., Lamoreaux, R. (Writers), Tucker. T. (Director) (2001). “Stuck in a Tree/Rhonda
Goes Broke” [Television Series Episode], Tucker, T. (Producer) Hey Arnold!

Burbank, California: Nickelodeon Animation Studios.

Nelson, J. Q. (2021, June 29). Leo Terrell slams professors who claim “standard English” is racist: “I
find it insulting.” Fox News.

Witt, J. (2022, Feb.1). New book explores Darwinian racism, then and now. Evolution News.

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