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A Summer Training Report

intergrade business (ITM University)

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A Summer Training Report

‘Recruitment and Selection Process’

Submitted in the partial requirement of Bachelor of Business Administration Vth



(BATCH 2020-2023)



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I hereby declare that this dissertation ‘Recruitment and Selection Process’ at

Teachnook Company submitted for the Degree of Bachelor in Business

Administration at CBS GROUP OF INSTITUTES department of business

management is my original work and the dissertation has not formed the basis

for the award of any degree, associateship, fellowship or any other similar titles.




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The successful completion of internship was a unique experience for me

because by interacting with the various people, I achieved a better knowledge

about recruitment and selection process.

They also explained me each and every concept to make clear. This knowledge

and practical experience are that thing, which will help me in the future life.

This project is on the topic ‘Recruitment and Selection Process.’

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The summer training report on ‘Recruitment and Selection Process’ at

Teachnook Company’ has been given to me a part of the curriculum in 3-Years

bachelor degree in business administration.

I have tried my best to present this information as clearly as possible using basic

terms that I hope will be comprehended by the widest spectrum of researchers,

analysis and students for further studies.

I have completed this study under the guidance and supervision of

Ms. Aastha Chhatwal. I will fail in my duty if I do not acknowledge the

esteemed scholarly guidance, assistance and knowledge. I have received from

them towards fruitful and timely completion of this work.

I also thankful to my friends who helped me a lot in the completion of this report.


Reg. No. 2013061250

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Sn No. Topics Page No.

 Project overview 09 – 42
 Introduction to the industrial sector 43 – 56
 Introduction to the company 57 – 72

2. Literature review 73 – 75

Research Objective 77
Research Methodology 77
Types of research 78
Data collection method 78
Sampling technique 80
Sample size 80
Sample area 81
4. Data Analysis & Interpretation 82 – 94
Findings 95
Conclusion 96 – 97
Bibliography 98
Questionnaire 99 – 103

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This project focuses on “Procedure adopted for Recruitment and Selection at TEACHNOOK

PVT LTD”. The organization has to be more responsive to the changing scenario and latest

trends in, recruitments and then of selection process. Organizational capabilities need

improvement through continuous updating of latest technique, involving latest trends and

methodologies used for Recruitment and Selection of candidates, formulating recruitment

policy and in designing an effective HR Plan as any failure in HR Planning will be a limiting

factor in achieving the objectives of the organization. Objectives in the present day of stiff

challenge from competitive market, it is ongoing process which requires proper identification

of organizational manpower requirement and also ways of hiring the efficient and right

person at the right time. The scope of the project was to collect data from the selected

employees of company, analyse the significance of the data and the conclusion.

The project starts with the general introduction to what Recruitment and Selection is all

about. Then comes the Industrial Sector Profile and Company Profile. It consists of an

introduction about the organization. Here I have stated the history of the organization, its

objectives, products and capabilities of the organization. The project provides me excellent

opportunity to correlate my theoretical learning with the ground realities of the industry and

the m

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Rigorous sourcing was undertaken to understand the recruitment process. Candidates were

interviewed and then potential candidates were shortlisted. During the tenure of the project, I

learnt to put the candidates under assessment tests and took the initial rounds of interview.

Job Portals used by me for the recruitment of candidates through MONSTER and


The whole process of recruitment from a recruitment firm like Teachnook is a very

exhausting one. It is detail oriented in nature. The reason why every employee gets motivated

to do the job is because of the knowledge that at that particular moment recruiter was

responsible for giving job to these candidates. To generate employment is one thing but to

recruit the right kind of workforce for a job is another thing. It not only needs the basic

understanding of the client, company’s need to fill the position in a period of time but it also

requires the recruiter to be sensitive of the needs of the candidate to find the right job for

themself. All this needs a great profundity of intellect.

During my tenure at Teachnook, I learnt to work as professional. The one thing that got

profoundly clear is that text books do not help in the actual corporate world. There are

unwritten policies and standard operating procedures that each employee has to abide to. No

matter what, profit maximization is the core purpose


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of the existence of every business. Meeting targets on your level dedicatedly is your contribution

to the revenue generation of the company.

Functional area of HRM

 Human resource auditing

 Human resource strategic planning

 Human resource planning

 Manpower panning

 Recruitment / selection

 Induction

 Orientation

 Training

 Management development

 Compensation development

 Performance appraisals

 Performance management

 Career planning / development

 Coaching

 Counselling’s

 Staff amenities planning

 Event management

 Succession planning

 Talent management


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 Safety management

 Staff communication

 Reward

Responsibility of HR department in large organization

Position Job Responsibilities

HR executive committee, organization planning, hr planning & policy, organization

development manager, recruitment & employment recruiting, interviewing, testing,

placement & termination manager, compensation & benefits ,job analysis and

evaluation, surveys, performance appraisal, compensation administration, bonus, profit

sharing plans, employee benefits manager, training & development orientation, management

development, career planning & development manager, employee relations contract

compliance, staff assistance programs, employee counselling.


Recruitment is defined as, “a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the

requirements of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that

manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce.”

Edwin B. Flippo defined recruitment as “the process of searching for prospective employees

and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.” In simple words recruitment can

be defined as a ‘linking function’- joining together those with jobs to fill and those seeking



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The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job

candidates. Specifically, the purposes and needs are:

 Determine the present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with
its personnel-planning and job-analysis activities.

 Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

 Helps in increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of
visibly, under qualified or overqualified job applicants.

 Helps to reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected,
will leave the organization only after a short period of time.

 Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate

 Induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company.

 Infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization.

 Develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company.

 Search for talent globally and not just within the company


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The following are the 2 important factors affecting Recruitment: -


 Recruiting policy

 Temporary and part-time employees

 Recruitment of local citizens

 Engagement of the company in HRP

 Company’s size

 Cost of recruitment

 Company’s growth and expansion


 Supply and Demand factors

 Unemployment Rate

 Labour-market conditions

 Political and legal considerations

 Social factors

 Economic factors

 Technological factors


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1) Internal Methods:

 Promotions and Transfers

This is a method of filling vacancies from internal resources of the company to

achieve optimum utilization of a staff member's skills and talents. Transfer is the

permanent lateral movement of an employee from one position to another position in

the same or another job class assigned to usually same salary range. Promotion, on the

other hand is the permanent movement of a staff member from a position in one job

class to a position in another job class of increased responsibility or complexity of

duties and in a higher salary range.

 Job Posting:

Job Posting is an arrangement in which a firm internally posts a list of open positions

(with their descriptions and requirements) so that the existing employees who wish to

move to different functional areas may apply. It is also known as Job bidding. It helps

the qualified employees working in the organization to scale new heights, instead of

looking for better perspectives outside. It also helps organization to retain its

experienced and promising employees.

 Employee Referral

It is a recruitment method in which the current employees are encouraged and

rewarded for introducing suitable recruits from among


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the people they know. The logic behind employee referral is that “it takes one

to know one”. Benefits of this method are as follows:

 Quality Candidates

 Cost savings

 Faster recruitment cycles

 Incentives to current employees

On the other hand, it is important for an organization to ensure that nepotism or favouritism

does not happen, and that such aspects do not make inroads into the recruitment process.

2) External Methods:

External methods of recruitment are again divided into two categories- Direct External

Recruitment and Indirect External Recruitment methods.


 Campus Recruitment

In Campus Recruitment, Companies / Corporate visit some of the most important Technical

and Professional Institutes in an attempt to hire young intelligent and smart students at

source. It is common practice for Institutes today to hire a Placement Officer who coordinates

with small, medium and large sized Companies and helps in streamlining the entire Campus

Recruitment procedure.

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Benefits of Campus Recruitment

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 Companies get the opportunity to choose from and select the best talent in a short
span of time.

 Companies end up saving a lot of time and efforts that go in advertising vacancies

 Screening and eventually selecting applicants for employment

 College students who are just passing out get the opportunity to present themselves to
some of the best companies within their industry of interest. Landing a job offer while

still in college and joining just after graduating is definitely what all students dream


 On the negative front, campus recruiting means hiring people with little or no work


 Advertisement

Advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment. They can be found in

many places (local and national newspapers, notice boards, recruitment fairs) and should

include some important information relating to the job (job title, pay package, location, job

description, how to apply-either by CV or application form, etc). Where a business chooses to

advertise will depend on the cost of advertising and the coverage needed i.e., how far away

people will consider applying for the job.


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 Third Party Methods

 Walk-ins: Walk-ins is relatively inexpensive, and applicants may be filed and

processed whenever vacancies occur. Walk-ins provide an excellent public relations

opportunity because well-treated applicants are likely to inform others. On the other

hand, walk-ins show up randomly, and there may be no match with available

openings. This is particularly true for jobs requiring specialized skills.

 Public and private employment agencies: Public and private employment

agencies are established to match job openings with listings of job applicants. These

agencies also classify and screen applicants. Most agencies administer work-sample

tests, such as typing exams, to applicants.

 E-Recruiting: There are many methods used for e-recruitment, some of the

important methods are as follows:

a. Job boards: These are the places where the employers post jobs and search for

candidates. One of the disadvantages is, it is generic in nature.

b. Employer websites: These sites can be of the company owned sites, or a site

developed by various employers.

c. Professional websites: These are for specific professions, skills and not general in


 Gate Hiring and Contractors: The concept of gate hiring is to select people

who approach on their own for employment in the organization.


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This happens mostly in the case of unskilled and semi-skilled workers. Gate hiring is

quite useful and convenient method at the initial stage of the organization when large

number of such people may be required by the organization.



1) Time-lapse data: They show the time lag between the dates of requisition for

manpower supply from a department to the actual date of filling the vacancies in that

department. For example, a company's past experience may indicate that the average

number of days from application to interview is 10, from interview to offer is 7, from

offer to acceptance is 10 and from acceptance to report for work is 15. Therefore, if

the company starts the recruitment and selection process now, it would require 42

days before the new employee joins its ranks. Armed with this information, the length

of the time needed for alternative sources of recruitment can be ascertained - before

pinning hopes on a particular source that meets the recruitment objectives of the


2) Yield ratios: These ratios indicate the number of leads/ contacts needed to generate
a given number of hires at a point at time. For example, if a company needs 10

management trainees in the next six months, it has to monitor past yield ratios in

order to find out the number of candidates to be contacted for this purpose. On the

basis of past experience, to continue


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the same example, the company finds that to hire 10 trainees, it has to extend 20

offers. If the interview-to-offer ratio is 3:2, then 30 interviews must be conducted. If

the invitees to interview ratio is 4:3 then, as many as 40 candidates must be invited.

Lastly, if contacts or leads needed to identify suitable trainees to invite are in 5:1 ratio,

then 200 contacts are made.

3) Surveys and studies: Surveys may also be conducted to find out the suitability of

a particular source for certain positions. For example, as pointed out previously,

employee referral has emerged as a popular way of hiring people in the Information

Technology industry in recent times in India. Correlation studies could also be carried

out to find out the relationship between different sources of recruitment and factors of

success on the job. In addition to these, data on employee turnover, grievances, and

disciplinary action would also throw light on the relative strengths of a particular

source of recruitment for different organizational positions. Before finally identifying

the sources of recruitment, the human resource managers must also look into the cost

or hiring a candidate. The cost per hire can be found out by dividing the recruitment

cost by the number of candidates hired.


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Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable person out of all the applicants. It is the

process of matching qualifications of applicants with the job requirement.

The selection of a candidate with the right combination of education, work experience,

attitude, and creativity will not only increase the quality and stability of the workforce, it will

also play a large role in bringing management strategies and planning to fruition.

Features of selection

 Selection is choosing the best out of the recruited persons.

 It is a negative process

 It reduces absenteeism and labor turnover

 It helps in increasing the efficiency and productivity

 It helps in building up of a stable workforce

Factors Affecting Selection

1) External environment

 Supply and demand of specific skill

 Unemployment rate

 Legal and political considerations

 Company’s Image

2) Internal environment

 Company’s policy


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 Cost of hiring


External Environment

Internal Environment

Preliminary Interview

Selection Tests Employment Interview

Reference and Background Analysis
Rejected Applicants

Physical Examination

Selection Decision
Employment Contract

Job Offer


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Recruitment Policy asserts the objectives of the recruitment and provides a framework of

implementation of the recruitment program in the form of procedures.

Recruitment and selection Policy of TEACHNOOK is such that:

 It focuses on recruiting the best potential people.

 It ensures that every applicant and employee is treated equally with dignity and

 It aids and encourage employees in realizing their full potential.

 It’s transparent, task oriented and merit-based selection.

 It gives weightage, during selection, to factors that suit organization needs.

 It optimizes manpower at the time of selection process.

 It defines the competent authority to approve each selection.

 It abides by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring and employment


 It integrates employee needs with the organizational needs.


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Methods or Techniques of Recruitment

1) Direct Method

These include sending recruiters to educational and professional institutions, employees’

contacts with public and manned exhibits. Most college recruiting is done in co-operation

with the placement office of the college. The placement office usually provides help in

attracting students, arranging interviews, furnishing space and providing student résumés. For

managerial, professional and sales personnel, campus recruiting is an extensive exercise. For

this purpose, carefully prepared brochures describing the organizing and the job it offers are

distributed among the students, before the interviewer arrives.

2) Indirect Method

These methods involve mostly advertising in newspapers, websites, radio, in trade and

professional journals, technical magazines and brochures. Companies advertise when

qualified or experienced personnel are not available from other sources.

3) Third Party Method

These include the use of commercial or private employment agencies, state agencies and

placement offices of colleges, recruiting firms, management consulting firms, friends and



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4) Professional Organizations:

These organizations maintain a pool of human resource for possible employment. These

firms are also called head hunters, raiders and pirates by organizations who lose personnel

thought their efforts. Fundamentally there are two distinct steps of recruitment and each is a

comprehensive process in itself.

5) Preparation

 Know your client

Learning about companies is valuable because knowing what a company values will help an

agent to assess the candidates better. Pertinent information about the processes of the

company would also help you analyse CVs and find the right candidate. This can be done by

reading the corporate website or calling the company for further information or using your

own network and find out the ‘work culture’.

This will help one to know about the history of the company, their core values, their clients

and processes, the benefits employees can enjoy and the career growth chart. When one has

knowledge about these vital parameters, it becomes easier to assess a resume based on these

parameters. Moreover, when one is equipped with such vital information about the company

and the job profile, it helps to motivate and mould the suitable but reluctant candidates to

attend the interview.


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 Analyse the Job Description (JD)

A job description is a written record of the duties, responsibilities and requirements of a

particular job. It is concerned with the job itself and not the work. It is a statement describing

the job in such terms as “Title, location, duties, working condition and hazards”. An updated

job description is essential for a good selection interview. It helps one to explain the nature of

work to the prospective candidate properly without any over or under commitment. This also

helps to put the candidate, the client company and the agent on the same platform.

 Prepare a Job Specification (JS)

It is a written record of the requirements sought in an individual worker for a given job. In

other words, it refers to a summary of the personal characteristics required for a job. Once the

agent knows what the job is, then he can decide what kind of person he/she would need to do

it. Sometimes the job specification is already prepared and given by the client along with the

job description. In such a case, the job of the agent becomes easier. The job specification is

for the benefit of the employees working in TEACHNOOK. It is ready reference to check on

the requirements that one needs to keep in mind while sourcing for the different clients. It

makes the whole task easier and more convenient.


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6) Implementation

Sourcing: Sourcing is the most of all recruitment activities. It is also difficult being

monotonous in nature. A recruiter needs to be self-motivated to do the job. The sourcing

takes place in different levels and in all the verticals of the industry. The procedures involved

are discussed below. Even before sourcing is started, it is very important to have a clear

understanding of the requirement of the client company. The recruiter must have all

knowledge about the company he/she is about to source for. It makes sure that all the

questions that a candidate has regarding the profile or the credibility of the company are

satisfactorily answered. Sourcing is defined as the process wherein the recruiter creates a pool

of potential candidates to fill up a position. It is the first step of recruitment. Sourcing

involves logging on to a job-portal and doing a search for the potential candidates. After the

search is generated, the most critical part of sourcing starts. Mainly four steps are involved in

Sourcing. They are discussed below:

 Analyse the Curriculum Vitae (CV):

Now is the time to scrutinize the candidate’s resume. It is human nature to generally omit the

negative points while creating a resume or to exaggerate the achievements. Though most of

the time people are truthful while forming their resumes, others can hide or not mention

things that can portrait a negative picture of them. A good CV is one which is precise and

presentable. It should contain all details of education and work experience should be

arranged in reversed


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chronological method so as to emphasize on the most recent one. Analysing a CV helps in

short- listing a candidate.

 Match the JD and JS:

When a CV has been analysed and is considered as a good one, the next step is to match it

with the job description. It is necessary to match it with the profile given by the company.

Matching it with the JD gives an idea if the person will be able to serve well in the position or

not. Next it is important to match it with the job specification. The JS gives the details of the

desired skills and the mandatory skills. These are the criteria for selection.

 Shortlist the candidate:

Once the CV has been matched with the job description and matched with the job

specification, CV can shortlist. Such a candidate is then called in for a face-to- face interview.

There is an individual interview of the recruiter and the candidate. In this interview the

candidate answers the questions the recruiter asks to be sure that the candidate would suit the

profile of the job.

 Handling the rejected candidates:

It is very important how a recruiter manages the rejected candidates. It is important to make

the candidate where his lacunas are and what can he do about it. In this way not only, the

recruiter helps the candidate to correct itself but also


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helps in creating an association with them which is so very vital in the service industry.

7) Interview

Interviews determine if a potential candidate will be a finalist and if he shall suit the job. A

lot of things get clear during an interview. A face-to-face talk with the candidate ensures that

the recruiter evaluates the candidate on terms of attitude, confidence and communication. The

gaps that seem in the resume are also questioned. The candidate may have an explanation for

it. On the other hand, if he is lying, then he can be cross-questioned about this. Some of the

objectives of interview are:

 To get an opportunity to judge an applicant’s qualifications and

characteristics as a basic for sound selection and placement.

 To give an applicant essential fact about the job and the company you are
recruiting for.

 To establish a rapport.

 To promote goodwill about the company whether interview culminates in

employment or not.

 To get a real feel of the candidate.

The nature of the job determines which of these interviews would suit best. All the interviews

are not conducted for all the job profiles. The complexity of the

interview depends on the complexity of the job.


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The telephonic Interview

It is said that listening intently gives a good idea of what a person wants to say and what a

person does not say. The sound, intonations, the varying pressures that a prospective

candidate uses while he/she speaks tells a lot about his/her attitude. This in turn helps the

recruiter to judge that if the candidate would be suitable for the job or not. Unlike the face-to-

face interview where the recruiter can read the non-verbal languages, in a telephonic

interview he has to even sharper. Listening to the words used and their tone used gives

immense messages about the candidate.

As a recruiter, one has to be completely prepared before taking a telephonic interview. The

following steps can be kept in mind while taking a telephonic interview:

 You must keep the CV next to you and make notes while taking the interview.

 Must prepare a set of questions that would match the JD.

 To use a call script. This helps in being professional and saves time to in approaching
the right candidate.

 Do not display any negative emotion during the interview. Not to over or under
commit anyone.


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Teachnook interview questions:

Preparation in advance of an interview is essential if one is to make a successful hire. Critical

in the preparation process is the development of interview questions that elicit tangible facts

from all applicants. Basically, two rules are kept in mind when framing the questions that will

indicate whether or not an applicant meets the requirements you established for the position:

RULE 1: Ask questions that concentrate on the applicant’s past performance –

to permit reliable assumptions about future success.

RULE 2: Ask questions that relate directly to at least one of your listed requirements to

maximize the information you will gain in the time allotted.

General Questions:

 Tell me about yourself

 What do you about the company?

 What are your goals?

 What are your strengths and weakness?

 What has been your most significant contribution in your

college/previous organization?

 Why should we hire you?


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Specific Questions:

 What do you think about teamwork?

 What was experience in previous company?

 From how long you are working there?

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EdTech (a combination of Education and Technology) refers to hardware and software

designed to enhance teacher-led learning in classrooms and improve student’s education


EdTech start-ups in India have been in the news recently for various reasons.

Due to lockdown, they’ve had the opportunity to truly shine.

Today, India’s EdTech industry is the second biggest in the world and it is only rising. The

industry is set to touch $3.2 billion by 2022. It is one of the sectors that have seen rapid

growth in the pandemic. During the lockdown schools and coaching classes had to depend on

technology to continue teaching. We have recently seen a lot of activity in the EdTech world.

Almost all EdTech Companies have seen massive inflow of traffic. EdTech companies are

also hiring more and are investing more in their growth.

These EdTech companies are making it easier for students to prepare for their competitive

examinations. With the aim to make education truly interesting these EdTech start-ups in

India are changing the Indian education landscape. These EdTech start-ups all target different

pain points for students and vary in costs. These start-ups go on to show that anyone can learn

if they want to.


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Different Companies in EdTech Sector


Culture alley is one of the EdTech start-up that focuses on teaching multiple language. It

improves the experience of learning a language. It clearly allows you to learn a language

for free through their audio-visual lessons or you hire a teacher.

However, Culture Alley is best known for its free language app “Hello English”. Hello

English is the top free educational app. It makes learning English easier through videos

and the option to take specific classes. It became the top learning app on the play store

within 8 months of its launch.

“One billion folks from everywhere the globe attempt to learn a remote language each

year; concerning sixty p.c area unit learning English,” said Pranshu.

Founder: Nishant Patni and Pranshu Patni

Parent: Intap Labs Private Limited


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Dost education is a non-profit EdTech platform. It enables low-income parents to be able

to give their children a healthy early development. This EdTech start-up in India uses

technology to help parents teach their children.

They do this through an audio-based curriculum that is sent to them via their mobile

phones. Their 24- week course aims to train parents with kids from the age of 2-6 on

making everyday moments fun and opportunities to grow. They have also won the next

billion EdTech Prize 2019 in London.

“By putting parents at the centre of early childhood development, our vision is that every

child is ready to thrive – regardless of their family’s wealth. The idea is to be a Dost to

parents and enable e them to make learning for their kids easier,” said Sneha Sheth.

Founders: Sindhuja Jeyabal and Sneha Sheth


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Doubtnut is one of Edtech start-ups in India that makes it easier to learn a language. This

online multilingual learning app makes use of cutting-edge technology to solve student’s

queries. Company founded in 2016 by Tanushree Gupta and Aditya Shankar at Haryana,


Doubtnut makes use of NLP and image recognition in the field of AI to achieve this. It

can currently answer questions in 11 Indian languages, making it extremely popular in

Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities. In January 2020, the company raised 15 million in series of a


“We aim to use technology to provide a democratic, comprehensive and easily accessible

education solution to all students – in the language and manner that they best

understand.” said Tanushree.

Founders: Tanushree Gupta and Aditya Shankar

Investor: Sequoia Capital, Water bridge, Tencent holdings and Omidyar Network India

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Future Of Edtech India:

 Factors Driving the Growth of Edtech Industry in India

Accelerated by increasing smartphone users and the shift to digital-learning models, the

EdTech industry in India is expected to reach $30 billion in size in the next ten years.

The sector was already witnessing huge traction but with COVID-pandemic led lockdown,

the EdTech industry has witnessed exponential growth.

Because of the growth, the EdTech industry has garnered the interest of investors globally. In

2020 alone, the EdTech sector received $16.1B in VC funding, a 32x increase from 500M

received in 2010. India has emerged to be among the top three countries in the world after

China and the USA to get the most venture capital funding in the EdTech sector.

The Indian EdTech sector received an investment of $ 2.1 billion in the calendar year 2020.

 Growth Trends in the Edtech Industry in India

Previously dominated by the K-12 segment, the EdTech sector is now witnessing strong

growth in the post-K-12 segment. Online education offerings for the K-12 segment (Classes 1

to 12) are projected to increase 6.3X by 2022, creating a $1.7 billion market. And the post-

K12 market is set to grow 3.7X to touch $1.8 billion.


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Let’s have a detailed look at the Growth trends In the EdTech

Industry in India.

 Growing Internet Userbase

There are around 624 million active internet users in India as of February 2021. These

active users offer a huge growth opportunity for the EdTech stakeholders. Particularly

in Tier 3/4 cities, segments such as online tutoring and competitive exam preparation

can have strong growth. And with more people in the target audience pool, every

segment of the EdTech industry can have ample growth opportunities.

 Increasing Number of Edtech Start-ups

There are more than 6,950+ EdTech start-ups in India, as per Tracxn, a platform that

tracks start-ups and private companies. Leveraging technology to offer the best

services, these EdTech start-ups offer smart classroom solutions, adaptive learning

platforms, learning management systems, and collaborative platforms.

All these factors combined with inflow of investments, acquisition, up- gradation in

offerings and more players quickly shifting and adding students are accelerating the

digital learning movement in our country.


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Teachnook is an innovative Edtech company across the country. Teachnook offers immersive

online programs in software engineering, and Management. They provide the best-in-class

upskilling programs for students and Job oriented programs, technologically with advanced

mentorship that enables great learning experience. Teachnook’s immersive courses aim to

launch students into fulfilling careers by providing a robust career services framework and

dedicated one-on- one coaching post-graduation that is included as an added value with the

tuition. Teachnook is designed with a proper and structured path with an industry derived

curriculum with effective guidance for learners to ladder up in the vertical directions with no




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Tagline of the company

The tagline of Teachnook is “Innovation in your career”.

Vision of the company

To become a leading EdTech institution by playing a significant role in the development of the


Mission of the company

Its aim is to empower young minds and enables them to make choices to create a future

they deserve.

Core Values

 Integrity

Adhering to moral values we have share an undivided spirit. Thus, integrity is a

virtual that reflect in our personal lives, financial transaction and business deals.

 Customer satisfaction

Our pivotal reason of success our dear customer is guiding stars who directed us

towards our future endeavour.

 Social Responsibility

We try hard to help our mother nature. We strive to create eco-friendly products

and optimise our resources to conserve the environment.


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Teachnook - Future Plans

They want to expand their offerings for 50+ programs, expand professional levels for each

program and also get into vernacular languages so that they democratize the notion of being

able to make an informed career decision for the entirety of India.

In coming years, Teachnook is looking to acquire 3,00,000+ top educators onboard.

Additionally, the company is aiming to host 2000+free live classes and workshops for

students to get a taste of each field and learn from the best minds in India.


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In the strengths, management should identify the following points exists in the organization: -

 Advantages of the organization

 Activities of the company better than competitors

 Unique resources and low-cost resources company have

 Unique selling proposition of the company


 Improvement that could be done

 Activities that can be avoided for Teachnook

 Activities that can be determined as your weakness in the market

 Factors that can reduce the sales

 Competitors activities that can be seen as your weakness

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Opportunities for Teachnook can be obtains from things such as: -

 Change in technology and market strategies

 Government policies changes that are related to the company’s field

 Local events


 Company’s facing obstacles

 Activities of competitors

 Product and service quality standards

 Threats from changing technologies

 Cashflow problems

 Weakness that threatens the business

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Information Technology

 Web Development

 Artificial Intelligence

 Android App Development

 Machine Learning

 Data Science

 Cyber Security

 Cloud Computing


 Human Resource

 Finance

 Digital Marketing

Electronics and Communication

 Hybrid Electric Vehicles

 Internet of Things

 Robotics

 Embedded Systems


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Mechanical / Civil

 Construction Planning

 Car Design

 AutoCAD

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BYJU’S has become the household name for Education online. It is the common name

for the company think and Learn Private Ltd. Started as a coaching class, BYJU’S has

grown into one of the top EdTech companies in the world. This EdTech start-up founded

by BYJU Raveendran and his wife Divya Gokulnath in Bangalore.

They also engaging video lessons, personalised learner’s journeys, unlimited practice

sessions and engaging questionnaires to make learning truly fun. BYJU’s covers a wide

variety of classes starting from class 4 up to CAT or IAS test preps. Online classes for



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Brainly is the knowledge-sharing community where 200 million students and experts

came together to solve questions. The company was founded in 2009 in Poland by Michal

Borkowski. Brainly is currently available in 35 countries. If you are stuck with a

homework problem, brainly will help you to solve it within minutes. Brainly has an active

user base of over base of over 200 million. It has answered over 50 million questions to


Middle and high-school students, as well as their parents across India, have been

leveraging Brainly’s platform to strengthen their skills in core academics subjects such as

Hindi, English, local languages etc.

Their motto is ‘No one knows everything, but everyone knows something!’


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Initially launched as Xprep in 2015, Classplus has seen over 25,000 subscribers.

Classplus is an EdTech start-up that focuses on building the complete institute

management system. Since Indian education is highly dependent on coaching classes,

Classplus works on helping those institutes. With features like smart attendance,

insightful student reports, online video selling, fees records, online tests and more the app

makes running a coaching institute easier.

The start-up also helps parents keep track of their child’s progress. Today they are a team

of 25 people and have raised undisclosed funds from Rising Stars, a VC firm and other

angel investors.

“The app has been created as a zero-typing product, keeping in mind its usability for

middle-aged tutors. By a zero-typing product, we mean that a tutor requires minimal

typing effort to use the product,” said Mukul Rustagi


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Literature Review
Most employers recognized the fact that their staff is their greatest asset, and the right

recruitment and induction processes are vital in ensuring that the new employee becomes

effective in the shortest time. The success of an organisation depends on having the right no.

of staff, with the right skills and abilities. Organisations may have dedicated personnel/human

resource function over seeing this process or they may devolve these responsibilities to line

manager and supervisor. Many people may be involved, and all should be aware of the

principles of good practice. Even it is essential to involve others in the task of recruitment and


Ms. Ambika Verma (2009) in their survey research on the use technologies in recruiting,

screening and selection process for job candidates conducted in dimension group found that

most organisation implemented technology-based recruitment and selection tools to improve

efficiency, reduce cost and expand the applicant pool.

The meta-analysis of the research conducted by chapman, uggersler, Carroll, paisentin and

Jones (2005) concluded that timely response from HR managers was linked to greater

applicant attraction to a job within an organization.

According to Robins, in his study revealed that, “the ideal recruitment effort will

attract a large number of qualified applicants who will take the job if it is offered.


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So recruiting is a process of discovering the potential candidates for actual

organizational vacancies”.

Robert (2005), in his study titled, “Strategic HR Review,2004,” states that

successful recruitment and selection can improve organization performance. Bowen, et al

(1991), in his study examined, “that integrated recruitment and selection process helps

recruiters to choose the candidates to fit the characteristics of an organization culture.”

Beard well, et al (2003), in his study examined that, “selection is carried out by organization

as a means of candidate’s potential and actual performance and the intake of employees will

make the most appropriate contribution to organisation- now and in future.”


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The primary objective is to study, understand and analyse aspects related to various HR

Procedures of Recruitment and Selection at Teachnook Pvt. Ltd.


 To study the existing policy of TEACHNOOK PVT LTD regarding Recruitment

and Selection process.

 To know the satisfaction level of employees towards the existing recruitment

and selection process.

 To identify the internal and external sources of recruitment and selection.


The study will be conducted to achieve the aforesaid objectives including both exploratory

and descriptive in nature and involve personal interviews that will be based on the

questionnaire format. A Research Methodology defines the purpose of the research, how it

proceeds, how to measure progress and what constitute success with respect to the objectives

determined for carrying out the research study. There is a unique methodology that

Teachnook adopts to render the service.

 The research methodology for the present study has been adopted to reflect these
realties and help reach the logical conclusion in an objective and scientific manner.


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A research design is the specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the

information needed to structure or solve the problem. It is the overall operational pattern or

framework of the project that stimulates what information is to be collected from which

source and by what procedure. On the basis of major purpose of our investigation the

EXPLORATORY RESEARCH was found to be most suitable. This kind of research has the

primary objective of development of insights into the problem. It studies the main area where

the problem lies and also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of action.


The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been identified and the

research design has been chalked out. While deciding the method of data collection to be

used for the study, the researcher should keep in mind two types of data:

a. Primary data

b. Secondary data

In this research project the data being collected is as follows:

Primary Data: The survey method is used to collect the primary data in this

research as it is the Analytical research to find out the shortcomings and area of improvements

according to the skill required for recruitment team. The data that


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is collected first hand by someone specifically for the purpose of facilitating the study is

known as primary data. So, in this research the data is collected from respondents through


 Primary source of data:

 Personal interview

 Questionnaire technique

Secondary Data: The secondary data is also used in a lesser proportion to find

out the name and designation of the employer who are working with this organization and the

company profile. Secondary data refer to information gathered by someone other than the

researcher conducting the current study. Such data can be internal or external to the

organization and accessed through the Internet or perusal of recorded or published


Secondary sources of data provide a lot of information for research and problem solving.

Such data are as we have seen mostly qualitative in nature.

 Secondary source of data:

 Company brochure

 Internet

 Websites

 Organizational Reports & Records

 Business magazines


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 Journals etc



Simple sampling is a sampling process that utilizes some form of random selection. In

probability sampling, each unit is drawn with known probability, or has a nonzero chance of

being selected in the sample. Such samples are usually selected with the help of random

numbers. With probability sampling, a measure of sampling variation can be obtained

objectively from the sample itself. Simple Random sampling has been adopted for this

research. Under which we have considered the sampling which has been done for a specific

designated population, because here a small cluster of professionals has been considered out

of the total universe which has been divided in small group like recruitment team &



Sample size refers to the number of items to be selected from universe to constitute a sample.

The sample size should be optimum as it should fulfill the objective of the research.

Total manpower strength is 450 and I have focused upon 10% of total employees of

TEACHNOOK. (Covering each and every department)


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The sample area refers to the universe to be studied under our research project. The area

denotes the place or the region to be studied and taken into research consideration. Thus, the

sample area chosen for this research project is Teachnook Pvt. Ltd.

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1) Is there a well-defined Recruitment Policy in your organization?

Options No. %

1. Strongly agree 20 50

2. Moderately agree 10 25

3. Strongly disagree 5 12.5

4. Moderately disagree 3 7.5

5. Can’t say 2 5

7.5% 5%



Strongly agree
Moderately agree
Strongly disagree
Moderately disagree
Can't say


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An organization must have a well-defined recruitment policy corresponding to the company

and vacancy requirements. Existing employees can give fair feedback on the suitability of the

policy. Responding to it 30 out of 40 employees (75%) told that there is a sound recruitment

policy in organization that can be evaluated by comparing skills and knowledge of new

recruits and existing


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employees. 8 out of 40 employees (20%) feel that the organization’s recruitment policy is not

properly defined. And rest 2 could not say about the recruitment policy. Majority of

employees felt that policy was well defined

which is a great morale victory on the part of management; still there are chances of its

improvement as 20% employees have negative opinion about the policy.

2) Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and given

more priority?

Options No. %

1. Job Posting 10 25

2. Employee Referrals 10 25

3. Internal Promotions 20 50

4. Transfer - -
Job Posting 25

Employee 25

Internal 50

0 10 20 30 40 50 60



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Internal Recruitment seeks applicants for positions from those who are currently employed.

Responding to above asked question, 50% employees say that company prefers internal

promotion as internal source of recruitments. 25% employees say that Employee referrals are

given due priority and rest 25% say that Job posting is preferred. Majority of employees

actually thinks that internal promotion is given priority and followed by company as internal

source of recruitment.

3) Which external source of recruitment is followed by the company and given

more priority?

S.NO Options No. %

1. Campus Interview - -

2. Advertisement 3 7.5

3. Online Job Portals 2 5

4. Walk-in Interview 35 87.5

5. - -

6. - -


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Consultanc 0
Intervie 5

Online 7.5

0 2 4 6 80 10
0 0 0 0


External Sources of recruitment lie inside the organization.35 out of 40 employees (87.5%)

feel that company prefer online Job Portals for hiring from outside. 5% employees (appx.)

think that company prefers Advertisement as external source of recruitment. 7.5 say that

Campus Interviews and Consultancies hiring from outside did not prefer by the Organization.

Analysis shows that more than 87% employees say that preferred External Source of Hiring

and finds these recruiting cheaper, faster and potentially more effective.

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4) Which source of recruitment is replied upon when immediate requirement


S.NO. Options No. %

1. Internal 4 10

2. External 36 90





Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes

from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. Responding to recruitment source

question, almost all the employees say that External sources are relied upon when there is any

immediate manpower requirement in company. Analysis clearly represents that 36 out of 40

employees (90%) show that External sources are prefer for immediate opening in

organization but my study suggests


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that internal hiring would be better option for immediate opening in organization in which

company can have sufficient knowledge about the internal candidate and it is less costly.

5) What type of interview is taken while selection?

S.No. Options No. %

1. Patterned 20 50

2. Stress 5 12.5

3. Depth 10 25

4. Others 5 12.5


100 Stress
80 50 Depth
25 12.5 Others
40 12.5
Patterned Stress Depth Others


The PATTERNED INTERVIEW format has a structure to it. There is a set of pre-determined

questions that will be asked from each candidate for a position. The STRESS INTERVIEW is

the interview in which the interviewers try to 'discomfort' the candidates in various ways and

observe how they react to various difficult situations. An IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW is a

qualitative research


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technique that allows person to person discussion. It can lead to increased insight into

people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviour on important issues. This type of interview is often


Responding to the type of interview 20 out of 40 employees think that patterned interviews

are generally taken. 25% employees have the opinion that depth interviews are often used.

Rest believes that stress or any other type of interview is being taken.

6) The recruitment and selection process of company meets the current and legal


S.No. Options No. %

1. Agree 20 50

2. Disagree 5 12.5

3. Moderately 10 25

4. No opinion 5 12.5



30 25


Agree Disagree Moderately


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Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes. In

this research most employees responded positively to this question. They feel that the

company follows different recruitment process for different positions. Analysis clearly

represents that 25 out of 40 employees (62.5%) show that maximum employees are agree

with this process whereas 10 out of 40 employees (25%) did not like the current recruitment

process whereas 12.5% were unable to answer.

7) Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company?

S.NO. Options No. %

1. Yes 20 50

2. No 10 25

3. Can’t Say 10 25

2525 %

Yes No Can’t Say


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The basic focus of every organization is to satisfy the employees with its own compensation

plan. In this research most employees responded positively that they are satisfied with their

salary. They feel that the company has good compensation plan for their employees.

Analysis clearly represents that 20 out of 40 employees (50%) show that maximum

employees are satisfied with their Salary 10 out of 40 employees (25%) did not like their

current salary whereas 12.5% were unable to answer.

8) What were the sources of recruiting the candidates for your current client?

S.NO. Options No. %

1. Direct Walk In 15 37.5

2. Existing Database 5 12.5

3. Reference 10 25

4. Internal Movement 5 12.5

5. Others 5 12.5


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Others 12.5

Internal Movement 12.5

Reference 25

Existing Database 12.5

Direct Walk In 37.5

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


Every organization follows various sources of recruitment to acquire a good talent for their

organization. In this research I could find the various degrees of various sources of


Analysis clearly represents that 15 out of 40 employees (37.5%) show that recruitment is

done through Direct Walk Ins, 5 out of 40 employees (12.5%) show that recruitment is done

through Existing Database, 10 out of 40 employees (25%) show that recruitment is done

through Employee Referrals and 5 out of 40 employees (12.5%) show that recruitment is

done through Internal Movement whereas 5 employees show that recruitment is done through

other sources.


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9) How do you think about Recruitment and selection procedure in your


S.NO. Options No. %

1. Satisfactory 25 62.5

2. Unsatisfactory 10 25

3. Can’t Say 5 12.5

Can’t Say 12.5

Unsatisfactory 25

Satisfactory 62.5

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Every organization has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes. In

this research most employees responded positively to this question. They feel that the

company follows a good recruitment and selection procedure.

Analysis clearly represents that25 out of 40 employees (62.5%) shows that maximum

employees are satisfied with this procedure whereas 10 out of 40 employees (25%) are not

satisfied with the current recruitment and selection procedure and 12.5% were unable to



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10) Is any training session apart from the domain training provided?

S.NO. Options No. %

1. Yes 25 62.5

2. No 10 25

3. Can’t Say 5 12.5

70 62.5
25 %
0 12.5

YesNoCan’t Say


Every organization tries to enable their employees for their offered job position along with a

good compensation plan for which the organization provides Training. In this research most

employees agreed positively that they are provided training sessions apart from the domain

training. They feel that the company has good Training programs for their employees.

Analysis clearly represents that 25 out of 40 employees (62.5%) show that maximum

employees are satisfied with the training program offered to them. 10 out of 40 employees

(25%) did not agree on the training programs offered to them whereas 12.5% were unable to



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 Present employees of Teachnook pvt ltd are satisfied with recruitment strategy of


 Internal Promotions, Walk-in interview and Job Portals are mostly used recruitment


 Written test is not given weight age during selection process.

 To some extent company has pre-set-criteria for sorting the candidate’s


 Concerned departmental head is given special attention while selecting a candidate

of the department.

 Employees are in the favour of reference check after selection of candidate.

 Job Analysis prior to recruitment is not done so properly.

 Succession Planning has mostly done in company.

 Orientation/Induction is given to new joiners; still employees are in favour of its


 Present selection process in Teachnook pvt ltd and its procedure, tests and interview

type are good.


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Every company looks for an employee, who can work effectively. They are in search of a

person who has the maximum skills required for the job. After selecting the right person, the

company’s main aim is to place that person at the right job. The main strength of any

company is its employees. Effective workers are the best route to success. For this reason,

companies strive to attract and hire the best, and to provide the best place to work.

Some of the biggest and most constant challenges that plague organization is people related

because they don’t place more emphasis on getting the recruitment process right. If they get

the right person in the right job at the right time, bottom- line and many other business

benefits are immediate, tangible and significant. If they get the wrong person in the wrong

job, then productivity, culture and retention rates can all take a hit in a big way.

TEACHNOOK PVT LTD has competent and committed workforce, still there are scope for

more improvements. To ensure that company recruits the right people, it has to identify

essential skills and behaviours that applicants should demonstrate. For each position there

should be a job description outlining typical duties and responsibilities and a person

specification defining personal skills and competences. The emphasis should be on matching

the needs of the company to the needs of the applicants. This would minimize employee

turnover and enhance satisfaction.


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It is important for the company to have a clear and concise recruitment policy in place, which

can be executed effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the selection of the right

candidate at the right place quickly. Creating a suitable recruitment policy is the first step in

the efficient hiring process. A clear and concise recruitment policy helps ensure a sound

recruitment process.

Management should structure and systematically organize the entire recruitment processes. It

should Offer tolls and supports to enhance productivity, solutions and optimizing the

recruitment processes to ensure improved ROI. The Recruitment Management System (RMS)

should be such that it helps to save the time and costs of the HR recruiters in company and

improving the recruitment processes.


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 “Human Resource Management”, text book

 “Organizational Behaviour”, text book



 “Research Methodology”, text book

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Dear mam, I am student of BBA 3rd Year of CBS GROUP OF INSTITUTES, JHAJJAR. I

am conducting this study as part of my curriculum. You are requested to take out few minutes

and help me getting the survey/study done.

Thanking you MERLIN.P. REJI

Please answer the following questions and please tick the relevant option.

Q1. Is there a well-defined recruitment policy in your organization?

1. Strongly agree

2. Moderately agree

3. Strongly disagree

4. Moderately disagree

5. Can’t say


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Q2) Which internal source of recruitment is followed by the company and given more

1. Internal Promotion

2. Employee Referrals

3. Transfer

4. Job Posting

Q3) Which external source of recruitment is followed by the company and given more

1. Campus interview

2. Advertisement

3. Online job portals

4. Walk-ins interview

5. Agencies/Consultancies

6. Employment Exchange

Q4) Which source of recruitment is relied upon when immediate requirement arises?

1. Internal

2. External


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Q5) What type of interview is taken while selection?

1. Patterned

2. Stress

3. Depth

4. Others

Q6) The recruitment and selection process of company meets the current and legal


1. Strongly Agree

2. Agree

3. Disagree

4. No Opinion

Q7) Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company?

S no. Options

1. Yes

2. No

3. Can’t Say


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Q8) What were the sources of recruiting the candidates for your current client?


1. Agree

2. Moderately

3. Disagree

4. No opinion

Q9) How do you think about Recruitment and selection procedure in your company?

Sn. Options

1. Direct Walk In

2. Existing Database

3. Reference

4. Internal Movement

5. Others


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Q10) Is any training session apart from the domain training provided?

Sn. Options

1. Satisfactory

2. Unsatisfactory

3. Can’t Say

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103 Are you happy with the salary what you offered by the company?

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