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CONCERN AGENCY (Beijing Platform for Action)
Women and the Department of Labor Gender equality in relation to women’s role in paid work and employment
economy and Employment
Maternity Leave (RA 8282); Solo Parent Leave (RA 8972); Leave for Victims of
Violence against Women and their Children (RA 9262); Special Leave for Women (RA
9710); Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009 (RA 10028) including
Lactation Station/Lactation Break; and Anti-Sexual Harassment Law (RA 7877);

Responsible Parenthood and Family Planning for Labor Force Empowerment

Commission on
Population and
“Go Negosyo Act”
Department of Trade
and Industry

Philippine Overseas Republic Act No. 10361

Employment REPUBLIC ACT No. 11227
Administration (POEA)

Department of the
Interior and Local JMC No. 2015-002 providing guidelines and delineates the roles of government
Government (DILG), agencies involved in the rescue and rehabilitation of abused or exploited kasambahay,
PNP and the National especially when handling cases involving minors.
Bureau of Investigation

Women and TESDA and DOLE Three dynamic programs for women economic empowerment, namely; 1) Sari-Sari
poverty Store11 Training and Access to Resources (STAR) Program for retailers; 2) Women
Entrepreneurs Reintegrated and Economically Active at Home 11 Sari-sari stores are
small retail outlets that can be found in almost all neighborhoods, sometimes even in
every street corner in the Philippines. Most sari-sari stores are privately owned shops

and are operated inside the store owner's house. 12 Alalay sa Kaunlaran, Incorporated
is a global development organization committed to holistic transformation. It promotes
socio-economic development (Women REACH) Program for women OFWs; and 3)
Women Artisan Program for upcyclers.

STAR Program (provides women sari-sari store owners and operators training, access
TESDA to financial support, access to merchandising and store assets and social development

The Women Reintegrated and Economically Active at Home Program or Women

REACH Program

DOLE’s reintegration program (facilitated the smooth transition of returning women

DOLE migrant workers back into the economy by providing them either with gender-sensitive
and – responsive livelihood grants or local employment opportunities)

Pinas, Ikaw ang Ma’m at Sir Program (Filipino teachers who worked as overseas
domestic workers are assisted to return to their teaching jobs)

Gender-responsive Economic Activities for the Transformation of Women (GREAT

Women) Project
Philippine Commission
on Women Women’s Economic Empowerment Project (WEE Project)

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) or the Philippine’s conditional cash

Department of Social transfer (CCT)
Welfare and

Social Insurance Coverage and Benefits for Women About to Give Birth
Department of Health
No Balance Billing Policy (PhilHealth Circular No. 2017-0006)

Anti-Hospital Deposit Law (RA No. 10932 of 2017)

Philippine Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome (AIDS) Policy Act of 2018 (Republic Act No. 11166)

Point of Service Program

Education and Commission on Higher IRR of Republic Act No. 10931, known as the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary
Training of Education (CHED) Education Act (UAQTEA) of 2017
International Labor
Organization (ILO) #womencandoIT Scholarship Program

Institutional TESDA Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP)

Mechanisms for
the advancement Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA)
of women
Special Training for Employment Program (STEP)

Commission on Higher Memorandum Order No. 01, series 2015, Establishing the Policies and Guidelines on
Education Gender and Development in CHED and Higher Educational Institutions

Violence Against Inter-Agency Council RA 9262 or the Anti-Violence against Women and Their Children (VAWC) Act of 2004
Women on Violence against
Women and Their

National Strategic Action Plan against Trafficking in Persons

Inter-Agency Council

against Trafficking Collaborative Action against Trafficking

Strengthening the provisions of RA 8353: Amending the Anti-Rape Law

Strengthening law enforcement and protection against sexual offenses: Expanding the
Philippine Congress Anti-Sexual Harassment Law

Enacting the Anti-Prostitution Law: Amending Articles 202 and 341 of RPCP

They are also continuously moving to form partnerships to eliminate gender-related

Men Opposed to violence throughout the country.
Violence against
Women Everywhere
Counseling Services for the Rehabilitation of Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
Administrative Order No. 12 or the Enhanced Guidelines in the Implementation of the
Comprehensive Intervention against Gender based Violence (CIAGV)

GAD Transformation and Institutionalization through Mainstreaming of Programs,

Media and Gender Agenda, Linkages and Advocacies (GADtimpala) Awards.
Equality Committee
Women in Power Commission on COMELEC Resolution No. 10514, 25 March 2019 - provide incentives to political
and Decision- Elections parties that promote the integration of women in their leadership hierarchy, internal
Making policymaking structures, appointive and electoral nominating process.

COMELEC Resolution No. 10488, 30 January 2019 - ensure more socially inclusive
Philippine elections where candidates and parties are required to incorporate sign
language interpreters and closed captioning in broadcast election propaganda intended
for exhibition on television and/or the internet, and are encouraged to ensure the
availability of their respective printed campaign materials in braille.

COMELEC Resolution No. 10486 - establishment of emergency accessible polling

places (EAPPs)

COMELEC Resolution No. 10110, 3 May 2016 - required all LGUs including the
barangay, city/ municipality and provincial levels to open their daycare centers on
election day to encourage more women voters to take part in the elections.

MC No. 2019-65, 3 May 2019 - To further concretize the commitment to inclusivity,

concerned government agencies, CSOs and private sector stakeholders agreed through
a Memorandum of Understanding signed on 8 April 2019 to work together in ensuring
the electoral participation and reasonable accommodation of persons with disability,
senior citizens and heavily pregnant voters on the day of the election.

GAD Policy Studies Group (PSG) in 2016, a core group of stakeholders that will study
and propose legal and policy reforms to increase women’s political participation.

#AgendaNiJuana (Juana’s Agenda)

Philippine Commission
on Women CSC Resolution No. 1701169

Civil Service Gender Mainstreaming in Human Resource Policies, Processes and Systems
Women Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Frontier Initiative (WIFI)
of the Asian and Pacific Training Centre for ICT for Development
Department of
Information and
Technology (DICT)

Women and Magna Carta of Allowed women’s participation in the military and police, more women are reaching
Armed Conflict Women, Philippine milestones in male-dominated fields

National Police

National Steering Issued a resolution on “Ensuring Gender responsive Conflict Management, Conflict
Committee- Women, Resolution and Humanitarian Action in the Crisis in Marawi City, Lanao del Sur and
Peace and Security the Whole of Mindanao”

Office of the National Action Plan for Youth, Peace and Security in response to resolution2250
Presidential Adviser on
the Peace Process

Department of Foreign NAP to End Statelessness


Philippine Congress RA No. 11188 or the Special Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict

Women and the Department of GAD Strategic Plan 2018-2022

Environment Environment and
Natural Resources RA 11038 or the Expanded National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 2018

Enhanced National Greening Program (ENGP)

Green Jobs Act of 2016

Women-Managed Marine and Coastal Areas program

Bureau of Fisheries and

Continuous education on DRRM down to the lowest level of the community to ensure
Office of zero casualty when disasters strike
Civil Defense (OCD)


JMC 2017-0001 or the Guidelines on the Implementation of MISP for SRH in

Emergencies and Disasters and its Integration into the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan (NDRRMP) and Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Plans

Team Balikatan Rescue in Emergencies Project

Women and Department of Health Social Insurance Coverage and Benefits for Women About to Give Birth
No Balance Billing Policy (PhilHealth Circular No. 2017-0006)

Anti-Hospital Deposit Law (RA No. 10932 of 2017)

Philippine Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency

Syndrome (AIDS) Policy Act of 2018 (Republic Act No. 11166)

The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012

Women and the Media and Gender (GADtimpala) Awards. The GADtimpala is an incentive awards system that recognizes
Media Equality the best gender-fair and gender-balanced media practices.
Committee (MGEC)
Gender-Fair Media Guidebook Revised Edition that seeks to eliminate gender
stereotyping and promotes gender balance in the participation and representation of
women and men across various forms of media and communication.

Human Rights of All government Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
Women Agencies (CEDAW); insuring equality and non-discrimination under the law and in-practice; and
in achieving legal literacy.
The Girl Child Inter-Agency Council RA 9262 or the Anti-Violence against Women and Their Children (VAWC) Act of 2004
on Violence against
Women and Their


National Strategic Action Plan against Trafficking in Persons

Inter-Agency Council
against Trafficking Collaborative Action against Trafficking
Strengthening the provisions of RA 8353: Amending the Anti-Rape Law

Strengthening law enforcement and protection against sexual offenses: Expanding the
Philippine Congress Anti-Sexual Harassment Law

Enacting the Anti-Prostitution Law: Amending Articles 202 and 341 of RPCP

Counseling Services for the Rehabilitation of Perpetrators of Domestic Violence

Home for Girls (Provide housing, education and livelihood support to girls who are
victims of child abuse and exploitation.

PROCLAMATION NO. 759: Declaring The Fourth Week Of March 1996 As

Philippine Congress “Protection And Gender-Fair Treatment Of The Girl Child Week”


CONCERN (Magna Carta of Women)
Human Rights of All Agencies Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women provides
Women that the government shall take all appropriate measures to
eliminate discrimination against women in all matters relating to
marriage and family relations.
Violence Against Inter-Agency Council on Violence against RA 9262 or the Anti-Violence against Women and Their Children
Women Women and Their Children (VAWC) Act of 2004

Inter-Agency Council against Trafficking

National Strategic Action Plan against Trafficking in Persons

Collaborative Action against Trafficking

Philippine Congress
Strengthening the provisions of RA 8353: Amending the Anti-
Rape Law

Strengthening law enforcement and protection against sexual

Men Opposed to Violence against Women offenses: Expanding the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law
Everywhere (MOVE)
Enacting the Anti-Prostitution Law: Amending Articles 202 and
DSWD 341 of RPCP

They are also continuously moving to form partnerships to

eliminate gender-related violence throughout the country.

Media and Gender Equality Committee

Counseling Services for the Rehabilitation of Perpetrators of
Domestic Violence

Administrative Order No. 12 or the Enhanced Guidelines in the

Implementation of the Comprehensive Intervention against
Gender based Violence (CIAGV)

GAD Transformation and Institutionalization through

Mainstreaming of Programs, Agenda, Linkages and Advocacies
(GADtimpala) Awards.

Women Affected by Department of Environment and Natural GAD Strategic Plan 2018-2022
Disasters, Resources
Calamities, and RA 11038 or the Expanded National Integrated Protected Areas
other Crisi System Act of 2018

Enhanced National Greening Program (ENGP)

Green Jobs Act of 2016

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources Women-Managed Marine and Coastal Areas program

Office of
Civil Defense (OCD)
Continuous education on DRRM down to the lowest level of the
community to ensure zero casualty when disasters strike


JMC 2017-0001 or the Guidelines on the Implementation of

MISP for SRH in Emergencies and Disasters and its Integration
into the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
DSWD (NDRRMP) and Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Team Balikatan Rescue in Emergencies Project

Participation and Commission on Elections COMELEC Resolution No. 10514, 25 March 2019 - provide
Representation incentives to political parties that promote the integration of
women in their leadership hierarchy, internal policymaking
structures, appointive and electoral nominating process.

COMELEC Resolution No. 10488, 30 January 2019 - ensure

more socially inclusive Philippine elections where candidates and
parties are required to incorporate sign language interpreters and
closed captioning in broadcast election propaganda intended for
exhibition on television and/or the internet, and are encouraged to
ensure the availability of their respective printed campaign

materials in braille.

COMELEC Resolution No. 10486 - establishment of emergency

accessible polling places (EAPPs)

COMELEC Resolution No. 10110, 3 May 2016 - required all

LGUs including the barangay, city/ municipality and provincial
levels to open their daycare centers on election day to encourage
more women voters to take part in the elections.

MC No. 2019-65, 3 May 2019 - To further concretize the

commitment to inclusivity, concerned government agencies,
CSOs and private sector stakeholders agreed through a
Memorandum of Understanding signed on 8 April 2019 to work
together in ensuring the electoral participation and reasonable
accommodation of persons with disability, senior citizens and
heavily pregnant voters on the day of the election.
Philippine Commission on Women
GAD Policy Studies Group (PSG) in 2016, a core group of
Civil Service Commission stakeholders that will study and propose legal and policy reforms
to increase women’s political participation.

Department of Information and #AgendaNiJuana (Juana’s Agenda)

Communications Technology (DICT)

CSC Resolution No. 1701169

Gender Mainstreaming in Human Resource Policies, Processes

and Systems

Women Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Frontier Initiative (WIFI) of the Asian and Pacific Training

Centre for ICT for Development

Equal treatment All Agencies Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women provides
before the law that the government shall take all appropriate measures to
eliminate discrimination against women in all matters relating to
marriage and family relations.
Further, the provision on equal treatment before the law
mandates the State to review, amend and/or repeal existing laws
that are discriminatory to women. This includes ensuring that
women and men have the same rights with respect to the
ownership, acquisition, management, administration, enjoyment,
and disposition of property
Equal Access and Commission on Higher Education IRR of Republic Act No. 10931, known as the Universal Access
Elimination of (CHED) to Quality Tertiary Education Act (UAQTEA) of 2017
Discrimination in
Education, International Labor Organization (ILO)
Scholarships, and #womencandoIT Scholarship Program
TESDA Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP)

Private Education Student Financial Assistance (PESFA)

Special Training for Employment Program (STEP)

Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No. 01, series 2015, Establishing the
Policies and Guidelines on Gender and Development in CHED
and Higher Educational Institutions

Women in Sports Philippines Sports Commission Equal treatment before the law All government Agencies
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW); insuring equality and

non-discrimination under the law and in-practice; and in

achieving legal literacy.
Women in Military Philippines Congress Republic Act 7192 (An Act Promoting The Integration Of
Women As Full And Equal Partners Of Men In Development And
Nation Building And For
Other Purposes)- allowed women to be assigned combat or
frontline duties.
SECTION 7. Admission to Military Schools — Any provision of
the law to the
contrary notwithstanding, consistent with the needs of the
services, women shall be accorded equal opportunities for
appointment, admission, training, graduation, and commissioning
in all military or similar schools of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines and the Philippine National Police not later than the
fourth academic year following the approval of this Act in
accordance with the standards required for men except for those
minimum essential adjustments required by physiological
differences between sexes.
Nondiscriminatory Media and Gender Equality (GADtimpala) Awards. The GADtimpala is an incentive awards
and Non-derogatory Committee (MGEC) system that recognizes the best gender-fair and gender-balanced
Portrayal of Women media practices.
in Media and Film
Gender-Fair Media Guidebook Revised Edition that seeks to
eliminate gender stereotyping and promotes gender balance in the
participation and representation of women and men across
various forms of media and communication.

Women’s Right to Department of Health Social Insurance Coverage and Benefits for Women About to
Health Give Birth

No Balance Billing Policy (PhilHealth Circular No. 2017-0006)

Anti-Hospital Deposit Law (RA No. 10932 of 2017)


Philippine Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired

Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Policy Act of 2018
(Republic Act No. 11166)

The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of


Special Leave DOLE Department Order No. 112-11, Series of 2011, as guidelines for
Benefits for Women the implementation of special leave benefits for women in the
private sectors.
Civil Service Commission
For female employees in the government service, Civil Service
Commission Guidelines on the Availment of the Special Leave
Benefits for Women under RA 9710, CSC Resolution No.
Equal Rights in All Philippine Congress Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women provides
Matters Relating to that the government shall take all appropriate measures to
Marriage and eliminate discrimination against women in all matters relating to
Family Relations marriage and family relations.

Philippine Commission on Women This policy brief provides the rationale for amending Articles 14,
19, 124, 211 and 225 of the Family Code of the Philippines. It
explains how traces of inequality between the spouses are still
maintained in the said
law, as well as legal and practical bases for policy makers to
address the issue.
Food Security and Department of Agriculture in coordination Implementing Rules And Regulations Of Republic Act No. 9710
Productive with other government agencies Otherwise Known As The“Magna Carta Of Women.”
Resources (DAR,DTI, DOST, Rule V Rights And Empowerment Of Marginalized Sectors
and LGUs)
Right to Housing Philippine Congress Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women

National Housing Authority To provide gender-responsive and innovative housing policies
and programs towards women empowerment and gender
Right to Decent Philippine Congress Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women
Philippine Commission on Women GEWE Plan 2019-2025 aims to
achieve the following outcomes: More women, especially
among marginalized groups, enjoy higher incomes from
employment and entrepreneurship, including agribusiness;
significant progress is achieved in reducing, recognizing,
representing and redistributing unpaid care work; more
women are benefiting from high-growth industry sectors such
as ICT, STI; macro-economic trade and labor policies are
more responsive to gender issues; women overseas Filipino
workers (OFWs) enjoy higher incomes and better protection.

Project on “Improving workers’ rights in the Rural Sectors of the

DOLE (National Wages and Productivity Indo Pacific with a Focus on Women”
Commission) The project aims to promote and strengthen compliance on
international labour standards and labor laws, occupational safety
and health(OSH), and gender equality in rural sectors in the
Philippines and Indonesia with focus on rural workers and
Right to Livelihood, Philippine Congress Republic Act No. 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women
Credit, Capital, and
Technology Philippine Commission on Women GEWE Plan 2019-2025 aims to
achieve the following outcomes: More women, especially
among marginalized groups, enjoy higher incomes from
employment and entrepreneurship, including agribusiness;
significant progress is achieved in reducing, recognizing,

representing and redistributing unpaid care work; more

women are benefiting from high-growth industry sectors such
as ICT, STI; macro-economic trade and labor policies are
more responsive to gender issues; women overseas Filipino
workers (OFWs) enjoy higher incomes and better protection.

Project on “Improving workers’ rights in the Rural Sectors of the

DOLE (National Wages and Productivity Indo Pacific with a Focus on Women”
Commission) The project aims to promote and strengthen compliance on
international labour standards and labor laws, occupational safety
and health(OSH), and gender equality in rural sectors in the
Philippines and Indonesia with focus on rural workers and

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