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POLITY - All Repeated Themes and Repeated Topics

(2013 - 2022)

Repeated Themes Repeated Topics Questions

● Preamble ➔ The main objectives of the Preamble

and their importance (2020)

➔ Various Philosophies in Preamble like

Sovereignty, Socialist, Secular,
Republic, Democratic, Justice and
their features (2019)

● Important ➔ The 42nd Amendment Act,1976 and

Amendments in salient features (2018)
Constitution ➔ The 44th Amendment act,1978 and its
salient features (2020)
● Fundamental ➔ Features of fundamental Rights v/s
Rights, DPSPs (2020)
Duties, ➔ Features of Fundamental Duties
Directive (2017)
principles of
State Policy ➔ Difference between Fundamental
Rights and Fundamental Duties

➔ Art.14-Right to Equality (2021)

➔ Art.19-Right to Freedom (2019)

➔ Art.21-Right to Privacy (2018, 2021)

➔ Art.23-24-Right against exploitation


➔ Art.29-30- Cultural and Educational

Rights (2015)

● Important ➔ 5th and 6th Schedules (2015, 2022)

Schedules in
Indian ➔ 7th Schedule (2016)
➔ 10th Schedule (2019)
● Various forms ➔ Difference between Presidential and
of Government Parliamentary forms of Government

➔ Constitutional Government and

Representative Government (2021)

● Legislature ➔ Differences between Rajya Sabha and

Lok Sabha (2015, 2018, 2020)

➔ Speaker of the Lok Sabha – Roles

and responsibilities (2018)

➔ Provisions and restrictions to contest

in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
Elections (2021)

➔ Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha (2022)

➔ Exclusive power(s) of Lok Sabha


➔ Procedure of Constitution Amendment

Bill (2022)
● Executive ➔ President of India – Powers and
privileges (2020)

➔ Vice-President of India (2013)

➔ Governor (2019)

➔ Prime Minister and council of Ministers


➔ Chief Minister and Council of Ministers


➔ Powers of President v/s powers of

Governor (2013)

➔ Attorney General of India and Solicitor

General of India (2013, 2022)

➔ Comptroller and Auditor General Of

India (2013)

➔ Difference between Union and State

Executive (2014)

● Judiciary ➔ Supreme Court of India and High

Court (2019)

➔ Judicial Review (2015)

➔ Various Jurisdictions Advisory,

Appellate, Original, Writ Jurisdictions

➔ Difference of powers between

Supreme court Judges and High Court
Judges (2013, 2021)

➔ Writs Issued by the Courts in India


➔ Bar Councils (2022)

➔ Advocates (2022)

➔ Contempt of Court (2022)

● Devices Of ➔ Parliamentary Committees (2015,

Parliamentary 2018)
➔ Various Sessions of Parliament and its
Proceedings (2017)

➔ How a bill is passed in the Parliament

● Citizenship in ➔ Constitutional provisions for Citizens
India and Non- Citizens (2017, 2021)

● Types of Bills ➔ Private members Bill (2017)

➔ Difference between Finance Bill v/s

MoneyBill v/s Ordinary Bill (2015)

● List of ➔ Sarkaria Commission

Committees ➔ Narasimhan Committee
Commissions ➔ Bhagwati Committee
in India
➔ Rangarajan Committee

➔ H.N. Sanyal Committee (2022)

➔ 1st and 2nd ARC Reports (2019)

● Types of Writs ➔ Quo warranto (2022)

➔ Mandamus (2022)

➔ Habeas corpus

➔ Certiorari (2014)

● Emergency ➔ Art.352 – Art.360

➔ Powers of President and Governor
during Emergencies (2015, 2018)

● Representation ➔ RPA act,1950 (2017)

of people’s act
➔ RPA act,1951 (2013)

● Local Self ➔ 73rd and 74th Constitutional

Government amendments and their salient features

➔ Jurisdictions of various Panchayat raj

institutions, Municipal Committees

● Relationship ➔ Law and Liberty (2017)

various ➔ Constitution and Law (2018)
➔ Difference between Communalism,
Regionalism and Secularism (2020)

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