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Special Topics In

Science Education

Prof. Dr. İlbilge DÖKME
Doç. Dr. Semra BENZER
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Book Title
Special Topics In Science Education Research

Prof. Dr. İlbilge DÖKME
Doç. Dr. Semra BENZER

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Special Topics In Science Education Research is written for applied researchers

of science education. The aim of the these chapter studies was to foster existing
and scientific discussion as well as to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas
and experience between specialists in the fields of science education.
Special Topics In Science Education Research is organized into ten (10) dis-
tinct sections that provide comprehensive coverage of important topics. The sec-
tions are: (1) A Two-Phased Conceptual Test to Help Reveal the Misconceptions
About the Topic of “Work”, (2) Adaptation of the Teacher Attitudes Towards Self-
Regulated Learning Scale to Turkish, (3) Comparison of Students At Eco-Schools,
Eco-Schools With Green Flag and Ordinary Primary Schools in Terms of En-
vironmental Literacy, (4) Developıng Some Character and Values for Preservice
Biology Teachers With a Socioscientific Program , (5) Educational Studies About
Evolution in Turkey: A Thematic Review of the Literature, (6) Examination of
Higher Order Thinking Skills in Bology Education, (7) Factors Affecting the Mo-
tivation Levels of Secondary School Students for Science Learning, (8) Investiga-
tion of the Effects of Stem Education Approach on Secondary School Students’
Attitude Towards Science, Interest in STEM Professions and Scientific Process
Skills, (9) The Effects of Prediction-Observation-Explanation and Concept Car-
toon Methods on the Students’ Academic Achievement and Attitudes, (10) The
Views of Science and Technology Teachers Over the Effect of Constructivist Edu-
cational Approaches on Students.
All contributed chapters were rigorously reviewed. The organized sections
were inspected by plagiarism checker software.
We wish to gratefully acknowledge the assistance provided by Akademisyen
Publishing House in the completion of this book.

Chapter 1 A Two-Phased Conceptual Test to Help Reveal the

Misconceptions About the Topic of “Work”........................ 1
İlbilge DÖKME

Chapter 2 Adaptation of the Teacher Attitudes Towards Self-

Regulated Learning Scale to Turkish.................................. 23
Fazilet Seçil GÖK

Chapter 3 Comparison of Students At Eco-Schools, Eco-Schools

With Green Flag and Ordinary Primary Schools in
Terms of Environmental Literacy......................................... 35

Chapter 4 Developing Some Character and Values for Preservice

Biology Teachers With a Socioscientific Program............... 57
Nurcan UZEL

Chapter 5 Educational Studies About Evolution in Turkey:

A Thematic Review of the Literature.................................. 77

Chapter 6 Examination of Higher Order Thinking Skills

in Bology Education.......................................................... 105

Chapter 7 Factors Affecting the Motivation Levels of Secondary

School Students for Science Learning.............................. 117

Chapter 8 Investigation of the Effects of Stem Education

Approach on Secondary School Students’ Attitude
Towards Science, Interest in Stem Professions and
Scientific Process Skills..................................................... 131

Chapter 9 The Effects of Prediction-Observation-Explanation and

Concept Cartoon Methods on the Students’ Academic
Achievement and Attitudes.............................................. 145
Zeynep Işılay DİKMEN

Chapter 10 The Views of Science and Technology Teachers

Over the Effect of Constructivist Educational
Approaches on Students.................................................. 159
İbrahim YUKSEL

- vi -

Yasemin SARIŞIK2
Hilal KOÇAN3

A vision of science and technology course is regardless of their individual dif-
ferences all students are trained as science and technology literate. Science and
technology literacy will be explained with a general definition; It is a combination
of science-related skills, attitudes, values, understandings and knowledge required
for individuals to develop research-inquiry, critical thinking, problem-solving and
decision-making skills, life time learning and maintain a sense of curiosity about
their environment and the world (TTKB, 2006). Teachers should not only mo-
tivate their students according to their students’ interests, but also help science
literacy (Talib, Luan, Azhar & Abdullah, 2009). Motivation is known as an im-
portant factor that affects students’ creativity, learning styles and academic success
(Kuyper, Van der Werf & Lubbers, 2000). Motivation is a driving force for students
to succeed, work hard and learn (Martin, 2001). Motivation is a force to satisfy a
need, and this force refers to the internal factors that activate the individual and
external factors that encourage the individuals to behave (Walterman, 2005).
It is known that successful teachers motivate their students at certain levels.
However, arousal that causes anxiety, can cause decrease in performance (Öncü,
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Gazi University, Education Faculty, Ankara, Türkiye, [email protected]
ORCID: (0000-0002-8548-8994)
Teacher, Ministry of Education, Türkiye, [email protected]
ORCID: (0000-0001-9514-2017)
Teacher, Ministry of Education, Türkiye, [email protected]
ORCID: (0000-0001-6723-7254)

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2002). The enthusiastic, empathetic behavior of the teacher affects students’ moti-
vation (Bacanlı, 2001). Although the effects of motivation on learning and behav-
ior are known, the knowledge about how to use it and what it means is unknown
(Dede, 2003).
Motivation is accepted as an important factor contributing to students’ school
success (Pinttrich, 2003). It is stated that motivation has an important role in
science education and achievement, development of conceptual change, critical
thinking and scientific process skills (Garcia & Pintrich, 1992; Pintrich, Smith,
Garcia, & McKeachie, 1993; Tuan, Chin & Shieh 2005). Students ‘ interests for
subjects, their perceptions of duty and their success in scientific interpretations
are affected by their motivation (Tuan, Chin & Shieh, 2005).
Motivation is one of the most important factors affects learning and success.
Because highly motivated students tend to show more effort and determination
in classroom activities and assignments than low motivated students (Wolters &
Rosenthal, 2000). Motivation can affect the performance of learning new things,
previously learned skills, strategies and behaviors. Motivation affects not only
how and what students learn, but also the frequency and duration of learning
activities (Schunk, 1991).
The students’ learning goal is also important for construction of their science
knowledge, based on learning value and learning strategies (Tuan, Chin & Shieh,
2005). One of the factors that affect students’ achievement is motivation (Guay,
Chanal, Ratelle, Marsh, Laroseve Boivin, 2010). Highly motivated students’ learn-
ing is more efficient (Senemoğlu, 2007). It tends to deal with motivated individu-
als’ learning activities (Zimmerman, 2000). Motivation has a complex nature that
is influenced by student motivation, curriculum, learning - teaching methods,
personal characteristics of teachers and students (Lee & Brophy, 1996).
Students ‘ interest in the subjects and their grades in the classroom, students’
perceptions of duty, their success and failure in acquiring scientific knowledge,
the general goals and orientations and achievements of meaning the science are
some of the factors that affect their motivation base on scientific researches (Tuan,
Chin & Sheh, 2005).
A lot of research has been done to determine the motivation levels of prima-
ry school students for learning science (Bozanoğlu, 2004; Dalgety, Coll & Jones,
2003; Tuan, Chin & Shieh, 2005; Yenice, Saydam, & Telli, 2012). When the local
literature is searched; levels of elementary school students from science lesson
according to demographic characteristics (Aydın, 2007), developing the motiva-
tion scale for learning science (Dede & Yaman, 2008; Yılmaz & Çavaş, 2007), the
effect of grade level and gender on primary school students’ motivation for sci-

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Special Topics in Science Education Research

ence learning (Güvercin, 2008), the effects of variables such as gender, classroom
and parental education on the motivation levels of primary school students for
learning science (Uzun & Keleş, 2010), relationship between 6th and 7th grade stu-
dents’ attitudes and motivations towards science (Azizoğlu & Çetin, 2008) and the
relationship between teaching profession and motivation resources (Yazıcı, 2009)
can be found.
In this study, it is aimed to determine the motivation levels of middle school
students towards learning science. Does the motivation of primary school students
(5, 6, 7, 8th grade) for learning science differ according to the following parameters?
a) Gender
b) Class levels
c) Father’s educational status
d) Father’s profession status
e) Mother ‘s profession status
f) Mother’s education status


2.1. Research Model

This research was carried out with 400 middle school students in 5th, 6th, 7th
and 8th grades in 2015-2016 academic year. In this section, the research mod-
el, working group, data collection tools and data analysis methods are discussed.
This research is based on a descriptive relational screening model.

2.2. Working Group

The study group of the research consists of 400 students studying in the 5th,
6th, 7th, and 8th grades in the 2015-2016 academic year. The gender of the students
participating in the research is 199 males and 201 females (Table 1). Information
about grade level, number of people living at home, number of siblings, father’s
profession, father’s educational status, mother’s profession, mother’s educational
status and family income level are given in Table 1 and Table 2.

Table 1. Gender distribution of the study group by grade level

5th grades 6th grades 7th grades 8th grades Total
N% N% N% N% N%
MALE 24 12.1 42 21.1 49 24.6 84 42.2 199 100.0
FEMALE 17 8.5 47 23.4 51 25.4 86 42.8 201 100.0

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Table 2. Demographic Information of Secondary School Students Participating

Group Frequency Percentage (%)
5th grades 41 10.3
6th grades 89 22.3
7th grades 100 25.0
8th grades 170 42,5
1-5 61 15.3
Number of People at
6-10 286 71.5
11-.. 53 13.3
1-5 201 50.2
Number of Siblings 6-10 176 44.0
11-… 23 5.8
Freelance 189 47.3
Officer 42 10.5
Father’s Profession
Worker 18 4.5
Other 151 37.8
Primary School
109 27.3
134 33.5
Father’s Education 75 18.8
High School
29 7.2
53 13.3
Housewife 387 96.8
Officer 2 0.5
Mother’s Profession
Worker 6 1.5
Other 5 1.3
Primary School
152 38
75 18.8
Mother’s Education 12 3
High School
28 7
133 33.3
750-1000 TL
281 70.3
1001-2000 TL
76 19.0
2001-3000 TL
Family Income 25 6.3
3001-4000 TL
10 2.5
4001 TL and
8 2.0

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2.3. Data Collection Tool

As a data collection tool, “Motivation Scale for Learning Science” (Dede &
Yaman, 2008) was used. The answer options of the items in the scale were de-
termined as “5 = Strongly Agree”, “4 = Agree”, “3 = Undecided”, “2 = Disagree”
and “1 = Strongly Disagree”. The fact that the scores in the scale are close to 5.00
indicates that the students’ participation level in the proposition is high. Likewise,
close to 1.00 indicates that participation level is low. It is a “5-point Likert-type
scale” developed by Dede and Yaman (2008), consisting of 23 items, with options
ranging from “Strongly agree: 5” to “Strongly disagree: 1”. This scale consists of 5
dimensions: “Motivation for Research”, “Performance Motivation”, “Communica-
tion Motivation”, “Cooperative Study Motivation” and “Participation Motivation”.
“Cronbach alpha” measurement reliability coefficient of the scale was calculated
as 0.82.

2.4. Data Analysis

In this study, the data obtained from the students were evaluated with the SPSS
package program. “Independent t test” was used to determine the effect of gender
on the motivation levels of students to learn science, “One Way ANOVA” was used
to determine the effect of the family’s income status.
4. Results

it is examined whether the motivation levels of students to learn science differ

significantly according to variables such as gender, class level, parental occupa-
tional status, parental education level and family income status. In this section,
the responses of elementary school students to the motivation scale for learning
science are evaluated.
As a result of the findings obtained in the research; the mean score of female
students was higher than male students in the motivation of secondary school
students for learning science (Table 3). In the study, it was determined that there
was no statistically significant difference between the motivation points of middle
school students for learning science by gender (Table 4).

Table 3. Scores of the study group by gender

N x- SD
Male 201 4.045 0.6578
Female 199 3.861 0.8605
SD: Standard Deviation

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Table 4. Change of Motivations for Science Learning by Gender

MALE 201 4.045 0.6578 0.046
FEMALE 199 3.861 0.8605 0.061
SD: Standard Deviation; SE: Standard Error

In this study; at the grade level of 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students, it was
determined that the motivation points were close to each other, and the lowest
motivation point average was the 6th grade students when the average of motiva-
tion points for learning science was examined (Table 5). It was determined that
the motivation levels of the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in this study did not
differ significantly between the grade levels (Table 6).

Table 5. Scores of the study group by grade level

N x- SD
41 3.867 0.8005
89 3.977 0.7345
100 3.932 0.8265
170 3.975 0.7511
SD: Standard Deviation

Table 6. Change of motivations for learning science to grade level

Sum of squares df Mean square F P
Between groups 0.482 3 .161 .270 .847
Within group 236.103 396 .596
Total 236.585 399

It was determined that the students’ highest motivation levels for learning sci-
ence were the workers with the highest father profession and the lowest average
score was self-employed when the data obtained in the study were examined (Ta-
ble 7). In the study, it was not determined that the science motivation scores of
the students did not differ according to the father’s professional status (Table 8).

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Table 7. Score status according to father’s profession

N x- SD
Freelance 189 3.906 0.8309
Father’s Officer 42 4.139 0.4840
Profession Worker 18 4.185 0.3807
Other 151 3.934 0.7823
SD: Standard Deviation

Table 8. Change of motivations for learning science to father’s profession

Sum of squares df Mean square F P
Between groups 2.905 3 .968 1.641 .179

Within group 233.680 396 .590

Total 236.585 399

In the study, it was determined that the students’ highest level of science mo-
tivation for learning science was in individuals with high school graduate father
education status (Table 9). It was found that the science motivation levels of the
students did not differ according to the education level of the father when the data
obtained in the study were examined (Table 10).

Table 9. Score status according to father’s education

N x- SD
Primary School 109 3.936 0.7858
Secondary School 134 3.890 08730
High School 75 4.181 0.3704
Faculty 29 3.839 0.8381
Other 53 3.890 0.8043
SD: Standard Deviation

Table 10. Change of motivations for learning science to father’s education

Sum of squares df Mean square F P
Between groups 5.038 4 1.259 2.148 .074
Within group 231.548 395 .586
Total 236.585 399

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Special Topics in Science Education Research

In the research, it was determined that the mother profession group of the
students who had the lowest level of science motivation for learning science was
the housewife (Table 11). It was found that the science motivation levels of the
students did not differ statistically according to the status of the mother when the
data obtained in the study were examined (Table 12).

Table 11. Score status according to mother’s profession

N x- SD
Housewife 387 3.949 0.7792
Officer 2 4.369 0.2766
Mother’s Profession
Worker 6 4.391 0.2893
Other 5 4.478 0.5598
SD: Standard Deviation

Table 12. Change of motivations for learning science to father’s profession

Sum of squares df Mean square F P
Between groups 0.454 3 .151 .254 .858
Within group 236.131 396 .596
Total 236.585 399

In the research, it was determined that the highest level of science motivation
for learning science was among individuals whose mother education level was
high school graduates (Table 13). It was determined that the science motivation
levels of the students did not differ statistically according to the education level of
the mother when the data obtained in the study were examined (Table 14).

Table 13. Score status according to mother’s education

N x- SD
Primary School 152 3.979 0.7465
Secondary School 75 3.965 0.7518
High School 12 4.095 0.5246
Faculty 28 4.037 0.7527
Other 133 3.887 0.8309
SD: Standard Deviation

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Special Topics in Science Education Research

Table 14. Change of motivations for learning science to mother’s education

Sum of squares df Mean square F P
Between groups 1.130 4 .283 .474 .755
Within group 235.455 395 .596
Total 236.585 399

In the research, it was determined that the highest level of science motivation
for learning science was among the individuals with the highest income group
(Table 15). It was found that there was no statistically significant difference be-
tween the students’ science motivation levels towards learning science when the
data obtained in the study were examined (Table 16).

Table 15. Score status according to family income

N x- SD
750-1000 TL 281 3.966 0.7340
1001-2000 TL 76 3.914 0.8395
Family 2001-3000 TL 25 3.899 0.9074
Income 3001-4000 TL 10 3.782 1.1235
4001 TL and
8 4.293 0.2035
SD: Standard Deviation

Table 16. Change of motivations for learning science to family income

Sum of squares df Mean square F P
Between groups 1.453 4 .363 .610 .656
Within group 235.133 395 .595
Total 236.585 399


In this study, it was determined that the motivation levels of students for learn-
ing science did not show a statistically significant difference according to vari-
ables such as gender, class level, parental professional status, parental education

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level and family income status (Table 3-16). According to the data obtained in
the research; It was stated that the motivation levels of students for learning sci-
ence were high (Table 3). In many studies, it has been stated that students have
high level of motivation for learning science (Glynn, Taasoobshirazi & Brickman,
2009; Yenice, Saydam, & Telli, 2012).
In this study, it is seen that there is no significant difference between the moti-
vation levels of male and female students. Different studies also show that gender
is independent of students’ level of science motivation (Çetin & Kırbulut 2006; Ya-
man & Dede, 2007; Güvercin, 2008; Zeyer & Wolf, 2009 Yenice, Saydam, & Telli,
2012). In 7th grade students, there was a significant difference in motivation levels
for learning science in favor of women (Demir, Kılınç, & Doğan, 2012).
In the case of father education, it was determined that the motivation of stu-
dents towards learning science had a significant difference only in motivation for
performance (Demir, Kılınç, & Doğan, 2012). In terms of the mother education
status variable, it was determined that there was no significant difference between
students’ motivation to learn science (Demir, Kılınç, & Doğan, 2012).
In the case of monthly income, it is stated that there is a significant difference
in motivation for science learning, motivation for collaborative work and motiva-
tion for participation (Demir, Kılınç, & Doğan, 2012).
In the study, it was determined that the motivation levels of students for learn-
ing science did not differ significantly from the grade level (Table 6). Yenice, Say-
dam, & Telli (2012) report that motivation levels for learning science differ in
terms of grade levels. In the literature, it was determined that the level of stu-
dent motivation decreased as the grade level increased (Aydın, 2007; Güvercin,
2008). Tseng, Tuan & Chin (2009) states that high motivation students have high
achievements. It is reported that as the grade level increases, their success increas-
es with motivation (Tseng, Tuan & Chin, 2009).
It was determined that the motivation levels for learning science did not dif-
fer significantly according to the status of the mother’s profession and education,
father’s education and education, and family income (Table 8,10,12,14 and 15).
Miquelon (2007) determined that the motivation levels of secondary school stu-
dents for learning science did not differ significantly according to parental educa-
tion, parental profession and family income.
Demir, Kılınç, & Doğan, (2012), in the case of father education, it was deter-
mined that students’ motivation for learning science had a significant difference
only in motivation for performance. In terms of the mother education status vari-
able, it was determined that there was no significant difference between students’

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motivation to learn science (Demir, Kılınç, & Doğan, 2012). In the case of month-
ly income, it is stated that there is a significant difference in motivation for sci-
ence learning, motivation for collaborative work and motivation for participation
(Demir, Kılınç, & Doğan, 2012).
Lavigne, Vallerand & Miquelon (2007) stated that the support of science teach-
ers positively affects students’ self-management and self-efficacy perceptions; It
stipulates that there is a direct relationship between the perception of competence
and intention to pursue science education, and that the high level of competence
is to maintain the high level of intentions. Talib, Luan, Azhar, & Abdullah (2009)
stated that the choice of strategies suitable for science learning, having certain
skills, and the interaction between teachers and peers positively affect the moti-
vation to learn, as a result of the research in which students define the underlying
conditions of their motivation for learning science.
The students participating in the research stated that they wanted more de-
tailed information while explaining the subject. In addition, the students stated
that they were undecided in lending their books and lecture notes about science
to their classmates and in group studies, and in items that reveal their status of
caring about their friends’ opinions. The students stated that they wanted to get
the highest grade in science lesson exams, and they had close positive results in
their class discussions to reveal the best ideas and choose their friends to work
while doing group activities. Success, recognition and praise from their teacher
are among the motivating factors. Yajima, Sato & Arai (1996) revealed that there is
a causal relationship between academic achievement and motivation for learning
science as a result of the study in which they examined the relationship between
motivation for learning science and factors affecting academic success.
Motivation self-efficacy, focus on task, effort and control (Garcia, 1995); It was
determined as a result of the researches that it was related with variables such as
gender age, own library, parental education level, and socio-economic level of the
family (Katrancı, 2015; Smith, 1996; Yıldız & Kaman, 2016).

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