SO3 - C1-C2 - Progress Test - 4B

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Part A • Grammar, Vocabulary and How to … 4 People over seventy-five can get the tax rebate.
1 Rewrite the sentences adding words that have been 5 The report uses information given by people in last
omitted. month’s survey. BASED
1 The event I most dreaded on sports day was the high _________________________________________
jump. 6 The contract has been awarded to a company which
_________________________________________ believes strongly in protecting the park’s bio-diversity.
2 People left without electricity during the storm will be COMMITTED
compensated by the electricity company. _________________________________________
_________________________________________ 7 Energy prices have risen because there has been a
3 Intended to catch the train this morning but overslept global increase in the price of oil. CONSEQUENCE
and missed it. _________________________________________
_________________________________________ /7
4 Traffic warden told us everyone parked in the road
would get fines.
5 Any people walking through the park between six and 4 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
seven yesterday evening have been asked to contact 1 My friend c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my arm tightly when the horror
the police. film reached a very scary point.
_________________________________________ 2 When a team has failed a task it’s up to the manager to
/5 f _ _ _ _ _ a positive outlook and raise morale.
3 I only had time to s _ _ _ through the report before we
went into the meeting, but I got the main points.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets using will / would. 4 I don’t s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the view that people make
their own luck – life sometimes gives us difficult
1 Just switched off lights in Aidan’s room. He __________
(leave) them on when he goes out!
5 Toothache can make you w _ _ _ _ every time you try to
2 When Bea was a child, she __________ (forget) to
chew something.
brush her teeth unless we reminded her.
6 The contestants have been n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ down to
3 I’ve tried telling him to study time after time – but he just
three finalists who will battle it out for the title.
__________ (listen).
7 The director is giving a statement later to r _ _ _ _ _ _
4 Right now they __________ (enjoying) a nice walk in
people’s peace of mind regarding recent reports of
the Swedish countryside.
5 I __________ (let) them practise the drums here – my
ears can’t stand it. /7
6 I __________ (hope) that Sandra has got everything
she needs for the audition. 5 Choose the correct words to complete the
7 That’s the doorbell. It __________ (be) the plumber sentences.
coming to look at the leak in the kitchen. 1 Drive / Force and determination are essential elements
8 Have a good evening and I __________ (call) you after for those wanting promotion.
the film. 2 I would suggest you take the path / way of least
/8 resistance and agree with your colleagues.
3 There are many variables / lines that we need to look
at before we present our recommendation to the Board.
3 Rewrite the sentences using the word given in
capitals and a dependent preposition. 4 I think Carlos has more persuasion / clout with the
membership than I do, so why don’t you approach him
1 Hanna would make more progress if she had private
with your ideas?
Maths lessons. BENEFIT
5 Is there a particular knack / gift for unlocking this door?
The key seems to stick for me every time I try.
2 It’s my fault that the fridge door was left open. GUILTY
6 I had to run for the bus this morning and I have to say
that I am not in good form / shape!
3 When my car was off the road, I had to use public
7 I’m seriously having second impulses / thoughts about
transport to get to work. RELIANT
this new proposal – could I run it past you later?

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6 Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the

box. There are two extra adjectives you do not need.

clear-cut far-fetched far-reaching involved

overwhelmed shrill soothing time-honoured

1 I woke up to the __________ sound of the alarm clock

at 5.30 in the morning.
2 The family has been __________ by the offers of help
that have come in from the community.
3 The final decision was __________ – 19 in favour of the
motion and just one against.
4 My colleague’s excuse for not making the meeting was
__________ and no one believed him for a moment.
5 If you’d like to get actively __________ in our new
campaign, contact Ross McCormick.
6 In __________ tradition the crowd cheered as the
winning team raised their trophy.

7 Complete the conversation with the words in the

back big blinded doubt expert extent

going point respect take

A: What’s your 1__________ on the new proposals

regarding the upcoming project?
B: Well, I’m no 2__________ but shouldn’t we be aiming at
investing as little as is necessary at this point?
A: I take your 3__________ but in my opinion, the idea has
a lot 4__________ for it. Let’s be realistic – the returns
should be worth the outlay.
B: This might be true to some 5__________, but they’re
talking about enormous gains and there’s no real
evidence to 6__________ that up.
A: Without a 7__________ we have to look at the figures
very carefully, but a 8__________ plus for me would be
that we can withdraw from the scheme at any point.
B: In that 9__________ I’m with you, but we must not be
__________ by the hype and deliberate very carefully.

Total: /50

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Part B • Listening and Reading 4 [Audio PT 4.02] Listen again. Are the statements
True (T) or False (F)?
1 People have recently been moving to urban locations for
1 [Audio PT4.01] Listen to an extract from a radio work reasons. T / F
programme and choose the two most appropriate 2 The media has portrayed lighthouse living in contrasting
descriptions (1–5) of the programme. ways. T / F
1 Inner voices – good or bad? 3 A lighthouse-keeper’s basic job has remained
2 Silence your demons. unchanged over the years. T / F
3 Don’t overthink! 4 Lighthouse-keepers have required regular breaks
4 Signs of mental trauma. because of family commitments. T / F
5 Always listen to your conscience. 5 Being a lighthouse technician allowed Scott Tacchi to
/2 indulge his lifelong hobby of photography. T / F
2 [Audio PT4.01] Listen again and choose the best
option, A, B or C. READING
1 The presenter describes introspection as
5 Read the article. What is the writer’s opinion of Wim
A an over-analysis of our choices and actions. Hof, A, B or C?
B an internal conversation about options and actions.
A His methods can change people’s lives.
C an affirmation of our choices and actions.
B He exaggerates his claims.
2 According to the expert,
C Nothing he says is true.
A talking out loud to ourselves can influence what we
choose to do.
B introspection can have positive and negative effects.
C having silent conversations with ourselves is not The Iceman
experienced by everyone. You may well have heard of the Iceman. Real name Wim Hof,
3 What does the expert believe? he recently appeared in a celebrity-packed reality TV show
where a group of famous people were trained, using his special
A Self-criticism can hold us back.
methods, to be able to withstand icy temperatures, face their
B We all need self-analysis to motivate us going fears and complete challenges that would bring most of us to
forward. our knees. Hof is an extreme athlete with records galore under
C Overthinking things can lead us to blame others. his belt. From swimming under the ice to running half
4 What does the expert recommend we do? marathons barefoot on ice and snow, he is the living example
A Stop the inner voice completely. of how people can control their body temperature and perform
amazing feats. He is also insistent that his methods and cold-
B Imagine someone else is talking to us.
water challenges have enormous health benefits.
C Address ourselves directly as ‘you’.
I’m spending the afternoon with him in the village of Stroe in
/8 the Netherlands, an hour from Amsterdam, where he does
weekends and workshops of hypoxic breathing and ice baths.
It’s a filthy day, cold and driving rain, but he comes out
3 [Audio PT4.02] Listen to a podcast about
barefoot, in just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, singing. He
lighthouses and choose the most appropriate
often breaks into song. He sings well and has a big powerful
comments (1–5) about it.
voice; everything about Hof is big and powerful. And he
1 What an achievement! Can’t wait to see the next series. explains how he first became interested in the benefits of the
2 Well – I never knew that. Thanks, very informative. cold. When he was 17, walking in Beatrixpark in Amsterdam
3 Really enjoyed the read, and the accompanying one Sunday morning, he saw the thin layer of ice on the
surface of the canal and felt the urge to take off his clothes and
cinematography, too.
get in, which is what he did. The sensation he experienced
4 Ah! My absolute worst nightmare. Wouldn’t catch me made such an impact on him that he returned the following
signing up for that. day, and the day after that … The Iceman was born.
5 Always wanted to live on an island – what’s not to like? When questioned about the benefits of the methods he has
/5 developed, which include a combination of breathing
techniques, frequent exposure to cold and yoga and
meditation, he enthusiastically describes how he can control
his core body temperature and prevent it falling to dangerous
levels of hypothermia when exposed to the cold. He says he
can manage the part of his nervous system that is responsible
for breathing and heart rate, as well his adrenaline, dopamine
and serotonin. He explains that this gives us control over our

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immune systems and our anxieties, and the power to prevent 7 Read the text. Which request is the writer
illness, depression and inflammation. responding to, A or B?
Hof does have some backup from science. Studies have A Calling all dreamers! We are conducting sleep trials to
provided some evidence that people trained by his methods study different types of sleep cycles and why people do
found a decrease in inflammation over eight weeks of or don’t remember their dreams. Want to take part?
breathing and cold-water training. However, there are also
Send us your reasons.
critics who believe that he is bold with his claims and
overstates what his methods can do. They point out the B We’re collating people’s dream experiences, especially
potential dangers, and Hof agrees that it is vital that his the more unusual ones. Why do we dream? What do we
methods are used carefully and to the letter. Swimming in dream about? Share your experiences with us.
lukewarm water after hyperventilating is a definite no-no. /1
Now it’s my turn. Hof is going to activate my potential, he
says, transcend my limits. What about igniting my awe of my
body, my mind and my beautiful humanity? I want that as well I vividly recall the time I first experienced a lucid dream. I
(I’ve read the book, I’ve got expectations). No problem, he usually remember many of my dreams and it can be quite
says. ‘We can do that in one afternoon.’ entertaining to write them down and look back on them
months down the line, maybe try to guess why I dreamt about
a particular person or event or place. Most often I can pinpoint
why certain things happen in my dreams and link them back to
6 Read the article again. Choose the correct option, A,
snatches of the events of the previous day or few days, or
B or C.
maybe concerns that I’ve had, films I’ve seen, people I’ve
1 What role did Hof have in the recent TV series? spoken to. Sometimes the dreams fulfil wishes I wasn’t even
A he was a contestant facing challenges. aware I had! Did I really dislike my new work colleague that
B he competed against other celebrities. much? Was I jealous of her, or feeling threatened? Thinking
C he trained people to endure difficult situations. about it, my dreams usually reveal the truth. And maybe acting
out reactions I’m unable to indulge in in real life – my desire
2 On meeting Hof at his home, the writer is surprised by
for revenge in this case (I’m not saying how!) – gets stuff out
A where he lives. of my system. Nightmares, thankfully, are a relatively rare
B what he is wearing. occurrence. They usually tend to manifest as frustration
C how well he can sing. dreams – you know the type – where you’re trying to phone
3 Hof’s first experience of being in icy water was someone and you just can’t find the number, or the phone
A when he swam in cold water for a dare. won’t take the numbers. I do a lot of amateur drama and my
most common nightmare is of being about to go on stage and
B when he had an impulse to jump into a freezing canal.
having none of the lines in my head, so I’m frantically
C when he fell through the ice on a canal. searching for a script to look at or take on with me.
4 Which of the following is NOT part of Hof’s training
techniques? Well, I thought I had my dreams sorted until about a year ago,
when I had the first genuinely scary dream I’d ever had. It
A controlling our breathing didn’t feature monsters or being chased, falling or touching
B concentration and relaxation death in any way, but it seriously frightened me. In the dream,
C occasional swims in cold water everything seemed normally dreamlike – nothing to write
5 According to Hof, his techniques can home about – mundane stuff, but then I woke up. Or rather I
A enable us to live healthily in extreme conditions. thought I’d woken up. Turned out I was still in the dream, and
B slow down any illnesses we pick up. I knew I was dreaming. I was aware that the house I was in
was a dream house and the people I met were dream people
C help our bodies to fight physical and mental problems.
and I consciously wandered round the house trying to wake
6 Scientists believe that up, but however hard I tried to open my eyes, I couldn’t.
A evidence to support Hof’s claims are inconclusive. That’s when the panic set in – I felt trapped in the dream – as
B Hof’s methods can help some diseases. though I would never be able to wake up again. Of course, I
C Hof’s methods are too dangerous for people to try. did eventually, and on doing some research discovered I’d
7 What does the writer want to do? probably had a lucid dream. These can happen if your deep
sleep cycle is disturbed for some reason, and you go back to
A use Hof’s experiences in a book
sleep into a lucid dream where you are ‘awake’ and can
B experience the methods for themselves control what you are doing. I also checked out ways to wake
C help overcome some mental issues yourself up from a lucid dream which included lying down in
/14 your dream and going to sleep, or trying to call out, or simply
setting the alarm clock! Which I have done ever since. One
great thing about this type of dream is that you can do unusual
things, like fly. I tried that in a dream last week, just standing
outside, arms in the air and lifting off. I can still recall the
feeling – it was magic. I didn’t go very high, and not for very
long – I guess I’m a dream amateur, so shall practise again
next time. These weird dreams are way less scary now that I
know I can get out of them.

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8 Read the text again. Are the statements True (T) or

False (F)?
1 The writer records his dreams as part of his therapy.
2 His dreams usually reflect situations from his daily life.
3 A dream once gave him an idea about how to exact
revenge on someone who had hurt him. T / F
4 Generally his nightmares consist of his failing to achieve
straightforward tasks. T / F
5 One of his most frightening dreams was of being in a
closed room and unable to get out. T / F
6 A universal feature of a lucid dream is that the dreamer
can fly. T / F
7 Lucid dreams can happen when an alarm clock
interrupts a dream. T / F

Total: /50

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Part C • Speaking and Writing WRITING

SPEAKING 4 Read the request for an opinion piece. Choose the
correct words to complete the extracts from one
1 Listen to your partner talk about their pictures. Ask: submission.
How useful might it be to replace handwriting with
typing on tablets in these situations? 1 We should also carry / bear in mind …
2 There are strong opinions on two / both sides …
3 Statistics do not evidence / support this view …
2 Describe and compare the pictures showing people 4 I would advocate / allow trialling …
reading in different places. How important is reading 5 In choosing a path to follow, more / much depends on
to the people in the pictures?
how …

What’s your view?

We are looking for opinions from readers on the following
‘Should the school curriculum include lessons for students of
all ages on looking after our mental health?’
Send us your opinion and we shall include a selection on next
week’s online edition.


5 Write your opinion piece. Write 200–300 words.


Total: /40

2 Answer your partner’s question.

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