PT210 Manual

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Innovative Measurement Electronics

Weighing Indicator
Instruction Manual
Rev. 202301.1
Table of Contents
1 NOTICES..............................................................1 [005 0] – Checksum...........................38
1.1 SAFETY.................................................................1 [006 1] – Carriage Return...................38
1.2 PRECAUTIONS.....................................................1 [007 1] – Line Feed............................38
2 DESCRIPTION.....................................................2 [008 0] – Response Speed................38
2.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................2 7.2.2 [01_] – RS-485............................................38
2.2 MODELS AND FEATURES...................................2 [010 5] – Data Format........................39
2.3 STANDARD SUPPLIED ITEMS............................3 [011 3] – Baud Rate...........................39
2.4 ACCESSORIES SOLD SEPARATELY.................3 [013 01] – Address.............................39
2.5 DEFINITIONS AND CONVENTIONS....................3 [014 0] – Data Length and Parity.......39
3 SPECIFICATIONS................................................5 [015 0] – Checksum...........................39
4 GETTING STARTED............................................8 [016 1] – Carriage Return...................39
4.1 THE STEPS BEFORE OPERATION.....................8 [017 1] – Line Feed............................39 [018 0] – Response Speed................39
5 INSTALLATION....................................................9 7.2.3 [03_] – #Ethernet TCP/IP............................39
5.1 GENERAL RULES.................................................9 [030 5] – Data Format........................39
5.2 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION.............................9 [031 000] – Device Address...............39
5.2.1 CONNECTIONS..........................................10 [032 000] – IP Address.......................39
5.3 CONNECTING THE LOAD CELL........................11 [033 000] – Subnet Mask...................39
5.4 POWER SUPPLY AND GROUNDING................11 [034 000] – Gateway Address............39
5.5 ENERGISING THE INSTRUMENT.....................12 [035 00000] – Local Port....................40
5.6 CONFIGURING AND CALIBRATION..................12 [036 0] – Response Speed................40
5.6.1 PROGRAMMING........................................12
7.2.4 [04_] – Printer.............................................40
5.6.2 CALIBRATION............................................12 [040 2] – Print Format........................40
5.6.3 LOCKING CALIBRATION...........................13 [041 1] – CN (Ticket Number)............40
5.7 CHECKING SCALE PERFORMANCE................13 [042 ] – Minimum for Printing.............40
5.8 RS-232C PORT CONNECTION..........................13 [043 0] – Print Mode...........................40
5.9 RS-485 AND MODBUS CONNECTION..............13 [044 XY] – Line Feeds before Print....40
5.10 DIGITAL INPUT CONNECTION........................14 [045 XY] – Line Feeds after Printing. .40
5.11 DIGITAL OUTPUT CONNECTION....................15 [046 0] – Form Feed...........................40
5.11.1 RELAY OUTPUTS....................................15 [047 3] – Print Spacing.......................40
5.11.2 TRANSISTOR OUTPUTS.........................16 [048 1] – Print Copies.........................40
6 OPERATION.......................................................17 7.2.5 [05_] – #PROFIBUS....................................40
6.1 KEYPAD AND DISPLAY.....................................17 [050 0] – Data Format........................40
6.2 BASIC WEIGHING..............................................18 [051 000] – Rack Address..................40
6.2.1 Zeroing........................................................18 7.2.6 [06_] – #PROFINET,Ethernet/IP,EtherCAT 41 Zero at Power On...............................18 [060 0] – Data Format........................41 Automatic Zero Tracking (AZT)..........18 7.2.7 [07_] – #CANopen, CC-Link, Powerlink......41
6.2.2 Taring..........................................................18 [070 0] – Data Format........................41 Multi-taring..........................................18 [071 000] – Rack Address..................41 Tare/Clear..........................................18 [072 0] – Baudrate*............................41
6.2.3 Gross/Net Function.....................................19 7.3 [1__] – CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS.........41
6.2.4 Printing........................................................19 7.3.1 [11_] – Startup............................................41
6.2.5 Totalising Weights......................................19 [112 1] – Save Tare............................41
6.3 ADVANCED USER FUNCTIONS........................19 [113 0] – Auto Tare Clear...................41
6.3.1 f Function Key Usage.................................19 [115 ABCDE] – Key Lock...................41
6.3.2 Stability filter................................................19 [116 1] – Function Key Action............41
6.3.3 Tare Operation............................................20 [117 0] – #Zero Range Output...........41 Automatic Tare clear..........................20 7.3.2 [12_] – Filter................................................42 Restore Tare at Power on..................20 [120 0] – Filter Setting........................42
6.3.4 Force Measurement....................................20 7.3.3 [13_] – Isolated I/O Port Settings................42
6.3.5 High Resolution...........................................20 [130 1] – Outputs................................42
6.3.6 Total Accumulation.....................................20 [131 0] – Input 1.................................42
6.3.7 Setpoints.....................................................20 [132 0] – Input 2.................................42
6.3.8 Serial Data Output......................................22 [133 0] – Input 3.................................42 Serial Port 1 (RS-232C).....................22 [134 0] – Input 4.................................42 Serial Port 2 (RS-485)........................22 7.3.4 [14_] – Adjustmets......................................42 Continuous Data Formats..................22 [142 0] – Label Number (CN).............42 BSI Communication...........................23 [143 1] – #Display Update Rate.........42 CHK Checksum..................................28 7.4 [2__] – SCALE SETUP PARAMETERS..............42 MODbus.............................................28 7.4.1 [20_] – Setup...............................................43
6.3.9 Printer Settings...........................................35 [200 0] – Metrological Use.................43
6.3.10 Test Menu.................................................35 [201 0] – Hi-res Reading....................43
7 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION AND SETUP.........36 [202 0] – Power On Zero....................43
7.1 ENTERING AND EXITING SETUP.....................37 [203 3] – Zero Range.........................43
7.2 [0__] – INTERFACE PARAMETERS...................38 [204 0] – Auto Zero Track..................43
7.2.1 [00_] – RS-232C.........................................38 [205 2] – Tare.....................................43 [000 3] – Data Format........................38 [206 2] – Motion Detection.................43 [001 3] – Baud Rate...........................38 [207 0.3] – Stability Period.................43 [003 00] – Address.............................38 7.4.2 [21_] – Weighing, Scale Build.....................43 [004 0] – Data Length and Parity.......38
CONTENTS [210 0] – Weighing Mode...................43 [705 0] – Output 6..............................48 [212] – Capacity/Division...................43 7.8 [8__] – METROLOGICAL DATA..........................48 [214] – Unit Displayed........................43 7.8.1 [80_] – Legal Metrology Records................48
7.5 [3__] – CALIBRATION PARAMETERS...............43 [800] – Calibration Counter................48
7.5.1 [30_] – Calibration.......................................43 7.9 [9__] – DIAGNOSTIC PARAMETERS.................48 [300] – Gravity....................................44 7.9.1 [90_] – Tests...............................................48 [301] – Calibration..............................44 [900] – Key Pad..................................48 [302] – Linearity Correction................44 [901] – RS-232C Checking................48
7.5.2 [31_] – Adjustment......................................45 [902] – RS-485 Checking...................48 [310] – Zero Adjustment.....................45 [903] – Parallel Inputs........................49 [311] – Span Adjustment....................45 [904] – Parallel Outputs......................49 [312] – Span Adjustment Loaded.......45 [905] – Input mV.................................49 [313] – vCal........................................45 7.9.2 [91_] – #Firmware Information.....................49
7.5.3 [32_] – #Adjustment with Coefficients........46 [910] - Option Board Version..............49 [320] – Zero Coefficient......................46 7.9.3 [92_] – Log Book.........................................49 [321] – Test weight Value...................46 [920] – Error history............................49 [322] – Gain Coefficient......................46 [921] – Setup history..........................49
7.6 [4__] – ANALOGUE OUTPUT.............................46 7.9.4 [99_] – Parameter Print...............................49
7.6.1 [40_] – Analogue Signal..............................46 [990] – Print all Parameters................49 [400] – Output Mode..........................47 [991] – Reset to Default Parameters..49 [401] – Output Range.........................47 8 TROUBLE SHOOTING.......................................50 [402] – #Analogue Source.................47 8.1 ERRORS.............................................................50
7.6.2 [41_] – Analogue Zero................................47 8.2 CALIBRATION TABLE........................................51 [410] – Course Zero...........................47 8.3 DEFAULT PARAMETER TABLE.........................52 [411] – Fine Zero................................47 8.4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS............................54
7.6.3 [42_] – Analogue Span...............................47 8.5 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES...............................54 [420] – Course Span..........................47 9 SECURING BY SEALING...................................55 [421] – Fine Span...............................47 10 CONFORMITY..................................................56
7.6.4 [44_] – #Analogue Coefficients...................47 11 APPENDIX........................................................57 [440] – Zero Coefficient......................47 11.1 PT210AN/DIN - ANALOGUE.............................57 [441] – Gain Coefficient......................47 11.2 PT210PB - PROFIBUS......................................58
7.7 [7__] – DIGITAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS.........47 11.3 PT210PN - PROFINET......................................64
7.7.1 [70_] – Relay Outputs.................................47 11.4 PT210EI - ETHERNET/IP..................................70 [700 0] – Output 1..............................48 11.5 PT210EC - ETHERCAT.....................................78 [701 0] – Output 2..............................48 11.6 PT210EN - ETHERNET.....................................85 [702 0] – Output 3..............................48 11.7 PT210CO - CANOPEN......................................86 [703 0] – Output 4..............................48 11.7.1 CANopen Pinout.......................................92 [704 0] – Output 5..............................48

Printed copies of this manual packed with the instruments may not include the
Appendix due to packing limitations, the full manual is on the included USB drive
and the most up to date revision can be downloaded from

Always check the PT web site for the most up to date information and revisions PT210 Instruction Manual 1




• Before using the instrument, check that the supply voltage is correct. If it is not, do not connect the
scale to the power supply.
• Before energising the instrument, check all connectors are installed properly and all external cables
are installed safely to avoid mechanical damage.
• The scale should only be used under suitable environmental conditions as indicated in this manual.
• Do not use this scale in places where conditions are unstable or there is explosive danger.
• Do not place the scale near heat sources or under direct sunlight where it may heat up.
• Keep the scale as far away from other electromagnetic radiation sources as possible, their influence
could affect the weighing accuracy.

Failure to follow these precautions will void warranty, contact your supplier to clarify any questions.

Rights and Liabilities

This publication may be reproduced in part, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of PT Limited.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every
precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, PT assumes no responsibility for errors or
omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained
The information herein is believed to be both accurate and reliable. PT, however, would be obliged to be
informed if any errors occur. PT cannot accept any liability for direct or indirect damages resulting from the
use of this manual.
PT reserves the right to revise this manual and alter its content without notification at any time.
Neither PT nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for damages, losses,
costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or third parties as a result of: accident, misuse, or abuse of this
product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or failure to strictly comply with
PT operating and maintenance instructions.
PT shall not be liable against any damages or problems arising from the use of any options or any
consumable products in any way other than in accordance with their standard terms and conditions.
NOTE: The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
All rights reserved. Copyright © 2015 by PT Limited, Auckland, New Zealand PT210 Instruction Manual 2

The PT210 is a smart indicator for industrial weighing process applications offering powerful PLC integration
facilities; standard serial ports such as RS-232C, RS-485, up to 4 digital inputs and 6 relay outputs.
A step up from the PT200, the PT210 is available in a range of versions to connect by various fieldbus
protocols such as Ethernet, Modbus, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, CANopen, Ethernet/IP, EtherCAT, CC-Link,
Powerlink, a version with analogue output and also a DIN rail mounting version with Modbus and analogue
Powerful calibration options including vCal, Electronic calibration without test weights supporting fast easy
setup and service. The PT210 features adaptive filtering for fast settling, high display resolution and a speed
of up to 1600 conversions per second.
It’s small size aluminum body is perfect for panel installations, providing a big display and requiring little
space on control panels. The instrument has a stainless steel front for use in harsh environments.










1 000 to 999 999 display resolution Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
High internal resolution up to 16 000 000 counts Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Up to 1600 conversion per second Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Serial interface RS-232C Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Serial interface RS-485 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Modbus RTU Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Analogue output (4–20, 0–20mA,0–5, 0–10VDC) - - Yes - - - - - - - - Yes
PROFIBUS DPV1 interface - - - Yes - - - - - - - -
PROFINET interface - - - - Yes - - - - - - -
Ethernet/IP interface - - - - - Yes - - - - - -
Ethernet (TCP/IP) interface - - - - - - Yes - - - - -
Modbus TCP - - - - - - Yes - - - - -
CANopen interface - - - - - - - Yes - - - -
EtherCAT interface - - - - - - - - Yes - - -
CC-Link interface - - - - - - - - - Yes - -
Powerlink interface - - - - - - - - - - Yes -
Continuous data output Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fast Continuous data output Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BSI data interface Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 Digital Inputs - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Relay outputs 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6
Non-isolated programmable digital input/output 2 - - - - - - - - - - -
Error and at zero outputs (non-isolated) - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Bidirectional signal input for force measurement Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unit selection (g, kg, t, lb, klb, N, kN ) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Peak hold function - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Hold function - Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Auto-zero tracking and auto-zero at power-up Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Motion detection Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Adaptive digital filter for faster measuring Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Electronic calibration (vCal) without test weights Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Electronic calibration (vCal) over field bus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zeroing and Taring via fieldbus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zero and Span calibrations over field bus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Zero adjustment without span change Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Span adjustment with test weights Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Span adjustment without unloading the scale Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
3 point calibration (linearity correction) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Programming by PT AzCom PC software Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
8 load cells 350 Ω or 16 load cells 700 Ω Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
12 to 28 VDC power supply range Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Trade Approvals Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - PT210 Instruction Manual 3


The following are the items supplied as standard. Please check the contents of your package before
installing and advise PT of any discrepancies.

Indicator PT210AN PT210DIN

3-position 3.81mm pitch green plug

1 Included 1 Included 1 Included
for power supply

3-position 3.81 mm pitch green plug

for analogue output or PT210DIN serial 1 Included 2 Included Not Required

7-position 3.81mm pitch black plug for

1 Included 2 Included 1 Included
load cell cable and PT210DIN relay output

6-position 3.81mm pitch black plug for RS-

1 Included Not Required 1 Included
232C and RS-485

6-position 3.81mm pitch black plug for

2 Included Not Required 2 Included
isolated I/O

2-position 3.81 mm pitch green plug

1 Included Not Required 1 Included
for non-isolated outputs

5-position 3.81 mm pitch green plug

Not Required 1 Included Not Required
for load cell and isolated inputs

Mounting hardware Included Not Required Included


The following accessories are available for separate purchase.
• Metrological sealing kit as used on approved scales to prevent tampering or interference.
• RS-232C cable with null modem wiring and 9 pin connector for PC connection.
• RS-232C to USB adapter.
• Load cells, cable and junction boxes are available on the PT web site.


Analogue to digital converter, converts the analogue signal into a digital signal.
Digital to analogue converter, converts the digital signal to an analogue signal, usually after some digital
signal processing.
Dead weight:
Dead weight is the self weight of the platform or scale load carrying structure on the load cells without
the contents or items to be weighed. The output voltage of the load cell in response to the weight of the
platform is usually the zero offset. The zero offset must be within the range of the instrument adjustment
for correct operation.
Live weight:
The weight that is applied to the scale and shown on the indicator.
Excitation voltage:
The voltage that is supplied by the indicator to the load cell.
Load cell: PT210 Instruction Manual 4

Load cell is a device that converts force to electronic voltage. A load cell consists of two parts. The first
part is a sensor that can be linearly distorted according to the force applied to it. The second part is the
strain gauge element which changes its resistance according to the distortion of the sensor.
Load cell rated output:
The output voltage from the load cell divided by the excitation voltage at load cell rated capacity. This is
usually expressed in mV/V.
Input range:
The maximum range of input that the device can accept. This is usually stated in mV and for a full load
cell system is calculated from the number of load cells (Lcn), mV/V (LCmv) and capacity (LCcap) and
also the maximum total load (TL) (including dead load) on the load cells and the excitation voltage (EV).

Input Range (mV) = TL / (LCn * LCcap) * LCmv * EV

Note: A summing box with corner adjustment will reduce this value slightly.
Full scale output. Errors may be presented as a % of the full output range after calibration.
Product Look Up. A code to look up values stored in product information
Counting Look Up. A code to look up values stored for counting
Average product weight. Used in parts counting, this is the average weight of one piece of product,
determined by weighing a sample and dividing by the number of parts.
Amount Look Up. A code to look up values stored in memory in relation to the amounts (quantity) of
parts in check weighing.
Span Adjustment
Adjust the indicator so that when the load on the scale is changed the scale correctly shows the same
Numbers shown in square brackets in bold refer to parameters set during configuration.
Words shown in square brackets in bold refer to prompts shown on the display.
Words shown in angled brackets in bold refer to keys of the keypad. <f>, <G/N>, <TARE>, <ZERO>,
EtherX is third party software available from the internet to enable setting of IP address parameters in
the indicators with Ethernet.
AzCom is software currently in development for communication and configuration of the PT Azure
Series indicators and controllers.


This manual is best viewed in a PDF reader showing contents list view of the left.

There is internal clickable linking to parameters where mentioned, links toexternal references and ready
access from the side index. Parameters and topics can also be readily searched. PT210 Instruction Manual 5

General common specifications
A/D Converter
A/D converter type 24 bit Delta-Sigma ratiometric with integral analog and digital filters
Conversion Rate Up to 1600 conversions per second.
Input sensitivity 0.4 μV/d (approved); 0.1μV/d (non approved)
Analog input range 0 mV to +18 mV (unipolar weighing); -18mV to +18mV (bidirectional force)
Zero offset adjustment range -18mV to +18mV
Display resolution up to 10 000 increments (approved); up to 999 999 increments (industrial)
Internal resolution up to 16 000 000
Non-linearity, temp. coefficient Within 0.0015% FS, < 2 ppm/ºC
Scale Calibration and Functions
Span calibration with weights, even without without zero calibration.
Calibration vCal for calibration by direct entry of load cell characteristics.
Calibration of span and zero by fieldbus commands.
Digital filter 10 step programmable adaptive digital filter.
Tare, zeroing, auto zero track, motion detection, auto-zero at power up, peak
Weighing functions
hold, hold.
Other Functions Pre-settable label (print ticket) count number, gross or tare indication.
Load cells
Excitation 5 VDC, 120 mA max.
Number of load cells Up to 8 load cells 350Ω, 16 load cells 700Ω, in parallel.
4 or 6 wire technique.
Load cell connection
Cable length: maximum 1000 m/mm² for 6-wire connection
RS-232 and modes 1200 to 115200 baud, programmable. Command, continuous, Printer, BSI.
1200 to 115200 baud, programmable. Command continuous, Printer, BSI
RS-485 and modes
output, Modbus RTU. Up to 31 units on the bus.
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands.
Format Programmable 1 line or multi-line, print ticket count number can be preset.
Digital Inputs and Outputs
Error and Zero non-isolated Current source, +supply-1.5V, max. 100mA (not present on PT210DIN)
Digital Inputs 4 opto-isolated digital inputs 12 to 28 VDC, 10mA.
Digital Outputs 5 outputs (6 for PT210DIN), free relay contact 250 VAC or 30 VDC, 1A.
Power Connection
All Models 12 to 28VDC 300mA.
Environment and Enclosure
-15 °C to +55 °C; 85% RH max, non-condensing, Front panel IP65 (P67
Operating Environment
with front panel sealing).
Stainless steel front panel, aluminium casing, stainless rear. 100mm x 55mm
panel, 100mm deep. PT210DIN polycarbonate 108 x 90 x 62 PT210 Instruction Manual 6

Model specific specifications

Protocol and Data Rate Modbus RTU on RS485. 1200 to 115200 baud, 8N1 / 7O1 / 7E1 / 8O1 / 8E1.
Maximum stations Up to 31 units per segment.
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands.
PT210AN and PT210DIN
Output Select from 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-5 VDC, 0-10 VDC
D/A Conversion 16 bit DAC
Maximum cable length 300 metre
Maximum load resistance 500 Ω (mA output)
Modbus Protocol and Data Rate Modbus RTU on RS485. 1200 to 115200 baud, 8N1 / 7O1 / 7E1 / 8O1 / 8E1.
Maximum stations Up to 31 units per segment.
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands.
Protocol and Data Rate TCP/IP and Modbus RTU 10 Mbit/s, half duplex.
TCP/IP settings Manual IP assigned during programming.
Switched Ethernet transmission with shielded twisted pair cables and RJ-45
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands.
Protocol and Data Rate PROFIBUS DP V1. 9.6 kbit/s to 12 Mbit/s automatic baud rate detection,
PLC setup Generic GSD-file provided.
Topology Media dependent, RS-485 segmented line without stubs.
Shielded twisted pair cable, line length depending on physical media and
transmission speed.
Maximum stations Up to 32 stations per segment, up to 126 stations per network.
Isolation Galvanically isolated bus electronics.
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands.
Data Rate 100 Mbit/s, full duplex
PLC setup Generic GSDML-file provided
DHCP or manual IP assignment during set up programming.
TCP/IP settings
Device identity customization.
Topology Line, Bus, Star or Tree topology depending on physical media.
Switched Ethernet transmission with shielded twisted pair cables and RJ-45
Isolation Galvanically isolated bus electronics.
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands.
Data Rate 10/100 Mbit/s, full or half duplex
PLC setup Generic EDS file provided
DHCP or manual IP assignment during set up programming.
TCP/IP settings
Device identity customization.
Topology Line, Bus, Star or Tree topology depending on physical media.
Switched Ethernet transmission with shielded twisted pair cables and RJ-45
Isolation Galvanically isolated bus electronics.
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands.
Data Rate 10 kbit/s – 1 Mbit/s (selectable) kbit/s
PLC setup Generic EDS-file provided
Line with Trunkline, Dropline structure and termination at both ends. Line
length 25 – 500 metres, dependent upon baud rate.
2 wires shielded twisted pair cable. Alternatively 4 wire with 24 Volt power
over the bus.
Maximum stations Up to 127 stations per network.
Isolation Galvanically isolated bus electronics
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands. PT210 Instruction Manual 7

Data Rate 100Mbits/s, full duplex.
ESI file Generic ESI file provided.
Topology Line, Tree, Star or Daisy-chain topology depending on physical media
Switched Ethernet transmission with shielded twisted pair cables and RJ-45
Isolation Galvanically isolated bus electronics.
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands.
Data rate 156kbits/s – 10Mbits/s (selectable).
Topology Line with Trunk line, Branch structure and Termination at both Ends.
Installation 3 wires shielded twisted pair cable.
Maximum stations Up to 64 stations per network.
Isolation Galvanically isolated bus electronics.
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands.
Data Rate 100Mbits/s, half duplex.
Supports POWERLINK V2.0 Communication Profile Specification version
XDD file Generic XDD file provided.
Rin redundancy Available.
Topology 100% free choice of star, tree, ring or daisy chain.
Switched Ethernet transmission with shielded twisted pair cables and RJ-45
Isolation Galvanically isolated bus electronics.
Response Speed < 4mS response delay from read/write commands. PT210 Instruction Manual 8

Warning: Please take note of the steps below required to get your scale operating. Each step refers to
the appropriate location in the manual.

1. Install load cells into weighing system and connect to a junction box for multiple
load cells.

2. Connect load cells from the junction box to the indicator. 5.3 , p11
Take note of the number of wires and follow the wiring instruction for 4 or 6 wire

3. Connect the indicator to the power supply. 5.4 , p11

4. Check to see if access to settings requires a pass code, a switch to be activated or

a jumper wire to be installed.

5. Configure required settings for communications and I/O ports. 5.8 , p13, 6.3.8 ,

6. Configure the indicator for the desired weighing range and increment of weight.
7.4.2 , p43
Note, this is not necessarily the capacity of the load cells, it is good practise to have
some reserve capacity. For example 4 x 10t load cells may be used for a weighing
range of 30t.

7. Calibrate the instrument to show zero with an empty scale and the correct weight
when loaded (zero and span). There are various methods of calibration, the most
accurate is generally calibration with a known weight. 7.5 , p43

8. Adjust filter ( , p42)and other settings to suit the operating environment.
Make sure high resolution display is not activated in normal weighing. ,

9. Check the configuration to confirm calibration and settings are correct and correct
operation of the scale by placing a known load on the scale. PT210 Instruction Manual 9

Warning: Please read this manual carefully before installing the instrument. Applying the
recommendations in this section will increase your system reliability and long term performance.

Control Cabinet
The control cabinet should be designed so that PT210 can operate safely and with highest
performance. The panel should be placed in a clean area, out of direct sun light if possible, with a
temperature between -15 ºC and +55 ºC and humidity not exceeding 85%RH, non-condensing. All
external cables should be installed securely to avoid mechanical damage.

PT210 instruments are very low level signal measuring instruments. To avoid electrical noise they
should be separated from any equipment that produces electrical noise.
• It is preferable to use metal cabinets to protect against radio frequency interference and ensure
the cabinet is connected to ground.
• Load cell cable trays must be separated from others, if possible, as power or motor control
cables can cause interference.
• If there is noise-generating equipment, such as heavy load switches, motor control equipment,
inductive loads etc., please take care to protect against EMC interference in the cabinet and if
necessary protect PT210 instruments with a Faraday cage or install them well separated or in a
separate section well away from this kind of equipment.
• Connect parallel reverse diodes to the DC inductive loads like relays, solenoids etc. to minimize
voltage peaks on the DC power supply.
• If the condition of your plant electrical supply fluctuates or is subject to noise and interference,
prepare a special power line and grounding.
• Good quality grounding of the instruments will improve weighing accuracy and the safety of
your indicator.

All cables coming to the control cabinet should be shielded. Please use separate cable trays for these
low signal level cables. The distance from load cell cables, interface cables and DC power supply
cables to mains power line cables must be minimum 50 cm unless they are installed in a properly
grounded steel conduit or you could experience a reduction in performance.

Warning: Please always remember that PT210 instruments are very low voltage measuring
instruments. Your control cabinet design and proper installation increases reliability and performance of
the instrument. Please do not forget that the instrument must be powered off before inserting or
removing any peripheral connector.


The PT210 indicators are panel mounted from the front with stainless steel front and back parts, and
aluminium body. Dimensions are shown with 1/8 DIN cut out below. The PT210DIN DIN rail mounts.

100mm (3.94") 99mm (3.90")

55 mm 46 mm
(2.16") (1.81")

92 mm (3.62")

Panel mount
47 mm

Cut-out PT210 Instruction Manual 10

Connections are made with connectors to the rear panel, as shown below. Allow adequate clearance
for connectors and cable.

PT210AN rear panel PT210MB rear panel

PT210PB rear panel PT210PN rear panel

PT210EI rear panel PT210EN rear panel

PT210CO rear panel PT210PL and PT210EC rear panel

PT210CC rear panel PT210DIN Connections

Install the indicator into the panel from the front with the panel fixing accessories supplied. Be sure to
complete the mechanical installation of your weighing system and the panel installation is finished to
ensure optimum life before starting the electrical installation as described below. PT210 Instruction Manual 11


Warning: After load cell connection to the instrument, welding on the mechanical structure or fittings is
not recommended. Disconnect all connectors from the indicator before any welding on the mechanical

The load cell wiring should be installed carefully before energising to avoid damage to the instrument
and load cells. The combined input resistance of the load cells that you want to connect should be more
than 42Ω. Do not bind the load cell cables together with other cables as it could result in cross-talk
interference. Please also keep them well away from the AC power cables.

4 wire LC connection 6 wire LC connection

Load cell connection details are shown above. In 4-wire installations the sense and excitation pins with
the same polarity should be connected together in the connector (connect Sense+ to Excitation+,
Sense- to Excitation-). If you have a junction box in your system, use 6 wire cable between the
instrument and the junction box, and for 4 wire load cells connect Sense and Excitation in the junction
box for better performance.

Warning: Always connect Sense pins to Excitation pins for 4 wire connection. Non-connected sense
pins may cause the wrong Excitation voltage measurement and create an accuracy problem.
Warning: Connect the load cell cable shield to the reference ground or shield pin of the load cell
connector (centre pin).


The weighing instrument measures very low signal levels. The quality of the power supply and
grounding will affect the accuracy and the safety of your measuring system. It is very important that the
instrument should not share power lines with noise-generating parts such as heavy load switching
relays, motor control equipment, inductive loads, etc. If the condition of the mains power supply in the
plant is poor, install a special mains power line and grounding.

The power supply voltage of the instrument shall be between 12 VDC and 28 VDC. The connection of
power supply to the 24 VDC power supply connector located right - bottom of the instrument is shown
below. Be sure, the power supply is switched of before connection.

Load cell Grounding and protection Power Supply Connection

Warning: Before modifying the instrument, turn the power off and wait at least for 30 seconds.
Warning: Connect the power supply grounding pin to the reference ground.
NOTE: The power connector ground , case, Excitation -ve, RS232 GND, RS485 are all
connected at the same grounding potential. Electrical noise on any of these connections could degrade
weighing performance. PT210 Instruction Manual 12


Check the mechanical installation, grounding, load cell connection and power supply connection to be
sure correct electrical installation has been completed before energising the instrument. If all previous
steps have been completed properly, energise the instrument.


Before using the scale it must be configured (programmed) to display the correct capacity and
increment and have a number of advanced functions configured in 7 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
AND SETUP. The scale must also be calibrated to display the weight correctly as detailed in 7.5 [3__]
Warning: If the scale has been sealed, call a person with authorisation before modifying the scale or

To access configuration and calibration settings there is a DIP switch, front of the PT210DIN, rear on
the other PT210, between the load cell connector and the non-isolated output connector. On the
PT210DIN set it to 1, on the other PT210 it is set deep inside the casing and should be set to position 2
(ON is downward) to change the metrological related parameters including calibration. THE HOUSING

Location of configuration DIP switch - PT210DIN Location of configuration DIP switch

Note: Configuration and Calibration can be performed from a PC as described in API 17.596 AzComI
Software for Azure Indicators. This API is supplied on the USB with the instrument.

Program the instrument according to the needs of your application in this step.
• Set interface parameters in block [00-] ( 7.2.1 ), RS232 and RS485 serial ports in [01-] ( 7.2.2 ).
• Set configuration parameters in block [1--] ( 7.3 ) for scale functions related with the application
like saving tare before power off and restart in Net mode and digital I/O related entries.
• Parameters to set up the scale such as zeroing range are in block [2--] ( 7.4 ). Please
remember these parameter values are restricted for scale usage in trade. The scale capacity
and division values are also entered in this block.
• If you will be connecting any peripheral devices to the instrument, you have to set the related
parameters in the PT210. Refer to ( 7.3.3 ) for digital input/output, ( 7.6 ) for analogue output
programming and ( 7.2 ) for fieldbus interfacing.

Warning: The programming and parameter descriptions are referred later. We recommend you save
these parameters before the next step in case the settings are lost if calibration fails due to an error.

You will need to calibrate the scale after programming the parameters. You may follow one the
calibration methods below.
• vCal Electronic calibration without calibration weights. This can be from the key pad or via
AzCom or fieldbus (including RS-232C ()).
• Full calibration via keys on the instrument by using calibration weights. ( 7.5.1 ).
• Zero adjustment and span adjustment in sequence via keys or fieldbus. Span calibration
requires a calibration weight unless performed with vCal. You may save just the zero calibration
if required without continuing to span adjustment.( ).
• Zero adjustment and span adjustment under load, performed in sequence via keys, if the scale
cannot be emptied when span adjustment is required. Calibration weights are required for span
calibration. ( ).

You can access the calibration menu from the operation menu by following the description in the “Fast
access to calibration” section ( 7.1 ). After calibration and after saving the adjustment return to the
operating menu ( 7.1 )
Remember: You may use parameter [905] to monitor the load cell output voltage during
loading for diagnostic purposes if you can not perform the calibration due to errors. PT210 Instruction Manual 13


If the DIP switch has been set to the position (ON) for programming, push it to the other position to lock
the scale adjustment against access by non-authorised persons. If the scale is used in non-trade
industrial weighing, this step is not essential, but is recommended to prevent accidental changes.


• Scale set-up and calibration should be performed according to the needs of your application.
Please read this document carefully and select the parameter values which will fit your
application before programming the instrument.
• You cannot change Set-up parameter values and calibration after sealing the instrument in
legal usage, be sure the proper adjustments have been done before sealing the scale.
Check the scale performance by testing the scale eccentricity, scale linearity with loading up to the
maximum loading value, repeatability, etc. before putting the scale into use.


RS 232C port usage and specifications are shown in the table below. Refer to 6.3.8 Serial Data
Output of the manual to set up this interface.

Interfacing with a Printer, PC, PLC or remote display

connection. Connection to AzCom Software.
Continuous, Fast Continuous, Printer Format, BSI
Data formats
Protocol, Modbus-RTU High-Low, Modbus-RTU Low-
You will find the data format details in ([000])
Baud rate 1200 to 115200 bps, 9600 (Default) ([001])
Length and parity 8 bits no parity (Default), 8Odd, 8Even, 7Odd, 7Even ([004])
Start / Stop bits 1 start bit and 1 stop bit

Table 1: RS-232C Serial Interface Specifications

The connection to the indicator RS-232 port is made as below. Connection to external equipment can
be either 2 wire for transmitting data only to a printer, PC or remote display or 3 wire for conversational
transmission where it is necessary to send the indicator commands or set up information.

Illustration 1: 2 wire Connection with a printer

Illustration 2: 3 wire connection to a PC

Note: Connecting the shield to the reference ground will protect your weighing system against EMC


RS-485 port usage and specifications are shown in the table below. Refer to of the manual to
set up this interface.

Interfacing with a Printer, PC, PLC or remote display

connection. Programming with AzCom software.
Continuous, Fast Continuous, Printer Format, BSI Protocol,
Data formats Modbus-RTU High-Low, Modbus-RTU Low-High
You will find the data format details in ([010])
Baud rate 1200 to 115200 bps, 9600 (Default) ([011])
Length and parity 8 bits no parity (Default), 8Odd, 8Even, 7Odd, 7Even ([014])
Start / Stop bits 1 start bit and 1 stop bit

Table 2: RS-485 Serial Interface Specifications PT210 Instruction Manual 14

The RS-485 serial connection is made with three wires as indicated below. Line termination resistors 0f
110 ohms are needed both ends of the RS 485 line.

Note: Connecting the shield to the reference ground will protect your weighing system against EMC
Note: Disconnect AzCom PC software before starting Modbus-RTU interfacing.
Note: For longer transmission distances or noisy environments connection to remote displays and
process controllers with shielded twisted pairs as below is recommended.


PT210 digital inputs are independently programmable for zeroing, taring, clearing, printing, key lock,
peak hold, or hold and as a fieldbus input port. If the input is programmed as a fieldbus input port, the
input status is transferred to the PLC by fieldbus command.

Inputs are opto-isolated, 12~28 VDC,10 mA. Input connection is as below.

The connector is marked with number 1 at the most left position, ignore the connector number and
follow the indicator markings.
To connect a wire, depress the orange tab inwards and put the wire with end stripped 8mm to the
bottom of the hole and release the tab. The spring loaded clip will grip the wire.

The diagrams below show the functional operation of the different modes.

Zero or Tare functions Peak function Hold function PT210 Instruction Manual 15


PT210 digital relay outputs can be used as standard, threshold and window. Threshold and window
outputs are also programmable positive or negative polarity. Digital outputs of the PT210 are also
programmable as a fieldbus port to be able to control them with fieldbus commands. Refer to parameter
[117] , [130] and [70-] 7.7.1 .

Digital Relay output are rated at 250 VAC or 30 VDC, 1A. Connection is shown below.

The connector is marked with number 1 at the most left position (Output-5), ignore the connector
number and follow the indicator markings.
To connect a wire, depress the orange tab inwards and put the wire with end stripped 8mm to the
bottom of the hole and release the tab. The spring loaded clip will grip the wire.

The diagrams in the table below show the functional operation of the different modes.

Standard Output:
Only one set point value is entered.
The output state is forced active high
(ON) when the weight is higher than
SP1, otherwise the output is passive
Refer to parameter [130] .

Threshold Output: (with hysteresis)

2 set point values are entered. SP1 is
the point that the output goes active
(ON) when the weight increases past
SP1_H. SP1_L is the point that the
output drops to the passive (OFF) state
when the weight decreases below
The inverse function is also available.
Refer to parameters [7--] 7.7 .
Window Output:
2 set point values are entered. The
output is active when the weight is
between SP1_L and SP1_H.
The inverse function is also available.
Refer to parameters [7--] 7.7 .

Refer to use of the SP (G/N) key to set the values of the set-points in 6.1 KEYPAD AND DISPLAY. PT210 Instruction Manual 16


For the non-isolated DI/O transistor outputs for Error and at Zero (in Zero Range) the output voltage is
1.5V less than the power supply voltage (power supply voltage – 1.5V) and maximum current is 100mA.
Please make the connections as shown below.

Note: Not present on the PT210DIN.

To configure the “at Zero” transistor output, refer to parameter [117]

For connection to the other interfaces refer to the relevant sections of the manual (Analogue, Ethernet,
PROFIBUS, PROFINET, CANopen). PT210 Instruction Manual 17

Once you have familiarised yourself with the keypad and display you will find operation and set up quite
straight forward.


This small indicator has a clear LED display and positive action keys for easy operation. The weight
display is displayed with up to 6 digits 13.5mm in height. There are LED annunciators to indicate
Net/Gross Zero, Motion and Units

Keys and their functions for the PT210 weighing indicators are below. These also apply to the

Function key: Press to activate the assigned function. The key function is programmable for
Increased resolution indication, Total, Tare value indication, CN value indication, Peak function
and Hold function with parameter [116] .
During configuration this key exits the current block and confirms exit without saving.
G/N, Setpoint key: Pressing this key temporarily shows the Gross weight. A long press of this
key enters the set point menu.
During configuration this key moves to the next parameter menu item.
Tare / Clear key: Press this key to tare the scale and deduct the weight of the container placed
on the platform so as to see the net weight value of the material subsequently added into or
taken out of the container. A long press of this key clears the tare setting.
During configuration this key moves to the next digit to change, shown blinking.
Zero key: This key adjusts the scale zero when in Gross mode. If there is any residual weight or
drift. Zeroing should be done without any load on the platform.
During configuration this key changes the parameter selection or flashing digit to be changed.
Print key: By pressing this key weight data and other information (depending on the setup
parameters) can be sent to a printer or a PC via serial port.
During configuration this key acts as an enter key to accept a selection and advance.

The PT210 has the ability to lock the keys to avoid access by unauthorised persons. The key(s) which
would be locked are programmed with parameter [115] .
You can activate or deactivate this function by a long press of the <F> key, press the <TARE> key and
<PRINT> keys sequentially. The prompt [Lock] appears for a short while to indicate the pressed key is

An explanation of the annunciators seen on the display is below.

Motion: This sign appears if the load on the scale is not stable. The weight value of the object
should be read if the scale is stable. Taring, zeroing, printing and accumulation are not available
when the scale is unstable.

Center of zero: This sign appears if the weight is within the center of the zero band.

Weight unit: The weighing unit is located on the right of the weighing display as kg, g, lb, klb, N,
Net weight: This sign indicates that the weight value is the net weight.
Gross weight: This sign indicates the displayed weight value is the gross weight.
Gross PT210 Instruction Manual 18


After the power is energised the indicator activates the display within few seconds then the indicator
firmware name and version are displayed before display testing. After the start up cycle, the weight
value is displayed. An [E E E] prompt at power on indicates the zeroing range at power on has been
exceeded or the scale was not unloaded at power on. Possibly the indicator parameters have also not
been configured. The scale should be unloaded before power on ( 8 TROUBLE SHOOTING).

Place the object you want to weigh on the scale. The correct weight of the object is shown on the
display after the ~ symbol has gone out.
If the load on the scale is out of the calibrated range (too low or too high) the display will show as below.
Too low. Too high.

6.2.1 Zeroing
Zeroing is performed to compensate for deviations from zero of the unloaded scale. Sometimes there
can be some small build up of material or drifting out of the automatic zero band.
• Clean the unloaded platform and check if there is anything touching the platform.
• Press the [ZERO] key to compensate for the zero deviation. Zeroing can be performed if the
scale is stable and within the zero setting range.
• The >0< sign appears to indicate that zeroing is complete and the scale is at center of zero.
• If zeroing is has not succeeded, wait for the ~ sign disappear and press the [ZERO] key again. Zero at Power On
The zero point can be corrected automatically at power on to compensate for zero drifts of the scale if
the scale is always powered on when unloaded. This feature should be disabled for tank, silo, hopper
scales etc.

Power on zero has a limited range and the instrument shows the [ E E E ] error prompt in the case of
out of range. Press the <F> key to read the residual drift and to start weight indication without zeroing
and call service.
Warning: Automatic zeroing at power on can be enabled only if the scale is always unloaded before
power on. This function should be disabled for tank / silo weighing applications or you will no longer
know the content weight. Automatic Zero Tracking (AZT)
The zero point is corrected automatically for minor deviations if the change is within the range limited by
the zeroing range value. Disable this correction for applications like tank weighing, batching, filling etc.
to prevent incorrect zeroing during feeding. Refer to Automatic Zero Tracking parameter [204].
The Automatic zero point correction range is limited together with zeroing range above in the parameter
[203] .

6.2.2 Taring
Taring is performed to deduct the initial weight of a container and its contents and to just display the net
weight added into the container or unloaded from the container. The PT210 is programmable for 3
types of tare function: Single tare, Multi-tare, Tare/Clear, see ( , ).
Warning: The tare value cannot exceed the maximum scale capacity. The maximum amount that can
be weighed in NET mode is the difference between the tare weight and the maximum scale capacity.
Capacity in Net = Maximum scale capacity – Tare weight. Multi-taring
• Place the container on the platform and press the [TARE] key.
• The display value is zeroed and the NET (net weight) symbol appears.
• Place the material in to the container and read the net weight of the material you added.
◦ Alternatively you can press [TARE] above after placing a container of material on to the
scale. You can remove material from the container and the scale shows how much material
has been taken out.
• The tare value is used until either a new tare is set by pressing the [TARE] key or it is cleared
after unloading the scale or zeroing the scale. Tare/Clear
• Place the container on the platform and press the [TARE] key.
• The display is zeroed and the NET (net weight) symbol appears.
• Place the material into the container (or remove it as explained above) and read the net weight.
• A long press of the [TARE] key will clear the tare. Or press the [ZERO] key after unloading the
scale. PT210 Instruction Manual 19

6.2.3 Gross/Net Function

You can use the Gross/Net function at any time to temporarily switch the display between the net and
gross weight with the [G/N] key. After the [G/N] key is pressed, the display shows the gross weight for
a few seconds and then automatically goes back to the net weight indication.

6.2.4 Printing
You can connect your indicator to a printer as indicated in Illustration 1:2 wire Connection with a printer
and then set serial data output related parameters and printer parameters ([040] to select the
printout ticket format from the table below. Press the [PRINT] key to print the ticket after loading when
the indication is stable. As you see in this table, the printouts contain different data depending on the
operating mode as configured in .

Single line printout.

CN: 21 G: 3.000kg T: 1.000kg N: 2.000kg


9 3 13 3 13 3 13 1 1

Multi-line printouts

Multi Line-1Format Multi Line-2 Format

In a similar way you can print to a PC with a connection as shown in Illustration 1: 2 wire Connection
with a printer p13.

6.2.5 Totalising Weights

You may wish to total a number of weighings. Pressing the <PRINT> key will add the current weight to
the total in memory. Set the <f> key to display the total ( ).
To clear the weight total, you need to press the <TARE> key while the total value is seen on the
display. [All C] will appear on the display, you can confirm deletion by pressing the <PRINT> key or
cancel by pressing the <f> key.


Please refer to 6.1 KEYPAD AND DISPLAY for the keypad button functions. There are a number of
more advanced functions available to the user that do not affect the metrological aspects of the PT210
and may be accessed, such as tare settings, assignment of the function key, filter settings, print ticket
number (CN), display rate, I/O and serial port and print settings. Be sure to save any changes by
pressing <PRINT> when you exit.

6.3.1 f Function Key Usage

The <f> function key can be programmed to provide direct access to various functions. Enter
configuration ( 7.1 ) and use the <G/N> and <TARE> keys to access parameter block [116] ( ).
The options for the function key are listed below.
0 = no action 1 = Hi-res display 2 = Display Total
3 = show tare value 4 = show CN value 5 = reading hold function
6 = peak hold function

6.3.2 Stability filter

You can change the digital filtering with this parameter to compensate for the influence on the scale of
vibration or motion in the environment or to increase performance or for faster response. Enter
configuration ( 7.1 ) and use the <G/N> and <TARE> keys to access parameter block [120] ( ).

The filter value can be selected from a number n = 0 to 9 (7 is a good starting point in normal weighing
applications). As you enter this parameter and press the <PRINT> key while [120 n] is seen on the
display, the weight and filtering action can be seen on the display. The value of the filter can be
changed by using <G/N> key and the weight variation for each filter value can be seen on the display. PT210 Instruction Manual 20

After finishing the filter selection you can go to next step by pressing the <f> key.

6.3.3 Tare Operation

The PT210 can have the tare function programmed to operate in 4 different modes with the tare key.
Enter configuration ( 7.1 ) and use the <G/N> and <TARE> keys to access parameter blocks to make
the settings below.
[112] ( ) Tare Saved
0 = tare value is not saved 1 = tare value is saved on power off
[113] ( ) Auto Tare Clear
0 = tare value is not cleared 1 = tare value is cleared after unloading**
**Note: This implies a change back to Gross mode.
Tare mode [205] ( ) requires metrological access. Automatic Tare clear
The tare is automatically cleared after emptying the scale, if this feature is enabled. Refer to parameter
[ 113 ] . Restore Tare at Power on
This function saves the tare at power off and the instrument will start to operate in Net mode when
powered on with the same tare weight in use at power off. This feature should be enabled, if taring is
used for tank weighing applications. Refer to parameter [112] .

6.3.4 Force Measurement

The instrument should be set to force mode for bidirectional force measurement from -Maximum to
+Maximum (as set in capacity). The force unit N or kN can be displayed. The PT210 is a very fast force
measurement instrument with its high conversion rate, up to 1600 conversions/s. Refer to parameter
[ 210 ] .

6.3.5 High Resolution

The < F > key can be programmed for high resolution (the default), the weight value is displayed with
10 times higher resolution temporarily for 5 seconds. This is usefull for checking calibration and load
cell corner adjustments.

6.3.6 Total Accumulation

If the < F > key is programmed for totalising, the printed weights are accumulated and displayed by
pressing the < F > key. Press the < Print > key to print the total or press the < Zero > key to erase the
total, while the total is displaying.

6.3.7 Setpoints
The PT210 can be set to various basic setpoint functions like absolute, numerical or control outputs.
Refer to 5.11 , and for details. Besides these basic functions you may set digital
outputs so they can easily be used for various applications. This feature of the instrument eliminates the
need for a PLC in control cabinets. Below you will find some examples of the PT210 advanced setpoint
functions. Setpoints are set with a long press of the SP(G/N) key. See 6.1 KEYPAD AND DISPLAY.

Basic setpoints. Below are examples of what could be considered basic setpoint functionality.
Setpoint of absolute indicated weight.

The absolute indicated weight value is compared with the setpoint

entry and the output state is activated if the absolute weight is
higher than the setpoint value. As an example, setpoint 1 is 100 kg
in the drawing on the right. This applied to the indicated weight,
whether net or gross.

Refer to parameter [ 130 ]=1,2,3,4

Setpoints of gross weight.

The output state is activated when the gross loading exceeds the
setpoint value. This feature can be used to produce alarm signal
for empty or for overloaded or full scales, tanks etc. As an
example, setpoint 1 is 100 kg in the drawing on the right.

Refer to parameter [ 130 ] PT210 Instruction Manual 21

Setpoints of real indicated weight.

The + or - sign of the setpoint can be entered. The output signal is

produced if ;
Positive setpoint : The output is activated if the weight is heavier
than the setpoint. Refer to setpoint 1 in the drawing.
Negative setpoint : The output is activated if the negative net
weight is less than the setpoint. Refer to setpoint 2 in the drawing.
As an example, setpoint 1 is 100 kg and setpoint 2 is -200 kg in
the drawing on the right.

To enter the negative or positive value, use a long press of the

<Tare> key while the set point value is seen on the display.

Refer to parameter [ 130 ]

Functional setpoint mode enables the PT210 to simulate various control modes such as filling or

Control Mode-2:
Control Mode-1:
Setpoints are entered such that;
Setpoints are entered such that;
and outputs are activated as indicated above.
and outputs are activated as indicated above.
This mode can be used for filling, grading, check-
This mode can be used for check-weighing,
weighing, sorting, filling, multi-component
sorting, filling, multi-component batching etc.
batching etc.
Refer to parameter [ 130 ]
Refer to parameter [ 130 ]
Example 2: Sorting, grading or Check-weighing. If
Example 1: Basic Filling. 3 speed. If you want to
you require basic check-weighing or sorting you
use the weight of the hopper for filling a container
can set the setpoints to Control mode-1. After
or bag, you can set the setpoints to Control mode-
entering the sorting weights to SP1, SP2 and SP3
2. After entering the coarse, medium and fine
in sequence, outputs will change as shown on the
speed cutoff points to SP1, SP2 and SP3 in
sequence, outputs will change as shown above to
fill 20 kg bags. PT210 Instruction Manual 22

Threshold Output: (hysteresis) Window Output:

2 set point values are entered. SP1 is the point 2 set point values are entered. The output is
that the output goes active when the weight active when the weight is between SP1_L and
increases past SP1_H. SP1_L is the point that the SP1_H. The inverse function is available. Refer to
output drops to the passive state when the weight parameter [ 7-- ] 7.7.1
decreases below to SP1_L.
The inverse function is available. Example 3: Producing alarm. if you want to
Refer to parameter [ 7-- ] 7.7.1 produce alarm signal between two weight values,
e.g. between 200.0 and 300.0 kg, additional to
your other cutoff needs, you can set setpoint 5 to
functional output and active window. After
entering SP5L = 200.0 and SP5H=300.0, the
digital output will be as shown above to control
valves, lamps etc.

6.3.8 Serial Data Output

Serial data output, including printing, is controlled in the interface menus [00_] ( 7.2.1 ), [01_] ( 7.2.2 ).
and [04_] ( 7.2.4 ). The choice of settings is very comprehensive. Serial Port 1 (RS-232C)
The RS-232C port is industry standard connecting easily to most PCs and ideal for shorter distances
and configuration.
Enter configuration ( 7.1 ) and use the <G/N> and <TARE> keys to access parameter blocks to make
the settings below.
Set data format or mode from no data transfer, continuous data output, print mode, BSI command
mode, Modbus RTU High-Low, Modbus RTU Low-High, Fast continuous mode.
Set baud rate, address, data bits and parity, checksum, carriage return, line feed and response speed. Serial Port 2 (RS-485)
RS-485 is best suited for longer transmission distances, multi-device networks and higher speeds in
noisy environments.
Enter configuration ( 7.1 ) and use the <G/N> and <TARE> keys to access parameter blocks to make
the settings below.
Set data format or mode from no data transfer, continuous data output, print mode, BSI command
mode, Modbus RTU High-Low, Modbus RTU Low-High, Fast continuous mode.
Set baud rate, address, data bits and parity, checksum, carriage return, line feed and response speed. Continuous Data Formats
Continuous data output from the instrument is transmitted in the following data structures. There are 2
options for continuous output. Continuous output and fast continuous output.
Note: CR (Carriage return) and LF (Line feed) codes can be enabled or disabled from the response in
interface port settings [00-], 7.2.1 [01-] 7.2.2 but they must be sent to the PT210 at the end of ASCII

Continuous Data Format

Continuous data output of the PT210 is transmitted in the following data structure. The serial ports of
the PT210 are suitable for bi-directional communication. If, you transmit ASCII codes for the P(print),
Z(zero), T(tare) or C(clear) letters to the serial port of the PT210 the indicator will act as if the related
keys had been pressed.
CHK (Checksum) can be enabled or disabled from both command and response and only continuous
data output can be programmed for more than one interface.

Status Displayed Weight Tare


Following is the definition table for status bytes STA, STB and STC; PT210 Instruction Manual 23

Definition Table for Status A (STA) Definition Table for Status B (STB)
Bits Bits
Bits 0, 1 and 2 Bits 3 and 4 Bit 7 Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 6 Bit 7
5,6 4,5

1= Net

1= Weight

1= Error

1= Unstable

Decimal Inc.

with power
0 1 2 3 4

point size
0 0 0 XXXX00 1 0 X1
1 0 0 XXXXX0 0 1 X2

Always = 1
Always 1
0 1 0 XXXXXX 1 1 X5

1 1 0 XXXXX.X

0 = Gross

0 = Weight

0 = No Error

0 = Stable

on zeroed

0 = Not
power on
zeroed with
0 0 1 XXXX.XX
1 0 1 XXX.XXX
0 1 1 XX.XXXX
1 1 1 X.XXXXX

Status C (STC) is always hex ‘30’.

CHK (Checksum) = 0 – (STX+STATUS A+...+LF)

Note: The weight data is represented right aligned and the following error messages (UNDER, OVER,
L-VOLT, H-VOLT and A.OUT) are represented left aligned in the Displayed Weight field.

Fast Continuous Data Format

Fast continuous “indicated weight” data output can be used only for receiving instruments that can
communicate fast. There is no flow control if the device cannot keep up with the data flow. The output
rate is related to the baud rate. Use higher baud rate for faster data rate. If ASCII codes are received by
the PT210 for the P(print), Z(zero), T(tare) or C(clear) letters, the indicator will act as if the related keys
had been pressed. CR and LF can be enabled in the related parameters.

The data format of the fast continuous data output is;


Examples :
S+000123.4 (weight is stable and 123.4)
D+000123.4 (weight is dynamic and 123.4)
+ (Over load)
- (Under load)
O (ADC out error)

. BSI Communication
BSI Communication provides conversational access over a Bidirectional Serial Interface. All PT Azure
series products support this convenient communications protocol. It is supported on RS-232C, RS-485
and Ethernet (PT210EN) interfaces.
The BSI data format gives reliable and fast interface advantages for communicating with PLCs or PCs
for process control or transactional applications. This interfacing is recommended especially for PC
interfacing as you can expand your system with additional scales from PT without having to change
your application program base.
The protocol is very simple to use, a command is sent to the PT210 and a response is transmitted
Warning: Only one interface can have BSI enabled at one time. No check sum [CHK] is used over

General Rules:

1. Commands are only in CAPITAL.

2. CHK (2 ASCII char) can be enabled or disabled from both command and response.
3. Weight data is 8-byte with dot and non-significant zeros on the left.
4. The device address (2 ASCII char) will not be located in the structure when set to 00.

Command format:
A general description of the command is as follows:

Response format: PT210 Instruction Manual 24

A general description of the response with weight / force is the following:


Response format without weight / force


Command Table:

A Read all weight data immediately

B Read Gross weight value immediately
C Clear the tare memory
G Read the voltage value of the DC power supply
I Read current indicated weight value immediately
P Print: Read the current stable weight value
Q Load set points
R Read set points
S Read Status
T Tare
U Read digital inputs
V Read digital outputs
W Set/Reset digital outputs
X Read current weight value in increased resolution (Hi-res) immediately
Z Zero (same as pressing the zero key)

Status Table:

A Ack. Acknowledge, the command has been performed successfully

D Dynamic, unstable weight
E Errors except of H, L, O, +, −.
H High voltage detected
I The weight is in range
L Low voltage detected
N Nack. Not acknowledge, the command was not performed successfully
O ADC out of range
S Stable weight
X Syntax error (the received command was not recognized)
+ Overload
− Underload

Note: CHK, CR and LF will not be shown in the below data format descriptions in this section.

Commands and Responses:

A | Read all weight data

Command : [ADR][A]
Example :
Command : 01A
Response : 01AS+000123.4+000111.1+000234.5
01AO (ADC out error)
The response is net, tare and gross weight values or error status.
All weight data is transmitted immediately after receiving the command.

B | Read Gross weight

Command : [ADR][B]
Example :
Command : 01B
Response : 01BS+000123.4 (gross weight is stable and 123.4)
01BD+000123.4 (gross weight is dynamic and 123.4) PT210 Instruction Manual 25

01B− (under load)

The response is the gross weight value (stable or dynamic) or error status.
Gross weight data is transmitted immediately after receiving command.

C | Clear the tare memory

Command : [ADR][C]
Response : [ADR][C][A] (Memory cleared and the scale is in gross mode)
The response status is always A in weighing or force mode

G | Read DC power supply voltage

Command : [ADR][G]
Example :
Command : 01G
Response : 01GA234 (Power supply is 23.4 VDC)
01GA150 (Power supply is 15.0 VDC)
Voltage value is 3 byte and sent with 0.1 V increment.

I | Read indicated weight

Command : [ADR][I]
Example :
Command : 01I
Response : 01IS+000123.4 (weight is stable and 123.4)
01ID+000123.4 (weight is dynamic and 123.4)
01I+ (overload)
Indicated weight value (stable or dynamic) is transmitted immediately.
The weight value may be in gross or net.

P | Print: Read the stable weight

Command : [ADR][P]
Example :
Command : 01P
Response : 01PS+000123.4 (weight is stable and 123.4) or
01PN (could not print)
If the weight is not stable, Nack status is sent advising the weight could not be sent.
Status can be S(table) or N.

Q | Load set points

Command : [ADR][Q][SP No][SP Type][SIGN][SP VALUE]
Response : [ADR][Q][STATUS]
Example :
Command : 01Q01L+000123.4
Response : 01QA (123.4 loaded to SP1_L)
01QN (Could not be loaded)
01QX (Decimal point mismatch of the SP VALUE)
SP Number comprises 2 bytes of ASCII characters. Use 01 (0x3031) for SP1, 02 for SP2, etc.
SP Type is a 1 byte ASCII character. Use ‘L’ for SPx_L and use ‘H’ for SPx_H.
SP VALUE data is 8-bytes of ASCII characters with decimal and non-significant zeros on the left.

R | Read set points

Command : [ADR][R][SP No][SP Type]
Example :
Command : 01R01L PT210 Instruction Manual 26

Response : 01RA+000123.4 (SP1_L is 123.4)

01RN (Could not read)
SP Number comprises 2 bytes of ASCII characters. Use 01 (0x3031) for SP1, 02 for SP2, etc.
SP Type is a 1 byte ASCII character. Use ‘L’ for SPx_L and use ‘H’ for SPx_H.
SP VALUE data is 8-bytes of ASCII characters with decimal and non-significant zeros on the left.

S | Read Status
Command : [ADR][S]
Response : [ADR][S][STATUS-1][STATUS-2][STATUS-3]
Example :
Command : 01S
Response : 01SSGI (Stable, Gross, In Range)
01SDGL (Dynamic, Gross, Low voltage error)
The response includes 3 bytes of status information.
STATUS-1 can be S(table) or D(ynamic).
STATUS-2 can be G(ross) or N(et).
STATUS-3 can be I(n range), O(ut of range), + Over, - Under, L(ow voltage), H(igh voltage or E(rrors).

T | Tare
Command : [ADR][T]
Response : [ADR][T][A] (Taring is done successfully and scale is in net)
Example :
Command: 01T
Response: 01TN (Taring could not executed)
01TX (Taring is disabled)
The tare value will be overwritten by the new tare weight value.
The command will wait up to 2 seconds for scale status to be stable. If stable within this time taring will
be performed and Ack. is sent.
If the scale does not become stable within the time out delay, the scale is not tared and Nack. is sent.

U | Read digital inputs

Command : [ADR][U]
Response : [ADR][U][STATUS][INPUTS]
Example :
Command : 01U
Response : 01UA3 (Input 2 and Input 1 are active)
01UA6 (Inputs 3,2 are active)
01UAF (All 4 inputs are active)
01UN (Could not read inputs)
Input states are transmitted as a single ASCII character which is the hex. value of the binary state of the
inputs. 1 is on and 0 is off. 4-bit. ‘1111’ (inputs on) are represented as char ‘F’. To check the state of an
input in your software use bitwise AND (&)

F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

V | Read digital outputs

Command : [ADR][V]
Response : [ADR][V][STATUS][OUTPUTS] (OUTPUTS is 2 bytes)
Example :
Command : 01V
Response : 01VA03 (Output 2 and Output 1 are active)
01VA06 (Outputs 3,2 are active)
01VA1F (All 5 outputs are active)
01VN (Could not read outputs)
Comments: PT210 Instruction Manual 27

Output states are transmitted as 2 ASCII characters which are the hex. value of the binary state of the
outputs. 1 is on and 0 is off. 4-bit. ‘1111’ (outputs on) are represented as char ‘F’. To check the state of
an output in your software use bitwise AND (&)

0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

W | Set/Reset digital outputs

Command : [ADR][W][OUTPUTS]
Response : [ADR][W][STATUS]
Example :
Command : 01W4296
Response : 01WA (Outputs 15,10,8,5,3,2 are activated)
01WN (Outputs could not be activated)
Comments :
Output states are transmitted as 2 ASCII characters which are the hex. value of the binary state of the
outputs. 1 is on and 0 is off. 4-bit. ‘1111’ (outputs on) are represented as char ‘F’. To selectively set the
state of the outputs in your software read the current state ([ADR][V]) and use bitwise logic for the new
data to write.

0F 0E 0D 0C 0B 0A 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00

1F 1E 1D 1C 1B 1A 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10

X | Read Hi-res weight value

Command : [ADR][X]
Example : (when the weight on the display is 123.4)
Command : 01X
Response : 01XS+00123.41 (weight is stable and 123.41) or
01XD+00123.41 (weight is dynamic and 123.41) or
01XE (Error)
The response includes the weight data in Hi-res (with an extra digit of resolution).

Z | Zero
Command : [ADR][Z]
Response : [ADR][Z][A]
Example : PT210 Instruction Manual 28

Command : 01Z
Response : 01ZA (Indicator Zeroed)
01ZN (Zeroing could not be performed)
01ZX (Zeroing is disabled)
The Zero command does not work in net weighing.
Weight must be within the zeroing range for all operating modes.
The command will wait up to 2 seconds for scale status to be stable. If stable within this time zeroing
will be performed and Ack. is sent.
If the scale does not become stable within the time out delay, the scale is not tared and Nack. is sent.

Checksum Calculation:
CHK is transmitted as two ASCII characters calculated as below.
Checksum = 0 – (SUM of all response data before CHK) CHK Checksum

Example of the calculation of checksums for read stable current weight data.
BSI Example: (CHK is enabled and instrument address is 01)

Command: 01P[CHK][CR][LF]
CHK = 0 − (0x30+ 0x31+ 0x50)
= 0 − 0XB1
= 0x4F
= Char ‘4’ and ‘F’

Response: 01PS+000123.4[CHK][CR][LF]
CHK = 0 − (0x30 + 0x31 + 0x50 + 0x53 + 0x2B + 0x30 + 0x30 + 0x30 + 0x31+ 0x32 + 0x33 +
0x2E + 0x34)
= 0 − 0x02B7
= 0x49
= Char ‘4’ and Char ‘9’ MODbus
Modbus RTU is available as standard on all of the PT210 range. Modbus TCP is available on the
• After programming the RS-485 or RS-232C serial port for Modbus RTU, the PT210 can be
used as a Modbus RTU slave on Modbus RTU networks. The Modbus slave address is defined
in the RS-485 address [013] ( ). Simarly [003] ( ) for the RS-232C
• Functions code ‘0x03’ (Read Holding Registers) and ‘0x10’ (Preset Multiple Registers) are
• Modbus RTU High-Low: In two word registers, the data is stored in the registers in big-endian
format. Least significant word is stored in the highest register address; and most significant
word is stored in the lowest register address.
• Modbus RTU Low-High: In two word registers, the data is stored in the registers in little-endian
format. Least significant word is stored in the lowest register address; and most significant word
is stored in the highest register address.

Parameter’s set-up:
• Set the Format : Modbus RTU High-Low or Modbus RTU Low-High
• RS-485/RS-232C Data bits & Parity : 8 none 1, 8 odd 1 or 8 even 1
• Set the Address : 01 to 31 (01 to 255 for PT210EN)
Configure the RS-485/RS-232C parameter settings as defined in [00_] 7.2.1 and [01_] 7.2.2 .
For the PT210EN configure the parameters in [03_] 7.2.3 .
Please find Modbus information on the web site at

Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP Command Table;

Address R/W Command Definition
40001 R 2 Indicated weight (Net if the indication is in Net, Peak value or Hold value)
40003 R 1 Status D0 0 – System Ready 1 – System Busy
D1 0 – Error (D13-D15) 1 – Data ok
D2 0 – Weight Stable 1 – Weight unstable
D3 0 – Gross Mode 1 – Net mode
D4 – D11 Not used PT210 Instruction Manual 29

D12 0 – Out of centre of zero 1 – Weight is in centre of zero

Dec Description
0 No Errors
1 ADC out of range
D13 2 ADC over range
D14 Error Code
D15 3 ADC under range
4 System error
5 In programming mode
6 Low/High voltage det.
40004 R 2 Tare weight
40006 R 2 Gross weight
40008 R 1 Status Motion, Net mode, Data ok, (image of register 40003)

Dec. Description
0 None
1 Zero
2 Tare
40009 R/W 1 Control 3 Clear
4 Print
5 Not used
*6 Print the total value
*7 Clear the total value
40010 -
R/W 20 Not used
Dec. Description
0 None
188 Adjust Zero Calibration
220 Adjust Span Calibration ( 1 )
40030 R/W 1 Calibration
236 Total Load Cell Capacity ( 1 )
250 Average mV/V ( 1 ) vCal
171 Dead Load ( 1 ) Coefficients
23205 Save the coefficients of vCal
40031 R/W 2 Span Calibration Value / LC capacity / mV value / Dead load value
Calibration D0 .. D7 Dec Description
Status Calibration 1 Ready for calibration
Status 3 Zero calibration in process …
4 Span calibration in process …
9 Error (Refer to D8 ... D15 )
Calibration Timeout
- Restart calibration
ADC Error
2 - Re-energise the instrument
- If seen again, change the board.
Instrument can not be calibrated
3 - Check load cell cable
- Re-energize the instrument
40033 R 1
Instrument can not be calibrated
- Load cell signal is too low or too high
D8 .. D15 Calibration Error
Calibration - Calibration loading is not enough
Errors - Check calibration weight loading
- Check load cell connections
Calibration load value entry Error
36 - Calibration weight is too small. Increase the
calibration weight
Scale unstable
37 - Wait until scale becomes stable
- Check grounding wiring
The Calibration DIP switch is not in ON position.
- Check the calibration DIP switch. PT210 Instruction Manual 30

*40034 R/W 37 Not used

*40071 R 1 Indicated weight (Net if the indication is in Net, Peak value or Hold value )
*40072 R 1 Status Motion, Net mode, Data ok, (image of register 40003)
*40073 R 1 Tare weight
*40074 R 1 Gross weight

Voltage of Voltage of power supply is indicated with 0.1 V increments.

40100 R 1
Power Supply For example: 23.4 VDC is indicated as integer 234 value.

D0 Input-1
D1 Input-2
40200 R 1 Status of Inputs 0 - Passive 1 - Active
D2 Input-3
D3 Input-4
D0 Output-1
D1 Output-2
D2 Output-3
D3 Output-4
40201 R/W 1 Status of Outputs D4 Output-5 0 - Passive 1 - Active
Unused ( 3 )
*D6 Error
*D7 Zero range
40202 R/W 2 Setpoint 1 Low (2)

40204 R/W 2 Setpoint 1 High

40206 R/W 2 Setpoint 2 Low (2)

40208 R/W 2 Setpoint 2 High

40210 R/W 2 Setpoint 3 Low (2)

40212 R/W 2 Setpoint 3 High

40214 R/W 2 Setpoint 4 Low (2)

40216 R/W 2 Setpoint 4 High

40218 R/W 2 Setpoint 5 Low (2)

40220 R/W 2 Setpoint 5 High

*40218 R/W 2 Setpoint 6 Low (2)

*40220 R/W 2 Setpoint 6 High

42000 R/W 1 Filter Refer to parameter [120]

42001 R/W 1 Power On Zero Refer to parameter [202]
42002 R/W 1 Zeroing Range Refer to parameter [203]
42003 R/W 1 Auto Zero Tracking Refer to parameter [204]
42004 R/W 1 Tare Refer to parameter [205]
42005 R/W 1 Motion Detector Refer to parameter [206]
42006 R/W 1 Stability Period Refer to parameter [207]
42007 R/W 1 Weighing mode Refer to parameter [210]
42008 R/W 2 Capacity Refer to parameter [212]
Dec. Description
42010 R/W 1 Decimal point 2 XXXXXX
Dec. Description
42011 R/W 1 Increment 1 X1
2 X2
3 X5

* Not present on PT210DIN PT210 Instruction Manual 31

(1) Write this command after writing values to 40031-32 addresses.

(2) Only set point low addresses are used if the set point is programmed as standard.
(3) Only 40201 D5 is Output 6 for PT210DIN, unused for outer models.

Programming steps for frequently used communication ……

Reading a weight value:

1. Read 40003,
2. Check D0=0 and D1=1,
3. If yes, read a weight value (gross, net or tare),
4. If D0=1, check D0 until system ready,
5. If D1=0, check the error code.

Zero Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of 40033. It should be decimal '1' before starting adjustment.
2. Load the decimal '188' to 40030 to start Zero calibration.
3. Check the low byte of 40033. During the zero calibration process it is decimal '3'.
4. The low byte of 40033 changes to decimal '1' at the end of Zero calibration.
5. If the low byte of 40033 is '9', check the high byte of 40033 to determine the calibration error.

Span Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of 40033. It should be decimal '1' before starting adjustment.
2. First load the span value to 40031-32 and then load the decimal '220' to 40030 to start Span
3. Check the low byte of 40033. During the span calibration process it is decimal '4'.
4. The low byte of 40033 changes to decimal '1' at the end of Span calibration.
5. If the low byte of 40033 is '9', check the high byte of 40033 to determine the calibration error.

Note: For hardware connection details, please refer to the related hardware descriptions in this manual.

Exception codes:
1: Function code is not supported.
2: Out of beginning and ending address range.
3: Invalid value entry or wrong byte number.
4: Operation error. PT210 Instruction Manual 32

Command Examples:
Below you will find some command samples; Performing Read and Write operations according
(Modbus RTU High-Low) in the hexadecimal system with the instrument set to address “0x01”.

Note: For Modbus TCP on the PT210EN a checksum is not used, omit the checksum in the table
Description Hex
Request weight data 01,03,00,00,00,02,C4,0B
Answer of request weight
(weight value is 100000)
Request status data 01,03,00,02,00,01,25,CA
Taring 01,10,00,08,00,01,02,00,02,26,D9
Request tare data 01,03,00,03,00,02,34,0B
Answer of request tare
(tare value is 10000 )
Zero Command 01,10,00,08,00,01,02,00,01,66,D8
Request Calibration Status 01,03,00,20,00,01,85,C0
Answer of request Calibration Status (Instrument is
ready for calibration)
Zero Calibration 01,10,00,1D,00,01,02,00,BC,A4,6C
Span Calibration Command with Span value 50000 01,10,00,1D,00,03,06,00,DC,00,00,C3,50,F7,F0
Total LC capacity Command with Total LC capacity
value 100000
Average mV/V Command with Average mV/V value
Dead load Command with Dead load value 12345 01,10,00,1D,00,03,06,00,AB,00,00,30,39,87,25
Save the coefficients of the vCal Command 01,10,00,1D,00,01,02,5A,A5,5F,06
Read Voltage of Power Supply value 01,03,00,63,00,01,74,14
Answer of Voltage of Power Supply
(Voltage of Power Supply is 23.5 V)
Read digital inputs 01,03,00,C7,00,01,35,F7
Answer of digital inputs
(Input-2 is active)
Read digital outputs 01,03,00,C8,00,01,05,F4
Answer of digital outputs
(Output-3 is Active)
Read Setpoint-1 Low 01,03,00,C9,00,02,14,35
Answer of Setpoint-1 Low 01,03,04,00,00,03,E8,FA,8D
Load Set point 1 Low = 5000 01,10,00,C9,00,02,04,00,00,13,88,32,C3

The above commands are suitable for Modbus over RS232C and RS485 but for Ethernet are not the
complete Modbus transmissions, they do not include the header. Also as noted above Modbus TCP
over Ethernet has no checksum.

For RS232C and RS485 serial connections a typical complete transmission in hexadecimal is shown
below for device address 01 and including check sum. Neither <CR> nor <LF> should be transmitted.

The command is 0103006300017414 where each pair of digits is hexadecimal for a character.
01 03 00 63 00 01 74 14
01 is the unit identifier (address). Hex 01 = decimal 01.
03 is the function code (read analogue registers)
00 63 is the address of the first register requested, hex 0063 = dec. 99. Address = 40001+99=40100
(for the PT210 this is power supply voltage)
00 01 is the total number of registers to read.
7414 are the checksum characters. Calculating the checksum for the message 010300630001 the
checksum is 0x1474, with low order byte first that becomes 7414.

A typical response shown here in hexadecimal is 01030200EBF80B

Address 01, function 03, data bytes 02, data 00EB, checksum F80B.
Hex 00EB = dec. 235 = voltage 23.5

CHK Checksum:
For RS-232C and RS-485 calculate the checksum, from the address (unit identifier) onwards. The
checksum is a CRC-16 Modbus checksum comprising 2 bytes with the low order byte inserted first.
Consult the Modbus website or use an online CRC generator such as
Don’t transmit with a <CR><LF> termination. PT210 Instruction Manual 33

For Ethernet a typical complete transmission is shown below for a device with address 17. There is no
checksum, <CR> or <LF>.

The command is 000100000006110300630001 where each pair of digits is hexadecimal for a

00 01 00 00 00 06 11 03 00 63 00 01
00 01 is the transaction identifier, Ethernet only
00 00 is the protocol identifier, Ethernet only
00 06 is the message length (i.e. 6 bytes to follow) Ethernet only
11 is the unit identifier (address). Hex 11 = decimal 17.
03 is the function code (read analogue registers)
00 63 is the address of the first register requested, hex 0063 = dec. 99. Address = 40001+99=40100
(for the PT210 this is power supply voltage)
00 01 is the total number of registers to read.
A typical response shown here in hexadecimal is 00010000000511030200EB
Transaction 0001, protocol 0000, length 0005, address 11, function 03, data bytes 02, data 00EB.
Hex 00EB = dec. 235 = voltage 23.5

A simple example of a PLC program follows on the next page. Refer to Technical Note TN 16.779
Software and Communication with Azure Series Instruments for additional information. PT210 Instruction Manual 34

A simple example of program: PT210 Instruction Manual 35

6.3.9 Printer Settings

Various printer settings can be made to tailor your print out. Printer settings are made in [04_] 7.2.4

The first item of printer settings is the printout format. Printer data output can be set to 1 of 3 different
print formats. The printout format differs also with the operating mode as described in 6.2.4 Printing.
Select the printout format in parameter [040] 7.2.4 . You can also change the spacing from the left for
printed data and the number of copies to print.
1 = single line 2 = multi-line 1 3 = multi-line 2

Line Feed
To configure the length of your printout you can print additional line feeds before or after the print data
to feed the paper or ticket to a specified length. You can feed forwards or backwards to advance the
paper for tear off. Set the number of additional line feeds here [044] , [045] .

Weighing Ticket Number

It is possible to reset the weighing ticket consecutive identifying number (CN). See [041]

6.3.10 Test Menu

The test menu is an aid for the service technician for faster diagnosis of problems. [90_] 7.9.1 . The
keypad, serial ports, inputs, outputs can all be tested and the input signal can be viewed to check it is
not an unexpected value (due to a wiring or load cell fault, overloaded load cell or mechanical issue). PT210 Instruction Manual 36


Once you have familiarised yourself with the keypad and display you will find operation and set up quite
straight forward. The instrument can be set up from the front panel keys and display prompts following
the parameters as below.

PT210 configuration menu structures PT210 Instruction Manual 37

• Menus marked with # are not present on the PT210DIN.

• Set up menus consist of main blocks numbered with the first digit, sub blocks numbered with
the second digit and parameters numbered with the third digit. When the display shows [n--]
(for instance [3--]) you are in a first column main block, when it shows [nn-] (for instance [31-])
you are in a second column main block. When the display shows [nn-] (for instance [310]) you
are in a parameter.
• Move up through the block numbers or parameter numbers with the <G/N> key,
• enter a block with the <PRINT> key,
• exit a block (move up a level) with the <f> key,
• enter a parameter to change the value with the <TARE> key so the digits are blinking or a
prompt is displayed,
• select the blinking digit to change (if there is more than 1) with the <TARE> key,
• change the value with the <ZERO> key,
• accept the changed value or the prompt and move to the next parameter with the <PRINT>
• move back up a block level by pressing the [f] key.
• Some sections of the menu are only relevant to a specific model of PT210, i.e. the analogue
section only applies to the PT210AN and PT210DIN.


When entering set up, please be reminded of the key functions as below.

<f> <G/N> <TARE> <ZERO> <PRINT>

Exit current Moves to the Selects the digit Changes the Enter key to
block, exit next parameter. to change, parameter value accept a setting.
without saving. shown blinking. or flashing digit.

Entering Setup - Access at the start

• To access the metrological parameters in grey in the menu above set the DIP switch deeply
recessed on the back panel into the down position. (See 5.6 )

Display Operation

[123.456 kg] Press and hold the <f> key until the [PASSWr] prompt is seen.

[PASSWr] Press the <G/N> then <ZERO> then <G/N> keys in order.

[--- ] Press the <PRINT> key to confirm.

[0-- ] The first block of Programming menu is displayed.

Entering Setup - Fast Calibration Access

• To access the metrological parameters in grey in the menu above set the DIP switch deeply
recessed on the back panel into the down position. (See 5.6 ). Fast claibration access will take
you straight to [310] zero adjustment.

Display Operation

[123.456 kg] Press and hold the <f> key until the [PASSWr] prompt is seen
[PASSWr] Press the <ZERO> then <ZERO> then <ZERO> keys in order.

[--- ] Press the <PRINT> key to confirm.

The zero adjustment parameter [310] shows. Press the <G/N> key
to change to [311], the span adjustment parameter.
Press the <TARE> key to display [zero.CA] and the <PRINT> key
[310 ]
to perform zero calibration. When zero is complete, [311] will show.
When [311] shows press the <TARE> key to set the calibration
load, apply the load and press the <PRINT> key to confirm. PT210 Instruction Manual 38

Exiting Setup
To exit back to normal operation note the following;
• If you press the <f> key while in a parameter, you will get out of the active sub-block and reach
the next sub-block.
• If you press <F> key again, you will get out of the active block and reach the next main block.
• If you press <F> key once again, the [SAvE] message appears on the display.
◦ Here you can press the <PRINT> key to save the changes into memory,
◦ or you can press the <TARE> key to store the changes temporarily until the power goes
◦ or you can press the <F> key to abort changes.
• [Waıt] will be seen on the display for a little while, and then weighing mode is resumed.
• Turn the power off and set the calibration DIP switch to “OFF” (the up position) before normal
operation. This is specially important for legal metrological use.


Parameters relating to the communications interfaces are set in this block after entering setup ( 7.1 ).
Only the parameters for the RS-232C and RS-485 ports are shown here. Refer to the section on each
protocol (Ethernet, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, CANopen) for further information.
Note: # indicates not applicable to the PT210DIN.

7.2.1 [00_] – RS-232C

This sub-block includes the parameters for the 1st (RS-232C) serial interface [000 3] – Data Format
0 = no data transfer 1 = continuous data output**
2 = print mode (see [040]), 3 = BSI command mode
4 = Modbus RTU High-Low 5 = Modbus RTU Low-High
6 = Fast continuous mode
**Note: For the RD4, RD5 and RD6 remote display interfacing, CR and LF should be enabled. [001 3] – Baud Rate
0 = 1200 1 = 2400 2 = 4800 3 = 9600
4 = 19200 5 = 38400 6 = 57600 7 = 115200 [003 00] – Address

You can define a device address between 1 and 99 with this parameter. If you enter 0, the indicator will
operate without an address. [004 0] – Data Length and Parity
0 = 8 data bits, no parity 1 = 7 data bits, odd parity 2 = 7 data bits, even parity
*3 = 8 data bits, odd parity *4 = 8 data bits, even parity [005 0] – Checksum

0 = no checksum 1 = checksum enabled
Enable or disable for continuous data format and BSI command mode. [006 1] – Carriage Return
0 = no CR 1 = CR enabled
Enable or disable sending of the ASCII 13 character for continuous data format. [007 1] – Line Feed
0 = no LF 1 = LF enabled
Enable or disable sending of the ASCII 10 character for continuous data format. [008 0] – Response Speed
0 = Modbus RTU Answer is sent immediately after Request is received.
1 = Modbus RTU Answer is delayed 20 msec after Request is received.**
**Note: This property is very helpful for slow PLC systems.

7.2.2 [01_] – RS-485

This sub-block includes the parameters for the 2nd (RS-485) serial interface PT210 Instruction Manual 39 [010 5] – Data Format

0 = no data transfer 1 = continuous data output**
2 = print mode (see [040]), 3 = BSI command mode
4 = Modbus RTU High-Low 5 = Modbus RTU Low-High
6 = Fast continuous mode
**Note: For the RD4, RD5 and RD6 remote display interfacing, CR and LF should be enabled. [011 3] – Baud Rate
0 = 1200 1 = 2400 2 = 4800 3 = 9600
4 = 19200 5 = 38400 6 = 57600 7 = 115200 [013 01] – Address

You can define a device address between 1 and 99 with this parameter. If you enter 0, the indicator will
operate without an address. [014 0] – Data Length and Parity
0 = 8 data bits, no parity 1 = 7 data bits, odd parity 2 = 7 data bits, even parity
*3 = 8 data bits, odd parity *4 = 8 data bits, even parity [015 0] – Checksum

0 = no checksum 1 = checksum enabled
Enable or disable for continuous data format and BSI command mode. [016 1] – Carriage Return
0 = no CR 1 = CR enabled
Enable or disable sending of the ASCII 13 character for continuous data format. [017 1] – Line Feed
0 = no LF 1 = LF enabled
Enable or disable sending of the ASCII 10 character for continuous data format. [018 0] – Response Speed
0 = Modbus RTU Answer is sent immediately after Request is received.
1 = Modbus RTU Answer is delayed 20 msec after Request is received.**
**Note: This property is very helpful for slow PLC systems

7.2.3 [03_] – #Ethernet TCP/IP

This sub-block includes the parameters related to the Ethernet interface of the PT210EN indicator and
not to the PT210PN, PT210EC or PT210EI. [030 5] – Data Format
0 = no data transfer 1 = continuous data output
2 = print mode (see [040]), 3 = BSI command mode
4 = Modbus RTU High-Low 5 = Modbus RTU Low-High
6 = Fast continuous mode [031 000] – Device Address

Enter a value between 001 and 255 for the device address of the PT210EN [032 000] – IP Address
Enter the IP address in 4 stages as ” aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd ”. The default is “”.
To change the IP address, press the <TARE> key and enter the first 3 “a” digits of the IP address.
Press the <PRINT> key to accept and access the following “b”, “c” and “d” address entries.
Press the <G/N> key to access the next parameter. [033 000] – Subnet Mask
Enter the subnet mask address in 4 stages as ” aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd ”. The default is “”.
To change the subnet mask, press the <TARE> key and enter the first 3 “a” digits of the IP address.
Press the <PRINT> key to accept and access the following “b”, “c” and “d” address entries.
Press the <G/N> key to access the next parameter. [034 000] – Gateway Address
Enter the IP address of the gateway in 4 stages as ” aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd ”. The default is PT210 Instruction Manual 40

To change the IP address, press the <TARE> key and enter the first 3 “a” digits of the IP address.
Press the <PRINT> key to accept and access the following “b”, “c” and “d” address entries.
Press the <G/N> key to access the next parameter. [035 00000] – Local Port
Enter a value between 00001 and 65535 for the device. The default is “00502”. This is a protected port
on some systems and you may need to change to a value above “01024” [036 0] – Response Speed
0 = Modbus TCP Answer is sent immediately after Request is received.
1 = Modbus TCP Answer is delayed 20 msec after Request is received.
2 = Modbus TCP Answer is delayed 50 msec after Request is received.
Note: This property is very helpful for slow PLC systems

7.2.4 [04_] – Printer

If one of the serial interfaces is selected as printer, the label settings will be as set in his sub-block. [040 2] – Print Format
1 = single line 2 = multi-line 1 3 = multi-line 2 [041 1] – CN (Ticket Number)

This is a consecutive number than can be printed on the weight print out or ticket.
0 = CN number will not be printed 2 = CN number will be printed [042 ] – Minimum for Printing

[XXXXXX] If the weight is less than the value entered here, data will not be printed. [043 0] – Print Mode

0 = print with the print key 2 = auto print 3 = print interlock
Note: If this parameter is selected as auto print, the data will automatically be printed when the reading
exceeds the minimum print value and becomes stable. The weight value is required to decrease below
the minimum print value to print again. If this parameter selected as print interlock, after printing the
weight must change to print again. [044 XY] – Line Feeds before Print
X = 0 means feed forward X = 1 means feed backwards
Y = 0 to 9, the number of line feeds to output before printing data. [045 XY] – Line Feeds after Printing

X = 0 means feed forward X = 1 means feed backwards
Y = 0 to 9, the number of line feeds to output after printing data. [046 0] – Form Feed

0 = no form feed sent 1 = FF enabled
Enable or disable sending of the ASCII 12 character to form feed to the next page. [047 3] – Print Spacing
Enter the number of characters 0 to 9 to space the print out from the left (indent from margin). [048 1] – Print Copies
Enter the number of copies 0 to 9 of the printed data to output.
Note: This function is valid only for 040 = 2 or 3.

7.2.5 [05_] – #PROFIBUS

This sub-block includes the parameters related to the PROFIBUS interface of the PT210PB indicator. [050 0] – Data Format
0 = Signed 32 bit integer, no decimal point implied.
1 = 32 bit float, decimal point implied. [051 000] – Rack Address

Enter a value between 001 and 126 for the rack address of the PT210PB PT210 Instruction Manual 41

7.2.6 [06_] – #PROFINET,Ethernet/IP,EtherCAT

This sub-block includes the parameters related to the interfaces of the PT210PN, PT210EI and
PT210EC indicators. [060 0] – Data Format
0 = Signed 32 bit integer, no decimal point implied.
1 = 32 bit float, decimal point implied.

7.2.7 [07_] – #CANopen, CC-Link, Powerlink

This sub-block includes the parameters related to the interfaces of the PT210CO, PT210CC, PT210PL
indicators. [070 0] – Data Format
0 = Signed 32 bit integer, no decimal point implied.
1 = 32 bit float, decimal point implied. [071 000] – Rack Address

Enter a value between 001 and 126 for the rack address of the PT210CO [072 0] – Baudrate*
0 = 156 kbps 1 = 625 kbps 2 = 2.5 Mbps
3 = 5 Mbps 4 = 10 Mbps
*Applies only to PT210CC


General parameters for configuration of the PT210

7.3.1 [11_] – Startup

Parameters related to indicator power on and start up. [112 1] – Save Tare
0 = tare value is not saved 1 = tare value is saved on power off
Note: The parameter [202] must be set to 0 to store Tare at power off. [113 0] – Auto Tare Clear
0 = tare value is not cleared 1 = tare value is cleared after unloading**
**Note: This implies a change back to Gross mode. [115 ABCDE] – Key Lock
When the key lock function is activated, the key(s) programmed by positions A to E as 1 in this
parameter is(are) locked (). The key lock function is activated by an input, see [131 0] – Input 1 - [134 0]
– Input 4.
A Position A has no function
B = 0, the <G/N> key is not locked B = 1, the <G/N> key is locked
C = 0, the <ZERO> key is not locked C = 1, the <ZERO> key is locked
D = 0, the <TARE> key is not locked D = 1, the <TARE> key is locked
E = 0, the <PRINT> key is not locked E = 1, the <PRINT> key is locked [116 1] – Function Key Action

0 = no action 1 = Hi-res display 2 = Display Total
3 = show tare value 4 = show CN value 5 = reading hold function
6 = peak hold function
Note: If this parameter is set =2 as total, to clear the weight total, you need to press the <TARE> key
while the total value is seen on the display. [All C] will appear on the display, you can confirm deletion
by pressing the <PRINT> key or cancel by pressing the <f> key. [117 0] – #Zero Range Output
This is the band of weight within which the PT210 will activate the Zero Range transistor output..
0 = 0 is displayed when the gross weight WG satisfies (-1e < WG < +1e)
1 = 0 is displayed when the displayed weight W satisfies (-1e < W < +1e)
2 = 0 is displayed when the displayed weight is centre of zero (-0.25e < W < +0.25e) PT210 Instruction Manual 42

7.3.2 [12_] – Filter

In this block the filter value is set to match the operating conditions. One of the most important features
of the PT210 series is being able to select and view the result of the filter setting on the display without
exiting the programming mode to verify the best setting. [120 0] – Filter Setting
The filter value can be selected from a number n = 0 to 9 (7 is a good starting point in normal weighing
applications). As you enter this parameter and press the <PRINT> key while [120 n] is seen on the
display, the weight and filtering action can be seen on the display. The value of the filter can be
changed by using <G/N> key and the weight variation for each filter value can be seen on the display.
After finishing the filter selection you can go to next step by pressing the <f> key.

7.3.3 [13_] – Isolated I/O Port Settings

There are up to 4 isolated inputs and 5 relay outputs that can be used. [130 1] – Outputs
The outputs function with respect to the weight on the screen. Note the /PT210DIN has 6 outputs.
0 = outputs disabled 1 = all outputs are set points
2 = outputs 1-4/5 are set points, output 5/6=Stable 3 = outputs 1-4/5 are set points, output 5/6=Error
4 = outputs 1-4 are set points, out5=In Zero 5 = outputs are functional
6 = all outputs are set points, real indicated weight #
7 = all outputs are set points, gross weight
8 = outputs 1-4 are Control mode-1 #
9 = outputs 1-4 are Control mode-2
Note: For set points Output1 = Sp1, Output2 = Sp2, Output3 = Sp3, Output4 = Sp4, Output5 = Sp5,
Output6 = Sp6.
Parameter setting 1-4 have the setpoint type Absolute, Refer 6.3.7
Parameter setting 5 has the setpoint type configured in [70_] – Relay Outputs 7.7.1 .
For functional outputs refer to parameter group [7--] 7.7 . [131 0] – Input 1
0 = input disabled 1 = activate zero 2 = activate tare
3 = activate clear 4 = activate print 5 = keys locked while on
6 = hold reading while on 7 = peak hold while on 8 = fielbus input [132 0] – Input 2

0 = input disabled 1 = activate zero 2 = activate tare
3 = activate clear 4 = activate print 5 = keys locked while on
6 = hold reading while on 7 = peak hold while on 8 = fielbus input [133 0] – Input 3

0 = input disabled 1 = activate zero 2 = activate tare
3 = activate clear 4 = activate print 5 = keys locked while on
6 = hold reading while on 7 = peak hold while on 8 = fielbus input [134 0] – Input 4

0 = input disabled 1 = activate zero 2 = activate tare
3 = activate clear 4 = activate print 5 = keys locked while on
6 = hold reading while on 7 = peak hold while on 8 = fielbus input

7.3.4 [14_] – Adjustmets

This block allows you to adjust the CN (consecutive ticket number) and display update rate. [142 0] – Label Number (CN)
[XXXXXX] Set the next CN number to be printed on a label.
Note: when the number exceeds 65535, it will automatically reset and begin from 1 again.. [143 1] – #Display Update Rate
0 = 60mS 1 = 100mS 2 = 200mS 3 = 300mS 4 = 400mS
5 = 500mS 6 = 600mS 7 = 700mS 8 = 800mS 9 = 900mS

7.4 [2__] – SCALE SETUP PARAMETERS PT210 Instruction Manual 43

7.4.1 [20_] – Setup

These parameters require the settings DIP switch to be ON. [200 0] – Metrological Use
0 = General use 1 = OIML approved* #
2 = hopper and tank**
*Note: Scale type cannot be programmed to bidirectional force mode if OIML is selected.
**Note: Taring, Zero Tracking, Power on zeroing etc. functions are disabled. [201 0] – Hi-res Reading
This function allows you to increase the resolution of the reading by one significant digit for fine
adjustment of corners or calibration checking.
0 = by key press 1 = always active [202 0] – Power On Zero

If the weight is within the range set below it will automatically be zeroed at power on. If the weight is
outside the zero range the display will show [E E E] until the <ENTER> key is pressed. Measured from
zero at calibration.
0 = disable 1 = ± 2% 2 = ± 10% [203 3] – Zero Range

This is the range within which the <ZERO> key will zero the scale. Measured from zero at calibration.
0 = disable 1 = ± 2% 2 = ± 20% 3 = ± 50% [204 0] – Auto Zero Track

AZT automatically readjusts the scale to zero to compensate small deviations around centre of zero.
0 = disable 1 = ± 0.5e 2 = ± 1e 3 = ± 3e [205 2] – Tare

0 = disable 1 = multi-tare via key 2 = tare via key if in Gross mode [206 2] – Motion Detection

This parameter defines the sensitivity level for determination of what is considered stable.
0 = ± 0.3e 1 = ± 0.5e 2 = ± 1e 3 = ± 2e #
4 = ± 4e 5 = disable
Note: For PT210DIN 4 is Disable [207 0.3] – Stability Period
The scale is required to be stable to process zeroing, tare, print, etc. commands. If the scale has been
stable for the period set (0.0 to 9.9 seconds) the command will be processed.

7.4.2 [21_] – Weighing, Scale Build

These parameters require the settings DIP switch to be ON. The capacity and resolution are set here. [210 0] – Weighing Mode
0 = weighing (unipolar) 5 = force (bipolar) [212] – Capacity/Division

Press the <TARE> key to enter capacity setting.
[CAP] [XXXXXX]. Set the capacity with the <TARE> and <ZERO> keys. Press <PRINT> to confirm the
setting and reach the division setting.
[d] [XXXXXX]. Set the division with the <ZERO> key. Press <PRINT> to confirm [214] – Unit Displayed
0=g 1 = kg 2=t 3 = lb
4 = klb 5=N 6 = kN #
7 = no unit displayed


The calibration of the scale is performed here.

7.5.1 [30_] – Calibration

These parameters require the settings DIP switch to be ON. The capacity and resolution are set here. PT210 Instruction Manual 44 [300] – Gravity

This parameter should only be used in a scale that will be verified in two stages in different locations by
gravity adjustment (in legal Metrology applications). This parameter should not be touched in other

The value is the six decimal digits past the decimal point in the acceleration due to gravity value (enter
798564 for 9.798564). If you enter a value in this parameter before calibration, this value will be
assumed as the reference gravity acceleration where the first stage of the calibration performed. After
first calibration this parameter will be zeroed. If the value of this parameter is zero, that means no
gravity adjustment has been performed after calibration.
In the second stage of verification, the gravity acceleration of the place that the weighing instrument will
be used should be entered (as six decimal digits, enter 800065 for 9.800065) and exit programming by
saving the changes without entering the calibration [301]. [301] – Calibration
Calibration involves emptying the scale then placing a known calibration weight on an empty platform
and allowing the PT210 indicator to capture values for zero and span. Here calibration weight could
mean a force or pressure of known value. The scale reading must be stable for zero or span calibration
to succeed. If there is vibration or noise, adjust the filter or motion detection to obtain a stable reading
and adjust back to previous values after calibration.

1. Press <PRINT> at the [301] prompt to start the calibration.

2. At the [ZEro.CA] prompt, remove any weight on the platform, then press <PRINT>.
3. The PT210 automatically starts to capture zero and the [WAıt] message displays indicating the
operation is in progress.
4. After the [Load] prompt appears, set the value of the weight used for calibration of the scale,
(seen on the display as [XXXXXX]). If the value of the calibration weight that will be used is
different from the value shown on the display, set the new value with the <TARE> and <ZERO>
A minimum of 20% of scale capacity is necessary for calibration; PT recommends 50 to 100%.
A calibration error will result if insufficient weight is used.
5. Place the calibration weight on the scale. The weight needs to be a known weight and can be a
load calibrated from another scale.
6. Press <PRINT> to start span calibration and the [WAıt] message displays indicating the
operation is in progress.
7. At the [SAvE] prompt press the <PRINT> key to continue to the next parameter or press the
<f> key to exit without saving the calibration. [302] – Linearity Correction
There may be some non linearity due to the load cell or mechanical scale hardware which could affect
the scale performance. Three step scale calibration in this parameter improves scale performance.

1. Press <PRINT> at the [302] prompt to start the calibration.

2. At the [ZEro.CA] prompt, remove any weight on the platform, then press <PRINT>.
3. The PT210 automatically starts to capture zero and the [WAıt] message displays indicating the
operation is in progress.
4. After the [Load 1] prompt appears, set the value of the weight used for the first step of
calibration of the scale, (seen on the display as [XXXXXX]). If the value of the calibration
weight that will be used is different from the value shown on the display, set the new value with
the <TARE> and <ZERO> keys.
PT recommends 35 to 65% of the scale capacity.
5. Place the calibration weight on the scale. The weight needs to be a known weight and can be a
load calibrated from another scale.
6. Press <PRINT> to start span calibration and the [WAıt] message displays indicating the
operation is in progress.
7. After the [Load 2] prompt appears, set the value of the weight used for the second step of
calibration of the scale, (seen on the display as [XXXXXX]). If the value of the calibration
weight that will be used is different from the value shown on the display, set the new value with
the <TARE> and <ZERO> keys.
PT recommends 90 to 100% of the scale capacity.
8. Place the calibration weight on the scale. The weight needs to be a known weight and can be a
load calibrated from another scale.
9. Press <PRINT> to start span calibration and the [WAıt] message displays indicating the
operation is in progress.
10. At the [SAvE] prompt press the <PRINT> key to continue to the next parameter or press the
<f> key to exit without saving the calibration. PT210 Instruction Manual 45

7.5.2 [31_] – Adjustment

These parameters require the settings DIP switch to be ON. The zero and span can independently be
adjusted here. [310] – Zero Adjustment
This parameter is only used to update the zero level of the scale to prevent incorrect weighing from
zero drifts. If this adjustment is required it may indicate a mechanical, wiring or load cell fault. Check

1. Press <PRINT> at the [310] prompt to start the zero adjustment.

2. At the [ZEro.CA] prompt, remove any weight on the platform, then press <PRINT>.
3. The PT210 automatically starts to capture zero and the [WAıt] message displays indicating the
operation is in progress. The scale load must be stable.
4. At the [SAvE] prompt press the <PRINT> key to continue to the next parameter or press the
<f> key to exit without saving the calibration. [311] – Span Adjustment
This parameter lets you to perform span adjustment without zero adjustment. Empty the scale before

1. Press <PRINT> at the [311] prompt to start the span adjustment.

2. Set the value of the weight used for calibration of the scale, (seen on the display as
[XXXXXX]). If the value of the calibration weight that will be used is different from the value
shown on the display, set the new value with the <TARE> and <ZERO> keys.
A minimum of 20% of scale capacity is necessary for calibration; PT recommends 50 to 100%.
A calibration error will result if insufficient weight is used.
3. Place the calibration weight on the scale. The weight needs to be a known weight and can be a
load calibrated from another scale.
4. Press <PRINT> to start span calibration and the [WAıt] message displays indicating the
operation is in progress. The scale load must be stable.
5. At the [SAvE] prompt press the <PRINT> key to continue to the next parameter or press the
<f> key to exit without saving the calibration. [312] – Span Adjustment Loaded
This parameter is used to perform span adjustment of a scale without needing to empty or remove the
load on it. This operation is especially useful for span adjustment for filled tanks or silos.
Note: You can complete span adjustment without emptying the tank.
Note: The calibration load + the load already on the scale should not exceed the scale capacity.

1. Press <PRINT> at the [312] prompt to start span adjustment under load.
2. The [ P.ZEro] prompt appears on the display to indicate the current scale load will be
determined to be a temporary zero.
3. Press the <PRINT> key and the display will show the [WAıt] message while aquiring temporary
zero. The scale load must be stable.
4. After the [Load] prompt appears, set the value of the weight used for calibration of the scale,
(seen on the display as [XXXXXX]). If the value of the calibration weight that will be used is
different from the value shown on the display, set the new value with the <TARE> and <ZERO>
A minimum of 20% of scale capacity is necessary for calibration; PT recommends 50% or
A calibration error will result if insufficient weight is used.
5. Place the calibration weight on the scale. The weight needs to be a known weight and can be a
load calibrated from another scale.
6. Press <PRINT> to start span calibration and the [WAıt] message displays indicating the
operation is in progress. The scale load must be stable.
7. At the [SAvE] prompt press the <PRINT> key to continue to the next parameter or press the
<f> key to exit without saving the calibration. [313] – vCal
VCal has some limitations but is a very good way to get a weighing system up and running that can
later be fine tuned with zero and span adjustments above or by adjusting the vCal input parameters.
Warning: The scale capacity and division [212] ( ) must be entered before performing vCal.
Warning: vCal is theoretical calibration by calculation without taking into account external influences.
Corner adjustments, as in a summing box, will make the calibration incorrect. Lengthening or
shortening load cell 4 wire cable connections, variations in gravitational accelleration (g), mechanical
influences and structure geometry variances can all reduce the accuracy of vCal.

This parameter lets you to perform calibration without using any calibration weights. The PT210 PT210 Instruction Manual 46

coefficients are adjusted in production to increase vCal accuracy, but calibration with a known
calibration load is still the most accurate form of calibration. The calibration coefficients are calculated
from scale capacity, total load cell capacity, load cell full scale output, and estimated dead load.
Note: For better accuracy and if the conditions permit, you may perform automatic zero adjustment
instead of entering estimated preload for a more accurate zero.

1. Press the <TARE> key at the [313] prompt to start vCal.

2. After the [LC.CAP] prompt appears, set the value of the total load cell capacity, (seen on the
display as [XXXXXX]). If the value of the capacity is different from the value shown on the
display, set the new value with the <TARE> and <ZERO> keys.
Warning: Enter the load cell capacity using the same units set in calibration [214] .
Note: Total load cell capacity is the load cell capacity times the number of load cells for a full
load cell system. Where load cells are not installed on all legs of a vessel (hinges are used)
total load cell capacity is the capacity of one load cell X the number of support points.
Example: If the weighing system has 4 pcs. 1000kg load cell, enter 4000.
3. Press the <PRINT> key to go to the next step.
4. After the [LC.oUt] prompt appears, set the value of the average load cell signal output (mV/V)
at it's capacity, (seen on the display as [XXXXXX]). If the value of the output is different from
the value shown on the display, set the new value with the <TARE> and <ZERO> keys.
Note: The load cell output (sensitivity) can be found on the load cell certificates.
Example: If load cell outputs are LC1: 2.0010, LC2: 1.9998, LC3:1.9986 and LC4:2.0002, the
average value will be Mean of LC outputs = (2.0010 + 1.9998 + 1.9986 + 2.0002) ÷ 4 = 1.9999
5. Press the <PRINT> key to go to the next step. The indicator shows [ZEr.AdJ].
6. If the scale is empty and you want to use automatic zero calibration instead of entering an
estimated dead load (see next step), press the <PRINT> key. When the prompt [ZEro.CA]
appears ensure the scale is empty and stable and press the <PRINT> key to start zero
calibration, the [WAıt] message displays indicating the operation is in progress. If the prompt
[SAvE] shows, press the <PRINT> key. Not all software versions show the prompt.
7. If the scale is not empty or you prefer to enter an estimated preload value, press the <G/N>
8. After the [PrE-Ld] prompt appears, set the value of the estimated dead load on the load cells,
(seen on the display as [XXXXXX]). If the value of the dead load is different from the value
shown on the display, set the new value with the <TARE> and <ZERO> keys. Press the
<PRINT> key to continue. If the prompt [SAvE] shows, press the <PRINT> key. Not all
software versions show the prompt. Press the <f> key to exit without saving.

Warning: vCal of the zero by entering the dead load (8 above) does not take into account the zero
offset of the load cells. It is possible to adjust the value entered at the [PrE-Ld] prompt to account for
Note: If you want to make zero adjustments after entering an estimated preload value, empty the scale
and change the preload value to (previous estimated value + display value with empty scale) or enter
parameter [310] for zero adjustment.

7.5.3 [32_] – #Adjustment with Coefficients

Software V ≥ 2.16. These parameters require the settings DIP switch to be ON. In this sub-block you
can perform calibration by entering calibration coefficients, if you have previously noted them. [320] – Zero Coefficient
This coefficient determines the zero point of the scale. Enter the new value with the < Tare > and <
Zero > keys and press the < Enter > key to go to the next step. You can compensate for zero drifts by
increasing or decreasing this coefficient without the need to empty the scale. [321] – Test weight Value
The test weight used during calibration is indicated here. Enter the new value with the < Tare > and <
Zero > keys and press the < Enter > key to go to the next step. [322] – Gain Coefficient
This coefficient is related with the gain factor of the scale to set the span. Enter the new value with the <
Tare > and < Zero > keys and press the < Enter > key to go to the next step


This section only applies to the PT210AN. The calibration of the analogue output is performed in this

7.6.1 [40_] – Analogue Signal

These parameters allow printing of the current configuration and reloading the default parameters. PT210 Instruction Manual 47 [400] – Output Mode

0 = 4-20mA 1 = 0-20mA 2 = 0-5VDC 3 = 0-10VDC [401] – Output Range

This enables setting the analogue output to the calibration range.
Press the <PRINT> key. The prompt [Ld dEf] appears on the display. Press the <TARE> key to load
the default values or press the <f> key to go to the next sub block. [402] – #Analogue Source
This sets whether the analogue signal will be related to the gross or indicated weight.
Note: For the PT210DIN the analogue output always relates to the gross weight.
0 = Gross weight 1 = Indicated weight (Gross or Net as selected)

7.6.2 [41_] – Analogue Zero

These parameters allow setting of the analogue output zero point. [410] – Course Zero
Coarse zero adjustment is performed by pressing the <ZERO> key repeatedly to increase the analogue
signal level or the <TARE> key to decrease the analogue signal level. [411] – Fine Zero
Fine zero adjustment is performed by pressing the <ZERO> key repeatedly to increase the analogue
signal level or the <TARE> key to decrease the analogue signal level.

7.6.3 [42_] – Analogue Span

These parameters allow setting of the span or gain of the analogue output. [420] – Course Span
Coarse span adjustment is performed by pressing the <ZERO> key repeatedly to increase the
analogue signal level or the <TARE> key to decrease the analogue signal level. The full capacity value
of the scale is used as reference without needing to place any weight on the scale. [421] – Fine Span
Fine span adjustment is performed by pressing the <ZERO> key repeatedly to increase the analogue
signal level or the <TARE> key to decrease the analogue signal level. The full capacity value of the
scale is used as reference without needing to place any weight on the scale.

7.6.4 [44_] – #Analogue Coefficients

These parameters allow setting of the span or gain of the analogue output by entering coefficients. [440] – Zero Coefficient
This coefficient is determines the zero point of the analogue signal level. Enter the new value via the
<TARE> and <ZERO> keys and press the < Enter > key to go to the next step. [441] – Gain Coefficient
This coefficient is determines the gain of the analogue signal level. Enter the new value via the <TARE>
and <ZERO> keys and press the < Enter > key to go to the next step.


Parameters related to the 5 digital relay outputs

7.7.1 [70_] – Relay Outputs

These parameters allow setting of the relay output mode when they have been enabled as functional
outputs. Refer to [130] to enable these modes.
The functional modes available are described below, for a standard setpoint refer to [130] .

The diagrams in the table below show the functional operation of the different modes.

Threshold Output: (with hysteresis)

2 set point values are entered. SP1 is
the point that the output goes active
(ON) when the weight increases past
SP1_H. SP1_L is the point that the
output drops to the passive (OFF) state
when the weight decreases below
SP1_L. PT210 Instruction Manual 48

The inverse function is also available.

Refer to parameters [7--] 7.7 .
Window Output:
2 set point values are entered. The
output is active when the weight is
between SP1_L and SP1_H.
The inverse function is also available.
Refer to parameters [7--] 7.7 . [700 0] – Output 1

0 = disable 1 = threshold (active high) 2 = threshold (active low)
3 = window (active high) 4 = window (active low) 5 = output set by fieldbus [701 0] – Output 2

0 = disable 1 = threshold (active high) 2 = threshold (active low)
3 = window (active high) 4 = window (active low) 5 = output set by fieldbus [702 0] – Output 3

0 = disable 1 = threshold (active high) 2 = threshold (active low)
3 = window (active high) 4 = window (active low) 5 = output set by fieldbus [703 0] – Output 4

0 = disable 1 = threshold (active high) 2 = threshold (active low)
3 = window (active high) 4 = window (active low) 5 = output set by fieldbus [704 0] – Output 5

0 = disable 1 = threshold (active high) 2 = threshold (active low)
3 = window (active high) 4 = window (active low) 5 = output set by fieldbus [705 0] – Output 6

Note: Present only for the PT210DIN
0 = disable 1 = threshold (active high) 2 = threshold (active low)
3 = window (active high) 4 = window (active low) 5 = output set by fieldbus


This contains parameters relating to the metrological registry.

7.8.1 [80_] – Legal Metrology Records [800] – Calibration Counter
This counter increases by 1 automatically after entering the programming mode with calibration DIP
switch. This counter cannot be changed manually.


7.9.1 [90_] – Tests
Use the following parameters to check and test operation of the PT210. [900] – Key Pad
In this parameter the ASCII code of the keys can be shown of the display as you press the related key.
You can verify if all the keys are functional or not.
Pressing the <G/N> key will take you to the next parameter.. [901] – RS-232C Checking
The characters in the alphabet will be sequentially transmitted one at a time from the RS-232C serial
interface port with each press of the <ZERO> key one after another. Received numerical data is seen
on the display. [902] – RS-485 Checking
The characters in the alphabet will be sequentially transmitted one at a time from the RS-485 serial
interface port with each press of the <ZERO> key one after another. Received numerical data is seen PT210 Instruction Manual 49

on the display. [903] – Parallel Inputs
The display will show the [i X Y] message. To perform a parallel input test, set Y to be the number of
the parallel input (1 - 4) with the <ZERO> key. X shows the logical condition of that input. [904] – Parallel Outputs
This applies to the 5 relay outputs.
The display will show the [o X Y] message. To perform a parallel output test, set Y to be the number of
the parallel output (1 - 5) with the <ZERO> key. X shows the logical condition of that output and can
be changed with the <TARE> key. [905] – Input mV
As you press the <PRINT> key the output voltage of the load cell (input to the PT210) will be shown on
the display. This is an uncalibrated value and is only for test / service purposes.

7.9.2 [91_] – #Firmware Information [910] - Option Board Version
This displays [ XX.YY ] where the XX digits are the major version number and the YY digits are the
minor version number for the installed option board firmware.

7.9.3 [92_] – #Log Book [920] – Error history
This displays [ Err XX ]. The last 20 errors can be listed through this parameter. Press the <GN > key to
access the previous error numbers. [921] – Setup history
This displays [ SErVıCE ]. The last 20 service entries can be listed through this parameter. Press the
<GN > key to access the previous entries.

7.9.4 [99_] – Parameter Print

These parameters allow printing of the current configuration and reloading the default parameters. [990] – Print all Parameters
Pressing <PRINT> will send the complete parameter list to the printer. [991] – Reset to Default Parameters
This parameter require the settings DIP switch to be ON.
Pressing <PRINT> will show the [Ld dEf] message on the display. Press the <TARE> key to load the
default parameter values or press the <f> key to go back to the [9--] sub block.
Note: The scale build parameters and calibration are not changed. PT210 Instruction Manual 50

The PT210 indicator has been designed as very reliable and virtually error free instruments. However if
an error occurs, do not attempt to repair the equipment before you understand what caused the error.
Note the problem you are having and the status of the front panel, and try to find the problem with the
help of the table given below. Don’t let unauthorised people interfere with the instrument.

[AdcOut] The input exceeds the operating range of the ADC (internal electronics).
on the display -Call service to check the load cells, wiring and connections and calibration.
[Over] The load cell signal is higher than the calibrated maximum level but not outside the ADC
-Call service to check the load cells, wiring and connections and calibration.
on the display
[Under] The load cell signal is lower than the calibrated zero level but not outside the ADC range.
-Call service to check the load cells, wiring and connections and calibration.
on the display
[E E E] The input signal is outside the zero range of the instrument at power on.
on the display -Check the wiring and the load cells for over loading or residual material on the scale.
The load exceeds the operating range
- Check the load
LC Err
- Check the calibration
- Load cell or instrument could be broken.
ADC communication error. Power off and on again. If that fails
Err 01
- Change PCB.
ADC communication error. Power off and on again. If that fails
Err 02
- Change PCB.
Err 03 Calibration fails. Check the load cell cable and connections and restart calibration. 5.3
EEPROM error. Reconfigure the instrument. If that fails
Err 10
- Change PCB.
Err 20 Calibration error, recalibrate
Err 21 Configuration error, reconfigure the parameters.
Tare, CN, Total weight and the SP in use error.
Err 22
- Check SP, PT and ID entries. Check Tare, CN and Total weight
Err 25 Fieldbus set up error.
- Reenergize the instrument.
- Press enter, check fieldbus parameters.
- Re-enter fieldbus parameters.
-Call service.
Err 26 Set point error. Reload set points
Err 27 Indicator is not calibrated. Calibrate the indicator.
Err 30 Processor error. - Change PCB.
The signal from the load cells is not increasing after loading the scale. It may be
negative, very low or very high.
-Check the load cell connection, it may be damaged or reversed. -Check the excitation
Err 34 and sense for correct voltage.
-Check the load cell cable connection to the PCB in the instrument.
-Check the installation mechanically to ensure correct loading of the load cells.
-Change PCB.
The load increase is smaller than expected.
- Check the installation mechanically to ensure correct loading of the load cells and no
object interferes with the application of load.
Err 35
- Check the load cell connection.
- Increase the size of the calibration test weight.
- Change the PCB, return to PT.
Calibration load value entry Error.
Err 36 - Calibration loading is not enough.
- Check test weight loading.
The signal is unstable during calibration. Ensure the signal is stable.
Err 37 It may be necessary to temporarily change the stability filter settings ( 6.3.2 ) for
calibration and change them back for weighing.
Main pcb info error
Err 47
- Call PT
EEPROM is not installed or broken
Err 61
- Call PT
Modbus selection error.
Err 70
- Check setup of other ports, only one port can be Modbus.
- Disconnect the power supply.
Err xx (other - reconnect the power.
errors) - Switch the instrument on if it is off.
- If there is any malfunction, the PCB may be faulty, call service. PT210 Instruction Manual 51


Use the table below to assist calibration. n = Max Capacity / e, recommended values are given in the
table below. You can use this table to select your capacity and division in parameter [212]. PT210 Instruction Manual 52


Factory default parameters are shown below.

0-- Interface Block 14- Adjustments

00- RS 232C 142 Label No entrance
000 Data Format 3 = BSI 143 Display Refresh Rate 1 = 100ms
001 Baud rate 3 = 9600 2-- Scale Block
003 Address 0 20- Set up
Data length and
004 0 = 8 bit, no parity 200 Approved 0 = No
005 Checksum 0 = Disable 201 Increased indication 0 = x10 key
006 Carriage Return 1 = Enable 202 Power on zero 0 = Disable
007 Line Feed 1 = Enable 203 Zero range 3 = ± %50
008 Response Speed 0 = immediately 204 Auto zero tracking 0 = Disable
01- RS 485 205 Tare 2 = Tare/Clear
5 = Modbus RTU Lo-Hi
010 Data Format (1) 206 Motion detector 2 = ± 1e
011 Baud rate 3 = 9600 207 Stability Period 0.3 second
013 Address 1 21- Scale Build
Data length and 0 = Single
014 0 = 8 bit, no parity 210 Scale Type
Parity Range
015 Checksum 0 = Disable 212 Capacity / d 6000 kg / 1 kg
016 Carriage Return 1 = Enable 214 Unit 1 = kg
017 Line Feed 1 = Enable 3-- Calibration Block
018 Response Speed 0 = immediately 30- Calibration
03- Ethernet 300 Gravity
Ethernet Data
030 5 = Modbus RTU Lo-Hi 301 Calibration
031 Ethernet Address 1 302 Linearity Correction
032 IP Address 31- Adjustment
033 Subnet Mask 310 Zero adjustment
034 Gateway Address 311 Span adjustment
035 Local Port 502 312 Span adjustment under load
036 Response Speed 0 = immediately 313 vCal Calibration
04- Printer 32- Adjustment with Coefficients
040 Print out format 2 = Multi line 320 Zero Coefficient
041 CN 1 = Will be printed 321 Test weight Value
042 Minimum print 20 322 Gain Coefficient
043 Print method 0 = With Print Key 4-- Analogue Output Block
Line feed before
044 00 = 0 F + 0 LF 40- Signal Selection
Line feed after
045 04 = 0 F + 2 LF 400 Analogue Output Mode 0 = 4-20mA
Set Analogue output to calib.
046 Form feed 0 = Disable 401
047 Space on the left 3 41- Zero Adjustment
048 Quantity of copies 1 410 Coarse Zero Adjustment
05- Profibus DP 411 Fine Zero Adjustment
050 Data Format 0 = signed 32 bit 42- Span Adjustment
051 Rack Address 0 420 Coarse Span Adjustment
06- Profinet 421 Fine Span Adjustment
060 Data Format 0 = signed 32 bit 70- Digital Output Functions
07- CANopen 700 Output 1 0 = No
070 Data Format 0 = signed 32 bit 701 Output 2 0 = No
071 Rack Address 0 702 Output 3 0 = No
1-- Configuration Block 703 Output 4 0 = No
11- Start Up 704 Output 5 0 = No
112 Tare memory 1 = Enable 8-- Metrological Data Block PT210 Instruction Manual 53

113 Auto tare clear 0 = Not used 80- Legal Metrology

115 Key lock 11111 800 Calibration counter
116 Function key 1 = x10 9-- Diagnostic
117 Zero range output 0 = Gross zero 90- Tests
12- Filter 900 Key Pad testing
120 Filter 7 901 RS 232C testing
13- Parallel I / 0 902 RS 485 testing
130 Outputs 0 903 Parallel inputs test
131 Input 1 0 904 Parallel outputs test
132 Input 2 0 905 mV indication
133 Input 3 0 99- Printing Parameters
134 Input 4 0 990 Whole parameters
991 Load default parameters
(1) Except for PT210EN PT210 Instruction Manual 54


Questions and Answers below may help if you get into difficulty. Notes in relation to a PC refer to a PC
running Microsoft Windows.

Question : My PC could not interface with the PT210. How can I check the COM port?
Answer : − Connect the instrument to the PC and run Hyper Terminal or alternate terminal program.
− Check COM ports as described in The Diagnostic Test section [90-] 7.9.1 .
− Short circuit your COM port RXD and TXD pins. Check if the sending of data is received
or not by using any terminal software. You can also test the PT210 COM ports as described
in The Diagnostic Tests section [90-] 7.9.1 by short circuiting RXD and TXD terminals.
− Connecting a multimeter on AC volt setting across TXD and GND will show activity if the
device or PC is transmitting.
Question : AzCom installation needs a restart every time. How can I install it?
Answer : − Read and follow the installation notes in the installation directory.
− Update your computer (visit
Question : AzCom could not connect to the instrument. What can I do?
Answer : − Check the power, data cabling and LED status of the PT210 instrument.
− Check PC port settings.
− Remove other connections. Re-energize the PT210 instrument and then make
Question : My PC doesn’t have a COM port. How can I connect instrument to my PC?
Answer : − You can use an RS-232 / USB converter for serial interfacing via USB port, available from
PT, and select the COM port with in the Connection Settings menu.
Question : My PC has a COM port but I couldn’t see the COM port in the Connection Settings menu.
How can I solve that problem?
Answer : − Other software may already be connected to that COM port. Close all applications before
running AzCom.
Question : I need very fast interfacing. What is the response delay time of the PT210?
Answer : − The PT210 response delay is a maximum of 4 milliseconds for weight data. Extremely fast
Question : What is the external data update rate of PT210?
Answer : − Only continuous data output rate might be called external update rate, which depends on
the baud rate and data length but can be up to 65 readings per second.
Question : How can I check the Ethernet connection?
Answer : − The PT210EN can be pinged. Issue the command ping followed by the IP address of the
PT210EN from any computer on the network with the PT210EN. You should see a short
response time.
Question : EtherX is searching but it could not find any instrument over the Local Area Network.
Answer : − Check the Exceptions tab in Windows Firewall settings. EtherX should be marked.
− Check the firewall of any Anti-virus program to make sure it is not being blocked.
Question : I have made a crossover connection with the PT210EN but EtherX could not find it.
Answer : − Check the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties in Local Area Connection of Windows.
− IP address and gateway address blocks of the PT210EN and PC should be the same in a
cross over connection.


Technical Note TN 16.779 Software and Communication with Azure Series Instruments PT210 Instruction Manual 55


Sealing of the PT210

Label sealing

Load cell connector and

housing sealing PT210 Instruction Manual 56


PT Limited

7 Marken Place, Auckland, New Zealand

Declare under our sole responsibility that the products; PT210,

to which this declaration relates, are in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative

EC Directive: Applicable Standards:

Low Voltage Directive (LVD): (2006/95/EC) EN 60950-1:2008

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): (2004/108/EC) EN 61326-1:2006

PT Limited, September 2015

S M Edmonds

Technical Director PT210 Instruction Manual 57

This section contains information relevant to each specific model of PT210.

11.1 PT210AN/DIN - Analogue

The PT210AN and PT210DIN are programmable to one of 4 – 20mA, 0 – 20mA, 0 – 5V or 0 – 10V
analogue output modes.
The analogue output is automatically adjusted to the weighing range after calibration. The mid value of
the analogue output range is set to represent zero load if bipolar use is configured. Manual analogue
output adjustment is available in parameter group [4--] (see 7.6 ).

The analogue output is in proportion to the gross load on the scale. The analogue output signal
functions as described next.

When the gross indication drops below zero, the PT210AN reduces the
Under Zero
analogue output to 0mA or -4V to indicate the error.

The analogue output will reflect the gross value in the analogue output
Normal Range
as programmed (4 – 20mA, 0 – 20mA, 0 – 5V or 0 – 10V).

When the gross value exceeds the high limit, the analogue signal
increases to approximately 24mA or 11V and remains there until the
Over Range
weight display is no longer blanked or the analogue signal returns to
within range.

The following table indicates the analogue output value when the gross indication is out of the normal
range and when there is any error indication on the display. The error data indicated below can be used
to convey the errors to a connected PLC or computer.

4-20mA 0-20mA 0–5V 0–10V

Condition ( On Display )
output output output output
The weight is more than the calibrated
24mA 24mA 5.5V 11V
capacity (Over Range)
The weight is less than the calibrated
0mA 0mA -4.0V -4.0V
zero (Under Zero)
Error [Err XX 24mA 24mA 5.5V 11V
The ADC is out of the operating range
24mA 24mA 5.5V 11V
[Adc Out]

Connection to the PT210AN and PT210DIN for analogue output signals should be made to the I, GND
and V terminals on the back, located as shown in 5.2.1 , and as shown below.

Analogue output voltage connection.

Analogue output current connection. PT210 Instruction Manual 58

11.2 PT210PB - Profibus

The PT210PB is equipped with a connector for Profibus DP-V1.

ROFIBUS Connector pin configuration (DB9F)

The Profibus baud rate of the PT210PB interface is detected automatically. Supported baud rates are
9.6 kbps, 19.2 kbps, 45.45 kbps, 93.75 kbps, 187.5 kbps, 500 kbps, 1.5 Mbps, 3 Mbps, 6 Mbps and 12
Mbps. No ‘baud rate’ setting exists, the data format is Profibus-DPV1.
After programming Profibus related parameters for the PT210PB indicator and disconnection with any
PC programming software such as AzCom, you can begin communication with the instrument. A
sample GSD file is available with the USB drive which is supplied together with the instrument.

Pin Signal Description

1 - -
2 - -
3 B Line Positive RxD / TxD, RS-485 level
4 RTS Request to send
5 GND Bus Ground (isolated)
6 +5V Bus Output +5V termination power (isolated)
7 - -
8 A Line Negative RxD / TxD, RS-485 level
9 - -

Note: The connector housing is Cable Shield and connected to ground.

There are two LEDs (1 & 2) near the Profibus connector which function as below;
1 OP Operation mode LED
2 ST Status LED
3 Profibus Connector

ST Status LED

State Indication Comment

No power or profibus module is in
Off No power or not initialised
initialisation state
Green Initialised
Initialised, diagnostic event(s)
Flashing Green Diagnostic is active
Red Exception error There is an exception error

OP Operation mode LED

State Indication Comment

Off Not online /No power Check power and cable
Green On-line, data exchange -
Flashing Green On-line, clear -
Flashing Red (2 flash) PROFIBUS configuration error Check GSD file configuration. PT210 Instruction Manual 59

GSD File Configuration

Profibus data is consists of 2 x Input Dwords and 2 x Output Dwords. A Dword is a double word, 32
bits in length. A typical GSD configuration for PLC programmers is shown below

GSD Configuration Description

1st Dword (PT210 PB Output to PLC Input)
Input 2 words
2nd Dword (PT210 PB Output to PLC Input)
1st Dword (PLC Output to PT210PB Input)
Output 2 words
2nd Dword (PLC Output to PT210PB Input) PT210 Instruction Manual 60

Profibus DPV1 Data Structure

PT210PB Output to PLC Input
Communication consists of a message 2 Dwords in length.

Bitwise order of a Dword:

Dword D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
(Read) D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

By default, Indicated weight value is represented.

To represent other weight or calibration status, refer to the next Dword.
Zero Out Out Out Out Out
Error In 4 In 3 In 2 In 1
2nd range 5 4 3 2 1
Dword Zero Gross Cmd
PT210PB Error codes Not in use MD Read command response
Ctr.of Net Flg

PT210PB Output to PLC Input 2nd Dword

Bit Number 2nd Dword Description

D31 … D24 Outputs Output bit status (Active = 1) D30,D31 = DI/O, D24..D28 = Relays
D23 … D16 Inputs Input bit status (Active = 1)
Bin Dec
0000 0 No error found
0001 1 ADC out
Error Codes of 0010 2 ADC over
D15 … D12
PT210PB 0011 3 ADC under
0100 4 System Error
0101 5 In programming mode
0110 6 Low/High Voltage Error
D11 … D9 Not in use
0 Weight is out of zero range
D8 Centre of zero
1 Weight is in zero range
0 Gross
D7 Indication
1 Net
MD – Motion 0 Stable
Detection 1 Dynamic
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status (Refer to table below)
00100 4
Not used
01110 14
D5 … D1 01111 15 Set Point-1 Low
10000 16 Set Point-1 High
Read 10001 17 Set Point-2 Low
Command 10010 18 Set Point-2 High
Response 10011 19 Set Point-3 Low
10100 20 Set Point-3 High
D5 … D1 10101 21 Set Point-4 Low
10110 22 Set Point-4 High
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low
11000 24 Set Point-5 High
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer table below)
D0 CMD Flag Toggles The command is applied successfully PT210 Instruction Manual 61

Calibration Status (always 32 bit integer)

1st Dword descriptions are as below when the read command is ‘Calibration Status’. Refer to 2 nd Dword
of PLC Output to PT210PB Input

Bit Number 1st Dword Description

D31 … D16 Not in use

Bin Dec Descriptions

Calibration Time out
0000 0001 1
- Restart calibration
ADC Error
0000 0010 2
- Re-energize the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrated
0000 0011 3 - Check load cell cable
- Re-energise the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrated
0010 0010 34
- Load cell signal is very low or too high
Calibration Error
D15 … D8 - Calibration loading is not enough
- Increase test weight loading (Write test weight
0010 0011 35
value to 1st Dword of PLC Output to PT210PB
Input then restart the calibration)
- Check load cell connections
Calibration load value entry Error
0010 0100 36
- Test weight is too small. Increase the test weight
Scale unstable
0010 0101 37 - Wait until scale become stable
- Check grounding wiring
The Calibration DIP switch is not ON position.
0010 0110 38
- Check the calibration DIP switch.
0000 0001 1 System ready for calibration
0000 0011 3 Zero calibration in process
D7... D0 Process
0000 0100 4 Span calibration in process
0000 1001 9 Error (Refer to Calibration Errors 8.1 ERRORS)

PLC Output to PT210PB Input

Bitwise order of a Dword:
Dword D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
(R/W) D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Next Dword defines the usage of this Dword.


Out Out Out Out Out

Expanded Commands List
2nd 5 4 3 2 1
Dword New
Not in use Command List Read Data Selection
CMD PT210 Instruction Manual 62

PLC Output to PT210PB Input 2nd Dword

Bit Number 2rd Dword descriptions

D31 … D24 Set / Reset digital outputs

D23 … D16 Expanded Commands List (Refer to table below)
D15 ... D11 Not in use
Bin Dec Commands
00000 0 None command is activated
00001 1 Zero
00010 2 Tare
00011 3 Clear
00100 4 Print
00101 5 Adjust zero calibration
00110 6 Adjust span calibration (1)
00111 7 Total Load Cell Capacity (1) vCal
01000 8 Average mV/V value (1) Coefficients
01001 9 Dead Load value (1)
01010 10 Save the coefficients of vCal [313]
D10 … D6 01011 11
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low (1)
10000 16 Set Point-1 High (1)
10001 17 Set Point-2 Low (1)
10010 18 Set Point-2 High (1)
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low (1)
10100 20 Set Point-3 High (1)
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low (1)
10110 22 Set Point-4 High (1)
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low (1)
11000 24 Set Point-5 High (1)
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer table below)
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status ( Refer to table above)
00100 4
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low ( 2 )
10000 16 Set Point-1 High
Read Data
D5... D1 10001 17 Set Point-2 Low ( 2 )
10010 18 Set Point-2 High
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low ( 2 )
10100 20 Set Point-3 High
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low ( 2 )
10110 22 Set Point-4 High
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low ( 2 )
11000 24 Set Point-5 High
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list ( Refer table below)
D0 New CMD Toggle Apply commands which are listed in this table

(1) Write this command after writing values to 1st Dword , then apply this command with New CMD
(2) Only set point low addresses are used if the set point is programmed as standard. PT210 Instruction Manual 63

Expanded Command List (always 32 bit integer)

The “D23 … D16” bits in 2nd Dword describes below.

Bit No Description
Bin Dec Commands
Voltage of Indicated with 0.1 VDC
00000000 0 R
Power Supply increment.
00000001 1
Not in use
00111111 63
01000000 64 RW Filter (1) Refer [120]
01000001 65 RW Power On Zero (1) Refer [202]
01000010 66 RW Zeroing Range (1) Refer [203]
01000011 67 RW Auto Zero Tracking(1) Refer [204]
01000100 68 RW Tare (1) Refer [205]
Expanded 01000101 69 RW Motion Detector (1) Refer [206]
D23…D16 Command 01000110 70 RW Stability Period (1) Refer [207]
01000111 71 RW Operating mode (1) Refer [210]
01001000 72 RW Capacity (1) Refer [212]
Decimal point (1) 2 XXXXXX
01001001 73 RW
Refer [212] 3 XXXXX.X
1 X1
Increment (1)
01001010 74 RW 2 X2
Refer [212]
3 X5
(1) Write this command after writing values to 1st Dword then apply this command with New CMD

Frequently used programming steps.

Reading a weight value:
1. Check the D12…D15 bits of ‘PT210PB Output to PLC Input 2nd Dword’. If there is no error, read
a weight value (gross, net or tare).

Zero Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. it should be decimal '1' to start adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Zero Calibration’ command and apply New CMD to start Zero calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status, it is decimal '3' during the zero calibration process.
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of the Zero calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to
understand the calibration error.

Span Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. it should be decimal '1' to start adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Span Calibration’ command after writing test weight values to 1st Dword, then
apply this command with New CMD to start Span calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status, it is decimal '4' during the span calibration process.
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of the Span calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to
understand the calibration error. PT210 Instruction Manual 64

11.3 PT210PN - Profinet

The PT210PN is equipped for Profinet communication.

PROFINET Connector pin configuration (RJ45)

The Profinet interface operates at 100Mbit, full duplex, as required by Profinet. A typical GSDML file is
available supplied together with the instrument.

Pin Signal DIR Description

1 TX+ Out Differential Ethernet transmit data +
2 TX− Out Differential Ethernet transmit data −
3 RX+ In Differential Ethernet receive data +
6 RX− In Differential Ethernet receive data −
4 Not used Terminated
5 Not used Terminated
7 Not used Terminated
8 Not used Terminated
Shield Chasis ground

There are 3 announcement LEDs on rear panel (MS, NS, LINK) for showing the instrument status and
Profinet status in operation. The meanings of these LED’s are;

1 NS Network Status LED

2 MS Module Status LED
3 Link/Activity LED
4 Profinet interface

MS Module Status LED

LED State Description Comment
No power or Profinet module is in
Off No power or not initialised
initialisation state
Green Initialised
Initialised, diagnostic event(s)
Green, 1 flash Diagnostic is active
Red Exception error There is an exception error
Red, 1 flash Configuration Error Check GSDML configuration
Red, 2 flashes IP Address Error IP address not set
Red, 3 flashes Station Name Error Station name not set
Re-energise the instrument.
Red, 4 flashes Internal Module Error
If seen again, change the board.

LINK/Activity LED
LED State Description Comment
Off No Link No link, no communication present
Ethernet link established, no
Green Link
communication present
Ethernet link established,
Green, flickering Activity
communication present

NS Network Status LED

LED State Description Comment
Off Not online /No power Check power and cable
Green On-line (RUN) -
Green, flashing On-line (STOP) - PT210 Instruction Manual 65

Profinet Parameters
There are 7 parameters for Profinet network and Profinet set up, this is performed with EtherX PC
software over the Local Area Network as described in this section.

EtherX PC software is required to set these parameters and is supplied together with the instrument.
Note: Station name is ‘set to pn-io’ as a default.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol automates network parameters if it is enabled.
Default is ‘Disable’.
IP Address
If DHCP is disabled, set the IP address manually.
Default is ‘’.
Subnet Mask
If DHCP is disabled, set the subnet mask manually.
Default is ‘’.
Default Gateway
If DHCP is disabled, set the default gateway manually.
Default is ‘’.
Primary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, set the primary DNS manually.
Default is ‘’.
Secondary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, set the secondary DNS manually.
Default is ‘’.
Host Name
Enter a unique host name to identify the instrument.
Default is ‘ ’.

Note: If you do not know your network settings, ask your network administrator.
GSDML Configuration GSDML Configuration Description
Profinet data structures for the
PT210PN consists of 2 x Input 1st Dword (PT210PN Output to PLC Input)
Input 2 words
Dwords and 2 x Output 2nd Dword (PT210PN Output to PLC Input)
Dwords. A Dword is a double
word, 32 bits in length. A 1st Dword (PLC Output to PT210PN Input)
Output 2 words
typical GSDML configuration 2nd Dword (PLC Output to PT210PN Input)
for PLC programmers is shown
below PT210 Instruction Manual 66

Profinet Data Structure

The data format of the weight value can be programmed as Floating point (IEEE 754) or Integer. Refer
to parameter [060 0] – Data Format.
PT210PN Output to PLC Input
Communication consists of a message 2 Dwords in length.

Bitwise order of a Dword:

Dword D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
(Read) D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

By default, Indicated weight value is represented.

To represent other weight or calibration status, refer to the next Dword.
Zero Out Out Out Out Out
Error In 4 In 3 In 2 In 1
2nd range 5 4 3 2 1
Dword Zero Gross Cmd
PT210PN Error codes Not in use MD Read command response
Ctr.of Net Flg

PT210PN Output to PLC Input 2nd Dword

Bit Number 2nd Dword Description

D31 … D24 Outputs Output bit status (Active = 1) D30,D31 = DI/O, D24..D28 = Relays
D23 … D16 Inputs Input bit status (Active = 1)
Bin Dec
0000 0 No error found
0001 1 ADC out
Error Codes of 0010 2 ADC over
D15 … D12
PT210PN 0011 3 ADC under
0100 4 System Error
0101 5 In programming mode
0110 6 Low/High Voltage Error
D11 … D9 Not in use
0 Weight is out of zero range
D8 Centre of zero
1 Weight is in zero range
0 Gross
D7 Indication
1 Net
MD – Motion 0 Stable
Detection 1 Dynamic
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status (Refer to table below)
00100 4
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low
10000 16 Set Point-1 High
Read 10001 17 Set Point-2 Low
D5 … D1 10010 18 Set Point-2 High
Response 10011 19 Set Point-3 Low
10100 20 Set Point-3 High
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low
10110 22 Set Point-4 High
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low
11000 24 Set Point-5 High
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer table below)
D0 CMD Flag Toggles The command is applied successfully PT210 Instruction Manual 67

Calibration Status (always 32 bit integer)

1st Dword descriptions are as below when the read command is ‘Calibration Status’. Refer to 2 nd Dword
of PLC Output to PT210PN Input

Bit Number 1st Dword Description

D31 … D16 Not in use

Bin Dec Descriptions

Calibration Time out
0000 0001 1
- Restart calibration
ADC Error
0000 0010 2
- Re-energize the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrated
0000 0011 3 - Check load cell cable
- Re-energise the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrated
0010 0010 34
- Load cell signal is very low or too high
Calibration Error
D15 … D8 - Calibration loading is not enough
- Increase test weight loading (Write test weight
0010 0011 35
value to 1st Dword of PLC Output to PT210PN
Input then restart the calibration)
- Check load cell connections
Calibration load value entry Error
0010 0100 36
- Test weight is too small. Increase the test weight
Scale unstable
0010 0101 37 - Wait until the scale becomes stable
- Check grounding wiring
Calibration DIP switch is not in the ON position.
0010 0110 38
- Check the calibration DIP switch.
0000 0001 1 System ready for calibration
0000 0011 3 Zero calibration in process
D7... D0 Process
0000 0100 4 Span calibration in process
0000 1001 9 Error (Refer to Calibration Errors 8.1 ERRORS)

PLC Output to PT210PN Input

Bitwise order of a Dword:
Dword D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
(R/W) D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Next Dword defines the usage of this Dword.


Out Out Out Out Out

Expanded Commands List
2nd 5 4 3 2 1
Dword New
Not in use Command List Read Data Selection
CMD PT210 Instruction Manual 68

PLC Output to PT210PN Input 2nd Dword

Bit Number 2rd Dword descriptions

D31 … D24 Set / Reset digital outputs

D23 … D16 Expanded Commands List (Refer to table below)
D15 ... D11 Not in use
Bin Dec Commands
00000 0 None command is activated
00001 1 Zero
00010 2 Tare
00011 3 Clear
00100 4 Print
00101 5 Adjust zero calibration
00110 6 Adjust span calibration (1)
00111 7 Total Load Cell Capacity (1) vCal
01000 8 Average mV/V value (1) Coefficients
01001 9 Dead Load value (1)
01010 10 Save the coefficients of vCal [313]
D10 … D6 01011 11
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low (1)
10000 16 Set Point-1 High (1)
10001 17 Set Point-2 Low (1)
10010 18 Set Point-2 High (1)
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low (1)
10100 20 Set Point-3 High (1)
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low (1)
10110 22 Set Point-4 High (1)
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low (1)
11000 24 Set Point-5 High (1)
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer table below)
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status ( Refer to table above)
00100 4
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low ( 2 )
10000 16 Set Point-1 High
Read Data
D5... D1 10001 17 Set Point-2 Low ( 2 )
10010 18 Set Point-2 High
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low ( 2 )
10100 20 Set Point-3 High
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low ( 2 )
10110 22 Set Point-4 High
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low ( 2 )
11000 24 Set Point-5 High
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list ( Refer table below)
D0 New CMD Toggle Apply commands which are listed in this table

(1) Write this command after writing values to 1st Dword , then apply this command with New CMD
(2) Only set point low addresses are used if the set point is programmed as standard. PT210 Instruction Manual 69

Expanded Command List (always 32 bit integer)

The “D23 … D16” bits in 2nd Dword describes below.

Bit No Description
Bin Dec Commands
Voltage of Indicated with 0.1 VDC
00000000 0 R
Power Supply increment.
00000001 1
Not in use
00111111 63
01000000 64 RW Filter (1) Refer [120]
01000001 65 RW Power On Zero (1) Refer [202]
01000010 66 RW Zeroing Range (1) Refer [203]
01000011 67 RW Auto Zero Tracking(1) Refer [204]
01000100 68 RW Tare (1) Refer [205]
Expanded 01000101 69 RW Motion Detector (1) Refer [206]
D23…D16 Command 01000110 70 RW Stability Period (1) Refer [207]
01000111 71 RW Operating mode (1) Refer [210]
01001000 72 RW Capacity (1) Refer [212]
Decimal point (1) 2 XXXXXX
01001001 73 RW
Refer [212] 3 XXXXX.X
1 X1
Increment (1)
01001010 74 RW 2 X2
Refer [212]
3 X5
(1) Write this command after writing values to 1st Dword then apply this command with New CMD

Frequently used programming steps.

Reading a weight value:
2. Check the D12…D15 bits of ‘PT210PN Output to PLC Input 2nd Dword’. If there is no error, read
a weight value (gross, net or tare).

Zero Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. it should be decimal '1' to start adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Zero Calibration’ command and apply New CMD to start Zero calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status, it is decimal '3' during the zero calibration process.
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of the Zero calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to
understand the calibration error.

Span Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. it should be decimal '1' to start adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Span Calibration’ command after writing test weight values to 1st Dword, then
apply this command with New CMD to start Span calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status, it is decimal '4' during the span calibration process.
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of the Span calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to
understand the calibration error. PT210 Instruction Manual 70

11.4 PT210EI - Ethernet/IP

The PT210EI is equipped for communication using the Ethernet/IP protocol common with Rockwell
Automation/Allen-Bradley control networks. For further information see

Ethernet/IP Connectors (RJ45)

EtherNet/IP interfacing of the PT210EI can be performed via hub, switch or serial bus over two
EtherNet/IP ports.
• Serial bus connection of instruments. You may connect instruments in series to your
Ethernet/IP bus via the two ports.
• Star connection. If you connect the instrument to your PLC via hub or switch, you can use
either P1 or P2 port on the instrument. You can change the port, if there is any malfunction on
the port in use.
The EtherNet/IP interface supports 10/100Mbit, full or half duplex operation. An EDS file for two port
EtherNet/IP is available on the USB drive which is supplied together with the instrument or for download

There are 4 announcement

LEDs on the instrument to 1 NS Network Status LED
indicate the interface 2 MS Module Status LED
status as seen below. 3 Link/Activity LED (Port 1)
4 Link/Activity LED (Port 1)
5 P1 interface (port 1)
6 P2 interface (port 2)

The meaning of these LED’s are;

MS Module Status LED
LED State Description Comment
No power or Ethernet/IPmodule is
Off No power or not initialised
in the initialisation state
Green Controlled by scanner in run state
Green, flashing Not configured or scanner idle
**Major fault (EXCEPTION state, Re-energise the instrument.
FATAL error etc.) If seen again, change the board.
Red, flashing **Recoverable fault(s) Check configuration, restart

LINK/Activity LED
LED State Description Comment
Off No Link No link, no communication present
Ethernet link established, no
Green Link
communication present
Ethernet link established,
Green, flickering Activity
communication present

NS Network Status LED

LED State Description Comment
Off No IP address assigned. Run EtherX
One or more connections
Green On-line (RUN)
established (CIP Class 1 or 3)
Green, flashing On-line No established connections
Red** Duplicate IP address, FATAL Run EtherX
One or more connections timed out
Red**, flashing Connection timeout
(CIP Class 1 or 3)
**In the case of a red LED warning, check cabling, configuration, IP address and device name before
re-energising the instrument after 30 seconds power off. PT210 Instruction Manual 71

Link/Activity LED
LED State Description Comment
Off No link or activity
Green Link established. 100 Mbit/s data rate.
Green, flickering Link Active Data flow at 100 Mbit/s data rate.
Yellow Link established 10 Mbit/s data rate.
Yellow, flickering Link Active Data flow at 100 Mbit/s data rate.

Ethernet Parameters
There are 7 parameters for Ethernet set up, this is performed with EtherX PC software over the Local
Area Network as described in this section.

EtherX PC software is required to set these parameters and is supplied together with the instrument.
Note: Station name is ‘set to ei-io’ as a default.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol automates network parameters if it is enabled.
Default is ‘Disable’.
IP Address
If DHCP is disabled, set the IP address manually.
Default is ‘’.
Subnet Mask
If DHCP is disabled, set the subnet mask manually.
Default is ‘’.
Default Gateway
If DHCP is disabled, set the default gateway manually.
Default is ‘’.
Primary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, set the primary DNS manually.
Default is ‘’.
Secondary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, set the secondary DNS manually.
Default is ‘’.
Host Name
Enter a unique host name to identify the instrument.
Default is ‘ ’.

Note: If you do not know your network settings, ask your network administrator.

EDS Configuration
Ethernet/IP data structures for the PT210EI consists of 2 x Input Dwords and 2 x Output Dwords. A
Dword is a double word, 32 bits in length.

EDS Configuration Description

1st Dword (PT210EI Output to PLC Input)
Input 2 Dwords
2nd Dword (PT210EI Output to PLC Input)
1st Dword (PLC Output to PT210EI Input)
Output 2 Dwords
2nd Dword (PLC Output to PT210EI Input) PT210 Instruction Manual 72

A typical configuration without EDS for PLC programmers is shown below PT210 Instruction Manual 73

A typical configuration with an EDS file for PLC programmers is shown below PT210 Instruction Manual 74

Ethernet/IP Data Structure

The data format of the weight value can be programmed as Floating point (IEEE 754) or Integer. Refer
to parameter [060 0] – Data Format.
PT210EI Output to PLC Input
Communication consists of a message 2 Dwords in length.

Bitwise order of a Dword:

Dword D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
(Read) D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

By default, Indicated weight value is represented.

To represent other weight or calibration status, refer to the next Dword.
Zero Out Out Out Out Out
Error In 4 In 3 In 2 In 1
2nd range 5 4 3 2 1
Dword Zero Gross Cmd
PT210EI Error codes Not in use MD Read command response
Ctr. of Net Flg

PT210EI Output to PLC Input 2nd Dword

Bit Number 2nd Dword Description

D31 … D24 Outputs Output bit status (Active = 1) D30,D31 = DI/O, D24..D28 = Relays
D23 … D16 Inputs Input bit status (Active = 1)
Bin Dec
0000 0 No error found
0001 1 ADC out
Error Codes of 0010 2 ADC over
D15 … D12
PT210EI 0011 3 ADC under
0100 4 System Error
0101 5 In programming mode
0110 6 Low/High Voltage Error
D11 … D9 Not in use
0 Weight is out of zero range
D8 Centre of zero
1 Weight is in zero range
0 Gross
D7 Indication
1 Net
MD – Motion 0 Stable
Detection 1 Dynamic
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status (Refer to table below)
00100 4-
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low
10000 16 Set Point-1 High
10001 17 Set Point-2 Low
Read 10010 18 Set Point-2 High
D5 … D1
Command 10011 19 Set Point-3 Low
Response 10100 20 Set Point-3 High
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low
10110 22 Set Point-4 High
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low
11000 24 Set Point-5 High
11001 25 -
Not used
11110 30
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer table below)
D0 CMD Flag Toggles The command is applied successfully PT210 Instruction Manual 75

Calibration Status (always 32 bit integer)

1st Dword descriptions are as below when the read command is ‘Calibration Status’. Refer to 2 nd Dword
of PLC Output to PT210EI Input

Bit Number 1st Dword Description

D31 … D16 Not in use

Bin Dec Descriptions

Calibration Time out
0000 0001 1
- Restart calibration
ADC Error
0000 0010 2
- Re-energize the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrated
0000 0011 3 - Check load cell cable
- Re-energise the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrated
0010 0010 34
- Load cell signal is very low or too high
Calibration Error
D15 … D8 - Calibration loading is not enough
- Increase test weight loading (Write test weight
0010 0011 35
value to 1st Dword of PLC Output to PT210EI
Input then restart the calibration)
- Check load cell connections
Calibration load value entry Error
0010 0100 36
- Test weight is too small. Increase the test weight
Scale unstable
0010 0101 37 - Wait until the scale becomes stable
- Check grounding wiring
Calibration DIP switch is not in the ON position.
0010 0110 38
- Check the calibration DIP switch.
0000 0001 1 System ready for calibration
0000 0011 3 Zero calibration in process
D7... D0 Process
0000 0100 4 Span calibration in process
0000 1001 9 Error (Refer to Calibration Errors 8.1 ERRORS)

PLC Output to PT210EI Input

Bitwise order of a Dword:
Dword D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
(R/W) D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Next Dword defines the usage of this Dword.


Out Out Out Out Out

Expanded Commands List
2nd 5 4 3 2 1
Dword New
Not in use Command List Read Data Selection
CMD PT210 Instruction Manual 76

PLC Output to PT210EI Input 2nd Dword

Bit Number 2rd Dword descriptions

D31 … D24 Set / Reset digital outputs

D23 … D16 Expanded Commands List (Refer to table below)
D15 ... D11 Not in use
Bin Dec Commands
00000 0 None command is activated
00001 1 Zero
00010 2 Tare
00011 3 Clear
00100 4 Print
00101 5 Adjust zero calibration
00110 6 Adjust span calibration (1)
00111 7 Total Load Cell Capacity (1) vCal
01000 8 Average mV/V value (1) Coefficients
01001 9 Dead Load value (1)
01010 10 Save the coefficients of vCal [313]
Command 01011 11 -
D10 … D6 Not used
List 01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low (1)
10000 16 Set Point-1 High (1)
10001 17 Set Point-2 Low (1)
10010 18 Set Point-2 High (1)
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low (1)
10100 20 Set Point-3 High (1)
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low (1)
10110 22 Set Point-4 High (1)
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low (1)
11000 24 Set Point-5 High (1)
11001 25 -
Not used
11110 30
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer table below)
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status ( Refer to table above)
00100 4-
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low (2)

10000 16 Set Point-1 High

10001 17 Set Point-2 Low (2)
Read Data
D5... D1 10010 18 Set Point-2 High
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low (2)

10100 20 Set Point-3 High

10101 21 Set Point-4 Low (2)

10110 22 Set Point-4 High

10111 23 Set Point-5 Low (2)

11000 24 Set Point-5 High

11001 25 -
Not used
11110 30
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list ( Refer table below)
D0 New CMD Toggle Apply commands which are listed in this table

(1) Write this command after writing values to 1st Dword , then apply this command with New CMD
(2) Only set point low addresses are used if the set point is programmed as standard. PT210 Instruction Manual 77

Expanded Command List (always 32 bit integer)

The “D23 … D16” bits in 2nd Dword describes below.

Bit No Description
Bin Dec Commands
Voltage of Indicated with 0.1 VDC
00000000 0 R
Power Supply increment.
00000001 1
Not in use
00111111 63
01000000 64 RW Filter (1) Refer [120]
01000001 65 RW Power On Zero (1) Refer [202]
01000010 66 RW Zeroing Range (1) Refer [203]
01000011 67 RW Auto Zero Tracking(1) Refer [204]
01000100 68 RW Tare (1) Refer [205]
Expanded 01000101 69 RW Motion Detector (1) Refer [206]
D23…D16 Command 01000110 70 RW Stability Period (1) Refer [207]
01000111 71 RW Operating mode (1) Refer [210]
01001000 72 RW Capacity (1) Refer [212]
Decimal point (1) 2 XXXXXX
01001001 73 RW
Refer [212] 3 XXXXX.X
1 X1
Increment (1)
01001010 74 RW 2 X2
Refer [212]
3 X5
(1) Write this command after writing values to 1st Dword then apply this command with New CMD

Frequently used programming steps.

Reading a weight value:
3. Check the D12…D15 bits of ‘PT210EI Output to PLC Input 2nd Dword’. If there is no error, read
a weight value (gross, net or tare).

Zero Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. it should be decimal '1' to start adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Zero Calibration’ command and apply New CMD to start Zero calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status, it is decimal '3' during the zero calibration process.
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of the Zero calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to
understand the calibration error.

Span Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. it should be decimal '1' to start adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Span Calibration’ command after writing test weight values to 1st Dword, then
apply this command with New CMD to start Span calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status, it is decimal '4' during the span calibration process.
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of the Span calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to
understand the calibration error. PT210 Instruction Manual 78

11.5 PT210EC - EtherCAT

The PT210EC is equipped for communication using the EtherCAT protocol which is the most widely
adopted and most widely accepted real-time fieldbus protocol. For further information see

EtherCAT Connectors (RJ45)

EtherCAT interfacing of the PT210EC can be performed via hub, switch or serial bus over two
EtherCAT ports.
• Serial bus connection of instruments. You may connect instruments in series to your EtherCAT
bus via the two ports.
• Star connection. If you connect the instrument to your PLC via hub or switch, you can use the
P1 port on the instrument.

The EtherCAT interface supports 100Mbit, full duplex operation. An ESI file for two port EtherCAT is
available on the USB drive which is supplied together with the instrument or for download from

There are 4 announcement

LEDs on the instrument to 1 NS RUN LED
indicate the interface 2 MS ERR LED
status as seen below. 3 Link/Activity LED (Port 1)
4 Link/Activity LED (Port 1)
5 P1 (IN) interface (port 1)
6 P2 (OUT) interface (port 2)

The meanings of these LED’s are;

LED State Description Comment
Off INIT Device initialising
Green OPERATIONAL Device operating normally
Green, blinking PRE-OPERATIONAL Device in preparation state
Green, 1 flash SAFE-OPERATIONAL Device in safe operation mode
Red Fatal event Check and correct faults*

LINK/Activity LED
LED State Description Comment
Off No Link No link, no communication present
Ethernet link established, no
Green Link
communication present
Ethernet link established,
Green, flickering Activity
communication present

LED State Description Comment
Off No error or no power Device initialising
State change received from master
Red, blinking Invalid configuration is not possible due to invalid
register or object settings.
Slave device application has
Red, single flash Unsolicited state change changed the EtherCAT state
Red, double flash Application watchdog timeout Check cabling and restart device
Red, steady Application controller failure Check cabling and restart device PT210 Instruction Manual 79

Link/Activity LED
LED State Description Comment
Off No Link, no activity No link, no communication present
Green Link Link Sensed, no activity
Green, flickering Activity Link Sensed, activity

Ethernet Parameters
There are 7 parameters for Ethernet set up, this is performed with EtherX PC software over the Local
Area Network as described in this section.

EtherX PC software is required to set these parameters and is supplied together with the instrument.
Note: Station name is ‘set to ei-io’ as a default.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol automates network parameters if it is enabled.
Default is ‘Disable’.
IP Address
If DHCP is disabled, set the IP address manually.
Default is ‘’.
Subnet Mask
If DHCP is disabled, set the subnet mask manually.
Default is ‘’.
Default Gateway
If DHCP is disabled, set the default gateway manually.
Default is ‘’.
Primary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, set the primary DNS manually.
Default is ‘’.
Secondary DNS
If DHCP is disabled, set the secondary DNS manually.
Default is ‘’.
Host Name
Enter a unique host name to identify the instrument.
Default is ‘ ’.

Note: If you do not know your network settings, ask your network administrator.

ESI Configuration
EtherCAT data structures for the PT210EC consists of 2 x Input Dwords and 2 x Output Dwords. A
Dword is a double word, 32 bits in length.

ESI Configuration Definition Description

Input 2 Dwords SubIndex 001 1st Dword (PT210EC Output to PLC Input)
DI TxPDO-Map SubIndex 002 2nd Dword (PT210EC Output to PLC Input)
Output 2 Dwords SubIndex 001 1st Dword (PLC Output to PT210EC Input)
DO RxPDO-Map SubIndex 002 2nd Dword (PLC Output to PT210EC Input) PT210 Instruction Manual 80

A typical configuration with an ESI file for PLC programmers is shown below PT210 Instruction Manual 81

EtherCAT Data Structure

The data format of the weight value can be programmed as Floating point (IEEE 754) or Integer. Refer
to parameter [060 0] – Data Format.
PT210EC Output to PLC Input
Communication consists of a message 2 Dwords in length.

Bitwise order of a Dword:

Dword D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
(Read) D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

By default, Indicated weight value is represented.

To represent other weight or calibration status, refer to the next Dword.
Zero Out Out Out Out Out
Error In 4 In 3 In 2 In 1
2nd range 5 4 3 2 1
Dword Zero Gross Cmd
PT210EC Error codes Not in use MD Read command response
Ctr. of Net Flg

PT210EC Output to PLC Input 2nd Dword

Bit Number 2nd Dword Description

D31 … D24 Outputs Output bit status (Active = 1) D30,D31 = DI/O, D24..D28 = Relays
D23 … D16 Inputs Input bit status (Active = 1)
Bin Dec
0000 0 No error found
0001 1 ADC out
Error Codes of 0010 2 ADC over
D15 … D12
PT210EC 0011 3 ADC under
0100 4 System Error
0101 5 In programming mode
0110 6 Low/High Voltage Error
D11 … D9 Not in use
0 Weight is out of zero range
D8 Centre of zero
1 Weight is in zero range
0 Gross
D7 Indication
1 Net
MD – Motion 0 Stable
Detection 1 Dynamic
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status (Refer to table below)
00100 4-
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low
10000 16 Set Point-1 High
10001 17 Set Point-2 Low
Read 10010 18 Set Point-2 High
D5 … D1
Command 10011 19 Set Point-3 Low
Response 10100 20 Set Point-3 High
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low
10110 22 Set Point-4 High
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low
11000 24 Set Point-5 High
11001 25 -
Not used
11110 30
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer table below)
D0 CMD Flag Toggles The command is applied successfully PT210 Instruction Manual 82

Calibration Status (always 32 bit integer)

1st Dword descriptions are as below when the read command is ‘Calibration Status’. Refer to 2 nd Dword
of PLC Output to PT210EC Input

Bit Number 1st Dword Description

D31 … D16 Not in use

Bin Dec Descriptions

Calibration Time out
0000 0001 1
- Restart calibration
ADC Error
0000 0010 2
- Re-energize the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrated
0000 0011 3 - Check load cell cable
- Re-energise the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrated
0010 0010 34
- Load cell signal is very low or too high
Calibration Error
D15 … D8 - Calibration loading is not enough
- Increase test weight loading (Write test weight
0010 0011 35
value to 1st Dword of PLC Output to PT210EC
Input then restart the calibration)
- Check load cell connections
Calibration load value entry Error
0010 0100 36
- Test weight is too small. Increase the test weight
Scale unstable
0010 0101 37 - Wait until the scale becomes stable
- Check grounding wiring
Calibration DIP switch is not in the ON position.
0010 0110 38
- Check the calibration DIP switch.
0000 0001 1 System ready for calibration
0000 0011 3 Zero calibration in process
D7... D0 Process
0000 0100 4 Span calibration in process
0000 1001 9 Error (Refer to Calibration Errors 8.1 ERRORS)

PLC Output to PT210EC Input

Bitwise order of a Dword:
Dword D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
(R/W) D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Next Dword defines the usage of this Dword.


Out Out Out Out Out

Expanded Commands List
2nd 5 4 3 2 1
Dword New
Not in use Command List Read Data Selection
CMD PT210 Instruction Manual 83

PLC Output to PT210EC Input 2nd Dword

Bit Number 2rd Dword descriptions

D31 … D24 Set / Reset digital outputs

D23 … D16 Expanded Commands List (Refer to table below)
D15 ... D11 Not in use
Bin Dec Commands
00000 0 None command is activated
00001 1 Zero
00010 2 Tare
00011 3 Clear
00100 4 Print
00101 5 Adjust zero calibration
00110 6 Adjust span calibration (1)
00111 7 Total Load Cell Capacity (1) vCal
01000 8 Average mV/V value (1) Coefficients
01001 9 Dead Load value (1)
01010 10 Save the coefficients of vCal [313]
Command 01011 11 -
D10 … D6 Not used
List 01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low (1)
10000 16 Set Point-1 High (1)
10001 17 Set Point-2 Low (1)
10010 18 Set Point-2 High (1)
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low (1)
10100 20 Set Point-3 High (1)
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low (1)
10110 22 Set Point-4 High (1)
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low (1)
11000 24 Set Point-5 High (1)
11001 25 -
Not used
11110 30
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer table below)
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status ( Refer to table above)
00100 4-
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low (2)

10000 16 Set Point-1 High

10001 17 Set Point-2 Low (2)
Read Data
D5... D1 10010 18 Set Point-2 High
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low (2)

10100 20 Set Point-3 High

10101 21 Set Point-4 Low (2)

10110 22 Set Point-4 High

10111 23 Set Point-5 Low (2)

11000 24 Set Point-5 High

11001 25 -
Not used
11110 30
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list ( Refer table below)
D0 New CMD Toggle Apply commands which are listed in this table

(1) Write this command after writing values to 1st Dword , then apply this command with New CMD
(2) Only set point low addresses are used if the set point is programmed as standard. PT210 Instruction Manual 84

Expanded Command List (always 32 bit integer)

The “D23 … D16” bits in 2nd Dword describes below.

Bit No Description
Bin Dec Commands
Voltage of Indicated with 0.1 VDC
00000000 0 R
Power Supply increment.
00000001 1
Not in use
00111111 63
01000000 64 RW Filter (1) Refer [120]
01000001 65 RW Power On Zero (1) Refer [202]
01000010 66 RW Zeroing Range (1) Refer [203]
01000011 67 RW Auto Zero Tracking(1) Refer [204]
01000100 68 RW Tare (1) Refer [205]
Expanded 01000101 69 RW Motion Detector (1) Refer [206]
D23…D16 Command 01000110 70 RW Stability Period (1) Refer [207]
01000111 71 RW Operating mode (1) Refer [210]
01001000 72 RW Capacity (1) Refer [212]
Decimal point (1) 2 XXXXXX
01001001 73 RW
Refer [212] 3 XXXXX.X
1 X1
Increment (1)
01001010 74 RW 2 X2
Refer [212]
3 X5
(1) Write this command after writing values to 1st Dword then apply this command with New CMD

Frequently used programming steps.

Reading a weight value:
1. Check the D12…D15 bits of ‘PT210EC Output to PLC Input 2nd Dword’. If there is no error, read
a weight value (gross, net or tare).

Zero Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. it should be decimal '1' to start adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Zero Calibration’ command and apply New CMD to start Zero calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status, it is decimal '3' during the zero calibration process.
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of the Zero calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to
understand the calibration error.

Span Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. it should be decimal '1' to start adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Span Calibration’ command after writing test weight values to 1st Dword, then
apply this command with New CMD to start Span calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status, it is decimal '4' during the span calibration process.
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of the Span calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to
understand the calibration error. PT210 Instruction Manual 85

11.6 PT210EN - Ethernet

The PT210EN is equipped for Ethernet communication. The Ethernet port can be configured for
continuous output, BSI communication, printing or communication with the Modbus TCP protocol. .

For continuous data output refer , for BSI communication refer . Printer settings are in
6.3.9 and for Modbus settings refer .

Note: Checksums are not used with Ethernet transmissions. PT210 Instruction Manual 86

11.7 PT210CO - CANopen

After setting related parameters communication with the indicator via a CANopen network is possible.
An EDS file is available which is supplied together with the instrument.
Automatically detected and supported baud rates are 10 kbps, 50 kbps, 100 kbps, 125 kbps, 250 kbps,
500 kbps, 800 kbps, 1 Mbps, Autobaud (default).
There are 2 LED’s near the CANopen connector which are;

1 Run LED
2 Error LED
3 CANopen interface


State Indication Comment

Off Not online / No power Check power and cable
Green On-line, data exchange -
Green, blinking On-line, initializing -
Green, single flash Stopped Check hardware for damage
Green, flickering Auto baudrate detection in progress -
Red CANopen configuration error Check EDS file

Error LED

State Indication Comment

No power or CANopen module is in
Off -
initialization state
A bus error counter reached or
Red, single flash Warning limit reached
exceeded its warning level
Red, flickering LSS LSS services in progress
A guard- (NMT-Slave or NMT-
Red, double flash Error count event master) or heartbeat event
(Heartbeat consumer) has occurred.
Red Bus off (Fatal Event) Bus off.

EDS Configuration
The CANopen data structures of the PT210CO includes 1 x TxPDO (64 bit) and 1 x RxPDO (64 bit).
EDS configuration for PLC programmers is shown in below. PT210 Instruction Manual 87

Figure 12.1 - EDS Configuration

EDS Configuration Description

TxPDO 1 (4 words) Unsigned Long (PT210CO Output to PLC Input)

RxPDO 1 (4 words) Unsigned Long (PLC Output to PT210CO Input)

CANopen Data Structure

PT210CO Output to PLC Input
Bitwise order of a Ulong:

D63 D62 D61 D60 D59 D58 D57 D56 D55 D54 D53 D52 D51 D50 D49 D48
Unsigned D47 D46 D45 D44 D43 D42 D41 D40 D39 D38 D37 D36 D35 D34 D33 D32
(Only read) D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Zero Out Out Out Out Out In In In In

range 5 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1
TxPDO 1 Zero Gross Cmd
PT210CO error codes Not in use MD Read command response
(T_UL1) Ctr.of Net Flg
D0 .. D31. By default, the indicated weight value is represented.
To represent other weight values or calibration status, refer to D33…D37. PT210 Instruction Manual 88

PT210CO Output to PLC Input TxPDO 1 (T_UL1)

Bit Number TxPDO 1 (T_UL1) Description
D63 … D56 Outputs Output bit status (Active = 1) D62,D63 = DI/O, D56..D60 = Relays
D55 … D48 Inputs Input bit status (Active = 1)
Bin Dec
0000 0 No error found
0001 1 ADC out
Error Codes 0010 2 ADC over
D47 … D44
for PT210CO 0011 3 ADC under
0100 4 System Error
0101 5 In programming mode
0110 6 Low/High Voltage Error
D43 … D41 Not in use
0 Weight is out of centre of zero (→0← LED off)
D40 Centre of zero
1 Weight is in centre of zero (→0← LED on)
0 Gross
D39 Indication
1 Net
MD – Motion 0 Stable
Detection 1 Dynamic
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status (Refer to Table 12.3)
00100 4
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low
10000 16 Set Point-1 High
10001 17 Set Point-2 Low
D37 … D33 Command
10010 18 Set Point-2 High
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low
10100 20 Set Point-3 High
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low
10110 22 Set Point-4 High
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low
11000 24 Set Point-5 High
Use the Expanded Command list (Refer to Table
11111 31
D32 CMD Flag Toggles The command has been applied successfully
By default, Indicated the weight value is represented.
To represent other weight values or calibration status, refer to D33~D37. PT210 Instruction Manual 89

Calibration Status (always 32 bit integer)

Low Dword of TxPDO 1 (T_UL1) descriptions when read command is ‘Calibration Status’.
Refer to RxPDO 1 (R_UL1) of ‘PLC Output to PT210CO Input’.

Bit Number Low Dword of TxPDO 1 (T_UL1) Description

D31 … D16 Not in use

Bin Dec Descriptions
Calibration Timeout
0000 0001 1
- Restart calibration
ADC Error
0000 0010 2
- Re-energize the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrating
0000 0011 3 - Check load cell cable
- Re-energize the instrument
Instrument can not be calibrating
0010 0010 34
- Load cell signal is very low or too high
Calibration Error
D15 … D8 - Calibration loading is not enough
- Check test weight loading (Write test weight
0010 0011 35
value to RxPDO 1 (R_DW1) of PLC Output to
PT210CO Input then restart the calibration)
- Check load cell connections
Calibration load value entry Error
0010 0100 36
- Test weight is too small. Increase the test weight
Scale unstable
0010 0101 37 - Wait until scale become stable
- Check grounding wiring
The Calibration DIP switch is not ON position.
0010 0110 38
- Check the calibration DIP switch.
0000 0001 1 System ready for calibration
0000 0011 3 Zero calibration in process
D7 ... D0 Process
0000 0100 4 Span calibration in process
0000 1001 9 Error ( Refer to Calibration Errors )
Table 12.3 - Calibration status
PLC Output to PT210CO Input
Bitwise order of a Ulong:

D63 D62 D61 D60 D59 D58 D57 D56 D55 D54 D53 D52 D51 D50 D49 D48
Unsigned D47 D46 D45 D44 D43 D42 D41 D40 D39 D38 D37 D36 D35 D34 D33 D32
(R/W) D31 D30 D29 D28 D27 D26 D25 D24 D23 D22 D21 D20 D19 D18 D17 D16
D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Out Out Out Out Out

Expanded Commands List
5 4 3 2 1
RxPDO 1 New
Not in use Command List Read Data Selection

D33~D37 bits defines the usage of this Dword. PT210 Instruction Manual 90

PLC Output to PT210CO Input RxPDO 1 (R_UL1)

Bit Number RxPDO 1 (R_UL1) descriptions

D63… D56 Set / Reset digital outputs
D55… D48 Expanded Commands List (Refer to Table 12.4)
D47... D43 Not in use
Bin Dec Commands
00000 0 No command is activated
00001 1 Zero
00010 2 Tare
00011 3 Clear
00100 4 Print
00101 5 Adjust zero calibration
00110 6 Adjust span calibration ( 1 )
00111 7 Total Load Cell Capacity ( 1 ) vCal
01000 8 Average mV/V value ( 1 ) Coefficients
01001 9 Dead Load value ( 1 )
01010 10 Save the vCal coefficients [313]
D42 … D38 Command List 01011 11
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low ( 1 )
10000 16 Set Point-1 High ( 1 )
10001 17 Set Point-2 Low ( 1 )
10010 18 Set Point-2 High ( 1 )
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low ( 1 )
10100 20 Set Point-3 High ( 1 )
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low (1)
10110 22 Set Point-4 High (1)
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low (1)
11000 24 Set Point-5 High (1)
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer to Table 12.4)
00000 0 Indicated weight
00001 1 Gross weight
00010 2 Tare weight
00011 3 Calibration Status (Refer to Table 12.3)
00100 4
Not used
01110 14
01111 15 Set Point-1 Low ( 2 )
10000 16 Set Point-1 High
Read Data
D37 ... D33 10001 17 Set Point-2 Low ( 2 )
10010 18 Set Point-2 High
10011 19 Set Point-3 Low ( 2 )
10100 20 Set Point-3 High
10101 21 Set Point-4 Low ( 2 )
10110 22 Set Point-4 High
10111 23 Set Point-5 Low ( 2 )
11000 24 Set Point-5 High
11111 31 Use the Expanded Command list (Refer to Table 12.4)
D32 New CMD Toggle Apply commands which are listed in this table
D31~D0 D33~D37 bits defines the usage of this Dword.

(1) Write this command with writing of values to D0…D31 bits then apply New CMD.
(2) Only set point low addresses are used if the set point is programmed as standard. PT210 Instruction Manual 91

Expanded Command List (always 32 bit integer)

The “D48 … D55” bits in RxPDO are described below.

Bit No Description
Bin Dec Commands
The voltage of the power
Voltage of
00000000 0 R supply is indicated with
Power Supply
0.1VDC increments.
00000001 1
Not in use
00111111 63
Refer to par. [120]
01000000 64 RW Filter (1)
Refer to par. [202]
01000001 65 RW Power On Zero (1)
Refer to par. [203]
01000010 66 RW Zeroing Range (1)
Refer to par. [204]
01000011 67 RW Auto Zero Tracking(1)
Refer to par. [205]
01000100 68 RW Tare (1)
D55…D48 Commands Refer to par. [206]
01000101 69 RW Motion Detection (1)
Refer to par. [207]
01000110 70 RW Stability Period (1)
Refer to par. [210]
01000111 71 RW Operation mode (1)
Refer to par. [212]
01001000 72 RW Capacity (1)
01001001 73 RW Decimal point (1)
1 X1
01001010 74 RW Increment (1) 2 X2
3 X5
Table 12.4 - Expanded Command List

(1) Write this command with writing of values to D0~D31 bits then apply New CMD. PT210 Instruction Manual 92

Frequently used programming steps.

Reading a weight value:
1. Check the D44…D47 bits of ‘TxPDO 1 (T_UL1)’.
2. If there is no error, read a weight value (gross, net or tare).

Zero Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. It should be decimal '1' before starting adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Zero Calibration’ command and apply New CMD to start Zero calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. It should be decimal '3' during the zero calibration
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of Zero calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to determine
6. the calibration error.

Span Calibration procedure:

1. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. It should be decimal '1' before starting adjustment.
2. Write ‘Adjust Span Calibration’ command with writing of test weight values to Low Dword of
RxPDO1 (R_UL1), then apply New CMD to start Span calibration.
3. Check the low byte of Calibration Status. It should be decimal '4' during the span calibration
4. The low byte of Calibration Status changes to decimal '1' at the end of Span calibration.
5. If the low byte of Calibration Status is '9', check the high byte of Calibration Status to determine
6. the calibration error.

11.7.1 CANopen Pinout

Pinout and wiring of the CANopen interface is shown below. CANopen connection is performed with
four wires in a shielded twisted pair cable as indicated below in the table. The data line ends must be
equipped with 120 ohm bus terminating resistors.

CANopen Connector pin configuration (DB9M)

Pin Signal Description

1 - -
2 CAN_L -
4 - -
6 - -
7 CAN_H -
8 - -
9 - -
Housing Cable Shield -

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