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Class X (Information Technology-402)

Practical File Questions

Instructions for Practical file

1. Chapters: Answer all the questions from all chapters
2. Front Page should contain: CBSE Roll No, Name of the student, class, subject (with
subject code - 402) etc.
3. Hard copy of the practical file is mandatory for all & should be produced on the day of
Practical Examination.

Digital Documentation
1. Explain the styles given in the Styles and Formatting Window in Open Office Writer and
paste the screen shots of the window.
2. Write the steps to create a new style in Open Office Writer.
3. Design a poster on “Preserve the Environment” or “Protect Biodiversity” using different tools
available in image and drawing tools.
4. Mail Merge is a handy feature that incorporates data from Open Office Writer/MS-Word and
allows to create multiple documents at once, such as letters. Write down the steps to create he
same & explain how this feature is convenient to use.

Electronic Spreadsheet
1. Write the steps to record Macro in open office calc.
2. Write the steps to consolidate data of two sheets given below in third sheet of Open Office
3. above
the spreadsheets
these instructions
3. Follow the instructions for the spreadsheets created in the following questions and do as
directed below:
 Insert a new worksheet and rename as "Consolidated Worksheet".
 Create different references from the Student Profile and Marks to
 Consolidate the result.
 Move the worksheet to the end of the workbook sheet tab.
 Insert a new worksheet at the beginning.
 Create a hyperlink to move to a particular worksheet from the newly
 Inserted worksheet.
 Delete hyperlink for the consolidated worksheet.
4. Create an invoice in Calc as given.

S.No Item Name Quantity Unit Price Amount

GST@5% of Total
Invoice Amount(Total+GST

 Add details of five items, their quantities and unit price

 Using PRODUCT function, calculate the amount of each item
 Using SUM function, calculate the total amount
 Using formula, calculate the GST according to the given rate
 Calculate invoice amount payable.


1. . Write the steps to create table with minimum five fields on an entity “STUDENT”
2. Write the command for the following table: Student
 Display all the records of table STUDENT.
 Insert one record of your choice
 Display record of student whose roll number is 3
 Display record of student who are in class x.
 Display the record “Anuj”

3. Create the following table in “Design View”

Roll No Name Date of Birth Phone No Place

A001 Manan Gupta 12/09/1987 2356779090 Delhi
A002 Ryansh Sharma 22/01/1988 2323767654 Chandigarh
A003 Raul John 02/05/1990 6565544321 Mumbai

 Sort the place in decreasing order

 Set Roll No as Primary key
 Delete record A002
 Add another record

4. Create the steps to create a Form in Design View using the above mention table

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