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Project Portfolio

BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans

BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio


Section 1: Planning to develop a business plan 4

Section 2: Developing a business plan 9
Section 3: Implementing and monitoring a business plan 13

BSBOPS601Project Portfolio| v1.0 August 2021

Richmond School of Business | CRICOS Code: 03717E | RTO ID: 45432 pg. 2
BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

Student name: Prince


Date: March 11, 2023

Business this assessment is Oz House Clean

based on:

Role assumed to complete

this assessment:

BSBOPS601Project Portfolio| v1.0 August 2021

Richmond School of Business | CRICOS Code: 03717E | RTO ID: 45432 pg. 3
BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

Section 1: Planning to develop a business plan

Oz House Clean is a maid service that caters to high-end homes in

Provide an overview of your
Melbourne, Australia.
Oz House Clean will go above and above for their customers by
What is the name of the investing heavily in their human resources. Oz House Clean will
business? target high-net-worth families, including those with one
breadwinner and those with two. Given the high degree of
What are the main products, expertise and trustworthiness provided, the targeted families are
services or programs of the prepared to pay more for the service. Because of their consistent
business? need for cleaning services, this demographic will be targeted. Oz
House Clean is committed to building a strong base of devoted
consumers who not only keep coming back but also tell their friends
and family about their positive experiences with Mother's.
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Describe the legislative and
has a variety of regulations relating to, among other things,
regulatory requirements relevant
eye and face protection, hand and foot protection, toxic
to developing your business plan and hazardous substances, and ventilation. You should
(include at least one). investigate both these and other federal and state
What is the regulations relating to janitorial services to ensure you are
taking the required measures to protect your workers and
requirements called? ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard ISO 9001 is a
How are the quality management standard, which is designed to help
legislation/regulatory and organization; meet the needs of customers and
stakeholders and deals with the fundamentals of quality
requirements relevant to your
management systems and the requirements that an
organization needs to meet in order to fulfil prescribed
How are the quality standards. At Elite Cleaning and Environmental
legislation/regulatory Services Ltd, we pride ourselves on providing excellence as
requirements relevant to standard and the highest possible levels of personal
attention to our clients, and excellent cleaning standards.
ISO 14001 Environmental Management ISO 14001
accreditation ensures full compliance with best practice and
business processes and ensures compliance with legislation,
regulations and environmental requirements and to
continually strive to create a better environment.

 Eye and face protection, hand and foot protection,

poisonous and hazardous chemicals, and ventilation are
only few of the topics covered by OSHA standards. You
should look into these as well as other federal and state
rules concerning janitorial services to be sure you are
protecting your employees and yourself as needed.
 ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems Standard ISO 9001
is a quality management standard that addresses the
fundamentals of quality management systems and the
requirements that an organisation must meet in order to
fulfil prescribed quality standards, with the goal of helping
that organisation better meet the needs of its customers

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Richmond School of Business | CRICOS Code: 03717E | RTO ID: 45432 pg. 4
BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

and other stakeholders.

 2. Environmental Management Systems ISO 14001
Accreditation to ISO 14001 assures adherence to all
applicable laws, rules, and environmental criteria, as well as
a persistent commitment to improving the quality of the
surrounding ecosystem.
Vision Oz house is committed to being Melbourne's most reliable
Describe the organisational
and popular contract cleaning and facilities support business. In
requirements relevant to
addition, we pledge to carry out all domestic cleaning services in a
developing your business plan. way that is safe for the environment, trustworthy, and in a
Are there any pre-existing streamlined, expert fashion. Our mission is to build a clientele that
strategic, business and will stick with us.
operational plans?
What is the business’ vision? o Respect entails making an effort to learn about and appreciate
another person and their preferences.
What is the business’ mission? o Accountability - doing the right thing by our co-workers, our
What are the business’ values? clients, our neighbours, and the planet.
o Concern: we have a responsibility to take care of our employees,
What are the objectives and customers, and the community.
goals of the business? o Excellence: We are committed to providing the highest quality
cleaning and customer service possible.
What are the financial targets of
o Integrity — doing what we say we're going to do in an honest,
your business? transparent, and forthright manner.
What are the management The drive to innovate and become market leaders.
arrangements/organisational Goals and Strategies
Following are some of Ozhouse's most important goals, which are
structure of your business? (use
crucial to our company's mission of providing exceptional cleaning
a diagram and/or words to
and customer service.
answer) o Always treat our consumers with respect and courtesy.
The primary objective is to grow the number of customers who use
What is your business’ current our commercial cleaning services by 20% in the first year and by
marketing strategies? 10% annually afterwards.
Attach proof of the existing Do your best to satisfy your consumers.
o Make using ecologically friendly methods a priority in your
cleaning operations.
requirements to this section of
your portfolio.
The firm believes that its emphasis on quality and the satisfaction of
Research the market
its employees and clientele sets it apart from similar businesses. As
requirements for your business’
the company develops, the management team realises that this
products/services/programs differentiation may need to evolve. Even though Sarah oversees
(include mathematical marketing, she is not a marketing expert and is already swamped
information in your research). with administrative tasks, suggesting the need for more
management personnel. There could be a need for a savvy chief
What does the market want?
marketing officer. Ozhouse Clean aims to attract wealthy
What is an acceptable price homeowners. According to the yellow pages, there is no need for
point? yet another residential cleaning business. You can't deny the need
for a trustworthy service, however. At the moment, clients in and
What are the quality around Melbourne are the focus. The dry cleaning and laundry
expectations? industry in Melbourne is not very competitive. Home Cleaning

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BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

Melbourne and My home service in Melbourne are regarded as the

Are there opportunities for
company's main competitors in the area. The firm also thinks it can
different quality/price point
snag consumers from the frequent, drop-of rivals by giving them
options? more reason to rest easy with its products and services.
What are other market A brand-new, time-saving degree of ease and comfort. Oz house
requirements? Clean has 15 cleaners on staff, all of them are contract employees
and work just 10–15 hours each week. About seventy people in
Attach proof of your Melbourne's central business district are frequent customers at the
research/information sources to moment. These customers need 3–6 hours of house cleaning
this section of your portfolio service on a weekly or biweekly basis. In most cases, you may
(e.g., websites, surveys etc.) expect to pay $40 per hour. Workers are paid $25 per hour, and the
cost of cleaning materials, including equipment and recurring
supplies, is covered by the company at a rate of around $2 per hour.
In the delivery industry, the firm faces competition from heavy
Research information relevant to
the competitors of your business
Most of their rivals utilise a similar business strategy, although some
and business plan (include at online reviews express dissatisfaction with the delivery speed,
least one competitor and include reliability, customer service, and overall performance of the
mathematical information in company's employees.
your research). Every delivery service struggles with the same issue on a regular
Who are your competitors? Our main rival has been around longer and expanded more rapidly
What are your competitors’ than us, so they have established relationships with frequent
business models/approaches? customers.
We have the same geographic challenge as our rivals who also
What is your competitors’ operate in Sydney's central business district.
market position and brand There is a significant need for package transport. Between rivals,
awareness? there exists a robust and steady price parity. We are able to
maintain our prices due to the consistent demand from our
What are the geographic customers.
locations of your competitors?
Comclean Australia, which also offers commercial cleaning services,
What is the pricing of your
is one of the rival companies.
They're a commercial cleaning company that serves Melbourne and
What is your competitors’ sales the rest of Australia. Cleaning services for stores, offices, and other
channels? commercial spaces are offered.
With over 10,230 services delivered, they have established
Attach proof of your themselves well.
research/information sources to The headquarters of Comclean Australia can be found in
this section of your portfolio. Melbourne.
The hourly rate is $50. The majority of their business comes from
online recommendations and direct sales via their public websites.

What does the market want?

Research other industry-related
Competition research is an important part of every company
strategy. The market in the cleaning service business want high-
What are industry trends? quality cleaning services at cheap pricing. Ozhouse Clean's new
bond cleaning service for renters quitting a house or apartment has
What are marketing trends? a minimum of 6 hours for $150, with an hourly charge of $27

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Richmond School of Business | CRICOS Code: 03717E | RTO ID: 45432 pg. 6
BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

beyond that. The emphasis on quality and happy employees and

Attach proof of your
customers distinguishes the organization from rivals. Ozhouse Clean
research/information sources to
also provides one-time services like oven cleaning for $25 per
this section of your portfolio typical oven.
(e.g., websites, surveys etc.)
To attract and keep consumers, the corporation might provide
higher commissions for providing excellent service. Moreover,
increasing client loyalty and generating good word-of-mouth
recommendations may lead to new business prospects via
enhancing customer service by being responsive to customers'
wants and concerns.

I hope this response meets your needs. Please let me know if you
have any further questions or concerns.

This section of the SWOT analysis will highlight some of

Analyse your business (consider
OzhouseClean's greatest advantages and disadvantages, as well as
the research you’ve done on the
the possibilities and threats it now faces.
vision, mission, values, Strengths
objectives, goals, competitors, A group led by an inspiring individual whose energy is contagious. A
financial targets, management well crafted curriculum for disseminating and collecting the
arrangements and marketing company's collective brainpower. Dedicated \semployees.
approaches). Weaknesses
Industries that rely heavily on human labour. There is a natural
What are the strengths of your delay in gaining someone's confidence and favour. Problems
business? inherent in building consumer trust in a new company's name.
What are the weaknesses of your
There is a sizable consumer population that has never heard of
Ozhouse Clean. Changing consumer preferences that will lead to a
Are there any opportunities for higher need for cleaning services. An adaptable business plan.
improvement? Threats
An very formidable new rival has appeared on the scene. In light of
What are the existing or future the strengths and shortcomings already identified, it seems that
threats to your business? social media marketing presents a genuine potential. We may
expand our efforts to reach out to current and potential clients by
Note: You may use any method
creating a Facebook page and a Twitter account in addition to our
of analysis suitable to the existing informative website. Launch a company presence on social
information you researched media by creating accounts and pages. Dedicate time or have an
instead of the questions above. employee handle the social media profiles. A Pinterest and/or
Instagram account, a camera, and the training of a staff member to
capture and publish animal photographs, are all that's needed to
get the ball rolling.

Attach: Existing plans/organisational requirements ☐

Proof of competitor, market and industry research ☐

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BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

Strengths Weaknesses

 Strong company connection  Labour intensive lower than the industry

 Strong on senior management leadership  No long term commitment to client

 A well-designed training program  Lack of trust on brand

Opportunities Threats

 High demand on the cleaning services  Employee turnover.

 Good business model that is easily scalable  The entrance of a serious competitor.

 Work from home client habits that are moving

toward increased utilization of cleaning services

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BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

Section 2: Developing a business plan

Complete the next section before meeting with relevant stakeholders.

Meeting with stakeholders is critical in project portfolio

Plan to meet with relevant
management to guarantee project success. Customers, suppliers,
stakeholders (at least two)
partners, workers, and shareholders are examples of stakeholders.
Who will you meet with? These meetings are used to collect input, discuss project goals and
What will you discuss? objectives, and make crucial decisions.

How will you demonstrate It is advised that frequent meetings with stakeholders be scheduled
your ability to: throughout the project's lifespan. This ensures that everyone is on
the same page and that any problems or concerns are addressed as
 lead others soon as possible. Minutes of meetings should be taken to record
 facilitate group talks, decisions, and action items. These minutes should be sent to
all stakeholders to ensure that everyone is up to date on the
project's progress.
 influence the direction of
Finally, interacting with key stakeholders is an essential component
the outcomes
of project portfolio management. Meetings should be held on a
 present information/seek regular basis, and meeting minutes should be recorded to document
advice? discussions and conclusions. This will assure the project's success
and keep all stakeholders updated throughout the project's lifespan.

Complete the next section after you’ve met with relevant stakeholders.

Develop performance objectives  a. Assess the effectiveness of current strategies,

corporate strategies, and operational plans
and measures for your business
 b. Dissect and make sense of the company's overarching
plan. goals, beliefs, and guiding principles
What are the key result areas (at  b. Evaluate market demands, create a client profile, and
least three)? investigate price alternatives
 d. Create Goals and Metrics for Performance
What are the productivity and  Determine the amount of money, people, and
performance targets (include at equipment needed (e.
least one financial indicator such  f. Think about whether or not your proposed new
as revenue)? activity necessitates any licences or permissions.
Product/Service Target Measurement
How will they be /Initiative system
measured/monitored? Provide the a. Maintaining Customer’s
delivery service position and satisfaction
across stability in the city form/surveys
metropolitan of Sydney Social media
Sydney and the Reaching out the feedback stars
suburbs closest suburb Comments in the
social media
Provide fast Adding more vans Wider and faster
couriers services and trucks to delivery On time

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BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

increase the delivery

productivity Customers
feedback surveys
Good customer Provide training to Surveys, online
services the personnel feedback,
about safety and customer’s
customer’s feedback form
It is crucial to remember that the particular criteria for permits
Identify any licence or permit
and licenses for commercial cleaning services may vary based on
requirements to be included in
the area and kind of company. Nonetheless, public liability
your business plan. insurance is often required for commercial cleaning services.
This sort of insurance protects the company in the event of
property damage or injuries that occur during the course of
cleaning services.

In addition to insurance, compliance with quality, health and

safety, and environmental management requirements may be
required. Several regulatory agencies, such as ISO 9001 for
quality management, OHSAS 18001 for health and safety
management, and ISO 14001 for environmental management,
may establish these standards. Compliance with these standards
may assist in ensuring that the company is functioning in a safe
and responsible way.

It is also critical to utilize cleaning chemicals that are both safe

and effective. Employing high-quality cleaning detergents may
assist to maintain sanitary conditions without causing eye
discomfort, nausea, or vomiting. Cleaning products should be
chosen based on their cleaning and disinfecting efficacy, as well
as their influence on the environment and human health.

Overall, it is essential for commercial cleaning services to have

the required permissions and licenses, to follow applicable
legislation and standards, and to use safe and effective cleaning
solutions in order to maintain a high level of service.
Describe your proposed In terms of marketing strategy, Ozhouse Clean should
marketing strategy. emphasize client uniqueness and broaden marketing efforts to
incorporate social media and digital advertising based on
individual search results and preferences. It is also critical to
inform current clients about additional services such as carpet
cleaning and to update the website appropriately. Moreover,
clients should be made directly aware of new eco-friendly
cleaning products.

Ozhouse Clean may provide ecologically friendly cleaning

services for houses (EcoClean) at the same price structure as
the ordinary clean, but with an extra fee of $5 per hour on top of
the standard/hourly cost. Clients who sign up for a fortnightly
clean will also get a 10% discount, with a 6-month minimum

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BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

commitment. Ozhouse Clean can also provide a new bond

cleaning service for tenants quitting a house or flat, with a
minimum of 6 hours at $150 and an hourly charge of $27 after
that. One-time services such as oven cleaning are also available.

Ozhouse Clean can develop an appealing logo and ensure that it

is visible on all objects such as t-shirts, cleaning supplies, mini
vans, hats, and bags to market these services and products. This
will boost consumer brand identification and loyalty. Ozhouse
Clean could also think about investing in Facebook advertising
since research has shown that it is an excellent approach to
reach out to prospective clients.

Overall, a marketing strategy that emphasizes individuality,

expands digital marketing efforts, communicates new services
and products to existing customers, and promotes the use of
eco-friendly cleaning products can assist Ozhouse Clean in
increasing its customer base and effectively promoting its
Oz house Clean will start my matching our main competitor's
Identify financial, human and
prices and the company will be closely monitoring the financials
physical resource requirements
to make sure that the company develops a sustainable business
for your business plan (at least without heavily discounting services to win customers. The
one each). business owner will initially handle all sales inquiries. Oz house
What financial resources are Clean will also train all our employees, especially those facing
the customers, in customer service to make sure that the
required to achieve the
company's customers are fully satisfied, as Oz house Clean will
performance objectives? offer limited discounts to customers with large recurring orders
and provide incentives for new customer referrals. The cash
What human resources are flow statement, profit and loss account, and balance sheet have
required to ensure the success of been built using forecasted information, which is as accurate
your business? and realistic as possible. Sales increase gradually over the 12
months showing the positive trend of sales. Oz house Clean is
What other physical resources are
steadily gaining market share.
necessary for your business plan
to succeed? Financial Resources:
 $4000 carpet cleaner
 $40000 new admin staff
 o $10,000 Environmentally friendly products/month
Human Resources • Hire new full- time staff
New Resources • Hire a new marketing
• Staff for innovative-
cleaning methods training
Capital Resources • New carpet cleaner
• Cleaning
products/sprays/tools/det er

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The organisation has plans to reduce costs, increase

efficiency, and lessen waste as the business grows. The plan
moving forward is to put an automated lift gate on the rear
of each vehicle for $10,000, eliminating the need for two
drivers per truck, and so reducing the cost per unit of freight
transported. The PDA has replaced the drivers' previous
reliance on manual recording techniques, allowing them to
track every aspect of each delivery.
Use the work done in this section
to develop a formal written Ozhouse Clean is a family-owned cleaning company that has
business plan. been operating in Melbourne since 2005. Residential, corporate,
janitorial, hotel, and industrial cleaning are among the services
Note: Use appropriate business
provided by the organization. Ozhouse Clean has seen a growth
language and terminology. You
in demand for cleaning services in Melbourne and intends to
will be assessed on this.
capitalize on this trend by increasing its service options,
Make sure your business plan adopting marketing initiatives, and enhancing customer service.
includes: We will include a summary of the firm, its existing offers, a
SWOT analysis, and the key issues of the strategy in this
 a description of the business
business plan.
 products/services/programs

 performance objectives and

Overview of the Business
measures (including
financial indicators) Ozhouse Clean has been in business in Melbourne for for 15
years and has earned a reputation for reliability and excellence.
 financial, physical and
The firm has 70 loyal customers, and its service offerings have
human resource
been unchanged since its inception. Ozhouse Clean is a family-
owned company that appreciates its personnel and maintains
 regulatory requirements close relationships with its clients. The firm costs $40 per hour
for this level of service, which is in line with the market average.
 marketing strategy

 productivity and
SWOT Analysis Advantages:
performance targets for key
result areas
Attach your business plan to this Reputation for reliability and quality
section of your portfolio.
Customer connections that are strong

A family-owned company

Service offers that are consistent


Service offers are limited in comparison to rivals.

Customer base is rather modest.

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BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plansProject Portfolio

Marketing tactics are limited.


Cleaning services are in high demand in Melbourne.

Service services are being expanded to include laundry, carpet,

Covid-19, window, oven, and mould cleaning.

To attract environmentally aware clients, use eco-friendly

cleaning products.


Local and national cleaning firms compete fiercely.

Economic downturns have the potential to reduce demand for

cleaning services.

Due to competition from other organizations, it is difficult to

keep competent personnel.

Main Business Plan Concerns

This business plan's key goals are to raise revenue, expand

service options, adopt marketing tactics, and enhance customer
service. Ozhouse Clean intends to expand its services to include
laundry, carpet, Covid-19, window, oven, and mould cleaning.
To appeal to ecologically sensitive clients, the firm also intends
to employ eco-friendly cleaning supplies. A new marketing
assistant will be employed to carry out marketing initiatives that
will reach a larger audience. Lastly, the organization intends to
enhance customer service by immediately and effectively
reacting to comments and evaluations.

Being a family-run company with a reputation for quality and

trustworthiness, Ozhouse Clean has a strong basis. Because of
the growing demand for cleaning services in Melbourne, the
firm has the chance to broaden its service options, adopt
marketing initiatives, and enhance customer service. Ozhouse
Clean may attract a larger audience and improve its client base
by launching new services, employing eco-friendly cleaning
supplies, and hiring a marketing assistant. With these
enhancements, the firm will be able to continue providing high-
quality cleaning services while remaining competitive in the
Product/Service/Initiate Target Measurement
Covid-19 cleaning 6 commercial $5000 from the
Covid- 19 sales of this

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cleaning per service

month and at
least 4
domestic covid-
19 cleaning per
Carpet Cleaning 2 carpet $500 per month
cleaning per from the sales of
month this service
Marketing Campaigns Increase Engage at least
conversion rate 50 customers
and sales from each
campaign –
Purchase Make use of Increase
environmentally each and all bookings of 30%
friendly products and items the at least with the
offer environmentally company has to introduction of
friendly services offer in order to this new service
boost sales.
Customer care Raise the Marketing
profile of online assistant should
feedback and reply to all
customer feedbacks

Rules and regulations

When implementing the Business Plan and its associated
activities, what legal considerations must be taken into account?
My research has led me to the following list of regulatory
prerequisites for my proposed company strategy:
WHS (Work Health and Safety), in this case, the business has the
obligation of informing the staff of every risk involved in their
job, such as chemical handling, for example the staff will have to
know what kind of chemicals they enter contact with, or if they
use special machinery like carpet cleaners, it is important that
the staff is trained to the correct use of this tools in order to
avoid injuries and physical strain.
Covid-19- The company must follow all Covid-19 standards in
this situation, including keeping a safe distance, using masks,
isolating employees in the event of contact with a positive case,
testing negative for the flu before returning to work, and not
exhibiting any flu-like symptoms.
The business must have both worker's compensation insurance
and general liability insurance in case an accident occurs on the
job that might be traced back to its operations.
Adopted Methods of Promotion
In order to realise the goals laid forth in the Business Plan, what
kind of marketing approach will you take?

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With an eye on customer service and happiness, the firm will

provide new services including carpet cleaning, covid 19
cleaning, and other ecologically friendly goods, and will promote
them via extra marketing channels.

Business plan ☐

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Ozhouse Clean Business Plan Template

Ozhouse Clean
Business Plan
2021 – 2023
Executive Summary
Ozhouse Clean is based in Sydney and offers professional, residential cleaning services, including
regular home cleans, as well as spring cleans. The company sees its point of difference from
competitors as being a small company, with a focus on quality and happy and contented staff and
customers. The company employs 15 cleaners, all of whom are part-time contract staff working
between 10 – 15 hours a week. The company currently has approximately 70 regular clients, based
around Sydney inner city. These clients required regular home cleaning, either weekly or once every
two weeks for hours ranging from 3 – 6 hours. A list of services sets out the services and rates offered
by Ozhouse clean.

The mission of the company is to provide quality services to all customers.

Ozhouse Clean is committed to providing the highest quality residential and commercial cleaning
services available by exceeding the expectations of our clients.

Our values are: Ozhouse Clean is committed to providing the highest quality residential and
commercial cleaning services available by exceeding the expectations of our clients

Strategic Objectives
Our key objectives, which are fundamental to our business of delivering world-class cleaning and
customer service, are as follows:

 Provide our customers with a professional and friendly service.

 To increase the number of clients by 20% in the first year of introducing commercial cleaning
services and 10% thereafter.

 Meet or exceed the expectations of customers.

 Implement best practice in cleaning operations, including environmentally sustainable practices.

Market Analysis
Market characteristics & conditions
Over the next five years, the Commercial Cleaning Services industry is forecast to benefit from an
economic recovery from COVID-19, a rising number of businesses operating across the economy,
and increased outsourcing of cleaning functions. The number of total employees in the labour force is
also projected to grow over the period, with these trends anticipated to boost industry demand and

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increase revenue. However, price-based competition will likely remain high, due to a steady supply of
labour and the ease of entry for new players, including individuals and small franchisees.

 Market Size: $12bn

 Number of Businesses: 32,349

 Average Industry Profit Margin: 1.1% lock

 Industry Employment: 150,200

Target customers and needs

 Men and Women age 22 years old and above

 Business man who have no time for cleaning house

 CBD areas

Pricing options New services to be offered for OZHouse: Environmentally friendly cleaning services
for households (Eco-Clean) – same pricing structure as general clean but $5 extra per hour on top of
standard/hourly rate. Discount of 10% for signing up for a fortnightly clean (regular clean and eco-
clean). Must sign up for minimum of 6 months. . New service – bond cleaning designed for tenants
who are vacating a house or apartment. Minimum 6 hours ($150). Hourly rate thereafter is $27 per
hour. One off services to be included – oven clean $25 per standard oven.
Please note we’ve also teamed up with NatureCare Products to promote their environmentally friendly
cleaning products. We can sell these to customers at the following prices:

 Indoor/outdoor Surface Cleaner $35 plus GST

 Kitchen and Bath Cleaner $20 plus GST.

- Privacy act
- Human right act

Supplier relationships

Company A Company B Company C

Range of Charges for Range of Charges for Range of Charges for
products/service each products/servic each products/service each
s product/servic es product/service s product/servic
e e

 Routine  Routine  End of lease  Starting from  End of lease  Starting

Cleaning Cleaning cleaning $168 cleaning from $120

 Deep  Deep  Residential  Starting from  Residential  Starting

Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning $168 Cleaning from $45
 Starting from  Starting

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 Move In/ Move  Move In/  Commercial $168  Commercial from $120
out Move out Cleaning  $50 each Cleaning  Starting

 Carpet Deep (minimum  Carpet from $60

Cleaning charge $120) Cleaning ($3.00 per

 Strata square meter)

Cleaning  Starting
from $120

Situation Analysis/SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

 Strong company connection  Labour intensive lower than the industry

 Strong on senior management leadership  No long term commitment to client

 A well-designed training program  Lack of trust on brand

Opportunities Threats

 High demand on the cleaning services  Employee turnover.

 Good business model that is easily  The entrance of a serious competitor.


 Work from home client habits that are

moving toward increased utilization of
cleaning services

Marketing Strategies
We are proudly to offer you with Environmentally friendly cleaning services for households (Eco-
Clean). With this special Eco-clean service, you can assure that your house is cleaned with non-
toxics! For 4 hours cleaning will only cost for $135.00. We do offer an oven cleaning service as well
with the charges only $25 per standard oven. Lastly, your environmentally friendly products are
available for your purchase. You may refer to attachment at the bottom of this email for full list of of
range of products and services together with charges from Ozhouse Clean. Environmentally friendly
cleaning services for households (Eco-Clean) – same pricing structure as general clean but $5 extra
per hour on top of standard/hourly rate. Discount of 10% for signing up for a fortnightly clean (regular
clean and eco-clean). Must sign up for minimum of 6 months. . New service – bond cleaning designed
for tenants who are vacating a house or apartment. Minimum 6 hours ($150). Hourly rate thereafter is
$27 per hour. One off services to be included – oven clean $25 per standard oven. Please note we’ve
also teamed up with NatureCare Products to promote their environmentally friendly cleaning products.
We can sell these to customers at the following prices:

 Indoor/outdoor Surface Cleaner $35 plus GST

 Kitchen and Bath Cleaner $20 plus GST.

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Our future promotional activities can be actioned as below:

1. Design an attractive logo for Ozhouse Clean. Make sure this logo is to be pasted on every single
items i.e., T-Shirt, Cleaning Accessories, Mini Van, Cap, Bag and etc. So that customer will be able to
recognize our company and to increase brand loyalty.
2. We might need to pay a little bit cost to advertise our Facebook Page. So that customer can see
our Page first, rather than other pages. Market research found that Facebook ads are effective.

Potential promotional activities Pros Cons

Facebook Page  Free! No additional charges.  Need to monitor negative

feedback that can be spread
 Can be reached to more
customers as they are now
online customers.  Updates need to be done
more frequently to keep in touch
 Customer can write a
with those customers.
review/positive feedback freely
and can be viewed by other  Only online customers can
customers easily. receive this information on
promotion. There are some
 Every service done for
customers who still prefer
customer, take photos after
traditional methods.
cleaning and posted in those
social medias. Promoting
transparency to customer and
they are going to trust what they
seen rather than what they

The following table identifies the actions we plan to take to achieve our strategic objectives. Include as
many rows as required.

Timeframe Actions Resource requirements Key performance

(financial, physical, indicators
Month and Year Specific actions to
achieve objectives

Oct 22 Training customer Human resource Lower turnover rate of

service to all cleaners staff
including permanent
and part times Training room

Oct 22 Have the discussion Human resource 90% customer

group on performance satisfaction survey
improvement and

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feedback from staff

Oct 22 Promote services IT develop Increase the number of

though online social clients by 20%

Oct 22 Apply promotion for $2,000 Increase the number of

long term services clients by 20%

Oct 22 Provide gift to staff we $4,000 Meet or exceed the

have long term expectations of
services customers

Oct 22 Survey customer Human resource No complaint received


Oct 22 Training cleaner best Human resource Implement best

practice in cleaning practice in cleaning
operations, including operations, including
environmentally Training room environmentally
sustainable practices sustainable practices

Section 3: Implementing and monitoring a business plan

Communicate your business plan Date: 3 Oct 2022

to all relevant stakeholders. From: Nicolas (Operating manager)
Note: You may communicate in Dear Board of Trustees,
any appropriate manner as long
as it meets the requirements in
the project portfolio and adheres I am excited to present Ozhouse Clean's new business strategy with
to any organisational policies you, which seeks to improve our service standards and prices. We
want to offer our services to young working professionals aged 22
and procedures (e.g., internal
and up, and we intend to do so using web-based marketing.
communications policy). You may
need to communicate in different
ways to different stakeholders. Ozhouse Clean is dedicated to satisfying the following cleaning
For example, a face-to-face service performance goals in terms of service level:
presentation may be required to
present the business plan to the
To eliminate dust and debris, thoroughly clean all surfaces, including
executive team, and a
floors, bench tops, and shelves.
promotional video clip may be
used to communicate the plan to Clean and empty all trash cans.
other office employees. Just use Ozhouse Clean's cleaning products.

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Who will you communicate to? Perform all cleaning services within the time limit indicated.

How will you communicate (e.g., Teach our personnel to guarantee that they can satisfy these
face-to-face at a team meeting, service standards.
email summary, poster)? Please find attached a PowerPoint presentation outlining our
company plan in detail. This approach has already been provided to
If not already viewed in person by
my assessor, and it will be presented to all directors at the future
your assessor, attach proof of
board meeting in two weeks.
your communication to this
section of your portfolio (e.g.,
video recording of team meeting If you have any queries or issues concerning our business concept,
or promotional video clip). please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time, and I
eagerly await your response.


Nicolas is the Ozhouse Clean Operations Manager.

What skilled labour is required?
Confirm that skilled labour is
available to implement the plan. - need for more management or administrative staff
- possibility of employing a number of full-time,
Note: Confirmation can take
permanent cleaning staff
place in any appropriate format
(e.g., draft email to HR or other What skilled labour is already available?
managers confirming employee - Amanda currently manages marketing, but not skilled
availability, or a screenshot of a and hence a skilled marketing officer may be needed
project plan showing skilled - Currently a high turnover of casual staff
labour availability) as long as it
What skilled labour must still be recruited?
adheres to relevant
organisational policies and - a skilled marketing officer , a permanent cleaner
procedures. Confirmation may
take place as part of the
communication in the previous Attach proof of your confirmation to this section of your portfolio
step. (e.g. Email to HR or other relevant managers)

What skilled labour is required?

Subject: Current Staff Availability to Execute Business Plan
What skilled labour is already
available? Greetings, Sarah

What skilled labour must still be I hope this email finds you in good health. I am writing to confirm the
recruited? availability of our current employees to help with the implementation
of the business strategy, as instructed by the owners James and
Attach proof of your confirmation Nancy at the recent board meeting.
to this section of your portfolio
I am glad to tell you that a marketing assistant has been recruited
(e.g., Email to HR or other and indoctrinated, and that she is now ready to be allocated specific
relevant managers confirming the duties connected to internet promotions as described in the business
availability of existing employees plan. In addition, we have employed a permanent cleaner who may
be allocated to meet the business plan's improved service level
to implement the business plan,

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verbal confirmation while
communicating the business plan Please let me know if you have any queries or reservations about the
to stakeholders etc.). current staff's distribution of responsibility. I would be delighted to
speak with you about this more.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Best wishes,

Nicolas is the Operations Manager.

Assume a period of time has passed.

Test the performance Checklist for [Performance measurement Yes No

measurement systems
Is the system accurate and fair? Yes
associated with your business
Does the system assist in measuring No
plan. performance?
Note: you have already Is the system comprehensive? Yes
identified ways to monitor Does the system adhere to legislative Yes
performance objectives in
Does the system disadvantage staff? No
Section 2 of your project
What systems are in place to
test performance (e.g., job
descriptions, performance
reviews, income statements,
self-evaluations, induction
checklists, customer reviews
Choose one performance
measurement system and test it
(e.g., conduct a survey to staff
members to see whether their
understanding of their job
description matches the actual
job description).
Attach proof of how you’ve
tested the system to this section
of your Project Portfolio (e.g.,
survey results).

Report failures (system, product Who will you report to?

and/or services) and variances - Directors of the OZ House Cleaning
to your business plan as they
How will you report the failures?

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Who will you report to? - Emails, Updating the Business Plan
How will you report the
failures? To: James and Nancy, Ozhouse Clean Owners
Unless viewed in person by your Subject: Business Plan Update and Failure Report
assessor, attach proof of how
Hello, James and Nancy.
you’ve reported the
failures/variances to this section
I'm writing to update you on the status of our business strategy
of your portfolio (e.g., email to
and to report a problem throughout the implementation phase.
CEO). Make sure your proof
shows that you’ve responded To begin, regarding the business strategy, I would like to notify
promptly (e.g., dated email etc., you that Amanda has still to complete the supply of eco-
updated business plan) friendly items after one month. As a consequence, the
performance assessment of "one month to organize and
market eco-friendly items" must be changed to three months.
For your convenience, I have included an updated business
strategy to this email. We will continue to follow the situation
and keep you informed.

Second, according to the material in the simulation pack, the

marketing assistant's comprehension of the work position is
incomplete. Despite the fact that he or she has incorporated a
portion of the job description in their knowledge of their work
position, not all criteria have been defined. In an informal
meeting, I addressed this with the marketing assistant, and we
will work together to establish a clear grasp of the job position.

Lastly, if there is any failure or variation in the execution of the

business strategy, I guarantee you that we will notify you as
soon as possible. We will send a dated email with
documentation attached to demonstrate our fast response. We
will also make certain that the failure/variance is communicated
to all key stakeholders, including the directors, administration
manager, marketing manager, and operations manager.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any
questions or concerns, please let me know.

Best wishes,

Nicolas is the Operations Manager of Ozhouse Clean.

Alter the setup as needed (if required).
Refine performance
The marketing manager's training and education should focus
measurement systems (if
on teaching them to coordinate various marketing channels
required). and assess the efficacy of marketing initiatives. Maintain a
If relevant, attach proof of how focus on excellent customer service by responding to all
you’ve refined the system to this customer concerns and suggestions.
The business has to establish a mechanism to contact clients
section of your portfolio (e.g.,
every three months to provide new services.

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modified job description,

induction checklist, feedback
The new marketing assistant is having trouble personally
Evaluate the legislative
reaching out to commercial customers, which was identified as
compliance of your business.
an area of underperformance. The marketing assistant also
Have the business activities and lacked the resources necessary to respond to customer
your own actions complied with feedback and complaints, which necessitated a basic training
legislative requirements? on complaints management.
When it comes to following the law, the company must adhere
to WHS standards and the Health Department's Covid-19
Employee retention: Ozhouse Clean has trained and enrolled a
Evaluate the key aspects of your
marketing assistant and a permanent cleaner. The marketing
business against the planned
assistant was first perplexed about their work obligations, but
objectives. following explanation, they now completely grasp them.
Note: If you are using the case
study, assume this evaluation Client base: During a two-month period, the customer
satisfaction rating has been good, with just three unfavorable
takes place three months after
reviews. Because to the introduction of eco-friendly goods,
the business plan has been Ozhouse Clean has attracted four new regular clients.
communicated to the directors.
How has the performance in key Service provided: Ozhouse Clean has increased its services by
promoting carpet cleaning to its consumers. Customers may
aspects of the business
now choose environmentally friendly cleaning supplies.
(identified in Section 2 of your
Portfolio) compared to the Environmental impact: An eco-friendly cleaning product
objectives planned in your provider has been discovered, and a supplier connection has
business plan? been created in three months, despite the fact that this option
previously needed execution in one month.

Overall, Ozhouse Clean has benefited from the actions

implemented in accordance with the business strategy. On the
internet, the marketing assistant discovered 10 positive
evaluations and one negative review. The company's industrial
carpet cleaner has been utilized efficiently by the skilled
permanent cleaners.
Refine performance indicators, Original indicators New indicators (changes shown in
BOLD blue)
if required.
Are the performance indicators • Extra Personnel: The • Employ more
people, including
(identified in Section 2 of your performance goal for at least one full-
this component time cleaner and
Portfolio) realistic and should be to employ a marketing
accurate? Refine if necessary. and train at least one assistant, and
full-time cleaner and make sure they
one marketing are adequately
assistant. As verified trained.
by Sarah, the
• The performance
goal is to grow the

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Manager, success number of

may be monitored by consumers by at
monitoring least 10%.
accomplishment of • The total number
this aim within two of clients is used
months. to calculate this.
• • Monitoring the
quantity of client
• Customer complaints and
Satisfaction: The praises is a
customer satisfaction performance goal.
performance goal • Measured by: The
should be to increase quantity of client
the number of complaints and
customers by 10%. complements.
This may be • Create a fresh
quantified by marketing plan.
consumer feedback, • Increase the
praises, or the number of clients
number of customers by 10% as a
who have used performance goal.
• The number of
friendly services.
new consumers
• obtained is
• New Marketing • Boost revenue
Strategies: The goal and customer
for this component levels within the
should be to grow the first year of
number of customers planning.
by 10% or to show a • Sales revenue is
rise in sales and used to calculate
customer levels in the this.
first year of planning. • Make ecologically
This may be friendly cleaning
monitored by products
measuring sales available.
income, new
• Ensure that the
customer acquisition,
cleaning services
include price to
received, or service
cover product
• • Cost of
• Environmentally environmentally
friendly cleaning
Friendly Cleaning products.
Products: The • In the first year of
performance goal for the business
this component strategy, the goal
is to get at least
should be to 20 new clients
guarantee that that use
manufacturers environmentally
friendly services.
present the lowest
• The number of
cost alternative and
new consumers
that at least 20 new
obtained is

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consumers use measured.

friendly services in
the first year of the
business plan. This
may be monitored by
keeping track of the
equipment bought,
the number of new
clients obtained, or if
the most cost-
effective alternative is
a sample answer may include:

Original indicators New indicators (changes

shown in bold font)

Employ additional staff Employ additional staff

 KPI - at least one full  Marketing assistant:
time cleaner, marketing
o Runs weekly social
assistant employed and
media updates
o Responds to every
 completed by Sarah –
review comment
Manager – within two o Personally, calls
months. each customer once
a quarter
Customer satisfaction
o Research one new
 KPI – no customer
service every
 Monitored by online
Customer satisfaction
customer reviews and
complaints received.  KPI – no customer
Implement new marketing
 Monitored by online
 KPI of increased sales customer reviews and
by 10% ($330,000 complaints received.
revenue in 2021) Implement new marketing
 Monitored by sales
revenue  KPI of increased sales by
10% ($330,000 revenue
Introduce carpet cleaning
in 2021)

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services  Monitored by sales

 KPI – equipment is
purchased, new service Introduce carpet cleaning
is advertised within 3 services
 Two carpet cleaning
 Reviewed by Amanda – customers every month.
Operations manager –
Offer environmentally
after three months
friendly cleaning products
Offer environmentally
friendly cleaning products
 supplier identified and
supplier relationship
 customers advised on
new products and
pricing within one

3 of the 5 hired full time cleaners are having trouble with

Evaluate staff performance.
handling the industrial carpet cleaner.
Are there any underperforming According to the performance report, three of the five recruited
staff members (at least one)? full-time cleaners are having difficulty using the industrial
carpet cleaner. This is harming their performance and
How are they underperforming? productivity since they are unable to use the equipment
efficiently to provide high-quality cleaning services to our

Moreover, the marketing assistant has indicated reservations

about reacting to bad internet review comments in a constructive
and proactive way. This might have an adverse effect on the
company's reputation and client happiness.

To address these underperformance concerns, struggling

cleaners will be given coaching sessions to help them improve
their abilities and competency with the industrial carpet cleaner.
The marketing assistant will also be trained and advised on how
to react to bad internet reviews as well as best practices for
maintaining the company's online reputation.

To guarantee the success of these coaching sessions and to track

the improvement of the underperforming staff members, regular
monitoring and follow-up will be done.
To guarantee that all employees match our company's
Coach underperforming staff (at
requirements, we identified an underperforming employee and
least one staff member).
gave coaching to assist them in improving their performance.
Who will you coach? During the coaching session, we covered the precise areas
where they need to improve and gave advice on how to do so.
Unless already viewed in person We also supplied them with tools to assist them enhance their

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abilities, such as training materials and work aids.

by your assessor, attach proof
of a coaching session to this
Please find the meeting minutes detailing the coaching session
section of your Portfolio (e.g., attached. We are convinced that with ongoing help and
video recording of coaching). supervision, the employee will be able to exceed our goals and
contribute to our company's success.

Thank you very much.

[Your Surname]
[Your Job Title]
A staff meeting might be held to allow for the free flow of
Establish ongoing review
information and ideas, while a customer satisfaction survey
processes for the
could be sent to gauge the level of interest in the services
underperforming staff member. offered and the room for growth in those areas.
Attach proof to this section of
your portfolio (e.g., flowchart
showing review process, review
policy and procedure,
performance review template

Report on outcomes of your Who will you report to?

business plan.
Who will you report to?

Report on key aspects and To: All Board Members

objectives of the business.
What are the strengths and
We are delighted to share an update on the results of our
weaknesses of your business
business strategy for the previous year. Our business plan had
plan? four essential goals to fulfill, and we established key
Note: Use the answers from the performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the plan's success.
We are pleased to announce that we have made progress in
questions already completed in
meeting these goals.
this section. Match the style of
your writing to the purpose and
audience. You will be assessed Goal 1: Offer professional and pleasant service to our
on this. consumers.
Attach proof of your report to To guarantee that our employees give professional and
this section of your portfolio. courteous service, we have created a thorough training
program. Customers have given us great comments, and
customer satisfaction has grown.

Goal 2: Increase the number of customers by 20% in the first

year of offering commercial cleaning services, and then by
10% each year after that.

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We exceeded our goal of recruiting 15 new business clients in

the first year by surpassing our objective. In the future years,
we will continue to concentrate on growing our customer base.

Goal 3: Exceed or exceed consumer expectations.

We have taken various steps to meet or exceed our customers'

expectations, including frequent customer feedback and
performance evaluations. We are pleased to inform that our
client satisfaction levels have greatly increased.

Establish best practices in cleaning operations, including

ecologically friendly approaches, as a fourth goal.

We have implemented ecologically friendly procedures and

cleaning techniques, which has helped to reduce our carbon
impact. This project has also received excellent feedback from
our clients.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

We have established key performance indicators (KPIs) to

assess the success of the business strategy. We are glad to
inform that we have met the following key performance
indicators (KPIs):

$450,000 in total sales revenue

20% gross profit margin

30 days in debt 15 new commercial clients

The Plan's Strengths

By applying best practices in cleaning operations, expanding

the number of customers, and boosting customer happiness,
our business strategy has helped us to meet our strategic
goals. We have also implemented ecologically friendly
procedures, which our consumers have enjoyed.

Plan's Shortcomings

The drop in sales income related to residential sales is one of

the plan's flaws. The Administration Manager informed us that
at least ten of our prior residential clients no longer utilize our
services. We must concentrate on recovering these clients as
well as obtaining new residential customers.

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Overall, we are satisfied with the results of our business

strategy and will keep working to improve our services and
expand our customer base. We appreciate your continuing


[Your Name] is the Operations Manager.

2021 2022

Sales Revenue $380,000 $450,000

Cost of sales $250,000 $320,000

Debtor days 45 days 30 days

Commercia 10 new 15 new

l customer commercial commercial
customers customers

For the year of 2021, it turns into good performance as

▪ We have revenue nearly the expectation as 20% increase from
▪ A gross profit margin more than the expectation as 28%
▪ Debtors days has reduced even not meet the expectation
▪ New Commercial customer increased more than the KPIs set.
Strength for business plan;
- Update as current trend Weakness
- Lack of marketing plan promotion.
Should you have any inquiries, please let me know
Best regards,

Attach: Communication of business plan ☐

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Confirmation of skilled labour availability ☐

Proof of refinement to performance measurement

systems (if applicable)

Proof of reported failures and variances ☐

Coaching session ☐

Review process ☐

Report on business plan outcomes ☐

Attached above

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