Assignment No 01 (Ethics)

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Assignment No 01

Aliasghar Mustafa

Q) Define what is understood by Ethics? How Ethics is applied in our

lives gives examples of dilemma faced by you?

Ans) Ethics refers to the principles and values that govern human behavior, guiding
individuals and societies in determining what is right or wrong, good or bad, just or
unjust. It involves moral reasoning and decision-making, and aims to promote well-
being, justice, and respect for human rights and dignity. Ethics can be applied to various
domains, including personal relationships, professional conduct, business practices,
social and political issues, and environmental concerns. The study of ethics
encompasses various ethical theories and frameworks that offer different perspectives
on what constitutes ethical behavior and how to resolve ethical dilemmas.

Dilemma faced in my life is that we are often faced with ethical dilemmas such as telling
the truth versus protecting someone's feelings. For example, my friend asks me if I like
his new haircut, but I actually think it looks terrible, I may be tempted to lie to avoid
hurting his feelings. However, lying goes against the ethical principle of honesty and
integrity, and may damage the trust in your relationship.

Q) Explain different Human Right issues. What issues are faced by the
Pakistan? How do you suggest resolving few of these issues?

Ans) Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that are entitled to all human
beings, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, or any other status.
Here are some examples of human rights issues:

 Civil and Political Rights: These rights include freedom of expression, peaceful
assembly, association, and religion, as well as the right to a fair trial and the right
to vote. Violations of these rights can include censorship, political repression,
torture, and imprisonment without due process.
 Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: These rights include the right to education,
healthcare, food, housing, and social security. Violations of these rights can
include poverty, discrimination, and inadequate access to basic services.

 Women's Rights: These rights include the right to gender equality, reproductive
rights, and freedom from violence and discrimination. Violations of these rights
can include gender-based violence, discrimination in employment and education,
and lack of access to healthcare.

 Children's Rights: These rights include the right to education, healthcare,

protection from abuse and exploitation, and freedom from discrimination.
Violations of these rights can include child labor, child marriage, trafficking, and

 LGBTQ+ Rights: These rights include the right to equality and freedom from
discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Violations of these
rights can include harassment, discrimination, and violence.

 Indigenous Rights: These rights include the right to self-determination, cultural

identity, and access to ancestral lands. Violations of these rights can include
displacement, forced assimilation, and discrimination.

 Refugees and Migrants Rights: These rights include the right to seek asylum,
protection from persecution and discrimination, and access to basic services.
Violations of these rights can include detention, deportation, and exploitation.

Pakistan Faced different issues such as:-

 Women's Rights: Women in Pakistan face significant discrimination and violence,

including domestic violence, honor killings, forced marriages, and restricted
access to education and employment opportunities.

 Religious Minorities: Religious minorities, including Christians, Hindus, and

Ahmadis, face discrimination, persecution, and violence in Pakistan, including
blasphemy laws that are often used to target minority communities.
 Freedom of Expression: Journalists, activists, and human rights defenders
face harassment, intimidation, and violence for speaking out against
human rights abuses and criticizing the government.

 Torture and Extrajudicial Killings: The use of torture and extrajudicial

killings by law enforcement agencies is a significant human rights issue in

 Forced Disappearances: Pakistan has a history of enforced

disappearances, where individuals are taken into custody by state
authorities and held in secret detention without trial or due process.

 Child Labor: Pakistan has a high rate of child labor, particularly in the
informal sector and in hazardous industries such as brick kilns and mining.

 Death Penalty: Pakistan has one of the highest rates of capital punishment
in the world, and there are concerns about the fairness of trials and the
use of torture to obtain confessions.

How we suggest solving these issues of human rights:-

Women's Rights: The government should strengthen laws and institutions to prevent
and respond to violence against women and ensure women's access to education and
employment. Public awareness campaigns should be conducted to raise awareness
about women's rights and gender equality.

Religious Minorities: The government should take steps to protect religious minorities
from discrimination, violence, and persecution, including by reforming blasphemy laws
and prosecuting those who commit crimes against minorities.

Freedom of Expression: The government should respect and protect the right to
freedom of expression, including by ensuring the safety and security of journalists and
human rights defenders and repealing laws that restrict freedom of expression.
Torture and Extrajudicial Killings: The government should investigate and prosecute
cases of torture and extrajudicial killings by law enforcement agencies, and establish
effective oversight mechanisms to prevent such abuses from occurring.

Forced Disappearances: The government should investigate and prosecute cases of

enforced disappearances, and ensure that all detainees are held in official places of
detention and have access to legal counsel and family members.

Child Labor: The government should strengthen laws and regulations to protect children
from exploitation and promote access to education, particularly for girls.

Death Penalty: The government should consider a moratorium on the death penalty
and establish safeguards to ensure that capital punishment is used only in accordance
with international human rights standards.

Conclusion:- In addition to these suggestions, it is important to promote human rights

education and awareness-raising among the general public, including through school
curriculums, media campaigns, and civil society initiatives. The international community
can also play a role by providing support for human rights monitoring and advocacy,
promoting accountability for human rights abuses, and providing technical assistance to
strengthen human rights institutions and practices in Pakistan.

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