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Investigatory Project On

Stem Cell Research

Name: Ibrahim
Class: XII SB
Admission No: 2352
 Introduction
 Stem Cell Research
 History of Stem Cell Research
 Procedural Aspects of Stem Cell
 Tracing The Issues of Stem Cell
 Ethical Questions Raised

 With Possible Solution

 Conclusion

Human beings have, since time immemorial, found an

unnatural appeal towards increasing their life span and
improving the quality of living. It is this allure towards the
promise of a better life that has lead to the advancement in the
field of medicine.

This development from a hesitant use of plants and herbs to

alleviate the pain experienced by ancient people which hailed
the medicinal properties as magical and the labelling of
innocent doctors as witches, carrying out the work of the
devil. Since those times, medicine has constantly improved
and evolved; from the lowest of points to the use of extremely
advanced technologies to cure undreamt of diseases. This
gradual evolution has spanned over decades leading to the
present medicinal availability. Add to that the innovation in
the field of technology, and its application in the biological
discipline; many doors are opened to those who would want
to ease the pain and suffering of the people on earth.
Stem Cell Research
The advancement in science and technology has been
incredible in the past few decades. The breakthroughs in the
field of biology alone have been remarkable. Add to that the
findings in the medicinal field and the touch of technology;
unimagined doors stand open to us, to delve into the spheres
of biomedicine and biotechnology, which hasn’t yet been
tapped to its full potential.

Stem cell research is one of the latest aspects that have come
to light in the field of biotechnology. It has had an enormous
impact in the medicinal. With this new development it
promises to cure even neuro-degenerative diseases like spinal
cord injuries, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Under stem cell research there are several different types of

research being covered. Some of the research being carried
out include embryonic stem cell research, adult stem cell
research etc. Human embryonic stem cell research has always
been a debatable issue, because of its potential ramifications
as a violation of human rights. The issue of whether it is an
act of morality, to kill an unfertilised embryo in order to
possibly save many is the biggest question.
History of Stem Cell Research
The establishment of this branch of science began with the
work of Toronto scientists Drs. James Till, a biophysicist, and
Ernest McCulloch, a haematologist, published accidental
findings in “Radiation Research” that proved the existence of
stem cells, cells that can self-renew repeatedly for various
uses. Both of them worked for the Ontario Cancer Institute
(OCI) at the time.

This form of research has a very recent history and is a fairly

new branch of science having only about 50 years. But it has
yet shown tremendous progress and has very large potential.

Stem cells have been successfully used to treat several neuro

degenerative diseases such as

1. Parkinson’s disease
2. Alzheimer’s
3. Spinal Cord injuries
4. Regeneration of damaged organs
Procedural Aspects of Stem Cell
To fully comprehend the implication of such a question, it is
necessary for us to first understand the process of human
embryonic stem cell research.

Embryonic stem cells, prima facie, are a valuable resource

because of what scientists claim to be a treasure trove of
previously unknown cures. They are the basic foundational
cells of the body. Moreover, they are also pluripotent, which
gives them the ability to differentiate into specialised groups
of cells later in their stages of development.

Human embryonic stem cell (HESC) research offers much

hope for alleviating the human suffering brought on by the
ravages of disease and injury. HESCs are characterized by
their capacity for self-renewal and their ability to differentiate
into all types of cells of the body. The main goal of HESC
research is to identify the mechanisms that govern cell
differentiation and to turn HESCs into specific cell types that
can be used for treating debilitating and life-threatening
diseases and injuries.
Embryonic stem cells are mainly derived from human
embryos. These embryos develop into blastocysts, 4 – 5 days
after fertilization. During this time, around 50 – 150 cells are
present. The human blastocyst is then destroyed and the parts
are divided. The different parts of the cell are differentiated
into the inner cell mass and the extra-embryonic tissue and are
separated. These inner mass cells are then placed in a Petri
dish and allowed to grow/multiply until a stem cell line is
established. For the differentiation to take place, the line is
removed from the supporting cells and then co-cultured or
Tracing The Issues of Stem Cell
This branch of research has always been fraught with several
debates on issues regarding to funding and the legal and moral
aspects of this type of research. In USA in particular Stem cell
research has remained a constant issue of controversy since its
discovery. This can be traced very astutely as follows:

In 1974, the Congress Banned nearly all federally funded fetal tissue
research until the National Commission for the Protection of Human
Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioural Research, established by the
National Research Act, devised guidelines for it

 In 1975 an Ethics Advisory Board was established,

whose guidelines were to look into the issues regarding
fetal and fetal tissue research that originate from

 In 1988, though, the Federal Panel Approved

Funding of Embryo Research after a lengthy debate on
its merits and demerits.

 In 1990, President George H.W. Bush Vetoed the Bill

Lifting Moratorium, thus denying funding to stem cell
 In 1998, James Thomson Isolated Human Embryonic
Stem Cells, This discovery also initiated the ethical
debate on human embryonic stem cell research because
his team derived the stem cells through a process that
destroyed human embryos.

 In 1999, HHS Legal Opinion certified Research on

hESC Lines as according to NIH standards the Dickey-
Wicker amendment did not apply to federal funding for
research on embryonic stem cells because the cells did
not meet the statutory definition of an embryo.

 In 2005, National Academies Releases “Guidelines for

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research”, setting
guidelines and requirements for stem cell research.

 In 2007, Yamanaka and Thomson Independently

Derived iPS Cells, Shinya Yamanaka of Kyoto
University and James Thomson of the University of

Wisconsin-Madison both published papers on their

separate discoveries of induced pluripotent stem cells.
These pluripotent cells were created from skin cells that
had four genes inserted into them with viruses. This
procedure resulted in the skin cells acquiring properties
similar to embryonic stem cells. Researchers then coaxed
these so-called iPS cells into becoming beating heart
cells and nerve cells.

 In 2010, Advanced Cell Technology Won FDA

Approval To Test Stem Cell Therapy For
Degenerative Eye Disease, Regenerative medicine
company Advanced Cell Technology received federal
approval from the US FDA to begin a multi-centre
clinical trial that tests human embryonic stem cell
treatment on patients with Stargardt’s Macular
Dystrophy, a disease that causes blindness. The trial
ended successfully with no signs of side symptoms and
proved the treatment to be safe. Two patients also
showed signs of improvement in vision.
Ethical Questions Raised
Despite its assurance for the advancement in biomedicine,
HESC research has been met with very strong opposition.
This takes root in the ethical dilemma that an embryo has to
be destroyed in order to further the research; ergo a human
life is being destroyed. Many who oppose this research see the
destruction of embryos as being unforgivable.

Because these stem cells are a necessary part of the embryos

development, isolating the hESC necessitates the destruction
of the embryo, which turns what was beautiful into a

If seen from a completely consequential point of view, the

supposed wonders that are to be gleaned from the HESC
research almost always outweighs the cons of such a thing
being carried out.

But it is morally impermissible to intentionally kill human

beings. And many believe the embryo that is being destroyed
to be a human being. Hence by logical conclusion of that
argument, it is morally impermissible to destroy a human
embryo. It is weighed in the same way as abortion of foetuses
and seen as murder by many. It is considered a sacrilege by
them to “kill” embryos, even though they would otherwise
have been discarded as the couples who donated them no
longer wanted the said embryos.

Here, on one side the human embryo is seen as the precursor

to a human being, the future of human species. It is supposed
to be treated with respect and the question of destroying such
a human embryo is unthinkable.

On the other hand, the embryo is seen as being too

rudimentary to give it the status of a human being. It cannot
be believed to have been breathed with life if they are not
fully developed. Hence, it is not possible for these embryos to
have rights and interests. The opposition, according to them,
will just hinder the scientific development which will in fact
be helping millions save their lives in the future.
With Possible Solution
Another viable option in the development of stem cell
research is the use of adult stem cells. With the advent of
modern technology, it is now possible to convert adult stem
cells into a form which mimics the behaviour of embryonic
stem cells. These cells known as induced pluripotent stem
cells (iPS) have been seen to be able to have the ability to
differentiate into most other cell types, which is typical of
embryonic stem cells.

This research has generally been carried out outside India,

where the use of a child for research is seen as a taboo.
Children are seen as the gift of God, and hence their use for
what is essentially seen as “cutting up and being experimented
on” is

There have been several cases in the US Supreme Court in

which this issue has been debated repeatedly. The main
problem faced by stem cell research is funding for its
activities. The apex authority in the US has on multiple
occasions supported the stem cell cause. Stumbling upon for
an answer, because of its potential moral and ethical
ramifications they have ultimately decided that the benefits of
this research far outweigh the discomfort caused.

In the matter of funding the National Institutes of Health

(NIH) has played a pivotal role. They have for a long time
been advocating the cause of stem cell research. Various US
Presidents have had varying responses to this issue.
George .W. Bush, in his tenure he decided to allow stem cell
funding by the NIH but at the same time removed lines of
direct federal funding for the project. This was received very

ambiguously by both the sides of the stem cell war. On one

hand it did not stop the stem cell project, but at the same time
it did not allow the research to progress in full throttle. It was
an attempt to appease both sides and ultimately could satisfy

After over 10 years of debate and controversy with ESCs, the

ethical issues have now been thoroughly aired and the path is
open to rapid development. Ethical issues will remain, but
they are the issues that arise in bringing any new discovery
out of the lab into clinical research and then clinical use.
Differing perceptions of the moral status of the early embryo
will still be important, but they appear no longer to be the
major stumbling block that they have been.

To summarise the discussion in this project, it can
be said that while there has been a severe debate
on the ethical, moral and legal aspect of the use of
stem cells as a potential cure, it is hard to ignore its
potential benefits. In the current scenario where
the embryo must be destroyed in order to obtain
the stem cell, it is advisable to look for an alternate
resolution to this.

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