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The Currency of Politics:

The Political Theory of Money from Aristotle to Keynes

Stefan Eich
Georgetown University
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS)
[email protected]

February 7, 2023
The Currency of Politics:
The Political Theory of Money from Aristotle to Keynes
(Princeton University Press, 2022)
Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics
The Currency of Politics

1. The Map

2. The Political Theory of Money

3. Interregnum

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Do we live in a monetary interregnum?

1. No, everything is going swimmingly

2. Yes, the existing model of central banking/global
monetary system seems to be in crisis
3. Maybe, it’s only possible to know retrospectively

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

• We live in a moment of monetary interregnum
– Adam Tooze: The myth of neutral money beyond
politics is dead, but “a fully political money that dares
to speak its name has not yet been born.”
• Inflation debate, weaponized Interdependence, …

• But our political vocabulary for discussing the

possibilities, purpose, and limitations for the
politics of money is impoverished and inert

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

The Currency of Politics

1. The Map

2. Political Theory of Money

3. Interregnum

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

1. The Political Institution of Currency
Aristotle and the Coinage of the Political Community

2. Monetary Depoliticization of Money

John Locke and the Great Recoinage of 1696

3. The Monetary Social Contract

Johann Gottlieb Fichte and the Politics of Paper Money

4. Money as Capital
Karl Marx and the Limits of Monetary Politics

5. Managing Modern Money

John Maynard Keynes and Global Monetary

6. Silent Revolution
The Political Theory of Money after Bretton Woods

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

1. The Political Institution of Currency
Aristotle and the Coinage of the Political Community

2. Monetary Depoliticization of Money

John Locke and the Great Recoinage of 1696

3. The Monetary Social Contract

Johann Gottlieb Fichte and the Politics of Paper Money

4. Money as Capital
Karl Marx and the Limits of Monetary Politics

5. Managing Modern Money

John Maynard Keynes and Global Monetary

6. Silent Revolution
The Political Theory of Money after Bretton Woods

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

1. The Political Institution of Currency
Aristotle and the Coinage of the Political Community

2. Monetary Depoliticization of Money

John Locke and the Great Recoinage of 1696

3. The Monetary Social Contract

Johann Gottlieb Fichte and the Politics of Paper Money

4. Money as Capital
Karl Marx and the Limits of Monetary Politics

5. Managing Modern Money

John Maynard Keynes and Global Monetary

6. Silent Revolution
The Political Theory of Money after Bretton Woods

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Layers of Crises
The geological layers of Manhattan (via

• A geological inquiry into the politics of money

• In the form of a genealogy of debates over divergent
political theories of money
– Not to “mine” the past, but a genuine geological inquiry to
understand the ground we stand on
– The history of political thought about money accumulates
in layers of crises
Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics
• A multidimensional map of competing,
complementary, and layered political theories
of money that stand in conversation with one
– Most centrally: Aristotle, Locke, Fichte, Marx, and
• But also: Bodin, Pufendorf, Lowndes, Petty, Smith, Kant,
Burke, Proudhon, Bagehot, Knapp, Weber, Hayek,
Myrdal, Habermas, Dornbusch, …

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

A Multidimensional Map of the Politics of Money
Aristotle’s account of currency as a political institution

Fichte: A well-ordered Locke’s paradoxical politics

national state system based of monetary
on monetary sovereignty depoliticization

Proudhon: Popular monetary

reform to republicanize access to
credit “sound money”

Marx: Under capitalism,

Hayek’s call for the
monetary reform and monetary
“denationalization” of
legislation are epiphenomenal

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

A Multidimensional Map of the Politics of Money
Aristotle’s account of currency as a political institution

Fichte: A well-ordered Locke’s paradoxical politics

national state system based of monetary
on monetary sovereignty depoliticization

Proudhon: Popular monetary

reform to republicanize access to
credit “sound money”

Marx: Under capitalism,

Hayek’s call for the
monetary reform and monetary
“denationalization” of
legislation are epiphenomenal

Keynes: deliberate control over money based on stability

and justice, but also removed from popular politics

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

How to Read the Map
• The map is not meant as a depiction of reality
but for the purpose of orientation
• Also not simply a two-dimensional map but a
multi-dimensional map one in which time
enters as a variable
• The point is not to force us to simply choose
one option over another
– but to appreciate the way in which they can be
combined and co-exist alongside one another

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

The Currency of Politics

1. The Map

2. Political Theory of Money

3. Interregnum

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

What is Money?
• Money is a form of circulating debt
– Essentially an IOU that is widely accepted in a certain
area or community.
– Can be accepted because of trust or force (usually a
bit of both!)

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Money and Coined Money
~3200 BC: The invention of money

(understood as
circulating credit)

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Money and Coined Money
~3200 BC: The invention of money

(understood as Money
circulating credit)

~680 BC: Invention of coinage issued by the

political community

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Ancient Greek, Chinese, and Indian coins

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Money as a Political Institution
Currency Law
nomisma (νόμισμα) nomos (νόμος)

Athenian tetradrachm (c.454-404 BC)

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Money as a Site of Power
• “Money power”:
– not merely as the power that derives from having
– but the power to create money and the power to
govern the creation of money
• Closely linked to this:
– Money and banking are never purely private but
they are always tethered to the state and its
central bank
– Modern money as a public/private hybrid

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Between Trust and Violence
• Money between trust and violence (Aglietta and
– Money is a legal creature but it also hangs by a thin thread
of trust
• An institution of collective belief with a rich
performative, communicative and temporal dimension
– A “constitutional project” (Christine Desan) but one that
consists of struggles over conflicting constitutional

• For me: A fragile project of political language, with

unique promises and challenges for democratic politics

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

The Currency of Politics

1. The Map

2. Political Theory of Money

3. Interregnum

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Stuck in the Interregnum
• Capital seems to rule supreme (Marx)
• But: “Money will not manage itself.” (Walter
Bagehot, Lombart Street)
– Finance needs the state at least as much as the state
needs finance

• This challenges us:

– to better conceptualize that mutual dependence
– to develop better conceptual tools to describe the
politics of different monetary systems
Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics
The Politics of Monetary
• Need to move beyond the misleading choice between
“depoliticization” versus “re-politicization” of money and
central banking

• Instead, the depoliticization of money is better understood

as its de-democratization
– Money is always political, even when seemingly “depoliticized”!
– Even “depoliticization” has to be defended in the language of

• Inversely, calls to “politicize” money are empty if they fail to

articulate what kind of politics is meant to be injected

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

Poll 2
Do you think either the monetary system or
monetary policy should be made more democratic?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Not sure

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

“Democratic money
is bad money.”
Rudi Dornbusch

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics
“Democratic money
is bad money.”
Rudi Dornbusch

Or can we do
Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics
Thank you!

Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

[email protected]

The book at

The Currency of Politics:

The Political Theory of Money from Aristotle to Keynes
(Princeton University Press, 2022)
Stefan Eich, The Currency of Politics

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