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Brief Review

Women’s Football: An Examination of Factors That

Influence Movement Patterns
Jesse Griffin,1 Brianna Larsen,1 Sean Horan,2 Justin Keogh,3,4,5,6 Karl Dodd,7 Melissa Andreatta,8 and
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Clare Minahan1
Griffith Sports Science, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia; 2School of Allied Health Sciences, Griffith University,
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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia; 3Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University, Queensland, Australia; 4Sports
Performance Research Center New Zealand, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand; 5Cluster for Health Improvement, Faculty of
Science, Health, Education and Engineering, University of the Sunshine Coast, Sippy Downs, Queensland, Australia; 6Kasturba
Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India; 7Guam Football Association,
Barrigada, Guam; and 8Brisbane Strikers Football Club, Queensland, Australia

Griffin, J, Larsen, B, Horan, S, Keogh, J, Dodd, K, Andretta, M, and Minahan, C. Title: Women’s football: An examination of factors
that influence movement patterns. J Strength Cond Res 34(8): 2384–2393, 2020—The popularity and professionalism of women’s
football has increased in conjunction with participation rates over the last 10 years, with projected female participation rates to
double worldwide by 2026. Scientific interest has also increased, in part due to Fédération Internationale de Football Association
now allowing global positioning system (GPS) units to be worn during all competitive matches, resulting in investigations into the
match demands of women’s football. Therefore, the purpose of the present review is to provide a summary of the literature specific
to the movement patterns of women’s football matches. Contemporary scientific investigation using GPS match data has led to
a greater understanding of the movement patterns of football. Greater emphasis has been placed on high-speed running and
sprinting during matches because of the strong link to scoring opportunities and being a distinguishing factor between international
and national along with elite and subelite competition levels. Further research, however, is warranted in regard to accelerations and
decelerations, given the high metabolic and mechanical loads and contribution to high-speed running and sprinting. With an influx
of research into the movement patterns of match-play, investigators have begun to examine factors affecting match performance
such as positional demands, age, level of competition, opponent, scoreline, and phase of the game. An understanding of the factors
that influence match demands is vital to ultimately be able to understand the effects on performance and how manipulating these
factors may improve football performance and reduce the risk of injury.
Key Words: female, movement patterns, soccer, GPS, team sports

Introduction focused on the movement patterns of the female game and player
characteristics such as anthropometry, V̇ O2max, speed, and power.
Women’s sports such as soccer, referred to hereafter as football,
However, since these reviews were undertaken, FIFA has introduced
have received increased attention through highly publicized events
law changes to allow global positioning system (GPS) units to be
such as the Olympics and the Football World Cup. The 2015
worn during all competitive matches (12). These changes have created
Women’s Football World Cup in Canada highlighted the growing
an increased opportunity to further understand and research the
popularity of the sport around the world, with record attendances
demands of match-play by examining the movement patterns of
of 1.35 million people and TV viewing audiences of more than 750
players during matches. In the current review, the authors have
million (17). Participation rates in 2015 confirmed that 30 million
identified 15 new research articles in addition to the previous 2014
women and girls play football worldwide, equating to an increase
reviews (9,29), quantifying the movement patterns of match-play,
of 32% since 2010 (16). In a 2018 report released by The
with the majority of these studies using GPS units. As a result of the
Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) “Strategy
law changes and the increased scientific attention around match-play,
for Women’s Football,” women’s participation rates were pro-
an updated review is timely. Specifically, the purpose of the present
jected to double to 60 million worldwide by 2026 and efforts to
review is to provide an updated summary of the literature specific to
increase women’s participation rates were centered around the
the movement patterns of women’s football matches. As scientific
2019 Women’s Football World Cup in France (17).
research within women’s football continues to increase, so too does
Burgeoning investment in women’s football (17), particularly
the scientific understanding of match demands and factors contrib-
around performance-based research, has seen an increase in the
uting to performance. These factors have been included to provide
professionalism of the sport as well as a decrease in the performance
further understanding not just around the basic movement patterns
gap between male and female football (17). Literature reviews (9,29)
but also the variables that seem to most heavily influence match
conducted in 2014 by leading researchers in women’s football have
Address correspondence to Jesse Griffin, [email protected]. All statements and descriptions in the current review are only
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 34(8)/2384–2393 made in reference to women’s football. There are numerous re-
ª 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association search articles pertaining to the movement patterns of men’s


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Movements Patterns of Women’s Football (2020) 34:8 |

football for interested readers (3,4,25,33,36–38,30). Further- The most common number of repeated efforts performed is 2, in-
more, when referring to high-speed running and sprinting in the dicating that players frequently perform 2 high-intensity efforts within
current review, speed zones of 16–20 and .20 km·h21 are used, 20–30 seconds during a game (7,27).
respectively, unless otherwise stated. The definitions used for each The majority of high-speed running (12–19 km·h21) and
speed zone were selected as they are the most commonly used sprinting (.19 km·h21) bouts occur over distances of less than
within the literature (16,43,44,49). 10 m (8,27), highlighting the importance of accelerations and
The validity and reliability of GPS improves with an increase in decelerations to high-speed running and sprinting and the overall
sampling frequency from 5 to 10 Hz for all movement pattern movement patterns of football matches. Accelerations and decel-
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measures of acceleration, deceleration, and distance in speed erations also present the highest demands on players, with the
zones. No additional benefits, however, are found with an in- metabolic cost of accelerations and decelerations higher compared
creased sampling rate of 15 Hz (39). Global positioning system to running at a constant velocity (32). Moreover, the mechanical
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units sampling at 10 Hz provide a valid measure of high-speed load per meter is higher for accelerations (28%) and decelerations
running distance (coefficient of variation [CV] 1.9%) and accel- (65%), in comparison with all other match activities (6).
eration (CV 3.6–5.9%), while sprinting distance and deceleration Despite the importance of accelerations and decelerations to per-
tend to be less valid (CV ;10%) (39). Similar results are also formance and training load management, there have been limited
evident for reliability of 10 Hz units with acceleration (CV studies that have examined these parameters in detail. During in-
1.9–4.3%) and deceleration (CV 6%), displaying good to mod- ternational matches, players have been shown to perform ;160
erate interunit reliability (39). Further detailed information on the accelerations (.2.26 m·s22) (30,44), while another study using the
data collection process and GPS validity and reliability for in- same level of competition found players undertook over 200 accel-
terested readers can be found in the following articles (5,39). erations (.1 m·s22) and 170 decelerations (,21 m·s22) (34). In-
terestingly, during national-level matches, it was concluded that
players performed over 420 accelerations (.2 m·s22) and 430
Movement Patterns
decelerations (,22 m·s22) per match (26). The acceleration and
Football is a sport that requires intermittent physical efforts, as deceleration values presented are highly variable across all of the
well as high levels of agility, speed, and endurance (1,8,34). To studies, which is somewhat surprising considering the same level of
be successful, players need to perform repeated high-intensity competition was investigated (26,30,34,44). The large differences
efforts including high-speed running, sprinting, changes in di- between studies in acceleration and deceleration movement patterns
rection, and football-specific skills such as passing, tackling, and may be attributed to the data collection methods, particularly the
goal shooting (14,27,42,44). The technical and tactical acceleration and deceleration thresholds and sample rates used. The
demands are not the focus of the current review; however, it is threshold for a single acceleration was defined using different cutoff
important to acknowledge the element of skill required to play values across the 4 studies, while the deceleration threshold included 2
football. Indeed, it has been identified that the most significant different cutoff values across the 2 studies. The inconsistent defi-
activities that affect the outcome of a match include one-on-one nitions used to describe an acceleration and deceleration during
contests in attack and defense, passing accuracy, and effective match-play limits the direct comparisons that can be made across the
execution of dead-ball situations, which include corners, free studies presented in the current review. The study reporting the
kicks, and throw-ins (42). highest acceleration and deceleration values used Optical Player
The movement patterns of football have been researched widely, Tracking sampling at 25 Hz (26) in comparison with the other studies
providing a greater understanding of the external loads of football which used GPS units operating at 10 Hz (30,34,44). Despite the
(26,34,44) (Table 1). The total distance covered has typically difficulty in directly comparing the results of both studies, results
reflected the movement patterns of match-play, with elite players indicate that higher sample rates may be more useful in quantifying
shown to cover total distances of ;10,000 m (1,8,20,44). Recently, the true number of accelerations and decelerations occurring during
greater focus on the amount of distance covered during high-speed match-play.
running and sprinting has been evident in the literature, likely Accelerations (.2 m·s22) on average occur over a distance of
a result of the strong link to football-specific demands of one-on- 4.3 m, while decelerations (,22 m·s22) occur over a distance of 4 m
one contests for the ball and scoring opportunities (8,27). High- (26), demonstrating that acceleration and deceleration actions are
speed running has been shown to be highly variable between performed over short intense efforts. Given the limited distances that
matches across different playing positions, with a reported CV of accelerations and decelerations occur over, it is apparent that foot-
33% (44). This means football players may perform anywhere ballers need to be able to apply or absorb high forces during each step,
between 600 and 1,000 m of high-speed running each match particularly during important match events such as reaching the ball
(34,44). The greatest variability in match performance is the first or trying to limit the movement of an opposition player. The
number of sprint efforts, with a CV of 53% (44) and the total majority of accelerations have been shown to occur from a low
distance covered varying from 300 to 600 m (2,16,27,24). In terms starting speed (,12 km·h21), while decelerations have been shown to
of distance covered during high-speed running (12–19 km·h21) and be more variable occurring across a range of low and high speeds
sprinting (.19 km·h21) efforts, research findings suggest that the (12–19 km·h21) (26). This initial speed before an acceleration or
majority of these high-speed or sprinting efforts are less than 10 m, deceleration is important, as this will affect the resulting magnitude of
with maximum distances of ;30 m (26,27). change in speed. Maximal acceleration has been shown to be de-
High-speed running and sprinting are particularly important in pendent on the initial velocity, with linear decreases in maximal ac-
game situations, where the ability to perform a repeated high-intensity celeration capacity with increasing starting speeds (41). Therefore, it
effort is beneficial to pressuring the opposition, regaining possession, may be useful for sport scientists to further categories each accelera-
or creating scoring opportunities. Approximately 79% of the high- tion and deceleration based on the velocity of the preceding move-
speed runs (12–19 km·h21) and 35% of sprints (.19 km·h21) per- ment (41).
formed in matches were considered repeated efforts (defined as 2 Although it is commonly accepted that high total distances
or more efforts with less than 20 seconds between each one) (27). result in high metabolic demands during football, it is also


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Movements Patterns of Women’s Football (2020) 34:8

Table 1
A summary of the movement patterns of football match-play.*†
Study Year Matches analysed Subjects/nationality/competition level Method of data collection Total distance (m) HSR (m) Sprinting (m) Accelerations (n) Decelerations (n)
(.18 km·h21) (.25 km·h21)
Andersson et al. (1) 2010 3 International 17 Time motion analysis National
3 National Swedish/Danish 9,700 6 1,400 1,330 6 900 221 6 45
National/International International
9,900 6 1,800 1,530 6 100 256 6 57
1st half 820 6 50 136 6 3
2nd half 720 6 50 120 6 3
(15–21 km·h21) (.21 km·h21)
Bradley et al. (2) 2014 Not provided 59 Amisco Pro (25 Hz) 10,754 6 150‡ 1,358 6 50‡ 291 6 24‡
European 1st half
National 5,486 6 80‡ 705 6 27‡ 148 6 14‡
2nd half
5,267 6 91‡ 653 6 28‡ 142 6 15‡
(20–25 km·h21) (.25 km·h21)
Datson et al. (8) 2017 10 107 Prozone Sports (25 Hz) 10,321 6 859 608 6 181 168 6 82
13 National teams
Datson (7) 2016 10 107 Prozone Sports (25 Hz) (20–25 km·h21) (.25 km·h21)
13 National teams (n) (n)
International 33 6 10 1.1 6 1.1
(18–23 km·h21) (.23 km·h21)
DeWitt et al. (11) 2018 20 18 GPS (10 Hz) 8,883 6 1,877 (n)

American 570 6 407 9 6 11

(16–20 km·h21) (.20 km·h21)
FIFA (16) 2016 52 438 Prozone Sports (25 Hz) 10,717 826 445
24 National teams
(18–21 km·h21) (.21 km·h21)
FIFA (15) 2012 32 400 Amisco Pro (25 Hz) 10,215 395 290
16 National teams
Gabbett et al. (18) 2013 5 International 15 International Time motion analysis (n/match)
10 National 19 National International 9.5
Australian National 9.6
(12–19 km·h21) (.19 km·h21)
Hewitt et al. (20) 2014 13 15 GPS (5 Hz) 9,631 6 175 2,407 6 125 338 6 30
Australian 1st half
International 4,936 6 78 1,244 6 61 173 6 15
2nd half
4,695 6 108 1,163 6 71 165 6 18
(.2 m·s22) (,22 m·s22)
Mara et al. (26) 2017 7 12 Optical player tracking (25 Hz) 423 6 126 430 6 125
(12–19 km·h21) (.19 km·h21)
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Movements Patterns of Women’s Football (2020) 34:8

Table 1
A summary of the movement patterns of football match-play.*† (Continued)
Study Year Matches analysed Subjects/nationality/competition level Method of data collection Total distance (m) HSR (m) Sprinting (m) Accelerations (n) Decelerations (n)
Mara et al. (27) 2017 7 12 Optical player tracking (25 Hz) 10,025 6 775 2,452 6 636 615 6 258
(17–20 km·h21) (.20 km·h21) (.2.3 m·s22)
Meylan et al. (30) 2017 34 13 GPS (10 Hz) 107 6 16.3 m·min21 6.0 6 2.1 m·min21 2.9 6 1.2 m·min21 1.8 6 0.7 m·min21
(.20 km·h21)
Nakamura et al. (31) 2017 10 11 GPS (5 Hz) 285 6 164
Brazilian (n)
National 18 6 10
(16–20 km·h21) (.20 km·h21) (.1 m·s22) (,21 m·s22)
Ramos et al. (34) 2017 U17 7 14 GPS (10 Hz) 8,270 484 190 171 102
U20 7 14 8,704 687 223 184 126
Senior 6 17 10,110 755 306 214 174
(.16 km·h21) (.20 km·h21) (.2.3 m·s22)
Trewin et al. (44) 2018 55 45 GPS (10 Hz) (n)
Canadian 10,368 6 952 930 6 348 20 6 9 174 6 33
(17–20 km·h21) (.20 km·h21) (.2.3 m·s22)
Trewin et al. (43) 2018 30 45 GPS (10 Hz) (n)
107 6 10 m·min21 9.5 6 3.2 m·min21 0.2 6 0.1 m·min21 1.8 6 0.4 m·min21

(15–18 km·h21) (.18 km·h21)
Turner (45) 2016 1 11 nonelite GPS (5 Hz) 8,906 6 1,000 772 6 171 482 6 317
14 subelite 9,717 6 751 658 6 190 410 6 193
9 elite 9,811 6 738 872 6 162 651 6 195
(16–20 km·h21) (.20 km·h21)
Vescovi and Falenchuck (49) 2019 9 28 GPS (5 Hz) 8.4 6 0.4 m·min21 4.0 6 0.4 m·min21
(16–20 km·h21) (.20 km·h21)
Vescovi (48) 2014 15 National GPS (5 Hz) 8,558 6 223 658 6 54 235 6 33
U17 100 6 3 m·min21 (n)
13 6 2
(.25 km·h21)
Vescovi (47) 2012 12 71 GPS (5 Hz) 1st Half
American 62 6 55
National 2nd Half
49 6 51

*GPS 5 global positioning system; HSR 5 high-speed running; n 5 number; RS 5 repeated sprints.
†All data are expressed as mean 6 SD if provided by original research.

‡Value represents sum of zones provided, whereby the SD is calculated from the multiple SD provided from the original research.
Movements Patterns of Women’s Football (2020) 34:8

apparent that the higher number of accelerations and deceler- (,21, ,22 m·s22) (26,34). The differences in positional
ations over short periods mean football players likely experience demands that are observed between accelerations and deceler-
high mechanical loads during a match (6,32,46). Consequently, ations are evident for initial and final velocities as well as maxi-
football players need to be able to perform repeated, explosive, mum distance in which they are performed (26). Wide midfielders
and powerful running movements if they are going to be and attackers perform more accelerations from an initial speed of
successful. 13–19 km·h21 and finishing at 13 km·h21 or above, when com-
pared with central defenders (26). The maximum distance ach-
ieved while accelerating is reported to be 6.6 m for central
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Factors Influencing Movement Patterns defenders and 8.4 m for wide defenders (26). By contrast, de-
celeration demands are similar for central defenders and central
The movement patterns of an individual player can change from
midfielders with a maximum distance of 7.5 m, which is shorter
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match-to-match and are typically dependent on (a) their position,

compared with attackers who demonstrate deceleration distances
(b) their age, (c) the level of competition, (d) the opponent, (e) the
of 10.5 m (26). The shorter deceleration distances of central
scoreline, and (f) phase of the game. Other intrinsic factors such as
midfielders and central defenders may be a result of reduced space
motivation or fatigue can also affect player movement.
for central players, therefore limiting the top speeds that they can
reach before being required to decelerate.
Positional Demands
Positional differences in player movement patterns are known to Age
exist in football (1,20). Midfielders and attackers cover greater
Investigations into the differences between age groups in in-
total distances and demonstrate higher work rates compared with
ternational matches highlight the changes that occur with matura-
defenders (1,20). Midfielders greater total distance in
tion and the required development if younger players are going to
comparison with defenders is a result of them undertaking more
progress to elite players. Research comparing U17, U20, and senior
high-speed running (12–19 km·h21) and sprinting (.19 km·h21)
elite players found a progressive increase in total distance and high-
(20) (.25 km·h21) during a match (1). Several differences in the
intensity activities, including high-speed running, sprinting, accel-
movement patterns of matches have been highlighted between
erations (.1 m·s22), and decelerations (,1 m·s22) (34). In-
central defenders and wide defenders, as well as between central
terestingly, the greatest difference between age groups was for the
midfielders and wide midfielders (Table 2) (8). The large variation
number of decelerations performed during matches. Effect sizes be-
that has been demonstrated within the generic defenders and
tween the age groups increased between the elite and U20
midfielders positional groups, suggest that positional groups need
(1.15–4.04) and elite and U17 (2.79–5.57) comparisons across all
to be further subcategorized based on central and wide players’
playing positions. There are numerous factors accounting for this
differing location on the field and positional roles (8). In previous
discrepancy; however, in general, the intensity of the matches and the
literature, outfield positions have typically been divided into 5
physical attributes of the players is the most plausible reason for the
positional groups: central defenders, wide defenders, central
observed difference (34). Based on the large differences in deceler-
midfielders, wide midfielders, and attackers (12).
ations during a match between age groups, a focus on improving the
Central defenders have been reported to perform less distance at
technique and physical capacities required for deceleration (19,22)
high speed (16,31), a lower relative distance (11), and exhibit the
would improve the younger girls ability to decelerate during a match
fewest repeated high-intensity activity bouts over shorter distances
and minimize the disparity between the younger and senior age
and durations compared with all other positions (7). Central mid-
groups. Comparisons between age groups also highlight the need to
fielders perform a similar number of efforts and distance sprinting to
develop a player’s capacity to perform high-intensity activities such
central defenders, possibly because of the limited space and congestion
as high-speed running, sprinting, and accelerations.
in central areas compared with wider or attacking players (11,16).
Central midfielders, however, perform similar amounts of high-speed
running in comparison with wide midfielders, wide defenders, and
Competition Level
attackers (16) and more high-speed running (18–23 km·h21) than
central defenders (11). Both wide and central midfielders tend to have The difference between national- and international-level matches
shorter recovery times (,20 seconds) between high-intensity activity, has not been investigated extensively, with only 2 GPS-based
with longer recovery times (.60 seconds) more common for central studies directly comparing standards of play (1,18). Although it is
defenders (7). The positional role of midfielders requires support for typically assumed that higher standards of competition elicit
both attacking and defensive actions, limiting the recovery time be- faster and more intense movement patterns, specifically what
tween high-intensity activity (7). movement pattern variables are higher is not yet conclusive and
Wide players perform a greater number of longer sprints over requires further research (1). Current research has demonstrated
distances greater than 15 m in comparison with all other playing that players cover similar total distances during national and in-
positions (8,16). Moreover, attackers perform more high-speed ternational matches (1); however, when distance is examined in
runs (18–23 km·h21) and sprints (.23 km·h21) than any other relation to speed zones, there are differences between competition
position (11) and more repeated high-intensity activity than de- levels for distance covered during high-speed running and
fensive players (7). Straight line sprints are the most common sprinting. For example, international players covered 13% more
action before scoring a goal, for both the goal scorer and the distance at high-speed running (18–25 km·h21) compared with
assisting player (14), highlighting the importance of these high- national-level players (1). Further examination of the data reveals
intensity activities for attacking players. the differences are a result of significantly more high-speed runs
Despite all the differences in positional demands, particularly (18–25 km·h21) for international players, rather than high-speed
for central defenders, there are no positional differences for the running occurring over longer durations or distances (1). In-
total number of accelerations (.1, .2 m·s22) and decelerations terestingly, there was no difference between competition levels for


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Movements Patterns of Women’s Football (2020) 34:8

Table 2
A summary of the positional movement patterns of football match-play.*†
Study Year Matches analysed Subjects/nationality/competition level Method of data collection Total distance (m) HSR (m) Sprinting (m) Accelerations (n) Decelerations (n)
(15–21 km·h21) (.21 km·h21)
Bradley et al. (2) 2014 Not provided 59 Amisco Pro (25 Hz) CD 10,238 6 226‡ 1,116 6 75‡ 216 6 33‡
European WD 10,707 6 351‡ 1,398 6 132‡ 262 6 46‡
National CM 11,160 6 254‡ 1,456 6 87‡ 266 6 31‡
WM 10,929 6 417‡ 1,508 6 126‡ 369 6 67‡
A 10,766 6 359‡ 1,401 6 93‡ 506 6 100‡
(20–25 km·h21) (.25 km·h21)
Datson et al. (8) 2017 10 107 Prozone Sports (25 Hz) CD 9,498 6 562 423 6 79 111 6 42
13 National teams WD 10,250 6 661 634 6 168 163 6 79
International CM 10,985 6 706 683 6 170 170 6 69
WM 10,623 6 665 700 6 167 220 6 116
A 10,262 6 798 651 6 135 221 6 53
RS (20–25 km·h21) RS (.25 km·h21)
Datson (7) 2016 10 107 Prozone Sports (25 Hz) (n) (n)
13 National teams CD 22 6 5 0.6 6 0.7
International WD 33 6 8 0.9 6 0.9
CM 38 6 8 1.6 6 1.2
WM 40 6 9 1.4 6 1.3
A 37 6 9 1.4 6 1.4
(18–23 km·h21) (.23 km·h21)
DeWitt et al. (11) 2018 20 18 GPS (10 Hz) (n)
American CD 7,871 6 1,411 338 6 238 568
National WD 9,303 6 1,594 581 6 396 9 6 10

CM 9,144 6 1,911 483 6 348 568

A 9,005 6 2,062 805 6 438 15 6 14
(16–20 km·h21) (.20 km·h21)
FIFA (16) 2016 52 438 Prozone Sports (25 Hz) CD 10,020 607 318
24 National teams WD 10,748 856 536
International CM 11,230 928 356
WM 10,902 927 575
A 10,781 891 565
(n) (n)
CD 60 21
WD 84 34
CM 92 24
WM 89 36
A 88 36
(18–21 km·h21) (.21 km·h21)
FIFA (15) 2012 32 400 Amisco Pro (25 Hz) CD 10,160 335 260
16 National teams WD 10,850 460 380
International CM 11,350 440 285
WM 11,280 540 440
A 10,460 465 485
(n) (n)
CD 40 21
WD 40 22

CM 39 16
WM 47 27
A 41 29
(.2 m·s22) (,22 m·s22)
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Movements Patterns of Women’s Football (2020) 34:8

Table 2
A summary of the positional movement patterns of football match-play.*† (Continued)
Study Year Matches analysed Subjects/nationality/competition level Method of data collection Total distance (m) HSR (m) Sprinting (m) Accelerations (n) Decelerations (n)
Mara et al. (26) 2017 7 12 Optical player tracking (25 Hz) CD 342 6 135‡ 356 6 137‡
Australian WD 431 6 144‡ 443 6 146‡
National CM 465 6 145‡ 473 6 144‡
WM 475 6 117‡ 474 6 108‡
A 413 6 143‡ 409 6 137‡
(12–19 km·h21) (.19 km·h21)
Mara et al. (27) 2017 7 12 Optical player tracking CD 9,220 6 590 1,772 6 439 417 6 116
Australian (25 Hz) WD 10,203 6 568 2,569 6 612 680 6 278
National CM 10,581 6 221 2,761 6 417 484 6 169
WM 10,472 6 878 2,917 6 545 850 6 178
A 9,661 6 602 2,420 6 405 841 6 238
(.20 km·h21)
Nakamura et al. (31) 2017 10 11 GPS (5 Hz) CD 125 6 61
Brazilian WD 359 6 98
National M 359 6 174
A 352 6 145
CD 8 6 3
WD 21 6 5
M 22 6 10
A 23 6 8
(16–20 km·h21) (.20 km·h21) (.1 m·s22) (,21 m·s22)
Ramos et al. (34) 2017 Senior 6 17 GPS (10 Hz) CD 10,003 6 954 590 6 104 199 6 91 218 6 22 161 6 19

Brazilian WD 10,237 6 665 840 6 137 379 6 119 214 6 35 182 6 23

International M 10,377 6 981 811 6 207 299 6 142 214 6 17 178 6 19
A 9,825 6 894 783 6 251 352 6 125 210 6 29 176 6 27
(16–20 km·h21) (.20 km·h21) (.2 m·s22) (,22 m·s22)
Ramos et al. (35) 2017 7 12 GPS (10 Hz) CD 8,202 6 514 509 6 76 113 6 44 13 6 3 14 6 3
Brazilian WD 9,073 6 475 859 6 99 331 6 94 15 6 6 19 6 7
International U20 M 8,486 6 703 552 6 113 126 6 48 14 6 5 11 6 4
A 9,056 6 460 830 6 191 323 6 111 17 6 6 25 6 9
T (.16 km·h21) (.20 km·h21) (n) (.2.3 m·s22)
rewin et al. (44) 2018 55 45 GPS (10 Hz) 14 6 6
Canadian CD 9,533 6 650 661 6 221 26 6 9 187 6 33
International WD 10,496 6 822 1,191 6 314 20 6 9 185 6 27
M 10,962 6 750 973 6 334 25 6 9 158 6 33
A 10,380 6 893 1,037 6 305 174 6 27
(.18 km·h21)
Vescovi (47) 2012 12 71 GPS (5 Hz) D 545 6 217
American M 447 6 185
National A 657 6 157

*A 5 attacker(s); CD 5 central defender(s); CM 5 central midfielder(s); D 5 defender(s); GPS 5 global positioning system; HSR 5 high-speed running; M 5 midfielder(s); n 5 number; RS 5 repeated sprints; WD 5 wide defender(s); WM 5 wide midfielder(s).
†All data are expressed as mean 6 SD if provided by original research.
‡Value represents sum of zones provided, whereby the SD is calculated from the multiple SD provided from the original research.
Movements Patterns of Women’s Football (2020) 34:8 |

the number of sprints (.25 km·h21) performed; however, significant degree of disparity between games for many of the
international-level players covered 14% more distance sprinting GPS-derived statistics.
in the first half in comparison with national-level players (1).
Competition level was also distinguished between elite, subelite,
and nonelite players with greater distance covered and percentage Phase of the Game
of distance covered at high-speed running (15–18 km·h21) and As outlined in the current review, football players are exposed to
sprinting (.18 km·h21) for elite players (45). high metabolic and mechanical demands throughout a match,
Similar results were also found for repeated sprints during which can result in fatigue and ultimately performance decre-
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match-play, with international and national players performing ments (10,28). During elite football matches, the total distance
a similar number of efforts, although international players had covered during the first half decreased by ;5% in the second half
a greater sprint duration and a shorter recovery duration between (2,20,27). Changes in total distance can be attributed to a signif-
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repeated sprint efforts compared with national players (18). The icant decrease in the amount of high-speed running and sprinting
number of efforts along with the total distance covered in the (8,27,31), a decrease in the number of accelerations and decel-
high-speed running and sprinting speed zones provides a better erations, and an increase in the mean time between high-intensity
indication of the difference in movement patterns between com- efforts in the second half (26). High-speed running (12–19 km·h2
petition levels, than one measure alone. 1
) and sprinting (.19 km·h21) distances were 13 and 14%
greater, respectively, in the first half compared with the second
half (27). Sprint distance deteriorations in the second half have
Opponent and Match Outcome
been demonstrated to be as high as 21%; however, the sprint
The movement patterns of a match are influenced by multiple threshold was defined as .25 km·h21, which may explain the
factors, including the quality of the opposition team, the outcome larger discrepancy in comparison with other studies (47). The
of the match, and the scoreline within a match (11,43). Winning greater distances covered at high-speed running (12–19 km·h21)
against higher ranked teams saw an increase of 10% for the total and sprinting (.19 km·h21) in the first half compared with the
number of accelerations (43). For a draw, a moderate increase of second were a result of 15% more high-speed runs and 17% more
19% for high-speed running and an increase of 10% in the number sprints (27). Similar results were observed for higher sprint ve-
of accelerations were demonstrated when playing a lower ranked locity thresholds (.25 km·h21) whereby the distance covered per
team compared with a higher ranked team (43). These findings sprint remained the same from half to half, but the number of
suggest that when playing lower ranked teams, where the expec- sprints was reduced in the second half (47). Repeated high-
tation is to win the match, players tend to be more attacking and intensity activity followed a similar trend in terms of decreases,
perform more high-intensity running. Significant differences have with movement patterns being reduced during the second half.
been observed for the relative distance covered sprinting, with the Specifically, fewer efforts were performed and a greater recovery
greatest movement patterns observed when losing a match (49). It is time between bouts was reported in the second half compared
believed that an increased effort to score may explain this differ- with the first (7). Anderson et al. (1), however, found no signifi-
ence; however, it could also be a result of constant defending. Thus, cant differences in the distance covered during sprinting (.25
it is apparent that a players movement patterns and behaviors are km·h21) between the 2 halves. The lack of significant differences
altered due to the situation of a game (21). between halves may be a result of the sample size, in which only 1
The outcome of a match has also been shown to alter the to 3 matches per player were analyzed.
movement patterns of players (21,43). The scoreline within Decreases between halves may also be attributed to “mental
a match may also provide further insight into how movement fatigue” in addition to physical fatigue. Mental fatigue may in-
patterns are affected. Scoring the first goal is critical in winning terfere with the processes that limit physical ability, increasing the
football matches, as the team that scores first is 5 times more likely perceptual effort and drive impulse to perform high-intensity
to win (21). The importance of scoring first may explain why in activity (33). Central fatigue is believed to play a role in technical
general the movement patterns were higher when it was a 0- performance and therefore would affect the movement patterns of
0 draw compared to all other game situations (11). The greater the game (24,28). It is well accepted that fatigue is multifactorial
movement patterns in a 0-0 scoreline were also reflected by process with no one explanation completely accounting for the
;10% higher total distance and relative distance for central reduction in performance within a match.
defenders and central midfielders and higher player load for Dividing a 90-minute football match into 15-minute intervals
attackers (;6%) and wide defenders (;12%) (11). rather than two 45-minute halves may allow for fluctuations and
When trailing the opposition team compared with a 0-0 draw, temporal patterns of fatigue to be better identified and understood.
central midfielders performed less accelerations and decelerations When football matches were divided into 15-minute intervals, total
resulting in a small reduction (16%) in player load (11). Central distance and distance at high speed (.12 km·h21) (20) were greater in
defenders’ high-speed running (18–23 km·h21) was 54% higher the first 0- to 15-minute period than any other 15-minute interval
when trailing as opposed to leading; however, no differences were (26). Accelerations and decelerations also peaked during the first 15-
observed when trailing compared with when the match was minute interval, with the lowest mean and maximum time between
drawn 0-0 (11). Interestingly, attackers were the only position acceleration (.2 m·s22) and deceleration (,22 m·s22) efforts. In-
that had no change in movement patterns regardless of the game terestingly, sprint distance (.19 km·h21) did not significantly change
situation (11), which may reflect their purpose to score no matter during the 15-minute intervals of a match despite changes between
the scoreline. Game data comparing the outcome of the match the halves (20,27). Significant reductions in the total distance and
and the scoreline within a match suggested that tactics through- distance covered at high-speed running (12–19 km·h21) were found
out the different scenarios may also have a role in influencing for the 60–75 minutes and 75–90 minutes period in comparison with
movement patterns during a match (11,43).The large degree of the first 0–15 minutes (20). During the last 75- to 90-minute period,
within-game variation in score may contribute to and explain the players covered ;25% less high-speed distance compared with the 0-


Copyright © 2020 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Movements Patterns of Women’s Football (2020) 34:8

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