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NXP MIFARE PLUS benchmark security for mainstream applications

Migrate mainstream contactless smart card systems to the next security level
MIFARE PLUS brings benchmark security to mainstream contactless smart card applications. It is the only mainstream technology compatible with MIFARE 1 K / 4 K / Mini offering a seamless upgrade path, with minimal effort, for existing infrastructure and services.
Key applications } Public transportation } Access management, e.g. employee, school or campus cards } Electronic toll collection } Car parking } Internet cafes } Loyalty programs Key features } 2- or 4-KB EEPROM } Simple fixed memory structure compatible with MIFARE Mini (MF1ICS20), MIFARE 1 K (MF1ICS50), MIFARE 4 K (MF1ICS70) } Access conditions freely configurable } Smooth migration from Classic to Plus security level supported } Open standard AES crypto for authentication, integrity and encryption } Composite Common Criteria Certification: EAL4+ } ISO/IEC 14443-A unique serial number, 4 or 7 byte and random IDs } Multi-sector authentication, multi-block read and write } Anti-tear function for writing AES keys } Keys can be stored as MIFARE CRYPTO1 keys (2 x 48 bit per sector) or as AES keys (2 x 128 bit sector) } Supports virtual card concept } High data rates up to 848 kbit/s } Available in MOA4 modules or 8-inch sawn bumped wafer NXP MIFARE Plus is based on global standards both for air interface and cryptographic methods. Its available in two versions: MIFARE Plus S, the Standard version, for straightforward migration of MIFARE Classic systems, and MIFARE Plus X, the eXpert version, which offers more flexibility to optimize the command flow for speed, privacy and confidentiality. It offers a rich feature set, including proximity checks against relay attacks. MIFARE Plus is fully functional backwards compatible with MIFARE 1 K, 4 K and Mini. Interoperability with MIFARE Classic has been verified by the MIFARE Certification Institute. It offers the possibility to issue cards seamlessly into existing Classic applications, before the infrastructure is upgraded. Once the security upgrades are in place, MIFARE Plus cards can be switched to a more secure mode in the field with no customer interaction necessary. It then uses AES (advanced encryption standard) for authentication, encryption and data integrity.

MIFARE Plus supports high-speed communication between card and terminal at up to 848 kbps/s, for time critical services. The read range of up to 10 cm increases the convenience of the touch-and-go experience. Security levels MIFARE Plus cards support four security levels (0 through 3) as described below. Cards operate in one security level at any given time and can only be switched to a higher level. An automatic anti-tear mechanism is available for secure deployment of rolling keys. If a card is removed from the field during a key update, it either concludes the update or automatically falls back to the previous key. MIFARE Plus is available in the proven MOA4 module and as sawn bumped wafers, so no changes need to be made to existing manufacturing processes. For benchmark security on the reader side, the MIFARE SAM AV2 (secure application module) is available. The Common Criteria 5+ certified IC includes all MIFARE Plus commands, secure key
} Securtiy level 0 MIFARE Plus cards are pre-personalized with configuration keys, level switching keys, crypto 1 and AES keys for the memory. } Security Level 1 In this level the cards are 100% functionally backwards compatible with MIFARE 4 K/1 K/Mini cards. In this level the cards work seamlessly in existing Classic infrastructure. Card issuance can start before the reader upgrade. In addition already optional AES authentication is possible. When the infrastructure is ready for Security Level 2 or 3, the MIFARE Plus cards can be automatically upgraded to higher levels, transparently, during normal user operation. } Security Level 2 (Plus X only) Mandatory AES authentication. MIFARE Crypto for data confidentiality. } Security Level 3 Mandatory AES for authentication, communication confidentiality and integrity. Optional proximity detection (Plus X only). Product Features Memory EEPROM size [byte] Write endurance [typical cycles] Data retention [years] Organization RF-Interface Acc. To ISO 14443A Frequency [MHz] Baudrate [kbit /s] Anticollision Security Unique Serial Number [byte] 4 byte Random ID True Random Number Generator Access keys Access conditions AES security Anti-tearing Cryptography Special Features Supported MF PLUS levels Multi-sector authentication Virtual card support Proximity check Packaging Sawn Wafer (Au Bumped) 7 byte UID 4 byte UID MOA4 Module 7 byte UID 4 byte UID MF1SPLUS6001DA4/01 MF1SPLUS6011DA4/01 MF1SPLUS6001DUD/01 MF1SPLUS6011DUD/01 32 sectors with 4 blocks 2K MIFARE PLUS S 2 K

storage and AES calculation for a reader device. To support the design-in process for reader manufacturers and solutions developers, NXP has MIFARE Plus documentation, application notes, and software toolkits available. MIFARE pedigree The NXP MIFARE portfolio is the leading technology platform for contactless ticket, card, and reader solutions. It is a proven and reliable technology and, with more than 10 million read core components, 1 billion cards, and 800 million smart ticket ICs sold, has the largest installed base worldwide. MIFARE complies with the international standard ISO/IEC 14443 A, ensuring that todays infrastructure can easily be upgraded. It makes it possible for service providers to expand their transportation networks and integrate additional services, such as payment systems for taxi fares, cinema and theatre tickets, loyalty programs, access management, and parking while reducing the total costs of operations.
MIFARE PLUS S 4 K 4K 200 000 10 32 sectors with 4 blocks 8 sectors with 16 blocks 32 sectors with 4 blocks 32 sectors with 4 blocks 8 sectors with 16 blocks MIFARE PLUS X 2 K 2K MIFARE PLUS X 4 K 4K

yes - up to layer 4 13.56 106 848 bit-wise 4 or 7 yes in SL3 yes CRYPTO1 or AES keys per sector per sector CMACing AES (128 bit), CRYPTO 1 SL1, SL3 yes yes, limited command set no yes, full command set yes SL1, SL2, SL3 CMACing / Encipherment for AES keys, sector trailers and configuration


MF1PLUS6001DUD/01 MF1PLUS6011DUD/01 MF1PLUS6001DA4/01 MF1PLUS6011DA4/01

MF1PLUS8001DUD/01 MF1PLUS8011DUD/01 MF1PLUS8001DA4/01 MF1PLUS8011DA4/01
2009 NXP B.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Date of release: April 2009 Document order number: 9397 750 16722 Printed in the Netherlands

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