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Salient Features of

Each Nakshatra


Anuradha Sharda
Edited By

Nidhi Raj Sharma

It’s been now 2 years since we at Saptarishis Astrology Institute started the
online nakshatra course, this created a revolution in nakshatras in the social
media of facebook, youtube and now everyone is talking only about nakshatras.
We introduced the predictive part of nakshatras which was lacking as only
theoretical knowledge was available in books. Then we created the series on
Nadi Nakshatras where each nakshatra gives result at specific ages. Readers can
buy that book titled Timing Events through Nadi Nakshatra from and when they are ready they can do our detailed
online course where 3 times more techniques are given.
But what is the intent of this book, we realised over a period that the traditional
way of learning is the best which is route memory.
The reason is simple, after doing 6 month courses still the students do not
remember traits of each nakshatra, maximum they remember 2 points on each
nakshatra but there are more than 108 points for each nakshatra. In olden days if
the teacher was teaching nakshatra the student was not allowed to think on
another subject of jyotish, he was asked to meditate on each point taught in a
day. Today the teacher cannot enforce this. The best way to learn nakshatras and
master is to
Step 1: Memorise each nakshatra traits few times a day and then move on to the
next nakshatra
Step 2: If today is Ashwini nakshatra then memorise the 10 salient features of
Ashwini minimum 4 to 5 times a day and throughout the day contemplate on
each point
Step 3: In the morning and in the night meditate on those points of the said
nakshatra that you have learnt.
Step 4: Do this round for 27 days and repeat it minimum thrice, do not deviate
from that path or take one nakshatra and memorise it and contemplate on it for 3
days and then over a period of 90 days you would have mastered it.
Step 5: After this mastery is done, start with an exercise of everyday
looking at minimum 5 charts from your own database and see how each planet
sitting in each nakshatra is behaving, charts of close ones are the best ones to
learn subtle secrets of astrology.
Learn not to judge your close ones but to accept them when you understand their

The Spirituality of Nakshatras

The first horoscope that any astrologer student will read is his/her horoscope
only. Here the mistake we do as young ones in jyotish is to make it predictive
rather than corrective. Real Use of Jyotish is when it is made corrective. In the
west, we have seen western Vedic astrologers make it corrective in their
readings for clients but not for themselves. The first step to correction is to
accept who you are. When we use the word spirituality we only think of mantras
and remedies, but it has been observed over decades that 99% of us use mantras
only to gain something external or some power or for removing affliction, the
real spirituality is when the affliction in our behaviour and thinking changes, this
our real saints of India has demonstrated several times.

How To Use This Book for Spiritual Growth: Say if you take Ardra
Nakshatra, ones Lagna that is Ascendant Point might be in Ardra or Ascendant
Lord might be in Ardra. Now in this book by Anuradha Sharda you would find

Following are the attributes of Ardra


i. Fierce and sharp

ii. Achiever
iii. Addictions
iv. Researcher or Analytical
v. Sacrifices
vi. Rash or Impulsive
vii. Emotional
viii. Easily pleased and easily angered
ix. Ability to withstand pressure
x. Hardworking
Point A: One would think of the above points of what’s so great about these
points. Even this scribe used to think like this. But let’s see it as another view
point. If Ascendant or Ascendant lord is in Ardra then the native will either have
the above points highlighted in his life or non-highlighted. Any of the two
situations can cause a deficiency and thus an event. The job of the astrologer is
to foresee the event with the help of nakshatras in this instance. So, if you take
the 9th point of “Ability To Withstand Pressure” and analyse a horoscope, see if
your client can withstand pressure. If he is unable to then see bad dashas and
transits in the future and connection of Ascendant or Ascendant lord in those
dasas or transits. This is key and it does not stop here, for example, Ardra
nakshatra lord is Rahu and it is in a Venusian sign and the antardasa is of Venus,
this is when an afflicted Ardra will give result and result in destruction of that
Now how do you use it, how do you give the ultimate remedy bigger than
yagyas or mantras it is by changing the very base of the DNA, which the west
call it and land up doing “skill building courses” and they don’t even use
astrology. If they notice that they do not have ability to withstand pressure they
will read books to improve upon it and implement it in their lives. This is what
you can do for yourself or an afflicted Ardra Native (one secret not known to
many which I learnt from a very senior yet secretive American astrologer is
Ardra natives have some streak of suicide in them) so you give tools to an Ardra
native especially with Ascendant or Ascendant lord in Ardra and make them
work on their ability to withstand pressure. So, when the dasa comes as the core
structure of his DNA has been altered with Effort (upachaya/ free will) he will
be able to withstand the pressure in the Venus dasa.
Point B: Now see the first point noted in the list is “Fierce & Sharp”, one would
think of its nothing, what is written in this book by Anuradha Sharda is just
vague, you would throw the book, but if you have years of experience with
afflicted Ardra natives then you would understand more deeply as you would
know their intimate details of their life stories. Ask the native whose Ascendant
lord is in Ardra and in any communicative houses like 3H or associated with
communicative planets like 3L, 2L or Mercury and ask deeply if he or she feels
in reality his speech or communication has been a problem to create many
tensions in his life. The native might be a great orator but events that have
caused him super stress were they due to his fierce and sharp communication,
hasty communication or gossip, 3H is also subconscious, so ask non-clarity on
fundamentals of life. Let him contemplate on it for a day or two before he gives
the answer. If all above conditions are met he will confess and then make him
work on his fierce and sharp nature, emotional nature (point 7) especially if
combined with Moon. If he works and masters it, he has worked on his very
spiritual core, a yogi only tries to master his Indriyas (sense organs) and Mind.
Once that is done no event is untoward externally and even if it is externally,
internally the yogi and the native will not feel anything.
When you work on the extremities of the balanced self, on your own self via
your own chart you make astrology spiritual for you. The Buddha said the most
elevated man is the most Compassionate self, when we read the 34 past lives of
Buddha in Jataka Tales. We must see the extremities in the Nakshatra traits, too
much of anything or too less of anything is not the balanced state, first we
balance and then enhance the good qualities that the nakshatras outline. An
Ardra native might not be addicted to any drug or smoking or drinking but is he
or she addicted to a negative quality the house, house lord or the nakshatra lord
can give you hints, then start working on it and rectifying it, this is the essence of
the spirituality of nakshatras and Vedic astrology.
Point C: In the list of salient features of Purva Phalguni, the word relaxation is
used. Over a period of years, we have seen Purva Phalguni natives either too
relaxed in life or too stressed about everything and this is the cause of the major
miseries of life, no amount of ritualistic remedies have helped them. This is a
state of imbalance of the nakshatra and once you balance it life becomes super
smooth for them and success starts flowing in. Same goes for sexual passion,
denial of it and too much of it is the cause of all negative events in their lives,
once this is balanced life becomes smooth. Working on our inner core is the
secret of spirituality of nakshatras, when you route memorize each of these 10
traits, it will enter your brain and whenever you see a chart with a planet in a
nakshatra with the hindsight of “Balance” you would realise how that imbalance
is causing so many negative events and then you will balance it in your lives and
that of your clients and then the beauty of this book and the spirituality of the
nakshatras will emerge out. It’s not just a handbook that you must carry in your
pocket or purse but the book of your life if you will use it the way it is prescribed
to be.

Wishing you the best spiritual journey with the nakshatras.

Regards Sunil John

This pocket book was an afterthought and a take-off of our nakshatra classes at
Saptarishis Astrology. After the classes, we realised that people have a daunting
task in learning the nakshatras up. This set me to make the nakshatras learnable
by all and also to be loved and appreciated by all.
In this pocket book, I’m presenting ten salient attributes of each nakshatra. These
attributes of nakshatra manifest themselves in one way or the other when we
have the lagna (Ascendant), the lagna lord or planets (like Sun, Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) and the nakshatra lord for each planet.
In addition, I’m presenting another way by leveraging different operating nature
of each nakshatra to analyse the life path of an individual.
My intentions are not only to make the reader learn the operating nature and
attributes of these nakshatras, but also to learn how to apply these practically in
an individual’s birth chart and join the dots through all the operating nakshatras
to understand the life path of an individual. This will allow the individual to get
guidance to follow and reach his or her goal or destiny in this life set by the soul.
This is illustrated with the help of a few examples.
A good way to learn these nakshatras is to take each nakshatra on the respective
day of the Moon (Lunar Day) transiting that nakshatra. This helps as the mind
(Moon) is ready to accept the attributes and process the information. In case one
cannot find the Lunar day to synchronise with the day to start their study, it is
advisable to take up one nakshatra per day and memories it by reading it at least
3-4 times a day (early morning, noon, evening and at bedtime), so that the
nakshatra learning and observation becomes a part of your schedule.
As one progress and learns and observes more and more, one can definitely add
more points to the existing ten attributes. These attributes are a drop in the ocean
and just a place to begin with.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude and thank Vishal Sharma, Nidhi
Raj Sharma and Naresh Sharma for their valuable inputs and edits. Thanks so
much Bettina for being there on such a short notice. My children for bearing
with me, thanks always.
Anuradha Sharda
Purva Phalguni
Uttara Phalguni
Purva Ashadha
Uttara Ashadha
Purva Bhadrapada
Uttara Bhadrapada
Case Studies
Example 1: Henry Ford
Example 2: Marilyn Monroe
Exmaple 3: Albert Einstein
Analysis through Operating Nature of Nakshatras
Example - Henry Ford
Example – Bill Gates
Tarot Courses
A Beginners Online Course in Tarot
Advanced Online Course in Tarot
Basic Course In Astrology Beginners Level 1
Basic Course In Astrology Beginners Level 2
Nadi Nakshatra
Dasha Pravesh Course
BCP and BSP Course
Salient Attributes
of each
Following are the attributes of Ashwini Nakshatra

xi. Fast and swift

xii. Helpful
xiii. Travelers
xiv. Love for horses
xv. Knower of secret knowledge
xvi. Charming, elegant and stylist
xvii. Skilled at healing
xviii. Have a strange association with number three (3)
xix. Impulsive behavior
xx. Match maker or breaker
Following are the attributes of Bharani Nakshatra

i. Constrained
ii. Mature
iii. Secretive
iv. Sustenance
v. Generous
vi. Detached
vii. Faces struggle
viii. Sexual expression is seen
ix. Upholder of the truth
x. Many transformations in Life

Following are the attributes of Krittika Nakshatra

i. Cleansing or cutting
ii. Fostering, encouraging
iii. Bravery
iv. Infidelity
v. Cheating
vi. Impersonating
vii. Bravery
viii. Restoration of justice and goodness
ix. Intelligence
x. Strong will power
Following are the attributes of Rohini Nakshatra

i. Passion
ii. Growth and fertility
iii. Abundance
iv. Highly productive & financially sound
v. Creative
vi. Magnetism
vii. Vehicles and movement
viii. Family oriented
ix. Goal oriented

i. Jealousy (Natives can be subject to it)

Following are the attributes of Mrigashira

i. Joyous
ii. Soft and mild, gentle
iii. Inquisitive
iv. Suspicious
v. Licentious
vi. Compassionate
vii. Marital issues
viii. Fickleness or inconsistency
ix. Wide range of experiences in life before settling
x. Has a special quality or power
Following are the attributes of Ardra Nakshatra

i. Fierce and sharp

ii. Achiever
iii. Addictions
iv. Researcher or Analytical
v. Sacrifices
vi. Rash or Impulsive
vii. Emotional
viii. Easily pleased and easily angered
ix. Ability to withstand pressure
x. Hardworking
Following are the attributes of Punarvasu

i. Wealthy
ii. Maternal instincts
iii. Repeated events
iv. Talented or One exceptional male child
v. Regenerative properties
vi. Protected
vii. Accommodating
viii. Warehouse of energy
ix. Success on repeated attempt
x. Technocrats
Following are the attributes of Pushya Nakshatra

i. Nourishing or Caring and giving

ii. Spiritual or Divine knowledge and powers
iii. Prosperous
iv. Benevolence or Generous
v. Protective
vi. Dependable or reliable or helpful
vii. Patience and goal oriented
viii. Can be victimised by others or taken advantage of
ix. Hospitable
x. Marital issues
Following are the attributes of Ashlesha Nakshatra

i. Clinging
ii. Dangerous or Devious
iii. Deceptive
iv. Intuition or Perception or Wisdom
v. Concentration
vi. Sexual
vii. Instinctive
viii. Genetic issues or Genetic heritage
ix. Calculative
x. Spiritual awakening
Following are the attributes of Magha Nakshatra

i. Magnificent
ii. Achievement
iii. Hereditary or Ancestors
iv. Traditional or Ancient knowledge
v. Authority
vi. Ethical
vii. Egoistic
viii. Left hand of magic (darker side of tantra)
ix. Duty or Honour
x. Reserved
Purva Phalguni
Following are the attributes of PurvaPhalguni

i. Union or Procreation
ii. Renewal or Relaxation or Comfort
iii. Sexual passion
iv. Indulgence
v. Dramatic
vi. Gentle
vii. Overachievers
viii. Deep knowledge of occult
ix. Luxury
x. Talented or Gifted
Uttara Phalguni
Following are the attributes of UttaraPhalguni

i. Prosperity through marriage

ii. Chivalry or Honour
iii. Productive or Popular
iv. Self dependent Self confident
v. Competitive
vi. Stable
vii. Flexible
viii. Testing periods
ix. Ability to see beyond the mundane
x. Victory
Following are the attributes of Hasta Nakshatra

i. High mental faculty

ii. Stimulation to do work
iii. Work with hands for gains or Dexterous
iv. Awareness
v. Transformation or transforming ability
vi. Exceptional children
vii. Perfectionist
viii. Highly Knowledgeable
ix. Easily stressed
x. Charming or Manipulative
Following are the attributes of Chitra Nakshatra

i. Beauty
ii. High Creativity
iii. Good deeds
iv. Brilliant
v. Creativity during gloom in life
vi. Ambiguous or Unbalanced
vii. Sudden flashes of insight
viii. Hardworking
ix. Problem with child and family rivalry
x. Vindictive or Manipulative
Following are the attributes of Swati Nakshatra

i. Transformation
ii. Individualistic or Independent
iii. Dexterous and resourceful
iv. Travel and speed
v. Hardworking
vi. Freedom loving
vii. Powerful
viii. Dynamic achiever
ix. Unforgiving or Indulgences or
x. Impulsive
xi. Fearless
Following are the attributes of Vishakha Nakshatra

i. Manifestation
ii. New opportunities
iii. Courageous
iv. Indiscriminate
v. Sexual gratification
vi. Highly individualistic and self-reliant
vii. Aspires for higher positions and authority in life
viii. Ability to overcome obstacles
ix. Determination and persistence
x. Enthusiastic
Following are the attributes of Anuradha Nakshatra

i. Promoter of congenial relationships

ii. Success
iii. Krishna Devotee
iv. Ability to see through the facade
v. Researcher
vi. Knowledgeable
vii. Spotless reputation and goodwill (if not afflicted)
viii. Ever vigilant (somehow comes to know everything)
ix. Behaves royally (ability to command respect)
x. Organisational skills
Following are the attributes of Jyestha Nakshatra

i. Sovereign or Senior most

ii. Ability to defeat and overcome challenges
iii. Mental fortitude
iv. Fierce
v. Work towards economic prosperity
vi. Can suffer the wrath of a married woman
vii. Amorous and seducer or Virile
viii. Addictions
ix. Moving into unchartered territory
x. Dysfunctional family (if afflicted, may victimise family
Following are the attributes of Moola Nakshatra

i. Total destruction
ii. Transformation
iii. Painful experiences
iv. Grounded
v. Self preservation
vi. Responsible
vii. Goes to the root of things
viii. Unconventional
ix. Rags to riches and vice versa
x. Emotional swings
Purva Ashadha
Following are the attributes of PurvaAshadha

i. Purification
ii. Energetic
iii. Victorious
iv. Optimistic
v. Caretaker
vi. Nurturer or abundance of food
vii. Relentless worker
viii. Future oriented
ix. Segregating abilities (ability to separate things and see them
x. Confident
Uttara Ashadha
Following are the attributes of UttaraAshadha

i. Unchallenged victory
ii. Strong will power
iii. Forbearance
iv. Righteousness
v. Regenerative ability
vi. Confidence or certain about self
vii. Unafraid of confrontations
viii. Skilled at teamwork
ix. Difficulty in finding partner
x. Highly ambitious
Following are the attributes of Shravana Nakshatra

i. Power of listening
ii. Divine guidance (given to gossip if afflicted)
iii. Penmanship and orators or dancing
iv. Seclusion (narrow mindedness)
v. Perseverance or Attentiveness
vi. Obedience
vii. Shrewd or Upward moving
viii. Socially active
ix. Excessive generosity
x. Setting goals and achieving them (single point focus)
Following are the attributes of Dhanistha

i. Wealthy (Greedy, if afflicted)

ii. Famous
iii. Love for music
iv. Ability to manifest from nothing
v. Courageous or Motivated
vi. Punctual (if afflicted, lacking in sense of time)
vii. Organised
viii. Sense of loneliness
ix. Marital issues
x. Wise and charitable
Following are the attributes of Satabhisha

i. Ruthless
ii. Steadfast (obstinate if afflicted)
iii. Healer
iv. Courage
v. Good judgment skills
vi. Ambitious
vii. Futuristic
viii. Addictions
ix. Can create a veil and pierce the veil
x. Many challenges in life
Purva Bhadrapada
Following are the attributes of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

i. Ability to be futuristic in thought and actions

ii. Ability to lend support to all who needs it
iii. Extremely active with trials and tribunals
iv. Sacrifice
v. Dual personality
vi. Attraction towards black magic
vii. Love and dedication to spouse
viii. Tenacious
ix. Huge amount of nervous energy
x. Inability to let go of the past
Uttara Bhadrapada
Following are the attributes of Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

i. Ability to provide stability

ii. Wisdom
iii. Acts rather than react
iv. Restrained
v. Ability to see all side of things and work things out for all
vi. Interest in the occult or Psychic ability
vii. Shy and reserved (lazy if Afflicted)
viii. Prosperity
ix. Travelers
x. Careless if afflicted
Following are the attributes of Revati Nakshatra

i. Ability to nourish, protect and foster one and all

ii. Good sense of direction
iii. Secret evolution and creativity
iv. Spiritual
v. Accomplished in arts
vi. Possessor of esoteric knowledge
vii. Sensitive and empathetic
viii. Communicative
ix. Fortunate
x. Refined and sophisticated
Case Studies
Following case studies will apply nakshatra attributes as a lens in analysing each
individual’s life journey. There are 2 methodologies presented here to apply
these attributes and analyse a chart.
Example 1: Henry Ford

Planet House Nakshatra Pada

Lagna 1 Magha 1
Sun 12 Pushya 4
Moon 6 Sravana 2
Mars 1 Magha 2
Mercury 12 Pushya 3
Jupiter 2 Chitra 2
Venus 2 UttaraPhalguni 2
Saturn 2 UttaraPhalguni 4
Rahu 4 Anuradha 3
Ketu 10 Rohini 1

Common attributes among all Nakshatras in his chart

Success, setting goals and achieving them, hardworking, growth, beauty,
researcher, creative, knowledgeable, benevolent, generous, prosperous,
abundance, upwardly, mobile, dedication and perseverance, dependable or
reliable or helpful, honorable, powers, victory.
Unique attributes among all Nakshatras in his chart
Vehicles, authority, magnetic, prosperity through marriage, tension through and
with children, organisational skills, spotless reputation, listening to inner voice,
promoter of congenial relationships, stable, chivalrous, traditional, ethical.

Story as it goes
American auto entrepreneur, father of the Model T and initiator of mass
production with his automobiles. He was the man who put America on wheels
with the production and sale of a car that the average person could afford, selling
more than 15 million cars 1908-1927.
He was one of eight children of Irish famine immigrants who became prosperous
farmers in Dearborn. At age of 13, Ford’s mom died of complications in
childbirth, a tragedy which Ford later referred to, “as if a great wrong had been
done to me,” describing his home and family life without his mom as “a watch
without a main spring”. While riding in a horse-drawn wagon a few months after
his mother’s death, Ford first saw a steam engine that operated on its own power,
and was mesmerised. “I was off that wagon and talking to the engineer before
my father knew what I was up to”. Citing the encounter with the steam engine as
his moment of destiny, Ford poured all his energy into tinkering with machinery
of all kinds, using it as an outlet for his grief over his mother.
His mechanical ability was obvious from age seven. After being shown the
inside of a watch, Ford immediately became an avid watch repairer, then
parlayed his obsession with mechanical object to everything he could get his
hands on.
Ford arrived in Detroit at age 16 on 12/01/1879. His first job was at James
Flower and Bros. Machine Shop and later at Detroit Dy Goods Company, the
largest ship building firm on the Great Lakes. Three years later he returned to his
father’s farm to help him bring in the harvest by using machinery. It was a steam
engine that served as his moment of destiny in boyhood, and it was a steam
engine that enticed him to remain on the farm. A neighbor had purchased a
portable steam engine from Westinghouse and was having technical difficulty.
The mechanic hired to repair the machine was not up to the task, and Ford went
to have a look. “I went to work around that little engine and getting a grip on the
engine, so to speak, I got a grip on myself”. By the end of the day Ford felt he
knew everything he needed to know about the engine, and his success with its
repair earned him a position with the Westinghouse Company.
A New Year’s Eve dance in Greenfield, Michigan, brought a young girl named
Clara Jane Bryant to Ford’s attention. “I knew in half an hour she was the one
for me”. They married three years later on 4/11/1888, on Clara’s 22nd birthday.
They farmed 40 acres for three years, but Ford’s main interest was machinery.
He repaired farm machinery on the side for the Buckeye Harvest Company and
was called to Detroit on several occasions. One of these excursions led to his
first observation of a new type of engine that did not operate on steam. Known
as the “silent Otto” it was developed by a German named Nikolaus August Otto
and was a gaspowered, internal combustion engine, the current rage of the
mechanical world. Ford was instantly hooked. Returning home, he realised that
this engine relied on electricity, a subject about which he knew nothing, so he
therefore secured himself a job in Detroit with the Edison Illuminating
Company. His new position necessitated giving up the farm and moving to
Detroit, a prospect Ford was only too willing to undertake.
Using space at the Edison power station as a machine shop, Ford continued his
obsessive experimenting with engines in his spare time. On Christmas Eve 1893,
Ford, assisted by Clara, got an experimental engine to run on its own, without
steam, using electricity from his kitchen.
Ford encouraged four coworkers from Edison to collaborate on an engine that
could propel a “horseless carriage”, such as those being produced in France. On
6/04/1896, Ford’s first horseless carriage, named the Quadricycle, sputtered
forth from the machine shop. In 1899, the Detroit Automobile Company, with
mechanical superintendent Henry Ford, received enough financial backing to
manufacture 12 improved automobiles but the company failed. Undaunted, Ford
then set out to build a racing car with another company. His prototype was
successful and he thus began to build more, unmindful of the labor, cost and
time involved in multiple production. Again, his investors went bankrupt.
The double failure only drove him harder. In 1903, after endless
experimentation, Ford developed his new automobile, named the Model A. This
venture operated under the umbrella of the Ford Motor Company, with Ford the
sole investor. In a few weeks, he found himself bankrupt again, but the Model A
had a taker. Ford found himself immediately swamped with sales, selling 658
automobiles the first year. By 1908, Ford sold over 10,000 Model T’s,
skyrocketing him to the forefront of auto production at age 45.
Ford and his employees built their cars on a process line, a format Ford observed
in machine shops over the previous 20 years. While the machines were
constructed in an ordered sequence, there was no continuous flow, yet record
sales required a new method of production. Thus, Ford moved his operation to
60 acres outside Dearborn, building a factory of 50,000 square feet that gave
birth to the assembly line, organizing Ford Motor Company in 1903. Production
soared, and with it the demand for employees. Ford was progressive for his time,
hiring the handicapped, blacks and women, but he was virulently anti-Semitic.
He doubled the minimum wage and devised the five-day week. By 1920 his
work force numbered over 44,000.

Ford’s obsessions with machinery, experimentation, perfection and mass

production left little time for character development. A friend once remarked
that his morals “were some of the highest and noblest I have ever known
grouped in any one man”. Yet the shadow within him seethed. “There rages in
him an endless conflict between ideals, emotions and impulses as unlike as day
and night -a conflict that at times makes one feel that two personalities are
striving within him for mastery”. Ford took his troubles to his local pastor, who
summed him up perfectly. “It is as if the inventor of the assembly line had not
yet assembled himself”. He fought union organizers with terror tactics and
allegedly fathered a son with another man’s wife.
He believed in reincarnation, saying once that “Work is futile if we cannot
utilize the experience we collect in one life in the next”. He felt that in his
previous life he must have been a Civil War soldier felled in battle.
Ford and Clara had son Edsel in 1894. A bright student coupled with a modest,
kind personality, he proved no match for his domineering father, who ruled him
with an iron hand along with his empire of Ford Motor Company for 42 years.
Edsel died a defeated man in 1944, after which Ford became “a tired old man
who wanted to live in peace”. When asked to what he attributed his plutocratic
success, the billionaire replied “I have tried to live my life as my mother would
have wished”.
Ascendant or Lagna in Magha nakshatra gave him the majestic and royal
approach and love for authority and the belief in past life. Mars as the 9th Lord of
luck and 4th Lord of Masses and throne in the Magha Lagna gave him the exalted
status of being crowned the King among the Car Manufacturers in the world. His
ethical behavior and magnanimous nature towards his employees and the need to
give a low range car to the masses is imparted by his Lagna, and Mars, the ruler
of 4th house in the Magha nakshatra.
Sun and Mercury as Lagna Lord and 2nd and 11th lord respectively became the
destiny maker in 12th house in Pushya. Mercury, a karaka for knowledge and
travel, in Pushya supported that. So, travel to Detroit makes it a path breaking
work for him, as Pushya being a Shipra nakshatra promotes and facilitates the
change and movement.
Moon in Shravana in 6th House gave single pointed focus along with the ability
to listen to the voice of intuition or the inner voice in his jobs and career. As the
Lord of 12th house, it gave results under pressure and duress.
Ketu in 10th house of career in Rohini nakshatra gave him a career with
Locomotion, carriages - all things mechanical and kept it growing profusely.
Jupiter, a Karaka for children and the 5th lord in Chitra nakshatra gave him
trouble and an uneasy relationship with his only son while giving him a picture-
perfect vision on how he wanted his business to be run and what kind of
machinery he wanted for his cars. As 8th lord, Jupiter gives unseen trouble and
also past life connections. So troubles from children have to be a pending issue.
Rahu in Anuradha nakshatra in the 4th House of masses gave him organisational
skills to run his empire and to form congenial contracts to sell his cars and to
promote them. A spotless reputation here was tarnished because of the presence
of Rahu. He was said to have fathered a son from another man’s wife. The terror
imparted by Rahu onto the union leaders speaks of the nakshatra once again
showing affliction on a certain level.
Saturn, the 6th and 7th lord in UttaraPhalguni nakshatra, gave him prosperity in
life, in general and in work in particular after marriage. Venus is again the
Karaka of spouse, present in the UttaraPhalguni nakshatra so the fact of
prosperity gets cemented after marriage. Moreover, Venus is the 10th lord of
career and 3rd lord of change of destiny. Venus is the karaka for vehicles and the
10th lord is in the 2nd house of income and being the lord of 3rd, Bhagya(fate) of
Marriage, brought about a change in destiny after marriage, as wife helped him
to reach prosperous times. Incidentally, as per Nadi nakshatra, one of the
activation years of UttaraPhalguni is 45.
A lot more can be written and can help to understand the life path in detail but
this is a start and the readers are requested to take on from here.
Example 2: Marilyn Monroe

Planet House Nakshatra Pada

Lagna 1 Ashlesha 1
Sun 11 Rohini 3
Moon 7 Dhanishta 1
Mars 1 PurvaBhadra 3
Mercury 10 Rohini 2
Jupiter 10 Dhanishta 4
Venus 8 Ashwini 2
Planet House Nakshatra Pada
Saturn(R) 5 Vishakha 3
Rahu 6 Punarvasu 2
Ketu 12 PurvaAshada 4

Common attributes among all Nakshatras in her chart

Wealthy, courageous, wise and charitable, marital issues, dual personality,
deceptive, sexuality, nervous energy, clinging, goal oriented, highly
individualist, determination, charming and elegant, impulsive, talented,
warehouse of energy.
Unique attributes among all Nakshatras in her chart
Dangerous, sense of loneliness, ability to overcome obstacles, helpful, travelling,
matchmaker of breaker, repeated events, love for horses, punctuality, genetic
issues, initial victory.
Story as it goes
American actress, model and singer, who became a major sex symbol, starring in
a number of commercially successful motion pictures during the 1950s and early
1960s. She was the subject of a lush nude calendar, photographed on 5/27/1949.
Marilyn was born in the charity ward of the Los Angeles General Hospital. Both
her mom and her grand mom suffered from mental illness, probably manic
depression. She maintained that one of her earliest memories was that of her
mom trying to smother her with a pillow. Her mom paid a couple $25 a week to
take care of her and she lived with these foster parents until she was seven. After
her mom was hospitalized with a breakdown, Norma Jeane was placed in an
orphanage and a series of foster homes, where she was sexually assaulted several
times. She later said she had been raped when she was 11.
She left school with a youthful and short marriage at the age of 15 to merchant
marine James Dougherty. Only 5’ 1”, she matured early into a shapely 110 lbs.
Deeply insecure about her abilities, she was chronically late. When astrologer
Richard Ideman remarked that New York was a lonely town, she said, “Any
town is lonely when you don’t know who you are”. She had, nonetheless, a sly
wit; once asked by a reporter what she wore to bed, she replied “Chanel No.5”.
Her drug and alcohol dependency was long-standing and well known among her
Marilyn made a second marriage to baseball player Joe DiMaggio, then to writer
Arthur Miller (a NY Times article gave June 29, 1956, 7:21 PM in White Plains,
NY). She was romantically involved at one time or another to Marlon Brando,
Frank Sinatra, Yves Montand and director Elia Kazan.
Hundreds of biographies have been written about her by everyone from her
lovers to her plumber. One lesbian relationship was related in a biography by her
Historians find no documented evidence that Marilyn had an affair with Robert
Kennedy, though there is credible evidence that she had intimate relations with
John Kennedy, starting sometime in the 1950s. By the ’60s, the relationship was
so obvious that Kennedy’s aides warned him to be more discreet. During the
thousand days of his administration they continued to meet, though not at the
White House, and she told her friends about the trysts.
She met Robert Kennedy in February 1962 and many reports state that he soon
shared her favors. By early summer she was telling friends that he would marry
her. They were together at the home of Peter Lawford in late June and then,
suddenly, both brothers cut her off and she was told to not contact either of them
again. She began trying, without success, to reach Bobby by phone. She slumped
into a deep depression, survived a drug overdose and told friends she had had an
abortion. A close friend later recalled that “she looked like death”.
The gossip continued for years that she was intimate with both Kennedy men
and that they were involved in her death. She possessed handwritten notes from
Bobby and had kept a diary. She was privy to numerous secrets about the
Kennedys and their underworld connections. Moreover, she was unstable and
might talk at any time. A world-famed celebrity, the actress had the power to do
incalculable damage to the Kennedy image.
Monroe died of a drug overdose on 8/05/1962, Hollywood, CA. The prior night
she had called Lawford about 10:00 PM, expressing fear that she had taken too
many sleeping pills. She died sometime that night and about 3:00 AM, her
housekeeper called her psychiatrist. She was found in her bed, nude, with a
telephone in her hand. At 4:25 AM the housekeeper called the police. Her diary
and personal notes were never found.

Lagna in the Ashlesha Nakshatra shows genetic issues. Her mother and
grandmother both suffered chronic depression and she too was prone to it.
Deceptiveness and calculative nature in her was also imparted by this nakshatra.
She suffered sexual exploitation at the hands of many and this also can be seen
from this nakshatra.
Her clinging nature to people who stopped being a part of her life and to be
constantly needing attention is also depicted by this very nakshatra. The Lagna
also imparts the individualistic nature along with Mars, the Yoga Karaka and
10th Lord. She showed remarked exclusiveness in all that she did and portrayed.
Lagna Lord Moon in Dhanishta nakshatra in the 7th house made her a very
wealthy person but also made her suffer on account of marriage and married life.
Sun and Mercury which are the lords of the 2nd ,3rd and the 12th house
respectively are placed in the Rohini nakshatra in the 11th house. Rohini shows
steady growth, movement and very sound financial progress. Being the 2nd lord
in the 11th house, it creates a Yoga for high financial achievements. As a Karaka
for travel and also the lord of the 12th house, Mercury took her on to frequent
travels on account of earning wealth.
Ketu in the 6th house of Shatru (enemies), afflicting her PurvaAshada nakshatra,
also devoids her of confidence that is imparted by this nakshatra and makes her
an attention seeking, tendency to show off, which was a cover for her
insecurities and lack of confidence. Here it is evident that her insecurities
became her enemy.
Saturn the lord of 7th and 8th house, representing Pada Prapti, increase in status
and sudden events and addictions is in the nakshatra of Vishakha. Vishakha
natives tend to show an inclination towards addiction. As the exalted 7th house
lord, Saturn gave high position to Marilyn but due to its retrograde nature, it was
not too stable.
Rahu being the co-lord of 8th house of sustenance of marriage in the Punarvasu
nakshatra in the 12th house gave multiple marriages. Her many affairs can be
seen from the presence of Rahu, the 8th lord of sex and scandals in the 12th house
of bed pleasures in Punarvasu, the repetitive Nakshatra. Also, as 8th lord of
Death in the 12th house, the elusive Rahu does not allow the reason of her death
to be told to one and all.
Venus, the lord of the 4th house and the 11th house is in the 10th house of
profession and is aspected by a retrograde Saturn. The promptness that is
imparted by Ashwini nakshatra here gets afflicted and Marilyn was reported to
be often late at her work. Ashwini Nakshatra imparted her with the love for
animals and a need to take care of them. She had the charm and the grace that
was required of her as an actress, represented by Venus and also a trait of the
Ashwini nakshatra.
Mars, the lord of the 5th and 10th house, is placed in PurvaBhadra in the 8th house
gave her a lot of trails and tribunals in life and a huge amount of nervous energy
which was concealed as her show off nature and ego.
She suffered an abortion during the time she was separated from the Kennedy
brothers due to excessive depression, drug overdose, etc, displaying a huge
amount of nervous energy. This can be attributed to 5th lord in the 8th house in
PurvaBhadra nakshatra. The sex and scandal with which she rocked the world of
many and was able to pose in the nude was imparted by this nakshatra as well as
Ashlesha, both energies are difficult to handle.
Jupiter, the Karaka of spouse and 9th lord of Bhagya (fate) of marriage and 6th
lord of affairs is in the Dhanishta nakshatra, known for its marital issues and
imparting of feeling of loneliness. Jupiter being a karaka for wealth and placed
in a wealth giving nakshatra made her a very wealthy and courageous lady.
Exmaple 3: Albert Einstein

Planet House Nakshatra Pada

Lagna 1 Ardra 4
Sun 10 PurbaBhadrapada 2
Moon 6 Jyestha 2
Mars 8 UttaraAshada 3
Mercury 10 UttaraBhadrapada 1
Jupiter 9 Dhanishta 4
Venus 10 Revati 3
Saturn 10 UttaraBhadrapada 1
Rahu 8 Sravana 1
Ketu 2 Pushya 3

Common attributes among all Nakshatras in his chart

Achievers, hardworking, researcher, futuristic thoughts, sacrifice, mental
fortitude, addictions, highly ambitious, sense of loneliness, prosperity, fortunate,
setting goals and achieving them, generous, marital issues.
Unique attributes among all Nakshatras in his chart
Moving towards uncharted territory, difficulty in finding a partner, interest in the
occult, seclusion.
Story as it goes
German-Swiss-American scientist, a physicist who developed the theory of
relativity in 1905, and the general theory in 1916, laying the groundwork for 20th
century physics and providing the essential structure of the cosmos. He was
awarded the 1922 Nobel Prize for his contributions to theoretical physics,
especially for his discovery of the photo-electric effect law. His name has been
synonymous with genius, and the scientific definitions of the modern age--
ranging from the Bomb to space travel, electronics and quantum physics - all
bear the stamp of his conceptualizations.
Einstein was born with a deformed head and abnormally large body to Hermann
Einstein and Pauline Koch in Ulm, an old city on the Danube, lying in the
foothills of the Swabian Alps. In 1880, his father moved to Munich to start an
electronics business. He learned to talk so late that his parents feared that he was
mentally retarded, not until he was three, and was not fluent until he was nine.
For a while, he was considered subnormal because of his slow development, and
his teachers were continually saying that he would never amount to anything. He
had begun his education in 1884 at a Catholic school near his home, but in 1889
was transferred from the school to the rigid discipline at Lluitpold Gymnasium.
He was kicked out of that school for disrupting class but by the time he was 13
he had read Euclid’s geometry and Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, two major
influences on him.
His youth seemed to be one of deliberate rebellion against the establishment of
his times. At age 16 he quit school, joined his parents in Milan, Italy, where they
had moved, and renounced his German citizenship. At 17, he entered the Zurich
Polytechnic Institute after having failed on the first try, and graduated in 1900
with a mathematics teaching degree. The next year he took Swiss citizenship,
and the year after that, 1902, a post at the Swiss patent office. It was while at the
Swiss patent office, in a clerical position, that Einstein began the work that
would make him a legend.
In 1905, he published three seminal papers on theoretical physics in a single
volume of the German scientific journal, “Annalen der Physik”. The papers
a) “On the Motion of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid
According to the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Induction”
b) “On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and
Transformation of Light”
c) “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies”

In 1907, he came up with the immortal e=mc2, better known as the Special
Theory of Relativity, encapsulating energy and matter as aspects of a single
phenomenon. In 1908, while still at the patent office, he began work on his
major achievement, the general theory of relativity, which he officially proposed
in 1916. The theories were the greatest challenge to Newtonian mechanics that
the modern world had ever known.
Very quotable, Einstein described relativity as: “Put your hand on a hot stove for
a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour and it seems
like a minute”.
Over the next decade, Einstein took visiting professorships in England and
America and gave many speeches. He refused to live in Hitler’s Reich and in
1933 moved permanently to Princeton’s Institute for Advanced Study, where he
sponsored a steady stream of refugees from Nazism. He became a U.S. citizen in
either 1936 or 1940: two dates exist in his biographical material. He used his
fame in the interests of pacifism and Zionism, but began to reject some of his
pacifist ideals with his growing concern with Hitler’s terror. In 1939, he urged
President Roosevelt to move towards construction of a uranium bomb, since
there was some evidence other countries were also moving in that direction.
In 1952, he was offered the presidency of Israel, but he declined.

His 1st wife, Mileva Maric, was a Serbian who dreamed of becoming a physicist.
She was 21 when she entered the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Zurich. She had met Einstein when she was 17 and they were married in 1903.
Contemporary research has shown some indication that Mileva may have helped
Einstein in his work, but it has not been thoroughly substantiated. In 1987 his
letters to her were published and refer frequently to “our research” and “our
work.” They separated in 1914, the same year that Einstein accepted a position
at the Prussian Academy of Science in Berlin, and divorced in 1919. As part of
his alimony, he promised his future Nobel Prize money, and delivered it three
years later. The couple had two sons, Hans Albert, and Edward. One died in a
mental institution, the other became an engineering professor. New evidence has
surfaced that Mileva gave birth to a baby girl, on 27 January 1902, before their
marriage. The daughter was named Lieserl and soon mysteriously vanished. The
knowledge of this daughter did not come forward until 30 years after Einstein’s
death. There is some speculation as to the daughter being retarded or having
Down Syndrome. There is also a speculation that the daughter died at 21 months
and another speculation that she may still be alive. No evidence is available at
this time. Mileva died in 1948.
He married his second wife, Elsa Lowenthal, after he divorced Milefa. She was
the widowed mother of two daughters, and they had known each other as
children. Elsa died in 1936.
At Princeton for the last 22 years of his life, estranged from the mainstream of
contemporary physics, Einstein spent his final years working on a unified field
theory, with faith that there was an ultimate principle that would unite the four
major forces of nature. He was not always comfortable with the theories and
findings in physics for which he had laid the groundwork. A musician by hobby,
he gave up the violin in the last few years of his life, but enjoyed playing Bach
and Mozart on his grand piano.
He was admitted to the hospital on 13 April 1955. He had been at home drafting
a statement for Israel’s Independence Day. He had an aortic aneurysm that could
burst at any time, and this is what eventually killed him.

At about 1:15 AM on 18 April 1955 in Princeton, NJ, he was heard muttering in

German. A nurse left his room to find a doctor. They returned to find him dead.
Just before New Year of 2000, Einstein’s picture appeared on the cover of Time
magazine as Person of the Century.


Lagna or Ascendant in Ardra nakshatra gave Albert Einstein an achiever’s and

researcher’s mind. It made him hardworking and lover of seclusion. Abnormal
birth can also be explained by the presence of lagna in Ardra nakshatra. Ardra
and PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra shows his out of the box approach to all things
in his professional life. His rebellious attitude towards institutions in the earlier
years can also be attributed to this nakshatra. Ardra nakshatra shows strong
tendencies of rebellion when native comes across facts that he or she does not
consider right. There is a strong sense of judgement and a fight for fairness
associated with this nakshatra.
Lagna lord Mercury in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra is placed in the 10th house
of profession, and is also the lord of 4th house of learning. Here we see an
increase in his knowledge while trying to help others and the ability to look at
things from all sides helped him in learning things in totality. However,
debilitated Mercury showed problems related to children. His evolution into a
huge scientist and the possessor of this esoteric knowledge can be derived from
UttaraBhadrapada. His love for Music also comes from which gives talent in art
and music to a person.

2nd lord of learning Moon is in the 6th house of obstacles so initial school years of
learning was difficult. Moon being in the house of debilitation posed the
difficulties but being in the Jyestha nakshatra, it gave him the ability to fight
those very difficulties and come out victorious. Moon in Jyestha nakshatra and
lagna in Ardra nakshatra indicates his addiction towards pipe.

Sun the 3rd lord in PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra gave him the futuristic vision.
Sun is the 3rd lord of courage and the subconscious mind. His scientific ability
and his inventions which changed the world is because of Sun is placed in the
10th house of profession in the PurvaBhadrapada nakshatra. This Sun is further
propelled by his subconscious mind to work on and become legendary in field of
Science to the extent of being called the Father of Modern Science. A point to
note is that Sun becomes digbali or gets directional strength in the 10th house.
Inventions being the part of this nakshatra and also a strong association with
violence which is also reflected in PurvaBhadrapada, The atom bomb could very
well find its place among the connectivity between PurvaBhadrapada and Ardra

Venus, the 12th lord of losses and the 5th lord of children is placed in the Revati
nakshatra in the 10th house of career. His prompting and shepherding (guiding)
President Roosevelt to make the mass destructive weapon as the atom bomb
which caused the loss to many lives the world over finds resonance in this
nakshatra. Venus, though it is exalted but it is conjunct with malefics, hence his
guidance proved devastating.

Mars, which is the lord of the 6th house of obstacles and the 11th house of family
and spouse is in the 8th house of research and sustenance of marriage in Uttara
Ashada nakshatra. This nakshatra imparts him the final success in whatever he
does in his life. In this case, it is his research, but because it is afflicted with
Rahu he could not sustain his married life because of this affliction. He was able
to work through the obstacles that were presented by the 6th lord Mars, because
the UttaraAshada nakshatra finally gives victory and the ability to overcome all
the losses. It made him a person who was unafraid of constant confrontations
and a person who was highly ambitious. Since, he was so passionate about his
work and had enormous creativeness that he found difficulty in finding the right
kind of life partner which also is shown by UttaraAshada nakshatra and more so
by Mars which happens to be the 11th lord of family and spouse.
Shravana nakshatra imparts obedience, but because this is afflicted by Rahu he
became highly disobedient and a rebel in his youth. In later part of his life he
became totally reclusive from his social circle, which is driven by Rahu’s
affliction. Shravana is a very social nakshatra.

Ketu which is present in the 2nd house of knowledge in Pushya nakshatra shows
the attributes of Pushya of being wise and also circumspect. Again, marital
issues can be seen from this nakshatra as Ketu is placed in the 2nd house of
family. Goal orientation and prosperity is another attribute that this Nakshatra
imparts to the 2nd house.

Jupiter, 7th and 10th lord in the 9th house give him a marriage where he had met
his first wife during his training at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Zurich. Dhanishta nakshatra which is known to show discord in marital life, here
shows his divorce from his first wife and later on death of his second wife. This
nakshatra also made him very accomplished as a person. It also shows the art the
love for music and the ability to manifest from nothing. The idea of the atom
bomb which actually shows manifestation from nothing can also be attributed to
the Jupiter present in this nakshatra. E = mc2 can also find resonance in this
nakshatra because from this nakshatra it purports that mass is just an extension
of energy.

Saturn, the 8th lord of research and 9th lord of teaching and divine knowledge is
also placed in the 10th house in UttaraBhadra nakshatra. This imparts in him the
ability to see things from all angles, a necessary attribute in a scientist and to act
accordingly. His research was the key to his success and Uttara Bhadrapada is
that nakshatra where a person benefits while helping others, a scheme that fits
like the glove for Einstein. This nakshatra also shows travel and Einstein had to
travel a lot on account of his research once he started getting acclamation for it.
Analysis through Operating Nature of
All 27 nakshatras are divided into seven groups of different nature, which
signifies and shows how they operate. The classification of these nakshatras into
seven groups is as following:

Nature Description Nakshatras

Dhruva/ The Fixed or Rohini, Uttara
Sthira Permanent Uttara Ashada and
Chara Movable or Punarvasu,
Ephemeral Swati, Shravana,
Dhanishtha and
Tikshna The Sharp or Ardra,
Dreadful Ashlesha,
Jyeshtha and Mula
Mridu The Soft, Mrigashira,
Mild or Chitra,
Tender Anuradha and
Misra The Sharp Krittika and
and Soft Vishakha
Ugra The Fierce or Bharani, Magha,
Severe Purva Phalguni,
Purva Ashada and
Laghu The Light Ashwini,
and Swift Pushya, Hasta and

In addition to their operating nature, each group nakshatras signifies favorable

activities to be performed on lunar days of these specific nakhstra in a lunar
month. Performing relevant activities described below results in fruitful and
positive outcome.
Nature Favourable Activities
Dhruva/ All that you want to last for a
Sthira long time is done on Sthira
(Fixed) nakshatra. Example: Marriage,
long term investments. They
are suitable of works of fixed
nature like construction of
house, Graha Pravesh (house
warming), marriage, Oath
taking, laying foundation or
commencement of job
Chara These nakshatras help you
(Movable) move ahead. They are good for
anything connected to motion,
machinery and journeys. Also,
events done on these nakshatras
are repeated. This is suitable
for buying vehicles, machines,
Tikshna These nakshatras are suitable
(Sharp) for plotting against enemies,
getting your work done at any
cost, kriyas related to the
demised such as Shraddh
(Oblation to the Ancestors).
They are good for illegal, anti
social deeds such as cheating,
tantra and black magic,
including hurting people or
killing people or animals
Mridu This nakshatra is used for
developing new relationships,
(Soft) starting new things. They are
suitable for various auspicious
ceremonies such as learning
music, fine art, travel,
jewellery, making new friends,
wearing clothes and social
Misra These nakshatras are suitable
(Mixed) for commencement of religious
work and Vedic sacrificial
rituals such as yagnas. They are
also suitable for preparation of
medicines, welding, melting,
gas furnace work, electrolysis
or electrical works, and taking
harsh decisions for general
Ugra Being aggressive in nature,
(Fierce) surgeries can be done on Ugra
nakshatras. Also, plotting
against enemies can be done on
these nakshatras. These
nakshatras help you overcome
your normal abilities and work
beyond your capacities. They
are also suitable for meditation,
starting war or litigations, use
of arms/ ammunition, any work
involving use of fire, violent
acts or poisoning
Laghu and These nakshatras are good for
Kshipra giving and taking. The things
(Small and done on these nakshatras give
Fast) results in a short time. Hence
medicines should be taken on
Laghu nakshatras. They are
also suitable for travelling,
trading, construction, shop
opening, fine arts, acquisition
of knowledge, forming
partnerships (with the
exception of marriages in
Pushya nakshatra)
Example - Henry Ford

Planet House Nakshatra Pada

Lagna Magha Ugra 4
Sun Pushya Shipra 2
Moon Sravana Chara/ 2
Mars Magha Ugra 3
Mercury Pushya Shipra 1
Jupiter Chitra Mridu 4
Venus Uttara Sthira 3
Saturn Uttara Sthira 1
Rahu Anuradha Mridu 1
Ketu 2 Pushya 3

Ketu, the lord of the 4th house of masses is in the 10th house of
profession in Rohini nakshatra, a sthira or a lasting nakshatra.
The Lagna lord and the 11th and 2nd lord are in the Pushya Nakshatra
which is a Shipra or swift nakshatra.
He has his Lagna and Yogakaraka Mars in Magha nakshatra, a kingly
and royal nakshatra bestowing a legacy.
Magha is an Ugra or fierce nakshatra which deals with heat and hot
things (temper). This combination is very similar to that of Donald
Now Mars is natural karaka of hot, fierce things & nature, other than
that it is a significator of machines, motors, engines, engineering &
fire power. So maybe his he was king in motors & engines.
Other than that he had Venus & Saturn in 2nd house which deals with
family heritage and legacy along with wealth (and mainly luxury due
to Venus).
Saturn Venus combination is known as Diya Yoga which leaves a
legacy (or name) after death.
While Venus & Saturn are shown in 2nd house in Uttara Phalguni
which is a Sthira nakshatra, so here our jigsaw puzzle is complete.
Planets in Sthira Nakshatra in 2nd house of family & lineage gives a
long lasting name and fame to a person and his family.
Another validation of this is presence of Rahu in 4th house, which
represents home or can also say house or dynasty. Maybe Rahu
expanded his Ford dynasty.
Example – Bill Gates

Planet House Nakshatra Pada

Lagna Punarvasu Chara 4
Sun Swati Chara 2
Moon Uttara Druva/Sthira 2
Bhadrapada (Fixed)
Mars Hasta Laghu and 3
Shipra (small
and fast)
Mercury Chitra Mridu (Soft 1
and tender)
Jupiter Magha Teekshna 4
Venus Vishakha Misra 3
Saturn Vishakha Misra 1
Rahu Jyestha Ugra (Fierce) 1
Ketu Mrigasira Mridu (Soft 3
and tender)

Readers are encouraged to apply nakshatra characteristics and analyse Bill Gates

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