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A Major-Project report on


Submitted to JNTUH in the partial fulfillment of the academic requirements for the award of
the degree of



Under the Guidance of

Mr. Srinivas D
Assistant Professor

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

(Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad)
Chilkur(V), Moinabad(M), RR (Dist)-501504

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


This is to certify that the project report entitled “Simulation of Multi-Powered Electric
Bicycle” that is being submitted by Ameda Manikanth (20QM5A0203) in partial
fulfilment for the IV B.Tech I Semester mini-project work, in the Department of
Technological University is a record of bonafied work carried out by him/them under my
guidance and supervision. The results embodied in this project report have not been submitted
to any other University or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma.

Internal Guide Mini Project Coordinator Head of Department

Mr. Srinivas D Mr. B. Lingam Mrs. P. Samyuktha
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Associate Professor

External Examiner


I wish to thanks the Management, Sri. Ln. K. Krishna Reddy, CHAIRMAN of KG Reddy
College of Engineering and Technology for providing the facilities to complete our project

I would also especially like to express my extreme gratitude and sincere thanks to my
beloved Director, Dr. Rohit Kandakatla, KG Reddy College of Engineering and
Technology, who encouraged and given support to complete the project successfully.

At the very outset, I wish to place on record our sincere thanks and gratitude to our
beloved head of the Institution, Principal, Dr. Y Vijayalata Reddy, KG Reddy College of
Engineering and Technology, who allowed us to complete this endeavour successfully.

I would like to express our sincere deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to Mrs. P.
Samyuktha, HOD, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, for her significant
suggestions and help in every respect to accomplish the project work. Her persisting
encouragement, everlasting patience and keen interest in discussions have benefited us to the
extent that cannot be spanned by words. She has been the continuous source of inspiration for
us throughout the work.

I would like to sincerely thank to our Mini Project coordinator, Mr. B. Lingam,
Assistant Professor who stimulated many thoughts for this project and Staff-Members of
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering for their goodwill gestures towards us.

I would especially like to express our extreme gratitude and sincere thanks to our
project guide Mr, Srinivas D, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering for his enthusiastic and innovative guidance and support.

Last but not least I would also like to thank teaching and non-teaching staff and also all
my family, friends without whose support this project work would remain unfulfilled.


Chapter No Chapter Name Page No
Title I
Certificate II
Acknowledgment III
Contents IV
Abstract V
List of Figures VI
List of Figures VII

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Problem Definition 1
1.3 The Objective of the Project 2

Chapter 2 Literature Survey

2.1 Introduction 3
2.2 Existing system 4

Chapter 3 Analysis
3.1 Types of Electric Vehicles 5
3.2 Main Components Required 8
3.3 BLDC Motor 8
3.4 Battery 16
3.5 Controller 23
3.6 Throttle & Electronic Brakes 24
3.7 Dynamo 26
3.8 Solar Panel 27
3.9 Solar charge controller 29
3.10 Speedometer 30
3.11 Battery level Indicator 31
3.12 Methodology 32

4.1 Simulation Models 32
4.2 Results 35
4.3 Advantages & Disadvantages 41

Chapter 5 Conclusions
5.1 Conclusion 43
5.2 Future Scope 43
5.3 References 44


This project presents a novel design, control, and development of a self-rechargeable

multi-powered electric bicycle that can be powered by human power, electric power, or a
combination of both. The bicycle is equipped with a pedal-driven generator and a battery-
powered motor, allowing the rider to choose between human-powered, electric-powered, or
hybrid propulsion. The bicycle is designed with two separate power systems, one powered by
a human and the other powered by an electric motor. The human-powered system consists of
a pedal-driven crank mechanism and a rear sprocket and chain drive. The electric-powered
system consists of a brushless DC motor and a controller. The two power systems are
designed to work independently or in combination, providing the user with the option of using
either human or electric power or both. The bicycle also features a battery pack, which can be
charged from either the electric-powered system or an external power source. The battery
pack provides power to the electric-powered system and also powers the bicycle's LED lights
and other electrical components. The multi-powered electric bicycle is designed to provide
users with a more versatile and efficient mode of transportation and can be used for a variety
of purposes, including commuting, recreation, and exercise. The system is designed to be
flexible and adaptable, allowing the rider to customize the bicycle's performance to suit their
needs and preferences.

The electric bicycle is a modern transportation system with a very low carbon footprint. In
this system, we can use different types of electric motors like BLDC motors, brushed motors,
etc. For BLDC motors, a controller is needed to drive the motor.

A combination of power sources for an electric bicycle, such as a battery, a dynamo, and a
solar panel, can be used to power a Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor that drives the
electric bicycle. The battery can be charged using the solar panel during sunny days and using
the dynamo during cloudy days. The electric bicycle will still be able to run even if the battery
is not charged or discharged fully. The Dynamo will also be able to charge other electrical
devices such as mobile phones.


Figure No Description Page No

Figure 3.1.1 Electric car 4

Figure 3.1.2 Electric bike 5
Figure 3.1.3 E-Rickshaw 5
Figure 3.1.4 Electric bicycle 6
Figure 3.3.1 Structure of BLDC Motor 9
Figure 3.3.2 BLDC Motor 10
Figure 3.3.3 Stator of BLDC Motor 11
Figure 3.3.4 Rotor of BLDC Motor 11
Figure 3.3.5 Hall sensor of BLDC Motor 12
Figure 3. 3.6 Construction of BLDC Motor 12
Figure 3.3.7 Working of BLDC Motor 13
Figure 3.3.8 Operation of BLDC Motor 14
Figure 3.3.9 Motor performance parameters 15
Figure 3.4.1 Battery 16
Figure 3.4.2 Electrodes in Lead acid battery 18
Figure 3.4.3 Electrochemical reaction 18
Figure 3.4.4 Charging circuit for battery 19
Figure 3.5.1 Controller 23
Figure 3.6.1 Thumb throttle 24
Figure 3.6.2 Full twisted throttle 25
Figure 3.6.3 Half-twisted throttle 25
Figure 3.6.4 Electronic brakes 27
Figure 3.7 Dynamo 28

Figure No Description Page No
Figure 3.8 Solar panel on E – Bicycle 29
Figure 3.9 Simple Loop Generator 30
Figure 3.10 Block Diagram 31
Figure 4.1.1 Model of Basic E-Bicycle 32
Figure 4.1.2 Model of Solar Assisted E-Bicycle 33
Figure 4.1.3 Model of Multi Powered E-Bicycle 34
Figure 4.2.1 Output current of Basic E-Bicycle 35
Figure 4.2.2 Output voltage of Basic E-Bicycle 35
Figure 4.2.3 Output speed of Basic E-Bicycle 36
Figure 4.2.4 Output torque of Basic E-Bicycle 36
Figure 4.3.1 Output current of Solar Assisted E-Bicycle 37
Figure 4.3.2 Output voltage of Solar Assisted E-Bicycle 37
Figure 4.3.3 Output speed of Solar Assisted E-Bicycle 38
Figure 4.3.4 Output torque of Solar Assisted E-Bicycle 38
Figure 4.4.1 Output current of Multipowered E-Bicycle 39
Figure 4.4.2 Output voltage of Multipowered E-Bicycle 39
Figure 4.4.3 Output speed of Multipowered E-Bicycle 40
Figure 4.4.4 Output torque of Multipowered E-Bicycle 40

[Document title]

1.0 Motivation

As a society, we are constantly striving to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy

sources and to decrease our carbon footprint. One way to do this is to increase the use of
electric vehicles, which are more energy efficient and produce fewer emissions than
traditional vehicles powered by internal combustion engines.
There are many reasons why someone might be motivated to solve the problem of self-
rechargeable multi-powered electric bicycles. Some people might be motivated by the desire
to create a more sustainable form of transportation, as electric bicycles can be used to replace
cars and other forms of transportation that rely on fossil fuels. Others might be motivated by
the desire to create a more efficient form of transportation, as electric bicycles can be used to
travel longer distances and carry heavier loads than traditional bicycles.
However, one of the main barriers to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles is the
limited range they can travel on a single charge. This is especially problematic for those who
need to travel long distances, such as commuters or delivery drivers.

1.1 Problem definition

To solve the problem of self-rechargeable multi-powered electric bicycles. First, it is
important to provide a reliable and efficient source of power for electric bicycles, which can
be used in a variety of conditions and environments. Second, it is important to provide a
system that is easy to use and maintain, and that does not require specialized skills or
knowledge to operate. Third, it is important to provide a system that is cost-effective and
affordable for consumers. Finally, it is important to provide a system that is environmentally
friendly and does not contribute to pollution or the consumption of natural resources.
However, the current electric bicycle market is dominated by expensive models that are
out of reach for many people. The high cost of electric bicycles is due in part to the fact that
they require a separate battery and charger, which can be expensive and bulky to carry
The solution to this problem is to develop a self-rechargeable multi-powered electric
bicycle that can be powered by multiple sources, such as solar panels, kinetic energy, and
traditional electricity. This would allow the bicycle to be more affordable and accessible to
everyone, while also reducing its environmental impact.
In addition, a self-rechargeable multi-powered electric bicycle would be more convenient
and reliable than a traditional electric bicycle, as it would not require a separate battery and
charger. This would make it easier for people to use and maintain and would reduce the risk
of being stranded with a dead battery.

[Document title]

1.2 Objective of the project

The objective of this project is to design and build a self-rechargeable electric bicycle that can
be powered by multiple sources, including the rider, solar panels, and a generator. The bike
will have a built-in battery that can be charged by the rider, solar panels, and dynamos. The
battery will provide power to the electric motor, which will drive the bicycle's wheels. The
bike will also have a built-in display that will show the rider the battery's charge level and the
power being generated by the solar panels and dynamos.

The self-rechargeable multi-powered electric bicycle is designed to be a sustainable and eco-

friendly mode of transportation that is suitable for both leisure and daily commutes. It is
powered by a combination of human and electric power, with the electric power coming from
a rechargeable battery pack. The battery pack can be charged by either plugging it into an
electrical outlet or by using a solar panel mounted on the bicycle. The bicycle is designed with
a comfortable and ergonomic seating arrangement, and it has a range of features that make it
suitable for use in a variety of conditions.

[Document title]

2.1 Introduction

The world of electric bicycles! These amazing vehicles are not only a great way to get around,
but they can also help you stay fit and save money on transportation. Whether you're a
seasoned cyclist or just starting an electric bicycle can make your commute a breeze.
Self-rechargeable electric bicycles are a great option for anyone who wants a hassle-free way
to get around. These bikes are powered by a battery that can be recharged by simply pedaling
the bike. This means that you never have to worry about running out of juice while you're on
the go.
If you're looking for a multi-powered electric bicycle, you've come to the right place. These
bikes are powered by a combination of human pedaling and an electric motor, so you can get
the best of both worlds.
Whether you're looking for a way to get around town or a way to stay fit, an electric bicycle is
a great option. These bikes are fun, easy to use, and can be a great way to get where you need
to go. So, if you're ready to experience the world of electric bicycles, check out our selection
of self-rechargeable multi-powered electric bicycles.
Self-rechargeable electric bicycles are an environmentally friendly mode of transportation that
can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. They are powered by a rechargeable battery pack
that can be plugged into an electrical outlet or charged while riding using a motor powered by
the kinetic energy of the rider.
One of the main advantages of self-rechargeable electric bicycles is that they do not produce
emissions, making them a cleaner alternative to traditional modes of transportation. They also
have the potential to reduce traffic congestion and noise pollution, as well as save energy and
Another advantage of self-rechargeable electric bicycles is that they are a more sustainable
form of transportation, as they can be reused and recycled at the end of their lifespan. They
also have the potential to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy sources, such as fossil
Self-rechargeable electric bicycles are also a more convenient mode of transportation, as they
do not require the rider to constantly pedal to maintain speed and momentum. This can be
especially helpful for those who live in hilly or mountainous areas, or for those who are
unable to pedal due to physical limitations.
In conclusion, self-rechargeable electric bicycles are a versatile and environmentally friendly
mode of transportation that can help reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and promote a more
sustainable way of transportation.

[Document title]

2.2 Existing system

The purpose of a literature survey is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state
of knowledge on Electric bicycles This literature survey will provide an overview of the
current state of self-rechargeable multi-powered electric bicycles. There have been several
studies on the performance of multi-powered electric bicycles. A study by researchers at the
University of Tokyo found that the addition of a motor to an electric bicycle increased the
maximum speed and power output of the bicycle. Another study by researchers at the
University of Twente in the Netherlands found that the addition of a motor to an electric
bicycle decreased the effort required by the rider to pedal the bicycle.
There are several benefits to using a self-rechargeable electric bicycle. First, they can help to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as they do not produce any emissions themselves. Second,
they are cost-effective, as they do not require any fuel to operate. Third, they are convenient,
as they can be used for transportation or exercise.
There are also some potential drawbacks to using a self-rechargeable electric bicycle. First,
they can be expensive, as they require a significant upfront investment. Second, they can be
heavy, as they are equipped with a battery and motor. Third, they can be difficult to ride, as
they require a certain level of skill and physical fitness.
There are several types of self-rechargeable electric bicycles currently on the market. Some of
these bicycles are powered by a battery that can be recharged by pedaling, while others are
powered by a battery that can be recharged by using a regenerative braking system. Some of
these bicycles are designed for use on paved roads, while others are designed for use on dirt
There are several studies on electric bicycles, but few of them focus on self-rechargeable
multi-powered electric bicycles. The existing studies on electric bicycles mainly focus on the
following aspects:
1. The design and construction of electric bicycles.
2. The performance of electric bicycles, including range, speed, and hill-climbing ability.
3. The environmental impact of electric bicycles, including energy consumption and
4. The economic impact of electric bicycles, including cost savings and job creation.
There are also some studies on the impact of electric bicycles on society, including the effect
of electric bicycles on traffic congestion and the effect of electric bicycles on public health.

In summary, the existing literature on electric bicycles is mainly focused on the design,
performance, and environmental impact of electric bicycles, and there is limited research on
self-rechargeable multi-powered electric bicycles.

[Document title]



3.1 Types of EV (Electric Vehicle)

An electric vehicle (EV) is one that operates on an electric motor, instead of an internal-
combustion engine that generates power by burning a mix of fuel and gases. Therefore, such
as vehicle is seen as a possible replacement for current-generation automobile, in order to
address the issue of rising pollution, global warming, depleting natural resources, etc. Though
the concept of electric vehicles has been around for a long time, it has drawn a considerable
amount of interest in the past decade amid a rising carbon footprint and other environmental
impacts of fuel-based vehicles.

An EV is a shortened acronym for an electric vehicle. EVs are vehicles that are either
partially or fully powered on electric power. Electric vehicles have low running costs as they
have less moving parts for maintaining and also very environmentally friendly as they use
little or no fossil fuels (petrol or diesel)
3.1.1 Electric car

All-electric vehicles, also referred to as battery electric vehicles (BEVs), have an

electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. The vehicle uses a large traction
battery pack to power the electric motor and must be plugged in to a wall outlet or charging
equipment, also called electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). Because it runs on
electricity, the vehicle emits no exhaust from a tailpipe and does not contain the typical liquid
fuel components, such as a fuel pump, fuel line, or fuel tank.

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Figure 3.1.1: Electric car

3.1.2 Electric Bike

With time, technology has improved our lives. The use of electric bikes rather than
petrol-operated bikes is always green for the environment. Technology always provides you
with innovative products with the help of the latest trends, we positioned our technical
understanding from pinnacle enterprise professionals. Electric bike is designed to use eco-
friendly materials and measures in electric bikes that will ultimately help in a greener earth
initiative. EV bikes and EV scooters are pocket friendly and include low maintenance charges
and meet the Indian standard as well. The most important thing is that we give you a healthy
pollution-free environment with our electric bikes.

Figure 3.1.2: Electric Bike

3.1.3 Electric Rickshaw

Electric rickshaws (also known as electric tuk-tuks or e-rickshaws or toto or e-tricycles)

are small 3-wheeled vehicles powered by an electric motor and battery ranging from 650 to
1400 Watts. They save on fuel costs compared to auto rickshaws while offering greater ease
of use than pulled rickshaws.

Electric rickshaws or E-rickshaws are three-wheeled vehicles, e- powered exclusively

by electric motors whose traction energy is supplied exclusively by batteries

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Figure 3.1.3: Electric Rickshaw

3.1.4 Electric Bicycle

Electric bicycle use a motor to assist the movement of the pedals, making riding the
bicycle less taxing. Some designs allow the bike to move forward under its own power
from the motor while others require your assistance to pedal. Electric bikes pedal and
handle just like a regular bicycle. By and large, an electric bike will use the same parts too.
The electric component is meant to augment human power, not completely replace it. It
makes obstacles like hills and headwind more manageable and allows you to travel further
without getting as tired.

Figure 3.1.4: Electric Bicycle

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3.2 Main Components Required for This Process

3.3 BLDC Motor

3.3.1 What is BLDC Motor

A motor converts supplied electrical energy into mechanical energy. Various types of
motors are in common use. Among these, brushless DC motors (BLDC) feature high
efficiency and excellent controllability and are widely used in many applications. The BLDC
motor has power-saving advantages relative to other motor types.

BLDC motors also offer high durability and low electric noise generation, thanks to the
lack of brushes. With brushed motors, the brushes and commutator wear down as a result of
continuous moving contact and also produce sparks where contact is made. Electrical noise, in
particular, is the result of the strong sparks that tend to occur at the areas where the brushes
pass over the gaps in the commutator. This is why BLDC motors are often considered
preferable in applications where it is important to avoid electrical noise.

Figure 3.3.1 (i): Structure of BLDC Motor

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3.3.2 Use of BLDC motor

Because computers control the electrical current, brushless DC motors can achieve
much more precise motion control. Because of all these advantages, brushless DC motors are
often used in modern devices where low noise and low heat are required, especially in devices
that run continuously.
Brushless DC motors provide several distinct advantages over other types of electric
motors, which is why they’ve made their way into so many household items and may be a
major factor in the growth of service robots inside and outside of the industrial sector.

Figure 3.3.2: BLDC Motor

3.3.3 Construction

BLDC motors can be constructed in different physical configurations. Depending on

the stator windings, these can be configured as single-phase, two-phase, or three-phase
motors. However, three-phase BLDC motors with permanent magnet rotors are most
commonly used.

3.3.4 Stator
The stator of a BLDC motor is made up of stacked steel laminations to carry the
windings. These windings are placed in slots which are axially cut along the inner periphery
of the stator. These windings can be arranged in either star or delta. However, most BLDC
motors have three phase star connected stator.

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Each winding is constructed with numerous interconnected coils, where one or more
coils are placed in each slot. In order to form an even number of poles, each of these windings
is distributed over the stator periphery.

The stator must be chosen with the correct rating of the voltage depending on the power
supply capability. For robotics, automotive and small actuating applications, 48 V or less
voltage BLDC motors are preferred. For industrial applications and automation systems, 100
V or higher rating motors are used.

Figure 3.3.3: Stator of BLDC Motor

3.3.5 Rotor

BLDC motor incorporates a permanent magnet in the rotor. The number of poles in the
rotor can vary from 2 to 8 pole pairs with alternate south and north poles depending on the
application requirement. In order to achieve maximum torque in the motor, the flux density of
the material should be high. A proper magnetic material for the rotor is needed to produce the
required magnetic field density.
Ferrite magnets are expensive, however, they have a low flux density for a given
volume. Rare earth alloy magnets are commonly used for new designs. Some of these alloys

Figure 3.3.4: Rotor of BLDC Motor

[Document title]

are Samarium Cobalt (SmCo), Neodymium (Nd), and Ferrite and Boron (NdFeB). The
rotor can be constructed with different core configurations such as the circular core with
permanent magnet on the periphery, circular core with rectangular magnets, etc.

3.3.6 Hall Sensors

Hall sensor provides the information to synchronize stator armature excitation with
rotor position. Since the commutation of BLDC motor is controlled electronically, the stator
windings should be energized in sequence in order to rotate the motor. Before energizing a
particular stator winding, acknowledgment of rotor position is necessary. So the Hall Effect
sensor embedded in stator senses the rotor position.
Most BLDC motors incorporate three Hall sensors which are embedded into the stator.
Each sensor generates Low and High signals whenever the rotor poles pass near to it. The
exact commutation sequence to the stator winding can be determined based on the
combination of these three sensor’s response.

Figure 3.3.5: Hall sensor of BLDC Motor

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Figure 3.3.6: Construction of BLDC Motor

3.3.7 Working Principle and Operation of BLDC Motor

BLDC motor works on a principle similar to that of a conventional DC motor, i.e., the
Lorentz force law which states that whenever a current-carrying conductor is placed in a
magnetic field it experiences a force. As a consequence of reaction force, the magnet will
experience an equal and opposite force. In case BLDC motor, the current carrying conductor
is stationary while the permanent magnet moves.

Figure 3.3.8: Working of BLDC Motor

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When the stator coils are electrically switched by a supply source, it becomes
electromagnet and starts producing the uniform field in the air gap. Though the source of
supply is DC, switching makes to generate an AC voltage waveform with trapezoidal shape.
Due to the force of interaction between electromagnet stator and permanent magnet rotor, the
rotor continues to rotate
Consider the figure above in which motor stator is excited based on different switching
states. With the switching of windings as High and Low signals, corresponding winding
energized as North and South poles. The permanent magnet rotor with North and South poles
align with stator poles causing motor to rotate.
Observe that motor produces torque because of the development of attraction forces
(when North-South or South-North alignment) and repulsion forces (when North-North or
South-South alignment). By this way motor moves in a clockwise direction.

Figure 3.3.9 Operation of BLDC Motor

[Document title] Brushless Motor Power and Efficiency Analysis

Figure 3.3.9: Motor Performance Parameters

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3.3.10Advantages of Brushless DC motor

Brushless DC motors have many advantages over the traditional brushed DC motors.
Few of the advantages are discussed below in detail:

 Brushless DC motor does not have any carbon brushes, which reduces frequent
replacement requirements of brushes and maintenance costs.
 Brushless DC motors have better performance and efficiency as compared to the
brushed DC motors due to the involvement of electronic control enabling high-level
control over the speed and position of the motor. Brushless DC motor lifespan is
approximately 6 times higher than the counter brushed DC motor.
 In the case of brushless DC motor, due to no spark issue, there are fewer chances of
burnout due to sparking issues.
 Brushless DC motors can provide maximum torque continuously during rotation, For
the same torque rating, the brushed motor will require a much bigger magnet as
compared to the brushless DC motor. This results in a very compact and small-sized
brushless DC motor proving very high torque rating.
 Brushless DC motors can have a feedback control to monitor and control the speed
and torque, resulting in accurate torque and speed control providing higher efficiency,
low power consumption, and long battery life in the case where the motor is operating
using some batteries.

3.3.11 Disadvantages of Brushless DC motor

Just like in all the other devices, brushless DC motors also have few shortcomings as
compared to other motors. As brushless DC motor outperforms brushed DC motor in many
cases, however, brushless DC motor also has few shortcomings which are discussed below:

 The cost of a brushless DC motor is comparatively higher as compared to brushed DC motor

and the electronic controller also increases the cost of overall setup, as in a traditional motor,
low-cost mechanical commutation setup involving brushes is used.
 When brushless DC motor is operated at low speed, slight vibrations occur during low-speed
rotation. However, vibrations reduce at high speed.

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 Due to the inherent natural vibration frequency of brushless DC motor, sometimes this natural
frequency can match or can come closer to the vibration frequency of the body or plastic parts
resulting in the occurrence of resonance phenomenon.

3.4 Battery

Batteries are a collection of one or more cells whose chemical reactions create a flow of
electrons in a circuit. All batteries are made up of three basic components: an anode (the '-'
side), a cathode (the '+' side), and some kind of electrolyte (a substance that chemically reacts
with the anode and cathode).

When the anode and cathode of a battery is connected to a circuit, a chemical reaction
takes place between the anode and the electrolyte. This reaction causes electrons to flow
through the circuit and back into the cathode where another chemical reaction takes place.
When the material in the cathode or anode is consumed or no longer able to be used in the
reaction, the battery is unable to produce electricity. At that point, your battery is "dead." up.

Figure 3.4.1: Lead Acid Battery (24V/7.2 Ah)

3.4.1 Lead Acid Batteries

Lead acid batteries are the most commonly used type of battery in photovoltaic
systems. Although lead acid batteries have a low energy density, only moderate efficiency and
high maintenance requirements, they also have a long lifetime and low costs compared to
other battery types.

3.4.2 Working of lead acid battery

A lead acid battery consists of a negative electrode made of spongy or porous lead. The
lead is porous to facilitate the formation and dissolution of lead. The positive electrode

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consists of lead oxide. Both electrodes are immersed in a electrolytic solution of sulfuric acid
and water. In case the electrodes come into contact with each other through physical
movement of the battery or through changes in thickness of the electrodes, an electrically
insulating, but chemically permeable membrane separates the two electrodes. This membrane
also prevents electrical shorting through the electrolyte. Lead acid batteries store energy by
the reversible chemical reaction shown below.

The overall chemical reaction is:

Pb O 2+ Pb+2 H 2 S O 4 ⇔ 2 PbS O 4 + 2 H 2 O

At the negative terminal the charge and discharge reactions are:

2−¿ ⇔ PbS O4 +2 e ¿
Pb+ S O4 charge

At the positive terminal the charge and discharge reactions are:

−¿ ⇔ PbS O +2H O ¿
4 2
+ ¿+2 e charge
2−¿+ 4 H ¿
Pb O2+ S O 4

3.4.3 Electrodes

The main use of electrodes is to generate electrical current and pass it through non-
metal objects to basically alter them in several ways. Electrodes are also used to measure
conductivity. An electrode is a metal whose surface serves as the location where oxidation-
reduction equilibrium is established between the metal and what is in the solution. The
electrode can either be an anode or a cathode. An anode receives current or electrons from the
electrolyte mixture, thus becoming oxidized. When the atoms or molecules get close enough
to the surface of the electrode, the solution in which the electrode is placed into, donates
electrons. This causes the atoms/molecules to become positive ions. In a lead-acid battery, the
cathode is made of lead-dioxide, and the anode is made of metallic lead. The two electrodes
are separated by an electrolyte of sulfuric acid. As the battery charges, the sulfuric acid reacts
with the lead in the anode and cathode to produce lead sulphate.

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Figure 3.4.2: Electrodes in Lead Acid battery

3.4.4 Electrolyte

In an electrochemical cell, reduction and oxidation reactions take place at the

electrodes. The electrode at which reduction takes places is called the cathode. Oxidation
takes place at the anode. Whether an electrode operates as a cathode or anode depends on the
direction the cell is operating in. If a cell is switched from operating galvanically (i.e.
outputting energy like a battery) to electrolysis (energy is input to the cell) then its cathode
will become its anode and vice versa. In a lead-acid battery, the cathode is made of lead-
dioxide, and the anode is made of metallic lead. The two electrodes are separated by an

electrolyte of sulfuric acid

Figure 3.4.3: Electro chemical reaction

3.4.5 Rechargeable batteries

A rechargeable battery is an energy storage device that can be charged again after being
discharged by applying DC current to its terminals. Rechargeable batteries allow for multiple
usages from a cell, reducing waste and generally providing a better long-term investment in
terms of dollars spent for usable device time. This is true even factoring in the higher
purchase price of rechargeables and the requirement for a charger. A rechargeable battery is
generally a more sensible and sustainable replacement to one-time use batteries, which

[Document title]

generate current through a chemical reaction in which a reactive anode is consumed. The
anode in a rechargeable battery gets consumed as well but at a slower rate, allowing for many
charges and discharges.
In use, rechargeable batteries are the same as conventional ones. However, after discharge the
batteries are placed in a charger or, in the case of built-in batteries, an AC /DC adapter is

While rechargeable batteries offer better long term cost and reduce waste, they do have
a few cons. Many types of rechargeable cells created for consumer devices, including AA and
AAA, C and D batteries, produce a lower voltage of 1.2v in contrast to the 1.5v of alkaline
batteries. Though this lower voltage doesn't prevent correct operation in properly-designed
electronics, it can mean a single charge does not last as long or offer the same power in a
session. This is not the case, however, with lithium polymer and lithium ion batteries. Some
types of batteries such as nickel cadmium and nickel-metal hydride can develop a battery
memory effect when only partially discharged, reducing performance of subsequent charges
and thus battery life in a given device.

Figure 3.4.4: Charging Circuit for Battery

From the above circuit diagram, we can see that the 18v AC is being converted to
18V pulsating DC which is in turn converted to smooth DC with the help of the Capacitor.
This 18V Smooth DC is converted to 12V DC by the Voltage Regulator 7812. At the output
of the regulator, we get some spikes which are not desirable. These spikes are removed with

[Document title]

the help of another capacitor used. We can get 12V Steady DC at the output terminal which
can be indicated if the LED glows.

3.4.5 Time takes to recharge a rechargeable battery

Formula for calculating batteries charging time:

hr = mAh / mA

“hours” equal “battery size in milliamp ere-hour” divided by “charger output power in milli
amperes”. (Need more information? The charge formula is explained in details with examples
further below.).

3.4.6 Charging rechargeable batteries

Type into the calculator your rechargeable battery’s capacity number, normally can
be read on the battery body e.g.1700 mAh (milli-ampere-hours). Then select the battery
type/size in the left column (NiMH – NiCd – AAA – AA – C – D – 9V (9 volt)) and in the
right side select a current output (electric power output of your charger in mA (milli-
Below are the given formulas for required battery charging time in hours and needed
charging current in amperes as follows.

Charging Time of Battery = Battery Ah ÷ Charging Current

T = Ah ÷ A
Required Charging Current for battery = Battery Ah x 10%
A = Ah x 10%
 T = Time in hrs.
 Ah = Ampere hour rating of a battery
 A = Current in amperes

Calculating the suitable charging current in Amps and the needed charging time in hrs for a
12V, 120Ah battery.
First of all, we will calculate the charging current for a 120 Ah battery. As we know that

[Document title]

charging current should be 10% of the Ah rating of the battery.

Charging current for 120Ah Battery = 120 Ah x (10 ÷ 100) = 12 Amperes.
But due to some losses, we may take 12-14 Amperes for batteries charging purpose instead of
12 Amps.
Suppose we took 13 Amp for charging purpose,
Charging time for 120Ah battery = 120 ÷ 13 = 9.23 Hrs.

But this was an ideal case…

Practically, it has been noted that 40% of losses occurs in case of battery charging.
Then 120 x (40 ÷ 100) = 48 …… (120Ah x 40% of losses)
Therefore, 120 + 48 = 168 Ah ( 120 Ah + Losses)
Now Charging Time of battery = Ah ÷ Charging Current
Putting the values;
168 ÷ 13 = 12.92 or 13 hrs. (in real case)

Therefore, a 120Ah battery would take 13 Hours to fully charge in case of the
required 13A charging current.

How do I calculate charging time for rechargeable battery manually:

Formula for manual calculation for battery recharging processes AAA – AA – C – D sizes
rechargeable batteries:

12 x Ahr = hrs OR 12/1000 x mAh = hrs ( 12/1000 x mAh=hours of charging )

Example calculations with this manual formula; calculate charging time length for 3200 mAh
NiMH AA size 1.4v rechargeable batteries with 100 mA charger and secondly with a 3.5
times more powerful 350 mA current output power charger:

100mA battery charger:

14: 1000 = 0.014

[Document title]

0.014 x 3200 = 44.8 (hrs)

It requires 44.8 hours (44 hours and 8 minutes ) to charge or recharge aa size 3200mAh
batteries with charger that has 100mA current output.

350mA battery charger:

14: 1000 = 0.014
0.014x 3200 = 44.8
44.8 : 3.5 = 12.8 (hrs)

It takes 12.8 hours ( 12 hours and 13 minutes ) time to charge or recharge 3200mAh
batteries with charger that has 350mA current output. Here is a second example of how long
to charge batteries but this time for charging 1800 mAh 1.4 volt NiMH aa type rechargeable
batteries and with the same current chargers:

3.4.7 Applications

Rechargeable batteries are used for automobile starters, portable consumer devices,
light vehicles (such as motorized wheelchairs, golf carts, electric bicycles, and
electric forklifts), tools, and uninterruptible power supplies. Emerging applications in
hybrid electric vehicles and electric vehicles are driving the technology to reduce cost
and weight and increase lifetime.
Few areas where rechargeable batteries are used

1. Flashlights. Last but not least are flashlights, one of the biggest consumers of battery energy
outside of the cell phone.
2. Portable Radios
3. Digital Cameras.
4. Sporting Goods.
5. Children's Toys.
6. Remote Controls.
7. Smoke Detectors.

[Document title]

8. Electric Toothbrushes.

3.5 Controller

A controller is an electronic device which is placed in between batteries and motor to

control the speed and acceleration of the vehicle. Controller is a “Heart” of an Electric Bike.
From different sources like motor, solar panel, simple loop generator, dynamo, throttle, and
through pedalling is given to controller before giving it directly to the battery. The controller
will be controlling all the necessary actions such as how much energy is required from the
battery when the throttle is twisted. Controlling the speed of the bicycle. And at the time
recharging the battery how much amount of battery need to be charged according to the
battery capacity.

Figure 3.5 Controller

As a rule, all controllers have a sealed protective box, as they are placed open on a
bicycle, however, some controllers are mounted inside of the frame and hidden away. DC
motor controllers Probably the most popular type of motor and controller among e-bikes is
BLDC. They’re quite reliable, have rather high efficiency, and relatively simple design.
Everything is quite simple with them, manufacturing, operation, and service. Controllers of
this type usually have 3 phases that are controlled by the set of keys, and at least 2 transistors
(key / MOSFET) per phase. So, it’s 6, 12, 18 keys accordingly (multiple of 6). Brushed DC
motor controllers Motors of this type have permanent magnets and a collector. Their design is

[Document title]

much simpler, in fact, it’s just a set of keys that change the current that is supplied to the
engine. Less current - less power, more current - more power.

3.6 Throttle & Electronics Brakes

3.6.1 Throttle
An e-bike throttle functions similarly to a motorcycle. The throttle controls are
usually found on the handlebar. To engage the throttle, you simply twist the handlebar, and
the bike will accelerate. Let go of the throttle, and the bike will stop.

3.6.2 Full twist throttles

Full twist throttles are sort of the antithesis of thumb throttles as they are the largest
type of E- Bicycle throttle and require the whole hand to operate. The full twist throttle takes
up the entire end of the handlebar, completely replacing whatever grip would originally be on
the end of the handlebar. To operate it, the rider simply grabs a handful of throttle and twists
it back towards himself. Anyone who has ridden a motorcycle or moped will find the full
twist throttle familiar. It operates just like the throttle on most motorcycles. Many people
prefer full twist throttles because they are operated by the full hand – all five fingers grip that
sucker. That allows you to hold on tight, handle well and use your wrist instead of your thumb

to apply the twisting motion.

Figure 3.6.2: Full twisted Throttle

3.6.3 Pedal Assist Mode

Pedal assist, also referred to as pedal, is a mode that provides power only when you are
pedalling. If you are used to riding a traditional bike, the pedal assist mode has a more
intuitive feel compared to the throttle mode. The pedal assist mode is also nice because you
can focus purely on your pedalling and you don’t have to hold the throttle in a certain

[Document title]

position. Since you have to pedal, the pedal assist mode will generally give you more range
when compared to the throttle mode. Here are 10 tips to increase your electric bike’s range. A
lot of pedal assist bikes have different levels of assistance, for example: low, medium, or high
Low pedal assist = you are feeling pretty good on the bike. Low assist provides a little
electric assist while you provide more pedal power and get more of a workout.
Medium pedal assist = you have a nice tailwind everywhere you go. Medium pedal assist
can be a nice balance of your pedal power and the motor power.
High pedal assist = you feel like Superman! High pedal assist is when you want to
get somewhere quickly and with minimal effort. This could be useful if you want to get
to work without sweating too much. On the way home you could use the low pedal assist to
work out the stress of the day.
The Combination: Throttle & Pedal Assist Mode
Some e-bikes come equipped with both the throttle and the pedal assist modes. On
some e-bikes, you can be operating the bike in the pedal assist mode and then get an
additional boost by twisting the throttle.

3.6.4 Electric Brakes Working of Electric Bicycle Brakes

The brakes on an electric bicycle are extremely vital to its operation. The braking
system is activated by a lever attached to the handlebar. After the rider pulls this lever, the
cable applies pressure to the pistons of the brake caliper. The pistons then push the brake pad
into the brake rotor where friction is then created. This friction is the force needed to stop the

After all, no matter how fast you go, you’re going to have to come to a stop at some
point and the brakes are the tool of the trade. There are different types of braking systems
used on an electric bike. Today we’ll delve into the braking system of an electric bike, how it
works and what makes brakes so vital.

[Document title]

The braking system of an electric bicycle isn’t very complex, and it is composed of the
rotor, lever, caliper, and cable. Similar to a traditional bicycle, the lever is the only part you
interact with inside the braking system.

Figure 3.6.4 Electronic Brakes

3.7 Dynamo

A dynamo is a type of electrical generator that is used to create a conducting current

with the help of a commutator. A dynamo used the laws of electromagnetism to create a direct
conducting current or electric power from the rotation of the coil.

A small generator is sometimes fitted to a bicycle to provide electricity for the lights at
night. The generator is called a bicycle dynamo. Inside the dynamo, a permanent magnet is
rotated in the middle of some coils of wire. Rotating the magnet instead of the coils has the
advantage that slip rings are not needed.

3.7.1 Bicycle Dynamo

It is a method by which propulsion of the wheel generates an electrical current. This is
transferred to provide energy. The traditional dynamo is referred to as a sidewall or bottle
dynamo. Modern versions are powered from the wheel hub. You can also get a bottom
bracket dynamo.
3.7.2 Mechanism of Bicycle Dynamo Producing Electricity

A bicycle dynamo is a type of generator attached to a bicycle to produce electricity for

the bicycle’s lights. The top of the dynamo touches the tire’s rim, which spins when the

[Document title]

starts moving. Currently, the term dynamo refers to mechanisms that can produce direct
current, such as the small devices fitted to bicycles to generate power for the lights. Typically,
a bicycle dynamo has one or more permanent magnets with coils of wire spinning inside their
poles. The device consists of a stationary part called a stator and a rotating part called an

When the coil spins in the magnetic field created by the magnets, the magnetic flux
begins to change through the coils, resulting in an electric field that generates the charge
carriers through the wire. This process produces an electric current. Small bicycle dynamos
attain a low efficiency in converting mechanical motion into electricity.

Figure 3.7 Dynamo

3.8 Solar Panel

Solar energy is a very profitable source of energy for a country with a tropical climate
such as Indonesia, given its sustainable nature and very large amounts. The enormous amount
of energy produced from sunlight makes solar panels a reliable alternative source of energy
for the future. Electric bicycles have been widely circulating in Indonesia. However, charging
the battery generally uses electricity power (PLN) so that the devotees only consist of certain
groups. The development of a solar panel electric bicycle will charge the battery while driving

[Document title]

and if there is no sunlight, the battery charging will come from electricity power using a
battery charger through the controller. In addition, the solar panel electric bicycle also has
lighting so it can be used at night. The solar panel also functions as the roof on an electric
bicycle for comfort when riding during the day.

3.8.1 Use of solar panel in E- Bicycle

The solar panels are mounted in the bicycle and the hub motor connected to the
effortless riding. A solar controller is connected to the battery for collecting the solar energy
to electrical energy. A battery is used to store the electrical power and gives the supply to hub
motor to drive the moto

3.8.2 Working of Solar Panel in E- Bicycle

Solar-powered electric bicycles which get supplied with solar panels. The solar panels
are mounted on the bicycle and the hub motor is connected to the effortless riding. A solar
controller is connected to the battery for collecting the solar energy into electrical energy. A
battery is used to store the electrical power and gives the supply to the hub motor to drive the
motor. And the motor controller is used to control the speed and the throttle is used to vary the
speed of the bicycle.

[Document title]

3.9 Solar Charge Controller:

DC power can be provided by a combination of a solar panel and battery pack.

The battery pack is used to store excess solar power during the day and provide power during
the night. This can be a combination of lead-acid or lithium-ion batteries, A solar charge
controller is used to manage the solar power and ensure that the battery pack is charged
correctly and that the solar panel is not damaged.

3.9.1Working of solar charge controller:

The solar charge controller is the control unit of a solar system. It regulates the
charge of the solar battery and protects it from overload. In the case of a solar system with a
lead-acid battery, the solar charge controller is usually designed to protect the battery from
deep discharge. The solar charge controller also prevents the solar module from being
overloaded in the event of a short circuit. The charge controller is used to control the charge
and discharge of the battery, to prevent the battery from overcharging and over-discharging,

[Document title]

and to prevent the battery from being discharged at night when the battery is fully charged
during the day. Therefore, the solar charge controller is the key link in the power system of
the solar power system. The principle of the solar charge controller is to detect the battery
voltage and charge the battery by adjusting the voltage and current according to the battery
voltage and other parameters.

Figure 3.9.1 Solar charge controller

Applications of solar charge controller:

The ideal solar charge controller has the following features:

- State-of-the-art technology that is ultra-efficient

- Anti-islanding protection

- Mobile app or web interface

- Multiple ports

- Overcharge protection

- Temperature sensor

- Short circuit protection

- Regulated DC output

[Document title]

- Multiple safety certifications

- Easy installation

- Low maintenance

3.10 Speedometer:

A bicycle speedometer is a device that checks the rotation per minute of the bicycle
wheel and displays the results over a meter to indicate how fast the bicycle is traveling.

Basically, a bicycle speedometer works in the following manner:

 A sensor is installed on one of the wheels of the bicycle.

 The sensor is usually a magnet-based sensor, such as a magnetic hall effect sensor or a
magnetic reed switch sensor.
 The hall effect sensor or a reed relay is installed on the wheel frame of the bicycle, and the
magnet is fixed on the wheel itself.
 The sensor and magnet are fixed in such a way that when the wheel rotates the magnet comes
face-to-face with the sensor on each rotation.
 In this way on each rotation of the wheel, the magnet creates an instantaneous magnetic field
on the sensor which cuts through the sensor generating a corresponding electrical pulse at the
output of the sensor.
 This electrical pulse is fed to a processor which analyzes the sensor output pulses
corresponding to each rotation of the wheel and displays the result over a meter.
 The meter thus indicates the speed of the bicycle.

The main benefit that a digital display has over a moving coil meter is that of robustness in a
situation where the younger generation can produce a really tough environment. Current
consumption is placed to a minimum by arranging for the power supply to be switched on
only when a readout is needed.

[Document title]

Figure 3.10 Speedometer

3.11 Battery Voltage level indicator:

A battery capacity indicator is a component that measures the remaining capacity of a

battery. A battery capacity indicator is typically integrated into a battery, but it can also be
separate. A battery capacity indicator provides information about the remaining capacity of a
battery. The information provided by a battery capacity indicator can be useful for managing
the usage of a battery and ensuring that it is not over-charged or under-charged. A battery
capacity indicator can be integrated into a bicycle battery to provide information about the
remaining capacity of the battery. A battery capacity indicator can be useful for managing the
usage of a bicycle battery and ensuring that it is not over-charged or under-charged.

The meter accurately measures your battery’s remaining capacity and voltage. The
Battery Capacity Voltage Meter can not only measure the battery voltage but also the
capacity, showing you with percentage. The battery monitor is designed with a high-quality
LCD, LCD screen with green backlit offers a clear and bright display from every angle.
Equipped with a PVC film, the surface is waterproof. Long service life button with
comfortable hand feeling. Built with buckle, free of screw installation.

Figure 3.11 Battery level Indicator

[Document title]

3.12 Methodology

Plug-in Dynam
charger o

Solar Dry Mechanic al
Panel Cell Motor output
Control Controller

Throttle for
Wind speed
Generator control

Figure 3.12 Block Diagram of a Multi-powered E-Bicycle

3.12.1 WORKING:
The multi-powered E-Bicycle runs both pedal-assisted and throttle assisted. The source to power
up the battery is fed from different sources like Solar, Dynamo, Wind as well as external sources.
When the sun shines onto a solar panel, energy from the sunlight is absorbed by the PV cells in the
panel. This energy creates electrical charges that move in response to an internal electric field in the
cell, causing electricity to flow. A solar charge controller is placed in between the solar panel and the
battery to keep the battery from overcharging by regulating the voltage and current coming from the
solar panel to the battery. The external mobile charger port is also taken out from the solar charge
controller. The power from solar is stored in the battery of the E-Bicycle.
A dynamo is an electrical generator that produces direct current with the use of a commutator. The
electric dynamo uses rotating coils of wire and magnetic fields to convert mechanical rotation into a
pulsing direct electric current through Faraday's law of induction. The commutator produces direct
current and this power is also fed to the battery.
A wind turbine turns wind energy into electricity using the aerodynamic force from the rotor blades.
The energy produced by the wind turbine is supplied to the Battery.

The Bicycle when throttle assisted runs on the battery power, the battery parallel charges with the
sources available to feed it. The pedal-assisted mode takes no power from the battery but the battery
still charges due to the dynamo and wind turbine which works on generating the power.

[Document title]

The speedometer measures the average speed and maximum speed of the Bicycle.
The Speedometer consists of a hall effect sensor and a magnet, the magnet is placed on the steel wire
of the cycle and the sensor is placed in such a way that the magnet and sensor interact once per each
rotation of tires and the gap is maintained 1mm for the effective measure.
The Hall effect when interacting with the magnetic field produces the voltage, this voltage produced
and the frequency of interactions measures the speed of the Bicycle.
The battery voltage indicator indicates the battery percentage and the voltage level of the battery when
connected to the terminals of the battery

[Document title]



4.1.1 Simulink Model of Basic E - Bicycle

Simulation is a model-based representation used to determine and analyse the graphical
output of a model. Here we are analysing the graphical output of a simulation on basic multi
powered E-Bicycle as shown below. Here we will be able to obtain the different output wave
forms for different given output as required to test the simulation.

Figure 4.1.1 Model of basic E-Bicycle

[Document title]

4.1.2 Simulink Model of Solar Assisted E – Bicycle

In this simulation model we are adding solar panel to increase the self-charging
capacity of a battery and here we can observe the changes in different parameters such as
increase in speed, torque from the output graphical representation.

Figure 4.1.2 Model of Solar Assisted E-Bicycle

[Document title]

4.1.3 Simulink Model of Multi-Powered E-Bicycle

The complete simulation of a model-based Multi-Powered E-Bicycle has been done and
shown below. In this we have added different methodologies and topologies to increase the
overall efficiency and range of the E-Bicycle. We have also analysed the output in which we
can observe the change in output speed and torque of an E-Bicycle.

Figure 4.1.3 Model of Multi-powered E-Bicycle

[Document title]

4.2 Simulation Results

4.2.1 Simulation Result of Basic E - Bicycle

Figure 4.2.1 Basic E-Bicycle Output wave form of current

Figure 4.2.2 Basic E-Bicycle Output wave form of voltage

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Figure 4.2.3 Basic E-Bicycle Output wave form of speed

Figure 4.2.4 Basic E-Bicycle Output wave form of torque

The above 4 figures will give a brief description of Basic E- Bicycle configuration and
performance. There will be an ideal supply voltage of 15 volts and 30 Ampere hours to the
battery. This battery power will be fed to BLDC motor. This motor runs E- bicycle with an
average speed of 357 RPM, average torque of 5.314 N-m. The average output voltage of
BLDC motor is 10 volts and the average output current of 6.1 amperes. All these values will
be indicated in the separately connected displays.

[Document title]

4.2.2 Simulation Result of Solar Assisted E – Bicycle

Figure 4.3.1 Solar assisted E- Bicycle Output wave form of current

Figure 4.3.2 Solar Assisted E-Bicycle Output wave form of speed

[Document title]

Figure 4.3.3 Solar Assisted E-Bicycle Output wave form of torque

Figure 4.3.4 Solar Assisted E-Bicycle Output wave form of voltage

The above 4 figures will give a brief description of Basic E- Bicycle configuration and
performance. There will be an ideal supply voltage of 15 volts and 30 Ampere hours to the
battery. This battery power will be fed to BLDC motor. This motor runs E- bicycle with an
average speed of 386 RPM, average torque of 5.554 N-m. The average output voltage of
BLDC motor is 11.59 volts and the average output current of 6.603 amperes. It is evident that
the speed of E- Bicycle has been increased from 357 rpm to 386 rpm and Torque has been
increased from 5.314 N-m to 5.514 N-m. All these values will be indicated in the separately
connected displays.

[Document title]

4.2.3 Simulation Results of Multi-Powered E-Bicycle

Figure 4.4.1 Multi Powered E-Bicycle Output wave form of current

Figure 4.4.2 Multi Powered E-Bicycle Output wave form of speed

[Document title]

Figure 4.4.3 Multi Powered E-Bicycle Output wave form of torque

Figure 4.4.4 Multi Powered E-Bicycle Output wave form of voltage

The above 4 figures will give a brief description of Basic E- Bicycle configuration and
performance. There will be an ideal supply voltage of 15 volts and 30 Ampere hours to the
battery. This battery power will be fed to BLDC motor. This motor runs E- bicycle with an
average speed of 437 RPM, average torque of 5.639 N-m. The average output voltage of
BLDC motor is 13.12 volts and the average output current of 10.6 amperes. It is evident that

[Document title]

the Speed of E- Bicycle has been increased from 386 rpm to 437 rpm and Torque has been
increased from 5.514 N-m to 5.639 N-m. All these values will be indicated in the separately
connected displays.

Cases of Speed Torque Voltage Current

4.2.4 Bicycle
(RPM) (N-m) (Volts) (Amps)

Battery 357 5.314 10 6.1


Solar 386 5.554 11.59 6.603


Multi 437 5.639 13.12 10.6

Comparison Table

4.3 Advantages & Disadvantages

4.3.1 Advantages

[Document title]

1. Improved physical health

It's a great cardiovascular exercise that can help build endurance and muscle.

∙2. Easier to ride

Pedal assist gives riders a boost. It helps with hills, inclines, and rough terrain, allowing
for a smoother ride thus reducing stress on joints. You can also ride with greater power and
precision than a regular bike. And it gets people cycling who may not otherwise ride a
traditional bike because of physical aches and pains. Additionally, you can take longer rides
without physical exhaustion.

∙3. Faster And Safe

Most cyclists travel 10 to 12mph, but an e-bike can average 20mph. E-bikes allow you
to get to your destination faster than a regular bike. E- bikes are not more dangerous than

bikes. They just have different risks. E- bikes tend to be safer than regular bikes because you
can accelerate to get out of the way faster, and travel at higher speeds, keeping up with

4. Better Mental Health

E-Bicycles make cycling more accessible and people are more likely to do it because it's
easier, getting about the same workout with less the effort. For those who may be living an
otherwise sedentary life, riding an e-bicycle gets them moving and in nature. This exercise,
change in scenery, and fresh air helps improve mood, reduces stress, provides for a more
restful sleep, and increases productivity.

4.3.2 Disadvantages

1. E-bicycles are expensive

[Document title]

It is already a given that e-bicycles cost way more than your average bicycle, and often
even a scooter, or motorcycle. Many factors dictate this such as the fact that its technology
still not peaked yet and most mid-range and high end integrate additional features for user

2. Long battery recharge time

While this may vary in every model, electric bicycles normally take a good while to
charge. Most require at least 4 to 6 hours to charge completely. This might not be much of a
hassle to riders who can anticipate this with every ride.

3. Heavy weight

Almost anyone who has ridden an e-bicycle will agree that a lot of them are heavier
than standard bicycles. Lead-acid battery-powered bikes often have this attribute, which takes
a toll on speed and the bicycle’s ability to conquer steeper roads and terrains. If the electric
bicycle does not have speed-boosting capabilities, then this can be a real problem.

[Document title]


5.1 Conclusion

The proposed simulation of an E-Bicycle shows how exactly the vehicle is going to run
with increase in its range and different battery charging methods. Various converter
topologies are used and analysed. The E-Bicycle can be run (in RPM) based on the input
voltage which we provide. These simulation models have been solved by a program written in
MATLAB-Simulink. The effects of input parameters such as air density and slope on the
dynamic performance and electric consumption of the electric bicycle were investigated.

We conclude that Multi powered E- Bicycle can be a better alternative for maintaining
the healthier life and sustainable green environment. Bicycles are great in every aspect,
whether it is regarding our health or the health of nature. With the world getting polluted at a
faster rate day by day, it is essential for us to switch to bicycles for a healthier life and greener
future. The proposed work provides a hybrid storage system which increases the run time of
bicycle, making the system economic and efficient. Various topologies like addition of simple
loop generator, solar panel, dynamo, BLDC motor to increase its overall efficiency. An
experimental study was also conducted to examine the dynamic and electric consumption
characteristics of the electric bicycle. This study showed that the experimental results agreed
with the simulation results at the same initial conditions.

5.2 Future Scope

An electric bicycle is also known as an e-bike, E-bike is a bicycle with an integrated

electric motor which can be used to assist propulsion. The India e-bike market covers the
latest trends and technological development as well as provides analysis on the market
demand. The market has been segmented into propulsion type, application, and market share
of major e-bike producer companies in India. By Propulsion Type, the market has been
segmented into Pedal-Assisted and Throttle-Assisted. By Application Type, the market has
been segmented into City/Urban and Cargo. The report also covers the market size and

[Document title]

forecasts for e- bikes in India. For each segment, the market forecasting and sizing has been
done on basis of value.


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