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Water Resources Development

I. Introduction

Water is the most critical resource issue of our lifetime and our children's lifetime. The
health of our waters is the principal measure of how we live on the land. Water resources
development and management remain at the heart of the struggle for sustainable development,
growth, and poverty reduction. This has been the case in all industrialized countries, most of
which invested heavily on both water infrastructure and institutions. Developing countries have
not invested sufficiently in water infrastructure and institutions. In some developing countries
such as Ethiopia, the unmet challenges of water resources management are beyond
comprehension. Unless progress in water management is made, sustainable growth and
poverty eradication can’t be achieved. . Why canals has the potential to cause pollution to
surface water and groundwater, deterioration of water quality? Poor water quality below a canal
project may render the water unfit for other users, harm land species. Elimination of dry season
die-back and the creation of a more humid microclimate may result in an increase of pests an
plant diseases.. Large drainage projects which impound or divert water have the potential to
cause major environmental disturbances, resulting from changes in the hydrology and limnology
of canal basins. Reducing the drainage flow changes flood plain land use and ecology and can
cause intrusion of canal waters into groundwater. Diversion of water through irrigation further
reduces the water supply for downstream users, including municipalities, industries and
agriculture. A reduction in river base flow also decreases the dilution of municipal and industrial
wastes added downstream, posing pollution and health hazards.

A. History of the problem (,

Water resource development is a complicated journey through history, distinguished by
a multifaceted tapestry of difficulties, inventions, and shifting priorities. This story includes past
civilizations' contributions, the impact of climate change, the rise of environmental
consciousness, and much more. Water resources have unquestionably remained a cornerstone
of human civilization, acting as the lifeblood on which cultures have thrived and survived.
Throughout history, the ability of communities to harness, shape, and prudently manage these
unique resources has been vital to their growth and resilience. In fact, the history of the
evolution of water resources shows how inventively civilization has continued to fulfill the rising
needs of expanding populations. Each historical period has contributed to the ongoing
development of water management techniques, from the intricate canal networks of
Mesopotamia to the vast aqueducts of Rome, from the proliferation of water mills during
medieval Europe to the enormous dams and reservoirs of the modern day. This development
over time is evidence of the dynamic interaction between societies and the environment in
which adaptation and inventiveness have been the main drivers of the sustainable exploitation
of water resources. The wise management and sustainable exploitation of water resources
remain fundamental components of the future. The demand for ethical and forward-thinking
water management strategies grows as the world's population continues to grow and
environmental problems get more severe. As a result of changing precipitation patterns and an
increase in extreme weather events, climate change's continuous effects serve as stark
reminders of the need to adapt and strengthen water infrastructure. A major problem in the
current day is the need to solve environmental issues and preserve the vulnerable ecosystems
that depend on water resources.

B. Thesis (
sudan/what-integrated-water-resources-management), (

In order to fully address the complex issues involved in managing and maximizing the
use of water resources, the field of water resources development is inherently interdisciplinary.
This means that it incorporates knowledge, methodologies, and insights from a wide range of
academic disciplines and specialized fields. Several well-known theories and frameworks are
regularly used in this interdisciplinary environment to provide a comprehensive understanding
and efficient management of water resources. These theories, which also include IWRM
(Integrated Water Resources Management), ecology, economics, and climate change, serve as
the cornerstone for the development of sustainable practices and the making of well-informed
II. Body Section One

A. Extent of the problem / How bad is it?

During heavy rain outside WIT RTS Campus the road is flooding since there is no proper
canal drainage. It is the main problem here in Brgy. Bantud because many are affected with this
especially the students of WIT. Proper canal drainage is important since it avoids flooding in
streets by removing excess water.

The Brgy. officials need to be responsible for this since there is still no action until now.
The students of WIT and residents of Brgy. Bantud is affected by this flood since they are using
this street on the way to RTS campus.

We should be concerned about this problem because a lot of students and residents are
struggling. The Brgy. Officials should have a plan to prevent this flooding since it is important to
have a canal drainage in the streets. Flooding waters can also spread infectious diseases,
contain chemical hazards, and cause injuries to the residents near the area. It can also be a
hindrance to students of WIT if there is a flood on the streets.

B. Who is affected/ how are they affected

Water is a crucial resource for all life on Earth, hence one of the examples is outside the
RTS Site since it affects people and other environmental factors that can make water dangerous
to people and the ecosystem. Human health problems, such as cancer or cardiovascular
disorders, may result from a water source becoming contaminated as a result of pollution.

My personal experience has shown that flooding can result from severe rainfall. In the
event of flooding, diseases and breakouts are another significant health risk. Waterborne
infections, or those brought on by ingesting or coming into touch with contaminated water, can
be one of them. These can include diarrhea, cholera, typhoid fever, and leptospirosis.Damage
to or disruption of environmental health infrastructure and services (water supply and sewage
systems) increases the risk of water-borne and food-borne disease. The displacement of people
and overcrowding that often results from flooding provides optimal conditions for outbreaks of
respiratory and gastrointestinal illness. Contributing factors in such settings include poor
standards of hygiene, close contact among people, poor sanitation, poor nutrition, and poor food

People are affected by water resources development in various ways, both positive and
negative. The impacts of water resources development are complex and multifaceted. Proper
planning, environmental assessments, and sustainable practices are essential to minimize the
benefits of such projects while considering the needs and rights of affected populations. Around
the world, human activity and natural forces are reducing available water resources. Although
public awareness of the need to better manage and protect water has grown over the last
decade, economic criteria and political considerations still tend to drive water policy at all levels.
Science and best practice are rarely given adequate consideration.

II. Body Section Two

The Pros and Cons of flooding in the streets of Brgy. Bantud, the residents and students
of WIT are affected with this. For example the students will not be able to go to school and it can
destroy the belongings or infrastructure of the residents. That's why it is important to have
proper canal drainage in the streets of Brgy. Bantud. Repercussions of the problem If we don't
solve this flood problem, the street will always flood when there is heavy rain. The school will be
forced to suspend the class since the students can't go to school. The residents will not be able
to access the road since it is flooding. We need to solve this problem as soon as possible since
many will benefit from this. Proper canal drainage will prevent the flooding and even if there is a
heavy rain the students can now go to the school.
IV. Body Section Three

The possible solutions for the flooding in the streets in Brgy. Bantud is to construct canal
drainage. It will work since the excess water in the streets will go to the canal by channeling
excess water away from built-up areas, drainage systems reduce the risk of property damage,
infrastructure disruptions, and potential health hazards caused by flooding. Proper water
management also helps maintain a stable water table, protecting ecosystems and supporting
sustainable development. An integrated and multi-disciplinary approach, involving government
agencies, local communities, and experts, is essential for successful food mitigation and
resilience building. It’s essential to recognize that flood management is a complex challenge
that requires a comprehensive and adaptive approach. Solution should consider a combination
of structural and non-structural measures, ecological restoration, community engagement, and
long-term planning to effectively reduce flood risk and enhance resilience. Optimizing the
benefits of dams is crucial for sustainable water resource management. The implementation of
the strategies outlined above will go a long way in achieving this goal. It is therefore
recommended that all stakeholders involved in dam construction, operation be properly advised.

In conclusion, Effective water resources management in canals is crucial for sustainable

agricultural development and environmental conservation. This research highlights the
importance of employing various strategies, including traditional and modern approaches, to
ensure efficient water allocation, maintain ecological balance, and support agricultural growth. A
holistic approach that considers both water availability and environmental sustainability is
essential for canal water management. Water resources development is a critical aspect of
human society, impacting individuals, communities, and ecosystems in various ways. It offers
both positive and negative effects, and its consequences are complex and multifaceted.
Responsible water resources development involves a comprehensive approach that accounts
for social, environmental, and economic factors. It is crucial for ensuring water security,
supporting sustainable development, and safeguarding the well-being of current and future
generations. Water resources development plays a pivotal role in meeting human needs,
sustaining ecosystems, and fostering economic growth. However, it also presents complex
challenges and potential negative impacts. Achieving a balanced and sustainable approach to
water resources development requires careful planning, environmental stewardship, community
engagement, and equitable access. To safeguard our planet's most precious resource, water, it
is essential to prioritize responsible and inclusive practices that promote both human well-being
and the health of our natural environment.

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