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Unit 1

Vocabulary I

1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences with free time activities.
1 I’m stressed, so I want to watch a film / go for a run / chat online. Exercise always makes me
feel better!
2 At weekends, I go to a theme park / hang out with my friends / surf the Internet and chat
about life.
3 Sol wants to listen to music / go to the gym / watch a film this evening. Do you know any good
4 If you want to do some research, go to a theme park / hang out with friends / surf the Internet
and see what you can find.
5 I chat online / go to the gym / watch a film three times a week because I’m training for a sports
6 In the evenings, Tim likes going for a run / going to a theme park / chatting online with his
friends on social media.
7 Do you want to listen to music / hang out with your friends / surf the Internet? I’ve got the
new album by Billie Eilish.
8 I want to have fun and go to a theme park / go to the gym / watch a film. I love rollercoasters!

2 Complete the sentences with the correct free time activities.

1 Let’s __________________ at home tonight. There is a great new one we can try.
2 Do you want to __________________? There is one near my home. It has water slides!
3 I am on holiday a long way from home, so I __________________ with my friends every day.
4 Linda doesn’t do much at weekends, she likes __________________ at the shopping centre.
5 When they __________________, they have karate training as well as aerobics classes.
6 We __________________ and sing on our road trips.
7 I really like __________________ because exercise makes me relax. It’s the best.
8 Let’s __________________ and see if we can find any good restaurants near us.

3 Complete the conversation with the correct free time activities.

Lucas: Hey, Selina, what are you doing today?
Selina: I am (1) __________________ right now. I’ve got the new Ariana Grande album. It’s
amazing! What about you?

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Lucas: Well, I want to (2) __________________. Do you want to come? They are not from our
school but I like (3) __________________ with them every day on my mobile phone.
They are very nice people!
Selina: That sounds great, but I want to (4) __________________ today! There is a great one
with lots of rides near my home!
Lucas: Let’s (5) __________________ and look at it online right now. Looks good! Can I come
Selina: Yes, you can! I want to (6) __________________ first. I go around the park for 30
minutes every day.
Lucas: Yes, I want to (7) __________________. I am training for a judo competition and I need
to be fit.
Selina: Haha yes, me too! OK, perfect. Let’s meet at my place. And maybe we can
(8) __________________ at the cinema later!
Lucas: Good idea!

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Vocabulary II

1 Complete the sentences with the correct words and expressions for skills and abilities from
the box.

play the drums draw speak English dance cook drive a car sing act

1 I’m so happy I can __________________. It’s very useful and I speak to people from the USA!
2 Sergio can __________________ very well. He makes amazing lasagne!
3 Malena and Vicky __________________ professionally. They are in a play this month.
4 You can __________________ brilliantly! That’s an amazing portrait of me.
5 My mother can __________________ very well. She won a salsa competition last year.
6 I am learning to __________________. I use my sister’s and she is a good teacher!
7 Florencia can __________________ beautifully. She has an amazing voice.
8 Rocio and Lola __________________ in a band. They are excellent and they play at festivals.

2 Complete the conversation with the correct words and expressions for skills and abilities.
Agus: Thank you for helping me learn to (1) __________________, Barbi. It’s very useful. Now I
can stop taking the bus all the time. What can I do for you?
Barbi: Well, you can teach me to (2) __________________. I really want to learn tango.
Agus: Haha, I can’t really do that very well. But I can teach you to (3) __________________!
I am in the school choir! And I can also (4) __________________. My band has a
performance next week. Do you want to come?
Barbi: Yes, I do! And you can come to my play. I (5) __________________ with a theatre
company called The Barcelona Players. Some of their plays are in Spanish, but they can
all (6) __________________ too. I also (7) __________________ all the art for their
Agus: Yes, I saw the picture you did for the play. It was fantastic! Well, before that, let’s eat
something. I can also (8) __________________! I make a great pizza!
Barbi: Wow, I love pizza!

3 Complete text with the correct words for skills and abilities.

Learning new skills

What do you do after school? Do you (1) __________________ or the guitar in a band? Do you
(2) __________________ in a salsa class or (3) __________________ in a play? Sometimes you just

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want to sit down after school and check your social media. This is very common and a lot of teens
do this. But imagine doing something different. Imagine learning a new skill.

Personally, it’s difficult for me. When I try to (4) __________________, for example, I do it very
badly. My pictures always look very stupid! But now I watch videos on the Internet and it helps me
a lot.

I’m also learning to (5) __________________. My dad is teaching me and we just go around our
neighbourhood. Thanks to my parents, I can also (6) __________________. I take lessons after
school and now it’s possible for me to speak to people from all over the world.

My brother is doing the same. He is learning to (7) __________________. He makes great burgers.
And my sister is learning to (8) __________________. She sounds amazing!

I know you’re tired when you get back from school. But try! It makes me feel great when I learn a
new skill!

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Grammar I

1 Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1 We don’t usually go / are not usually going to the gym on Mondays.
2 Jane is always going / always goes to the beach in summer.
3 A: Are you liking / Do you like theme parks?
B: Yes, I do / do I!
4 Pilar and Milagros are hating / hate horror films.
5 It’s 7.00 pm so I’m not working / I don’t work right now.
6 A: Do you eat / Are you eating Japanese food at the moment?
B: Yes, am I / I am! It’s ramen!
7 I listen / am listening to a great Justin Bieber song today.

2 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
1 I can’t talk now, I ___________________ (have) my tango class at the sports centre.
2 Julian and Leo ___________________ (travel) to Buenos Aires today.
3 You ___________________ (not like) this restaurant. Let’s go somewhere else.
4 She ___________________ (love) vanilla ice cream.
5 A: ___________________ (Dalia / take) dance classes once a week?
B: No, she ___________. It’s twice a week.
6 I can come to the party later. Right now, I ___________________ (work) on my project for
7 A: ___________________ (you / enjoy) watching films?
B: Yes, I ___________!

3 Complete Brian’s email with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
From: [email protected]

Hi, Carolina!

How are you? (1) ___________________ (you / have) a good time on holiday? I am sure you
(2) ___________________ (eat) a lot of delicious food and (3) ___________________ (not think)
about school at all!

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I (4) ___________________ (not be) on holiday because I (5) ___________________ (work) right
now. (6) ___________________ (you / remember) my holiday job at the pet shop? Well, I
(7) ___________________ (love) it but I (8) ___________________ (get up) early in the morning
every day! (9) ___________________ (I / feel) tired all the time? Yes, I (10) ___________!

But next week I want to come and visit you so we can have some fun.

Write soon!


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Grammar II

1 Choose the correct options to make sentences.

1 I ___________ but I prefer dancing.
(a) don’t mind singing (b) don’t like singing
2 Does Camila ___________ to theme parks?
(a) enjoy to go (b) enjoy going
3 I absolutely ___________. I can make a lot of different meals!
(a) like cooking (b) love cooking
4 Tina ___________ because she is very shy.
(a) doesn’t like acting (b) doesn’t mind acting
5 Gisela totally ___________. She never does it!
(a) hates driving (b) doesn’t like driving
6 A: Do you ___________?
B: I love it.
(a) like speaking English (b) like speak English
7 We ___________ meat so we don’t eat it.
(a) don’t like eating (b) don’t mind eating

2 Complete the conversation with love, hate, (don’t) like, don’t mind or enjoy and the verbs in
brackets in the correct form. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.
Maria: Do you (1) ____________________ (use) social media, John?
John: Yes, I do! I totally (2) ____________________ (look) at my social media accounts. It’s a
lot of fun. What about you?
Maria: Well, I (3) ____________________ (see) my friend’s photos, but it’s not my favourite
thing to do. And you know, it’s important to be careful. I (4) ____________________
(chat) online all the time because I prefer talking to people face to face.
John: Yes, I agree. And people (5) ____________________ (comment) on my posts all the
time. Especially my dad! It’s embarrassing! And I absolutely (6) __________________
(read) arguments. A lot of people write things on Facebook and then everyone says
bad things to them.
Maria: Yes, that happens all the time! Well, in my opinion, social media can be fun. But I
absolutely (7) ____________________ (learn) a new skill like drawing or paining!
That’s the best!
John: Yes, me too!

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3 Complete the text with love, hate, (don’t) like, don’t mind, enjoy and the verbs in brackets in
the correct form. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer.

What’s your talent?

By Felipe Johansson

Are you a talented person? Maybe you don’t think you are. But everyone has a talent! For example,
maybe you (1) ____________________ (speak English). It’s not the same as being a great chess
player or a film star, but it’s a talent!

Talents are not only things for famous people. Do you (2) ____________________ (drive) a car?
That’s a talent! Do you (3) ____________________ (sing)? That’s a talent! A talent I really haven’t
got is dancing! I absolutely (4) ____________________ (dance)! I am so bad at it and I look very

You see, in my opinion, when you have a talent, you love it. When people say, ‘I
(5) ____________________ (paint) but I prefer drawing,’ I don’t think it’s really a talent.
I (6) ____________________ (paint) and I am not good at it. I don’t hate it, but it’s not a lot of fun
for me.

But I absolutely (7) ____________________ (cook). I can make a lot of different things! But I only
know it’s a talent because people say I cook well. I don’t think it’s special at all!

So, what’s your talent? We’ve all got one!

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Read the web article.

Strange sports
Do you hate playing traditional sports? Don’t worry! We have some very unusual sports for you!

Kaninhoppning, Sweden
Do you know a sport with horses jumping? Well, kaninhoppning is a Swedish sport like horse
jumping, but with rabbits. Rabbits don’t run but jump around a special course. People usually take
a long time to get their rabbits to do this. So how does a rabbit win? The rabbit with no mistakes
and the fastest time wins. Is the sport popular? Yes, it is! In the USA, there is a kaninhoppning
West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta, USA
In Tualatin, Oregon, there is a very strange race. They don’t use cars. They don’t use boats. They
use very big pumpkins. People from Tualatin grow big pumpkins and remove the insides. They then
take their pumpkins to a lake and put them in the water. After that, they sit inside the pumpkins
and race around a course. People do this for Halloween and wear amazing costumes. The regatta
also includes an eating contest, a costume contest and a pumpkin golf match play!
Cheese Rolling, UK
Do you like eating cheese? Every year in Cooper’s Hill in England you can also push some cheese
down a hill! People go to the hill and one person makes a very large round cheese go down the hill.
Then, everyone runs to get the cheese! The first person to get the cheese is the winner! The cheese
goes very fast. It sometimes goes at 70 miles an hour! It is not a safe sport. A thousand people get
injured every year at this event!

1 Read again and answer the questions.

1 What animals do people train for kaninhoppning?

2 What do animals do in kaninhoppning?
3 Where is kaninhoppning popular?
4 Where in Tualatin do people compete in the West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta?

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5 What time of year do people compete in the West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta?
6 What happens when the cheese goes down the hill?
7 How many people are hurt annually at this event?

2 Read again and choose the correct options to complete the sentences.
1 In kaninhoppning, the rabbits run / jump to win the competition.
2 Preparing a rabbit kaninhoppning is a very short / long process.
3 At the West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta, people swim / sail with pumpkins.
4 There is a competition for eating / pumpkin growing at the West Coast Giant Pumpkin Regatta.
5 At the cheese rolling event, people eat a lot of cheese / run very fast.
6 The cheese in the cheese rolling event is small and slow / big and fast.
7 About 70 / 1,000 people every year get hurt in the chees rolling event.

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1 Listen and write True or False next to the sentences.

1 Daisy is on a school trip. ____________
2 Adam is enjoying being there. ____________
3 Daisy is watching TV at the moment. ____________
4 Adam is skateboarding at the moment. ____________
5 Grace is good at skateboarding. ____________
6 Scott is not cooking meat. ____________
7 Daisy thinks Scott is a good cook. ____________

2 Listen and complete the sentences with one word.

1 Adam and his school are at an ___________ park.
2 Daisy is feeling very ___________.
3 Daisy says there are no good ___________ on TV.
4 Adam is waiting to go ___________ riding.
5 Adam is wearing a ___________.
6 Grace is doing some ___________ on her skateboard.
7 Mr Potter is helping Adam with the ___________.

A personal profile

Make some notes about yourself and write a personal profile. Include what you love / (don’t) like
hate / don’t mind doing as well as the talents and skills you have (or want to have). Write
between 120 and 140 words. Remember to use appropriate grammar and vocabulary for a
personal profile.

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