Architectural Design Competition Brief - Lignano-Pinewood - ENG

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an eco-hotel immersed in the forest
1 234

Lignano Sabbiadoro



The Competition


Submission Requirements



Promoters & Partners



Pineta and Riviera VII The Project XV Prizes & Mentions XXI Terms & Conditions XXVII

Lignano Pinewood IX Evaluation Criteria XVII Registration & Submission XXI Contact XXVIII
Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023
© Adobe Stock

Located in the northeast corner of Italy, Friuli
Venezia Giulia is a captivating region re-
nowned for its unique blend of diverse cul-
tures, stunning landscapes and rich historical
heritage. This enchanting territory shares its
borders with Austria to the north, Slovenia
to the east and the Adriatic Sea to the south,
making it a cultural combination that has
been shaped by centuries of multicultural
interactions and exchanges.

With its picturesque landscapes ranging from

the majestic peaks of the Julian Alps to the
sun-kissed shores along the Adriatic coast, the
region offers an unparalleled experience for
both nature enthusiasts and history lovers.

Cities such as Trieste, with its elegant neo-

classical structures and art nouveau style,
offer an immersion in the elegance of a by-
gone era. Udine, known for its medieval and
renaissance buildings, tells a story of artistic
and architectural prosperity, while Gorizia
represents a fascinating mix of Italian and
Slovenian influences.

Friuli Venezia Giulia’s architectural tapestry

is as intricate as it is inspiring. The meticu-
lous fusion of historical preservation and
forward-thinking urban planning has given
rise to cities that seem to breathe with the
ebb and flow of time. Particularly, the coast
of this fascinating region offers a further
surprise: Lignano Sabbiadoro. A unique town
over the Marano lagoon that sixty years ago
made even Ernest Hemingway fell in love with.


L I G N A NO Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023

© Adobe Stock

Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023
© Adobe Stock

Famous for its wide golden sandy beaches and
crystal clear waters, Lignano Sabbiadoro is a
renowned seaside destination attracting visi-
tors from all over the world. With a relatively
recent history as a touristic location, the
town has evolved considerably over the last
century until it became the renowned sum-
mer attraction that it is today.

Back in the early 1900s, Lignano was still a

spit of land covered by pinewoods between
sand dunes, salt meadows and sandbanks to-
wards the lagoon, connected to the mainland
through the rivers flowing into it.

The presence of extensive marshy areas has

always made these wild and isolated envi-
ronments difficult to inhabit. In fact, before
the reclamation of 1925, only around a hun-
dred people lived in the area including fisher-
men, farmers and hunters. The few settle-
ments that existed before the touristic
development were connected to limited
agricultural and fishing activities.

Following the conclusion of the 1st World War,

government-sponsored initiatives played a
pivotal role in facilitating the restoration of the
town’s war-inflicted damages, consequently
catalysing a real economic and touristic boom.
However, it was not until the 50’s and 60’s
that a real change took place in the urban
configuration of this magnificent location.


L I G N A NO Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023

© Adobe Stock


Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2000
© Archivio Storico

and Riviera
Thanks to the birth of the touristic Lignano,
which lead to the construction of new ho-
tels and accommodation facilities, the fifties
marked a strong change of pace in the ur-
ban development of the town.

In 1953, the famous Italian architect Marcel- A key facet of the Piccinato Plan lies in its
lo D’Olivo introduced the iconic spiral struc- road system, modelled on the morphology of
ture in Lignano’s “Pineta” area. This design the dunes and set on a rectangular grid, which
represented the fusion of tourism expansion defined building compartments served by a
and the preservation of natural green spac- capillary network of internal penetration
es within a unified vision. roads. A second peculiar element, perhaps
the most important, is the irregular grid of
Strategic architectural planning facilitated a green paths perpendicular to the beach and
low-density approach, safeguarding vegeta- connected to the coast.
tion and advocating for “sustainable” holiday
constructions. D’Olivo’s pioneering project The seascape, the extended beach, the dunes,
marked the beginning of a new era in Ligna- the river landscape of the Tagliamento delta
no’s urban development as a city of tourism, and the large wooded lands characterise Lig-
evident through the defined and coherent nano’s Southern Development Plan, a terri-
articulation of forms and proportions. tory that has not undergone substantial
changes during the last decades.
In the southernmost part of the territory, on
the other hand, arises the so-called “Riviera”. In fact, it is easy to notice that the entire
The area is characterised by the design con- area situated from Corso dei Continenti
tribution of the architect Luigi Piccinato, street to the northwest side has maintained
who in 1957 proposed a detailed plan that its natural character, almost devoid of con-
differed greatly from that of the Pineta. De- structions. This land belonging to the Riviera
spite the dissimilarities, both strategies neighbourhood known as “Pineta di Ligna-
shared a common thread of privileging the no”- due to its variety of pine species - is a
existing natural landscape. natural oasis that has long resisted the pres-
sure of new developments.

However, its lack of connection with the ur-

ban fabric and the absence of programs that
allow its daily use have led to its current state
of inaccessibility and poor maintenance.

Lignano Sabbiadoro, 1957
© Archivio Luigi Piccinato

Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023
© Adobe Stock

Famous for its natural beauty, Lignano’s Pine
Forest represents one of the most distinctive
locations of the city: a wild environment cha-
racterised by autochthonous vegetation typical
of the Adriatic coastal dunes. This landscape
has been recognised as a Site of Community
Interest and as part of the European Natura
2000 network, highlighting its crucial eco-
logical value for the whole territory.

Together with the beach, the Pinewood plays

a key role for Lignano’s ecosystem, fulfilling
the main functions of wild forests, but above
all, characterising this littoral town in such a
significant way.

The site comprises an area of about 118 hec-

tares. It hosts natural habitats that have al-
ready disappeared in other neighbouring
environments and flora and fauna at risk of
extinction, making it an area of unique natu-
ralistic relevance.

This large portion of the Piccinato Plan was

originally designed in connection with the ur-
ban fabric and the pedestrian paths of the
Riviera. Although today a large part of the
Pine Forest is protected, several plots are
privately owned. The pressures of real estate
development in a touristic attraction like
Lignano are not few, and the risk of uncon-
trolled speculation is now stronger than ever.


L I G N A NO Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023

© Adobe Stock


Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023
© Google Earth
Adobe Stock

The urban growth of Lignano Sabbiadoro has

been notable in the recent decades, involving
the construction of numerous hotels, re-
sorts, apartments, among other facilities
capable of meeting the demands of both
visitors and its own inhabitants.

It is important to note that many of these

structures were planned and built with atten-
tion to the surrounding environment, seeking
to preserve the natural beauty of the area,
including the Pinewood. Currently, there is a
strong need to equip the city with new fa-
cilities capable of facing the dynamics of
tourism and therefore, there is a risk of ig-
noring the ecological importance of the
available land.

The question that arises then is that of gui-

ding the growth of a city in such a way that it
can do so while respecting and valuing the
existing natural context. In this regard, the
example of D’Olivo and Piccinato’s Master-
plans could represent a great source of in-

Although it may seem contradictory at first

glance, the integration of new functions
within the Pine Forest buildable surface -
just a minor portion of it - could generate
positive effects in terms of maintenance
and care of an area that is currently suffe-
ring the effects of neglect.

The ambitious aim of this competition is to

achieve the incorporation of new eco-hotel
complex within Lignano’s Pinewood, while si-
multaneously ensuring the enhancement and
preservation of its natural surroundings.


L I G N A NO Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023

© TerraViva

Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023
© TerraViva

the Competition
Designing an architecture project within a
wild context like a Pinewood requires a deep
understanding of the local environment, a
special commitment to sustainability and a
careful balance between human needs and
ecological conservation.

Participants will take on the task of designing

a masterplan capable of integrating and re-
establishing the connection between Lignano In order to offer a different type of accommo-
Pinewood and the pedestrian paths of the dation than hotel rooms, it will be necessary
Piccinato Plan. to design a series of independent apartment
units, which can be organised individually or
This comprehensive strategy will include the as duplexes.
revitalisation of the Commercial Plaza at the
end of Via delle Arti boulevard - originally The general strategy will have to maintain
designed by architect Aldo Bernardis - morphological coherence, prioritising the
which is further connected to the Unicef integration of buildings and pathways with
Park (area targeted in our previous compe- the natural landscape while preserving as
tition entitled The Golden Sand Waterfront). many trees and vegetation as possible.

Furthermore, contestants will have to con- The design must take into account both the
centrate their efforts on the intervention area choice of materials and the formal image of
within the Pinewood, where the primary task will the volumes, pursuing a harmonious combi-
involve the design of an Eco-Hotel complex. nation with the environment through the use
of colours and textures that merge with the
This accommodation structure must com- forest. Be sensitive and avoid designing a
prise all the essential facilities and ameni- concrete monster!
ties, such as reception, restaurant and pool,
among others, in order to ensure a com- Regarding the masterplan, buildings may be
fortable and unique stay for the guests. distributed freely according to the criteria
of each designer. Naturally, the layout must
be justified through the general concept
behind the project. Both the most compact
proposals and those more distributed and
spread around the site will be equally valued.


L I G N A NO Lignano Sabbiadoro, 2023

© TerraViva

The Project
Germany, 2023
© hochC Landscape Architects

1) Masterplan & General Strategy

It will be required to outline a general Ma-
sterplan that comprehends all the Pinewood
territory, including the Eco-Hotel interven-
tion area, together with the Via delle Arti sea, giving Lignano a new attractive and
boulevard that concludes in the Commercial functional urban space. Contestants will be
Plaza. The masterplan should indicate the encouraged to propose a new urban strate-
new pedestrian connections between the gy able to link Via delle Arti with the Com-
former Piccinato pathways, the Pine Forest mercial Plaza and the Unicef Park. Through a
and the waterfront. clear and recognisable spatial continuity, it
will be possible to establish a new pedestrian
Moreover, designers will be asked to pro- corridor that gives life to the Plaza, currently
pose a series of naturalistic trails capable of isolated and in poor conditions.
allowing visitors to explore the different
areas of the Pinewood throughout the year. 3) Accommodation Complex
These tracks could be equipped with strate- Designers are encouraged to focus on the
gic info points, sport facilities, urban furni- development of the Pinewood intervention
ture, lighting devices and any specific func- area, with the aim of delivering a for-
tional element that might contribute to the ward-thinking concept for an Eco-Resort
reactivation and accessibility of the site. immersed in a completely natural environ-
ment. The entire project must cover an
The proposal should be presented at an ur- overall surface of around 12.000 square
ban scale and it will not be strictly necessary metres and the main buildings can reach a
to go into details about all the connections. maximum height of ground floor + 3 stories.
In any case, participants will be free to
choose a series of representative points in The accommodation program will be divided
the event that they want to give more in- into two categories: the main Eco-Hotel and
sights about their project. a series of the independent Apartment Units.
Additionally, it will be required to design
2) Commercial Plaza & Via delle Arti common facilities accessible to all the guests,
With the idea of reinforcing the importance which could also be open to the public.
of this urban axis, it will be necessary to de-
sign new connections and pedestrian paths The goal is not only to design a one of a kind
that allow fluidity and accessibility from the touristic experience within the Pinewood,
Pinewood to the waterfront and vice versa. but also to provide users with a unique op-
The Commercial Plaza, currently neglected portunity to immerse themselves in the
and underused, could become the point of natural environment, perceiving it from a
convergence between the forest and the completely different perspective.

More detailed info will be published in a dedi-

cated guide downloadable from our website.


L I G N A NO Estonia, 2011
© Transsolar & Tetsuo Kondo Architects

Germany, 2020
© Christoph Hesse Architects

The jury will evaluate all the proposals
according to the following principles:

- Originality of the concept;

- Integration with the natural context;

- Creative interpretation of the program;

- Sensitive use of materials and textures;

- Environmental impact;

- Graphic representation;

Projects that express a special sensitivity

towards landscape design and quality ar-
chitectural solutions will be highly ap-

Reaching deep technical-constructive

details will not be considered extremely
important in the evaluation process.

A complete package with all the docu-

mentation regarding the site (photos,
maps, dwg drawings) will be available for
all participants on TerraViva website.


L I G N A NO Norway, 2023
© Effekt

1) Three A1 panels [59,4 x 84,1 cm]
- Files format: .jpg
“Early” Registrations
- File name 1: order n°_1 (ex. 12345_1)
from 20.11.2023
- File name 2: order n°_2 (ex. 12345_2)
to 19.01.2024 - (h 3:00 pm CET)
- File name 3: order n°_3 (ex. 12345_3)
- Maximum file size: 20 megabytes each
- Panels orientation: landscape
- Text language: english
“Standard” Registrations
The panels must contain all the necessary from 19.01.2024
graphic information to explain the project in to 16.02.2024 - (h 3:00 pm CET)
the best way (title, diagrams, sketches, 3D
visualizations, plans and sections, renders,
collages, model photos, etc..). All kinds of
graphic representations will be accepted. “Late” Registrations
from 16.02.2024
The Order Number (ex. 12345) must be to 15.03.2024 - (h 3:00 pm CET)
placed in the upper right corner of each
panel. The panels must NOT contain any
other reference to the identity of the
participants (name, office, university, etc). Submission Deadline
More details on the content to be included in 15.03.2024 - (h 3:00 pm CET)
each A1 Panel will be specified in a dedicated
guide downloadable on the TerraViva website.

2) A brief text describing the proposal Winners Announcement

- File format: .docx/.doc 08.04.2024
- File name: order n°_text (ex. 12345_text)
- Text lenght: from 250 to 500 words
- Text language: english


L I G N A NO Spain, 2019
© Leku Studio

Prizes + Submission
& The registration and submission procedure must
Mentions be done online by only one of the team members:

• Open and go to

Competitions > “Lignano Pinewood”;

• Click on Register, follow the instructions, enter

the requested information and complete your
registration procedure;
1 S T
P R I Z E : 7 . 0 0 0 €
• Once the registration procedure is concluded,
2 N D
P R I Z E : 2 . 0 0 0 € you will receive a confirmation email with the re-
ceipt and the link to download “Lignano Pine-
3 R D
P R I Z E : 1 . 0 0 0 € wood” package (please check also the spam fold-

4 G O L D E N M E N T I O N S > 50 0 € E AC H
• Inside the Download Package you will find the
competition brief and the instructions for the fi-
10 H O N O R A B L E M E N T I O N S > 1 FR E E CO M PE T I T I O N I N 202 4
nal submission;

• In the confirmation email you will also receive

3 0 FI N A L I S T S
the Order Number that will be your identifier on
the final submission procedure;

• Follow the instructions contained in the Down-

load Package to proceed with the submission of
your proposal;
p riz es b y • Submissions have to be done through the same
Lign an o S ab b iad oro Mun icip al ity website, accessing the Upload section and follow-
ing the steps indicated on the page; after com-
The Municipality reserves the right to contact pleting the submission process, you will receive a
the designers in case it decides to carry out confirmation email;
the executive phase of any of the proposals.
• Participants can address any questions to info@
The awarded projects will be shared with ar- Every question will be
chitecture magazines and platforms. All the answered by email, and updates will be published
finalists proposals will be published on: weekly in the FAQ section of the competition
website until March 1st.


L I G N A NO Chile, 2022
© Bla! Estudio Creativo + Abarca Palma Arquitectos

Jur y

Zaha Hadid Architects Kengo Kuma & Associates NAME architecture Pedro Henrique Arquiteto

Martina Rosati Andrea Federico Toccolini Nathalie Rozencwajg Marco Leitão

London, United Kingdom Tokyo, Japan London, United Kingdom Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal

Martina is an Architect and Photographer Andrea Toccolini pursued his education at Nathalie Rozencwajg is the founder of Since 2018 Marco graduated Architecture
based in London. Before joining Zaha Hadid Politecnico di Milano (Italy), ultimately NAME Architecture, and an international- Master’s degree at Faculdade Arquitetura
Architects, where she currently works as earning his master’s degree from Universi- ly-acclaimed award-winning architect. She Universidade Porto, Portugal. In 2018, he
Senior Architect, she has worked interna- dade Autonoma de Lisboa (Portugal) under began her career working for a number of studied at the Università Degli Studi di
tionally in UAE, Italy and UK. Martina has the guidance of Manuel and Francisco Ai- internationally renowned practices on pro- Ferrara, with special focus on restoration
extensive experience on leading the design res Mateus. During his career in Lisbon, jects in London, Beijing, Athens and Mecca. projects and photogrammetry. During his
development and coordination of mixed- he collaborated with distinguished archi- She went on to co-found RARE architec- Master’s Thesis, he collaborated with
use buildings, headquarters and master- tectural offices, including Arx Portugal, ture, where she was a Director for 12 years, DFL-Digital Fabrication Laboratory, where
plans, from concept to construction. Marti- Ines Lobo, and Ricardo Bak Gordon, honing responsible for a portfolio of award-winning he developed and executed projects using
na studied architecture in Italy, at the his expertise. In 2017, he embarked on a projects. Her clients have included Club diverse digital fabrication tools. He also had
University of Florence where she received a professional journey with Kengo Kuma & Med, Accor and Unlisted Collection, British experience at the design, execution and
Bachelor’s Degree in Architectural Design Associates (KKAA), where he currently Airways, Land Securities and the Berkeley coordination of commercial stands for
and a Master of Architecture. She also serves as a Project Director. In this role, Group. She has gained a reputation for her recognized architectural fairs and exhibi-
studied in the UK where she graduated from he leads international competitions and collaborative approach and for creating icon- tions. His career began at Monteiro
the Architectural School of Architecture, oversees projects such as the extension of ic projects which breathe new life into his- Guedes Arquitetura, in 2019, where he
receiving the Architecture and Urbanism The Gulbenkian Museum, the Butrint toric buildings and in conservation areas. Na- developed multiple large-scale commer-
MArch (AADRL). Her research on the po- UNESCO visitor center, and the Expo thalie is a regular contributor to architecture cial projects, BIM modeling and project
tential of computation and fabrication to Osaka 2025. Since then, he has been and design journals, speaking and lecturing coordination. More recently, at Pedro
generate time-based and adaptive archi- sharing his knowledge through lectures in to a wide range of international audiences. Henrique Arquiteto practice, he imple-
tecture was carried out at the Bartlett Italy, Portugal, and the UK. In 2019, he She was shortlisted for the Architect Jour- mented the BIM methodology defining
School of Architecture (UCL) where she received the Italian NIB prize, awarding nal’s Emerging Woman Architect of the Year standards and workflows, alongside with
taught as Teaching Fellow and Lecturer for him as one of the best 10 Italian architects and identified by The Guardian newspaper as the development of several architectural
5 years at the Architectural Design MArch. under 35. one of its “10 Women Architects to watch”. projects.

Jur y

Andreas Gruber Architekt. Tatiana Dimou Architects Atelier Bau AS/D Arquitectos

Federico Minelli Tatiana Dimou Thibaut Gevers Paola Morales O.

Naz-Sciaves, Italy Patras, Greece Antwerp, Belgium Mexico City, Mexico

During his three-years bachelor’s degree Tatiana was born in Athens (Greece) in 1985 Gevers started his architectural career in Paola Morales graduated from the Univer-
Federico won several scholarships that and she has studied Architecture at the 2012 in a large architecture firm in Antwerp, sidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City in
brought him around the globe. Starting University of Patras. She considers herself POLO architects. They won the first com- 2002. She has a Master’s Degree in Ad-
from his 6-months Erasmus+ for study in one of the most experienced people with petition (Care Hotel) he did with them and vanced Architectural Design from the
Frankfurt, the Erasmus+ for Traineeship in strong motivations in the field of architec- he was able to work on that project from de- Graduate School of Architecture, Planning
Paris going through workshops involving ture as she has worked in design and con- sign until execution. After that he decided and Preservation at Columbia University in
other people and cultures such as “VER- struction for several years. Her design prin- he wanted to focus on architecture compe- New York City in 2006. Currently, she is
NADOC” based in Iran and “Arquata del ciples are aimed at: nourishing the creativity, titions and he became the Team Coordina- the founding Director of AS/D along his
Tronto Heritage and Community”. Thanks utilizing responsible planning in order to tor of POLO Labs, a team of 10-12 people partner Fernando Velasco RT, where she
to his path he gained the possibility to win a promote social and environmental plans, working on competitions, feasibility studies obtained AZ AWARDS for Casa Alta 2012,
scholarship for a “Double Degree Program” valuing the constant research and self-dis- and research projects. He found very inte- Noldi Shreck Award 2016 for Casa 4.1.4.
sponsored by Politecnico di Milano and cipline, offering people expertise and a resting to work on a variety of projects in a She has collaborated with Studio Daniel
Tonji University (Shanghai). So he moved to friendly environment. Simplicity means eve- short time frame (residential buildings, Libeskind NYC, Rafael Viñoly Architects
Shanghai for one year experiencing all its rything to Tatiana. Her projects are charac- schools, hospitals, sport infrastructure, pub- NYC, TEN Arquitectos NYC, LCM Labo-
faces. Thanks to his attitude he has finished terized by minimalism and love for empty lic buildings...). After 10 fruitful years at ratory of Mexico City Fernando Romero,
his studies in time with the schedule of five space. Through this approach she pursues a POLO architects he decided it was time for Tatiana Bilbao y Mark Seligson and Lucio
years. Afterwards he applied for a job while creative and a unique story in every project. a new challenge. A year of travelling and Muniain et al in Mexico City. Studios at the
studying for the state exam. The choice to One of her main purpose is to host con- searching for inspiration in other cities and Faculty of Architecture at the Universi-
apply in the Alps at AGA (Andreas Gruber temporary Greek creativity from a variety cultures made him decide to start his own dad Anáhuac (México City). First place in
Architekten) was mainly driven by emotions of relevant fields: Architecture, Visual Arts office, Atelier Bau. There he focus his work the Chambord Inachevé Inter-University
and the energy he gather from the land- and Design. Many exhibitions of important on small scale projects, while he keeps col- Competition in France, International Com-
scape that defines these areas and its ver- Greek and foreign artists are being orga- laborating with other offices on architecture petition convened by Dominique Perrault
nacular and typical architecture. nized all year round at her office. competitions. in 2018.


L I G N A NO Sweden, 2014
© Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture


L I G N A NO Canada, 2020
© Bourgeois, Lechasseur Architects

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tional projects it is necessary to pay additional fees; not receive any refund;
R. By registering to the website of TerraViva S.r.l. par- - PRIVACY -
F. The payment methods accepted are: PayPal, Satis- ticipants declare to fully and unconditionally accept all l. By accepting the Terms and Conditions participants
pay, credit card, bank transfer, payments in cryptocur- the Terms and Conditions of the competitions without expressly declare that they do not fall under any of The processing of participants’ personal data will be car-
rency; any exception; these causes of ineligibility; ried out, with both manual and digital means, by Terra-
Viva S.r.l. for the sole purpose of the participation in the
G. Prizes are established regardless of the number of S. The Terms and Conditions and any other rule can be
- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS - competition and distribu-tion of the prizes in compli-
members of a team. TerraViva S.r.l. pays all the com- modified by TerraViva S.r.l. without prior notification. ance with art.13, EU Reg. 2016/679. We invite all com-
missions charged by its bank for the prizes’ payment, The Terms and Conditions and any other rule can be petitors to read it carefully. Participants will be held ac-
the com-missions that may be applied by the winner’s Each submitted document, both in paper and digital
waived by special rules pertaining to single competi- countable for the data - including personal data - they
bank or the commissions for currency ex-change have format, will remain in full and exclusive property of the
tions; provide. TerraViva S.r.l. does not assume any responsi-
to be paid exclusively by the winner. The prizes will be Municipality of Lignano Sabbiadoro, which may add all
the necessary modifications at its complete discretion bility for wrong or false data provided. In any case, ac-
awarded after the verification of the identity of the win- T. The Italian law regulates the rules of the competitions
in any way it should consider appropriate, without ad- cording to privacy policies, TerraViva S.r.l. has the right
ners and after the winners have signed a self-declara- and any other rule on the website. Any controversy that to verify participants’ personal data by requesting a copy
tion certifying that they fully accept all the Terms and might arise shall be of exclusive competence of the mitting any kind of claim from TerraViva S.r.l. or the par-
ticipants of the competition. The material may be pu- of an identity document that reports the same data en-
Conditions of the competition; Court of Milan; tered for the registration;
blished by the Municipality. TerraViva S.r.l. and the par-
H. The jury is composed by experts of the fields of ar- U. The Terms and Conditions will be provided also in ticipants of the competition expressly renounce to any
chitecture which are independent and impartial. The Italian and other languages, but, in case of doubt of in- right related to the material produced under these - WEBSITE -
jury’s decision is the result of a mere aesthetic evalua- terpretation, the English version shall prevail; Terms & Conditions. The authors of the projects that
tion and cannot, in any case, be challenged. Participants have been awarded, including mentions and shortlisted The website and its contents cannot be copied, repro-
therefore accept not to challenge the decision nor the projects, commit to provide TerraViva S.r.l., in due time, duced, published or distributed without the permission
evaluation of the jury. In case one or more members of with any additional graphic material which can be re- of TerraViva S.r.l.; By submitting a project in any way to
the jury withdraw, TerraViva S.r.l. will substitute him/ The occurring of any of these cases will be ground for quired by TerraViva S.r.l.; TerraViva S.r.l. reserves the TerraViva S.r.l. the individual or team accepts full re-
them with a new member equally distinguished and im- the disqualification of the participant and/or their teams right to use the submitted material for paper or digital sponsibil-ity for the text, images, video footage and any
partial; without exception: publications and exhibitions, and the right to use, adjust, other form of media that is provided. TerraViva S.r.l. is
modify, publish, show, reproduce and distribute the not responsible for the communications between users
I. TerraViva S.r.l. is not responsible for the possible bad a. Any gross violation of the Terms and Conditions; projects for marketing and advertising purposes in any and third parties on its website, nor can guarantee that
execution of the project. In any case the evaluation of way or form and with any means of communication and/ the website or the downloadable files are without viruses
the jury and winning of a prize cannot be considered as b. Submission of any material using a different proce- or support, according to the “Reproduction right and or similar harmful software;


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