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elementary logic

intro to philosophy

Natural Deduction
for Propositional Logic

Dr Carlo Nicolai
another approach to validity
proofs in natural deduction

Proofs in Natural Deduction are trees of L1 -sentences

P→Q [P]
¬P ∨ Q [¬(¬P ∨ Q)]
¬P ∨ Q [¬(¬P ∨ Q)]
¬P ∨ Q
rules for ∧

The result of appending φ ∧ ψ to a proof of φ and a proof
of ψ is a proof of φ ∧ ψ.

.. ..
. .
φ ψ
rules for ∧

∧Elim1 and ∧Elim2

(1) The result of appending φ to a proof of φ ∧ ψ is a proof of φ.
(2) The result of appending ψ to a proof of φ ∧ ψ is a proof of ψ.

.. ..
. .
φ∧ψ φ∧ψ
∧Elim1 ∧Elim2
φ ψ
(P ∧ Q) ∧ R ⊢ P
Q ∧ P, R ⊢ P ∧ R
rules for →

The result of appending ψ to a proof of φ and a proof of φ → ψ
is a proof of ψ.

.. ..
. .
φ φ→ψ

This rule is often called ‘Modus Ponens’.

P → Q, P ⊢ Q
P → Q, (P ∧ R) ∧ R ⊢ Q
The result of appending φ → ψ to a proof of ψ and discharging
all assumptions of φ in the proof of ψ is a proof of φ → ψ.
Conditional proof in informal reasoning.
(1) If it’s poison and Tyrion looks at it, then he needs to be imprisoned.
(2) It’s poison
So (C) if Tyrion looks at it, he needs to be imprisoned.
Informal proof. Assume Tyrion looks at it.
Then (by 2) it’s poison and he looks at it.
Then (by 1 and MP) he needs to be imprisoned.
So (by conditional proof) if Tyrion looks at it, he needs to be
P, (P ∧ Q) → R ⊢ Q → R 25
We can now define Γ ⊢ φ.
Let Γ be a set of sentences and φ a sentence.

Definition (Provable)
The sentence φ is provable from Γ if and only if:
▶ there is a proof of φ with only sentences in Γ as
non-discharged assumptions.

▶ Γ ⊢ φ is short for φ is provable from Γ
▶ ⊢ φ is short for ∅ ⊢ φ
▶ ψ1 , . . . , ψn ⊢ φ is short for {ψ1 , . . . , ψn } ⊢ φ.
assumption rule
The occurrence of a sentence φ with no sentence above it is
an assumption. An assumption of φ is a proof of φ.

This may seem odd.

RULES FOR ∨, ¬, ↔
rules for ∨

The introduction rules are straightforward.

.. ..
. .
φ ψ
∨Intro1 ∨Intro2
φ∨ψ φ∨ψ
The elimination rule is a little more complex.

[φ] [ψ]
.. .. ..
. . .
φ∨ψ χ χ
χ ∨Elim
Proof by cases in informal reasoning
(1) Either Tyrion flees before the trial by combat and does not die, or
Bronn fights in the trial by combat and Tyrion does not die.
So, (C) Tyrion does not die.
Informal proof. Suppose (1)
Case (i): Tyrion flees before the trial by combat and does not die. So:
Tyrion does not die.
Case (ii): Bronn fights in the trial by combat and Tyrion does not die.
So: Tyrion does not die.
Either way then, (C) follows: Tyrion does not die.
(¬P ∧ Q) ∨ (R ∧ ¬P) ⊢ ¬P
the rules for ¬

Here are the rules for ¬.

[φ] [φ] [¬φ] [¬φ]
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
ψ ¬ψ ψ ¬ψ
¬Intro ¬Elim
¬φ φ

The proof technique is known as reductio ad absurdum.

¬(P → Q) ⊢ ¬Q
⊢ P ∨ ¬P
Rules for ↔

These are reminiscent of the rules for →

[φ] [ψ]
.. ..
. .
ψ φ

.. .. .. ..
. . . .
φ↔ψ φ φ↔ψ ψ
↔Elim1 ↔Elim2
ψ φ
a simple example

⊢ (P ∧ P) ↔ P
another simple example

⊢ (P ∨ P) ↔ P
a remarkable property of propositional logic

Theorem (Adequacy for propositional logic)

Let Γ be a set of sentences of L1 , and φ be a sentence of L1 .
Γ ⊢ φ if and only if Γ ⊨ φ

The theorem says that proofs in natural deduction

correspond to valid arguments.
As a consequence:
For φ a sentence of L1 , ⊢ φ iff ⊨ φ.

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