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of Music
04 Who We Are

08 Berklee by the Numbers

10 What We Believe

12 The Beat of Boston

16 What You'll Learn

18 Standout Faculty

20 Specialized Programs

24 Campus Life, Community, and Support

26 Career and Alumni Connections

28 Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Transfer Credit

30 How to Apply

32 Other Ways to Engage with Berklee

34 Start Your Journey

Who We Are
Dynamic. Influential. Wildly creative.
Berklee College of Music is the leading educational
institution of contemporary music, located in one of the
world’s great artistic cities. We give talented musicians
creative outlets and commercial skills. Since 1945,
generations of artists have broken the mold at Berklee.

We know that musical careers demand a blend of

nurturing, networking, and technology. We equip
students with cutting-edge knowledge to pursue timeless
dreams. We connect them with advantageous internships
and professional connections. Long after graduation,
Berklee is a hub for a generous, distinguished network
of alumni who inspire, mentor, and elevate.

Berklee continually cultivates its own promise—stretching, expanding, and reinventing itself in a
rapidly changing world. In recent years, Berklee has opened new campuses in New York City and
Valencia, Spain, and grown Berklee Online into the world’s largest online music school. In 2016,
the Boston Conservatory—the oldest and one of the most prestigious conservatories in the U.S. for
dance, music, and theater—joined forces with Berklee College of Music, establishing a performing
arts training institution unparalleled in its breadth and depth. As a combined institution, Berklee is
an education powerhouse with global reach and vast cultural impact.

Berklee College of Music

Boston Conservatory
at Berklee
Berklee NYC
Berklee Online
Berklee Summer
Berklee Valencia
Each year, Berklee
is recognized as one
of the top music
colleges worldwide.

Berklee by the Numbers
A Berklee degree has global influence. Our innovative curriculum, exceptional faculty,
career opportunities, and accomplished alumni set us apart. Each year, we’re recognized
as one of the top music colleges worldwide by publications such as Billboard, The
Hollywood Reporter, and Forbes.

5,000 undergraduate students


1,000 courses

1:6 undergraduate faculty-to-student ratio

$90M in scholarships awarded annually

100 countries represented in student body


87% of students employed in their field of

study within 18 months of graduation

330 alumni Grammy wins


350 ensemble opportunities,

the most of any college
8 in the world
“Berklee helped
me define myself
as a composer.”

What We Believe
We believe in the value of contemporary music. Music is the
universal soundtrack of the human experience. We focus on today’s
music in all its forms—from songwriting and performance to music
therapy and video game sound design—and shape its future.

We believe in the power of diversity. Berklee draws students from

more than 100 countries. Different ideas, opinions, backgrounds,
cultures, identities, and histories amplify inspiration and innovation,
deepen the educational experience, and boost creativity and careers.
We care for each other and for the well-being of our community.

We believe that connections are crucial. This includes connections

between traditions, instruments, and art forms; institutions and artists;
and alumni, faculty, and students. We spark these interactions across
our campuses. We nurture a dynamic, inclusive, supportive, and
collaborative global arts community that opens doors and
unlocks dreams.

We believe in our ability to make a difference. Not only in music

education, but in the power of all creative expression—and in the
careers and lives of artists like you.

The Beat
Boston, Massachusetts, is home to our flagship
campus. It’s the birthplace of the American
Revolution, and the spirit of that revolution hasn’t
stopped. This is a city of firsts, of rich history and
modern innovation. It’s reflected in our music
scene: bohemian yet sophisticated, polished
but audacious.

This is where music critic Jon Landau watched

an unknown Bruce Springsteen perform,
declaring that he saw the future of rock and roll.
It’s where Joan Baez gave her first folk performance,
known only as “girl with a guitar.” It’s where Miles
Davis chose to stage his comeback; where
Aerosmith, The Cars, J. Geils, and Tracy Chapman
first electrified audiences; and where Leonard
Bernstein and James Taylor got started.

of Boston
Now, it’s still the city of choice for performers
who value our open-mindedness, creativity, and
expansiveness. From underground speakeasies to
historic jazz clubs to some of the world’s most
prestigious concert halls, Boston buzzes.

Exceptional Studios
Our Boston campus houses 16 professional production facilities on
par with major Hollywood studios and commercial enterprises. At our
custom-built facility at 160 Massachusetts Avenue, you’ll find a 10-stu-
dio music production complex, among the largest of its kind in the
United States. It’s also home to the Shames Family Scoring Stage, a
2,200-square-foot studio where up to 50 musicians can record at once.
At Berklee, it’s all yours.

Professional Performance Venues

Berklee produces thousands of events every year. Some are major
events, staged in our 1,215-seat Berklee Performance Center, a nucleus
of the Boston artistic community. Others happen spontaneously, in
our 400-seat dining hall. Music echoes throughout campus, always. It’s
our philosophy and our language.

What You’ll Learn
Berklee College of Music offers two undergraduate degree types: a
Bachelor of Music and a Bachelor of Arts. Many of our Bachelor of Music
majors are also available as a Professional Diploma program, which puts a
heavier emphasis on the study of music with fewer liberal arts courses.

Bachelor of Music Majors Bachelor of Arts in Music

All first-year students take Berklee’s core Industry Leadership
music curriculum, designed to solidify and Innovation
musical understanding and technique before
declaring a major. You’ll be matched with The Bachelor of Arts in music industry
classes fitting your individual level of leadership and innovation program gives
musicianship to study the following topics: students a foundation in design thinking
and strategic leadership in one of three
Arranging specializations: marketing and product
development, licensing and administration,
Ear Training or emerging technologies. No audition or
Harmony instrument proficiency is required—this
program provides access and opportunity
Tonal Harmony and Counterpoint for non-musicians/performers to pursue a
Music Technology music industry career.
Instrumental/Vocal Performance Labs
Private Instruction

While completing your degree over eight

semesters, you’ll pursue the major (or
possibly two) of your choice. Our curriculum
blends creativity with practicality: You’ll have
a full year to explore degree options and
identify your interests before declaring your
major. A few majors require a secondary
application for admission to that major. You
may change majors after declaring, but this
could add time to your degree.

Bachelor of Music Majors
Black Music and Culture Jazz Composition
Engage with and contextualize the Build on the rich history of jazz by
historical, social, artistic, and cultural creating compositions and musical
contributions of the global African scores for a variety of ensembles
diaspora at the intersection of arts and musical settings.
and culture—namely music, dance,
and theater. Music Business/Management
Learn the fundamentals of the
Composition music business from a musician’s
Gain inspiration and world- perspective. Dive into the legal,
class instruction in composition, financial, and artistic nuances
conducting, or related fields by of the contemporary music
studying a variety of composition business industry.
techniques, instrumentation,
and orchestration. Music Education
Realize your dream of teaching and
Contemporary Writing mentoring the next generation of
and Production musicians. Learn how to meet the
Develop your writing, arranging, needs of diverse learners by using
and producing acumen in a the latest pedagogical practices.
diverse community of professional
musicians, with the necessary skills to Music Production
work in a studio environment. and Engineering
Develop expertise in engineering,
Electronic Production production, editing, mixing, and
and Design mastering. Master the latest tools
Excel in a world where and techniques and gain essential
experimentation, artistry, and experience to meet the changing
technology meet. Learn to use demands of the recording industry.
technology to create and produce
compositions, sonic design, Music Therapy
and instruments. Use music’s power to connect
people, heal trauma, and improve
Film and Media Scoring quality of life. Gain real-world
Learn to compose, arrange, and experience through internships
conduct music for film, television, and clinical research.
and video games.
Game and Interactive Learn the skills, concepts, and
Media Scoring methodology for your principal
Develop modern approaches to instrument to pursue the highest
video-game-scoring in state-of-the- levels of professional performance.
art studios and scoring labs using
compositional techniques, game and Professional Music
media technology, and interactive Innovate and design your own
scoring methodologies. musical path through Berklee’s
expansive curriculum. Work with
Independent Recording advisors to curate an educational
and Production plan tailored to your goals.
Develop skills to become an effective
music producer at the intersection Songwriting
of art, aesthetics, and commercial Master melody, harmony, arranging,
viability. Using the personal DAW- and lyric writing, and build a
based toolkit of the independent competitive portfolio of original
producer, record, mix, and master songs. Learn to write artfully and gain 17
music at an advanced level. essential skills to create commercially
viable material.
Standout Faculty
Berklee faculty have thrilled audiences on world stages as musicians and orchestrated
stunning performances behind the scenes as producers, composers, managers, and
more. You’ll have a front-row seat in the classroom, thanks to a 1:6 faculty-to-student
ratio. These industry leaders will become your mentors, collaborators, and industry

Our faculty have:

• Produced albums for Prince, David Byrne, Mary J. Blige, Nine Inch Nails, Destiny's
Child, Radiohead, Tina Turner, Dave Matthews Band, Lou Reed, P. Diddy, Usher,
Warren Zevon, Hole, Los Amigos Invisibles, and more

• Performed with Beyoncé, Aretha Franklin, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Lalah Hathaway,
Susan Tedeschi, Steven Tyler, John Mayer, Sting, Hank Jones, Yo-Yo Ma,
Dave Holland, Jill Scott, and more

• Scored and orchestrated award-winning movies, television shows, and video

games such as Spider-Man 3, Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, The Grudge 3,
Bioshock Infinite, League of Legends, Strata, Pet Sematary, Ghost Rider, Wild Wild
Country, and more

• Won Grammy, Oscar, Tony, and Emmy awards

• Been published in research journals, and authored industry-leading books

“It was all or nothing, and
that's why I'm at Berklee.”

Specialized Programs
Harvard-Berklee Joint Studies Program
The Harvard–Berklee Joint Studies program allows students to engage in coursework at
Berklee while pursuing a Bachelor of Arts at Harvard University. The program benefits
musically and intellectually talented students who wish to pursue a contemporary music
education at Berklee and a rigorous liberal arts education at Harvard. Students receive
their Bachelor of Arts after four years, and have the option to pursue a master’s degree
(either an M.M. or M.A.) at Berklee.

Study in Spain
Our campus in Valencia, Spain, brings the
Berklee trademarks—accomplished faculty,
best-in-class studios and equipment, and
a dynamic, diverse student body—to the
iconic City of Arts and Sciences. As an
undergraduate, you can experience Valencia
alongside fellow Berklee musicians through
our First Year Abroad program or our
semester-long Study Abroad program.
There are also several graduate and summer
programs offered on the Valencia campus.

Berklee is your
launchpad, where
you’ll improve,
evolve, and advance
as a musician.

Campus Life,
Community, and Support
Connect Create
Your first year will be filled with music, From baroque synthesizer to Afro-pop,
exploration, and creative breakthroughs. Berklee offers over 350 ensembles—the
This is a community of more than 5,000 most of any school, anywhere. In your first
passionate musicians in the heart of a major semester as a Bachelor of Music student, we’ll
city—but rest assured you won’t be left to place you with an ensemble based on your
navigate it on your own. Specially chosen preferred genre and audition rating. After that,
Berklee student ambassadors show you the you choose.
way. This advising service is available
to all students: Ask questions, get tips,
make friends.

Meanwhile, our Student Success team

offers numerous resources to ensure
you’re supported while on campus,
including one-on-one tutoring and new
student mentorship. They’ll help you find
your rhythm.

Thrive with Berklee Bridge

Berklee Bridge is a network of student success services, support, and resources
that exists to guide you, from enrollment to graduation, on your unique journey to
achieve your academic and personal goals. Our cohesive support system brings you
the right people at the right time to provide guidance that is customized to help
you thrive at Berklee.

Academics Health and wellness

Accessibility International travel and visas
Careers Registration
Community Student employment
Diversity and inclusion Technology support
Enrollment Title IX 2525

Finances and tuition

Career and
Alumni Connections
Career Center Career Jam
The Berklee name matters. The moment you Our signature day-long event introduces
join our community, you’ll gain access to students to exceptional career options every
personalized career advising and a multitude year. In the past, Pharrell Williams has
of resources to position you for a career that’s dropped in to offer advice; Donald Glover
artistically, financially, and personally fulfilling. joined us for a keynote interview; execs
Our Career Center provides one-on-one from Snapchat and Redbull have hosted
expert assistance with résumé and cover networking events; and music publishing
letter workshops, internship and job pros from Disney Music have screened songs.
guidance, networking events, and more. This is where ambition becomes reality.

Career Communities Internships

Explore career paths by industry, program, Berklee students are in demand. We place
and location—and discover how Berklee students with internships alongside industry
places you at the center of it all—on our professionals in music hubs such as Los Angeles,
Career Communities website. Nashville, and New York City. You’ll build marketable skills, establish professional
relationships and connections, and gain inside
perspectives crucial for keeping pace with
an evolving industry. Both for-credit and paid
opportunities are available—as well as a Berklee
fellowship to help fund related moving and
living expenses.

Big Names, Big Reach, Big Possibilities

The Tony Award–winning musical director for Hamilton. The first
woman to score a superhero film. Selena Gomez’s co-writer. The vice
president at Interscope A&M. All of them graduated from Berklee.

Every year, such accomplished alumni return to speak, share, and

teach. They offer insights and enviable access that will open your
eyes and doors. Our reach is global, and our network is vast, both
behind the scenes and in the spotlight.
Financial Aid, Scholarships,
and Transfer Credit
Your Path to Berklee
We want to ensure you and your family have a sound financial plan to pay for a
Berklee education. From merit-based scholarships and transferable credits to
state, federal, and institutional aid, there are many options to consider.

Attending Berklee is a long-term commitment, so it’s important to

develop a financial plan to support your goals. We view all sources of financial
aid as supplemental to your family’s resources for college. Many students
utilize a combination of funding sources, including college savings plans,
federal aid, scholarships, grants, student employment, payment plans,
and more.

Apply for Financial Aid
To be considered for need-based aid, we encourage
all U.S. citizens and permanent residents to fill out the
FAFSA and CSS Profile. International students should fill
out the CSS Profile.

Earn Scholarships
All applicants are considered for merit-based
scholarships, which are offered based on the quality
of the applicant’s academics, audition, interview, and
supplemental information such as extracurricular
activities and test scores. Approximately 40 percent of
the entering class receives a partial tuition scholarship
each year. While the majority of scholarships offered
are partial tuition, Berklee does offer a limited number
of full-tuition scholarships and presidential scholarships
covering tuition, room, and board.

Transfer Credits
If you have previously completed college-level
coursework, you are invited to submit an official
transcript from a regionally accredited online or
campus-based institution for transfer credit evaluation.
Requesting to apply transfer credit to your degree is a
cost-saving measure that can help make your time at
Berklee more affordable.
How to Apply
• Submit your application form.
Complete your form online
and pay the nonrefundable
application fee. Standardized tests
such as the ACT and SAT aren’t

• Send your supporting materials.

Submit your official, up-to-date
academic transcripts. For credits
earned outside of the United
States or Canada, you will
need to submit a credit evaluation
report to complete your

• Submit English language test

scores. If English is not your
first language, submit a PTE
Academic, a TOEFL, or an IELTS

• Complete your audition and/or

interview. We offer auditions both
in person and online.

International Applicants: More than

40 percent of Berklee students are
from outside of the U.S. We offer a
wealth of information on our website
to help international applicants
navigate their credential evaluation,
English language test, and, if admitted,
Form I-20 and F-1 student visa.

The Audition The Interview
The audition is your chance to shine. You’ll Your interview with an admissions
perform in front of accomplished musicians representative will touch on your goals,
who share your love for music and under- aspirations, and potential contributions
stand your drive to succeed. to Berklee. Think about:

We seek the most diverse and skilled musi- • How have you prepared for Berklee?
cians, which is why we hold audition tours
across the globe. Auditioning at our Boston • What are your professional/career goals?
campus offers a unique Berklee experience,
including campus tours and student perfor- • Why do you want to study at Berklee?
mances. Visit our website to see where you
can find us next, learn about instrument-spe- • How will you contribute to our diverse
cific guidelines, and view practice questions community?
to help you get ready. • Why is being a part of an inclusive
environment important to you?

Preparing for
Your Audition While applicants to the Bachelor of
Arts in music industry leadership
The audition is your first chance to work and innovation are required to
directly with a Berklee faculty member. complete an interview as part of the
The audition is just 15 minutes long, but
application process, they are not
it covers a lot of ground, including:
required to audition.

• A prepared piece
• Improvisation
• Sight-reading
• Ear training

Other Ways to
Engage with Berklee
Summer Programs Global Partner Schools
Experience Berklee before the school We partner with educational
year starts. Choose from precollege institutions around the world that
offerings in music, theater, or dance at our enable you to complete up to two full
campuses in Boston or Valencia, Spain, or years of study before coming to Berklee.
online. Play in a band, mix in our studios, Review each institution’s credit-transfer
and learn from the same world-class agreement to understand which courses
faculty and visiting artists who teach will easily transfer to Berklee College of
during the school year. Students who Music. After successful study at one of
attend our most comprehensive these institutions, you’ll be prepared to
program—Aspire: Five-Week Music apply to Berklee, and, once admitted,
Performance Intensive—have the arrive ready to join our community to
opportunity to earn college credit and complete your degree.
audition for an undergraduate program
while they are on campus.

Berklee Online
Study with Berklee’s faculty and indus-
try experts at our award-winning online
school before you enter college, and
pursue your education wherever you are.
With four term starts each year, Berklee
Online provides individual 12-week
courses, multicourse certificate programs,
and fully accredited bachelor’s and
master’s degrees. It’s also a great way to
sharpen your foundational music skills
while sampling the Berklee educational

“There's nowhere
else like Berklee.”

Start Your Journe
If music is central to your life; if you want to actively build your
skills, knowledge, and network; if you want to place yourself among
a diverse, talented, and ambitious group of students, faculty, and
alumni in one of the world’s greatest music cities, then you belong
at Berklee College of Music.


1140 Boylston Street
Boston, MA 02215 USA
[email protected]
+1 800-BERKLEE (+1-800-237-5533)

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