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Master of Surgery—2 Volume Set, ISBN: 978-1-58890-309-9, 354 pages, hard cover.
ISBN-10: 1588903095.
5th Edition
Description: This important addition to existing text-
Editors: Fischer Josef E., MD; Bland Kirby I., MD
books on head and neck oncology presents a multidisci-
Bibliographic Data: 5th Edition. Lippincott Williams & plinary perspective which has proven to optimize disease
Wilkins, 2007, $399.00. control and functional outcomes.
ISBN: 978-0-7817-7165-8, 2286 pages, hard cover.
ISBN-10: 078177165X. Purpose: The editor brought together contributions from
authorities in the fields of head and neck surgical oncology,
Description: This large, two-volume set covers the entire radiation oncology, reconstructive surgery, dentistry, and
spectrum of general surgery, illustrating and outlining sur- oral and maxillofacial surgery to produce a textbook that
gical technique. This fifth edition provides new and up- provides clinicians with a unified management philosophy
dated chapters that complement prior editions well. firmly based on the best available evidence in the peer-
Purpose: The purpose is to provide a wide-ranging, topic- reviewed literature.
based book on general surgery. New chapters cover com- Audience: This is an important new resource for any
plications, outcome measures, and patient factors. member of a multidisciplinary team engaged in the care of
Audience: Written at a level appropriate for the practicing patients with oral cancer.
surgeon, the book covers the entire field of general surgery, Features: Each chapter interweaves the insights provided by
including pediatrics, thoracic, oncology, and head and each contributor into a evidence-based, unified treatment phi-
neck. Surgeons in training should use this book to prepare losophy. The book includes insightful reviews of controversial
for future cases, anticipate complications, and manage dif- clinical issues, such as the management of early mandibular
ficult situations. For surgical residents, this book (old or invasion and the clinically negative neck. Step-by-step.
new edition) should be on the short list of “must read” Descriptions cover surgical approaches to particular re-
texts. gions of the oral cavity, permitting tumor resection with
Feature: Within each of the many topic areas, separate minimal morbidity, and optimal reconstructive outcomes.
chapters cover traditional surgery, minimally invasive Other topics include evaluation and management of pre-
techniques, difficult situations, and complications. malignant lesions, osseointegrated implantation, dental
Many chapters are dedicated to one surgical procedure implant imaging, and orofacial pain.
providing adequate depth and scope. Illustrations and Assessment: This book’s comprehensive coverage of oral
algorithms are well selected and helpful. Many new cancer prevention, diagnosis, and multidisciplinary treat-
chapters have been added and some classic chapters ment and rehabilitation will become an invaluable tool for
moved to a web site, accessible with a code provided in providers caring for the oral cancer patient.
the book.
Score: Weighted Numerical Score: 95
Assessment: This edition is well written by masters in
Reviewed by: Michiel J Bové, MD (Northwestern Uni-
the field with ample space allotted to illustration, text, and
versity Feinberg School of Medicine)
evidence. Previous editions were excellent and many of the
classic chapters were kept. New chapters have been added
that include new authors or new topics.
Surgical Treatment of Orthopaedic
Score: Weighted Numerical Score: 87
Trauma, 1st Edition
Reviewed by: Neal Wilkinson, MD (University of Iowa Editors: Stannard James P., MD; Schmidt Andrew H.,
Hospitals and Clinics) MD; Kregor Philip J., MD
Bibliographic Data: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.,
Oral Cancer: Diagnosis, 2007, $299.95.
Management, and Rehabilitation, ISBN: 978-1-58890-307-5, 940 pages, hard cover.
ISBN-10: 1588903079. This book comes with 4 DVD-
1st Edition ROMs.
Editor: Werning John W., MD, DMD Description: This is an exhaustive treatise on the current
Bibliographic Data: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., surgical treatment of orthopedic trauma accompanied by
2007, $129.95. four separate videos that illustrate the techniques.

© 2008 by the American College of Surgeons ISSN 1072-7515/08/$34.00

Published by Elsevier Inc. e1 doi:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2007.07.009
e2 Book Reviews J Am Coll Surg

Purpose: The purpose was to create an up-to-date reference Assessment: This is an excellent book. The diagrams,
of current surgical techniques in the treatment of trauma. illustrations and DVDs are superb. Descriptions of the sur-
Audience: The audience includes orthopedic residents gical techniques are very clear and will be very useful to
and orthopedic surgeons who are involved in the treatment surgeons attempting a new approach or procedure.
of orthopedic trauma. Score: Weighted Numerical Score: 81
Features: The book focuses on modern techniques in the
treatment of orthopaedic trauma both in the text and on the Reviewed by: Mark H Gonzalez, MD, MA (University of
DVDs. The material is well written, current, and very helpful. Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine)

Ratings are divided into five groups

97-100 Exceptional book with nearly flawless execution
90-96 Outstanding book, with minor problems in execution
69-89 Very good book, but usually with one or more fairly significant flaws
47-68 Average book, ususally with several flaws (or one major flaw) or significant weakness versus its competition
below 46 Substandard book
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