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Benchmarking the User Experience of

Different AI Talking Head Generation

Samaneh Taghizadeh

Thesis submitted for the degree of

Master in Applied Computer and Information Technology (ACIT)
30 credits

Department of Computer Science

Faculty of Technology, Art and Design


Autumn 2023
Benchmarking the User Experience of
Different AI Talking Head Generation

Samaneh Taghizadeh
© 2023 Samaneh Taghizadeh

Benchmarking the User Experience of Different AI Talking Head Generation

Printed: Oslo Metropolitan University


Interviews of abused and maltreated children are an important and often the primary
source of information in court trials, but the children’s testimonies are too often
invalidated because they are collected in an unreliable and incorrect way. Thus,
performing such interviews must follow strict protocols, stating the questions in an
open and non-leading way, i.e., it is a sensitive and challenging task for professional
practitioners. While utilizing real cases of child abuse for training therapists might be
harmful and sophisticated, effective practice and training is essential to improve their
skills. With advancements in machine learning and generative tools in recent years,
their great potential can be exploited for educational purposes. We are researching an
AI-based avatar to mimic the behavior of maltreated children to be used for interview
training in such scenarios, here with a focus on the visual part of the avatar. In this
respect, a talking-head generation is an AI-based tool that can be utilized for training
professionals to deal with child abuse cases. By using such tools, challenging and
sensitive situations can be simulated. In this study, we will examine the potential of
different generative models for talking head avatars in the context of child abuse. We
created different videos using current state-of-the-art models such as MakeItTalk, First
Order motion, and Talking-Face PC-AVS with different styles. These styles include
Cartoony, Painted, and Original. By running a user study, the effectiveness in terms of
realism and preferences has been examined. The results show that the Talking-Face PC-
AVS model creates better user experiences. Furthermore, according to the user study,
we did not observe significant differences among the different styles of the videos. To
improve the talking head avatars in child abuse applications, choosing the appropriate
model should be considered as the first priority. We expect that more sophisticated
models regardless of the style, can contribute to educating experts for the child abuse
interviews remarkably.


I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my main supervisor, Pål Halvorsen,

and Saeed Shafiei Sabet and Pegah Salehi as my co-supervisors for their guidance and
support during the entire course of this thesis.

Also, I am grateful to the whole family of SimulaMet, for giving me the opportunity to
participate in the talking-head avatars project.


Abstract i

Acknowledgments iii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Scope and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Research Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Ethical Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.6 Main Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.7 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2 Background and Related Works 13

2.1 Child Abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.1 Supervised Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.2 Unsupervised Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.3 Reinforcement Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3 Generative Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.1 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.2 Variational Autoencoder (VAE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3.3 Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3.4 Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.4 Face Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5 DeepFake / FaceSwap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5.1 Face Reenactment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5.2 Face Swap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.5.3 Face Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.6 Talking-Head Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.6.1 Audio-driven Talking-Head Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.6.2 Video-driven Talking-Head Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.7 Uncanny Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3 Research Methodology 25
3.1 Tools and Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.1 Google Colaboratory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.2 Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.1.3 Python Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.1.4 Analysis Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.2 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.1 MakeItTalk Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2.2 First Order motion model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2.3 PC-AVS model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4 Experiment 37
4.1 User Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.1.1 Demographic of participants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.1.2 Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.1.3 Test Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.1.4 Data cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5 Outcome and Findings 51

5.1 The main effect of the models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.2 The main effect of the characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.3 The main effect of the Styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.4 The interactions among Models, Characters, and Styles . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.5 Analyzing the Post-Test Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

6 Discussion and Limitations 75

6.1 Hypothesis and Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
6.2 Difficulties and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

7 Conclusion 79
7.1 Major Takeaways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

A Questionnaire 1 81

B Questionnaire 2 89

List of Figures

2.1 Chronological milestones on Talking face generation, including CNN,

GANs, and NeRF methods (Toshpulatov et al., 2023) . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2 Baseline GANs architecture for face generation(Kammoun et al., 2022) . 18
2.3 Graph of Uncanny Valley Threshold represented with (Igaue & Hayashi,
2023) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1 The overview of the MakeItTalk model has been published in their
paper (Y. Zhou et al., 2020) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2 The overview of the FOMM model has been published in their paper
(Siarohin et al., 2019b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3 The overview of the PC-AVS model has been published in their paper
(H. Zhou et al., 2021) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4.1 Gender Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.2 The number of participants in each Age Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.3 Profssion Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.4 Illustration of the two distinct Characters evaluated in the user study. . . 44
4.5 Illustration of the three distinct styles evaluated in the user study. . . . . 45
4.6 Kian’s sound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.7 Donya’s sound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.8 Screenshots of some of the videos on YouTube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.1 Plots of Questionnaire-Based Features - OverallQoE and Comfortability 54

5.2 Plots of Questionnaire-Based Features - LipSync and HeadMove . . . . . 57
5.3 Plots of Questionnaire-Based Features - Talking and VideoQuality . . . . 58
5.4 The main effect of the characters - OverallQoE and Comfortability . . . . 60
5.5 The main effect of the characters - LipSync and HeadMove . . . . . . . . 61
5.6 The main effect of the characters - Talking and VideoQuality . . . . . . . 62
5.7 The main effect of the Styles - OverallQoE and Comfortability . . . . . . 66
5.8 The main effect of the Styles - LipSync and HeadMove . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.9 The main effect of the Styles - Talking and VideoQuality . . . . . . . . . . 68

5.10 Perceived realism of avatars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.11 Overall favorite avatars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.12 Preferred avatars for computer-mediated conversations . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.13 Perceived realism of avatars during speech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.14 Most believable avatars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

List of Tables

3.1 Excluded Models from the short list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.2 Summary of the used Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

4.1 Codes Represented by Each Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.2 Post-test Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.3 Encoding Scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4 All possible combinations of video names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

5.1 Means and Standard Deviations of Features by Models . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.2 Means and Standard Deviations of Features by Characters . . . . . . . . 63
5.3 Means and Standard Deviations of Features by Different Styles . . . . . 65
5.4 Interactions Summary for Avatar Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation
Child abuse is a serious problem that has far-reaching consequences for the physical,
emotional, and psychological well-being of children. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO)1 , child abuse refers to all forms of physical or emotional
maltreatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, and exploitation that result
in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, development or dignity (World Health
Organization, 2021). Child abuse can occur in any setting, including the home, school,
and community. It is estimated that millions of children worldwide are affected by
abuse each year, with many cases going unreported.

In society, it is crucial to prioritize the well-being of children and ensure they receive
the greatest care, to prevent any form of mistreatment. By taking proactive measures
to protect children, we can avoid the potential fundamental problems that may arise
as consequences. This perspective emphasizes the significance of creating a safe and
nurturing environment for children, highlighting the importance of collective efforts
to safeguard their rights and promote their welfare.

According to WHO, child maltreatment results in the annual death of at least 850
children under the age of 15. Approximately 71% of homicide deaths occur in low-
income and middle-income countries, where rates are 2.4 times higher compared to
high-income states. Boys make up 60% of the victims in these cases. Homicide rates
are higher among children under 4 years old compared to older children aged 5-9 and
10-14. Eastern Europe experienced a peak in child homicide rates during the economic
and political transition, and while the rates have declined, they remain higher in this
region (Sethi et al., 2013).

The effects of child abuse are devastating and can last a lifetime. Children who
experience abuse are more likely to suffer from a range of emotional, behavioral,
and physical problems. They may experience anxiety, depression, post-traumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health disorders. Physically, children who
experience abuse may suffer from injuries, poor growth, and developmental delays. In
addition, they may be at a higher risk of developing chronic health conditions such as
heart disease, diabetes, and obesity (Norman et al., 2012).

The negative effects of child abuse are not limited to the individual child. They can
also impact the child’s family, friends, and community. For instance, child abuse can
lead to increased healthcare costs, decreased work productivity, and increased crime
rates. As a result, it is important for healthcare providers, psychologists, and social
workers to be aware of the effects of child abuse and to provide appropriate care and
support to affected children.

The prevention of child abuse is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires the
involvement of multiple sectors, including healthcare, education, law enforcement,
and social services. Prevention efforts should focus on addressing the underlying
causes of abuse, such as poverty, social inequality, and family dysfunction. In addition,
it is important to provide support and resources to families and caregivers to help them
provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children (Lambie, 2005).

So far, we can state that child abuse is a serious problem that has far-reaching
consequences for the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of children.
There should be serious plans for solving this important problem. Healthcare
providers, psychologists, and social workers have an important role to play in
preventing and addressing the effects of child abuse. By working together, we can
help to ensure that all children have the opportunity to live healthy and fulfilling lives.
In this case, it is crucial to communicate with the victims and inquire about the details
of the abuse. Professionals need to ask different questions to find out various aspects
of that misbehavior and gather all facts in this regard. Being aware of these details can
assist society in finding effective solutions in this regard.

Given the sensitivity and importance of the topic of child abuse, it is vital to consider
the challenges associated with working with children, particularly those who have
been affected by abuse. Such children may be more sensitive than their peers.
One of the critical steps in addressing child abuse is the ability to communicate
effectively with the affected children and conduct interviews to gather details about
the maltreatment. This procedure holds significant importance for the healthcare
system’s enhancement of more effective resolutions to this issue. However, prevailing
literature underscores diverse factors that create hindrances for children when it

comes to openly sharing their abuse encounters with professionals. Thus, it becomes
vital for professionals involved in handling child abuse cases to comprehend the
essential needs of children and skillfully attend to those demands during the disclosure
phase (Ettinger, 2022). Nevertheless, conducting interviews with child abuse victims
presents distinct challenges. These youngsters often encounter difficulties in placing
trust in others and might have undergone trauma inflicted by close family members,
thereby adding complexity to the interview process.

To effectively interview this population, professionals need extensive knowledge

and expertise, along with significant practical experience. The ability to behave
appropriately and establish trust with child abuse victims comes from repeated
practice, honing their skills over time. Therefore, both theoretical knowledge and
practical experience are essential in improving the quality of interviews with child
abuse victims. underscoring the need for professionals who work with them to be

To this end, extensive training and practice are necessary before professionals begin
working with children. This is a standard process in many other professions, such as
piloting. Pilots do not fly airplanes during their initial training but instead progress
through various levels and simulations before being granted permission to fly. In
the child abuse topic, simulation is extensively different. Professionals working in
the field of child abuse face significant challenges when it comes to practice. Each
child is unique and has their own set of rights that must be protected, and even the
slightest misstep or inexperience when interacting with a child can have severe and
lasting consequences for their well-being.

It is therefore imperative to develop a platform that enables professionals to practice

their skills without harming any children. The development of such a platform is an
important need of society, given the critical importance of effective interventions for
child abuse victims.

Another use of these types of platforms is to conduct interviews with children by

themselves, provided that they can interact with them in real-time and ask questions
related to the child’s previous answers. In fact, this has lots of benefits. Some of the
researchers found that children reported feeling more comfortable and less anxious
when interviewed by a virtual agent compared to a human interviewer and could
reveal their secrets easier. The study also found that the virtual agent was perceived
as more empathetic and supportive (Hamzelou, 2017). Therefore, for both of these
purposes and even more tasks, the presence of intelligent avatars appears to be
essential. One important consideration is to ensure that the interface is trustworthy
and friendly so that children can communicate with it easily. It can be helpful for

trainers to interact with the interface as a child as well.

In conclusion, it is clear that there is a need for tools to train professionals who
work with child abuse victims, including social workers and law enforcement officers.
Virtual agents provide a valuable means for professionals to practice interviewing
techniques and improve their communication skills with child abuse victims in a
safe and controlled environment. Actually, studies have shown that computer-based
interactive learning can further improve investigative interviewing skills (Powell et al.,

The collaborative research project undertaken by Department of Holistic Systems

in SimulaMet2 , in conjunction with Faculty of Social Sciences in OsloMet, presents
a cutting-edge endeavor aimed at transforming the landscape of child welfare and
law enforcement practices (Baugerud et al., 2021). By pioneering a novel approach
to conducting interviews with maltreated children, this project merges the realms
of computer science and social sciences to yield groundbreaking outcomes. At its
core, the project seeks to elevate the quality of investigative interviews through the
creation of interactive, lifelike child avatars. Drawing upon the synergies of artificial
intelligence, computer vision, and natural language processing, these avatars are
poised to become pivotal components of a comprehensive interview-training program.
The project’s focus on empirical training techniques, informed by the analysis of past
investigative interviews, aims to equip professionals with advanced skills, enabling
them to navigate the intricate task of conversing effectively with maltreated children
(Hassan, Salehi, Riegler et al., 2022; Hassan, Salehi, Røed et al., 2022).

This project not only tackles a vital societal challenge but also highlights the
potential of technology-driven solutions to enhance the well-being of vulnerable
individuals. By bridging the divide between technology and social welfare, it offers an
inspiring paradigm that aligns with the broader endeavor of leveraging technological
innovations to address urgent social concerns. The project’s interdisciplinary essence,
integrating the technical capabilities of computer science with the social sciences
insights into human behavior, showcases the potency of collaboration in crafting
meaningful solutions. The project’s focus on augmenting communication and
investigative skills seamlessly resonates with the broader goal of utilizing technology
for positive societal transformation (Salehi, Hassan, Lammerse et al., 2022a).


1.2 Problem Statement
As previously mentioned, adequate training for professionals and psychologists in
conducting interviews with children is of paramount importance in their work with
young individuals. To create an effective platform for this purpose, practical tools are
necessary. Fortunately, there are various technological tools that can be used to create
such systems. Talking head models can serve as an excellent resource in this regard.

Talking head models, also known as virtual agents, are computer-generated characters
that simulate human-like conversation and facial expressions (Htike, 2017). These
models have been increasingly used in various applications, including child abuse
projects. During these interviews, professionals have the opportunity to practice their
interviewing skills using talking head avatars. This approach ensures that trainers
can thoroughly train without any concerns about potentially harming children while
asking necessary questions. Additionally, the virtual agent can be programmed to
provide information and support to the child, such as resources for counseling or legal
assistance (Salehi, Hassan, Lammerse et al., 2022b).

There are several talking head models (e.g MakeItTalk3 (Y. Zhou et al., 2020), PC-AVS
model 4 (H. Zhou et al., 2021), FOMM model 5 (Siarohin et al., 2019b), OneShot6 (T.-C.
Wang et al., 2021), FACIAL 7 (C. Zhang et al., 2021b) and ...) used to create avatars, each
with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of these models are older and represent
the first generation of this technology, generating avatars using only a single picture
and audio. Although these models can be relatively simple to use, some of them are
more complex and require a large number of inputs, resulting in more realistic avatars.

In addition to models, the choice of materials used to create avatars can also
significantly impact their overall appearance. There are various options available,
including using real photographs and recordings to create an avatar, opting for
cartoony or stylized images, or using images with filters that give them a painted
look. Similarly, there is the choice between using human-made sounds or robotic-
generated ones for the audio component of the avatar. The inquiries investigated in
this study revolved around users’ interactions with talking head avatars, exploring
their experiences during communication and their emotional responses to witnessing
the avatar’s speech. The study delved into aspects such as users’ preferences, and their
perceptions of the avatar’s realism. This study examined features related to both the

visual aspects of avatars and their realism while speaking. From the models presented
earlier, a subset was chosen for a user study aimed at addressing the following research

• RQ1: Which models can generate avatars that generally give a better feeling to
the audience?

• RQ2: What distinctions emerge in user experiences when interacting with real,
cartoony, and painted avatars? How do these differences influence viewers’
perceptions and emotional responses toward these avatars?

We believed that addressing these questions could help fill a minor gap within our
scope of work concerning generated talking head avatars. The findings from this
study have the potential to guide developers in refining various aspects of this field,
particularly in areas aligned with our study’s focus, such as exploring different styles
and models.

1.3 Scope and Limitations

For answering those research questions, some models have been listed, and an attempt
was made to select the ones that had an important role in the talking head models field.
After creating a short list, the goal was to run those models and generate different
avatars. All models were required to use the same picture and audio in order to
produce avatars with the same features but different qualities due to their diverse
algorithms. The key aspect to highlight here is the critical importance of our focus. Our
objective revolved around comprehending users’ experiences with avatars created by
these models, rather than benchmarking their performance based on various metrics.
Thus, our scope was intentionally narrowed down to achieve this specific goal.

The study’s focus was on addressing the issue of child abuse, prompting the use of
avatars featuring children’s images. Initially, the text concerning child abuse was
selected, but considering its potential impact on participants’ emotions, the concept
shifted to something general.

To ensure a comprehensive analysis, the investigation aimed to encompass outcomes

for both boys and girls, resulting in the selection of two distinct characters. We decided
to explore three distinct styles: a real image, a cartoonish style with large eyes, and a
painted look with soft colors. This choice was made after considering various options,
such as caricatured designs and diverse painting techniques. We also created videos
using those other styles, but significant differences were not observed. While these
other styles seemed intriguing, we believed that focusing on these three specific styles

would offer a more pronounced contrast in participants’ emotional responses. This
approach allowed us to gain valuable insights into how participants perceived each
style and how their reactions differed among the chosen avatars.

The applicability of the results and conclusions from this study might not extend to
other domains within this field. The findings within our narrow scope provide the
basis for our reliance. One of the study’s limitations arises from this constraint. For
instance, results could differ if avatars featured adult individuals or if alternative
models with superior performance in distinct aspects were chosen. We opted to
minimize the number of videos in the study to expedite participant responses in
the questionnaires, a choice that stemmed from the desire for efficient engagement.
However, it’s important to note that this decision also posed a limitation to our
study. This pragmatic approach allowed us to streamline the study process, enabling
participants to share their insights comfortably within a reasonable time frame.

1.4 Research Methods

A research method is a structured approach used to collect, analyze, or experiment
with data in order to address research questions or test hypotheses and achieve
a specific research objective. These methods can be qualitative, quantitative, or a
combination of both, depending on the type of data and analysis techniques employed.
In this study, our primary objective was to identify optimal models for the execution
and generation of videos. Our exploration focused on utilizing two distinct characters
across three different styles. This comprehensive approach resulted in the generation
of a total of 18 videos, each spanning approximately 10 seconds. We included an
anchor video to establish a baseline. To ascertain the effectiveness of our approach,
we conducted a user study, framing specific questions designed to align with our
research objectives. This step was pivotal in collecting the necessary insights to
address our research inquiries effectively. Upon the completion of the user study, our
attention shifted to the analysis phase. The data amassed from the user study was
meticulously processed and organized, leveraging PowerBI for creating informative
box plots. Moreover, the analytical journey delved deeper as we employed SPSS
software to conduct a repeated measures ANOVA analysis (Girden, 1992). The results
of this multifaceted analysis, to be expounded upon in subsequent sections, provided
us with invaluable insights into the scope of our objectives and the trajectory of
our work. This study’s unique blend of empirical exploration, user engagement,
and advanced statistical analysis serves as the foundation for substantiating our
research methodologies and yielding profound insights into the optimization of video
generation models.

1.5 Ethical Considerations

In our context, ethical issues have various aspects. As artificial intelligence (AI)
continues to play an increasingly significant role in various fields, the ethical
implications of its use are becoming more crucial. Deepfakes, a highly sensitive issue,
possess the potential for both malicious and socially harmful purposes. Consequently,
steps are being taken to create ethical guidelines and regulations that prohibit the
unethical use of this technology (Meskys et al., 2020). Talking heads are a similar
technology to deepfakes, with some differences, but they present similar ethical
challenges. Like deepfakes, talking heads also can be used to create fake news
or defame individuals. This can have serious consequences, such as damage to
reputations or even public safety.

Another ethical consideration in machine learning systems is the importance of

promoting fairness and accountability(Veale & Binns, 2017). There is a possibility of
bias and discrimination in the data used for training machine learning models. In case
the training data is biased, it can result in the generation of videos that are also biased,
which can perpetuate unfair stereotypes and discriminatory practices.

Furthermore, it is essential to ensure transparency and obtain informed consent when

creating and utilizing these models. Individuals whose images are used should be
fully informed about the usage and have the option to withdraw their consent. In
our specific case of creating avatars using children’s pictures, videos, and voices, this
issue becomes even more sensitive, and we must seek their permission at every step.
It is crucial to prioritize and address this matter appropriately. To address this issue
in the study, a GAN-generated image was utilized to create one of the avatars. The
image was obtained using a website that generates pictures of individuals who do not
actually exist (‘This Person Does Not Exist’, n.d.). For the female avatar, an image
previously used in another study was utilized, and permission was obtained for its
use. The audio utilized in the study was generated from robotic sound (Labs, 2023).

Another aspect of ethical considerations in this study was related to questionnaires.

User studies needed to be conducted to evaluate the avatars created by different
models. Therefore, a data collection process was undertaken. All questionnaires were
conducted anonymously during the study to ensure that participants were certain that
their ideas would remain anonymous.

1.6 Main Contributions
The core inquiries of this study were geared towards gaining a comprehensive
understanding of participants’ perceptions and satisfaction, with a focus on assessing
their overall experiences, the realism of speech and movements, and their comfort
levels during interactions with avatars. In the later phase, we aimed to discern
participants’ preferences among avatars with cartoony, painted, or real picture styles.
It’s noteworthy that the study also involved comparing the outcomes of different
talking head models using consistent audio, images, and videos.

To achieve our research objectives, a user study was conducted where participants
first watched videos made using a model, showing one character in a certain style.
After that, they answered six questions that ranged from bad to excellent. Participants
watched 19 videos in total, but the first one was excluded from our analysis since it
served as an anchor. The user study was carried out using Microsoft Forms and was
distributed to individuals through various platforms to collect responses.

The main focus was to understand how comfortable participants felt when they used
these avatars. Additionally, we asked more detailed questions about how well the
avatars’ lip movements matched and how natural their head movements looked. We
also wanted to know how good the avatars were overall. We looked at different kinds
of avatars, like boys and girls with cartoony, painted, and real pictures. We compared
and studied them closely.

In the upcoming paragraphs, a closer look will be taken at the research questions and
provide a simple breakdown of the findings we have uncovered in response to each

• "Which models can create avatars that make people feel better?".

This question was initially raised in the problem statement section. Out of the three
models which are tested, the one that lets us control the avatar’s poses stood out.
The features considered in the judgement of these models based on six important
things: how good the whole experience felt, how the avatar’s head moved, whether
its lip movements matched the speech, how well it talked, the video quality, and how
comfortable people were with it. Interestingly, the model with pose control scored
better in all six aspects.

• "What distinctions emerge in user experiences when interacting with real, cartoony, and
painted avatars? How do these differences influence viewers’ perceptions and emotional
responses toward these avatars?".

Throughout the user study, a notable observation emerged, indicating that the

various styles employed did not exert a significantly influential effect on the
outcomes. Notably, among all the features assessed, videos adopting the Original style
predominantly claimed the top positions. There were instances where participants
displayed a comparable preference for the cartoony style, although this distinction did
not yield a noteworthy variance in the overall assessment.

1.7 Thesis Outline

This thesis is structured across six comprehensive chapters. The initial two chapters
establish the context and essential background, while the following trio of chapters
delve even deeper into the study’s core. As we reach the concluding chapter, we
encounter insightful summaries, conclusions, and a glimpse into potential avenues for
future research. To achieve a more comprehensive understanding, we will now delve
into a detailed breakdown of the content within each chapter.

• Chapter 1: Introduction

Crucial information has been incorporated into the initial chapter. The motivation
behind the whole study, including the significance of the child abuse topic and
essential statistics, has been explained. Furthermore, the problem statement and all the
limitations encountered during this study have been detailed. In this context, ethical
concerns, which encompass various aspects briefly discussed in this chapter as well,
hold a significant place.

• Chapter 2: Background and Related Works

In this chapter, various aspects of related research are explored, as evident from its title.
The initial section is devoted to prior studies on child abuse, while the subsequent
parts delve into technical facets such as machine learning methods and the creation
of talking head avatars. The discussion also covers topics like deepfakes and face-
swapping. The uncanny valley concept is also discussed in this chapter.

• chapter 3: Research Methodology

The Research Methodology chapter delves into the models utilized for video produc-
tion in the user study. An elucidation of the assorted tools employed across the study’s
duration is presented in the initial segment of this chapter. Additionally, a discussion
is offered regarding the selection rationale for these models from an array of alternat-
ives, as outlined at the outset. A summary table encapsulating the chosen models is
also provided, offering a concise overview of their key attributes.

• chapter 4: Experiment

In the Experiment chapter, we delve into the details of all the materials we used in
the user study. This includes the information we collected from the participants, as
well as their background details. We thoroughly examine the questionnaires that were
given to the participants during the study. Following that, we illustrate the process of
cleaning and preparing the data to obtain the final results and visual representations.
This chapter outlines the systematic approach we followed to carry out the study.

• chapter 5: Outcome and Findings

This chapter showcases numerous plots and elucidates the data derived from
participants. The results are categorized into three sections: the main effect of the
model, the main effect of the character, and the main effects of the style. The latter
part of the chapter delves deeper into the second segment of the questionnaire, which
centers around the uncanny valley concept. Detailed insights obtained from the
questionnaires are presented.

• chapter 6: Discussion and Limitations

This chapter focuses on a comprehensive discussion of various findings and their

alignment with our initial hypotheses. One prominent observation was the disparity
between our anticipation of the significant importance of the uncanny valley concept
and the lack of confirmation from our user study results. Furthermore, we delve
into the challenges encountered while executing models and generating videos. The
essence of this chapter lies in the comparative analysis of our results with our own

• chapter 7: Conclusions and Future works

This chapter presents a comprehensive overview of the entire study along with the
conclusions drawn from the analysis of the conducted user study. While we initially
intended to conduct a second phase of the user study, various limitations hindered
its execution. As part of future work, we propose exploring the extensive potential
sub-topics within this domain, considering the scope for further investigation and

Chapter 2

Background and Related Works

In order to cover the interdisciplinary nature of the topic, the related work chapter will
survey different areas. One crucial aspect of this research concerns child abuse and
maltreatment. Thus, firstly, an overview of relevant papers and statistics on this issue
will be presented. Then, a review of the academia on various machine learning models
and their applications will be provided, including the differences between audio-
driven and video-driven models, the progress of different models, and the emergence
of complex yet highly effective talking head models. The chapter will explore the
combination of these two topics, which involves using talking head avatars to develop
a tool for taking action against child abuse.

2.1 Child Abuse

To recognize the importance of child abuse issues, statistics were examined. According
to a report on preventing child maltreatment published by WHO (World Health
Organization), the severity and duration of maltreatment vary. At its worst, the
premature death of 852 children under the age of 15 is caused every year. However, this
represents only the tip of the iceberg, as its non-fatal forms are much more common,
resulting in serious and far-reaching health and social consequences (Sethi et al., 2013).
Community surveys provide a better understanding of the scale of the problem, with
a prevalence of 9.6% for childhood sexual abuse in Europe (girls 13.4%, boys 5.7%),
22.9% for physical abuse, and 29.1% for emotional abuse. Global estimates suggest that
the prevalence of physical neglect is 16.3% and emotional neglect is 18.4%. Projections
indicate that approximately 18 million (range 18 million to 55 million) children in
the Region have experienced some form of maltreatment, based on a conservative
estimate that at least 10% of children suffer from maltreatment. It is essential for
vital registration and official statistics to be improved at the country level in order

to evaluate and monitor the scale of the issue, particularly in measuring trends in the
most severe cases. Improved record-keeping of children, supplemented by regular
surveys, is considered crucial by concerned professionals to detect the much larger
proportion of maltreatment in the community that goes unnoticed by child protection

However, it should be noted that these statistics pertain to countries where people
have access to information. It is important to acknowledge that there are numerous
instances of maltreatment occurring in many countries, which often go unreported due
to various challenges and barriers. Maltreatment in the community is often chronic
in nature, rather than acute. Supportive interventions for familial malfunction and
parenting assistance are required by most families, rather than retribution and blame.
A child’s healthy development depends on safe, stable, and nurturing relationships
with parents and other caregivers. Severe and recurrent maltreatment may result in
toxic stress, impact brain development in childhood, and cause cognitive impairment
and the adoption of health-risk behaviors, with adverse mental and physical health
outcomes. Post-traumatic stress disorder has been reported in as many as one-quarter
of abused children, and child maltreatment may be responsible for nearly a quarter
of the burden of mental illness, particularly when combined with other adverse
childhood experiences (Sethi et al., 2013).

A deeper investigation into the child abuse statistics and impact is out of the scope of
this study. A brief glance at the current reports suggests how important it is to improve
therapeutic and clinical practices to resolve child abuse-related issues in society. As
emphasized earlier in Chapter 1, the goal of using new technologies like AI-based tools
in this context is to provide more effective ways for training professionals. Going deep
into machine learning techniques, we can find extensive possibilities and potential for
these applications.

2.2 Machine Learning

Machine learning today is connected to what people think of as artificial intelligence.
It is a large field within information technology, neurology, artificial intelligence, and
other fields, where the end goal is to build a model that is a representation of large
datasets. Customized algorithms are applied to datasets to allow computers to learn
the desired outcome. Today’s society has learned about machine learning through
the appearance of a rather complex NLP model called ChatGPT (Abdullah et al.,
2022), which seemingly changed the public opinion on what AI is and how it has the
potential to automate complex tasks to make life easier. The following section briefly
addresses different machine learning categories in general and specific techniques that

are relevant to this study.

2.2.1 Supervised Learning

Supervised learning is identified by the usage of annotated training data, where
the "supervisor" provides guidance to the learning system regarding the labeling
of training examples. The labeling typically consists of class labels in classification
problems. Models are induced from these training data using supervised learning
algorithms, which can then be applied to classify unlabeled data. The process of
supervised learning involves creating a map between a set of input variables X and
an output variable Y, which can be utilized to predict the outputs for new data. This
technique holds a crucial position in machine learning and is of utmost significance in
the processing of multimedia data (Cunningham et al., 2008).

2.2.2 Unsupervised Learning

Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning in which the machine receives
input data without any supervised target outputs or rewards from the environment.
Despite the lack of feedback, unsupervised learning can be based on the idea
of building representations of the input that can be useful for making decisions,
predicting future inputs, and communicating with other machines. Unsupervised
learning is essentially concerned with identifying patterns in data that go beyond pure
unstructured noise. Clustering and dimensional reduction are two simple examples of
unsupervised learning (Dike et al., 2018).

2.2.3 Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning that involves a machine inter-
acting with its environment through actions, which result in rewards or punishments.
The aim is for the machine to learn to take actions that maximize future rewards or
minimize punishments over its lifespan. Reinforcement learning is closely related to
decision theory and control theory, which deal with similar problems, and the solu-
tions to these problems are often formally equivalent, although different aspects are
emphasized (H.-n. Wang et al., 2020).

2.3 Generative Models

Generative models belong to a class of machine learning models with the objective
of learning and replicating the underlying distribution of a given dataset. Their

main function is to produce new data points resembling the training data they were
provided. These models find extensive applications in image synthesis, natural
language processing, and data augmentation. Figure 2.1 illustrates the timeline of
progress in this field (Toshpulatov et al., 2023). In the subsequent paragraphs, we will
delve into some of the methods in greater detail.

Figure 2.1: Chronological milestones on Talking face generation, including CNN,

GANs, and NeRF methods (Toshpulatov et al., 2023)

2.3.1 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

CNN is a type of neural network used for image synthesis and talking face generation
in videos. They work on the principle of signal values arranged in a regular grid,
and the interactions between these values are limited to a local neighborhood. CNNs
have been successful in creating realistic images and synchronizing the movement of
a talking face with the audio. This involves predicting sequential pixels to generate
images and using Conditional PixelCNN to condition the model on specific vectors
(Toshpulatov et al., 2023).

CNN offers promising solutions for generating talking faces in videos. The Cascaded
Refinement Network and X2Face are two notable methods that demonstrate the
capabilities of CNNs in producing realistic images and controlling facial expressions
and poses. These advancements open up new possibilities for video face editing and
puppeteering, with potential applications in various fields of computer vision and

2.3.2 Variational Autoencoder (VAE)
Variational Autoencoders and their diverse adaptations have found extensive applic-
ation across various domains, including dialogue generation, image synthesis, and
learning disentangled representations(Shao et al., 2020). VAE is a popular generat-
ive modeling approach extensively used for unsupervised representation learning. It
consists of two interconnected components - the encoder (recognition model) and the
decoder (generative model) - working in tandem to produce meaningful latent repres-
entations and approximate posterior distributions (Kingma & Welling, 2019). In a VAE,
the input data is compressed into a compact representation called the latent space by
the encoder. This condensed representation contains essential information about the
input. Then, the decoder reconstructs the original data from the latent representation.
The VAE’s ability to disentangle different factors of variation makes it useful for vari-
ous applications. One fascinating application is talking head generation, where VAEs
can create realistic video sequences of talking faces with control over facial expressions
and speech. This makes VAEs a powerful tool in the fields of artificial intelligence and
computer graphics.

2.3.3 Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

Generative adversarial networks are a type of deep neural network architecture
designed for unsupervised machine learning tasks in various domains like computer
vision, natural language processing, and medical image analysis. The core idea of
GANs is to have multiple neural networks compete against each other, leading to
optimization and improvement (Toshpulatov et al., 2023). Essentially, GANs act as
generative models, learning the underlying distribution of data classes. The pioneering
work on GANs was done by Goodfellow et al. in 2014, where they used multi-
layer perceptrons (MLPs) to model image representations in a latent vector space
(Goodfellow et al., 2014). They are inspired by game theory.

The fundamental structure of GANs consists of two sub-networks, namely the

generator network and the discriminator network. The generator’s primary role is
to generate synthetic data samples, attempting to produce realistic data instances
that resemble the real data distribution. On the other hand, the discriminator
network functions as a critic, distinguishing between the generated samples and real
data. As the training process iterates, the generator refines its ability to produce
more convincing data, while the discriminator improves its capacity to accurately
distinguish between real and fake data. Eventually, the GAN reaches a balanced
state where the generator creates highly plausible data samples, and the discriminator
struggles to discern between real and generated data, yielding an effective generative

model (Kammoun et al., 2022). The figure presents an overview of the GAN model,
showcasing selected images from a project available on GitHub (Perarnau et al., 2016).

Figure 2.2: Baseline GANs architecture for face generation(Kammoun et al., 2022)

The versatility of GANs and their ability to create realistic data have led to a myriad of
applications in the fields of artificial intelligence and computer science. They have been
successfully applied to tasks like image generation, style transfer, super-resolution,
and data augmentation, as well as text-to-image synthesis and generating realistic
human faces. GANs have revolutionized the field of generative modeling and continue
to drive innovation in various domains, offering exciting opportunities for advancing
artificial intelligence research and applications.

2.3.4 Neural Radiance Field (NeRF)

NeRF is an innovative approach for synthesizing photorealistic views of complex
scenes using neural networks. Instead of using traditional 3D mesh or voxel
representations, NeRF represents scenes as continuous functions, allowing it to handle
intricate geometry and appearance more effectively. The core idea involves optimizing
a deep neural network, specifically a fully connected multilayer perceptron (MLP), to
map 5D coordinates (spatial location and viewing direction) to volume density and
view-dependent RGB color. By marching camera rays through the scene and using
volume rendering techniques, NeRF can render novel views of the scene from different
viewpoints (Mildenhall et al., 2021).

One of the key advantages of NeRF is its ability to generate high-resolution, realistic
images without relying on discretized voxel grids, overcoming the storage limitations
associated with traditional methods. This continuous representation also makes the
optimization process more efficient, enabling NeRF to achieve state-of-the-art results in
view synthesis tasks. Additionally, NeRF can handle real-world scenes with complex
geometry and appearance, providing impressive results for various applications, such
as view synthesis and virtual reality. Overall, NeRF offers a powerful and versatile

solution for generating lifelike views of scenes, elevating the field of computer vision
and graphics to new heights.

2.4 Face Generation

Speech-driven talking face generation is an intriguing field that focuses on creating
lifelike facial expressions synchronized with speech. Recently, researchers introduced
a novel approach to rendering visual emotional expression in speech-driven talking
face generation. Their system takes a speech utterance, a single face image, and an
emotion label as input and generates a talking face video that authentically expresses
the specified emotion (Eskimez et al., 2021).

One of the key contributions of this approach is its ability to independently

control visual emotion expression, making it highly flexible and suitable for diverse
applications. By leveraging a neural network, emotional talking faces can be directly
generated from input speech and emotion labels, outperforming existing methods
in terms of image quality, synchronization, and emotion expression. Recognizing
the significance of emotion in speech communication, the proposed method directly
conditions the talking face generation on an independent emotion variable, enabling
more personalized and expressive results. Unlike existing techniques that estimate
emotions from speech or map speech features to facial movements, this approach
delivers a more refined emotional representation. Generating faces from single wild
images presents a challenging task, which can be addressed through photographs
or user interface modeling. Before delving into state-of-the-art methods, a classic
face-generation approach called the 3D morphable model representation (3DMM) is
explored. The 3DMM provides a continuous parameterization of 3D texture and shape
interpretations within a specific category, mapping low-dimensional parameters to
high-dimensional ones of textured 3D models while incorporating statistical data using
density functions (Toshpulatov et al., 2023).

The versatility of 3DMM extends to various domains, including human face recog-
nition, face generation, animation, lip synchronization, experimental psychology, en-
tertainment, and texture knowledge representation. To overcome the limitations of
conventional 3D reconstruction techniques in reconstructing 3D models from paint-
ings, researchers have combined 3DMM with other methods, resulting in significant
advancements in 3D human face reconstruction and landmark localization. Further-
more, deep learning techniques, particularly GANs, and CNNs, have revolutionized
face generation by synthesizing high-quality, realistic human face images. CNNs have
been instrumental in creating facial expressions and recognizing facial characteristics.
Recent studies have focused on enriching 3D human face geometry with photomet-

ric data using GANs, enabling the generation of high-resolution facial geometry and
reflectance maps.

2.5 DeepFake / FaceSwap

Deepfake is a term derived from "deep learning" and "fake." It refers to a type of fake
image and video generation technology based on artificial intelligence, particularly
deep learning techniques like auto-encoders and GANs. Deepfakes have made
significant progress in recent years, making it easier for people with little knowledge
of video editing to create face synthesis videos. Face synthesis videos involve
manipulating facial expressions in videos to create realistic and convincing results.
Traditionally, face synthesis required specialized tools and professional video editing
skills. However, with the advancements in deep learning, especially GANs and auto-
encoders, open-source algorithms and tools like DeepFakes have emerged, making
face synthesis more accessible to a broader audience (T. Zhang et al., 2020).

There are three main types of face synthesis:

2.5.1 Face Reenactment

This involves transferring the facial expression of one face (source face) to another
face (target face). The target face provides the mouth expression for the source face.
Face-Reenactment is a cutting-edge technology that allows for the alteration of facial
expressions in videos, opening up possibilities for synthesizing speeches for public
figures like politicians. In recent years, significant progress has been made in this field.
For instance, in 2014, Justus et al. introduced the groundbreaking Face2Face method
(Thies et al., 2016). This technique parameterizes various facial aspects such as posture,
illumination, and expression, enabling the transfer of expressions by retrieving similar
mouth features from a database and blending them seamlessly with the rest of the face.

2.5.2 Face Swap

In face swap, the facial expression of the source actor is kept the same, but the face is
replaced with that of the target person. The target face provides the identity for the
source face. In the process of face swapping, only specific parts of the source face, such
as the mouth, nose, or eyes, can be exchanged with their corresponding features from
the target face. This swapped face is then treated as augmented training data for the
source face. For each source face image, a similar-looking target face is obtained using
k-nearest neighbors (KNN) with an averaged feature map as input for the face part
swapping operation.

2.5.3 Face Generation
This type of face synthesis involves generating a talking face video from a single face
image and a sequence of audio. It uses neural networks to generate facial expressions
based on the input audio. Researchers have worked on improving these face synthesis
techniques by disentangling face attributes and identities, using face segmentation,
and introducing temporal coherence to create more realistic results. While deepfake
technology has various applications, it has also raised concerns about its potential
misuse, especially in creating deceptive and misleading content. Efforts are being
made to develop countermeasures and identify deepfake videos to address these

2.6 Talking-Head Generation

Talking-head generation is a computer vision task that involves creating realistic video
footage of a person speaking or delivering a message. The field has undergone
significant advancements thanks to the use of GANs, which have enabled the
generation of high-quality video content. To evaluate the effectiveness of talking-head
generation models, researchers have developed well-defined standards and evaluation
metrics. These metrics include emotional expression, lip synchronization, and blink
motion, and are based on human perceptual judgment. Overall, the field of talking-
head generation continues to evolve, with researchers developing new techniques
and models to improve its performance.In particular, the development of talking-
head generation models has led to the creation of child avatars that can be used in
various applications, such as education and entertainment (Chen et al., 2020). Talking
head models aim to generate realistic videos of a person’s head movements and facial
expressions based on a given audio input. These models are useful in applications such
as video conferencing, gaming, and virtual reality. There are two main approaches to
building talking head models: audio-driven and video-driven.

2.6.1 Audio-driven Talking-Head Generation

Audio-driven models use only the audio input to generate the talking head video.
These models are trained to learn the relationship between speech and facial
movements from a large dataset of paired audio and video recordings. The advantage
of audio-driven models is that they can generate videos even if the input video is not
available or is of low quality. A study by Suwajanakorn et al. (2017) proposed an
audio-driven talking head model that uses a deep learning architecture called GANs
to generate realistic videos of a person speaking based on the audio input. The model

was trained on a dataset of more than 17 hours of video recordings of a person speaking
in different poses, lighting conditions, and backgrounds. The study showed that
the audio-driven model could generate realistic videos that closely matched the lip
movements and facial expressions in the audio input (Suwajanakorn et al., 2017).

2.6.2 Video-driven Talking-Head Generation

Video-driven Talking-Head Generation is a technique used in the field of computer
graphics and artificial intelligence to create realistic and expressive talking heads from
a given video input. The goal is to synthesize a video of a person speaking with
natural facial expressions and lip movements, based on the input video of the person.
The technique typically involves using deep learning models, such as GANs and
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), to analyze the facial movements in the input
video and then generate corresponding realistic facial animations for the talking head.
This technology has various applications, including video editing, animation, virtual
reality, and creating lifelike avatars in video games and virtual environments. While
video-driven models have shown to be more accurate and realistic than audio-driven
models, they require more data and computational resources to train. Additionally,
they may not perform well when the input video is of low quality or unavailable.

Both audio-driven and video-driven models have their advantages and disadvantages
in talking head models. Audio-driven models are useful when the input video is not
available or is of low quality, while video-driven models can generate more accurate
and realistic videos but require more data and computational resources. Further
research is needed to improve the performance of both types of models and to explore
new approaches for generating talking head videos.

2.7 Uncanny Valley

One of the main issues with talking head avatars is the uncanny valley. As the avatar
becomes more human-like, users may start to feel uncomfortable or even repulsed by
it. This can be due to subtle imperfections in the avatar’s appearance or behavior that
create a sense of unease in the user (Mori et al., 2012).

To avoid the uncanny valley, designers of talking head avatars must carefully balance
realism with stylization. They may also need to adjust the avatar’s facial expressions
and movements to make them more natural and engaging. Additionally, user testing
can help identify any aspects of the avatar that may trigger the uncanny valley
response. The graph 2.3 presented in (Igaue & Hayashi, 2023) clearly illustrates the
threshold of the uncanny valley.

Figure 2.3: Graph of Uncanny Valley Threshold represented with (Igaue & Hayashi,

Insights into the mechanisms underlying the uncanny valley and potential design
principles for bridging the gap between human likeness and comfort level are
presented in MacDorman et al.’s paper (MacDorman et al., 2009). These principles
are also relevant to talking head avatars. Adjusting the texture and level of detail
in the avatar’s skin can have an impact on its perceived eeriness and human
likeness. Additionally, unconventional facial proportions may be more unsettling in
photorealistic faces, and a discrepancy in the size and texture of the eyes and face can
contribute to an eerie appearance (MacDorman et al., 2009).

In conclusion, the design of talking head avatars can be affected by the uncanny
valley phenomenon. Realism and stylization must be balanced by designers, who
must carefully adjust facial expressions and movements to prevent the uncanny valley
response in users from being triggered. The principles outlined in (MacDorman et al.,
2009) can guide the design of talking head avatars that are both engaging and realistic.
In our user study, a cartoony and painted style was chosen to examine whether it
elicited a better response from users in terms of the uncanny valley phenomenon.

In summary, we examine some of the mentioned methods in this section and try
to propose a benchmark for the talking head generation methods based on multiple
factors in the context of realistic facial expressions. The more sophisticated models are
supposed to provide better results, while the uncanny valley phenomenon suggests
there should be a trade-off between realism and stylization.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter is dedicated to elucidating the methodologies and models employed in

crafting the videos for our user study. Diverse tools were utilized for this purpose, and
these tools and the underlying technology will be expounded upon in the subsequent
section. Furthermore, insight will be provided into the rationale underpinning the
selection of the three models amidst a multitude of alternatives.

Within the realm of tools, a distinction was made between those used for executing
model-related code and those employed for in-depth result analysis. The compre-
hensive elucidation of these tools will be undertaken within this section, affording a
comprehensive understanding of the procedural aspects adopted.

3.1 Tools and Technologies

Various tools are employed in this thesis. Some of these tools are used during the
execution of the three models, while others are utilized for analyzing the conducted
user study. In this section, we will provide a brief explanation of some of these tools.

3.1.1 Google Colaboratory

Google Colab is a cloud-based platform provided by Google for running and sharing
Jupyter notebooks. It offers a free environment that allows users to write and execute
Python code, as well as access to powerful GPU and TPU resources. Google Colab
provides pre-installed libraries and supports collaboration, enabling multiple users
to work on the same notebook simultaneously. It is widely used by data scientists,
researchers, and students for data analysis, machine learning, and collaborative coding
projects. Since it runs entirely on Google’s servers, users can access Colab notebooks
from any device with an internet connection without the need for local installations

or configurations. Due to the use of various models and the requirement to execute
them, it becomes crucial to ensure compatibility between different Python libraries.
To achieve this goal, a tool was chosen that could install all the necessary libraries
from the beginning. This approach facilitated seamless integration and ensured the
smooth execution of the models. However, a drawback of this approach was that
uploaded files, such as pictures, audio, and videos, were not automatically saved. As
a result, users had to re-upload these files each time they started running the code
after a certain period. This inconvenience could be time-consuming and interrupt the
workflow during repeated executions.

3.1.2 Python
The majority of the work in executing models in this thesis relies on Python 3, the latest
version of the Python programming language, which was released in 2008. Python is a
popular and versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability.
It is widely used in various domains, including web development, data analysis,
artificial intelligence, and automation. Python’s straightforward syntax and extensive
libraries make it accessible for beginners and efficient for experienced developers. Its
versatility and strong community support have contributed to its widespread adoption
across different industries, making Python a valuable tool for tackling a wide range of
programming tasks.

3.1.3 Python Libraries

In this subsection, some of the important Python libraries used during our work will be
mentioned. First, FFmpeg-python is a Python library that conveniently interfaces with
the FFmpeg multimedia framework. FFmpeg, a powerful and versatile command-
line tool for handling audio and video data, is utilized by ffmpeg-python through
a wrapper around its command-line commands. This enables Python developers
to harness the capabilities of FFmpeg within their Python scripts and applications,
facilitating various multimedia processing tasks such as video and audio conversion,
editing, and manipulation directly from Python code. The library offers a user-friendly
and efficient way to interact with FFmpeg functionality, simplifying the process of
working with multimedia data in Python projects. We used this library in all three
models. Next, Scikit-learn, is a popular and widely used machine learning library
for Python. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for various machine-learning
tasks, including classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, and
more. Scikit-learn is built on top of other Python libraries such as NumPy and SciPy,
making it easy to integrate into existing Python data analysis workflows. Scikit-

learn also provides features for data preprocessing, model evaluation, and model
selection, making it a complete package for machine learning projects. It is widely
used in academia and industry for various applications, and its active community
ensures that it stays up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field of machine
learning. This library has been used in the implementation of our models. The
Librosa library was utilized in both the MakeItTlk model and the PC-AVS model in
this study. It serves as a Python library designed specifically for audio and music signal
processing, offering a user-friendly interface to handle audio data and extract relevant
information from audio files. Librosa enables users to analyze, manipulate, and
extract features from audio signals, making it a versatile tool for various audio-related
tasks. Its widespread use in the field of audio processing and music research can be
attributed to its simplicity, efficiency, and extensive documentation. For developers
and researchers working on audio-related projects, Librosa proves to be an invaluable
resource, facilitating effective audio data processing and analysis within their Python
applications. PyTorch, used in the FOMM model motion model and PC-AVS model,
stands as a prominent open-source machine learning library extensively utilized in the
artificial intelligence domain. Created by Facebook’s AI Research Lab (FAIR), PyTorch
offers a versatile and efficient framework for constructing and training deep learning
models. Its unique "define-by-run" approach, featuring a dynamic computational
graph, empowers developers to construct models on-the-fly while executing the code,
leading to simplified debugging, experimentation, and implementation of intricate

3.1.4 Analysis Tools

In statistical analysis, SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and Power
BI have been used as essential tools for data analysis. SPSS is a widely recognized
software package that offers a comprehensive set of tools for statistical analysis and
data management. It caters to the needs of researchers and analysts, enabling them to
perform a wide range of statistical tests, from basic descriptive statistics to advanced
inferential analysis. With its user-friendly interface, SPSS simplifies data manipulation,
visualization, and reporting, making it a preferred choice for researchers in social
sciences, psychology, and other fields.

Power BI also is a powerful business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft. While

it is primarily used for data visualization and reporting, it also integrates statistical
functionalities to analyze and interpret data effectively. Power BI offers a variety of
visualization options, including charts, graphs, and dashboards, enabling users to
gain insights from complex datasets quickly. Additionally, it allows users to create
interactive reports and share them with stakeholders, facilitating better decision-

making processes.

3.2 Models
In order to evaluate users’ experiences with various talking head avatars, it was neces-
sary to select specific models to execute and generate results for user feedback. Mul-
tiple models were considered, encompassing both older and more recent iterations.
One of the criteria used for selecting models was to ensure that they had a functional
GitHub page with open-source codes that could be executed with Google Colab. In
the initial stage of the user study, our focus was on audio-driven models, which are
well-known in the field. We aimed to compare the results of two of these models with
a more recent model.

Initially, we gathered a long list of talking head avatars spanning different years. From
this list, we narrowed it down to nine models, including one called Facial 1 (C. Zhang
et al., 2021a). This model uses implicit attribute learning to create realistic dynamic
talking faces. It combines techniques like face reconstruction, audio feature extraction,
and face rendering to generate lifelike animations for various purposes. We attempted
to use this model, but it required a specific dataset for training. However, finding or
creating the needed dataset was time-consuming and unfeasible, leading us to exclude
this model from our selection.

The other Model in our shortlist was the "LiveSpeechPortraits2 " model that is an
implementation of a real-time photorealistic talking-head animation system (Lu et al.,
2021). This system generates personalized talking-head animations driven solely by
audio signals at a frame rate of over 30 fps. It consists of three stages: deep audio
feature extraction, learning facial dynamics and motions from the audio features,
and synthesizing photorealistic renderings with explicit control of head poses using
image-to-image translation networks. The model showcases the ability to create high-
fidelity personalized facial details and offers better performance compared to existing
techniques, as demonstrated through qualitative and quantitative evaluations. This
model offers a user-friendly web demo3 that’s quite convenient to use. However, its
limitation became apparent in our case. The demo only allowed selections from their
predefined characters and audio options, lacking the option to utilize custom audio
or video inputs. This misalignment with our project’s objectives led us to remove
this model from consideration. The subsequent option explored was the "Wav2Lip4 "

model, recognized for accurately syncing lip movements with speech in videos. This
model is versatile, accommodating various identities, languages, and even CGI faces.
It draws from a research paper presented at ACM Multimedia 2020 (Prajwal et al.,
2020). The Wav2Lip model effectively generates lip-sync animations, aligning lip
movements with different audio inputs to produce remarkable results. However, this
model’s applicability was limited by our dataset, which solely contained pictures of
characters without corresponding videos. Consequently, due to this constraint, we
couldn’t utilize the Wav2Lip model for the purposes of this study.

There are two other models named "One-Shot5 " and "PIRenderer6 ". The One-Shot
Free-View Neural Talking Head Synthesis(T.-C. Wang et al., 2021) has a goal to
create dynamic talking-head videos for video conferencing. It generates talking-
head animations from a single image, allowing viewing from different angles. The
repository includes training, demo capabilities, and pre-trained models for various
resolutions. It focuses on "one-shot free-view" synthesis, using rotation matrices
and post-processing like face restoration for improved results. The "PIRenderer"
model, from the ICCV2021 paper(Ren et al., 2021), introduces a unique method for
creating controllable portrait images using Semantic Neural Rendering. By untangling
3DMM parameters, the model enables intuitive control over facial motion synthesis,
useful for portrait editing, alignment, imitation, and audio-driven reenactment. The
model’s architecture intelligently manipulates facial motions based on fully untangled
3DMM parameters, offering a powerful tool for creating realistic and manageable facial
animations and advancing portrait image synthesis. However, both models lack a
Google Colab demo that was promised to be available soon but hasn’t been published
yet due to system limitations and time constraints. As a result, they were removed
from the current list and considered for future work due to challenges in executing the
code and the time required. Table 3.1 shows the summary of all unused models and
the reason of exclusion.


Model Name Type Summary of Model Reason for Exclusion
Dynamic Utilizes implicit attribute learning Specific dataset needed for training
Talking for realistic talking faces. impractical to obtain.
Real-time Generates real-time personalized Web demo limitations
Animation talking-head animations based on audio signals only predefined choices allowed.
Lip-Sync Accurately syncs lip movements Dataset lacked character
Animation with speech in videos. videos for lip-syncing.
Talking Head Creates dynamic talking-head Lack of Google Colab demo
Synthesis videos from single images. unavailable due to constraints.
Controllable Generates controllable portrait Absence of Google Colab demo
Portrait images using Semantic Neural Rendering. unavailable due to constraints.

Table 3.1: Excluded Models from the short list

Finally, for this study, three models were selected: MakeItTalk Model, FOMM model,
and PC-AVS model. Each model will be briefly outlined, with a little more explanation
provided for each:

3.2.1 MakeItTalk Model

MakeItTalk is a model that generates realistic and expressive talking head videos from
audio input. The model consists of a motion generation module, a synthesis module,
and a fine-tuning module. The motion generation module uses a 3D mesh to generate
facial animations that match the audio input. The synthesis module renders the
animations into photorealistic videos, and the fine-tuning module further improves the
quality of the videos by learning from a small number of real-world video frames. The
resulting model can be used to synthesize high-quality videos of a person speaking,
even if there is no video of that person actually speaking the words in question (Y.
Zhou et al., 2020).

To achieve this, the researchers developed a novel architecture for the deep learning
model, which combines a motion encoder that extracts facial movements from a video,
a speech encoder that converts audio into a latent representation, and a decoder that
generates the final video. The model is trained using a loss function that encourages it
to generate videos that match both the facial movements and the audio.

The researchers demonstrate the effectiveness of their approach through a series of

experiments, including a comparison to other state-of-the-art methods for generating
talking head videos. They also show how their model can be used for a variety
of applications, including voice conversion and caricature generation. The model’s
overview is depicted in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: The overview of the MakeItTalk model has been published in their paper
(Y. Zhou et al., 2020)

The authors of the paper also propose a technique for voice conversion, which allows
the generated videos to have the voice of a different person than the one in the reference
images. This is achieved by training a separate neural network to convert the voice of
the input audio to the desired target voice.

They also have faced some limitations in the current approach and suggested avenues
for future research, such as incorporating more complex facial expressions and
gestures and improving the model’s ability to handle variations in lighting and pose.
Overall, this method presents a promising avenue for generating high-quality talking
head videos with a wide range of applications.

To utilize the MakeItTalk model, we must have an audio file in the *.wav format and a
single avatar picture with a resolution of 256*256 pixels. The resulting video shows the
main output in the center, the landmark video on the left, and the picture on the right.
The final step involves cropping the video to retain only the main portion. This can be
done either by modifying the code or by using video editing software, with the latter
option resulting in higher video quality. After completing these steps, the final videos
are produced. The MakeItTalk model can be found in this GitHub directory7

3.2.2 First Order motion model

The FOMM model is a novel approach for image animation based on key points and
local affine transformations. The method models the motion between two frames as a
set of keypoint displacements and local affine transformations, which are efficiently
computed using a FOMM model Taylor expansion approximation. The motion

representation is then combined with the appearance of the source image using a
generator network to generate an animated sequence (Siarohin et al., 2019a).

The method uses a set of key points, which are defined as distinctive locations on
the image surface, to represent the motion between two frames. The key point
displacements are computed by comparing the locations of the key points in the two
frames. The local affine transformations are used to describe the non-rigid deformation
of the image surface between the frames.

To model occlusions in the image, the method uses a binary mask that indicates which
parts of the image should be inpainted. The mask is generated by computing the
foreground and background regions based on the difference between the source and
driving frames. The method then applies the mask to the appearance of the source
image to generate an inpainted image that is used by the generator network.

The generator network consists of a series of convolutional layers that encode the
appearance of the source image and the motion representation of the driving video.
The encoded features are then passed through a series of deconvolutional layers to
generate the animated sequence. A comprehensive understanding of their model can
be gleaned from the detailed overview presented in figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: The overview of the FOMM model has been published in their paper
(Siarohin et al., 2019b)

The method was evaluated both quantitatively and qualitatively on several benchmark
datasets and showed superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods. The
method demonstrated particularly impressive results on datasets with highly non-
rigid objects, such as the Tai-Chi-HD dataset, indicating the effectiveness of the local
affine transformations in modeling complex motion.

To generate a talking head avatar using the FOMM model, we require an image with
dimensions of 256*256 pixels and a video in *.mp4 format. The video should contain

the desired audio that will be incorporated into the final result. Additionally, the video
should not exceed in size. The model utilizes the audio and head movement from
the video to generate a synchronized and lip-synced final video on a single image. To
achieve this, we recorded a video with exaggerated lip movements and added a robotic
audio track to create the desired final version. The Link for checking more details about
this model is in the footnote 8 .

3.2.3 PC-AVS model

The Pose-Controllable Audio-Visual System (PC-AVS) is a framework for generating
talking faces with accurate lip-sync and free pose control. This model is more recent
compared to the other two. The model consists of three modules: the Audio-Visual
Encoder, the Pose Decoder, and the Image Generator. The Audio-Visual Encoder
extracts features from the input audio and video, which are then modularized into
latent identity, speech content, and pose space. The Pose Decoder learns to decode the
pose information from a reference video and generates a pose code, which is combined
with the modularized features to generate the talking face image using the Image
Generator (H. Zhou et al., 2021). The Overview of the model has been extensively
detailed in their published paper, as depicted in figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3: The overview of the PC-AVS model has been published in their paper
(H. Zhou et al., 2021)

The PC-AVS model uses a novel complementary learning procedure that optimizes
both lip-sync accuracy and pose control. It also introduces a contrastive loss function
that improves the synchronization between the audio and video. The model achieves
high performance on several metrics, including lip-sync accuracy, head movement

naturalness, and video realness. It also demonstrates great robustness under extreme
conditions, such as large poses and viewpoints.

Technical issues addressed in the paper include the design and training of the three
modules, the complementary learning procedure, the contrastive loss function, and the
evaluation metrics used to assess the performance of the model. Ablation studies were
conducted to evaluate the impact of different aspects of the model, such as the pose
code length and the design of the generator. Overall, the PC-AVS model represents a
significant advancement in the field of audio-visual synthesis and has the potential for
various applications, such as virtual assistants, video conferencing, and entertainment.

To use the PC-AVS model, certain inputs are required which are specified in a script
called "". This script provides great flexibility in formulating
metadata through the use of several flags. The first flag, "src-pose-path", is used to
indicate the driving pose source path, which can be either a *.mp4 file or a folder
containing frames in the form of "0*.jpg" starting from 0. The second flag, "src-audio-
path", is used to specify the audio source path, which can be a *.mp3 audio file or a
*.mp4 video file. If a video file is given, the frames are automatically saved in a folder,
and the "src-mouth-frame-path" flag is disabled. The third flag, "src-mouth-frame-
path", is used when the audio path is not a video path, and it provides the folder
containing the video frames that are synced with the source audio. The fourth flag,
"src-input-path", is the path to the input reference image, which is converted to frames
when it is a video file. Lastly, the "csv-path" flag specifies the path to the metadata
csv file to be saved. This CSV file can be manually modified or additional lines can be
added to it following the rules defined in "" or the data loader
"data/". The "misc" folder contains several demo choices, including
ones used in the provided video. Users are free to rearrange these files across folders
and are welcome to record their own audio files. We have used the "src-pose-path"
from the main code but included our own picture and video with the voice which we
wanted to have on a result video. Here 9 is the GitHub URL to check more details
about this model.

In summary, the method used in this study includes different parts such as
implementing the models to generate different videos with varying characteristics
and running a user study to evaluate the impact of different cases. In Table 3.2, an
overview of the used models is provided. This table presents important details such as
the types of models, their GitHub locations, required inputs, and notable features. This
streamlined presentation allows readers to easily grasp the models’ characteristics. The
user study is explained in detail in the next chapter.


Model Name Type GitHub Required Inputs Notable Features
Audio file (in *.wav format) Realistic facial
MakeItTalk Audio-Driven Link
Avatar picture (256x256 pixels) animations
Image (256x256 pixels) Effective for highly
FOMM Image Animation Link
Video (in *.mp4 format) non-rigid objects
Driving pose video (in *.mp4 or image frames)
Lip-sync accuracy,
PC-AVS Audio-Driven Link Audio source (in *.mp3 or *.mp4 format)
free pose control
Input reference image

Table 3.2: Summary of the used Model

Chapter 4


The Experiment chapter introduces a comprehensive user study focused on gauging

how people perceive talking head avatars. By interacting with 19 animated avatar
videos, participants assessed qualities such as how real and high-quality the avatars
appeared. The subsequent sections provide a breakdown of the materials employed
in creating this study. Furthermore, the chapter offers a detailed explanation
of the two questionnaires used. These sections offer insights into the specific
questions, their objectives, and the reasons behind their inclusion in shaping the study.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that the study includes demographic information about
the participants, providing a comprehensive view of their backgrounds.

4.1 User Study

The research study conducted for this Master’s thesis aimed to evaluate the perform-
ance of communication networks using a passive test paradigm based on ITU-T Rec.
P.809 (Schmidt et al., 2018). This approach involves collecting data about network per-
formance without active engagement with the network by monitoring network traffic
and measuring network parameters such as packet loss, delay, and congestion (Barman
et al., 2023). To collect data for the study, a crowdsourcing approach was employed to
gather input and feedback from a diverse group of individuals. The questionnaire was
distributed randomly through various online platforms including Discord, Telegram,
and group emails. Additionally, targeted emails were sent to research groups in other
universities to solicit participation in the study. This approach proved to be an effect-
ive and cost-efficient method for collecting a large amount of data and feedback from

For this user study, a total of 37 individuals participated, each of whom was selected at
random to complete the questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed through

various platforms and research groups as well as among individuals who were
believed to be interested in participating and providing feedback. It took almost 10
days to reach out to a good number of responses. However, there was a problem
with the questionnaire, as shuffling the questions was necessary to avoid bias in the
answers. Using Google Forms was not an option for this purpose, so we had to search
for different free platforms for collecting data. We found that Microsoft Forms was a
very good tool for gathering data. But we still encountered an issue as we could only
lock one period for one questionnaire and shuffle the rest. We needed to have some
initial questions at the beginning, followed by a set of shuffled questions, and then
another section for our overall assessment, which also needed to be shuffled. As a
result, we had to create two separate questionnaires.

To be able to match the two questionnaires and identify which person answered
which questionnaire, we included two unprompted questions to track the twin
questionnaires. We did not ask any personal questions, but for some analyses,
we needed to know which questionnaire belonged to which person. Overall, the
combination of crowdsourcing and passive monitoring of network traffic provided
valuable insights and feedback from a diverse group of individuals, enabling us to
evaluate the performance of communication networks effectively. The questionnaires
could be found in A and B.

4.1.1 Demographic of participants

As part of our study, participants were provided with optional questions that aimed
to gather information about their gender, age, profession, and experience with
talking head user studies. While participants were not required to provide personal
information, these questions were included to gain a better understanding of the
characteristics of the respondents and their opinions. Out of the total participants,
34 individuals voluntarily provided their gender, while 35 participants provided their
age. To facilitate the understanding and visualization of the study’s findings, all
diagrams related to the research will be provided below.

Figure 4.1: Gender Distribution

Figure 4.2: The number of participants in each Age Range

The question about the profession was answered by 30 individuals. The participants
in this user study belong to diverse professional backgrounds that can be categorized
into three main categories: medical and health professions, science and engineering
professions, and business and administration professions. The first category includes
professions related to healthcare, such as doctors and pharmacists, as well as general
interns. The second category includes professions related to science and engineering,
such as water hydraulic engineers, Ph.D. cancer biologists, and software developers.
The third category includes professions related to business and administration, such as

digital marketing managers, research project coordinators, and innovation managers.
It is worth noting that some professions may belong to multiple categories. A chart
4.3 can be drawn to visually represent the distribution of the participants’ professions
across the three categories.

Figure 4.3: Profssion Distribution

4.1.2 Questionnaire
To provide transparency and aid in comprehending the research methodology,
the complete questionnaire will be included in the appendix of this study. The
questionnaire consisted of specific questions that aimed to gather relevant information
for the study.

Main Questionnaire

Pretest questions were administered to gather information about the answerers’ details
and to check the appropriateness of sound on their devices. Two random questions
were also included to determine which questionnaire belonged to each participant as
explained before.

The main study involved participants watching videos and rating their experience
based on a series of questions. These questions were inspired by the work of (Wilson
et al., 2018), which proposed a questionnaire for the assessment of realism in stimuli.
Some questions were also inspired by another questionnaire conducted in (Salehi,

Hassan, Shafiee Sabet et al., 2022). Questions about the quality and naturalness of
head movement were added to the questionnaire to assess this aspect as well.

A comprehensive summary of the questions presented in the main-test part of the

questionnaires, along with the corresponding codes assigned to each question, is
provided by Table 4.1.

Labels Codes
How was your overall experience with the avatar? OverallQoE
How accurately did the lips move in sync with the audio? LipSync
How do you rate the naturalness of head movement? HeadMove
How realistic the avatar was talking? Talking
How do you rate the overall quality of this video? VideoQuality
How comfortable do you feel conversing with this avatar? Comfortably

Table 4.1: Codes Represented by Each Question

The individual questions and their respective purposes in the main test part will be
presented below. This will assist in better understanding the methodology and provide
a comprehensive overview of the study’s objectives.

First question: How was your overall experience with the avatar?

This is a broad and general question that seeks to gather feedback on the user’s
experience with the talking head avatar. This question aims to capture the user’s
overall impression of the avatar’s effectiveness as a means of communication and
whether it was engaging and useful.

Second question: How accurately did the lips move in sync with the audio?

This question aims to evaluate the lip sync accuracy in the videos, which is a crucial
aspect of communication between the user and the talking head avatar. The purpose
of including this question is to compare the users’ overall sentiment with the quality
of the lip sync and examine their relationship.

Third question: How do you rate the naturalness of head movement?

One important aspect of the user’s experience with the avatar is the naturalness of
head movement.

When the avatar responds naturally to the user’s head movements, it can enhance the
user’s sense of presence in the virtual environment. This sense of presence can lead to
a more immersive and engaging experience. Furthermore, the natural head movement
can also improve communication between the user and the avatar. By mimicking
natural human behavior, the avatar can convey subtle cues and emotions that are not
easily conveyed through text or voice communication.

In addition, the natural head movement can provide the user with more interaction
and feedback based on the avatar’s behavior. For example, the avatar may nod its
head in agreement or shake its head in disagreement, providing the user with instant
feedback. This feedback can enhance the user’s sense of control over the avatar and
the virtual environment, leading to a more satisfying experience.

Fourth question: How realistic the avatar was talking?

For talking head avatars to effectively communicate with users, it is crucial that
they are capable of producing natural-sounding speech and establishing a strong
connection with the user. Given that users often rely on visual cues, such as the
avatar’s mouth movements, to determine whether the avatar is speaking accurately, it
is important to design avatars that can produce realistic mouth movements and convey
emotions through facial expressions.

Fifth question: How do you rate the overall quality of this video?

While previous models have addressed numerous features of these avatars, such as lip
sync and head movement, one crucial aspect that must not be overlooked is the quality
of the video. High-quality video is essential in facilitating accurate communication
between the user and the avatar, as it enables the user to discern details such as facial
expressions and gestures more clearly. In addition, better video quality can enhance
the user’s overall experience and increase engagement with the avatar. Therefore,
designers of talking head avatars must prioritize the quality of the video to ensure
that users can interact with the avatars effectively and enjoyably.

Sixth question: How comfortable do you feel conversing with this avatar?

In communication between users and talking head avatars, one of the most crucial

aspects is to ensure that users feel comfortable interacting with the avatars. This is
especially critical in fields such as child abuse, where talking head avatars can be used
to assist professionals in communicating with children. When users feel comfortable,
professionals can ask concise and effective questions, and children are more likely to
answer honestly and provide more detailed information. Thus, designers of talking
head avatars must prioritize user comfort to enhance the effectiveness and accuracy of
communication between the user and the avatar in sensitive fields such as child abuse.

Post-Test Questionnaire

After watching each video, participants completed a main questionnaire. In addition,

a post-test questionnaire was administered after participants finished the test and
watched all the videos. The post-test questionnaires were administered to obtain a
general overview of users’ answers with regard to different avatar styles, including
cartoony, painted, and original picture avatars. All the questions from the post-test
part can be found in Table 4.2.

Questions Labels
Q1 Generally, which avatars have the most realistic appearance for you?
Q2 Generally, which avatars do you like the most?
Q3 For a conversation (talking to a computer), which avatars do you prefer to use?
Q4 Considering the avatars’ talking, which was the most realistic?
Q5 Generally, which avatars were the most believable for you?

Table 4.2: Post-test Questions

In questionnaire research, the Likert scale is commonly employed to obtain parti-

cipants’ preferences or level of agreement with a given statement or set of statements.
The Likert scale is a non-comparative scaling technique that employs an ordinal scale
and is unidimensional, measuring a single trait. The scale usually includes a range
from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree," with "Neither Agree nor Disagree" in
the middle, although some practitioners advocate for the use of 7 or 9-point scales to
provide greater granularity (Bertram, 2007).

For our user study, we utilized a 5-point Likert scale, with scores ranging from 1 to 5.
The words "bad," "poor," "fair," "good," and "excellent" were used to represent scores 1
to 5 in our analysis. The use of the Likert scale enables us to quantitatively measure
participants’ responses and facilitates data analysis. The Likert scale was initially
developed by Dr. Rensis Likert, a sociologist at the University of Michigan, in the 1930s

as a scientific method of measuring psychological attitudes. Since then, the Likert scale
has been widely used in various fields, including social sciences, marketing research,
and psychology. Its ability to capture participants’ attitudes in a quantitative manner
has made it a popular tool in many research settings.

4.1.3 Test Materials

In this study, different aspects of image generation were tested and examined by
selecting two pictures of characters. Donya, a real girl who had participated in another
study, was used, and we had permission to use her pictures. Kian’s picture was
generated with StyleGAN (Karras et al., 2020) from the website click here. Figure 4.4
shows the Original pictures in this study.

(a) Kian (b) Donya

Figure 4.4: Illustration of the two distinct Characters evaluated in the user study.

Three different styles were generated for each character. The objective was to find
a code that could generate cartoonish and painted versions of the pictures. Useful
code was discovered on Github to generate results, but the quality was considered
inadequate. An attempt was made to apply Wang et al.’s proposed model for
generating animated images to our pictures (X. Wang & Yu, 2020). While the results
obtained were satisfactory, the significant difference between the original and final
videos was not easily discernible for those particular images. Therefore, they were
not utilized as the final videos. However, some codes were not able to generate high-
quality images (Yang et al., 2022), so a website was used to generate different styles for
the characters1 . Below in figure 4.5, the cartoony, painted, and original styles used in
the user study can be found.

(a) Cartoonish (b) Painted

(c) Original

Figure 4.5: Illustration of the three distinct styles evaluated in

the user study.

While the voices were not a primary focus of the study, we used a robotic voice
generated with the help of a Website to discuss topics related to children and schools.
The original version of the text focused on child abuse in schools. However, after
the production of the video, it was discovered that the content had the potential to
cause distress among participants. We aimed to create a positive feeling and avoid any
references to child abuse that could negatively affect participants. Furthermore, the use
of children’s voices in the video was deemed ethically inappropriate, resulting in a lack
of credibility. In addition, the text had to be read in a brief span of 10 seconds. These
issues were resolved by modifying the text and replacing the robotic child sound.
For the anchor condition video, the frequency of the audio was altered to create an
unsettling effect, while still utilizing the same audio. The final text was as follows:
"Today was a fantastic day at school. My teachers were supportive and encouraging,
and my classmates were friendly. I was introduced to a lot of new concepts that really
sparked my curiosity.". Used audio both for Donya and Kian can be found below:

Kian’s Sound Donya’s Sound

Figure 4.6: Kian’s sound. Figure 4.7: Donya’s sound.

Items Acronyms
MakeItTalk M
Models PC-AVS (Pose Controllable) P
FOMM (First Order) F
Character Donya (girl) D
Kian (boy) K
Original O
Style Cartoony C
Painted P

Table 4.3: Encoding Scheme.

Finally, 19 videos ( 1 anchor condition + 18 main videos ) were generated with all the
pictures using three different models. Table 4.3 contains the necessary abbreviations
for each character, model, and style, which are required to tag the videos appropriately
for analysis. Having these tags is crucial to be able to conduct a thorough analysis of
the videos.

Table 4.4 is created to summarize all video combinations, and each video was assigned
a specific code to facilitate analysis.

All the videos were uploaded to YouTube to provide links for the questionnaire. This is
the YouTube channel link and all the videos can be found Here2 . Screenshots of some
of the videos can be seen in Figure 4.8.


Model Gender Style Video Name

Table 4.4: All possible combinations of video names

Figure 4.8: Screenshots of some of the videos on YouTube.

In addition to the 18 videos, an anchor condition, which was the first video, was
added. An anchor condition is a technique used in research to ensure the accuracy
and reliability of collected data. It involves introducing a reference point or a known
answer that participants can use as a basis for their responses. This helps to minimize
the influence of irrelevant factors, such as random or uninformative numbers, that may
bias the responses of the participants (Chapman & Johnson, 1994).

In the user study conducted, an anchor condition was employed to validate the

responses collected from participants in a video questionnaire. The questionnaire
aimed to assess the participants’ perceptions of a video with poor sound quality.

By employing an anchor condition, we were able to enhance the validity and reliability
of the collected data, which is essential for drawing meaningful conclusions from
research studies. By introducing a reference point or a known answer, researchers
can minimize the influence of irrelevant factors and ensure that participants provide
honest and accurate responses.

4.1.4 Data cleaning

The pre-test questionnaire included a query that required the participants to transcribe
the numbers they had heard from a YouTube video. This question was intended to
assess the participants’ ability to perceive the audio of the videos accurately. It was
found that one of the participants had provided an incorrect response, and therefore,
their data were excluded from the subsequent analysis.

Given the administration of two questionnaires, it was crucial that participants

respond to both sets of queries. However, one participant failed to answer the second
questionnaire. To account for this, two random questions were employed to retrieve
the participant’s response, which was then removed from both questionnaires. These
pre-analysis procedures aimed to ensure a more precise and pristine dataset for further
data analysis and discussion.

In summary, all the details about the questionnaires, both before and after participants
answered them, have been presented in this chapter. The organization of the
questionnaires and their materials was discussed, followed by a comprehensive
elaboration of the questions and their individual purposes. The demographics of
the participants and the methods employed to collect the answers are subsequently

Chapter 5

Outcome and Findings

The data gathered from users was analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences), a powerful tool that enables the illustration and tabulation of data,
and provides a more comprehensive understanding of it.1

SPSS is a software package widely used in social science research and statistical
analysis. It allows researchers to manipulate and analyze large datasets with a wide
variety of statistical techniques, including descriptive statistics, correlation analysis,
regression analysis, factor analysis, and many others.Therefore, tables were generated
through SPSS to discuss the results, which will be provided below. In this study,
the GLM Repeated Measure test in SPSS was selected to examine the data, as it
offers enhanced insights based on the specified input parameters. Repeated measures
analysis in General Linear Model within SPSS involves the examination of data
where the same subjects are measured under multiple conditions. This method takes
into consideration the correlated nature of the repeated measurements within each
subject, enabling the exploration of within-subject effects and interactions between
factors. Repeated measures analysis in SPSS GLM is particularly valuable for studying
the impact of different interventions, assessing variations across related conditions,
or analyzing the effects of manipulated variables on the same subjects. It allows
for the investigation of main effects and interactions between factors, providing a
comprehensive understanding of how variables influence each other within the same
subjects across various conditions.

Initially, different parameters were defined in the SPSS to conduct the study. Six
main questions were asked about each video, each targeting an important feature
of the talking head avatars. The overall quality of experience (OverallQoE) was
measured, as well as the comfort level of users while watching the videos, which was

summarized as Comfortable. The remaining features that were assessed were lipSync,
Talking, HeadMovement, and videoQuality.Table 4.1 contains the questions related
to each feature, providing a comprehensive overview of the questions asked during
the study. Following this, models, styles, and characters were defined to enable the
analysis of data in relation to each of these parameters. This step was necessary to
effectively analyze and interpret the data collected and to gain a more comprehensive
understanding of the users’ experiences with the talking head avatars. During the
user study, participants were provided with choices ranging from "Bad" to "Excellent."
However, to facilitate result analysis, it was necessary to convert these qualitative
responses into numeric values. Accordingly, we assigned a value of 1 to "Bad," 2 to
"Poor," 3 to "Fair," 4 to "Good," and 5 to "Excellent." By doing so, we were able to
observe and interpret the results using numerical representations.

Additionally, all box plots in the following pages were created using the PowerBI
software 2 , known for its strong data visualization capabilities. The software’s
powerful dashboard allows for displaying data details effectively. The data was
gathered from Microsoft Forms, provided in Excel format, and then imported into
PowerBI. By transforming the data, various plots were generated using the PowerBI
software. These box plots display the range of participants’ insights, and the black dot
inside each box represents the average answer provided by the users.

In our study, three main factors were focused on: models, characters, and styles, as
mentioned earlier. For each factor, we had six different features to look at. The results
obtained for each of these factors in relation to the other variables will be presented in
the following pages. The objective is to identify and analyze the main effects of these
factors within the context of our research.

5.1 The main effect of the models

The box plots depicting the results of each video in terms of their models will be
examined first. To maintain consistency in all the box plots, the FOMM models were
represented by the color yellow, the MakeItTalk models were represented by green,
and the PC-AVS models were represented by orange. This color scheme was used
across all charts to ensure uniformity and ease of comparison. The users’ satisfaction
level for each video was rated from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating bad satisfaction and 5
indicating excellent satisfaction. In box plot 5.1, Part (a), it is evident that the PC-AVS
model had better output than the other two models in term of OverallQoE feature. The
MakeItTalk model followed closely behind, while the FOMM model had the lowest

user satisfaction rating. It is important to highlight that the PKO video emerged as the
winner in terms of the best overall Quality of Experience (QoE), as observed in the box
plot. On average, it received a favorable rating of 3.43 from participants. This video
was generated using the PC-AVS model and featured the character Kian (boy) with
the Original style. Other videos created using the PC-AVS model showed minimal
differences compared to the winning PKO video. The MKO video also performed
well, obtaining a respectable score of 3.14. Similarly, the FDC video, produced by the
FOMM model, achieved a decent rating of 2.95. However, the FKO video, which was
a combination of the FOMM model, Kian character, and Original style, received the
lowest score of 2.14. Furthermore, the PKO video received the highest comfortability
rating of 3.32, closely followed by the second video, PDP (PC-AVS, Donya, Painted
style), with only a slight difference between their comfortability scores. This can be
seen in part (b) of the box plot (Figure 5.1). Once again, the FKO video had the
lowest comfortability performance among all the videos, garnering a score of 2.05. The
analysis conducted using SPSS corroborates the patterns observed in the Power BI box

A repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the effect of Model on

OverallQoE scores. Mauchly’s test indicated that the assumption of sphericity was
violated, χ2 (2) = 4.418, p = 0.110, so degrees of freedom were corrected using Huynh-
Feldt estimates (ε = 0.938). There was a significant main effect of Model, F(1.875, 67.508)
= 57.677, p < 0.001, partial η 2 = 0.616. Post hoc tests showed OverallQoE scores were
significantly higher at PC-AVS compared to MakeItTalk (p < 0.001) and FOMM (p
< 0.001). Scores at MakeItTalk and FOMM did not significantly differ. In terms of
the Comortability feature, Mauchly’s test indicated that the assumption of sphericity
had been violated, χ2 (2) = 3.490, p = 0.175, and therefore degrees of freedom were
corrected using Huynh-Feldt estimates of sphericity (ε = 0.960). The effect of Model on
Comfortable scores was significant at the .05 level, F(1.919, 69.091) = 38.038, p < 0.001,
partial η 2 = 0.514. Post-hoc pairwise comparisons with a LSD adjustment indicated
that there was a significant difference between the Comfortable scores at MakeItTalk
and FOMM (p = 0.008), Comfortable scores were significantly lower at MakeItTalk than
at FOMM (p = 0.008), and Comfortable scores were significantly higher at PC-AVS than
at FOMM (p < 0.001).

(a) OverallQoE

(b) Comfortable

Figure 5.1: Plots of Questionnaire-Based Features - OverallQoE and Comfortability

Regarding LipSync, box plot 5.2, part (a), illustrates that the participants perceived
three videos to be almost identical. These videos were generated using the PC-AVS
model and featured Kian, regardless of the style used. Their score was 3.68 which is a
good score. However, the FKO video, which was generated using the FOMM model
and featured the Original Kian style, had very poor performance in this aspect.

In the analysis conducted on the LipSync feature data through SPSS, the assumption
of sphericity was found to be violated by Mauchly’s test (χ2 (2) = 6.274, p = 0.043),
prompting us to adjust degrees of freedom using Huynh-Feldt estimates (ε = 0.898).
A significant main impact stemming from Model emerged, with an F(1.796, 64.653)
value of 73.959, p < 0.001, and a noteworthy partial η 2 effect size of .746. Follow-
up assessments unveiled that LipSync scores were significantly higher in the PC-AVS
compared to both MakeItTalk (p < 0.001) and FOMM (p < 0.001). Moreover, significant
differences existed between ratings of MakeItTalk and FOMM (p < 0.001).

In terms of HeadMovement, the participants perceived the PDP video to have the
best performance with a score of 3.27. This video was generated using the PC-AVS
model and featured Painted Kian. This information is illustrated in box plot 5.2,
Part (b). MDO which is the video made by MakeItTalk model, Donya character,
and Original style had a very poor performance with a score of 2.14. Additionally,
A repeated-measures ANOVA was conducted with the aim of comprehending the
influence of Model on HeadMove scores. In this regard, Mauchly’s test indicated
that the assumption of sphericity was met, χ2 (2) = 2.856, p = 0.240. There was a
significant main effect of Model, F(2, 35) = 19.562, p < 0.001, partial η 2 = 0.352. Post
hoc tests showed HeadMove scores were significantly higher at PC-AVS compared to
MakeItTalk (p < 0.001) and FOMM (p < 0.001). scores at MakeItTalk and FOMM did
not significantly differ. In terms of the Talking feature, the box plot analysis revealed
that the PKO video had the most positive impact on the participants, obtaining an
impressive score of 3.5. Additionally, all the other videos created by the PC-AVS
model outperformed the videos produced by the two other models. MKO, the original
Kian made by MakeItTalk model, and FDC video which we know is Cartoony Donya
made by FOMM model also did a good job among two other models. For quality
factor Talking, the repeated-measures ANOVA yielded nearly an identical results.
Mauchly’s test indicated that the assumption of sphericity was met, χ2 (2) = 0.860, p
= 0.650 that prompting us to adjust degrees of freedom using Huynh-Feldt estimates
(ε = 1.000). There was a significant main effect of Model, F(2, 35) = 48.506, p < 0.001,
partial η 2 = 0.574. Post hoc tests showed Talking scores were significantly higher at
PC-AVS model compared to MakeItTalk model (p < 0.001) and FOMM (p < 0.001).
Scores at MakeItTalk model and FOMM did not significantly differ. The last feature
to be evaluated in this study is the quality of the videos. It was observed that PKO

received the highest quality rating from the participants, with an average score of
3.43. Other videos generated by the PC-AVS model also received positive feedback
from the participants, indicating good satisfaction. This can be seen in the box plot
depicted in Figure 5.3, with Parts (a) and (b) showing the distribution of quality
scores. By looking closely at analysis coming from a repeated-measures ANOVA to
evaluate the effect of Model on VideoQuality scores, Mauchly’s test indicated that the
assumption of sphericity was violated, χ2 (2) = 5.826, p = 0.054, so degrees of freedom
were corrected using Huynh-Feldt estimates (ε = 0.907). There was a significant main
effect of Model, F(1.814, 65.308) = 60.269, p < 0.001, partial η 2 = 0.626. Post hoc tests
showed VideoQuality scores were significantly higher at PC-AVS model compared to
MakeItTalk (p < .001) and FOMM (p < .001). Scores at MakeItTalk model and FOMM
model did not significantly differ. In summary, for an overarching perspective on the
videos’ performance concerning user experience, it is beneficial to refer to Table 5.1
which presents the mean and standard deviation of data across all six features.

MakeItTalk Model FOMM Model PC-AVS Model

Features Mean StandardDeviation Mean StandardDeviation Mean StandardDeviation
LipSync 1.89 0.81 2.49 1.02 2.32 0.94
Comfortable 2.61 0.13 2.41 0.12 3.14 0.15
Talking 2.61 0.13 2.37 0.12 3.22 0.14
HeadMove 2.60 0.13 2.40 0.14 3.09 0.14
VideoQuality 2.66 0.13 2.44 0.12 3.27 0.14
OverallQoE 2.78 0.13 2.56 0.12 3.33 0.13

Table 5.1: Means and Standard Deviations of Features by Models

(a) LipSync

(b) Head Move

Figure 5.2: Plots of Questionnaire-Based Features - LipSync and HeadMove

(a) Talking

(b) Video Quality

Figure 5.3: Plots of Questionnaire-Based Features - Talking and VideoQuality

5.2 The main effect of the characters
As mentioned before, two characters, Kian (boy) and Doya (girl), were used in the
videos. The box Plot 5.4 (a) displays the OverallQoE of the participants towards the
videos made with each character separately. It can be observed that there was not
much difference between the two characters in terms of the final result.In the PC-
AVS model, an average score of 3.36 was achieved by Kian, while Donya obtained
a slightly lower average score of 3.30. In the MakeItTalk model, Kian exhibited a
better performance compared to Donya. However, in the FOMM model, both Kian
and Donya demonstrated identical performance levels.

Examining the results derived from the repeated measures ANOVA analysis, it also
approves that the main effect of the Character variable did not yield statistical
significance in the context of the OverallQoE feature (F(1, 36) = 2.235, p = 0.144, partial
η 2 = 0.058). Regarding comfortability, individuals tend to experience slightly more
comfort with Kian in the PC-AVS and MakeItTalk model, whereas Donya performed
better in the FOMM model. These findings can be observed in the corresponding charts
of our analysis 5.4 (b). However, in the repeated measure ANOVA these differences
were shown to not be significantly different. The main effect of Character was not
significant, F(1, 36) = 0.225, p = 0.638. This indicates there was no significant difference
in comfortability scores between the two characters overall, when collapsing across
model and style.

In terms of the lipsync feature, Kian exhibited better performance in both the PC-
AVS and MakeItTalk models, with scores of 3.68 and 2.76, respectively. Donya also
performed well, achieving a score of 3.46 in the PC-AVS model, but showed weaker
performance in the MakeItTalk model. The lowest lipsync score was 2.08, which was
attributed to Kian in the FOMM model. These findings can be observed 5.5 Box plot
part (a). However, the repeated measure ANOVA showed the main effect of Character
on quality factor LipSync was not significant, F(1, 36) = 2.814, p = 0.102, partial η 2
= 0.073. In the HeadMove feature, both Kian and Donya demonstrated nearly equal
performance in the PC-AVS and FOMM models, achieving scores of 3.10 in PC-AVS.
However, in the MakeItTalk model, Kian exhibited slightly better performance. These
findings are illustrated in Box plot (b) of Figure 5.5. By looking at the values that come
from repeated measure ANOVA, the main effect of Character was not significant in
this feature as expected ( F(1, 36) = 0.035, p = 0.853, partial η 2 = 0.001.).

(a) OverallQoE

(b) Comfortable

Figure 5.4: The main effect of the characters - OverallQoE and Comfortability

(a) LipSync

(b) Head Move

Figure 5.5: The main effect of the characters - LipSync and HeadMove

(a) Talking

(b) Video Quality

Figure 5.6: The main effect of the characters - Talking and VideoQuality

Regarding the talking feature, the box plots indicate that individuals tend to have
a more comfortable experience with Kian when using the PC-AVS and MakeItTalk
models. For example, Kian achieved a score of 3.31 for the PC-AVS model and 2.77 for
the MakeItTalk model. On the other hand, Donya showed a better performance in the
FOMM model with a score of 2.5, compared to Kian’s score of 2.2. An examination of
the data using repeated measures ANOVA also sheds light on the fact that the main
effect of Character was not significant, F(1, 36) = 0.223, p = 0.639, partial η 2 = 0.006.
The final feature we will explore is the video quality. The results for this aspect were
consistent with the previous features, where the PC-AVS model emerged as the winner
for both characters. Kian, in particular, performed exceptionally well with a score of
3.31. The MakeItTalk model also demonstrated good performance in terms of video
quality, achieving a score of 2.77 for Kian. These findings are visually represented
in the corresponding box plots (a) and (b) of our analysis 5.6. Actually, the findings
obtained through the utilization of repeated measures ANOVA also demonstrate that
the main effect of Character was not significant, F(1, 36) = 3.493, p = 0.070, partial η 2 =

In summary, the table 5.2 shows the means and standard deviations for the 6 evaluated
features across the two characters. For most features, the means are fairly similar
between the two characters. The biggest difference is for OverallQoE, where Kian has
a higher mean rating (2.93) compared to Donya (2.85). This indicates participants rated
the overall quality of experience for Kian as mildly better than for Donya. For other
features like LipSync, Comfortable, Talking, HeadMove, and VideoQuality the means
are very close between the two characters, with at most a 0.13 difference in means.
The standard deviations are also comparable between the two characters, showing a
similar amount of variance in scores for both Donya and Kian.

Donya Kian
Features Mean StandardDeviation Mean StandardDeviation
LipSync 2.70 0.81 2.82 1.05
Comfortable 2.71 0.13 2.73 0.13
Talking 2.72 0.12 2.75 0.12
HeadMove 2.70 0.13 2.69 0.12
VideoQuality 2.75 0.12 2.83 0.13
OverallQoE 2.85 0.12 2.93 0.12

Table 5.2: Means and Standard Deviations of Features by Characters

5.3 The main effect of the Styles
In this user study, three different styles were used including Original, Painted, and
Cartoony as mentioned before. In the feature of overallQoE, it can be observed that
the PC-AVS model exhibited consistent performance across all three styles. The slight
variation in performance was observed in the original style with a score of 3.38, but
the difference is negligible. Similarly, the MakeItTalk model demonstrated uniform
performance across all styles, while the FOMM model showed lower performance in
the original style with a score of 2.23.

The outcomes emerging from the analysis conducted via repeated measures ANOVA
revealed that there was a significant main effect of Style on quality factor overallQoE,
F(2, 35) = 5.368, p = 0.010, partial η 2 = 0.130. Regarding the comfortability factor, the
results align with the findings from previous features, which are depicted in the box
plots shown in figure 5.7 parts (a) and (b). There was a significant main effect for Style,
F(2, 35) = 4.068, p = 0.026, partial η 2 = 0.189 regarding this feature.

In the lipsync factor, all three styles exhibited similar performance, achieving an
average score of approximately 3.5 in the PC-AVS model. However, in the MakeItTalk
model, the cartoony style demonstrated slightly better performance with a score of
2.61. Interestingly, the FOMM model also achieved the same score of 2.61 in the
cartoony style. However, the FOMM model performed poorly in the original style,
obtaining a score of 1.74, which was one of the lowest performances among all features,
styles, characters, and models. The repeated measure ANOVA shows a trend for the
main effect of Style on lipsync, with F(2, 35) = 3.218, p = 0.052, and a partial η 2 of 0.155.
It’s evident that the p-value closely approaches the significance threshold.

In the HeadMove feature, the cartoony style exhibited slightly better performance
across all models, although the differences were very minimal. The scores for the three
styles in the three models were very close to each other in this feature. For a better
understanding of the results, all the details are presented in the figure 5.8 part (b).
By looking at the repeated measure ANOVA analysis, there was no significant main
effect for Style, F(2, 35) = 2.215, p = 0.147, partial η 2 = .058 in term of the HeadMove
feature. In the next two features, which are talking and video quality, the PC-AVS
model demonstrated better performance. In the video quality feature, the painted
style obtained a slightly higher score compared to the other two styles, while in the
talking feature, the original style outperformed the others. The MakeItTalk model
exhibited consistent performance in both features and across all three styles. However,
the FOMM model showed weak performance in the original style for both features.
The evidence supporting this observation can be found in the box plots provided in

Figures 5.9 part (a) and (b). Looking at the results come from SPSS, no substantial
primary impact was observed for Style, as indicated by the results of F(2, 35) = 2.473,
p = 0.116, with a partial η 2 of 0.064, concerning the videoQuality feature. Similarly, for
the talking feature, no significant primary effect for Style was apparent, with F(2, 35) =
2.714, p = 0.091, and a partial η 2 of 0.070. The following table 5.3 presents the means
and standard deviations of various features across different styles: Cartoony, Painted,
and Original. Each cell displays the mean and standard deviation values for a specific
feature under each style.

Cartoony Painted Original

Features Mean StandardDeviation Mean StandardDeviation Mean StandardDeviation
LipSync 2.43 0.98 2.54 1.04 2.57 0.95
Comfortable 2.49 0.10 2.63 0.14 2.73 0.14
Talking 2.51 0.12 2.60 0.14 2.76 0.14
HeadMove 2.53 0.13 2.63 0.14 2.72 0.13
VideoQuality 2.51 0.12 2.63 0.13 2.76 0.13
OverallQoE 2.60 0.12 2.74 0.13 2.83 0.13

Table 5.3: Means and Standard Deviations of Features by Different Styles

(a) OverallQoE

(b) Comfortable

Figure 5.7: The main effect of the Styles - OverallQoE and Comfortability

(a) LipSync

(b) Head Move

Figure 5.8: The main effect of the Styles - LipSync and HeadMove

(a) Talking

(b) Video Quality

Figure 5.9: The main effect of the Styles - Talking and VideoQuality

5.4 The interactions among Models, Characters, and
Following an examination of the primary effects associated with individual models,
characters, and styles, our attention turns towards comprehending the significance
encompassing the intricate interplay between these variables. This comprehensive
analysis is facilitated through the application of repeated measure ANOVA within
the SPSS framework. The insights drawn from this analysis are a culmination of
meticulous investigations performed for each distinctive attribute. Subsequently,
an intricate breakdown of each feature ensues, commencing with the evaluation of
"overallQoE." Within this context, it is imperative to highlight that the interaction
between Model and Character yielded a notable degree of significance, with an F(2,
35) = 12.487, p < 0.001, along with a partial η 2 value of 0.258. Correspondingly, the
interaction between Model and Style also exhibited significance, as indicated by an
F0(4, 33) = 5.368, p = 0.002, accompanied by a partial η 2 value of 0.157. Furthermore, the
interaction between Character and Style yielded a significant outcome, underscored
by an F(2, 35) = 6.002, p = 0.006, and a partial η 2 value of 0.255. However, it’s
paramount to recognize that the pinnacle of significance was achieved within the
three-way interaction encompassing Model, Character, and Style. This interaction was
underscored by a compelling F(4, 33) = 4.810, p = 0.004, along with a substantial partial
η 2 value of 0.368. It’s intriguing to note that while the character factor alone did not
exhibit a significant effect, its interactions with other components such as models or
styles magnified its importance and led to notable impacts on users’ experiences. This
phenomenon underscores the intricate nature of user perception, where seemingly
subtle interactions between variables can yield substantial and meaningful outcomes
in shaping the overall user experience.

Analyzing the impact of head movement in our study, the interaction between Model
and Character emerged as significant, yielding an F(2, 35) = 3.569, p = 0.040, with
a partial η 2 value of 0.090. However, the interactions between Model and Style, as
well as Character and Style, did not exhibit significance. Interestingly, the highest
level of significance was achieved through the three-way interaction involving Model,
Character, and Style. Here, the F-statistic recorded a compelling value of (4, 33) =
6.035, p = 0.001, with a substantial partial η 2 value of 0.422. These findings underscore
how the collaborative influence of these variables plays a pivotal role in shaping
users’ perceptions and engagement in relation to head movement within talking head

Examining the Talking feature, we observed that the interaction between Model and

Character yielded significant results, with an F(2, 35) = 8.445, p = 0.001, and a partial
η 2 value of .190. However, the Model * Style interaction did not exhibit significance.
Notably, the Character * Style interaction displayed significance, underlined by an
F(2, 35) = 5.209, p = 0.010, and a partial η 2 value of 0.229. Conversely, the three-
way interaction involving Model, Character, and Style did not attain significance, as
indicated by an F(4, 33) = 3.747, p = 0.013, and a partial η 2 value of 0.312.

For the analysis of VideoQuality, the interaction between Model and Character yielded
remarkable significance, marked by an F(2, 35) = 11.020, p < 0.001, and a partial η 2
value of 0.234. Similarly, the Model * Style interaction displayed significance, with an
F-statistic of (4, 33) = 3.398, p = .028, and a partial η 2 value of 0.273. Furthermore,
the Character * Style interaction revealed significance, denoted by an F(2, 35) = 6.892,
p = 0.003, and a partial η 2 value of 0.283. The three-way interaction encompassing
Model, Character, and Style achieved considerable significance, recording an F(4, 33)
= 4.119, p = 0.008, and a partial η 2 value of 0.333. These findings highlight the intricate
interplay between these variables in influencing users’ perception of video quality in
talking head avatars.

Analyzing the LipSync feature, the interaction between Model and Character yielded
profound significance, with an F(2, 35) = 15.612, p < 0.001, and a substantial partial
η 2 value of 0.471. Similarly, the Model * Style interaction exhibited significance, as
indicated by an F(4, 33) = 6.012, p = 0.001, and a partial η 2 value of 0.422. The Char *
Style interaction also yielded noteworthy significance, marked by an F(2, 35) = 12.159,
p < 0.001, and a partial η 2 value of 0.410. The highest level of significance, however,
was achieved through the three-way Model * Character * Style interaction, with an
F(4, 33) = 10.126, p < 0.001, and a substantial partial η 2 value of 0.551. These findings
underscore the collaborative significance of these factors in shaping users’ perceptions
of lip sync accuracy within talking head avatars.

Finally, examining the feature of comfortability, the interaction between Model and
Character demonstrated significant influence, with an F(2, 35) = 9.627, p < 0.001, and a
noteworthy partial η 2 value of 0.355. Similarly, the Model * Style interaction exhibited
significance, marked by an F(4, 33) = 5.032, p = 0.003, and a partial η 2 value of 0.379.
Furthermore, the Char * Style interaction displayed significance, with an F(2, 35) =
5.209, p = 0.010, and a partial η 2 value of 0.229. The three-way interaction involving
Model, Character, and Style also attained significance, as indicated by an F(4, 33) =
5.610, p = 0.001, and a substantial partial η 2 value of 0.405. These findings emphasize
the collective impact of these variables on users’ perceived comfort when interacting
with talking head avatars.

This concise summary table encapsulates the findings from our analyses of various

avatar features. For a comprehensive overview of the significance levels, F-statistics,
p-values, and partial η 2 values related to the interactions between Models, Characters,
and Styles, look at table 5.4

Avatar Feature Interaction Significance F-Statistic p-Value Partial η 2 Value

Model * Character 3.569 .040 .090
HeadMovement Model * Style Not Significant - -
Character * Style Not Significant - -
Model * Character * Style 6.035 .001 .422
Model * Character 8.445 .001 .190
Talking Model * Style Not Significant - -
Character * Style 5.209 .010 .229
Model * Character * Style Not Significant - -
Model * Character 11.020 <.001 .234
VideoQuality Model * Style 3.398 .028 .273
Character * Style 6.892 .003 .283
Model * Character * Style 4.119 .008 .333
Model * Character 15.612 <.001 .471
LipSync Model * Style 6.012 .001 .422
Character * Style 12.159 <.001 .410
Model * Character * Style 10.126 <.001 .551
Model * Character 9.627 <.001 .355
Comfortability Model * Style 5.032 .003 .379
Character * Style 5.209 .010 .229
Model * Character * Style 5.610 .001 .405
Model * Character 12.487 <.001 .258
OverallQoE Model * Style 5.368 .002 .157
Character * Style 6.002 .006 .255
Model * Character * Style 4.810 .004 .368

Table 5.4: Interactions Summary for Avatar Features

5.5 Analyzing the Post-Test Questionnaire

One of the goals of this study was to examine the impact of the uncanny valley
phenomenon on different types of avatar videos. For this purpose, three distinct styles
were purposely chosen to obtain a comprehensive understanding of how the avatars
were perceived and emotionally responded to by the participants.

The participants were asked the following question in the final questionnaire:
"Generally, which avatars did have the most realistic appearance for you?" To present

the responses clearly, a donut plot was utilized 5.10, revealing that a significant 61% of
the participants favored the original style, perceiving it as the most realistic compared
to the other two styles.

The second general question inquired about the participants’ overall preference re-
garding the avatars: "Generally, which avatars do you like the most?". Understanding
users’ emotional responses and preferences towards avatar styles holds significance, as
these factors can influence trust and engagement during conversations. Surprisingly,
41% of the participants expressed a distinct fondness for the cartoony avatars, show-
casing a notable departure from concerns related to the uncanny valley phenomenon.
Additionally, approximately 39% of participants indicated a strong liking towards the
original avatars, revealing a preference that closely rivalled the appeal of the cartoony
style. These findings, presented in Figure 5.11 as a donut plot.

Figure 5.10: Perceived realism of avatars Figure 5.11: Overall favorite avatars

The third question, "For a conversation (talking to a computer), which avatars do

you prefer to use?”, inquired about the participants’ preference for engaging in
conversations with the different avatars. Our main goal was to determine which
avatars they found most preferable for interactive communication with a computer.
Interestingly, even though participants expressed a stronger liking for the cartoony
avatars, a significant majority (66%) actually favored the original avatars when it came
to engaging in conversations. This finding shed light on the participants’ practical
inclinations in selecting avatars for interactive purposes. The results are visually
presented in Figure 5.12.

The next question asked participants, "Considering the avatars’ talking, which were
the most realistic?" This question focused on how real the avatars felt during

conversations, not just their appearance. Interestingly„ 52% of participants found the
cartoony avatars to be the most realistic, while 25% preferred the original pictures, and
22% liked the painted style. The distribution of responses is shown in Figure 5.13,
giving us the insight into how participants perceived the realism of different avatar
styles during interactions.

Figure 5.12: Preferred avatars for Figure 5.13: Perceived realism of avatars
computer-mediated conversations during speech

The last question, "Generally, which avatars were the most believable for you?", held
significant importance in achieving the goals of this study. Given the application of
our research in training psychologists and professionals to effectively communicate
and interview children who have experienced trauma or injury, the believability of
avatars becomes a crucial factor. The findings revealed that 52% of the participants
found the original style to be the most believable, followed by 30% who favored the
cartoony style, and 17% who found the painted style to be more believable. Figure 5.14
illustrates the distribution of responses among the participants, shedding light on their
perceptions of avatar believability.

Figure 5.14: Most believable avatars

In summary, this chapter has presented all the obtained results from the questionnaires,
offering a dual perspective. One approach involved the utilization of Power BI
box plots to enhance the visualization of participant responses. However, the more
significant aspect encompassed the analysis of answers through repeated measure
ANOVA, employing the SPSS software. This analysis provided valuable insights that
will be discussed in the subsequent chapter. The key effects of the model, character,
style, and their interactions were considered. Finally, a comprehensive understanding
of the uncanny valley was achieved through the visualization of donut plots in the
latter part of the questionnaire.

Chapter 6

Discussion and Limitations

The outcomes and findings chapter of this study zoomed in on how different factors
influenced what people thought about talking head avatars. The model used to create
the avatars made a big difference videos made with the pose controllable model stood
out as more convincing and appealing to participants. Interestingly, in some of the
features, the style of the avatars also played a role in shaping the results for certain
aspects. In this chapter, we will dig into the results and findings we uncovered. We
will also compare our initial expectations and guesses with what actually happened
in the study. Additionally, we will discuss the challenges we faced along the way. It
is important to recognize that our study covers a specific part of a larger field. By
addressing the limitations we encountered and making more accurate predictions in
future work, we can build upon what we’ve learned and make our research more

6.1 Hypothesis and Discussions

As a reminder, our research questions were:

RQ1: Which models can generate avatars that generally give a better feeling to the audience?
RQ2: What distinctions emerge in user experiences when interacting with real, cartoony,
and painted avatars? How do these differences influence viewers’ perceptions and emotional
responses toward these avatars?

We obtained a clear answer to the first question, with the pose controllable model
outperforming others in all six features, as illustrated in the box plots in the previous
section. This model prioritized refining both LipSync and HeadMovement, channeling
emphasis into enhancing the avatar’s overall pose. This emphasis on head movements
and proficient LipSync likely contributed to improved user-avatar communication.

Moreover, the commendable video quality associated with this model could have
further bolstered participants’ engagement and experiences, according to the author’s

In regard to the avatar’s style, which was our second research question, we initially
expected it to strongly influence all features, as the "uncanny valley" effect suggests
that avatars resembling humans can feel strange. Although, the study showed that
style did not make a huge difference. Notably, the painted, cartoony and original style
avatars were the favorite among participants, showing that all avatars can still be well-

This finding supports the concept of the uncanny valley effect. People liked the original
style avatars almost as much as the cartoony or painted styles and not more. It was
the initial hypothesis that perhaps more realistic avatars with original pictures would
receive higher scores. However, we observed that realism wasn’t the sole determining
factor in whether people liked the avatars or not. As highlighted in the donut plots
from the previous chapter, people even experienced a sense of realism when interacting
with avatars in a cartoony style. Interestingly, it’s worth noting that the perception of
realism wasn’t exclusively tied to avatars with original pictures. Other elements, such
as lipsync and head movement, played substantial roles in creating believable avatars.
This suggests that the overall convincing quality of an avatar goes beyond its visual
attributes alone.

Moreover, the character’s gender did not seem to have a strong influence on people’s
preferences. Both boy and girl avatars were equally favored by the participants.
This outcome was expected, as the boy character, despite being generated with GAN
and not representing a real person, demonstrated remarkable performance, making it
difficult for the human eye to discern any differences between the deepfake character
and an actual individual. Therefore, our prediction proved accurate, and there were
no significant discernible differences between the boy and girl characters.

The video made by the PC-AVS model, named PKO, along with Kian’s original style,
emerged as the winner in terms of overallQoE. This feature was of utmost importance
in our evaluation. Therefore, we can confidently assert that PKO was the best video
among all. Additionally, it also outperformed others in the comfortability and lipsync
features. However, in the HeadMove feature, the video created by the PC-AVS model,
PDP, featuring Donya in a painted style, achieved significantly better results, with
PKO securing the second position in this category. Furthermore, PKO’s superior
performance in the talking feature, coupled with its commendable video quality,
solidified its position as the overall winner in this study.

Our findings lead to the conclusion that in the realm of talking head avatars designed

for both children and adults, the observation consistently highlights the significance of
model quality. This quality directly influences factors like lip sync performance, audio
synchronization, video quality, and, most importantly, the overall comprehensive user

Focusing on avatars created specifically for child abuse interviewing, a previous study
within the child abuse avatar project revealed that experts emphasize the substantial
impact of realism on outcomes(Hassan, Salehi, Røed et al., 2022). Aligning this
with our broader observations, it’s apparent that directing attention towards realism
entails enhancing multiple facets of the avatars. This encompasses not only the visual
appearance but also other features predominantly influenced by the models, which
significantly contribute to achieving a heightened sense of realism.

Overall, it can be concluded that focusing on enhancing the models is a promising

approach to improving talking head avatars. The PC-AVS model required additional
inputs compared to the MakeItTalk and FOMM model models. It necessitated a video
for training the person’s pose in the final generated video. In contrast, the MakeItTalk
and FOMM model models only required a single picture and an audio input for
producing the output video. Considering this disparity in input requirements, it
was reasonable to expect better results from the PC-AVS model. The availability of
more detailed information about the person’s pose through the training video likely
contributed to the enhanced performance of the PC-AVS model, making it more
capable of generating convincing and accurate talking head avatars. Utilizing new
methods that require more inputs can lead to the development of even better talking
head avatars, thus helping us achieve our goals of creating highly realistic and effective
avatars for various applications.

6.2 Difficulties and Limitations

Throughout the process of running the models, we encountered various difficulties
and encountered challenges. Initially, we compiled a list of models to execute and
observe their outcomes. However, each model came with its own set of limitations.
Some were solely documented in research papers without accompanying code, while
others had GitHub repositories with codes that proved ineffective or unhelpful.
Certain codebases were incomplete, and issues were reported, indicating problems in
running them. Additionally, some codes lacked the flexibility to incorporate custom
data for video generation, restricting us to using predefined materials. This posed a
challenge to our study’s objective of comparing videos generated from various models
using consistent characters and styles. Details of certain models from our shortlist
that were not utilized in Chapter 3 were elaborated upon, and a summary table was

included there..

Ultimately, we identified models that were suitable for our benchmarking task based
on their accessibility and ease of use via Google Colab links. Despite encountering
challenges when executing these selected models, most issues were solvable. For
instance, some models were coded with outdated library commands that required
modification to function properly with newer library versions. These conflicts were
identified and resolved, ensuring the successful execution of the code. While our
journey presented numerous hurdles, our commitment to addressing and overcoming
each challenge allowed us to advance through the benchmarking process.

Another challenge revolved around the selection of characters for our study. The
decision-making process involved choosing between utilizing real individuals or
employing characters generated by GAN style which at the end, we have used both
of them. Various characters were tested in conjunction with the videos to identify
the most suitable match. A crucial aspect that contributed to achieving favorable
outcomes was the preference for images where the person was looking directly
forward. Furthermore, the task of selecting appropriate styles posed its own set of
challenges. The chosen styles needed to exhibit believability while simultaneously
exhibiting distinct differences from one another.

Initially, our attempt to source styles from a GitHub repository proved unfavorable,
as the resulting output suffered from poor quality. Ultimately, the solution emerged
in the form of generating cartoony and painted images through a dedicated website,
which we introduce in the third chapter of this thesis. This strategic shift in approach
facilitated the creation of styles that met the desired criteria and contributed positively
to the overall quality and credibility of our study’s results.

After videos were created, challenges were encountered in devising an effective

questionnaire for obtaining participant responses. A form was required that could
shuffle the videos to prevent bias from a single order. The complication arose from
initial questions needing to precede the rest of the questionnaire, requiring video
shuffling afterwards. Initially, Google Forms was chosen for the questionnaire creation,
but it failed to fulfill the video shuffling requirement. Subsequently, an alternative
solution was sought, leading to the adoption of Microsoft’s platform, which not only
offered user-friendly form creation but also facilitated video shuffling. Furthermore,
due to being the short thesis, there was limited time available to delve extensively
into this domain. Consequently, both the number of models and videos remained

Chapter 7


The primary aim of this thesis is to thoroughly evaluate talking head models based on
user experiences and the level of realism they produce. This goal carries a critical
purpose: to enhance the realism of a platform, which is intended for use by law
enforcement and child protective service professionals to practice interview training
with children who have endured trauma or abuse. This effort constitutes a segment of
a larger project, wherein the development of talking head avatars serves as a platform
for expert training before conducting actual interviews. The importance of this training
stems from the sensitivity associated with interviewing such children. It is hoped that
the results of this study can contribute, even if in a small way, to the enhancement of
talking head avatars’ communication capabilities with users.

7.1 Major Takeaways

• The scope of the study was refined to assess user experiences and perceptions,
achieved through the utilization of three models for crafting talking head avatar
videos featuring childlike characters. The models encompassed MakeItTalk,
FOMM model, and PC-AVS model. Two characters, named Donya and Kian,
were animated in three distinct styles: cartoony, painted, and original photo.
In total, the generation of 18 videos, each lasting 10 seconds, served as the
groundwork for a subsequent user study. Analysis revealed the model type
had the most significant impact on differentiating the videos. Specifically, the
PC-AVS model demonstrated superior performance over the other two across
various metrics. The character itself did not produce any significant main effects.
However, style exhibited a more complex interplay of effects depending on the
factor being evaluated. As talking head avatar technology continues advancing,
more sophisticated models are emerging that aim to heighten user satisfaction. A

key consideration is mitigating the uncanny valley effect, even for cartoonish or
painted styles. This study highlighted the substantial influence of the uncanny
valley phenomenon. Surprisingly, the cartoon and painted styles could compete
with the more traditional original photo style by circumventing the uncanny

• One of the early resolutions formed during the brainstorming stage of this study
was to compile a list of video-driven models and subsequently compare them
with audio-driven models by conducting another user study. This comparative
analysis aimed to shed light on the differences between these two model types.
An additional intention was to conduct a separate user study to enable a
comprehensive comparison of the outcomes derived from these distinct model
groups. However, due to the time-consuming nature of these tasks, this phase
had to be omitted from the current investigation.

• In exploring this field, there are several aspects that experts could think about.
One thing to think about is adding more different models or trying out different
looks for the same character. This could be interesting for future research. Also,
our study mainly looked at how people felt when using these avatars. But there’s
another possibility we can explore: looking at how well the models work using
some extra ways to measure their performance that we have. This could give us
more insights. This idea would help us see how the models perform compared
to how users feel about them. This would help us understand more about this
area in a deeper way.

Appendix A

Questionnaire 1

Here is the link for the first part of the questionnaire1 .


Benchmarking Talking-Heads
(First Part)

The aim of this study is to get your opinion on different artificial faces. Imagine a scenario where
you are speaking with a robot that has an artificial face. You will watch a series of videos of these
avatars and then you are asked to answer some questions. Your responses to the questionnaires
will be used for scientific research, please treat them very seriously to contribute with valid
results. There is no right or wrong answer as we are looking for your opinion. The estimated time
duration of the study is 15-20 minutes.

Please participate in this study if:

-Your device has a speaker or a headphone.

-You are older than 18 years old.
-You have a fair level of English to answer the questionnaires.
-You have no (strong) relevant visual constraint (e.g., color blindness).
-You agree that all data collected in the study gets stored and used anonymously for scientific

Procedure: The experiment consists of three sub-tasks.

- Pre-test Questionnaire: Instruction and answering demographic questions.
- Test Section : Watch 19 Talking Faces videos and answer a questionnaire and submit the
- Post-test Questionnaire: Answering final questions and submitting the form. This will be in

Please insert the day of your birthday: *

Number must be between 1 ~ 31

Please choose the last digit of your mobile phone: *

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How old are you?

Leave blank if you don't want to answer!

What is your gender?

Leave blank if you don't want to answer!

What is your job?

If student, please specify the field of study.
Leave blank if you don't want to answer!

Have you participated in any avatar studies before?




Please write down the 5-digit number from the audio file to confirm that
you have access to a proper speaker or headphone! *


In this section, you will watch 19 different videos from combinations of

different voices and avatars, and then you are asked to rate 4 questions for
each video.
The duration of each video is around 10 seconds, but you can watch each video
for multiple times.
When you are ready to start the test, Choose ready and go a head.


AC: Please answer these questions after watching the video bellow: *


Bad Poor Fair Good Excellent

How was
your overall
with the

accurately did
the lips move
in sync with
the audio?

How do you
rate the
of head

How realistic
the avatar
was talking?
was talking?

How do you
rate the
quality of this

do you feel
with this
Appendix B

Questionnaire 2

Here is the link for the second part of the questionnaire1 .


Benchmarking Talking-Heads
(second part)
Post-test Questionnaire: Answering final questions and submitting the form.

* Required

1. Please choose the last digit of your mobile phone: *

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Please insert the day of your birthday: *

Number must be between 1 ~ 31

3. Considering the avatars’ talking, which were the most realistic? *

Videos with painted Videos with Videos with real

avatar cartoony avatar picture

4. For a conversation (talking to a computer), which avatars do you prefer to

use? *

Videos with painted Videos with Videos with real

avatar cartoony avatar picture

5. Generally, which avatars do you like the most? *

Videos with painted Videos with Videos with real

avatar cartoony avatar picture
6. Generally, which avatars did have the most realistic appearance for you? *

Videos with real Videos with painted Videos with

picture avatar cartoony avatar

7. Generally, which avatars were the most believable for you? *

Videos with painted Videos with Videos with real

avatar cartoony avatar picture

This content is neither created nor endorsed by Microsoft. The data you submit will be sent to the form owner.

Microsoft Forms

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