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Dear Students,

This Call for Applications is addressed to the students enrolled in Lazio-based Universities and
academies of Art, Music and Dancing (AFAM). Through it, the Lazio Region and DiSCo give concrete
expression to the Right to Education set out in art. 34 of the Italian Constitution, granting talented
and deserving students with few financial means the right to achieve the highest qualifications.

The scholarship that the Lazio Region and DiSCo have awarded to all eligible students over the
years now integrates the possibilities offered by university residences, that will see a 10% increase
in accommodation compared to the previous year and additional tools to promote the students’
right to accommodation.
The Call for Applications promoting the Right to Education 2023/2024 gives students the
possibility to apply for international mobility programmes and enjoy the food service for free or at
a discounted rate at DiSCo’s university canteens and refreshment centres, located in our Region
and close to university facilities. Lastly, students will be able to apply for graduation awards, a
further benefit for those who complete their degree programmes within the timelines set by the

DiSCo’s ongoing commitment to innovate and improve services for citizens continues to expand
this year, thanks to the new resources offered by regional, national and EU norms, including the
National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP). Such endeavour is enabled also thanks to the
participation of students in the Regional Council for the Right to Education and Knowledge
Promotion and the constructive collaboration of student representatives sitting on DiSCo’s Board
of Directors.

The value of scholarships will be further increased from the rise introduced last year by Ministerial
Decree n. 1320/2021 and the group of potential beneficiaries will expand thanks to higher ISEE
and ISPE thresholds. For the first time, first-year students enrolled in first-cycle three-year, as well
as single-cycle degree courses will receive the first instalment of the scholarship in November, if
they meet all the requirements.

Also this year, the Lazio Region and DiSCo intend to favour and simplify the submission of the
application form by publishing guides, check-lists and FAQs on DiSCo’s webpage devoted to the
Call for Applications for the Right to Education 2023/2024. We advise students to view these
resources as a useful support in filling in the application, however this Call for Applications is the
only valid tool to file the application.
The online module has been further simplified: it will be easier to fill in the “enrolment” and
“benefits” sections.

The digitalization plan for the reimbursement of the regional tax and deposit has been completed.
Previously, such requests had to be send via PEC through the students’ personal accounts;
however, from now on, students will not only be able to send their reimbursement applications,
but also follow their status. To this end, it is important to observe that university enrolment is
subject to the payment of the regional tax for the right to education.

DiSCo’s communication through Instagram has been responsively modified to suit users’ requests
sent via ticket.

As for digitalization, the Pago PA payment system will definitely simplify online procedures for
students, as it has become easier, quicker and more transparent.

In addition to the Call for Applications and in view of completing the services offered to students
and citizens, the Lazio Region and DiSCo provide a system of integrated services that do not lose
sight of the Right to Education, but aim to grant to all, especially to those who are in economically
disadvantaged conditions, the possibility to develop their potentials, ambitions and talents, in the
hope that these will positively benefit the society and economy of our Region.

In the a. y. 2023/2024, DiSCo will continue to offer opportunities for professional growth thanks to
informative workshops and career guidance services offered by Porta Futuro Lazio, a service
organizing interviews and meetings with companies hunting for collaborators. These initiatives can
be booked on by viewing the calendar and are totally free of charge.

In an effort to overcome gender inequalities in access to employment and to support and

strengthen female entrepreneurship, Sportello Donna is a service open to all female citizens at
Hub GenerAzioni.

Together with Lazio-based Universities, DiSCo activated 5 Women’s Refuges to firmly combat the
intolerable phenomenon of gender violence. The addresses, service descriptions and 24/7 phone
numbers can be found on DiSCo’s website at

The creative lab Officina delle Arti Pier Paolo Pasolini continues to play a key role as organizer of
art activities for young and promising actors, singers, and multimedia artists, as well as cultural
hub. Officina Pasolini will continue to offer free concerts, performances and more generally
cultural initiatives during the next academic year.

Lastly, the Moby Dick Cultural Hub Library will continue to offer cultural initiatives, in addition to
the very crowded study room, to lend books, and give access to a newspaper library and book
crossing initiatives. For a complete list of DiSCo’s study rooms, that were built thanks to the great
collaboration with Lazio-based Universities, please view DiSCo’s dedicated webpage.

Also for the a. y. 2023/2024, we wish all the students a successful year of study!

Giuseppe Schiboni Alessio Pontillo

Councillor for Labour, President DiSCo

School, Training,
Research, Merit Policies pf the Lazio Region

Tables of contents
Deadlines ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
Section I – General principles and definitions .................................................................................................... 7
Art.1 General principles ................................................................................................................................. 7
Art.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Art.3 Benefits and Services to be awarded .................................................................................................. 10
Art.4 Beneficiaries ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Art.5 Compatibility/incompatibility .............................................................................................................. 11
Art.6 Duration of benefits ............................................................................................................................ 12
Art.7 Allocation of the benefits .................................................................................................................... 13
Art.8 Scholarship amounts ........................................................................................................................... 13
Art.9 Payment procedure for scholarships, graduation awards and international mobility grants ............. 14
Art.10 Student Classification ........................................................................................................................ 14
10.1 Out-of-town students ..................................................................................................................... 15
10.2 Commuter students and calculated commuter students ................................................................ 17
10.3 In-town students .............................................................................................................................. 17
Art.11 Merit-based requirements ................................................................................................................ 17
Art.9 Changing the degree programme - Transfers - New enrolment following withdrawal/forfeiture of
study rights .............................................................................................................................................. 18
11.2 Changing the degree programme/Transfers .................................................................................... 18
11.3 Recognition of qualifications/exams ................................................................................................ 18
11.4 Career shortening ............................................................................................................................ 18
11.5 Withdrawal/Forfeiture of the study right......................................................................................... 18
Art.12 Economic requirements .................................................................................................................... 19
12.1 Economic documentation – Students residing in Italy ..................................................................... 20
12.2 Economic documentation – Students not residing in Italy............................................................... 21
Section II – Application submission .................................................................................................................. 22
Art.13 System access and student identification procedures ...................................................................... 22
Art.14 Application submission: terms and procedures ................................................................................ 23
Art 14.1 Documents required .................................................................................................................. 24
Section III – Outcomes and subsequent controls ............................................................................................. 25
Art.15 Criteria for the definition of rankings ................................................................................................ 25
Art.16 Publication of the outcomes, verifications and communications to students .................................. 26
Art. 17 Rank Advancements ......................................................................................................................... 26
Art.18 Checks and verifications after the publication of the results ............................................................ 27
Art.19 Communications with the offices...................................................................................................... 28

Art.20 Reasons for exclusion ....................................................................................................................... 28
Section IV – Revocation of the benefits, renunciation to the benefits, and reimbursement of the amounts
allocated .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
Art. 21 Revocation of the benefits ............................................................................................................... 31
21.1 Reimbursement of the sums received after revocation ............................................................... 31
Art.22 Renunciation to the benefits............................................................................................................. 31
22.1 Reimbursement of the benefit ......................................................................................................... 31
22.2 Reimbursement of the regional tax ................................................................................................. 31
Section V – Scholarships .................................................................................................................................. 32
Art.23 Regional tax ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Art. 24 Dining service benefits ..................................................................................................................... 32
Section VI – Accommodation ........................................................................................................................... 32
Art.25 Accommodation facilities .................................................................................................................. 32
Art.26 Procedure for the allocation of accommodations............................................................................. 33
Art.27 Duration of the accommodation ....................................................................................................... 33
Art.28 Accommodation acceptance procedure ........................................................................................... 34
Art.29 Rank Advancements and appointment of new beneficiaries ............................................................ 34
Art.30 Cost of accommodation .................................................................................................................... 34
Art.31 Waiver of the accommodation ......................................................................................................... 35
Art.32 Revocation and forfeiture of the accommodation benefit ............................................................... 35
Section VII - Contribution to international student mobility ............................................................................ 35
Art. 33 Recipients ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Art.34 Assignment criteria ........................................................................................................................... 36
Art.35 Amount of the contribution .............................................................................................................. 36
Art. 36 Contribution allocation procedure ................................................................................................... 36
Art.37 Student’s obligations......................................................................................................................... 36
Section VIII – Graduation award ...................................................................................................................... 36
Art.38 Recipients.......................................................................................................................................... 36
Art.39 Procedure to apply for the graduation award ................................................................................... 37
Art.40 Criteria for the definition of rankings ................................................................................................ 37
Section IX– First-year students - Specific provisions ........................................................................................ 37
Art.41 First-year students who enrol in a first year of a degree course, master’s degree and single-cycle
master’s degree, first and second-cycle academic diploma (AFAM) in a. y. 2023/2024. ............................. 37
41.1 Calculation of the entry year ............................................................................................................ 37
41.2 Requirements to access benefits ..................................................................................................... 38
41.3 Minimum merit-based requirements............................................................................................... 38
41.4 Allocation procedure........................................................................................................................ 38
41.5 Reduction of the scholarship amount .............................................................................................. 38
41.6 Failure to attain the merit-based requirements – Revocation of the benefits ................................ 38
41.7 Scholarship allocation deadlines ...................................................................................................... 39
Art. 42 First-year students enrolled in a post-graduate course and PhD ..................................................... 39
41.2 Requirements to access the benefits ............................................................................................... 39
42.2 Merit-based requirements ............................................................................................................... 39
42.3 Scholarship payment procedures..................................................................................................... 40
Art.43 First-year students with disability of no less than 66% ..................................................................... 40
43.1 Requirements to access benefits ..................................................................................................... 40
43.2 Merit-based requirements ............................................................................................................... 40
43.3 Scholarship allocation deadlines ...................................................................................................... 40
Section X– Post first-year students - specific provisions .................................................................................. 41
Art.44 Scholarship allocation deadlines ....................................................................................................... 41
Art.45 Post first-year students enrolled in first-cycle or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s degree
courses, including the new music and art degrees under the post-1999/”new” system ............................ 41
45.1 Requirements to access benefits ..................................................................................................... 41
45.2 Calculation of the entry year ............................................................................................................ 41
45.3 Merit-based requirements ............................................................................................................... 41
45.4 Art.8 Bonus (see video) .................................................................................................................... 41
45.5 Documentation on merit to attach to the application ..................................................................... 42
Art. 46 Post first-year students enrolled in a post-graduate course and PhD programme .......................... 43
46.1 Requirements to access benefits ..................................................................................................... 43
46.2 Merit-based requirements ............................................................................................................... 43
Section XI – Final provisions ............................................................................................................................. 43
Art.47 Checks, revocations, penalties, disclosure requirements ................................................................. 43
47.1 Assessment of inconsistencies and related sanctions ...................................................................... 43
Art. 48 Termination rule for cases not contemplated in this notice ............................................................ 44
Art.49 Confidentiality and Privacy................................................................................................................ 44
Art.50 Final provisions ................................................................................................................................. 44
Annexes ........................................................................................................................................................... 44


Submission of applications
From June 5 to July 20, 2023, at Compilation and submission of the application form
12:00 p.m. (first phase).
For students admitted to the second phase: period of
From July 27 to August 11, 2023,
time to access the application form again and make
at 12:00 p.m.
amendments/corrections and new submissions.
Mandatory deadline to access with SPID or the CIE to
August 11, 2023, at noon.
one’s personal account.
Mandatory deadline for students residing in Italy to sign
July 20, 2023 the DSU to access the benefits for the right to university

Mandatory deadline for students not residing in Italy to

December 28, 2023 file the ISEE Universitario Parificato (ISEEUP) at one of
the CAFs (Tax Advisory Centres) recognized by DiSCo.

Mandatory deadline for DiSCo to retrieve the DSU from

December 28, 2023
the INPS database.
Rental Agreement

November 30, 2023 Mandatory deadline for signing a rental agreement.

Mandatory deadline for entering the rental agreement

December 28, 2023
details into the system.
Mandatory deadline for entering the rental agreement
April 10, 2024 details into the system for eligible students who were
not awarded an accommodation.
Other regularisation requirements
Mandatory deadline for completing university
Mandatory deadline for sending the documentation,
even if provisional, on the residence permit by opening
February 9, 2024
a ticket.

Mandatory deadline for status regularisation:

elimination of blocks/inconsistencies in the system.

Section I – General principles and definitions
Art.1 General principles
The Lazio Region, through DiSCo, the regional body for the right to education and the promotion
of knowledge, protects and promotes the right to university education, as a fundamental tool for
'removing the economic and social barriers that limit the full development of the human person'
(Article 3 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic).
Through this Call for applications, DiSCo regulates access to the benefits for the academic year
Benefits may be requested yearly, until the highest level of university education is attained.
The benefits cannot be requested while the student is obtaining a second degree of the same
cycle as the one already achieved (e.g. a double three-year degree.)
The benefits are awarded by calculating and combining elements such as the applicant’s income
and merit.
Specific categories of students may benefit from facilitations and exemptions, such as students
with disabilities of no less than 66%.

Support for filling in the application form

DiSCo provides various operational and informative tools, making up a system of constantly
updated rules and procedures that can be found on the Call for Applications’ webpage at
The presence of explanatory/support resources in the Call for applications is flagged through

symbols. An example of this is the command “see video” identified by the following icon: “ “.
The videos and other materials to understand and read the call for applications will be active also
on the online application form. However, the text of the call for applications is the only complete
and correct guide to submit applications.
Student’s Personal Account
All DiSCo’s communications and the outcomes of the applications are published on every student’s
personal account.
All DiSCo’s communications published on the student’s personal account are considered
notifications for all legal purposes.

Students’ duties
 Students are required to periodically consult their accounts on;
 Students who have not elected domicile in Italy must open a PEC (Certified Email Address)
account to receive DiSCo’s communications concerning this call for applications, under Art.
47 of the Civil Code;
 Before filling in the application form, students must view the support materials available
on the webpage devoted to this Call for applications ;
 International students not residing or domiciled in Italy must indicate a PEC address in the
section “legal domicile”. The address may be entered after the submission of the
application, by accessing the section “Il mio profilo” in the Student’s personal account. In
alternative to the PEC, students may elect domicile in a place different from DiSCo’s
university residences and offices hereunder, as per Art. 47 of the Civil Code.
 Under penalty of losing the benefit, students must formally notify any modifications to
what they declared at the time of application within 30 days of the event. This particularly
refers to the following changes:
 Personal information (tax identification number, residence, domicile, etc.);
 Withdrawal/Forfeiture of the study right;
 Change of degree programme and/or transfer to another university with or without
recognition of exams/credits;
 Scholarships granted by bodies other than DiSCo;
 Other grants or services provided by bodies other than DiSCo except Erasmus grants
and internship grants (what is commonly known as the 150-hour grant);
 Any other changes as regards the information provided in the application.

Financial resources
This Call for applications can be financed through the following, but not limited to, sources:
 Revenue from the regional tax for the right to education;
 State Compensation Fund;
 The Lazio Region’s own resources;
 The European Social Fund;
 Additional resources of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4 Component 1
Investment 1.7 “University Scholarships” - financed by the European Union –
The logos of the relative resources used are presented below.

Art.2 Definitions
For the purposes of this call for applications, the following definitions are used:
a) University: the universities and academies of art, music and dancing (AFAM) listed in
Annex A , based in the Lazio Region, and issuing legally valid qualifications;
b) Student: any person who enrols in a course at one of the Universities as defined above for
the academic year 2023/2024;
c) Beneficiary: any student who is assigned one or more benefits offered by the current call
for applications. This condition applies if the declarations contained in the form are true
and correct and the below-mentioned merit-based and income-based requirements are
maintained throughout the a. y. 2023/2024;
d) Eligible: any student who meets the requirements established by this call, but is not
declared a “beneficiary” for lack of funds/accommodations; this condition applies if the
declarations contained in the form are true and correct and the below-mentioned merit-
based and income-based requirements are maintained throughout the academic year of
e) First-year student: any students who enrol in a first-year course at one of the Universities
as defined above for the a. y. 2023/2024; students who have withdrawn from their studies
and have re-enrolled in a first-year course for the a. y. 2023/2024 are considered first-year
f) Student with disabilities: students with a disability recognised in Italy of no less than 66%,
or with handicaps certified pursuant to Art. 3, paragraph 3, Law no. 104 of February 5,
g) Location of the studies: the Municipality where the course of studies is held, or in cases of
double location, the location where most of the course is taught in presence;
h) “In-town” student: a student residing in the Municipality in which the university course is
held. In-town students are also students enrolled at online universities, and predominantly
follow distance-learning courses;
i) “commuter” student: students who live within 50 kilometres from the municipality in
which the course of study is held. For the students who attend courses in Rome or Cassino,
the classification is calculated on their residence in one of the Municipalities listed in Annex
B ;
j) “Out-of-town” student: students residing in a location that is more than 50km from the
place where the course is held and pay for an accommodation, for a period of at least ten
months between October 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024 in the town where the course
is held. See - Annex C ;
k) “Calculated commuter student”: students who, despite living more than 50km from where
the course is held, do not pay for an accommodation in the Municipality in which the
course is taught. In addition, a “calculated commuter student” is a student who, while
having signed a rental agreement of a minimum of 10 months, receives economic
contributions/subsidies from public or private bodies to cover even partially the
accommodation costs paid for the a. y. 2023/2024;
l) Local branch office: the local DiSCo office a student can address for the administrative
activities connected to the applications and the benefits applied for. The relevant office is
identified according to the University where the student is enrolled - Annex A ;
m) Application form: the online form, accessible via the student’s personal account, must be
filled in and sent by July 20, 2023 to apply for the Call for applications for the Right to
education 2023/2024;
n) Personal account: the website section that only users with SPID/CIE or international
students who registered on the website can access. The communications
issued by DiSCo in this section have legal value;
o) System: the coordinated and integrated set of computer software and procedures on the
website to acquire the applications for the benefits, verify the data
acquired and process the results;
p) DSU: the document containing the personal, income and assets details necessary to
describe a family’s economic situation, in view of obtaining an ISEE indicator, that is
needed to apply for the services intended to promote the right to education;
q) ISEE: The Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation for services subsidized for the
right to university education is calculated based on the DSU data. As regards the ISEE
calculation, the Call for applications refers to Prime Ministerial Decree no. 159 of
December 5, 2013, and following modifications;
r) ISEEUP: The Equalized Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation, underwritten at one
of the Recognised CAFs;
s) Recognized CAF: A Tax Advisory Centre (CAF) which has been accredited by DiSCo to
release the ISEEUP certificate, that is valid to apply for this Call for applications. The list of
recognized CAFs is available on DiSCo’s institutional website ;

t) SPID: the public identity certification system enabling citizens to access the public
administration online services, through a single digital identity via computer, tablet and
smartphone ;
u) CIE: The Italian Electronic Identity Card issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs;
v) Ticket: a communication sent to DiSCo through a specific IT management system that can
be found in the student’s personal account. In the current Call for applications, the “ticket”
is identified as the “student’s only means to communicate with DiSCo” ;
w) Domicile: the main place where a person operates, or studies and works from ;
x) Elected domicile: a place different from the residence, where the student intends to
receive any paper communication from DiSCo, relative to this call for applications. The
domicile cannot be elected at one of DiSCo’s university residences herein;
y) Residence: the place where the student normally lives, according to the municipal registry
office, that is where the student lives in a stable and permanent way (except for university
residences under this Call);
z) Joint study course: a course activated through an agreement among different Universities,
that merges several educational goals in one course of studies;
aa) S.T.E.M. courses: courses in the macro areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics ;
bb) Student Code: the alphanumeric code generated by the system to identify students
distinctively to protect their privacy. The Student Code is visible in the student’s personal
account and replaces the personal data in any rankings and publications concerning
DiSCo’s services.

Art.3 Benefits and Services to be awarded

Thank to this Call for applications and subject to the available funds, DiSCo grants the following:

 Scholarships for degree programmes under art 4;

 Accommodations at DiSCo’s university Residences, under Annex G :
 Food service at DiSCo’s university canteens and refreshment centres;
 Contributions for international mobility to participate in student mobility schemes adopted
by individual universities;
 Graduation awards for the beneficiaries of a scholarship in the a. y. 2022/2023 who
complete a first-cycle or second-cycle or a Master's degree within the legal duration of the
relevant course of study.

Art.4 Beneficiaries
Students who are enrolled as at February 9, 2024 in one of the following courses at a University
with headquarters in the Lazio Region may have access to the benefits:

 Degree;
 Second-cycle Master’s degree;
 Single-cycle Master’s degree;
 PhD programmes, except for students benefitting from scholarships, research grants, or
any other grants from the University or other Institutions.

 Post-graduate school, except for medical students who are the beneficiaries of
scholarships, internship contracts or other benefits and remuneration;
 Joint study courses, on condition that the students are enrolled at a university with legal
headquarters in the Lazio Region and have paid the regional tax for the right to education
to the Lazio Region.
Students are entitled to scholarships, if they meet the income- and merit-based requirements,
have been declared beneficiaries following the publication of the relative rankings, and their
universities have confirmed the following even after the publication of the final results:
 Their regular enrolment;
 Their regular university career;
 The consistency between the data contained in the student’s application and the findings.

The benefits referred to in this call are granted for the first-time completion of each of the above
course levels and consequently the following student categories are not admitted to this call:

 Students with another university qualification equal to the title they intend to obtain at the
end of the course they are enrolled in for the a. y. 2023/2024;
 Students who, after changing careers, have already obtained a scholarship for the same
type of course for which they applied under this call for applications;
 Students who, after changing careers, are enrolled once again in the first year of a study
course of the same cycle as the course they come from for a. y. 2023/2024;

Students admitted to Post-graduate courses governed by calls for applications issued by their
respective universities, may access the benefits hereunder only if the year of enrolment coincides
with the a. y. 2023/2024.
Double enrolment
At the conditions of this call for applications, a student who has enrolled in two courses at the
same timei may benefit from the tools and services promoting the right to education only for one
course taken at a University with legal headquarters in the Lazio Region, that must be indicated in
the online application. For the second course, a higher scholarship amount is envisaged, as per art.
8 of the call for applications.
A student with one or more careers already started may apply for a scholarship, indicating the
earliest enrolment date or, in case of enrolment to courses of different levels, the enrolment date
of the higher course of studies.
Students must maintain the merit-based requirements for both courses of study to be entitled to
the higher amount for the double enrolment.

Art.5 Compatibility/incompatibility
The DiSCo scholarship is exclusively compatible with:
 Internship grants (what is commonly known as the 150-hour grant);
 Grants issued by the European Union and/or other entities with different objectives;
 Other grants that can be accumulated as specified by the law (e.g. Erasmus grants).

Scholarships that are irrelevant for the submission of the application form

For the purposes of this call, international mobility grants and 150-hour grants must not be
declared when the application is submitted.
The scholarships granted by DiSCo are incompatible with scholarships and/or other benefits for
the Right to Education, that are awarded by other public and private bodies/entities, including
those assigned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and merit-based scholarships allocated by
Universities (e.g.: Wanted the Best, Don't Miss Your Chance etc.).
The scholarships granted by DiSCo are incompatible with scholarships, research grants or other
benefits awarded to PhD students by the university, or other Institutions.
Should students be awarded another scholarship/benefit for the a. y. 2023/2024, they may
maintain the benefits provided by DiSCo by opening a ticket and producing the waiver presented
to the other institution that granted the incompatible benefit before February 9, 2024, as well as
the documentation certifying the repayment of any amounts already received.
Art.6 Duration of benefits
With regards to the type of course of studies, the benefits may be required from the year of first
 Throughout the legal duration of the courses plus a semester in case of enrolment in a
first- or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s degree, including music and art degrees
AFAM under the post-1999/”new” system; plus an additional semester only for the
accommodation service;
 Throughout the legal duration of the courses, in case of enrolment in a PhD. Beneficiaries
of scholarships under MD n. 224/1999 or of other contributions from universities or other
public or private institutions are excluded;
 Throughout the legal duration of the courses, in case of enrolment in a post-graduate
course. Medical students under Leg. Decree n. 368/1999 or beneficiaries of scholarships,
internship contracts or other benefits and remuneration are excluded;

This call for applications contains the following exemptions:

a) Students with disabilities, as per Art. 2, letter f, benefit from two additional semesters in
terms of duration of the benefit, as set forth for the cases contemplated in this call for
applications. In addition, such students are awarded a 5% increase of the scholarship
amount compared to other students.
b) Students with a three-year degree who enrol in a single-cycle degree course.
Students with a first-cycle three-year or bachelor’s degree who enrol in a single-cycle
degree are eligible for these benefits only starting from the 4 th year and for the remaining
years admissible to complete the single-cycle degree. The year of first enrolment should be
calculated from the a. y. 2023/2024, minus the legal duration of the three-year degree
c) Students with a degree obtained abroad
Students with a university degree obtained abroad, even if the university held its courses
of studies in Italy, must compulsorily request its total or partial recognition/career
shortening and, as per the law in effect, may receive the benefits only for the remaining
years admissible to complete the degree.

Art.7 Allocation of the benefits
For the a. y. 2023/2024, the funds and services available for the benefits hereunder have been
allocated as follows:

 25% to first-year students;

 75% to post first-year students.

Art.8 Scholarship amounts

The maximum amounts are established as followsii:
• € 2,682.77 for in-town students;
• € 3,889.99 for commuter students;
• € 6,656.52 for out-of-town students.

Such amounts are increased in the following casesiii:

 The scholarship is increased by 15% for students with an ISEE indicator of no more than €
 The scholarship is increased by 20% for female students enrolled in STEM courses (Science,
technology, engineering and mathematics ;
 Independent students with income of no less that € 9,000.00 earned either from a regular
job contract or similar receive the same scholarship amount as out-of-town students.
However, they must prove that they have not resided in their family’s home, nor in a house
owned by a family member, and therefore they must prove that they have paid for an
accommodation for the two years before the application date;
 Students simultaneously enrolled in more than one courses of study may obtain a
scholarship with a 20% increase. This rise is only awarded if the students possess and retain
the merit-based requirements by law for both courses of study until attainment of one of
the two qualifications. The scholarship and any relevant increase shall be withdrawn if the
student loses the requirements set out in this call for applications relative to the course of
study to which the scholarship application refers (i.e. the course of first enrolment).
Students enrolled in the first year beyond the legal duration of the programme will receive 50% of
the total grant.
Students with disabilities enrolled in the second year beyond the legal duration of the programme
will receive 50% of the total grant.
The scholarship amount is fully paid to students whose ISEE or ISEEUP indicators are below or
equal to two thirds of the maximum threshold set forth in Art. 12 herein, while it is proportionally
reduced up to half its value with ISEE indicators of more than € 17,537.50, i.e. 2/3 of the threshold
established in Art. 12.
Table 6 displays the value of scholarships according to the ISEE of reference
Table 6
ISEE level Out-of-town students Commuter students In-town students

Equal or below € 7,655.00 € 4,473.49 € 3,085.19

€ 13,153.13 (115%) (115%) (115%)

Between € 6,656.52 € 3,889.99 € 2,682.77

€ 13,153.14 and (100%) (100%) (100%)

€ 17,537.49
Higher or equal to gradually reduced up to gradually reduced up to gradually reduced up to
one half (minimum one half (minimum one half (minimum €
€ 17,537.50
€ 3,328.26) € 1,945.00)

Art.9 Payment procedure for scholarships, graduation awards and international mobility
All the amounts due will be exclusively paid via bank transfer, or card with IT IBAN, i.e. opened at a
bank active on the Italian territory and held or co-held by the student.

Student’s duties
 Students must indicate the IBAN code for the payment of the scholarship in the section
“Payment Mode” in the student’s personal account, within six months from being declared a
beneficiary, under penalty of losing the right to receive the scholarship settlement.
 Students must timely update the payment method in case of changes. Any cost connected to
a new payment order will be paid by the student.

Special cases
International students who cannot open a bank account under the current Italian banking
International students who cannot open a bank account under the current Italian banking
legislation may enter a foreign IBAN code, provided that it is part of the SEPA circuit. In this case,
DiSCo takes no responsibility for any delays or payment failures. Any transaction costs related to
unsuccessful payment orders will be deducted from the scholarship.
If the IBAN code indicated for the payment is incorrect or the account is in the name of a person
other than the beneficiary, any penalty applied will be charged to the student and any subsequent
reissues will be paid to the student net of the penalty.
In the section “Payment Mode” on the application form and in the student’s personal account,
students may enter/modify the IBAN code for the payment of the scholarship.
Within six months from the award of the beneficiary status, students must mandatorily provide
their bank details, upon penalty of losing the entitlement to the payment of the grant.

Art.10 Student Classification

Students are classified based on the distance between their residence and the location where
they attend their courses of study.
DiSCo classifies students as follows, according to the data they declared at the time of application,
and after verification with the competent authorities:
 International students whenever at least more than half of their family resides in Italy, follow
the same rules set forth in this call for students residing in Italy;

 Students who attend courses at a University branch are classified based on the distance
between the municipality where the students reside and the location where they attend the

DiSCo reserves the right to modify the student’s classification also after the publication of the final
ranking, depending on the outcome of the checks with the competent authorities and any
modifications of any safety regulations, particularly emergency regulations.
By opening a ticket, students can present a specific request with the relevant documentation to
submit particular situations for consideration or include places that are not contemplated in
Annexes B and C hereunder. DiSCo reserves the right to assess individual requests at its
sole discretion, in compliance with the regulations in force.

10.1 Out-of-town students

For students to be considered out-of-town, they must reside in the municipalities listed in Annex
C herein or in a region other than Lazio, or in a municipality outside the province of Viterbo
only for the courses held in the municipality of Viterbo, and must prove that they are or intend to
take out a rental contract for a period of at least ten months in the location where the course of
studies is held between October 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024.
The contract must be signed by November 30, 2023 and duly registered with the Italian Revenue
Agency by December 28, 2023.

Self-certification of paid accommodation

Students wishing to obtain the out-of-town status must indicate on their application form their
willingness to pay for an accommodation.
Students who receive the out-of-town and eligibility status, but do not obtain an accommodation
must state the cost paid for the rental agreement by April 10, 2024. Such agreement must comply
with the requirements of Art. 10.1 and its details must be entered in the specific section of the
personal account for students to receive the amounts intended for out-of-town students.
Students who have a rental agreement, regularly registered with the Italian Revenue Agency by
the application deadline, even if it has a duration of less than 10 months, must enter its details in
the “Domicile” section on the application form.
Should the details of such rental agreement not be entered by December 28, 2023, the student
will be automatically reclassified as calculated commuter. In case of rank advancements, new
beneficiary students are defined based on the data entered at the time of application.

Special cases:
 Students who have not yet signed a rental contract when submitting their applications.
These students must indicate their intention to enter into such contract in the “Domicile”
section of the application form by November 30, 2023, and reserve the right to integrate
the data at a later stage. Such statement is not binding and the student is free not to enter
into any contract. Students will be classified as out-of-town, only if they enter the details of
the signed or renewed, or extended contract, duly registered in the system with the Italian
Revenue Agency by December 28, 2023. Pending the provision of the rental contract
details, beneficiary students will receive as first instalment the amount granted to

commuter students, without prejudice to the subsequent full payment. Should the details of
such rental agreement not be entered by December 28, 2023, the student will be
automatically reclassified as calculated commuter. In case of rank advancements, new
beneficiary students are defined based on the data entered at the time of application.
 Students with a contract expiring after December 28, 2023. Students must enter the
contract renewal details, using a specific function in their personal accounts. Failure to enter
the contract renewal details by the deadlines provided for the full payment of the
scholarship under Sections IX and X means that students shall be classified as calculated
commuters, with an ensuing recalculation of the scholarship amount.
 International students with at least 50% of their families living in a country other than
Italy.Such students are automatically classified as Out-of-town without any further need to
enter into a rental agreement. For the purposes of calculating the number of family
members residing abroad, only the data entered by the student at the time of application
are considered, subject to verification on the part of DiSCo with the competent authorities.
Such provision does not apply if the student is enrolled in an online university or a distance-
learning course: in this case, the student shall automatically receive the in-town
classification, under Art. 10.3 of this call for applications.
 Students staying at religious or other private facilities. Students who pay for an
accommodation at religious or private institutions, which are not included in this call, must
fill in all fields regarding that option in the online application form.
 Students who are not beneficiaries, but eligible for accommodation. Students who are not
awarded an accommodation shall maintain the out-of-town status only if they waive their
eligibility to accommodation and enter into a rental agreement by November 30, 2023, for
the above-mentioned time frame. Communication of the waiver should be notified via
ticket and the agreement details must be entered in the relevant section of the student’s
personal account by April 10, 2024.
 Students initially excluded and subsequently readmitted as beneficiaries
For students subsequently readmitted as beneficiaries, the assignment of an
accommodation is subject to availability.
If no accommodation is available, the concerned students will receive the scholarship as
out-of-town students, independently from the submission of a regular rental agreement.
 Students participating in international mobility schemes. Under no circumstances may
students be classified as out-of-town, unless they can prove that the time spent abroad as
part of an international mobility programme, possibly integrated with a rental agreement
for an accommodation in the municipality where the course was held, covered a minimum
of ten months. Consequently, students who will reside aboard for less than 10 months in the
a. y. 2023/2024 must notify to the relevant offices the data relative to the time spent abroad
and any rental agreement taken out in the location where the courses are held via the
section “Enter contract” on the students’ personal accounts. Should this be not possible, the
documentation has to be timely sent to the offices by opening a ticket.
 Political refugee students
The out-of-town status is automatically assigned only after the students received a political
refugee status. Those awaiting the recognition of such status will be classified as
international students.

10.2 Commuter students and calculated commuter students
Students residing in municipalities other than the location where the university courses are held
and within 50 km of such location or, only if the university course is held in the municipalities of
Rome or Cassino, students residing in the municipalities listed in Annex B of this call are
considered commuter students.
Students who benefit from contributions/subsidies/scholarships that even partially cover the
accommodation costs will be automatically classified as calculated commuters.

Special cases

 Students who received grants or accommodations provided by other entities

If the INPS (National Social Security Institute) or other public or private entities have allocated
grants or residential accommodations, this must be stated when the application is submitted.
Students who received grants to cover the accommodation costs, shall automatically be classified
as calculated commuters.
Students who receive additional scholarships not provided by DiSCo, following the publication of
the final outcomes, must communicate this via ticket, attaching a copy of the relative call for
applications, under penalty of losing the scholarship, the accommodation and of refunding any
amount of money already received.

10.3 In-town students

For the purposes of this call, the following students are classified as in-town:

 Students residing in the municipality in which most of the activities connected with the
university course are carried out;
 Students enrolled in online university or distance-learning programmes;
 Students subject to measures restricting personal freedom.

Art.11 Merit-based requirements

Students must mandatorily complete their enrolment by February 9, 2024, under penalty of
exclusion. By this date, students must prove that they are regularly enrolled in the course of
studies relative to the scholarship applications.
The merit-based requirement varies depending on the type and year of course, as described in
Table 1 of Annex H and in sections IX and X of this Call for applications.
The student’s entry year is calculated considering the academic year in which the student first
enrolled, as per table 1 .
There must be a correspondence between the years passed from the first enrolment and the
course year attended. This means that repeated course years are excluded, therefore students
who repeated one or more course years are not entitled to the benefits.
For the students who formally withdrew from their studies and enrol again, the entry year starts at
the enrolment date in the new course.

Art.9 Changing the degree programme - Transfers - New enrolment following withdrawal/forfeiture
of study rights
Grants are awarded one per each year and/or degree cycle.

11.2 Changing the degree programme/Transfers

Should students change their degree programme or transfer to another university, the course year
must be consistent with the entry year and is calculated including the years of enrolment in the
degree programme prior to the change or transfer.
Students must notify via ticket the conclusion of the recognition procedure for the
change/transfer to another course, enclosing the relevant documentation mandatorily by
February 9, 2024, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefits.
The scholarship payment is suspended until the application status has been regularised.
DiSCo reserves the right to carry out all the checks deemed necessary with the various
Universities, also with reference to any previous academic careers.

11.3 Recognition of qualifications/exams

Students already possessing an academic qualification obtained abroad must state this in the
application form, under penalty of forfeiture of the benefits. For academic qualifications obtained
abroad, students must require the relative recognition to the university of origin, under penalty of
forfeiture of the benefits, also for the purposes of shortening a degree programme.
The outcome of the recognition procedure will be sent via ticket.
Benefits are only available for the remaining years of the course necessary to obtain the

11.4 Career shortening

Students must notify that they have obtained a shortening of a degree programme mandatorily
within 10 days of the conclusion of the recognition procedure, under penalty of forfeiture of the
DiSCo reserves the right to carry out all the checks deemed necessary with the various
Universities, also with reference to any previous academic careers. For the purposes of matching
the data obtained from the university, DiSCo reserves the right to proceed to update the data
provided by students on the application forms.
Students, who after receiving a career shortening are admitted to a course year for which they are
already beneficiary of a scholarship, may benefit from the grants herein only on condition that
they return the amounts received for the same course year.

11.5 Withdrawal/Forfeiture of the study right

Students who enrolled after withdrawing previously from their studies or who are disqualified by
their universities must obtain the credits required in Annex H of this call, without resorting to
any credits/exams and training activities recognized in the previous career.
More specifically:
 For students who were disqualified or withdrew from their studies and are admitted to the
first year of a degree course, master’s degree and single-cycle master’s course in a. y.
2023/2024, access to the grants will be assessed only on the income-based requirements
(without consideration of any credits achieved). For the scholarship assignment to become

effective and the balance to be paid, students must obtain the credits as per section IX,
without resorting to any recognition of training activities/exams passed in the previous
career. They will not resort to the recognition in the subsequent academic years. However,
any credits obtained in the new course from additional activities carried out to complete
exams that were even partially recognised shall be counted in, if they were acquired within
the deadlines in section IX;
 For students who were disqualified or withdrew from their studies and are admitted to a
year after the first of a degree course, master’s degree and single-cycle master’s course in a.
y. 2023/2024, any credits earned from the previous career shall not be calculated to achieve
the necessary credits. However, any credits obtained in the new course from additional
activities carried out to complete exams that were only partially recognised shall be
calculated, if they were acquired before August 10, 2023.

The students who forfeited or withdrew from their studies and obtained the grants for the right to
education may earn the benefits hereunder only for the course years for which they had not
previously required them. If students enrol in a course year in a. y. 2023/2024 for which they
already benefited from a scholarship, they will obtain the benefits hereunder, only after returning
the amounts already received for the same course year, according to the modalities described

Students, who after forfeiture/withdrawal from the studies find themselves in the condition to
return the benefits already allocated by DiSCo or other entities promoting the right to education,
are entitled to participate in the call for applications for the right to education 2023/2024, on
condition that they returned any money received during the withdrawal period in a single
instalment, before participating in the call.
Only if students renounce the benefits provided by DiSCo or other entities promoting the right to
education after the publication of this call, they may apply for the a. y. 2023/2024, on condition
that the withdrawal request is submitted by July 20, 2023 and the amounts due are paid back in
one instalment by the date communicated by DiSCo.
Students who have received benefits from a different body promoting the right to education must
open a ticket and provide the relevant documentation proving that any amount received during
the withdrawal period has been returned.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the students awaiting the results for limited
enrolment courses may apply for the scholarship for a. y. 2023/2024, on condition that the waiver
of the scholarship for the previous career is filed within 10 days of the publication of the test
results. DiSCo will notify the deadline for returning the amounts already obtained.

Art.12 Economic requirements

For the a. y. 2023/2024, the income and assets limits, unless the maximum threshold imposed by
the Ministry of Education, University and Research is modified, are the following iv:
 ISEE (Indicator of the Equivalent Economic Situation): € 26,306.25
 ISPE (Indicator of the Equivalent Assets Situation): € 57,187.53

Students exceeding either limit will not be eligible for the benefits of this call for applications.
Students are responsible for making sure that the information entered in the DSU is true and
The ISEE/ISEEUP indicator is calculated considering the sum of all the income earned in 2021 and
20% of the assets owned as at December 31, 2021, divided by an equivalence parameter, which is
based on the number of family members.

Independent students
Without prejudice to the income and assets limits stated in this article, for students, Italian or
international, to be classified as independent, both the following requirements must apply at the
same time:
 Independent residence from the family of origin for at least two years prior to the
application date and in an accommodation not owned by any family member; therefore,
students can prove that they pay for their accommodation;
 Income of no less that € 9,000.00v per year earned either from a regular employment
contract or similar, and declared for tax purposes.

Should these requirements not apply, students must integrate their income with that of their
family of origin at the CAF (Tax Advisory Centre) by no later than December 28, 2023, under
penalty of exclusion from the benefits.

Student’s duties
Should the ISEE/ISEEUP indicators present omissions or discrepancies, the student must carry
out the necessary and timely integrations and corrections by December 28, 2023, under penalty
of exclusion from all the benefits.

12.1 Economic documentation – Students residing in Italy

The income-based and assets-based requirements are calculated according to the ISEE indicator
relative to the benefits for the right to education. Students are required to fill in and sign the
Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica - DSU (Self-certification)vi stating the income and assets for 2021
on the INPS portal or through a CAF (Tax Advisory Centre) by July 20, 2023.
To apply for any of the benefits provided by this call for applications, only DSUs filed between
January 1, 2023, and July 20, 2023, will be deemed valid.
Submitting a DSU after July 20, 2023, is a cause for exclusion.
DiSCo acquires the ISEE/ISPE values automatically by querying the INPS database: therefore, the
application form does not request any of the relevant data, nor there is the need to transmit the
documentation on the ISEE calculation.

Special cases
Students with refugee status
Non-EU students with a recognized refugee status must submit the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica
– DSU by no later than July 20, 2023.

Students without the requirements intended for independent students whose families live
These students must integrate the ISEE indicator, in addition to the ISEEUP indicator at a
recognised CAF office by December 28, 2023, under penalty of exclusion from the benefit.

Current ISEE
In case of relevant changes in the income, following adverse events (such as, job loss, suspension
or reduction of the work activity or interruption of social assistance services) or an assets
reduction, the INPS provides students with the possibility to calculate their Current ISEE value.
Before requiring the calculation of the Current ISEE Indicator, an ISEE certificate must be released,
with ISEE calculated by July 20, 2023, according to the ordinary rules. The CAF must evaluate the
possibility to calculate the Current ISEE Indicator.

12.2 Economic documentation – Students not residing in Italy

The economic situation of international students (with families not residing in Italy), and of Italian
students residing abroad is defined through the Equalized Indicator of the Equivalent Economic
Situation abroad (also known as ISEEUP).
To participate in this call, the ISEEUP must be filed by December 28, 2023 at one of DiSCo-
approved CAFs (a list of recognised CAFs can be found on prior presentation of
the relevant income documentation .
Recognized CAFs assist students free of charge in filing the ISEEUP declaration and release the
relevant certificate, upon presentation by the students of the documentation issued by the Italian
diplomatic authorities present in the Country of residence. All documents must be mandatorily
translated in the Italian language and attest to the following:
 The family composition, including the name, last name and date of birth of each family
member, in order to calculate the correct equivalence parameter;
 The gross annual income earned by each family member in the Country of origin in 2021
(any lack of income must be specified in the documentation);
 Any real estate property owned by each family member as at December 31, 2021,
indicating the surface area of the buildings, as well as any movable assets available at the
same date (any absence of movable assets must be expressly specified in the
 Any rent paid for the family’s residence.

Declarations in lieu, self-certifications, affidavits, or any other kind of sworn statements cannot be
Should the documentation present omissions or discrepancies, the expenses to cover any
integration shall be paid by the students and not be reimbursed.
Students, who have not calculated and declared the ISEEUP at a recognized CAF by December 28,
2023, are excluded from the benefits. For the purposes of this call for applications, no other
documentation produced at a later time will be accepted even if in original copy.
In case of omissions or discrepancies, the student must carry out the necessary and timely
integrations and corrections by December 28, 2023 under penalty of exclusion from the
With regards to the international situation, DiSCo reserves the right to issue a list of diplomatic or
consular representations in Italy of countries that the students may consult, using the form in
Annex D herein. This certification must be legalised by the Italian Prefecture. The list of
countries subject to derogation is published on DiSCo’s institutional web page dedicated to the call
for applications for the right to education 2023/2024 that is constantly updated - Annex E .

Special cases
Students from particularly disadvantaged countries identified by the MUR
International students from particularly disadvantaged Countries, as per Annex E , are required
to submit an ISEEUP indicator at a recognised CAF, in compliance with the deadlines and modes of
Art. 12.2.
For international students from one of the particularly disadvantaged countries identified by
Ministerial Decree no. 344 of April 8, 2022 (and following amendments), and listed in Annex E vii,
the income-based requirements will be assessed based on the documentation issued by the Italian
diplomatic representation in the Country of origin. The documentation thus produced must certify
that the student does not belong to a family known to have a high income and a high social rank.
For students who enrolled at universities in their countries of origin that signed specific
agreements with the Italian university of enrolment, such documentation may be issued by the
foreign university of enrolment.

Students seeking asylum/international protection

DiSCo will accept the ISEE or ISEEUP Indicator after the evaluation of the student’s documentation,
reserving the right to carry out later checks. The documentation regarding an asylum/protection
application must be mandatorily attached, with the passport, and residence permit, if any, to the
application form by August 11, 2023 at 12.

Section II – Application submission

Art.13 System access and student identification procedures
The application form can exclusively be accessed through one of the following procedures:

 Students over 18 years of age, holding an identity document issued by the Italian authorities
(e.g. Passport, ID Card, etc.), and international students residing in Italy (even if in
possession of DiSCo credentials)
Must mandatorily access in one of the following ways:
 electronic ID Card (CIE).
 International students with exclusively an identity document issued by foreign authorities
They must first access their personal account through the DiSCo credentials already in their
possession, or failing these, they can obtain the credentials after registration.
Face-to-face identification is required, and must be carried out at a recognised CAF office when
filling in the ISEEUP form. A list of recognised CAFs can be found here .
Face-to-face recognition is not required if the student is in possession of the DiSCo PIN issued in
previous years after sending the relevant release form.
International students who only hold a Passport must apply using the PIN issued by the system
and visible in their personal accounts.
 Underage students residing in Italy
Also underage students will be required to use SPID or the CIE.

Art.14 Application submission: terms and procedures
To request the benefits addressed by this call, applications must be filed exclusively through the
online form accessible from the student’s personal account at starting from June
5, 2023, and submitted by no later than July 20, 2023, at 12 p.m.
The students who wish to apply for DiSCo’s benefits must fill in all the sections in the form, stating
that all the data presented are true and correct under Art.76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000 and
attaching any relevant documentation required by the system.

The procedure for the application submission comprises two phases.

During the first phase, which ends on July 20, 2023, at noon, students fill in the online application
form that they can find in their personal accounts and submit it online via the “Application
transmission” (“trasmissione domanda”) function.

Following this, the system automatically certifies the receipt of the application by issuing an
identification number that students must keep in case of any dispute.

Students who have not completed all the sections of the application form or have not transmitted
it, attaching any documentation required by July 20th 2023 at 12:00, will be excluded from any

The “Unlock - Insert modifications/integrations” function

In case of errors/omissions during the application submission, students can make changes using
the “Unlock - Insert modifications/integrations” function by July 20, 2023, at 12.
The activation of the “Unlock - insert modifications/integrations” function cancels the application
even in those cases where no changes are applied, therefore, independently from any
modification, it is necessary for the student to transmit the application and the relative annexes in
any case by the mandatory deadline of July 20, 2023, at 12, under penalty of exclusion from all the

Publication of provisional rankings

By July 26, 2023, DiSCo will publish the provisional rankings to inform the students of the
temporary status they acquired and of any inconsistencies.

Eligible students
The “eligible” status assigned in the provisional rankings does not entitle the student to be
declared eligible or beneficiary of the scholarship. The student's status remains subject to checks
and verifications, to be carried out even at a later date with the institutions concerned and the
competent authorities. These findings may determine a subsequent change in the outcome.
The "eligible" status does not exempt the student from verifying the accuracy, completeness and
truthfulness of what was declared during the first phase and from inserting any
correction/integration, if necessary, by August 11, 2023, at 12.

Excluded students
Excluded students will be given an indication of the reasons for exclusion in order to let them
proceed, in the second phase and whenever possible, with the correction and/or integration of
the data entered during the first phase, through the “Unlock - Insert modifications/integrations”
function previously described.


Only students who submit the application by July 20, 2023, at 12, are admitted to the second

From July 26, 2023 to August 11, 2023 at 12, the students admitted to the second phase, whether
they are eligible or excluded, may reopen the online application form to make amendments,
corrections and integrations to their applications.
The second phase acts as a procedure for remedying deficiencies: therefore, the requests for
corrections submitted after this date will be rejected.
To apply any amendments, corrections or additions to what was previously declared, the student
must activate the “Insert modifications/integrations” function on the application form.
The activation of the “Insert modifications/integrations” and the “Unlock” functions cancels the
application and the annexes submitted during the first phase, even in cases where no changes are
Therefore, after the activation of such functions, in any case, whether or not changes have been
made, students must submit again the application form and the attachments if required,
mandatorily by no later than August 11, 2023, at 12.
The application submitted by July 20 2023 at 12 is valid for those students who have not activated
the “Unlock” or “Insert modifications/integrations” function during the second phase.

Art 14.1 Documents required

Based on the student’s declarations, the computer system may request that specific documents be
attached to the online form to complete the application.
If requested by the system, annexes must be mandatorily attached.

For International non-EU students with a valid residence permit

 A copy of a residence permit valid at the time the application was transmitted.

For International non-EU students without a valid residence permit

 A copy of their passport, and of the documentation, if any, certifying the application for the
residence permit. These students will in any case submit a copy of their renewed/newly
issued residence permit by opening a ticket by February 9, 2024, under penalty of losing the

For International non-EU students awaiting the renewal of a residence permit

 A copy of the passport.
 A copy of the documentation certifying the application for request/renewal of the residence
permit by February 9, 2024.

Documentation for the credits not registered on the exam certificate.

Credits from laboratories, internships and
training activities

Credits from exams divided into multiple Relevant certificate issued by the
modules University’s secretariat

Credits from internships

This documentation must be attached to the application by August 11, 2023 at 12, under penalty
of exclusion.

Section III – Outcomes and subsequent controls

Art.15 Criteria for the definition of rankings
Students are placed in the rankings based on the data provided on their application forms, after
verification of any false statements with the competent authorities.
After verifying that the students provided correct declarations, meet the requirements set forth by
this call, the ranking position and availability of funds for each benefit, students will be classified
as follows:
 Beneficiary;
 Eligible;
 Excluded.

Students who, despite meeting the requirements, are not declared beneficiaries due to a lack of
economic resources are declared eligible. The selection of the students viii beneficiary of the grants
referred to in this call for applications is made according to the following criteria:
a) First-year students: provisional and final rankings are drawn up in ascending order of
income according to the ISEE. When the ISEE indicatorix is equal, priority is given to older
b) Post first-year students: provisional and final rankings are based on a “joint coefficient”,
calculated with the following formula:

C = 0.7 x CFN + 0.04 x MeanN + 0.26 x ISEEN

Where CFN is the normalised merit coefficient adjusted to the use of the bonus, if any, and
a potential higher number of credits than those laid down by the Prime Ministerial Decree:
CFN= __(Achieved merit – Minimum expected merit)____

(Maximum achievable merit – Minimum expected merit)

The MeanN is the normalised mean of the grades:

MeanN = __(Mean – 18)__


and ISEEN is the normalised ISEE indicator:

ISSEN= 1 - __( ISEEDSU)_

(ISEE- max)

Where max is the maximum ISEE/ISEEUP threshold set out in the call for applications.

c) Subsequent years of PhD or specialization programmes: rankings are strictly in ascending

order of ISEE.

Every territorial office will provide the beneficiaries’ lists to the Universities of reference for any
subsequent procedure.
As regards the assignment of the beneficiary status, the documentation acquired by February 9,
2024 will be considered.

Art.16 Publication of the outcomes, verifications and communications to students

The temporary and final results of the call will be published in the student’s personal accounts to
protect the students’ privacy, in accordance to the applicable laws.
For this purpose, when registering, a personal code, Codice Studente, that can be found in the
student’s personal account, is assigned to each student to check and consult the rankings relative
to this call for applications.
The provisional and final results are published and made available by DiSCo on the students’
personal accounts and the website
With the publication in the student’s personal account, all communication requirements relating
to the outcome of the call are deemed to have been met and fulfilled.
The definitive outcomes of the call for applications are published according to these deadlines:

Benefit Publication date of definitive rankings

Accommodation September 15, 2023

October 11, 2023
International Mobility Additional Contribution

Graduation award Second semester 2024

Art. 17 Rank Advancements

After the publication of the final results, in case of allocation of additional funds, these will be
granted to eligible students, according to the same criteria referred to in Art. 15 and up to the
amount of available resources.
The notification of the change of status from eligible to beneficiary is reported in the
"Payment/outcome history" section of the personal accounts of concerned students. These
communications are considered notifications for all legal purposesx.
For students declared beneficiaries of the scholarship as a result of rank advancements, the
amount for any free meals will be deducted from the scholarship, as per paragraph 24.

Art.18 Checks and verifications after the publication of the results
For the entire academic year, the position in the ranking is subject to the regularity of the
application status and the actual compliance with the requirements that might be verified with the
public or private stakeholders as per Art. 47.
In case of inconsistencies or inconsistent declarations, irreconcilable with this call for applications,
DiSCo will initiate an administrative procedure against the person concerned and revoke the
relevant benefits.
Any change in the student’s status is communicated through the student’s personal account.
Any inconsistencies that are not settled by February 9, 2024, or issues revealed in subsequent
verifications, may change the outcome, even after the publication of the final results.

Communications on the inspections

All DiSCo communications published in each student’s personal account are considered
notifications for all legal purposesxi.
Therefore, students are required to periodically consult their personal accounts.
For all students declared beneficiary/eligible, due diligence is carried out, both at the universities
regarding the regularity of their career, and at other administrations and competent authorities in
order to check the consistency of what the students declared.
In the event of a mistake, DiSCo can readmit students that have been excluded from the final
rankings, either autonomously to protect the integrity of the administrative decisions and/or
following a justified request by the concerned student.

Adoption of administrative blocks

In case of inconsistencies, DiSCo reserves the right to apply appropriate blocks, until the positive
outcome of the mandatory checks. Students must play an active role in removing the blocks, also
through their universities, transmitting the relevant documentation to rectify their status via
Any inconsistency and/or lack of regularization will block the student’s status for this call for
applications. Therefore, students are required to periodically consult the website and/or the "Payment/outcome history" section to ascertain the presence of any
inconsistencies or payments of the relative grants.
Students who, in case of blocks/inconsistencies, do not settle their administrative position by and
no later than February 9, 2024, are excluded;
Suspension of payments
Any payments for students whose positions have been proven to be incomplete and/or
inconsistent will be suspended, even if the relative checks were conducted after the publication of
the final results.
Inconsistencies are reported in the "Payment/outcome history" section of the student's personal
account and appropriate payment blocks are entered. Students are required to periodically check
their status and take an active role in resolving any inconsistencies and/or blocks that may be
applied by their Universities. Students who have not settled their status by February 9, 2024, will
lose their entitlement to any grant.
Students who, in case of blocks/inconsistencies, do not settle their status by and no later than
February 9, 2024, will be excluded.

Art.19 Communications with the offices
Any communication with the offices concerning the students’ status shall take place exclusively via
the ticket system accessible from the personal accounts.
Before opening a ticket, students must view the FAQs and the guides published on the website at
Tickets enable students to notify the following to the offices:
 papers (stay permit, etc.)
 certificates (degree, positive results of the practical internship examination, recognised
credits, etc.)
 changes of personal data (change of residence, change of tax code, etc.)
 changes concerning courses (transfers, change of university, etc.)

Through tickets, students may also:

 renounce the benefits assigned;
 apply for readmission (only accepted in case the Entity acts in view of protecting the
integrity of administrative decisions).

Notifications on payments
Notifications related to payments are provided exclusively through the “Payment/outcome
history” section on the student’s account, and/or in the "Communications" section of the
institutional website
Tickets opened to request the date of issuance of the mandates shall not be answered.

Art.20 Reasons for exclusion

The following students are excluded from the benefits:

a) Students who do not send/submit the application online within and no later than the
mandatory deadline established in Art. 13 and 14;
b) Students who do not attach the residence permit or passport to their applications, as
indicated in Art. 14.1;
c) Students who, having unblocked the online application during the first phase, do not
send/submit the application and the relevant attachments by July 20, 2023, at noon, and/or
according to the methods set forth in Art. 14;
d) Students who, having been admitted to the second phase, and having unblocked the
application already sent, and/or having made modifications/corrections, do not send/submit
the application and the relevant attachments by August 11, 2022, at noon;
e) Students who, though residing in Italy or Italian students residing abroad, do not access their
personal accounts through SPID or the CIE within July 20 2023, at 12;
f) Students who, though residing abroad, do not calculate and submit the ISEEUP at a recognised
CAF by December 28, 2023;
g) Students who present the ISEEUP at a CAF (Tax Advisory Centre) not recognized by DiSCo;
h) Students who do not complete their university enrolment by February 9, 2024;
i) Students who, in case of blocks/inconsistencies, do not settle their administrative position by
and no later than February 9, 2024;
j) Students who exceed the income/financial limits mentioned in this call for applications;
k) Students who do not sign a DSU specific for benefits for the right to education;
l) Students who sign a DSU specific for benefits for the right to education after July 20, 2023;
m) Students whose DSU is not retrievable from the INPS database by December 28, 2023;
n) Students who are beneficiaries of another scholarship or other public/private grants for the
Right to Education for the same academic year and/or course, including those awarded by the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by Universities for various reasons. This does not include
scholarships provided for study or research activities abroad, internship grants by the
Universities (what is commonly called “150-hour-grant”), as well as other benefits that can be
accumulated as set forth by the law;
o) Students who do not promptly communicate, i.e. within 30 days of the event, any changes in
the data provided, including, but not limited to, changes of residence, domicile, enrolment,
entitlement to other grants/services, etc. via ticket;
p) Students who find themselves in a situation that excludes entitlement to the benefits, in
accordance with this call for applications and the relevant regulations;
q) Students who produce untruthful statements;
r) Students who in a previous academic year have had their accommodation revoked for having
allowed its undue use by third parties, or for any other reason that lead the Entity to revoke it;
s) Students who withdraw from their studies before the end of the academic year;
t) Students who withdraw from their studies or transfer to another University with a registered
office outside of the Lazio Region;
u) Students who still result beneficiaries of a scholarship allocated for the same course year and
for the same type of course or similar course;
v) Students who do not regularise their administrative position, in case of debts towards DiSCo,
within and no later than December 28, 2023;

In particular, as for the merit-based requirements, the following students are excluded from the
benefits regulated by this call:
a) Post first-year students who change course during the academic year, in case the recognized
credits/exams are fewer than those requested to apply for this call;
b) Students who already have a qualification of the same level, obtained in Italy or abroad for
which they apply for the benefit;
c) Students with a foreign academic qualification that has been recognized and who enrol in a
degree programme of the same level;
d) Students who are or were enrolled as “repeaters” (except for students in the 3 rd repeat year
of a three-year degree in Engineering at “Tor Vergata” University in Rome or in the 2 nd repeat
year of a specialization degree in Engineering at “Tor Vergata” University in Rome);
e) Students who have changed course and have been re-enrolled in the same course year;
f) Students who, having transferred to a new University, are enrolled in a course year they had
already been enrolled in, at their previous University;
g) Students who are in any situation which is not compatible with the benefits provided by this
call for applications according to some other law or regulation;
h) Students with a single-cycle five-year degree who enrol in a first-cycle or second-cycle degree;
i) Students who already hold a second-cycle degree and enrol in a single-cycle five-year degree
j) Students who already hold a first-cycle degree and enrol in a first, second or third year of a
single-cycle five-year degree programme;
k) Students who are enrolled in a degree course in a cycle for which they have already obtained
a degree;

l) Students who enrol in the first year of a second-cycle specialization degree and have an
academic qualification relative to a four-year degree programme. These students may only
participate when enrolled in a second year of a specialization degree;
m) Students who do not meet the formal and/or substantial requirements set forth hereunder;
n) Students who have been excluded from benefits for the rest of their academic career;
o) Students who are enrolled or transfer to a University with registered office outside of the
Lazio Region;
p) Students who have already obtained the academic qualification for their cycle of studies;
q) Students who have officially renounced their studies;
r) Students who have not declared on their application any qualifications obtained abroad
and/or have not applied for the relevant recognition, according to Art. 11.3.

Further reasons for disqualification:

a) First-year students who fail to achieve the minimum merit-based requirement by the
deadlines indicated in this call lose the grant/benefits;
b) Students who have formally renounced the scholarship, lose the grant/benefits;
c) Student who do not communicate their bank details within 6 months from being declared a
beneficiary, lose the right to receive the scholarship settlement.

As regards the accommodation service, the following reasons for disqualification apply:

a) Students who do not complete their university enrolment by February 9, 2024, are
b) Students who do not accept/transfer to their assigned residence in accordance with the
procedures and deadlines indicated in the respective notices published on the institutional
website and/or personal accounts are disqualified;
c) Students who obtain an academic qualification for their cycle of studies are disqualified;
d) First-year students who do not achieve the minimum merit-based requirement indicated
herein and the relative documentation by the deadlines indicated in this call, lose the
e) Students who formally renounce the benefit, lose the benefit;
f) Students simultaneously engaged in a civilian volunteer service, for which they receive
accommodation benefits are declared excluded.

As regards the graduation awards, the following reasons for disqualification apply:
The following students are declared excluded:

a) Students who do not submit the application in accordance with the procedures set out in
b) Students who do not submit the application according to the procedures and the deadlines
specified in Art. 39.
c) Students who do not submit the application within 30 days after graduation;
d) Students who have obtained a career shortening for various reasons;
e) Students who do not graduate in the academic year of reference;
f) Students who submit the application before obtaining the degree;

Deadline for appeal
It is possible to appeal against the approval of the definite ranking to the TAR Lazio (Regional
Administrative Court) within 60 days of its publication.
In addition, it is possible to file an extraordinary appeal to the President of the Republic of Italy
within 120 days of the publication.

Section IV – Revocation of the benefits, renunciation to the benefits, and

reimbursement of the amounts allocated
Art. 21 Revocation of the benefits
Beneficiary and eligible students whose scholarships are revoked must settle their positions with
their universities, and provide for the payment of the university tuition fees, according to their
university’s indications.
In addition, they must:
 Return any sum that they received from DiSCo, according to the modes and deadlines laid out
in Art. 21.1 hereafter;
 Refund the value of the services they used.

21.1 Reimbursement of the sums received after revocation

The sums received must be returned in one instalment by no later than December 31 of the year
the revocation was notified.
In documented cases, connected to family and/or personal problems, a ticket can be opened to
request an instalment plan that can be granted for a maximum of 18 monthly instalments.
Should students fail to make such payments within the deadlines, DiSCo will take the necessary
legal actions, and calculate the legal interest on the credits owed.

Art.22 Renunciation to the benefits

Students will open a ticket to communicate the waiver to the benefits, attaching the "waiver of
benefits" form, available in the forms section at, or by indicating in the body of
the text all the information needed to identify the waiver (including the academic year the waiver
refers to and the benefit the student intends to waive).
Students who formally renounce one or more benefits/services lose the benefit/service and the
expression of their will is considered irrevocable. Subsequent applications to reinstate a student’s
position in the rankings will not be considered.

22.1 Reimbursement of the benefit

Following a waiver of benefits, the amounts of the scholarship actually paid and the value of any
services used must be returned in a lump sum by December 31 of the year in which the waiver
was communicated and in accordance with the procedures set out in Article 21.1.

22.2 Reimbursement of the regional tax

The regional tax will only be refunded if the waiver of the studies is concomitant with the waiver
of enrolment that has been formally completed and registered by December 31, 2023.

Section V – Scholarships
Art.23 Regional tax
The regional tax for the right to education must be paid by all the students enrolled at a Lazio-
based university, as per Annex A . Universities are obliged not to make enrolment for the
academic year effective if payment by the student has not been proven.
The payment of the above tax is due for any courses the students enrols in.
Failure to pay the above tax entail the interruption of the student’s academic career and the loss
of the benefits for eligible or beneficiary students as per this call.
Under the terms of this call, DiSCo shall refund the regional tax for the right to education to
beneficiary or eligible students for the a. y. 2023/2024.

Art. 24 Dining service benefits

Eligible/beneficiary students are granted dining service benefits, according to the following
specific cases:

a) In-town beneficiary students are entitled to one non-refundable free meal a day at DiSCo’s
Dining halls from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024, except when Dining halls are closed.
b) Eligible, non-beneficiary, first-year students can take their meals at DiSCo Dining halls at the
lowest rate (1st level) established by DiSCo, except when Dining halls are closed.
c) Eligible, non-beneficiary, post first-year students are entitled to two non-refundable free
meals a day that they can take at DiSCo’s Dining halls from January 1, 2024 to December 31,
2024, except when Dining halls are closed.

Section VI – Accommodation
Art.25 Accommodation facilities
In an effort to reduce any inconvenience due to the distance from one’s university and make it
easier for students to attend their courses, DiSCo provides accommodations in its university
Residences. The available accommodations, Annex G , may vary during the academic year
2023/2024. This is also due to any agreement that DiSCo may have with universities. In this case,
the accommodation allocation criteria may be governed by the relative agreements.
The use of the accommodations hereunder complies with the rules applied to DiSCo’s residences
and the specific rules of the residences (also available from the link in Annex G ).
DiSCo deducts the accommodation cost, as per Annex I from the scholarship amount.
If students intend to benefit from a more comfortable accommodation, they must indicate this
desire in the application form, through the specific function to be activated on the application
In order to benefit from accommodations in these residences, students must possess all the
requirements set out in this notice by September 14, 2023, without any administrative aberration
suspending or blocking the entitlement to the accommodation.
Students who have expressed a preference for more comfortable residences and have an
administrative block in their status as at September 14, 2023 lose their right to accommodation in
more comfortable residences. However, these students shall anyway remain eligible for the
allocation of an ordinary accommodation.
In application of any subsequent national and regional decrees on safety, the availability and
accessibility of accommodations may vary during the academic year covered by this call for

Art.26 Procedure for the allocation of accommodations

Beneficiary students are selected on the basis of available accommodations, as per Annex G; the
accommodations to be first allocated shall be calculated without considering the more
comfortable residences.
Respecting the principle of equal treatment, and equal access to accommodation services, DiSCo
allocates accommodations proportionally to non-EU international students, Italian students and
EU students based on the number of regular applications.
Accommodations are granted to beneficiary students based on their position on the relative
rankings, without prejudice to the following division:
 25% of available accommodations are assigned to first-year students. The accommodations
for first-year students are granted in proportion to the number of regular applications filed
by Italian/EU students and non-EU international students (in proportion to the number of
regular applications respectively submitted by each nationality).
In any case, the following quotas are granted:
o an overall percentage of no less than 20% of the total assigned accommodations for
non-EU international first-year students;
o an overall percentage of no less than 5% of the total assigned accommodations for
stateless first-year students and recognized political refugees.
 75% of available accommodation are assigned to post first-year students.

Students with disabilities are assigned specifically identified accommodations.

Protection of maternity rights

In its residences, DiSCo values and protects maternity rights, and provides support during and
after pregnancy in the ways and to the extent laid down by the Rules for its Residences .

Art.27 Duration of the accommodation

For the a. y. 2023/2024, the allocation of the accommodations will approximately start by October
15, 2023.
The accommodation is assigned for a period of no more than 10 months and anyway not
exceeding July 31, 2024.
With the exception of the residences of Valle Aurelia, Ponte di Nona, Valleranello, Cardarelli and
Folcara, the other residences are normally closed in the months of August and September, also to
further enhance the quality of our services.

Students who do not vacate their accommodations by July 31, 2024 are not entitled to the residual
amount of the scholarship.
For any matters not expressly addressed in this call for applications, please refer to the Rules for
University Residences and accommodations, published on

Art.28 Accommodation acceptance procedure
Both the procedure to be followed and the date by which a student must accept the assigned
accommodation formally will be communicated with a specific notice having value for all legal
purposes on DiSCo’s website and/or the students’ personal accounts.
The students concerned will find a notification in their personal accounts containing the procedure
and timeline to occupy the accommodation.
At the moment of takeover of the accommodation, students must:
a) Have completed university enrolment by February 9, 2024 for the academic year
b) Have regularly paid the deposit of € 150,00 ;
c) Have a status that is free from any inconsistencies or blocks.
Once the deadline for acceptance has expired, if the student has not acted according to the
procedures required, he/she will lose the benefit.
Students who do not occupy the accommodation assigned within the deadline and according to
the procedures indicated in the relative communication published in their personal accounts, lose
the right to the accommodation.

Art.29 Rank Advancements and appointment of new beneficiaries

Rank advancements may occur, if additional accommodations are available.
DiSCo may use a single ranking list of eligible non-beneficiary students, prepared in accordance
with the proportionality criteria set out in Art. 26 and the classification criteria of Art. 15.
Students who have been declared beneficiary after a rank advancement will receive indications
having value for all legal purposes on the acceptance timeline and procedures on their personal

Art.30 Cost of accommodation

DiSCo offers the possibility to use accommodations against payment of a standard average cost. In
consideration of a series of factors, including, last but not least, the growing operating costs of
university residences (energy, heating, electricity bills) for the a. y. 2023/2024, DiSCo has reviewed
the accommodation costs, that can be found in Annex I .
Students who have been awarded both scholarship and accommodation will have such costs
deducted from the gross amount of the scholarship.
The accommodation cost is deducted from the scholarship, and calculated from the effective date
of the benefit, with the following methods:
 € 500,00 from the 1st instalment;
 the balance from the 2nd instalment.

An additional € 2 will be deduced as cost of the stamp duty.

Specific situations
 Students enrolled in the first year beyond the legal course duration and students with
disabilities enrolled up to the second year beyond the legal course duration
For scholarship holders, the overall cost of the accommodation equalling 5 and a half months
will be deducted as follows:
 € 250,00 from the 1st instalment;
 the balance from the 2nd instalment.
An additional € 2 will be deduced as cost of the stamp duty.
For the remaining 5 and a half months, the student will stay in the accommodation free of

Art.31 Waiver of the accommodation

Students must notify the waiver of the accommodation via ticket.
If students waive their benefit after occupying the accommodation, the cost for the
accommodation service will be deducted from their scholarship, and calculated beginning from
the day of first occupancy, including the cost for the month in which the waiver was notified.
Students who waive their accommodations may retain the out-of-town status, only if they open a
ticket to submit, together with the waiver, copy of a valid rental contract that is duly registered
with the Italian Revenue Agency and covers the remaining period up to 10 months between
October 1, 2023, and September 30, 2024.
DiSCo will check the documentation and in case of irregularities/omissions, the student will be
reclassified as calculated commuter.
A formal accommodation waiver, or the forfeiture for non-acceptance of the accommodation
within the deadlines specified by the relevant notices, are irrevocable. Subsequent applications to
reinstate the position in the ranking will not be considered.

Art.32 Revocation and forfeiture of the accommodation benefit

The accommodation benefit will be lost/forfeited for the following reasons:

a) Failure to enrol at the University by February 9, 2024;

b) Graduation from a programme of studies;
c) Students withdraw from their studies or move to another University having its legal seat
outside of the Lazio Region;
d) Students concurrently perform the civilian volunteer service, if an accommodation is
assigned for the performance of said service;
e) Only when first-year students fail to meet the minimum merit requirements by the deadline
specified in this call for applications. In this case, students must refund the cost of the
accommodation service from which they had benefitted until then;
f) Failure to occupy the allocated accommodation in the ways and by the deadlines indicated in
the respective notices published on the institutional website and/or in the students’
personal accounts;
g) Failure to vacate an accommodation, used in the previous academic year, by the deadline
set by DiSCo for such use;
h) Submission of a formal waiver to the benefit.

For any matters not expressly established by this call for applications, please refer to the
Regulations of DiSCo’s University Residences and accommodations.

Section VII - Contribution to international student mobility

Art. 33 Recipients
Students who have been declared eligible or beneficiary for the scholarship for a. y. 2023/2024,
and selected by their universities for international mobility programmes for the same academic
year, may apply.

Art.34 Assignment criteria
The funds available for international student mobility are earmarked as follows:
 90% to post first-year students;
 10% to first-year students enrolled in a second-cycle specialization degree or PhD
When filling in the online application form, students must mandatorily indicate the duration of the
educational experience for which they have been selected.
Art.35 Amount of the contribution
Students who are granted a scholarship by DiSCo and enrolled in a Lazio-based university,
including PhD students, are entitled to receive a grant supplement, subject to the availability of
funds, for a maximum of 510.00 euros per month, for the participation in international mobility
schemes, promoted by the European Union or other non EU institutions.
Art. 36 Contribution allocation procedure
The contribution will be paid in a single instalment by bank transfer to the account indicated by
the student in the “Payment Mode” (Modalità di pagamento) section in the student’s personal
The addition of a maximum monthly € 510,00 is paid only for the months authorized and funded
by the University (this does not cover any possible extensions of the stay) up to a maximum of 10
The amount of any scholarship financed through the funds of the European Union or any other
specific bilateral agreement, that the student must communicate to DiSCo under penalty of losing
the benefit, is deducted from this contribution.
The reimbursement for travel expenses, if not paid already by the University, is granted for up to a
maximum of 150,00 euros.
Special cases
Beneficiaries of the accommodation grant can keep this right, on condition they do not leave the
international educational experience for more than ninety days. For longer periods of absence, the
right can be maintained upon the student’s specific request via ticket and positive feedback from
DiSCo, also in consideration of the availability of accommodations.
Under no circumstances may students be classified as out-of-town, without the necessary
documentation testifying that the period spent abroad as part of an international mobility
programme and the time covered by the rental contract are in total of no less than ten months.
Art.37 Student’s obligations
Beneficiary students must notify DiSCo within 30 days that they are back in Italy by opening a

Section VIII – Graduation award

Art.38 Recipients
Students who have been awarded a scholarship for the a. y. 2022/2023, are enrolled in post-1999
(new system) or post-2004 (latest system) degree programmes, and complete a first-cycle three-
year or bachelor’s degree, a specialization or master’s degree or a single-cycle specialization or
master’s degree within the legal duration of the programme in a. y. 2022/2023, may benefit from

a scholarship supplement equalling 50% of the scholarship amount obtained in the academic year
they graduated, subject to the availability of funds.
Special cases
 Students who shorten their degree programme cannot apply for graduation awards.
 Students with disabilities are entitled to graduation awards, if they graduate within the first
year beyond the legal course duration.

Art.39 Procedure to apply for the graduation award

Students must apply for the award by submitting the relevant form in their personal accounts ,
within no more than 30 days from the graduation date.
Art.40 Criteria for the definition of rankings
In the event that applications exceed the availability of funds, the benefit will be allocated on the
basis of the rankings drawn up according to the following priority criteria:
1) Students who have not been declared beneficiary of graduation awards in a previous study
cycle, ordered by highest degree mark and, in the case of equal marks, by the lowest
ISEE/ISEEUP value referred to the latest scholarship application;
2) Students who have been declared beneficiary of graduation awards in a previous study
cycle, ordered by highest degree mark and, in the case of equal marks, by the lowest
ISEE/ISEEUP value referred to the latest scholarship application.

Section IX– First-year students - Specific provisions

Art.41 First-year students who enrol in a first year of a degree course, master’s degree and
single-cycle master’s degree, first and second-cycle academic diploma (AFAM) in a. y.

The application form must be submitted by July 20, 2023 at 12.

The form must be submitted by July 20, 2023 at 12 also in the following cases:
 Students who are still awaiting the results of their admission tests;
 Students who are awaiting to obtain their graduation;
 Students who are awaiting the end of the procedure relative to transfers to a different
course, university, etc.
 Students who are awaiting the recognition of the exams passed during international
mobility schemes.

41.1 Calculation of the entry year

The entry year is calculated from the first enrolment date, as per table 1
There should be a correspondence between the years passed from the first enrolment and the
course year attended. Therefore, students who repeated one or more course years are not
entitled to the benefits.
Special cases
Students who withdrew from their studies

For the students who formally withdrew from their studies and enrol again, the entry year starts at
the enrolment date in the new course.

41.2 Requirements to access benefits

Completion of the enrolment by February 9, 2024 and regular enrolment at such date.
41.3 Minimum merit-based requirements
First-year students enrolled in one of the above courses in the a. y. 2023/2024 are declared
eligible/beneficiary provisionally, based only on the economic requirement.
The payment of the scholarship balance is subject to the attainment of a minimum merit-based
requirement, identified according to the type of course as hereafter described.

41.4 Allocation procedure

The scholarship is paid in full only to students who will have obtained 20 credits, as recorded, and
duly controlled by their university secretariat, by August 10, 2024.
DiSCo shall carry out the necessary controls, while no specific requirements must be fulfilled by
The 20 credits required must be obtained from exams taken by the student and recorded by the
University in view of the attainment of the degree qualification.
The bonus (Art. 45.4 below) cannot be used to obtain the minimum merit-based requirement.
In the case of recognition of validated credits, Article 6 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of April 9,
2001 applies.
DiSCo automatically checks that the minimum merit requirement has been met: no formalities are
therefore required of students in this regard.

41.5 Reduction of the scholarship amount

The scholarship amount is reduced to 50% for those who obtain the merit-based requirements
after August 10, 2024, but no later than November 30, 2024.
41.6 Failure to attain the merit-based requirements – Revocation of the benefits
The failure to obtain 20 credits by November 30, 2024 shall cause the revocation of all the
benefits, with obligation to return the amounts already received and the payment for the services
used by December 31 of the year the revocation was issued and notified according to the
procedures of Art. 21.
Specific situations
Extension for the attainment of the minimum requirement
Should one of the following exceptional situations occur in the a. y. 2023/2024 and be
appropriately documented, DiSCo may provide an extension of the minimum merit-based
 Death of any member of the student’s family, as mentioned in the online application;
 Hospitalization of the applicant for at least 10 days;
 Birth of a child;
 Events falling within the description of natural disasters.

First-year students may open a ticket by November 23, 2024, and apply for a 3-month extension of
the deadline for the attainment of the minimum merit-based requirement, including the due

The extension is only valid for the purpose of confirming the students’ entitlement to a scholarship
for the a. y. 2023/2024 and does not entitle to apply for the next year.
However, approval of a deadline extension is at DiSCo’s sole discretion and technical evaluation.
Should the application for an extension be accepted, the student must notify DiSCo of the
achievement of the merit-based requirement within 15 days of the deadline of the granted
extension, under penalty of losing the benefit.
41.7 Scholarship allocation deadlines
Subject to any administrative barriers and the availability of funds, the scholarships will be paid to
beneficiary students as follows:
a) First-years students enrolled in a first-level degree course and single-cycle master’s degree
 The first instalment of the grant, i.e. 20% of the total, will be paid by November 10,
 An additional down payment of the grant, i.e. 30% of the total, will be paid by December
28, 2023;
 The remaining 50% of the scholarship is paid starting from and possibly by the month of
October 2024 to those students who obtained the merit-based requirement as per Art.
41.4 by August 10, 2024, and after this has been duly registered and checked by the
university secretariats.

b) First-year students of a second-cycle degree course:

 The first instalment of the grant, i.e. 50% of the total, will be paid by December 28,
 The remaining 50% of the scholarship is paid starting from and possibly by the month of
October 2024 to those students who obtained the merit-based requirement as per Art.
41.4 by August 10, 2024, and after this has been duly registered and checked by the
university secretariats

Art. 42 First-year students enrolled in a post-graduate course and PhD

The application form must be submitted by July 20, 2023 at 12.
The form must be submitted by July 20, 2023 at 12 also in the following cases:
 Students who are still awaiting the results of their admission tests;
 Students who are awaiting to obtain their graduation;
 Students who are awaiting the end of the procedure to transfer to a different course,
university, etc.

PhD students are entitled to the same scholarship amount as out-of-town students.
41.2 Requirements to access the benefits
Completion of the university enrolment by February 9, 2024 and regular enrolment at such date.
42.2 Merit-based requirements
First-year students in the a. y. 2023/2024 are declared eligible/beneficiary provisionally, based
only on the economic requirement.
The whole scholarship and the other benefits are paid upon verification of the admission to the
second year.
42.3 Scholarship payment procedures
Subject to any administrative barriers and the availability of funds, the scholarships will be paid to
beneficiary students as follows:
a) The first instalment of the grant, i.e. 50% of the total, will be paid by December 28, 2023;
b) The remaining 50% of the scholarship is paid starting from and possibly by the month of
October 2024 after regular enrolment to the second year has been duly checked by the
university secretariats.

Art.43 First-year students with disability of no less than 66%

The application form must be submitted by July 20, 2023 at 12.
The form must be submitted by July 20, 2023 at 12 also in the following cases:
 Students who are still awaiting the results of their admission tests;
 Students who are awaiting to obtain their graduation;
 Students who are awaiting the end of the procedure to transfer to a different course,
university, etc.
 Students who are awaiting the recognition of the exams passed during international
mobility schemes.

PhD students are entitled to the same scholarship amount as out-of-town students.
43.1 Requirements to access benefits
Completion of the university enrolment by February 9, 2024 and regular enrolment at such date.
43.2 Merit-based requirements
Students with disabilities are not required to achieve a minimum merit-based requirement. The
scholarship is paid in full upon verification alone of the admission to the second year.
43.3 Scholarship allocation deadlines
Subject to any administrative barriers and the availability of funds, the scholarships will be paid to
beneficiary students as follows:
a) First-years students enrolled in a first-cycle degree course and single-cycle master’s
degree course
 The first instalment of the grant, i.e. 20% of the total, will be paid by November 10,
 An additional down payment of the grant, i.e. 30% of the total, will be paid by December
28, 2023;
 The remaining 50% of the scholarship will be paid starting from and possibly by the
month of October 2024 to those students who obtained the merit-based requirement as
per Art. 6.1 by August 10, 2024, and after this has been duly registered and checked by
the university secretariats.

b) First-year students enrolled in second-cycle degree courses and specialization degree

courses and PhD courses
 The first instalment of the grant, i.e. 50% of the total, will be paid by December 28,
 The remaining 50% of the scholarship will be paid starting from and possibly by the
month of October 2024 after regular enrolment to the second year has been duly
checked by the university secretariats.
Section X– Post first-year students - specific provisions
Art.44 Scholarship allocation deadlines
Subject to any administrative barriers and the availability of funds, the scholarships will be paid to
beneficiary students as follows:
 The first instalment of the grant, i.e. 50% of the total, will be paid by December 28, 2023;
 The residual amount of the scholarship, i.e. 50% of the total, will be paid from the month
of June 2024. Accommodation beneficiaries will receive the second instalment in
September 2024 after verification that they left the accommodation by July 31, 2024.
Art.45 Post first-year students enrolled in first-cycle or second-cycle or single-cycle master’s
degree courses, including the new music and art degrees under the post-1999/”new”
45.1 Requirements to access benefits

Completion of the university enrolment by February 9, 2024 and regular enrolment at such date .
45.2 Calculation of the entry year
The entry year is calculated from the first enrolment date, as per table 1
There should be a correspondence between the years passed from the first enrolment and the
course year attended. Therefore, students who repeated one or more course years are not
entitled to the benefits.

Special cases
Students who withdrew from their studies
For the students who formally withdrew from their studies and enrol again, the entry year starts at
the enrolment date in the new course.

45.3 Merit-based requirements

Merit-based requirements are assessed based on the total credits/exams earned in total and duly
recorded from the date of enrolment to August 10, 2023, as established in Annex H .
Special cases
Students with disability of no less than 66%
Merit-based requirements are assessed based on the credits/exams earned in total and duly
recorded from the date of enrolment to August 10, 2023, as established in table 4 .
45.4 Art.8 Bonus (see video)
In addition to the credits earned and duly registered, post first-year students who have failed to
earn the merit-based requirements may use the bonus credits, whose value is decided from the
year of first use according to the following procedures:

Available bonus credits Course year

5 credits If used the first time to obtain the benefits for the second course year

 If used the first time to obtain the benefits for the third course year
12 credits  If used the first time to obtain the benefits for the master’s degree
If used the first time to obtain the benefits in the years after the third
course year for single-cycle degree programmes or if used by students
15 credits
enrolled in the first year beyond the legal course duration for three-year
degree programmes.

The bonus may be used also partially: in this case, the residual credits can be used during the
remaining university career.
To meet the merit-based requirements, students enrolled in a second-cycle specialization degree
may use the remaining bonus credits left unused in the first-cycle three-year degree programme,
up to a maximum of 12 credits.
The application to use the bonus must be filed mandatorily at the same time as the application for
the benefits.
Special cases
Bonus for students coming from universities in other regions
For students who have transferred to a Lazio-based University from a non-Lazio-based University,
the bonus requested at the time the application was submitted will only be awarded once DiSCo
has verified the residual bonus credits with the University of origin.
Students excluded from the bonus
The following students cannot use the bonus:
a) Students who have obtained the recognition of credits/exams passed abroad, including the
credits for foreign academic qualifications;
b) Post first-year students who have already earned enough credits to obtain the benefits
specified in this call;
c) Students who have obtained a shortening of the degree programme, for any reason;
d) Students already having a degree obtained abroad;
e) Students enrolled in a second-cycle specialization degree with an entry degree from a pre-
1999 (old system) programme;
f) First-year students of a first-cycle three-year degree, second-cycle specialization degree, or
single-cycle specialization or master’s degree;
g) Students enrolled in a second-cycle specialization degree, who have moved from a pre-
1999 (old system with exam-based merit) to a post-1999 (new system) course to obtain
their first-cycle three-year degree.

45.5 Documentation on merit to attach to the application

Based on the student’s declarations, the computer system may request that specific documents be
attached to the online form to complete the application.
Documentation for the credits not registered on the exam certificate.
Credits from laboratories, internships and
training activities
Relevant certificate issued by the
Credits from exams divided into multiple
University’s secretariat
Credits from internships

This documentation bearing the letterhead and official stamp of the university must be attached
to the application by August 11, 2023, at 12, under penalty of exclusion.
Art. 46 Post first-year students enrolled in a post-graduate course and PhD programme
PhD students are entitled to the same scholarship amount as out-of-town students.
46.1 Requirements to access benefits
Completion of the enrolment by February 9, 2024 and regular enrolment at such date.
46.2 Merit-based requirements
The whole scholarship and the other benefits are paid upon verification of the admission to the
subsequent year.

Section XI – Final provisions

Art.47 Checks, revocations, penalties, disclosure requirements
According to the applicable regulations, DiSCo thoroughly checks if the declarations produced by
beneficiary or eligible students are true and correct.
To this purpose, other than asking the students for any record that can substantiate the
truthfulness of their statements, DiSCo can conduct any investigations it may deem reasonable,
even with the help of the competent authorities, public bodies or law enforcement agencies,
a) Tax police (Polizia Tributaria);
b) Guardia di Finanza;
c) State Police;
d) Municipalities;
e) Land and territorial agency (Agenzia del Territorio);
f) Schools of all levels;
g) Social security institutes;
h) INPS (National Social Security Institute);
i) Universities;
j) Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate);
k) Embassies or Consulates;
l) Other bodies and organizations that provide services or benefits for the Right to Education;
m) Other offices that hold data relative to economic conditions/merit and personal status;

47.1 Assessment of inconsistencies and related sanctions

In the event that, during the course of verification procedures, discrepancies are found between
the students’ statements and the findings of the inspections, DiSCo will proceed to revoke the
benefits and initiate the applicable administrative procedure against the student concerned.
If the investigations prove that the students made false statements about themselves or their
families, without prejudice to Art. 316ter of the Criminal Code, such students will lose all benefits
and will be fined to pay three times the amount received and to refund the cost of all services
used, and they will no longer be entitled to receive any grant whatsoever throughout their
academic career, as specified in Art. 10, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 68/2012.

Art. 48 Termination rule for cases not contemplated in this notice
For the cases not covered in the previous articles, DiSCo reserves the right to apply the measures
regulating similar cases or matters, the general principles of the rules, and the practices and
customs consolidated by the Administration, in this order.
However, DiSCo’s technical-administrative discretion will be exercised.
In the cases described in the above paragraph, the General Director, upon proposal of the
Manager in charge of scholarships and benefits, shall adopt the relevant measure.

Art.49 Confidentiality and Privacy

Prior to the completion of the online application, a specific notice will inform students that
DiSCo will process their data and information, pursuant to Art. 13 GDPR 679/2016.
Personal data are processed only for the exclusive purpose of giving due execution to all the
obligations under this call for applications.
In any case, DiSCo undertakes to process the personal data provided according to the principles of
correctness, lawfulness and transparency in full compliance with the aforementioned European
Regulation No. 679/2016 and Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments and
additions, with particular regard to the safety measures to be taken, pursuant to Art. 32 of EU
Regulation 679/2016.
In particular, in the implementation of all the activities related to the execution of the
requirements of this call and that may involve the processing of personal data, DiSCo undertakes
to act in accordance with the regulations in force by observing appropriate organizational and
technical measures, as well as suitable actions to ensure the security of information in terms of
confidentiality, availability and integrity of the personal data processed and to prevent the risk of
destruction, loss or alteration, even accidental, of data and information.
For the purposes of this call for applications and any connected activities, the Data Protection
Officer is the General Director, Via Cesare De Lollis 24/b, 00185 Rome.

Art.50 Final provisions

The provisions of this call for applications may be subject to change in light of different and
subsequent national and regional decrees on the Right to Education and safety.

Annex A - Facilities

Annex B – Commuter students

Annex C – Out-of-town students

Annex D – Draft consular declaration

Annex E – List of particularly poor and developing countries

Annex F – List of yearly exchange rates

Annex G – List of University Residences

Annex H - Tables of reference

Annex I - Cost of the accommodation

Annex L – Deadlines

i pursuant to Law 33/2022

ii Ministerial Decree no. 203 of February 23, 2023.

iii Ministerial Decree no. 1320 of December 17, 2021.

iv Ministerial Decree no. 204 of February 23, 2023.

v Ministerial Decree no. 204 of February 23, 2023.

vi As regards the determination of the family composition, the income situation indicator, the assets indicator and the procedure to
request the specific indicator for the benefits regarding the right to education, as well as for any other matter relating to the calculation of
the ISEE, this call for applications refers to the Prime Ministerial Decree no. 159 of December 5, 2013, "Regulations on the revision of
the determination and the fields of application of the ISEE Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator".

vii Ministerial Decree of April 8, 2022, no. 344.

viii Prime Ministerial Decree of April 9, 2001, art.4

ix Prime Ministerial Decree of April 9, 2001, articles 15 and 1

x Law 241/90.

xi Law 241/90.

is member of


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