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Unit 8 Support Test

Name: ________________________________________ Class: ______

LISTENING 3 Popatrz na ilustracje i uzupełnij zdania.

1 Track 2.104 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Niektóre litery wyrazów zostały podane.
Emily i Andy’ego. Na podstawie informacji
podanych w nagraniu, odpowiedz na pytania
1 You can have fun in the water
1–5. Zakreśl literę a lub b. in an a _ _ _ p _ _ _.
1 Andy doesn’t like ____.
a swimming b sunbathing
2 You can see a football game
2 What is Andy doing today? at the s _ _ _ _ _ _.
a b

3 You can borrow a book from

a l _ _ _ _ _ y.

3 Emily doesn’t like ____.

4 I love jumping. T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g
a b
is my favourite holiday activity.

5 I’m going to c _ _ _ _ g lessons.

I want to write computer
4 Emily’s sister is ____ at the summer camp. programmes in the future.
a playing football b canoeing
___ /5
5 Who is taking the photo right now?
a Andy’s dad b Emily’s sister GRAMMAR
___ /10
4 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi formami
czasowników podanych w nawiasach.
VOCABULARY Użyj czasu present continuous.
2 Dopasuj wyrazy a–e do wyrazów 1–5, tak aby
1 I _________________________ (play) a computer
powstały poprawne nazwy miejsc lub
game now.
czynności. 2 We _________________________ (not go)
1 taking ____ a to an arts festival to school today.
2 going ____ b centre 3 She _________________________ (stay)
3 post ____ c photos in London at the moment.
4 shopping ____ d station 4 I _________________________ (not watch)
5 train ____ e office TV now.
___ /5 5 He _________________________ (not do)
his homework now.
6 You _________________________ (draw) a great
___ /6
Together dla 4 klasy Tests © Macmillan Polska 2023 Photocopiable 1
5 Uzupełnij pytania i odpowiedzi właściwymi C
wyrazami z ramki. A lot of people come here on holiday in July
and August. There are some nice beaches and
am are is isn’t
you can do water sports, too.
1 ___________ Peter helping you now?
No, he ___________. D

2 ___________ you going to the museum? My city is quite new and there aren’t many
Yes, I ___________. interesting places for tourists. But we’ve got
___ /4 a lot of shopping centres, some cinemas and
a new stadium.

6 Uzupełnij dialog właściwymi wyrazami My town is famous because there’s a music
z ramki. festival in October here and a lot of people visit
far for on turn welcome the place then. But it is very quiet in the summer
because a lot of people go away on holiday.
Tourist: Excuse me. Can you help me? I’m looking
____ the train station.
Woman: The train station. OK, go straight on. 1 Quiet in the summer ____
Then 2____ left. 2 Good food, a lot of tourists ____
Tourist: At the traffic lights? 3 A lot of shops ____
Woman: Yes, and then go past the park. The station 4 Great for the summer and water sports ____
is 3____ your right. 5 Not good for sports ____
Tourist: Good. Is it 4____? ___ /5
Woman: No, it’s about ten minutes from here.
Tourist: Thanks very much. WRITING
Woman: You’re 5____.
8 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.
___ /5
Hi Chrissy,
Greetings / Welcome from sunny Greece. I’m here
7 Przeczytaj teksty. Na podstawie informacji 2
in / on holiday with my family. It’s a great place and
podanych w tekstach A–E, dopasuj je do
we’re 3doing / having a good time. I’m on the beach
podsumowań 1–5.
with my dad. My mum 4isn’t / aren’t staying here with
What is your town like? Post your comments. us today because she’s visiting a museum. I love it

A here and I’m taking a lot of 5sunbathing / photos.

A lot of tourists visit my city all year. They go You can see them when I’m back home.
sightseeing and the restaurants in the city centre
I hope you’re enjoying your holiday, too.
are always very busy.
See you soon!
___ /10
My town is small and we haven’t got much to do
here. There isn’t even a sports centre, just an old
swimming pool.
Total: ___ /50

Together dla 4 klasy Tests © Macmillan Polska 2023 Photocopiable 2

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