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Principles of Learning What did the Resource Teacher do to apply the

principle of learning

1. Effective learning begins with the setting of clear and The teacher introuduce first the objectives of the
high expectations of learning outcomes. lesson.

2. Learning is an active process. The teacher allows her students to actively participate
or interact with the learning process.

3. Learning is the discovery oif personal meaning and The teacher assigns the student a task that requires
relevance of ideas. them to express their thoughts or opinions about the

4. Learning is a comparative and a collaborative The teacher assigns group activities to the students,
process. Learning is enhanced in an atmosphere of who must then present them in front of the class..
cooperation and collaboration.


What principles of learning were most applied? Least applied?

Most applied

”Learning is an active process” It is one of the teacher's most applied principles. When the teacher
discusses a topic, she always asks the students for their own opinions or insights, as well as any
knowledge or personal experiences they may have about the subject or lesson.

Least applied

“Effective learning begins with the setting of clear and high expectations of learning outcomes.” It is one
of the teacher's least used principles. The teacher did not always explain the objectives of the lesson or
the intended learning outcomes.

Give instances where this/these principles/s could have been applied?

In “ Effective learning begins with the setting of clear and high expectations of learning outcomes “ The
teacher must explain or inform the students of the lesson's learning objectives in order for them to
understand how their lesson will proceed or what to expect from it.

From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?

”Learning is an active process” is For me, the most important principles of learning are that students
actively participate in the learning process rather than simply listening to it, which helps students
remember the information and have a deeper understanding of it, as well as becoming more
determined when solving problems.




1. Do smart objectives make the lesson more focused?

SMART objectives, in my opinion, help the lesson become more focused because they set you up for
success by making goals specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Teachers are guided in
this way to achieve the desired learning outcomes. The SMART methods will assist teachers in pushing
themselves further, providing them with a sense of direction, and assisting them in organizing and
achieving their goals in order to achieve what they expect from their students.


Lesson learned in determining SMART learning outcomes

I've learned that when creating lesson objectives or intended learning outcomes, it's important to use
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result-oriented, and Timebound) criteria because they will not
only benefit students but also the teacher by providing guidance on how to best support their learning.
As previously mentioned, SMART objectives will assist teachers in guiding the flow of the lesson,
assisting them in achieving their goals on a particular subject, and assisting them in organizing and
clarifying the discussion.



Did teacher lecture all the time? Were students involve in the teaching-learning
No, but the teacher spends more time talking and less process? How? Or were they mere passive recipients
time asking students to participate in group discussions. of instruction?
In addition, when assigning a quiz or activity, the Yes, the students involve in teaching-learning process.
teacher has enough time.

Was the emphasis in the mastery of the lesson or on Was the emphasis on the students’ application of the
the test? Prove. lesson in real life? Give proofs.
The teacher provides real-life examples and experiences Yes, the teacher asks the students to discuss how they
in the lessons she discusses, demonstrating her mastery apply what they've learned in class to real-life
of each subject and helping the students who are situations. She then applies the lesson to the real-life
listening to understand. scenario.

Was class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was class atmosphere collaborative? Why?
No, the teacher assigning group activities ensures that Yes, by giving them a group assignment or a partner
students will not compete with one another but will task, the teacher teaches students how to collaborate
instead support one another. with their peers and in class.

Did teacher focus only on one discipline/subject? Did teacher connect lesson to other
Yes, the teacher only focused on one discipline/subject, disciplines/subjects?
possibly because the students are only in grade 7, in No, the teacher focused only in one subject
order to avoid confusion about the lesson.

a) constructivist- connected to past experiences of learners; learners constructed new lesson meanings

Before starting a lesson, a teacher asks students about their prior experiences or knowledge of a topic related to
the lesson. The teacher then attempts to connect it to the new lesson in such a way that the students will
understand the lesson easily.

b) inquiry-based
During the discussion, the teacher shares an interesting fact or piece of information that captures the students'
interest. As a result, they approach the teacher with their inquiries, resulting in a rich exchange of ideas between
the teacher and the students as well as a deeper understanding of the lesson.

c) developmentally appropriate-learning activities fit the developmental stage of children

The teacher assigns tasks that she is aware will aid in the students' personal development on all levels—physical,
mental, emotional, social, and so on.

d) reflective
To make better decisions about teaching and learning in the classroom, teachers should consider a variety of
options, engage in a variety of activities, and allow students time to reflect.

e) inclusive- No learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody.

Regardless of their differences, the teacher treated all of the students equally and did not favor any of them.

f) collaborative- Students worked together.

The teacher frequently assigns her students to work in groups in order for them to improve their interpersonal and
communication skills, as well as their ability to work in a team.

g) integrative- Lesson was multidisciplinary- e.g. In Science, Math concepts were taught.

The teacher connects other topics and concepts to the subject matter so that students' learning is multidisciplinary
and not just limited to the subject. In other words, the students can understand and learn about new topics.


1. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery and for the test?
If the teacher focuses solely on test prep and mastery, the student will not learn more because this
limits learning to the concept level and excludes any application. I can also see how, if this occurs,
students will simply prepare for tests, making it easy for them to forget what the teacher has taught.

2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or student-
centered? Why?
If I were the instructor, I would continue to use a learner-centered method where I would encourage
engagement but let the students take the lead in facilitating the class. I will lead them, and I will correct
them when they make mistakes.


Principles of teaching worth applying

The learning principles guide effective and practical learning. In every field of education, principles are
critical for determining behavior and establishing processes. It demonstrates how actions are taken and
learning objectives are met. Principles serve as the foundation for practical decisions, strategies, and
methodologies. To put it another way, decisions are made, actions are taken, and methods are modified
to increase productivity at home and at work. These usually reflect on main principles that define what
is practical.

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