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Department of Mechanical Engineering


BE III Semester

Name: ..........................................................................

No: ...................................................................................


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology


1. Leave footwear & bag outside the laboratory at their designated place.

2. Enter the system number in the register & use the system alone.

3. Report any broken plugs, exposed electrical wires or any unsafe

conditions to your lecturer/laboratory staff immediately.

4. Read and understand the procedure from Lab Manual as how to carry out
an activity thoroughly before coming to the laboratory.

5. Always keep anti-virus in active mode

6. Students must carry their Identity Cards & Observation Notes in the Lab.

7. Enter or leave the lab only with the permission of the lab in charge.

8. Turn off the respective system and arrange the chairs properly before
leaving the laboratory.


1. Do not install, uninstall or alter any software on computer.

2. Do not touch electrical ttings nor connect or disconnect any plug or cable.

3. Do not plug in external drives like pendrive, external hard disk or mobile

4. Students are not allowed to work in the Lab without the presence of faculty or

5. Do not leave your place, misbehave or make noise while in the Lab.

6. Don’t scatter around unwanted things while doing an experiment.

7. Do not eat or drink in the laboratory.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The objectives of this course are

1 To understand format of drawing sheet, angle of projections, isometric

projections and practice on simple machine elements

2 To practice free hand sketching of machine elements

3 To understand Modelling of assembly drawings of typical machine parts.


Course Outcomes P
No O
CO Develop the skills in drafting various machine 1,2,5,8,9,12
1 components using Autocad software.

CO Interpret the conventions & symbols used in 1,5,12

2 technical drawings into their physical meanings
& vice versa
CO Construct orthographic views of simple machine 1,2,5,8,9
3 components.
CO Demonstrate the working knowledge in solid
4 works to model, assemble and generate 1,2,5,12
orthographic views.
CO Develop 3D models, assemble and generate
5 drawings of components using Solid works. 1,2,5,8,9

CO Observe 3D interactive CAD models and

6 determine the Z steps used in modelling them. 1,2,5,8,11,12


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Department of Mechanical Engineering
PC252ME 3 3 - - 3 - - 2 - - 2 2 3 - -
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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Experiment Name Page
p. No.

Machine Drawing (AutoCAD)

1 Format of drawing sheet & title block,

2 Conventions of drawing lines and dimensions, sectional
. views.
3 Simple Machine Elements.
4 Riveted Fastenings.
5 Screwed Fastenings.
6 Joints and Coupling.

Assembly drawing (SOLIDWORKS)

7 Stufng Boxes
8 Cross Heads
9 Eccentrics
1 Lathe Tool Post
1 Pedestal bearing (Plummer block).
1 Screw Jack
1 Connecting Rod
1 Rotating Center
Department of Mechanical Engineering

Note: The test is for the ability of the student to read and interpret drawing. The
drawing should include part list in standard format.


Machine Drawing

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Format of Drawing Sheet & Title Block

Designation of sheet sizes

The original drawing should be made on the smallest sheet, permitting the necessary clarity and
resolution. The preferred sizes according to ISO-A series (First choice) of the drawing sheets are given in
Table 2.1. When sheets of greater length are needed, special elongated sizes (Second choice) are used
(Table 2.2). These sizes are obtained by extending the shorter sides of the format of the ISO- A series to
lengths that are multiples of the shorter sides of the chosen basic format.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Title Block: The title block should lie within the drawing space such that the location of it, containing the
identification of the drawing, is at the bottom right-hand corner. This must be followed, both for sheets
positioned horizontally or vertically (Fig. 2.2).

The direction of viewing of the title block should correspond in general with that of the drawing. The title
block can have a maximum length of 170 mm. Figure 2.3 shows a typical title block, providing the
following information:

i. Title of the drawing

ii. Sheet number
iii. Scale
iv. Symbol, denoting the method of projection
v. Name of the firm
vi. Initials of staff drawn, checked and approved.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

AutoCAD commands:
Layouts: these can be accessed from the tab at the bottom of AutoCAD window (just above command
● They show the drawings exactly as they'd appear in the printout (unless the printer is faulty)
when the Line Weight visibility is ON.
● Absolute scale can be adjusted by using Zoom command & entering scale factor as 1XP for
1:1 & so on…
● Title bar drawn in layout space in paper mode will keep its size fixed relative to the size of
sheet A4, A2 etc…
● To change paper size & other settings right click on layout name at the bottom & select
"Page Setup Manager" option.

Task - Create an AutoCAD Template:

Templates are files which save all the settings (of dimensioning, text, line type, color, line weight, Blocks,
layers, layouts etc...) that can speed up the drafting process of an engineer by avoiding unnecessary waste
of time.
Create a template for yourself with following settings.
1. Right click on layout name & Change the Printer/plotter & paper size as shown in the image
2. Change other settings like layers, colors etc… suitably as required.
3. Save the file as a template in D drive with extension of .dwt (refer to the following images).

4. The next time you want to use the template, just open it from its location using windows explorer
by double clicking the template file from its location.
a. When you save your work it will ask you to save in a separate file with .dwg extension.

Using template avoids unnecessary wastage of time spent on adjusting the settings & loading additional
objects. In the companies, the manager or team leader is given the responsibility to prepare the template
based on the conventions followed by the company. This ensures uniformity in the conventions followed.
Conventions of drawing lines and dimensions
Lines of different types and thicknesses are used for graphical representation of objects. The types of lines and
their applications are shown in Table 2.4. Typical applications of different types of lines are shown in Figs.
2.5 and 2.6.

AutoCAD commands:
Line Weight (LW): Use this command to control & adjust the visibility of thickness of lines. In model space
it will just be visible relative to screen & in layout space it will be absolute as it appears on the paper.
Follow below steps to change the weight of a particular object:
1. Select the objects for which line weight needs to be changed.
2. From the properties toolbar drop list select suitable value as
shown in diagram.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

Line Type (LT): Use this command to control the line style of 2D objects, Ex: hidden as dotted, axes as
chain dotted etc. First we
need to load the Line Types we would like to use in our file. Steps for that are as follows:
1. Press LT enter on keyboard to see loaded Line Types.
2. Click on the Load button & double click whichever line types you want to use. They will be
3. Use the image on next page for reference.

Follow below steps to change the Line Weight of a particular object:

1. Select the objects for which line weight needs to be changed.
2. From the properties toolbar drop list select suitable value as shown in diagram.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

Layers (LA):
Layers are used to control the visibility of objects and to assign properties such as Color, Line Weight
and Line Type. Objects on a layer normally assume the properties of that layer. However, you can
override any layer property of an object. For example, if an object’s color property is set to BYLAYER,
the object displays the color of that layer. If the object’s color is set to Red, the object displays as red,
regardless of the color assigned to that layer. It is RECOMMENDED that you use Layers method:

1. In Layers Properties dialog box create layers with suitable names.

2. Change the color, Line weight, Line type for each layer as per requirement.
3. Objects put in a particular layer will gain all the properties assigned to that layer.
4. To move objects to a particular layer:
a. Select the objects to be moved.
b. From Layers dropdown select the layer to which you want to move the objects.
c. Ensure that the properties of the object are set to "By Layer" or else the object will not
d. take up the properties from Layer.

Match properties command: To copy formatting of one object to others.

1. Press MA enter on keyboard.
2. Select the object with desired properties.
3. Select object you want to have the same desired properties.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

The elements of dimensioning include the projection line, dimension line, leader line, dimension line
termination, the origin indication and the dimension itself. The various elements of dimensioning are
shown in Figs. 2.28 and 2.29. The following are some of the principles to be adopted during execution of
1. Projection and dimension lines should be drawn as thin continuous lines.
2. Projection lines should extend slightly beyond the respective dimension lines.
3. Projection lines should be drawn perpendicular to the feature being dimensioned. Where
necessary, they may be drawn obliquely, but parallel to each other (Fig. 2.30). However, they
must be in contact with the feature.
4. Projection lines and dimension lines should not cross each other, unless it is unavoidable (Fig.
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5. A dimension line should be shown unbroken, even where the feature to which it refers, is shown
broken (Fig. 2.32).
6. A centre line or the outline of a part should not be used as a dimension line, but may be used in
place of projection line (Fig. 2.31).

To speed up the drafting process draw some lines and apply the desired properties on them before saving
the template file. Then while drafting a design the same properties can be copied to other objects by using
Match Properties command.

Convention for sectional views.

The cutting plane(s) should be indicated by means of type H line. The cutting plane should be identified
by capital letters and the direction of viewing should be indicated by arrows. The section should be
indicated by the relevant designation (Fig. 2.15).
In principle, ribs, fasteners, shafts, spokes of wheels and the like are not cut in longitudinal sections and
therefore should not be hatched (Fig. 2.16).
Figure 2.17 represents sectioning in two parallel planes and Fig. 2.18, that of sectioning in three continuous planes.

1. Half Section: Symmetrical parts may be drawn, half in plain view and half in section (Fig 2.23).
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

2. Local Section: A local section may be drawn if half or full section is not convenient. The local
break may be shown by a continuous thin free hand line

3. Arrangement of successive sections: Successive sections may be placed separately, with

designations for both cutting planes and sections (Fig. 2.25) or may be arranged below the cutting
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology


Creating a Template with Title Block & all other settings

Aim: To create a template file with following
4. Layer named Solids with Line weight 0.8mm.
1. Layout with A4 Paper & Title Block. (Set the
zoom to 1xp.) 5. Layer named Axis & others with default line
weight & Line type - Center2.
2. Layer named Hidden with Line weight 0.4mm
& Line type - Dashed2. 6. Set Dimension text height & arrow size to 4,
text alignment to ISO standard.
3. Text Style set to Simplex.shx.
Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Startup, Line weight (LW), Line type (LT), Layers (LA), Save as, Line (L), Text (DT), Text Style
(ST), Dimension Style (D), Layout

1. Open the AutoCAD Software on the system.
2. Set the paper size to A4 from Layout settings
a. Right click on the Layout and select the Page Setup Manager and select A4 Sheet and
choose Landscape and close it.
3. Set the scale in Zoom option select the Scale and enter the value as 0.5xp.
4. Create the Title Block by drawing rectangle of 170X65 and Explode by command ‘X’ and take
the offset of the lines and complete the Title Block table as shown in diagram.
5. Create a Layer the command is LA and select the number of layer required and name them and
set the properties like line line weight, line type.
6. Set the Text Style by the command DT and change the text style by command ST and choose the
Font Name simplex.shx and set current apply and close.
7. Set the Dimension by command D and modify text height and arrow size to 4, text alignment to
ISO standard.
8. For Saving the file save as in that files of type should be AutoCAD Drawing Template and name
the file and save in the drive and give the Description and save it. By these templates it will be
easy for the Drawing and the setup will be ready with the settings.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology


Orthographic Sectional Views

To draft the orthographic views with suitable sections as mentioned in the question.

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Layers (LA), Line (L), Ortho, Match properties (MA), Text (DT), Text Style (ST), Dimension

1. Draw the sectional Front view & Left side view along with Top View.

2. Draw the sectional Front & Sectional Left side views along with Top View.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology


Simple Machine Elements

To draft the orthographic views with suitable sections of simple machine parts.

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Layers (LA), Line (L), Circle (C), Offset (O), Mirror (MI), Hatch (HA), Ortho, Match properties
(MA), Text (DT), Text Style (ST), Dimensions

Machine Parts:
Simple Machine Elements.

Keys & Cotters

Lords Institute of Engineering Technology


Riveted Fastenings

To draft the sectional front view & Broken Top view of rivets as per the question.

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Layers (LA), Line (L), Circle (C), Offset (O), Mirror (MI), Hatch (HA), Ortho, Match properties
(MA), Text (DT), Text Style (ST), Dimensions

Process of Riveting:

Types of Rivet Heads:

Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

Other important formulae:

t1 = 1.125t - thickness of the single strap plate. t2 =
0.75t - thickness of the double strap plate.
P = 3d - Distance between adjacent rows of rivets
Pr = 0.8P (for chain riveting) - distance between adjacent columns of rivets. P r =
0.6P (for zig zag riveting) - distance between adjacent columns of rivets.

Question No 1
Draw sectional front view & broken top view of a Single riveted lap joint for sheets of thickness, t=16mm. Use
snap head type of rivet head.

Question No 2
Draw sectional front view & broken top view of a Double riveted chain lap joint for sheets of thickness,
t=12mm. Use high button head type of rivet head.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

Question No 3
Draw sectional front view & broken top view of a Double riveted zig zag lap joint for sheets of thickness,
t=12mm. Use Pan Head type of rivet head.

Question No 4
Draw sectional front view & broken top view of a Single strapped Single riveted butt joint for sheets of
thickness, t=12mm. Use Cone Head type of rivet head.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

Question No 5
Draw sectional front view & broken top view of a Single strapped Double riveted chain butt joint
for sheets of thickness, t=9mm. Use Flat Head type of rivet head.

Question No 6
Draw sectional front view & broken top view of a Double strapped double riveted zig zag butt joint for
sheets of thickness, t=9mm. Use Round Top Countersunk type of rivet head.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology


Screwed Fastenings

To draft the orthographic projections of screwed fasteners as per the question.

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Layers (LA), Line (L), Circle (C), Offset (O), Mirror (MI), Hatch (HA), Ortho, Match properties
(MA), Text (DT), Text Style (ST), Dimensions

1. Draft the nuts given below using ratios given in the diagram assuming D = 20 mm.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

2. Draft the nuts given below using ratios given in the diagram assuming D = 20 mm.
3. Draw the front view top view and side view of a hexagonal bolt and nut assembly.

4. Draw the front view, side view and a top view of a square bolt and nut assembly.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology


Joints & Couplings

To draft the suitably sectioned front view & side views of the joints & couplings as per

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Layers (LA), Line (L), Circle (C), Offset (O), Mirror (MI), Hatch (HA), Ortho, Match properties
(MA), Text (DT), Text Style (ST), Dimensions


Double Cottered Joint / Cottered Joint with Sleeve

1. Draw a double riveted joint with diameter of shaft as 20mm assuming suitable ratios.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

Cotter Joint with Socket Spigot Joint

2. Draw a socket spigot joint for a shaft of diameter 24mm. Use suitable ratios.

Knuckle Joint
3. Draw a Knuckle Joint for a shaft of diameter 20mm using suitable ratios.
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology

Flanged Coupling
4. Draw a Flanged Coupling for a shaft of diameter 20mm using ratios provided in the diagram below:

Protected Flanged Coupling

5. Draw a Protected Flanged Coupling for a shaft of diameter 20mm using ratios provided in the
diagram below:
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Bushed Pin Type Flanged Coupling

6. Draw a Bushed Pin Type Flanged Coupling for a shaft of diameter 20mm using ratios provided in the
diagram below:
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Lords Institute of Engineering Technology
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology
Lords Institute of Engineering Technology


Stuffing Boxes

To model the stuffing box assembly from given dimensions using available CAD package.

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Commands / Features used (in following modules):

Sketcher: Line, Circle, Construction Geometry, Dimensioning, Constraints
Part: Extrude, Revolve, Add, Subtract
Assembly: Axis coincidence
Drawing: Insert View, Insert Projection, Generate Sectional View, Dimensioning

1. Complete the following tasks using Solidworks,
a. Model all the parts given below in part module.
b. Assemble all the parts using assembly module.
c. Generate the half sectional front view, Top View & side view of the assembly using drawing
module. Also generate the Bill of Materials & number the parts shown in the assembly using
1. Model all the parts given in parts module & apply material as shown in the parts table.
2. Assembly the parts suitably using assembly module.
3. Draft the assembly, mark part numbers using balloons & take print of the same.
4. Note down the following values:
a. Total mass of the assembly =
b. Distance between centre of gravity of each part from its lower most point when it is
placed vertically?

1. Do not save your files on desktop or C drive. (They will be automatically erased on system
2. Save your file in the D drive in a folder of your name or roll number.
3. Don't install, uninstall or change any setting the system.
4. Don't tamper or exchange any hardware (mouse/keyboard etc)
5. Inform about any malfunctions to the instructor right away.

Viva Questions:
1. What are the applications of Stuffing Box?
2. What type of fitting is used between the following pairs & why?
a. Body & Gland c. Gland & Piston Shaft
b. Body & Bush d. Bush & Piston Shaft
3. What is the total mass of the assembly after applying the materials mentioned in the Parts Table?

4. What is the height of centre of gravity of each part from its lower most point when it is placed

Cross Heads

To model the cross heads assembly from given dimensions using available CAD package.

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Commands / Features used (in following modules):

Sketcher: Line, Circle, Construction Geometry, Dimensioning, Constraints
Part: Extrude, Revolve, Add, Subtract
Assembly: Axis coincidence
Drawing: Insert View, Insert Projection, Generate Sectional View, Dimensioning

Question & Part Details:

2. Complete the following tasks using Solidworks,
a. Model all the parts given below in part module.
b. Assemble all the parts using assembly module.
c. Generate the half sectional front view, Top View & side view of the assembly using drawing
module. Also generate the Bill of Materials & number the parts shown in the assembly using
1. Model all the parts given in parts module & apply material as shown in the parts table.
2. Assembly the parts suitably using assembly module.
3. Draft the assembly, mark part numbers using balloons & take print of the same.
4. Note down the following values:
a. Total mass of the assembly =
b. Distance between centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is
placed vertically?

1. Do not save your files on desktop or C drive. (They will be automatically erased on system
2. Save your file in the D drive in a folder of your name or roll number.
3. Don't install, uninstall or change any setting the system.
4. Don't tamper or exchange any hardware (mouse/keyboard etc)
5. Inform about any malfunctions to the instructor right away.

Viva Questions:
1. What are the applications of Cross Head?
2. What type of fitting is used between the following pairs & why?
a. Body & Brasses c. Bolt & Rod End
b. Bolt & Body d. Bolt & Cover End
3. What is the total mass of the assembly after applying the materials mentioned in the Parts Table?

4. What is the height of centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is placed


To model the Eccentrics assembly from given dimensions using available CAD package.

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Commands / Features used (in following modules):

Sketcher: Line, Circle, Construction Geometry, Dimensioning, Constraints
Part: Extrude, Revolve, Add, Subtract
Assembly: Axis coincidence
Drawing: Insert View, Insert Projection, Generate Sectional View, Dimensioning

Question & Part Details:

3. Complete the following tasks using Solidworks,
a. Model all the parts given below in part module.
b. Assemble all the parts using assembly module.
c. Generate the half sectional front view, Top View & side view of the assembly using drawing
module. Also generate the Bill of Materials & number the parts shown in the assembly using
1. Model all the parts given in parts module & apply material as shown in the parts table.
2. Assembly the parts suitably using assembly module.
3. Draft the assembly, mark part numbers using balloons & take print of the same.
4. Note down the following values:
a. Total mass of the assembly =
b. Distance between centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is
placed vertically?

1. Do not save your files on desktop or C drive. (They will be automatically erased on system
2. Save your file in the D drive in a folder of your name or roll number.
3. Don't install, uninstall or change any setting the system.
4. Don't tamper or exchange any hardware (mouse/keyboard etc)
5. Inform about any malfunctions to the instructor right away.

Viva Questions:
1. What are the applications of Eccentrics?
2. What type of fitting is used between the following pairs & why?
a. Straps & sheave b. Straps & strap bolt
c. ntric rod & the
ring in it.
3. What is the total mass of the assembly after applying the materials mentioned in the Parts Table?

4. What is the height of centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is placed

Lathe Tool Post

To model the assembly of Lathe tool post from given dimensions using available CAD

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Commands / Features used (in following modules):

Sketcher: Line, Circle, Construction Geometry, Dimensioning, Constraints
Part: Extrude, Revolve, Add, Subtract
Assembly: Axis coincidence
Drawing: Insert View, Insert Projection, Generate Sectional View, Dimensioning

Question & Part Details:

4. Complete the following tasks using Solidworks,
a. Model all the parts given below in part module.
b. Assemble all the parts using assembly module.
c. Generate the half sectional front view, Top View & side view of the assembly using drawing
module. Also generate the Bill of Materials & number the parts shown in the assembly using
1. Model all the parts given in parts module & apply material as shown in the parts table.
2. Assembly the parts suitably using assembly module.
3. Draft the assembly, mark part numbers using balloons & take print of the same.
4. Note down the following values:
a. Total mass of the assembly =
b. Distance between centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is
placed vertically?

1. Do not save your files on desktop or C drive. (They will be automatically erased on system
2. Save your file in the D drive in a folder of your name or roll number.
3. Don't install, uninstall or change any setting the system.
4. Don't tamper or exchange any hardware (mouse/keyboard etc)
5. Inform about any malfunctions to the instructor right away.

Viva Questions:
1. What are the applications of Eccentrics?
2. What type of fitting is used between the following pairs & why?
a. Tool holder & base plate
3. What is the total mass of the assembly after applying the materials mentioned in the Parts Table?

4. What is the height of centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is placed

Plummer Block

To model the Plummer block assembly from given dimensions using available CAD package.

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Commands / Features used (in following modules):

Sketcher: Line, Circle, Construction Geometry, Dimensioning, Constraints
Part: Extrude, Revolve, Add, Subtract
Assembly: Axis coincidence
Drawing: Insert View, Insert Projection, Generate Sectional View, Dimensioning

Question & Part Details:

5. Complete the following tasks using Solidworks,
a. Model all the parts given below in part module.
b. Assemble all the parts using assembly module.
c. Generate the half sectional front view, Top View & side view of the assembly using drawing
module. Also generate the Bill of Materials & number the parts shown in the assembly using
1. Model all the parts given in parts module & apply material as shown in the parts table.
2. Assembly the parts suitably using assembly module.
3. Draft the assembly, mark part numbers using balloons & take print of the same.
4. Note down the following values:
a. Total mass of the assembly =
b. Distance between centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is
placed vertically?

1. Do not save your files on desktop or C drive. (They will be automatically erased on system
2. Save your file in the D drive in a folder of your name or roll number.
3. Don't install, uninstall or change any setting the system.
4. Don't tamper or exchange any hardware (mouse/keyboard etc)
5. Inform about any malfunctions to the instructor right away.

Viva Questions:
1. What are the applications of Eccentrics?
2. What type of fitting is used between the following pairs & why?
a. Base bearing brass c. Base & cap
b. Bearing brass & shaft
3. What is the total mass of the assembly after applying the materials mentioned in the Parts Table?

4. What is the height of centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is placed

Screw Jack

To model the screw Jack assembly from given dimensions using available CAD package.

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Commands / Features used (in following modules):

Sketcher: Line, Circle, Construction Geometry, Dimensioning, Constraints
Part: Extrude, Revolve, Add, Subtract
Assembly: Axis coincidence
Drawing: Insert View, Insert Projection, Generate Sectional View, Dimensioning

Question & Part Details:

6. Complete the following tasks using Solidworks,
a. Model all the parts given below in part module.
b. Assemble all the parts using assembly module.
c. Generate the half sectional front view, Top View & side view of the assembly using drawing
module. Also generate the Bill of Materials & number the parts shown in the assembly using
1. Model all the parts given in parts module & apply material as shown in the parts table.
2. Assembly the parts suitably using assembly module.
3. Draft the assembly, mark part numbers using balloons & take print of the same.
4. Note down the following values:
a. Total mass of the assembly =
b. Distance between centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is
placed vertically?

1. Do not save your files on desktop or C drive. (They will be automatically erased on system
2. Save your file in the D drive in a folder of your name or roll number.
3. Don't install, uninstall or change any setting the system.
4. Don't tamper or exchange any hardware (mouse/keyboard etc)
5. Inform about any malfunctions to the instructor right away.

Viva Questions:
1. What are the applications of Eccentrics?
2. What type of fitting is used between the following pairs & why?
a. Body & Nut c. Cup & Screw
b. Nut & screw d. Tommy Bar & Screw
3. What is the total mass of the assembly after applying the materials mentioned in the Parts Table?

4. What is the height of centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is placed

Connecting Rod

To model the Connecting Rod assembly from given dimensions using available CAD

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Commands / Features used (in following modules):

Sketcher: Line, Circle, Construction Geometry, Dimensioning, Constraints
Part: Extrude, Revolve, Add, Subtract
Assembly: Axis coincidence
Drawing: Insert View, Insert Projection, Generate Sectional View, Dimensioning

Question & Part Details:

7. Complete the following tasks using Solidworks,
a. Model all the parts given below in part module.
b. Assemble all the parts using assembly module.
c. Generate the half sectional front view, Top View & side view of the assembly using drawing
module. Also generate the Bill of Materials & number the parts shown in the assembly using
1. Model all the parts given in parts module & apply material as shown in the parts table.
2. Assembly the parts suitably using assembly module.
3. Draft the assembly, mark part numbers using balloons & take print of the same.
4. Note down the following values:
a. Total mass of the assembly =
b. Distance between centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is
placed vertically?

1. Do not save your files on desktop or C drive. (They will be automatically erased on system
2. Save your file in the D drive in a folder of your name or roll number.
3. Don't install, uninstall or change any setting the system.
4. Don't tamper or exchange any hardware (mouse/keyboard etc)
5. Inform about any malfunctions to the instructor right away.

Viva Questions:
1. What are the applications of Eccentrics?
2. What is the total mass of the assembly after applying the materials mentioned in the Parts Table?

3. What is the height of centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is placed

Rotating Centre

To model the Rotating Centre assembly from given dimensions using available CAD

Hardware: Desktop System with i3 processor, 8 GB RAM, Graphics Card & 250 GB HDD.
Software: Windows 7 64-bit OS, Package.

Commands / Features used (in following modules):

Sketcher: Line, Circle, Construction Geometry, Dimensioning, Constraints
Part: Extrude, Revolve, Add, Subtract
Assembly: Axis coincidence
Drawing: Insert View, Insert Projection, Generate Sectional View, Dimensioning

Question & Part Details:

8. Complete the following tasks using Solidworks,
a. Model all the parts given below in part module.
b. Assemble all the parts using assembly module.
c. Generate the half sectional front view, Top View & side view of the assembly using drawing
module. Also generate the Bill of Materials & number the parts shown in the assembly using

1. Model all the parts given in parts module & apply material as shown in the parts table.
2. Assembly the parts suitably using assembly module.
3. Draft the assembly, mark part numbers using balloons & take print of the same.
4. Note down the following values:
a. Total mass of the assembly =
b. Distance between centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is
placed vertically?

1. Do not save your files on desktop or C drive. (They will be automatically erased on system
2. Save your file in the D drive in a folder of your name or roll number.
3. Don't install, uninstall or change any setting the system.
4. Don't tamper or exchange any hardware (mouse/keyboard etc)
5. Inform about any malfunctions to the instructor right away.

Viva Questions:
1. What are the applications of Eccentrics?
2. What is the total mass of the assembly after applying the materials mentioned in the Parts Table?

3. What is the height of centre of gravity of each part from its lowermost point when it is placed

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