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Name: Louie Jay Laborte Grade and Section: 3BsAgEcon-A

Exercise 1

1. Does microeconomics have greater impact than microeconomics on the farm


-Microeconomics plays an important role in the business decision-making process. It

guides the business managers in optimal resource utilization, demand analysis, cost
analysis, optimal production decision, and pricing policy. Microeconomics plays an
important role in business decision making.

2. If pure competition is not an adequate representation of the economic model that

underlies farming in the Philippines, why do the assumptions of pure competition
continue to be important to agricultural economist?

-A market with pure competition has many companies that compete with each other. A
large number of competitors that sell the same products prevent price rising among
businesses. So, producers offer their products at an average price to stay on the

3. Nowadays, is mathematics essential for understanding economic principles?

-Mathematics permits economists to construct precisely defined models from which

exact conclusions can be derived with mathematical logic, which can then be tested
using statistical data and used to make quantifiable predictions about future economic

4. The real world is dynamic. If so, why do agricultural economist continue to rely so
heavily on comparative statics?

-Comparative statics is commonly used to study changes in supply and demand when
analyzing a single market, and to study changes in monetary or fiscal policy when
analyzing the whole economy. Comparative statics is a tool of analysis in
microeconomics (including general equilibrium analysis) and macroeconomics.

5. Agricultural economists are frequently accused of spending too little time in the real
wolrd. A preoccupation with abstract theoretical issues means that agricultural
economist are sometimes unable or unwilling to look at the fundamental issues linked to
the production and marketing of agricultural commodities. Do you agree or disagree?

-In developing countries, majority of the population engage in subsistence farming for a
living. In order to help these huge number of farmers to achieve salient economic goals,
Agricultural Economics comes in with AgriPolicy, Farm management, Agribusiness,
Cooperative…..In another vein, many countries export and import agricultural products
to maximize their benefits; here, Agricultural Economics comes in analysis.

6. To become an agricultural economist, is it importance to know agriculture or to know

economic theory.

-Yes I agree because It ultimately increases revenue. Hence, marketing is crucial to

generating and increasing revenue by communicating the products with potential
customers. Set better goals for your business: Marketing helps the business know about
the customers' demands and needs. They could set their goals according to these.

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