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Loan Data Analysis Using Data Warehouse Techniques

Conference Paper · August 2021


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3 authors, including:

Maduka Ashan PPG Dinesh Asanka

Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology University of Kelaniya


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2021 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC-2021)

Loan Data Analysis Using Data Warehouse

Maduka Ashan Perera Chathura Madhuranga Boralugoda PPG Dinesh Asanka
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Faculty of Graduate Studies and Faculty of Graduate Studies and
Research Research Research
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Sri Lanka Institute of Information Sri Lanka Institute of Information
Technology Technology Technology
Colombo, Sri Lanka Colombo, Sri Lanka Colombo, Sri Lanka
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— Most of the financial institutions are running deterioration and loan or credit recovery rate also reduced
their operations smoothly and profitable way without any respectively [1]. The main problem is their criteria of
interruptions with the help of data analytical techniques. accepting and rejecting borrowers with the small amount of
This study will be able to enhance the business's ability to analyzed data and mainly responsible for the bank contact.
expand its market by providing meaningful and key analysis To identify, the legitimate borrowers have to change the
of consumer behavior. Financial institutions should have screening criteria of the borrowers.
proper parameters to identify the right customer base with When the borrower applies for the loan or credit from a
the capacity of their repayments. To identify those certain finance institute whether the loan or credit is accepted
parameters, BI technologies and the data warehouse or rejected according to the screening criteria. After a certain
techniques such as inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and time period, the accepted borrower receives his/her loan. This
modeling were used to convert data to meaningful can be analyze further with the factors which we obtain by a
information. The star schema is used for this data warehouse decision tree. To accomplish the analysis by a decision tree,
design which includes one fact table surrounded by several sample data was collected by certain financial institutions. To
dimensions. This study was mainly focused to identify the discover them, Microsoft BI tools were used to do certain
borrower’s response to the calls taken by call center agents operations such as inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and
on a time basis per day. As a result, identified that several modeling to convert useful information.
parameters such as age groups and gender-wise response
times are different. Those factors will be evaluated by using A. Microsoft BI Tools.
a decision tree in future works. This will increase the loan SQL Server Integration Service (SSIS) tool which,
collection efficiency. Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) data, which sample data
were collected from the source systems to data warehouse
Keywords—Loan Repayment, Loan Arrears, designed to analyze data. This tool helps to do certain tasks
Response Times, Decision Tree, Data Warehouse such as cleansing, filtering, conversions, sorting, joining,
validating, lookup, and aggregations. After these transform
I. INTRODUCTION operations load data to the data warehouse, which includes
Fact tables which contain measurers and Dimension tables
Borrowing credit or loans from financial institutions by which contain a set of detailed facts related to the business by
individuals, small organizations, or large organizations invest surrounding the dimensions that elaborate the business
in self-employments. Individuals who borrow a certain details.
portion of money at one time and repay that with certain
steps with the realistic short or long time period. Most of the SQL Server Analytical Service (SSAS) tool processes the
individuals borrow for education purposes or professional data. This tool is used by organizations to analyze data from
reasons with their repayment capacity calculating by multiple sources. SSAS helps to model multi-dimensional
themself with their monthly wages. Certain organizations in cubes which can measure sales amount, a quantity and so on.
the country borrow the amount from the institution to invest There are several methods such and drill down, roll up, slice,
in certain projects in which they are willing to expand their and dice to elaborate the date with the dimensions.
business or gain more profit on that. They are planning to In order to illustrate such data, this study has utilized
repay that amount with the profit and income which they will excel pivot tables and the dashboard for the managements
achieve by the project they invest over the time period. using graphs. This is a framework. Framework in the sense,
Financial institutes such as banks, leasing companies, and the user will be able to change and create their own reports or
other credit departments willing to earn their profits by illustration visualization by themselves. This is called self-
funding or giving loans or credits to such organizations or service. They will be able to change the parameters and
individuals by taking risk of repayment over the period of analyze the data that we have provided under this framework.
time they agree to. This profit-earning cycle has risk factors
and those factors should be calculate by the institution before This paper has used a decision tree to identify the
they release the amount to borrowers. categories which will affect the repayment, arrears amount,
and the response of the borrowers using the data which gives
Somehow over the repayment time period, some output from the above tools.
individuals or organizations show repayment rate

2021 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC-2021)

II. RELATED WORK 1. Business and entity risk. What is the industry of the
There are several studies conducted related to the fraud customer?
analysis of the financial institution by the borrowers or their 2. Location. Where the customer located?
customers. Loan or credit borrower’s repayment capacity 3. Business size of the customer.
and recovery may or may not lead to the fraud. 4. Products and transaction risk. Which kind of
product or services is being offered to the customer?
conducted a study regarding the money laundering risk. Corresponding to the above attributes they have marked as
Criminal activities, drug trafficking, bribing, smuggling are low, middle, and high risk of the customer account
illegal activities that may lead to highly profitable areas. regarding the Anti-Money Laundering.
These will put through the cycle of a transaction before
using them freely or otherwise those will become an
illegitimate transactions. Putting through a cycle of
transactions between banks and accounts that couldn’t track
back to the illegitimate sources. This shows as legitimate
money to use them freely. That is called as money

China Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis

center received several reports of suspicious transactions.
This includes more than one billion of foreign currency (US
dollar) in 4926 accounts. The majority of the transactions
reports came from the state-owned commercial bank in
China. Therefore, Commercial Bank of China is facing
money laundering.

The developed countries established advanced

monitoring systems related to money laundering, such as the Figure 1. A decision tree for determination of customer’s
American Financial crime enforcement network Artificial money laundering risk
Intelligent System (FAIS) [2]. Artificial intelligent systems
greatly enhance the efficiency of the Anti-Money JI Chengjun, WU Lijun, LI Jinping have conducted a
Laundering. However, the Anti-Money Laundering system study regarding the application of the decision tree analysis
was not developed in the china commercial bank. It is not in the credit card. Since the 1990s of the last century, the
recommended to apply directly developed countries AML Chines economy with the domestic needs they mostly
systems because commercial banks faced many of their person consumption for the credit option is very quickly
transactions reports captured regarding the foreign country. developed. Commercial banks are the main source of taking
They need their very own pattern AML transaction system
credit risk by providing loan facility and credit to their
to be developed according to the Chinese financial market.
customers, also their major source of income of the
Numerous systems used decision tree [3] method to commercial bank is providing credit for the customers.
analyze the various studies due to the accuracy and the Therefore, they have been looking for a method to evaluate
performance of it. To detect the Anti-Money Laundering their credit risk.
they have been using the decision tree-based system. They
have researched by selecting a midsize commercial bank in In china gradually opens several banks that will be major
China with about 3 million customer accounts both challenges for the banks that exist and open banks for their
individuals and companies. Their program is “Know your business due to the competition they face. They recognize
customer”. This will detect suspicious transactions directly. with the studies credit card is the kind of way of non-cash
When the customer opens an account, they have the risk of transaction method to provide customers also they has been
money laundering. The bank divide customers risk level as set up credit loans of the small amount from it as well. This
low, middle, and high. Initially they assign the risk rank for method rapidly grows among the customers, it’s spread over
the customers as low when their transaction became high china rapidly. In the year 2003 according to the statistics
and with the amount of the money, they have begun to rate they analyze 3,000,000 credit cards that have been issued.
them as middle or high. With the rapid issuing 50,000,000 cards had been issued at
end of the 2006. Also, the 2008 china credit card issue
They have collected data of the 160,000 customers to the quantity was 122,000,000. With the situation, the bank
data warehouse to analyze them. They only selected 28 provided an overdraft facility over the credit cards that will
attributes of them due to the number of attributes. Among cause fraud through the credit cards. That overdraft facility
those attributes they only identified 4 of them as mostly lends by the bank to increase their business and keep their
related to the AML. And they change some values of the business ongoing with the competitors. The risk that banks
account numbers to show their result to cover the identity of
take with the fraud meantime some banks were bankrupt due
the customers.
to behaviors of escaping repaying their overdraft or credit
They have identified several risk factors, and they amounts by their customers. The decision tree applies to
limited them to four inherited anti-money laundering risks of identify the customer with past data they have been
the customers as below. collected.

2021 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC-2021)

The decision tree starts with the root node which institute. The accepted loan will be received after a certain
represents the sample data set. The second step or the period of time to the applicant.
second level is called a leaf, this level illuminates measure In this paper, they have used logical regression to
and the condition of the decision tree second level. All the predict the category of the loan borrowers that find the
attributes and discrete values are classified. The attributes of best fitting model for the individual case’s relationship
the values have to be discrete. In the third step branch and between response and explanatory variables. The
the sample, values will be divide into other branches. If the Bayesian logistic regression method is used to predict the
branch has no sample, That type contains the majority of the repayment efficiency of the borrowers.
sample was created as a leaf. That defines the basic decision
tree. As a problem, if there is high repayment efficiency,
the relationship between the customer and the credit
Select the index of the research paper of this. They have institution is high due to the help of the next higher
amount obtained from the credit loan department or the
collected 21-word segments from the bank loan data set
financial institution. To change this, they considered some
from the customers. Among those, they identify 20-word
socio-economic factors. The main factors from the
segments which are relevant to evaluate the customer
institution side are tight control, loan officer intensive,
financial credit information of the customers such as check loan collection, the interest rate charged affect the
account, credit history records, savings or deposit accounts, repayment rate. The socio-economic factors from their
loan amounts, loan terms, loan purpose, controllable customer side are marital state, gender, education, and
income, sex, working time, guarantors, address, age, income level. This conducted study has answered the
property, telephone, registration, local or foreign. Finally, following questions regarding the repayment factors at the
the bank divides them into two categories as “good end of the paper [6].
customers” and “bad customers” [4].
1. What are the main socio-economic factors?
The bank thinks the salary should be the root node for the 2. What are the business and loan-related factors?
decision tree according to their viewpoint [4].
3. What are the major challenges faced by
customers and the institute?
Their data collection method was a structured
questionnaire. They have distributed the questioner among
the people with the respective population. This includes
social attributes, household characteristics, income, assets,
financial characteristics such as credit and savings.
Logistic regression analysis is an extended technique
of multiple regression analysis which is used to identify
the categorical variables. They have considered the ratio
of the probability of success, and this is the logistic model
they used,


They have used Bayesian Logistic Regression to come

up with the result. As a result, they came up with, out of
340 borrowers, 38.53% are efficient on repayment and
61.47% not efficient at the time of data collection on their
Figure 2. Annual salary of decision tree [4] study 11.8% for agricultural, 22.6% trades, 21% small
enterprises, 10.9% general loans, 8.8% handcraft. With
regards to the sex, they found out 38.2% female and
Statistical analysis on loan repayment and efficiency and 61.8% male borrowers [6].
its impacts on the borrowers, Yonas Shuke Kitawa, Nigatu
Degu Terye conducted a study. Their major study is the III. METHODOLOGY
factors affecting loan repayment efficiency and loan
utilization in Ethiopia. They have mainly focused on the A. Data Warehouse Concept
farmers and the individuals who carry microcredit as their
A data warehouse is a comprehensive technology that
loan facility to improve their small business or helps key people to access any required level of information
investments. In Ethiopia, they are provided a loan facility
within the enterprise. It is an enterprise-wide framework that
with a lesser interest rate. After some time they have faced
enables the management of all enterprise information.
some repayment rate deterioration. Their loan recovery
rate was reduced by 64% to 31% from 1997 to 2000. Due Data warehouse consists of two different types of
to the issue, they have been facing they change in the schemas, star and snowflake schema. This study has utilized
screening criteria. When the client applies for a loan, the star schema to develop analytical framework. The data
loan could be either accepted or rejected by the financial warehouse consists of the Fact tables and dimension tables.

2021 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC-2021)

The fact table consists of measures which mainly address The data warehouse was designed and referred by this
the business problem, process, and needs of the users, such as study which has one Fact table called “FactLoanCollection”
payment amounts, arrears amount, call count, inventory, with six dimension tables.
sales. The fact table contains duplicate records for the
This data warehouse consists of dimensions
analysis purpose.
DimCustomer, DimUser, DimRPCTypes, DimProduct,
A dimension table is a set of detailed business facts DimDate, and DimTime. Most of the data warehouse uses
surrounded by many dimensions that describe those facts date dimension for the performance reasons and the
such as customer attributes, location attributes, product functional reasons, that consist of the date hierarchy and
attributes, and so on. other several attributes. This study contains two hierarchies
for that with quarter and month name as well as numbers for
B. Data Set the user’s perspective. Apart from the date dimension, time
The sample data set was collected for the analysis from dimension was added, which helps to analyze a data on an
the financial institution of a particular country. Among the hourly basis, due to the sample data set that identified it is
larger scale of data set factors were identified to analyze, importance to analyze the data of the user’s response time per
such as profession, sex, age range, locations wise. The the calls. This particular time dimension consists of the
borrower’s repayment amounts, arrears amount, arrears days hierarchy call HourMinSec that contains hour, minute, and
for the particular month or quarter, response per call, and seconds. RPCType dimension contains two attributes that
promise to pay amount particular customer range were response per call type code and the description of that code.
derived from that source of data set. The product dimension consists of the borrower’s loan types.

Before loading data to the data warehouse, there was a Furthermore, In Respect to the SCDs, This study has used
workaround to accomplish the task such as cleansing data, Type 1 SCDs most of the dimensions
conversion, filtering as per needs, sorting, joining,
aggregating, and lookup.

C. Data Warehouse Design

As per the schemas mentioned above, star schema is used
for this study data warehouse design which includes one fact
table surrounded by several dimensions. Every fact points to
one tuple of each dimension with additional attributes. Also,
that does not capture hierarchies. In the star schema,
dimension tables will not join each other and every
Figure 4. DimTime
dimension table joins with the special key called surrogate
keys(SKs) with the fact table. The main focus of this analytical system is to check the
actions of the borrowers and due to that FactLoanCollection
Surrogate keys are normally integer value, which is a fact table consists of five measures such as Call count, RPC
unique value assigned to each row. SKs will do a very (Response Per Call), PTP Amount (Promise To Pay), Arrears
important role in the data warehouse, it helps to protect the amount, and Arrears days.
data warehouse from unexpected administrative changes, and
it helps to updates and inserts as well as tracking of the
changes in the dimensions.

Figure 5. FactLoanCollection Fact Table

When considering this approach, it is similar to the
Inmon approach which is known as “Father of data

Figure 3. Loan Analyze Data Warehouse design

Figure 6. Inmon Approach

2021 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC-2021)

Similarly, this framework also consists of OLTP data perform truncation prior to load fact. Also, the cube
source that loads data to the warehouse which is designed via dimension and the fact process are also done by this stage.
ETL technology and process cube to browse dAata as This will be a very convenient process if the developer runs
multidimensional with several technologies that enable on the schedule of those tasks. No one needs to run every
slicing, dicing, roll-up, drill-down, and pivot. task manually. The administration just has to publish the
ETL package to the package store and enable the SQL job for
us. That process will run every time that you have scheduled
previously. Apart from that, it will be able to add the task to
send a notification to the administration or users.

E. Analysis
Data Analysis is a process to discover useful information
for business decision making. This is used to extract useful
information from the raw data to make a day-to-day decision
based on that information. That may vary according to
business needs or individual needs. Analysis is most of the
time based on the future prediction by looking into past
Figure 7. Architectural design diagram of Loan data analysis information or patterns that we have discovered, something
like forecasting whether and the environmental factors.
D. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)
There are several types of data analysis techniques such
as Text analysis, statistical analysis, predictive analysis,
ETL is a process of load data from source to destination. diagnostic analysis, and prescriptive analysis.
ETL defines Extract, Transform, and Load. Extract in the
sense extracting data from the source. That source may not There are several tools to accomplish the data analysis
be an SQL environment that could be several types of task, this study has used Microsoft SQL Server Analysis
sources. In this operation, we will face extracting data from Services (SSAS) [11] to deliver our framework for the users.
many systems platforms such as flat files, web servers,
emails, images. Due to this we are extracting several types of F. Reporting
data into one database called staging area. You have to do Reporting means illustrating information in a proper
cleaning and changes to the operational data that simplifies understandable manner to users. There are several technical
the building summaries that help to avoid slowness, security tools such as excel, PowerBI reporting, SQL Server
matters, impossibility, also it avoids the conflicts between Reporting Service [9], Tableau so on. In this approach, we
source systems. That can be used as a backup option as well. have used excel features to represent the dashboard with the
The second stage of the ETL is transform, it consists of pivot charts.
several rules before load data to the destination. With this This study was conducted to identify the best time slots to
stage filtering, sorting, pivoting, validating, deriving make an effective customer call by a call center agent for
columns, joining or merging, splitting, lookups operations financial institutes other than collecting a lot of information
can be performed. The above rules vary between the business about loan borrowers.
need. The approach mostly uses derive functions in this stage
to derive and convert data to certain types.
Third and final stage is loading. This stage will check the
error logs send a notification upon that to the administration
or the users regarding the availability of the data that can be
performed after loading data into the destination.
This study has chosen Microsoft BI SQL Server
Integration Service (SSIS) tool to perform the ETL process.

Figure 9. Dashboard of data analysis

This study was analyzed by certain areas such as arrears

amount for the year 2020 quarter wise, Arrears amount
gender and age group wise, and response per call hourly.

This study was conducted to identify the borrower’s

Figure 8. ETL for FactLoanCollection response per the call on a time basis per day. To accomplish
that, there is a special dimension call “DimTime”. This
The above figure illustrates the ETL process of this dimension contains an hour, minute, and second hierarchy to
particular approach. With this ETL has done the full load for
illustrate data which is the extension of Date Dimension [10]
the fact table, the “SQL Execution” task was executed to

2021 International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC-2021)

TABLE I : Response Per Call Age Group Wise. past data by analyzing them. This study was implemented in
a framework. It enables to fetch the reports as per the user
Age requirement with the available data set. For this, Microsoft
Hour Groups BI tools were used in order to develop ETL and Cube. Excel
20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 > 60 enables access of this framework for the users, mainly for
the management to make their decision, on that they will be
7 0.10% 0.15% 0.13% 0.29% 0.00% able to reduce their risks by giving loans or credits to certain
8 4.14% 4.03% 3.28% 4.49% 4.43% borrowers. This study was conducted to identify the
9 10.26% 10.45% 10.07% 10.49% 9.03% borrower’s response as per the call on a time basis per day.
10 10.63% 11.06% 11.17% 11.37% 11.12% As a result, the researcher was able to identified different
key response times of loan borrower’s based on several
11 11.25% 11.55% 11.97% 12.03% 13.04% parameters such as age groups and gender. This study varies
12 5.87% 5.97% 6.17% 6.04% 7.86% from the other studies by recognizing the best time slots to
13 11.62% 11.06% 11.99% 11.21% 11.45% make an effective customer call by a call center agent for
14 11.72% 11.35% 11.82% 10.40% 11.71% financial institutes. For future work, we have decided to
implement a decision tree-based algorithm with
15 11.12% 10.81% 10.37% 10.91% 10.20% classification and regression techniques.
16 9.23% 9.73% 10.15% 10.05% 8.36%
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