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EHT-147 10/20


Joe Masabni1, Todd Sink 2

Water is the medium through which plants and fish receive

their nutrient and oxygen requirements. It is important to
understand basic water chemistry to properly manage an Water testing is essential to confirm and maintain good
aquaponic system, including how to run a profitable and water quality in a system. Bacteria cannot be seen or
sustainable operation and get the most out of plants, fish, measured directly. Therefore, water testing is the only
and bacteria. method of indirectly diagnosing bacteria’s health and
activity. A grower should design and follow a schedule for
There are five key water quality parameters for aquaponics: water testing. A new grower is encouraged to check water
dissolved oxygen (DO), total nitrogen concentrations, pH, quality parameters daily. During the initial system start-
hardness, and water temperature. Factors that are equally up or the first 2 months, ammonia and nitrite should also
as important, but not as often attended to by growers are be tested daily and then weekly thereafter to monitor the
alkalinity, carbon dioxide, settleable solids, and suspended health of bacteria and fish populations. Ammonia and nitrite
solids. These nine parameters will be discussed in this should also be tested anytime abnormal fish mortality
article. occurs to rule out potential toxicity due to a bacterial
population collapse. Once the nutrients have leveled off and
Knowing the role of each parameter on the health and
the system is considered in balance, measurements can be
performance of fish, plants, and bacteria is crucial. However,
taken weekly.
the optimal values of these parameters differ among fish,
plants, and bacteria. Therefore, compromises are made
for some water quality parameters to meet the needs of all WATER SOURCES
organisms in an aquaponic system at the same time.
The first step when planning a new aquaponic operation
is to determine the quality of available water. If poor water
Table 1. The target ranges is the only available source, aquaponics will never be
for each parameter are as follows: profitable. Therefore, it is important to know what your
DO 5–8 ppm water quality—or more precisely, water chemistry—is
first, before you expose fish or plants to it. There are four
Ammonia 0 ppm
possible sources of water for use in an aquaponic system:
Nitrite 0 ppm well water, municipal water, rainwater, and reverse osmosis
Nitrate 5–150 ppm (RO) water. Surface water is not recommended, as it may
pH 6–7 contain high levels of solids, unwanted fish or insect larvae,
Water Hardness 60–140 ppm aquatic vegetation including algae, and possibly pathogenic
Water Temperature 64–86ºF
Modified from: Small-scale aquaponic food production, FAO publication 589. Well water may contain micronutrients like calcium, sodium,
or iron, which are beneficial to plants in trace amounts
but may also contain compounds that are toxic to fish.
Therefore, a water test should be done before use. Well
Associate Professor and Extension Vegetable Specialist
1 water may be superior to municipal water, which often
Associate Professor and Aquaculture Extension Specialist
contains chlorine or chloramine at levels that can be toxic

► 1
to plants or fish. Growers who plan on using municipal and tilapia, DO concentrations of 3 ppm or less are stressful,
water must treat the water to remove excess chlorine or and concentrations below 2 ppm can be deadly. For
chloramine before adding fish or plants. warmwater fish species, the general requirement is that the
DO should never drop below 3 ppm, and a 30-day average
Removal of excess chlorine can be done using an RO should never be below 5.5 ppm. For coldwater fish species
system or by aerating for a couple of days to allow for the such as rainbow trout, the general requirement is that the
chlorine gas to escape. Chlorine test kits are available DO should never drop below 4 ppm, and a 30-day average
at stores selling pool supplies and at many pet supplies should never be below 6.5 ppm.
stores. Chloramine is more stable and does not evaporate
easily. Growers must use a chemical treatment to remove The time of day and season affect DO concentrations. In
chloramine from the municipal water. Treatments, such general, water holds less oxygen at higher temperatures.
as charcoal filtration, or dechlorinating chemicals, such as Therefore, water is able to hold higher concentrations
sodium thiosulfate, are widely available and have proven of oxygen during the winter or early in the day when
successful. It is generally suggested to use 3 to 5 parts of temperatures are lower compared to summer or late
sodium thiosulfate to neutralize 1 part of chlorine. Aeration afternoon when temperatures are warmest. In aquaponics,
has also been proven to reduce chloramine levels, but it the late afternoon is when DO levels are the highest due
is more difficult with large volumes of water and may take to photosynthesis of plants during sunlight hours, and
several days. If a grower replaces less than 10 percent of early morning—around sunrise—is when they are lowest
the water at one time using municipal water during normal because no photosynthesis is occurring at night. Cloudy
operation and maintenance of an aquaponic system, the and rainy days cause DO concentrations to drop because
risk from chlorine or chloramine is greatly reduced. However, there is less sunlight for plants to perform photosynthesis
for the health and safety of the bacteria and fish in the and produce oxygen. Too many fish in the tank, as well as
system, it is always recommended to treat water with a too much food, can also deprive the fish of DO. Saline water,
chlorine neutralizing agent when adding it to a system. which is uncommon for aquaponics, also has less ability to
hold DO than fresh water.
Rainwater requires a large storage system, and in many
areas, rainwater may be in short supply during periods In a new system, it is recommended to measure DO
of need while operating a system. Rainwater is free but levels frequently. They should be checked once a day at a
may not be suitable in areas where acid rain is a common minimum. Even after a system has stabilized, it is important
occurrence, such as large cities. Rainwater can be lacking to continue the daily monitoring of DO, as low DO is the
in chemical elements that fish need to survive, such as largest threat to the survival of fish, the fastest way to lose
chlorides and calcium. These chemical elements may have all of the fish in a system, and most fish deaths during
to be added to the system, especially when filling for the culture are a result of low DO. The biological demand for
first time. RO water is also not ideal as it lacks all nutrients, oxygen in a system changes daily. As the fish, plants, and
hence low hardness levels, that may be beneficial to plant bacteria population grow, they continually need more and
growth and fish health. RO water must be supplemented more oxygen. Unfortunately, aquaponics growers do not
with minerals if it is to be used in an aquaponic system as usually measure DO because the equipment is expensive.
the sole source of water. Growers are encouraged to send
a water sample to a professional lab for an initial water There are two ways to measure DO. The accurate—and
quality profile. Additionally, the purchase of an RO system, more expensive—method is to use a DO meter (Fig. 1).
chemicals, and filter membranes may add a great deal of Another method is to use the Winkler method, where
cost to the operation of a system. manganese salt, iodide, and hydroxide react with water
containing oxygen, an acid is added to convert and
precipitate iodide to iodine, and the amount of DO is
IMPORTANT WATER QUALITY directly proportional to the amount of iodine that is
PARAMETERS titrated with a thiosulfate solution. This is the method
with the lowest cost to measure DO, but chemical costs
Dissolved Oxygen are more expensive in the long run than DO meters
after hundreds of measurements. The Winkler method
All life needs oxygen, including the life present in the water has also been converted to a colorimetric approach,
in an aquaponic system. The concentration of DO in water in which the manganese is directly reacted with
is important for optimal fish and plant growth, as well as for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid to give a pink color, which
beneficial bacteria that convert toxic ammonia to usable can be read using a color wheel or spectrophotometer
nitrate (NO3–). In aquaponics, a DO level of 5 parts per for greater accuracy. For additional information on
million (ppm) or higher is recommended, although it may be DO measurements, visit
higher depending on the species of fish being cultured. In environmental-measurements/measurements/measuring-
general, for most warmwater species of fish, such as catfish water-quality/dissolved-oxygen-sensors-and-methods/.

► 2
can quickly reach levels toxic to fish, especially after feeding.
Therefore, the levels should be monitored carefully. This
is not normally an issue in a pond or lake, since the water
volume is large compared to the number of fish present and
the unionized ammonia is diluted.

Unionized ammonia is difficult to measure on its own.

Therefore, total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) is measured,
and then the concentration of unionized ammonia is
calculated using the pH and temperature of the water. On
its own, TAN reveals nothing about toxicity to fish, and
pH and water temperature must be determined as well.
When a water analysis is performed to determine TAN,
you are determining the sum of unionized ammonia and
ionized ammonium. Once TAN, pH, and temperature are
Figure 1. Two examples of meters available on the market for
determined, you can use any of a number of tables available
accurate measurements of dissolved oxygen in the water.
on the internet based on calculations from Emerson et al.1
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Diffused aeration using air stones or porous hose is Southern Regional Aquaculture Center has a fact sheet that
mandatory in an aquaponic system, especially in the contains these tables available at
summer months with high water temperatures. Growers fact-sheets/serve/111. You can also download the Texas
have successfully grown lettuce in an aquaponic system A&M AgriLife Extension Service AmmoniaCalc app for Apple
without added aeration in the winter months because cold devices, and simply plug in TAN, pH, and temperature to
water holds more DO. Air stones should be placed 3 to 4 have the exact unionized ammonia concentration calculated
feet apart in the plant trough, and additional air stones for you. This app can be downloaded at
should be placed in the fish tanks and biological filtration
tanks. Fish exhibit certain behaviors indicative of low
oxygen levels in the water. When fish are oxygen deprived, As the water pH or temperature increases, the proportion
they exhibit the following traits: appetite loss, “piping” or of toxic unionized ammonia increases. On the other hand,
surface gasping, gathering around inflow pipes that contain the proportion of toxic unionized ammonia decreases as
more oxygenated water, reduced growth, and increased water pH or temperature decreases. The concentration
susceptibility to diseases and parasites. of ammonia that is toxic to each species of fish varies, but
in general, aquaponics producers should start increased
monitoring when unionized ammonia concentrations are
Total Ammonia Nitrogen (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate)
found to be 0.25 ppm or greater. Most species of fish will
Ammonia is excreted as the primary waste product of begin to die when unionized ammonia concentrations are
protein metabolism by fish from the gills and in urine. 0.5 ppm or greater, and water flushing should be initiated.
Ammonia in an aquatic system is in a constant state of To demonstrate how the toxicity of ammonia changes with
fluctuation between toxic, unionized ammonia (NH3) and pH and temperature, examples are listed in Table 2 at
non-toxic, ionized ammonium (NH4+) based on changing pH various TAN, temperature, and/or pH.
and temperature of the water. In an aquaponic system with
a limited water volume, unionized ammonia concentrations 1
(Emerson et al., 1975)

Table 2. The effects of TAN, pH, temperature, and concentration of unionized ammonia
and the resulting toxic/non-toxic condition in water


1.0 ppm 8.0 80°F 0.060 ppm SAFE

1.0 ppm 8.0 95°F 0.101 ppm SAFE
1.0 ppm 9.0 80°F 0.389 ppm DANGER
1.0 ppm 9.0 95°F 0.529 ppm TOXIC
2.0 ppm 8.0 80°F 0.120 ppm SAFE
2.0 ppm 8.0 95°F 0.202 ppm SAFE
2.0 ppm 9.0 80°F 0.779 ppm TOXIC
2.0 ppm 9.0 95°F 1.058 ppm TOXIC

► 3
Very high concentrations of TAN can be safe in a system inert media similar to that used in high-density recirculation
if the pH and/or temperature are low. On the other hand, aquaculture systems. Studies at the University of the Virgin
even small quantities of TAN can be toxic to fish if the pH Islands showed that biofiltration occurs in the water column.
and/or temperature are high. There are many simple and For small systems, no additional filtration may be needed
low-cost testing kits that measure TAN. A probe can be besides solid waste removal. However, in larger systems of
purchased that determines only ammonia concentrations, a commercial operation, additional biofiltration is required,
but these probes are extremely costly for the typical and a bed filter filled with Kaldness beads or other non-
aquaponics producer. porous, high surface area inert is recommended.

In nature, two types of bacteria play a major role in A biofilter requires 4 to 6 weeks for sufficient bacteria
converting toxic ammonia to the non-toxic nitrate that is populations to develop naturally and sufficient nutrients to
readily used by plants. Ammonia is first oxidized to nitrite build in the system for the plants. This means that a new
(NO2–) by Nitrosomonas spp. Nitrite is still toxic to fish but system must be left for 4 to 6 weeks to grow the bacteria
less so than ammonia, so it is wise to measure nitrite population before plants are added. During this initial
concentrations weekly to ensure the bacteria populations period, fish must be fed at a very low rate, and growers
are functionally processing ammonia and that nitrite must measure ammonia and nitrite daily to track their levels.
is not building up to toxic levels in your system. Nitrite The theoretical progress of converting ammonia to nitrate
toxicity in fish has been shown to be dependent upon is shown in Figure 2, and a real-world example from a study
the availability of chloride and calcium ions in the water. conducted in 2014 is shown in Figure 3.
Higher concentrations of these ions can mitigate some
toxicity effects of nitrite. For most warmwater species of Another approach to establishing the biofilter is to artificially
fish, nitrite concentrations should be maintained at 1 ppm speed up the establishment of the bacteria population by
or less in aquaponic systems. In turn, nitrite is converted by inoculating the system with a starter solution containing
Nitrobacter spp. to nitrate. Nitrate is relatively non-toxic to
fish but can become toxic at extremely high concentrations.
For most warmwater species of fish, toxicity is not reached
until nitrate concentrations are greater than 100 ppm. For
example, Monsees et al. found no adverse effects in juvenile
Nile tilapia until nitrate levels reached 500 ppm.2 AMMONIA  NITRITE NITRATE
Nitrosomonas Nitrobacter
Nitrifying bacteria, including Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter
spp., grow on surfaces such as tanks and filters as a fixed
film or on suspended organic particles. Nitrification is
optimal at high DO levels and low levels of organic matter.
Nitrifying bacteria are very sensitive to pH. Nitrosomonas TIME
spp. has an optimal pH of approximately 7.0 to 8.0, and the
Figure 2. Theoretical progress of the conversion of ammonia
optimum pH range for Nitrobacter spp. is approximately 7.5
to nitrate through the action of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter.
to 8.0. Nitrifying bacteria are inhibited and do not remove Source: The Federation of British Aquatic Societies
toxic nitrogen wastes at a pH of 6.0 and can
begin to die at a pH below 5.5.
90 2.5
The nitrification process (from ammonia
to nitrate) produces acid in the form of NO3
hydrogen ions (H+), which lowers pH and 70 NO2 2.0
reduces alkalinity, or the buffering capacity of
a system. Therefore, pH in a well-maintained
NH3 ppm
NO3 ppm

system tends to drop over time due to 50

nitrification—additional details are presented 40

in the pH section below. 1.0

The conversion of ammonia and nitrite 20 0.5

and removal of nitrate is referred to as
biofiltration. The biofilter often consists of
the plant root surface and of the raft surface 0 0.0
3/14/2014 4/14/2014 5/14/2014 6/14/2014 7/14/2014 8/14/2014 9/14/2014
area, although larger and contemporary
aquaponic systems utilize biofilters containing Figure 3. Actual progress of the conversion
of ammonia to nitrite to nitrate over time.
(Monsees et al., 2017)

► 4
Nitrosomonas spp. and Nitrobacter spp. (Fig. 4). Several The system is ready when ammonia and nitrite rates are
commercial starter cultures of bacteria are available from at nearly 0 ppm, and nitrate is at least 10 ppm. Additional
various manufacturers. A food source for the bacteria clear ammonia may be needed to be added to maintain 20
must be added to the system. The ideal food choice is ppm ammonia levels until 10 ppm of nitrate is detected. Do
clear ammonia (Fig. 5) at a concentration of 20 ppm, but not wait too long to add fish and to start feeding once the
this concentration is toxic to fish, so the ammonia must be ammonia and nitrite rates are at nearly 0 ppm and nitrate
effectively converted to nitrate before adding fish to the is at 10 ppm, or the bacteria populations will starve and
system. Once the system is filled with water and aerated collapse.
for a couple of days to release carbon dioxide (CO2) and any
chlorine (Cl) gas, add the bacteria starter solution and clear In addition to the drastic effects of low DO levels on both
ammonia. In a 1,000-gallon system, add 2.5 fluid ounces plant and bacteria health, another problem with low DO
of clear ammonia. Then, measure ammonia, nitrite, and levels is a process called denitrification. Under anaerobic—
nitrate daily using a commercially available test kit (Fig. 6). or no oxygen—conditions, denitrifying bacteria convert
nitrate to nitrogen gas (N2), which increases alkalinity and pH,
and the primary plant food source is lost to the atmosphere
as a gas. Therefore, regular attention is needed to maintain
air supply and ensure consistent DO levels in the system.
Proper control and maintenance of nitrate concentrations
are also important for the long-term health of an aquaponic
system. Nitrate concentrations are regulated by the
frequency of fish feeding and filter tank cleaning. Frequent
filter cleaning—twice a week—will increase nitrate levels and
is good when growing leafy greens. Less frequent cleaning—
less than once a week—will tend to decrease nitrate levels
and is a good approach when growing fruiting vegetables.

pH means “potential of hydrogen” or “power of hydrogen”
and is a measure of the H+ ion concentration in the water. A
Figure 5. Clear ammonia
low pH value means a high concentration of H+ ions and that
Figure 4. Example is used as a source
of a starter solution of ammonia for the the solution is acidic, with a pH range of 0 to 7. Similarly, a
containing Nitrosomonas bacteria in the starter high pH indicates a basic pH, with a range of 7 to 14 and a
and Nitrobacter bacteria solution to speed low concentration of H+ ions. A pH of 7 is considered neutral.
that can be used to up the proliferation
pH is considered the master variable because it influences
speed up the initial and establishment of
startup of a new system. bacteria in a new system. water quality parameters such as the ratio of ammonia to
ammonium and the solubility of plant nutrients. A well-
designed and properly operating aquaponic system is one
where pH is constantly decreasing due to nitrification and
needs to be adjusted up to the optimal pH of 7. Therefore,
it is essential to regularly test pH to determine if normal
aerobic conditions are present and to avoid drastic changes
in pH, which can be fatal to fish, plants, and bacteria.

It is recommended to measure the pH of a new system

daily until it reaches a stable state and the operator is
familiar with the effect of the seasons and other practices
on water pH. When the system is stabilized, less frequent
measurements, around twice per week, are acceptable.

As mentioned earlier, the ideal situation creates a pH that

tends to drop over time. A situation where pH does not
decline over time is detrimental, typically due to one of
two reasons: that calcium and potassium are not being
supplemented to the system, which will affect plant health
Figure 6. The Freshwater Master Test Kit includes tests and productivity, or that denitrification is occurring in
for high and low pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.
anaerobic zones and nitrate is being converted to nitrogen

► 5
gas. Denitrification consumes H+ ions and increases pH. pH will drastically change with any addition of an acid. Since
Some alkalinity is produced by plants, but most significant calcium and magnesium react and bond with carbonates
alkalinity is produced by the denitrification process. To avoid and bicarbonates, alkalinity and water hardness are closely
anaerobic conditions and the resultant denitrification, it is interrelated. For freshwater fish, acceptable alkalinity is 20
recommended to clean filter tanks twice a week and remove ppm or more (as calcium carbonate), while optimal alkalinity
deposits of organic matter from filters. for growth and reproduction is 50 to 150 ppm. The optimal
hardness for growth and reproduction of most warmwater
Low pH conditions are just as detrimental to an aquaponic fish is 50 to 150 ppm.
system as high pH conditions. Sometimes, the operator
neglects to measure pH for several days, and the pH can In aquaponics, water should have sufficient calcium,
quickly decrease to below 5.5. At a pH below 5.5, nitrification magnesium, carbonate, and bicarbonates. In other words,
has largely ceased, and TAN concentrations can become water should be maintained at 100 ppm calcium carbonate
extremely elevated. It is necessary to remedy this condition or above in slightly hard water or higher.
by adding a base very slowly over several days. Do not add
a large amount of base at one time, as this will shift most of Water Temperature
the TAN into the toxic unionized ammonia and kill all the fish.
Fish are temperature-dependent, and the ideal water
Most species of warmwater fish can tolerate a wide range temperature varies with fish species and plant species used
of pH from 5.5 to 10. For example, tilapia can tolerate a pH in an aquaponic system. For example, tilapia can tolerate
from 5 (acidic) to 10 (basic). However, the optimal pH range temperatures from 55 to over 100°F but prefer 81 to 84°F
for growth and reproduction is much narrower, from a pH for maximum growth. Tilapia growth slows dramatically and
of 6.5 to 9 for most warmwater species. For example, Nile reproduction stops at temperatures below 70°F. Depending
tilapia growth is optimized at a pH range of 7 to 8, which is on the species of tilapia, death occurs when the water
on the basic side of the scale. Since plants prefer a pH less temperature is 45 to 55°F. The probability of disease also
than 6.5 and the nitrifying bacteria perform optimally at a increases at extremely low or extremely high temperatures,
pH of 7.5 to 8, maintaining a system pH of 7 is a compromise as fish are stressed. Vegetable roots prefer a water
that meets the basic needs of plants, fish, and bacteria. temperature of 70 to 75°F for optimal growth. Aquaponics
growers keep their tilapia fish tanks at 72 to 78°F as a
There are simple ways to adjust the pH. Bases, and less compromise between the ideal temperature for fish and
often acids, can be added in small amounts to the water plants.
in order to increase or lower the pH, respectively. Acids
and bases should always be added slowly, deliberately, Water temperature also affects the oxygen level held in
and carefully. The water should be allowed to circulate the water and the amount of unionized ammonia not yet
and stabilize for several hours before measuring pH or converted to nitrite ions. Warm water can hold less oxygen
alkalinity again to determine if additional acid or base is than cold water (Table 3). Warm water also has a greater
needed. Alternatively, the addition of rainwater can be used proportion of unionized ammonia, but this effect is only
to naturally lower the system pH by diluting alkalinity and important when the pH is greater than 7. In general, at a pH
allowing nitrifying bacteria to acidify the system. Calcium of 7 or below, almost 100 percent of the TAN is in the non-
carbonate from limestone or crushed coral buffers pH toxic ionized form (NH4+). It is recommended to measure the
against natural acidification. When adjusting pH, alternate water temperature daily.
the use of calcium hydroxide with potassium hydroxide in
the base addition tank to ensure the addition of nutrients
Table 3. Oxygen solubility (ppm)
for plants.
as affected by water temperature


Hardness (°C) (°F) (PPM)
Hardness is often confused with alkalinity. Hardness
0 32 14.6
measures the amount of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg)
concentrations in the water and is expressed as equivalent 5 41 12.8
to calcium carbonate in ppm. Alkalinity refers to the amount 10 50 11.3
of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and bicarbonate (HCO3–) in 15 59 10.2
the water and ranges from soft water (0 to 75 ppm) to very 20 68 9.2
hard water (>300 ppm). Alkalinity is a measure of the ability
25 77 8.6
of a solution to neutralize acids. Water with high alkalinity
100 212 0
will resist pH changes as it contains high levels of carbonate
Modified from Washington State University Ecology Citizen’s Guide to Water
and bicarbonate ions. RO water is an example of low Quality
alkalinity water, since it does not contain any ions, and the

► 6
Alkalinity Suspended Solids
Alkalinity and pH are often confused as the same measure. Fine solids too small to settle in a swirl filter or become
This may be because adding a base increases alkalinity trapped in a bead/sand filter are called suspended solids.
in the water in addition to increasing pH. This confuses They are removed by being trapped in filters or screens,
people into thinking that a high pH means high alkalinity as which can be fashioned from numerous materials such
well. However, the pH of water can be high but have almost as orchard netting, fiber floss, and several specialized
no alkalinity, which means it has little buffering capacity aquaculture materials. Suspended solids are typically
against acids and rapid pH changes. While pH measures organic-based. As these organic solids decompose, essential
the concentration of H+ ions in water and qualifies water nutrients are released and taken up by plant roots by a
as acidic or basic, alkalinity is a measure of the buffering process called mineralization. The filter tanks should be
capacity of water and its ability to resist changes in pH. cleaned when the water flow reduces, typically once or twice
a week for optimal performance and to avoid a buildup of
Water with low alkalinity is very susceptible to large or rapid solids on plant roots. At the same time, do not clean the
changes in pH. Water with high alkalinity can resist major filter tanks too frequently, as that will remove a valuable
changes in pH. Alkalinity is expressed as the equivalent source of minerals to the plants.
concentration of calcium carbonate required to bring a
sample of water to a specific pH. The acceptable level of
Water Quality Testing
alkalinity in aquaponics has a broad range between 50
and 300 ppm. However, it is recommended that growers As mentioned above, simple chemical titration or color
maintain alkalinity between 50 to 150 ppm, preferably above change test kits are available for homeowners and
100 ppm. commercial growers alike to test essential water quality
parameters, such as pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Many
Carbon Dioxide chemical titration
or color change
Carbon dioxide levels should not exceed 20 ppm. At higher test kits (Fig. 6) are
levels, the fish become sluggish and cannot absorb enough reasonably priced and
oxygen through their gills. In systems with diffused aeration, are a great start-up
carbon dioxide buildup is not a problem because it is tool for accurate
vented off to the atmosphere through agitation of the water. measurements.
Carbon dioxide buildup is a problem in aquaculture systems
using pure oxygen, but the use of pure oxygen is expensive For scientific research,
and typically not necessary to support fish densities in commercial production,
aquaponics. or for more accurate
Settleable Solids many companies
provide digital meters
Settleable solids, such as feces, uneaten feed, and biological for measuring pH,
growth, are larger solids that are denser than water and electrical conductivity,
quickly settle to the tank bottom. Settleable solids should be DO, and temperature.
removed during the first stage of filtration in an aquaponic A pH meter can cost
system. Clarifiers and swirl separators are recommended anywhere from about
for passive solid waste removal, although a simple sump $30 to a few hundred
tank can also be effective if water flow is diffused using dollars (Fig. 7), and
screens or media. A 20-minute retention time is required DO meters can cost a
for clarifiers to effectively separate and settle solids before few thousand dollars.
the water reaches the grow beds. Another approach to Spectrophotometers
effectively filter settleable solids is to use a bead or sand (Fig. 8) are also
filter. As water enters the filter under pressure, the solids available for accurate
become trapped among the inert plastic beads or grains measurements of
of sand. The bead or sand filter is regularly backwashed to individual parameters.
remove the solids through a separate drain. Regular flushing Additionally, certified
of waste solids is recommended, and cleaning frequency labs are available that
depends on the size of the aquaponic system and the fish Figure 7. A digital meter for
measure water quality measuring pH, electrical
stocking density. We recommend starting with a biweekly parameters. conductivity (EC), and the
flush, with the frequency adjusted to meet the needs of your temperature of water.

► 7
4. Fondriest Environmental, Inc. (2014). Measuring Dissolved
Oxygen. Fundamentals of Environmental Measurements.
Web. Retrieved from:
5. Monsees, Hendrik, Laura Klatt, Werner Kloas, and Sven
Wuertz. (2017). Chronic exposure to nitrate significantly
reduces growth and affects the health status of juvenile Nile
tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) in recirculating aquaculture
systems. Aquaculture Research. 48(7) pp. 3482–3492.
Figure 8. A spectrophotometer used for accurate 6. Somerville, Christopher, Moti Cohen, Edoardo Pantanella,
measurements of various nutrients in water. Austin Stankus, and Alessandro Lovatelli. (2014). Small-
This one is used for measuring nitrate. scale aquaponic food production. Integrated fish and plant
farming. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper
BIBLIOGRAPHY 7. Stone, Nathan, Jay L. Shelton, Brian E. Haggard, and Hugh
1. Durborow, Robert M., David M. Crosby, and Martin W. K. Thornforde. (2013). Interpretation of Water Analysis
Brunson. (1997). Nitrite in Fish Ponds. Southern Regional Reports for Fish Culture. Southern Regional
Aquaculture Center. Publication No. 462. Aquaculture Center. Publication No. 4606.
2. Durborow, Robert M., David M. Crosby, and Martin 8. Wurts, William A. and Robert M. Durborow. (1992).
W. Brunson. (1997). Ammonia in Fish Ponds. Southern Interactions of pH, Carbon Dioxide, Alkalinity and Hardness
Regional Aquaculture Center. Publication No. 463. in Fish Ponds. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center.
Publication No. 464.
3. Emerson, Kenneth, Rosemarie C. Russo, Richard E.
Lund, and Robert V. Thurston. (1975). Aqueous ammonia
equilibrium calculations: Effect of pH and temperature.
Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 32, pp.

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