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Swachh Bharat VAC

Report Writing: “Status of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan in Kamala Nehru college

Submitted by: Ojasvini Singh 22/509 BA. Geography Hons.
Submitted to: OP Koli Sir

The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, initiated on October 2, 2014, is a visionary
campaign in India aimed at achieving cleanliness and sanitation for all. Its
fundamental objective is to eliminate open defecation, promote the construction
of toilets, ensure proper waste management, and raise awareness about the
significance of cleanliness and hygiene. This ambitious mission, inspired by
Mahatma Gandhi's principles, strives to transform the nation into a cleaner and
healthier place to live. It encompasses both urban and rural areas, making it one
of the largest cleanliness campaigns globally.
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan comprises several key components, each
contributing to its overarching objectives. The campaign focuses on the
construction of toilets, promoting safe sanitation practices, and creating clean and
open-defecation-free villages and cities. Additionally, it emphasizes the
management of solid waste, promoting recycling and proper disposal. Behavior
change communication plays a vital role in educating individuals and
communities about the importance of cleanliness and hygiene. Overall, the
campaign aims to improve the quality of life for millions of Indians by ensuring
access to clean and hygienic sanitation facilities.
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan operates under the leadership of two key ministries.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs is responsible for urban areas,
overseeing the campaign's implementation in cities and towns. In contrast, the
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation handles the rural component, focusing
on enhancing sanitation facilities in villages. The organizational framework of
the campaign is divided into two sub-missions: Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)
and Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin), each tailored to address the specific
sanitation needs of urban and rural regions, respectively.

Ways that Delhi University has participated in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan:
 Planted saplings on the college campus
 Organized cleanliness drives
 Held rallies to create awareness about cleanliness
 Interacted with people at red lights to encourage them not to litter
 Conducted door-to-door campaigns to make people aware of the
importance of cleanliness
 Established an accountable mechanism of monitoring latrine use
 Built individual, cluster, and community toilets
 Managed solid and liquid waste through gram panchayats
 Used waste management techniques at the community level
 Built values of cleanliness, hygiene, and waste management in diverse
socio-economic contexts
 Contributed to the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan through real-time
Kamala Nehru College has participated in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan by:
Besides doing the above, Kamala Nehru College also did the following:
 Questionnaires: Administered to residents about the Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan and its effectiveness

 NCC Cadets: Participated in the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

The NSS Society of Kamala Nehru College celebrated “Swachhta Hi Sewa” on the occasion of Swachh Bharat
from 2 nd Aug. to 15th Aug. 2017. We took a pledge to observe and be a part of hygiene and cleanliness in
all aspects of daily life, and to sensitize others also. Cleaning our college campus on regular basis is a part of
our society. Our volunteers started an awareness campaign about the difference between Biodegradable
and Non-bio-degradable wastes in the college campus. The volunteers cleaned up classrooms, corridors,
Chaupal, canteen area and the college surroundings. The need to save electricity is also dire and we posted
notices regarding such in each classroom.
 Visit to Goonj
Goonj works basically for the relief of people during the time of disasters. Around 61 students along with the
program officer (NSS) of our college went to the processing centre of the NGO and were given information
about all the work that this NGO does. Goonj works especially in flood prone areas and also for the rural
dwellers, urban people who are economically backward and spreads awareness about the need of cloth,
taboos related to menstruation etc.

 Rally to Masjid Moth area, Gautam Nagar, Niti Bagh

We interacted with the people around the Masjid Mor, taking their views on a green and clean India. A man
working at a nearby vegetable shop spoke to us about the fact that he would like to support the project but
at the moment he does not make an active effort to do so. We informed him about how he could separate
his bio-degradable and non biodegradable waste.
India Level Implementation of Swachh Bharat

 The campaign built over 40 million toilets in four years, increasing access
to sanitation from under 40% in 2014 to nearly 100% in 2020.
 Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) Phase-II: This phase was implemented
from 2020-21 to 2024-25 with a budget of Rs. 1,40,881 crores.
 Swachh Bharat Mission for Urban Areas 2.0: This phase has an outlay of
around Rs 1.41 lakh crore for the period 2021-22 to 2025-26.
 Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Gramin: This phase was implemented to make
rural areas in India open defecation free.
 SBM-Urban 2.0: This phase includes wastewater treatment, including fecal
sludge management in all ULBs with less than 1 lakh population. It also
includes sustainable sanitation (construction of toilets).
 Impact on India's economy: Improved sanitation facilities lead to a
reduction in healthcare costs and increased productivity.

Objectives of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Eradication of Open Defecation: The primary objective of the Swachh Bharat
Abhiyan is to eliminate open defecation in India, ensuring that every household
and individual has access to a toilet. This aims to improve public health and
dignity, particularly for women.
Construction of Toilets: The campaign strives to promote the construction of
individual and community toilets in rural and urban areas, addressing the lack of
sanitation facilities and the need for safe and hygienic toilets.
Solid Waste Management: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan focuses on managing solid
waste efficiently by promoting waste segregation at source, recycling, and safe
disposal of garbage. This objective aims to reduce environmental pollution.
Behavioral Change: One of the critical objectives is to bring about behavioral
change in individuals and communities. It seeks to instill a sense of responsibility
for maintaining cleanliness, practicing good hygiene, and using toilets regularly.
Cleanliness and Hygiene Education: The campaign includes awareness and
education programs to inform and educate people about the importance of
cleanliness, hygiene, and sanitation. It emphasizes the need for washing hands
with soap, maintaining clean surroundings, and using toilets.
Achieving Open Defecation-Free (ODF) Status: The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
aims to make all villages, cities, and towns open defecation-free, signifying a
significant improvement in sanitation and hygiene.
Waste Water Management: The campaign promotes proper wastewater
management and treatment, ensuring that water bodies are not contaminated by
untreated sewage.
Community Involvement: Encouraging communities to actively participate in
sanitation initiatives is another key objective. This includes the formation of self-
help groups, community-led total sanitation efforts, and local involvement in the
maintenance of toilets and cleanliness.
Accessibility to Sanitation Facilities: Ensuring equitable access to sanitation
facilities, especially for marginalized and disadvantaged sections of society, is a
vital objective. This helps in addressing social inequalities.
Sustainability: The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan focuses on creating sustainable
sanitation solutions that can be maintained over the long term. This includes the
use of eco-friendly and cost-effective technologies.

Data Sources and Indicators:

Data Sources:
1. Swachh Bharat Mission Reports: Official reports from the Swachh Bharat
Mission serve as primary sources, providing detailed statistics on toilet
construction, waste management, and the overall progress of the campaign.
These reports, accessible on the [Swachh Bharat Mission website]
(, offer authoritative insights into the
national-level implementation.
2. Census of India Reports: The Census of India reports offer valuable
demographic data related to sanitation facilities and living conditions. These
reports, available on the [Census of India website] (,
serve as a foundational source for understanding population trends and sanitation
3. National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) Reports: NSSO reports provide
in-depth analyses of various aspects of living conditions in India, including
sanitation practices. Reports from the [NSSO]
( contribute to a nuanced
understanding of the socio-economic factors impacting the Swachh Bharat
4. World Bank and WHO Reports: Global perspectives and comparative data on
sanitation can be obtained from reports by international organizations such as the
World Bank and the World Health Organization. Refer to the [World Bank]
( and [WHO] ( websites for
relevant publications.
5. Geospatial Data Platforms (Bhuvan): The Bhuvan Geoportal by ISRO offers
geospatial data, including maps and satellite imagery related to sanitation.
Explore [Bhuvan] ( for spatial insights into the
geographical distribution of sanitation facilities.
Key Performance Indicators:
1. Toilet Construction Rates: Track the number of toilets constructed annually to
gauge the progress in achieving the campaign's objective of universal access to
sanitation facilities.
2. Open Defecation-Free (ODF) Declarations: Monitor the percentage increase in
villages, towns, and cities declared open defecation-free, indicating the success in
changing community behaviors.
3. Budget Allocation and Expenditure: Analyze the budget allocation and
expenditure for the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan to assess the financial resources
dedicated to sanitation initiatives.
4. Waste Management Metrics: Evaluate waste management metrics, including
the percentage of waste segregated at source, recycling rates, and the
effectiveness of solid waste management systems.
5. Health and Hygiene Indicators: Examine public health metrics related to
waterborne diseases and overall hygiene practices to understand the health
impact of improved sanitation.
Data Sources:
Data Source Links:
1. Swachh Bharat Mission Reports:
2. Census of India Reports:
3. National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) Reports:
4. World Bank Reports:
5. WHO Reports:
6. Bhuvan Geoportal (ISRO):
7. WaterAid Reports:
8. UNICEF Reports:
Brief account of study area: Delhi
Physiographic character
Area: 1,483 square kilometers (573 square miles)
Elevation: 216 meters (712 feet) above sea level
Topography: Flat alluvial plain, divided by the Delhi Ridge
Soil type: Sandy loam
Demographic profile
Population: 19,185,000 (2023 estimate)
Population density: 12,937 people per square kilometer (33,460 people per
square mile)
Literacy rate: 81.7%
Major religions: Hinduism (81.7%), Islam (10.6%), Sikhism (4.0%), Christianity
Average annual temperature: 25.4 degrees Celsius (77.7 degrees Fahrenheit)
Average annual rainfall: 714 millimeters (28 inches)
Monsoon season: July to September
Summer months: April to June
Winter months: December to February
Natural vegetation: Dry deciduous forest and scrubland
Common trees and shrubs: Neem, peepal, banyan, mango, jamun, bougainvillea,
Economy: Delhi is a major economic center, with a GDP of $250 billion (2023
estimate). The city is home to a number of multinational companies and Indian
businesses, as well as major industries such as tourism, retail, and real estate.
Transportation: Delhi has a well-developed transportation system, including a
metro rail system, buses, and autorickshaws. The city is also served by Indira
Gandhi International Airport, one of the busiest airports in India.
Education: Delhi is a major educational center, with a number of universities and
colleges, including the University of Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and the
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
Demography of Delhi
Total population: 19,185,000 (2023 estimate)
Males: 10,220,000 (53.3%)
Females: 8,965,000 (46.7%)
Sex ratio
Overall sex ratio: 932 females per 1,000 male
Child sex ratio (0-6 years): 871 females per 1,000 males
Literacy rates
Overall literacy rate: 81.7%
Male literacy rate: 88.6%
Female literacy rate: 74.6%
Life expectancy
Overall life expectancy: 71.4 years
Male life expectancy: 70.8 years|
Female life expectancy: 71.9 years
Age data
0-14 years: 26.9%
15-64 years: 66.3%
65 years and above: 6.8%
Source: Census of India, 2011
 Socioeconomic status of kamala Nehru College
 Linguistic Diversity: Delhi is a melting pot of linguistic diversity, reflecting the multicultural
nature of the city. The most commonly spoken languages include Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, and
English. Hindi, being the official language, is widely used for communication and
administration. Additionally, a significant portion of the population is fluent in English,
contributing to the city's cosmopolitan character.
 Religious Diversity: Delhi is known for its religious pluralism, with followers of various
faiths coexisting harmoniously. The major religions practiced in Delhi include Hinduism,
Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, and Jainism. The city is home to numerous temples, mosques,
gurudwaras, churches, and Jain temples. This religious diversity is not only a reflection of
historical influences but also a testament to the city's inclusive ethos.
 Socio-economic Tapestry: Delhi's socio-economic tapestry is intricate and dynamic. The
city is a hub for commerce, education, and various industries, attracting people from diverse
backgrounds. It houses affluent neighborhoods alongside areas with lower socio-economic
indicators, creating a socio-economic mosaic. Educational institutions, corporate offices,
markets, and cultural centers contribute to the city's vibrant and varied economic landscape.

Delhi's linguistic diversity showcases a blend of traditional and modern languages, while its
religious diversity reflects a harmonious coexistence of various faiths. The socio-economic tapestry
is characterized by a mix of affluence and diversity, making Delhi a microcosm of India's rich
cultural and economic heritage.

On all PWD (Public Works Department) roads, the government plans to initiate mechanised road
sweeping and washing of roads to ensure that no dust is generated or accumulated. To achieve this,
70 mechanical road-sweeping machines and 210 water-sprinkler cum anti-smog gun machines will
be procured.

The three dumpsites in Delhi – Ghazipur, Bhalswa and Okhla – are an eyesore. As the Delhi
government aims to build a ‘clean, beautiful and modern city’, dealing with three garbage
mountains is crucial. In his budget speech, Finance Minister Gahlot noted that “Although efforts
have been underway to clear these garbage mountains for a few years, some estimates suggest that it
will take 197 years to clear these garbage mountains at the current pace.” To fasten the process the
Delhi government has joined hands to work together with the MCD and aims to clear up the
mountains in two years.

Brief account of study area: Kamala Nehru College, Delhi University

Kamala Nehru College (KNC) is a women's college affiliated with the University
of Delhi, located in New Delhi, India. Established in 1964, the college has been a
prominent institution dedicated to providing quality education to women in
various academic disciplines.
Academic Profile: Courses offered by KNC (13 Courses)
BA (PROGRAM) - 155
BCOM - 155
B COM (HONS) - 68
Discipline combinations for B.A Program (19 Combinations)

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