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Circulatory, Respiratory, and Excretory Systems

3 Excretory System
REVIEW Recall the definition of the Review Vocabulary term.
pH The acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a logarithmic scale
7 is neutral, which means it’s neither acidic or basic

NEW VOCABULARY Use your book to define each term.

kidney Are bean shaped organs that lter out
urea wastes, water, and salts from the blood

urea Is a substance formed by the breakdown of protein

in the liver, the kidneys lter urea out of the blood
and into urine

Describe three functions of the excretory system that help maintain

homeostasis of the body.

1. Removes waste products and drugs from the body

Balance the body’s uids
2. Release hormones to regulate blood pressure


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Science Notebook • Circulatory, Respiratory, and Excretory Systems



3 Excretory System (continued)
Identify the main waste products secreted by the following
components of the excretory system.

lungs: Exhaled carbon dioxide


Get It? Identify the components of the excretory system.

Kidneys, ureters, urinary, bladder and urethra

Model the structure of a kidney, including a diagram of a nephron.

Label each major component.
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Get It? Describe the process of reabsorption.

Much of the lost water and useful substances, such as glucose and
minerals are reabsorbed into the capillaries surrounding the renal

Science Notebook • Circulatory, Respiratory, and Excretory Systems

3 Excretory System (continued)
Summarize information about kidney disorders in the table below.

Disorder Symptoms Common Causes Treatments

Kidney Loss of appetite It happens
infection Feeling very
weak / tired when bacteria Antibiotics cours
Shivering or chills infects the Paracetamol
Pain and discomfort
on the sides kidneys
Nephritis Nausea / Limit salt and
Blood in the urine
Pink colored
Swelling of Allergic reaction protein intak
In ammation
body to a dru
Painful swelling of
Foamy or bubbly Infections
some of the golmeruli uid intake
urine due to high Medication to
protein Long term use of
Urinating less medication control high
than usual blood pressure
Kidney Pain / burning Consuming small
stones while urinating amounts of wate Pain relievers
Sharp pain in the Too much / too
side and back little exercise
Obesity Medical therapy
Pain that comes
Weight loss surgery
in waves that
gets intense

Describe the two types of treatments for reduced kidney function or

complete kidney failure.
Blood is passed through a machine that temporarily lters and cleanses
the blood, the ltered blood is then returned to the patient’s body
kidney transplant: A kidney transplant is the surgical placement of a
healthy kidney from another person into the

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patients body

Analyze the path wastes take from the kidney out of the body by making a list of the order of the
structures through which wastes flow.
1. kidneys 5. Renal tubule / the loop
2. Nephrons 6. of henl
3. Glomerulus 7.
Urinary bladder
4. Bowmans capsule 8.
Science Notebook • Circulatory, Respiratory, and Excretory Systems


3 Excretory System (continued)
1. Explain how the kidneys help maintain homeostasis.

The kidneys can decrease ph levels by reabsorbing buffers such as

bicarbonate and sodium ions. Because biological processes normally
require ph between 6.5 and 7.5, the kidneys help to maintain homeostasis
by keeping ph levels within the normal range

2. Diagram the excretion of waste from the Bowman’s capsule to the urethra.

3. Compare and contrast filtration and reabsorption in a nephron.

Filtration is the diffusion of all substances from the glomerulus to bowman’s capsule,
whereas reabsorption is the uptake of necessary substances from the renal to take by the

4. Explain how kidney disorders may result from genetic or environmental factors and
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how the disorder can affect an individual.

Kidney disorders can be caused by genetic factors like in the case of polycystic kidney disease
where many uid lled cysts form in the kidneys
Kidney disorders could be caused by environmental factors such as infection caused by micro
bacteria entering the urinary tract causing urinary infections

5. Hypothesize why kidney failure without dialysis can result in death.

Kidneys without dialysis will lead to accumulation of more wastes in the body which
is going to intolerable the tissue leading to the persons death

6. Calculate the average amount of urine that the body produces in a week.
1week consists of 7 days. So the amount of urine is 1.5 L X 7 = 10.5 L of
urine / wee
Produce 1.52 of urine per day
Science Notebook • Circulatory, Respiratory, and Excretory Systems


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