Experment 1 (B)

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Semester 1 – Session 2023/2024

Department of Civil Engineering

Guided Laboratory

Course : Mechanics of Materials Laboratory

Corse Code : CEMB 1041
Section : 01
Lecturer : Zarina Binti Itam
Group :

No. ID Name
CE01083274 Al Awlaqi Abdullah
CE01083235 Mohamed Osama
CE01082998 Al Mohamed Karrar

Report Marking Scheme

No Course Outcome Criteria Full Mark Score
1 Introduction 2
2 Objectives 3
3 Apparatus & Materials 5
4 Procedure 5
Total CO1 15
5 Analysis 10
6 CO2 Discussion 10
7 Conclusions 5
Total CO2 25

A beam is a length of material supported at its two ends, in such a way so as to bear loads.
The load perpendicular to its longitudinal axis will result in bending and, in most cases,
transverse shearing. In the simplest of situations, the beam is taken to have a rectangular
cross-section and the loads and supporting reactions act in the vertical plane containing the
longitudinal axis. The loads and the reactions at the supports are considered external forces
and they must be in equilibrium for the entire beam to be in equilibrium.


The objective of this experiment is to find the relationship between deflection and span of
the beam specimen

Apparatus and Materials

The apparatus consists of :

1. A support frame
2. A pair of knife-edge support
3. A load hanger
4. A dial gauge with 0.01 mm accuracy to measuring deflection
5. A beam specimen with constant depth and width throughout its length
6. A micrometer to measure the depth and with of the beam specimen
7. A meter ruler to measure the span of the beam
8. A set of weights


A beam specimen with constant depth and width throughout its length.


1. Bolted the two supports to the support frame using the plate and bolt supplied with the
apparatus. The distance between the two supports is equal to the span of the beam to be
2. Measured width the depth of specimen and note the readings (took measurement at 3
locations and recorded the average reading)
3. Placed the beam specimen on the support (Using middle thickness beam).
4. Fix the load hanger at the mid-span of the beam.
5. Position the dial gauge at the mid- span of the beam to measure the resulting deflection.
6. Zero the dial gauge reading.
7. Placed a suitable load on the load hanger.
8. Noted the resulting dial gauge reading.
9. Increased the load on the load hanger.
10. Repeated step 8 and 9 for few more load increments
11. Repeated the above test for another two lengths of the beam.


Span of tested beam, l = 800 mm

Width of beam specimen, b = 24.19 mm
Depth of beam specimen, d = 4.45 mm
Moment of inertia of beam specimen, (bd3 /12) = 177.64 mm4
Dial gauge reading, 1 div = 0.01 mm

Table 1
load Experimental Mid-span Deflection
Span L1 (450) Span L2 (700) Span L3 (800)
N div mm div mm div mm
5 28 0.28 82 0.82 130 1.30
6 31 0.31 100 1.00 157 1.57
7 34 0.34 117 1.17 181 1.81
8 37 0.37 133 1.33 210 2.10
9 43 0.43 149 1.49 236 2.36
10 46 0.46 165 1.65 259 2.59

Table 2
Span, L Log L Slope, δ/W Log (δ/W)
450 2.65 0.05 -1.30
700 2.85 0.17 -0.77
800 2.90 0.26 -0.59



-1.3 -0.77 -0.59
Log (δ/W)

The relationship between the thickness of a beam and the deflection at mid-span is
generally characterized by a direct relationship. As the thickness of the beam
increases, the deflection tends to decrease.


Overall, experiments on the deflection of supported beams provide valuable

information for engineers and researchers, aiding in the understanding of structural
behavior and assisting in the design and analysis of beams for various applications.

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