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Group Assignment
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Talent management is the process of identifying, attracting, developing, and retaining skilled and
talented employees within an organization. It entails strategically managing a company's human
resources to make sure they are in line with the aims and objectives of the business.
Any corporation that wants to succeed in the competitive business environment of today must
have a strong talent management department. A critical component of attaining company
objectives and preserving a competitive advantage in attracting and keeping outstanding people.
Acquisition of talent, overseeing performance, learning and development, succession planning,
and career development are some of the essential processes that make up talent management.
Finding and keeping the greatest personnel is only one aspect of talent management; another is
developing a culture that fosters and supports employee development. It entails giving staff
members the tools and encouragement they require to flourish and advance within the company.
Understanding the corporate goals and objectives of the firm as well as the employees' talents
and capabilities is essential for effective talent management. It entails developing a strategic plan
to find and nurture critical people and putting processes and programs in place to assist their
In general, talent management is an essential task for any company that wishes to thrive in the
cutthroat business environment of today. It entails developing a culture that fosters the growth
and development of talented individuals as well as coordinating their strengths and skills with
those of the organization.


Talent management has undergone significant evolution and development over the years.
According to David G. Collings, Kamel Mellahi, and Wayne F. Cascio in their book "Talent
Management: History, Concepts, and Future Possibilities," the evolution of talent management
can be traced back to the early 20th century with the emergence of scientific management and
the concept of human resources. However, it was not until the 1980s that human resource
management (HRM) emerged as a strategic approach to managing employees, focusing on
aligning human resources with business objectives and developing programs to attract, develop,
and retain talent.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, talent management emerged as a more focused and strategic
approach to managing people. Talent management focused on identifying and developing high-
potential employees, and creating a culture that fosters their growth and development. As Lance
A. Berger and Dorothy R. Berger note in their book "The Talent Management Handbook:
Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage by Selecting, Developing, and Promoting the
Best People," talent management is a holistic approach to managing employees that encompasses
all aspects of the employee lifecycle, from recruitment and onboarding to performance
management and succession planning.
Today, talent management has evolved into an integrated approach that includes all aspects of
managing people. As Vladimir Pucik and Michael K. Smith notein their book "Strategic Talent
Management: Contemporary Issues in International Context," integrated talent management is
driven by data and technology, and is designed to optimize the employee experience and support
business goals. The emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning has further
transformed talent management, providing insights into employee data and enabling
organizations to make more informed decisions about talent.
In general, the evolution of talent management has been marked by a shift from traditional
personnel management to a more strategic and holistic approach that focuses on identifying,
developing, and retaining top talent. This evolution has been driven by changes in the business
environment and advances in technology, and is likely to continue as organizations seek to stay
competitive in a rapidly changing world.


Any firm that wishes to attract, develop, and keep qualified and talented individuals must have a
talent management strategy in place. It includes strategically managing a company's human
resources to make sure they are in line with the aims and objectives of the business.
Creating a culture that fosters the growth and development of outstanding employees is at the
heart of talent management. This entails giving staff members the tools and encouragement they
require to flourish and advance within the company.
Understanding the corporate goals and objectives of the firm as well as the employees' talents
and capabilities is essential for effective talent management. It entails developing a strategic plan
to find and nurture critical people and putting processes and programs in place to assist their
Acquisition of talent, performance management, learning and development, succession planning,
and career development are just a few of the activities included in talent management. All of
these initiatives are intended to bring in top talent and keep it within the firm.
In the end, talent management is an essential task for any company hoping to thrive in the
competitive business climate of today. It entails developing a culture that fosters the growth and
development of talented individuals as well as coordinating their strengths and skills with those
of the organization. Effective talent management can give businesses a long-lasting competitive
advantage and help them succeed in the long run.


Binary Technologies PLC is a software development company based in Ethiopia, with a focus on
creating innovative solutions for businesses and customers. To illustrate the application of talent
management in the Ethiopian context, let's consider some scenarios that Binary Technologies
PLC encounter:
Talent acquisition: Binary Technologies PLC faces challenges in finding and hiring top talent in
Ethiopia, particularly for specialized roles like software engineers with experience. To attract
qualified candidates, the company is offering competitive salaries and benefits, such as packages,

remote option and paid time off. Additionally, the company provide opportunities for learning
and development, such as training programs and mentorship, to demonstrate a commitment to
employee growth and professional development.
Performance management: Performance management is critical to ensuring that employees are
meeting expectations and contributing to the success of the company. In Ethiopia, cultural norms
may affect the way that employees respond to feedback and criticism. To address this, Binary
Technologies PLC implement a KPI performance management system that emphasizes
constructive feedback and recognizes employee achievements. This could include regular check-
ins between managers and employees, as well as opportunities for peer feedback and recognition.
Learning and development: Learning and development is essential to the growth and success
of employees and the company. In Ethiopia, there may be a shortage of training programs and
resources specially in the IT filled. To address this, Binary Technologies PLC creates an in-
house training program that focuses on developing the skills and knowledge of its employees.
This could include technical training on the latest software development tools and techniques, as
well as soft skills training on communication, teamwork, and leadership.
Succession planning: Succession planning is critical to ensure that Binary Technologies PLC
has a pipeline of talented employees who are ready to take on leadership roles in the future. In
Ethiopia, there may be a lack of opportunities for career advancement, which could lead to low
employee morale and high turnover. To address this, Binary Technologies PLC create a career
development program that provides employees with opportunities for growth and advancement
within the company. This could include leadership development programs, mentorship
opportunities, and job rotation programs that allow employees to gain new skills and
Retention: Retention is critical to ensuring that Binary Technologies PLC can retain its top
talent and reduce turnover. In Ethiopia, employees may be more likely to leave for higher-paying
jobs or better opportunities abroad. To address this, Binary Technologies PLC offers competitive
salaries and benefits, such as performance-based bonuses and opportunities for employee
ownership. Additionally, the company provides opportunities for career development and
advancement, as well as a positive work environment that values employee well-being and work-
life balance.
all in all, the application of talent management in the Ethiopian requires an understanding of the
unique cultural, economic, and social factors that affect the workforce. By implementing

effective talent management practices, companies can attract, develop, and retain top talent, and
drive long-term success.


In the Ethiopian market, Binary Technologies PLC is well-positioned to draw in, nurture, and
keep outstanding talent. Binary Technologies PLC can recruit and keep talented people by
providing attractive salary and benefits, opportunities for learning and development, and the
implementation of a KPI performance management system. A pipeline of skilled workers who
are prepared to assume leadership roles in the future can also be created by the organization's
leadership development and career development initiatives.

In the future, Binary Technologies PLC could wish to think about integrating modern
technologies into its personnel management procedures, such as artificial intelligence and
machine learning. These technologies can facilitate the hiring and performance management
procedures and offer employees individualized chances for training and development. The
ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has also brought attention to the value of remote employment and
flexible work schedules. For the purpose of luring and retaining top employees in a competitive
international market, Binary Technologies PLC may want to think about providing additional
remote work possibilities and flexible scheduling.

Binary Technologies PLC's commitment to effective talent management practices positions the
company well for future success in the Ethiopian market. By continuing to adapt to changing
market conditions and incorporating emerging technologies into its talent management practices,
the company can continue to attract, develop, and retain top talent and drive long-term success.


Talent management is the process of identifying, attracting, developing, and retaining skilled and
talented employees within an organization. It involves strategically managing an organization's
human resources to ensure that they are aligned with the company's goals and objectives.
Effective talent management requires understanding the organization's business goals, as well as
the skills and capabilities of the employees. It involves creating a culture that supports and
nurtures the growth and development of talented employees, and aligning their skills and
capabilities with the organization's goals and objectives.

Talent management has evolved over time, reflecting changes in the business environment and advances
in technology. The evolution of talent management can be traced back to the early 20th century with the
emergence of scientific management and the concept of human resources. However, it was not until the
1980s that human resource management (HRM) emerged as a strategic approach to managing employees.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, talent management emerged as a more focused and strategic approach
to managing people. Today, talent management has evolved into an integrated approach that includes all
aspects of managing people and is driven by data and technology.

Talent management is a critical function for any organization that wants to succeed in today's competitive
business environment. It involves creating a culture that supports and nurtures the growth and
development of talented employees, and aligning their skills and capabilities with the organization's goals
and objectives. Effective talent management encompasses a range of activities, including talent
acquisition, performance management, learning and development, succession planning, and career
development. The application of talent management in a specific context requires an understanding of the
unique cultural, economic, and social factors that affect the workforce. By implementing effective talent
management practices, organizations can attract, develop, and retain top talent, and drive long-term

Binary Technologies PLC, a software development company in Ethiopia, applies effective talent
management practices to attract, develop, and retain skilled employees. The company offers competitive
salaries and benefits, provides opportunities for learning and development, and implements a KPI
performance management system. Binary Technologies PLC creates a career development program and
leadership development programs to build a pipeline of talented employees and also offers a positive
work environment that values employee well-being and work-life balance to reduce turnover. Looking
ahead, the company may consider incorporating emerging technologies and flexible work arrangements to
remain competitive in the global market.

 Collings, D. G., Mellahi, K., & Cascio, W. F. (2019). Talent Management: History,
Concepts, and Future Possibilities. Oxford University Press.
 Berger, L. A., & Berger, D. R. (2014). The Talent Management Handbook: Creating a
Sustainable Competitive Advantage by Selecting, Developing, and Promoting the Best
People. McGraw-Hill Education.
 Pucik, V., & Smith, M. K. (2016). Strategic Talent Management: Contemporary Issues in
International Context. Routledge.
 Binary Technologies plc HR manuals

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