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Dandansoy – ANALYSIS PART 2

Repetition is also present in the poem. Here then repetition of words are found in

each of the four stanzas. First stanza there is the repetition of “Payaw and ikaw” in the

lines “ Dandansoy, bayaan ta ikaw Pauli ako sa Payaw Ugaling kung ikaw hidlawon

Ang Payaw imo lang lantawon”. In the second stanza there is repetition of the word

“kon” found in the lines “Dandansoy kon imo apason”, “Ugaling kon ikaw uhawon”.

Third stanza, there is the repetition of the phrase “sa diin” found in the first and second

line, “Konbento, sa diin and cura?”, Munisipyo, sa diin hustisya?”. Lastly the fourth

stanza has the repetition of the word “panyo” in the first line, “ Panyo mo kag ini’ng

panyo ko” and “ko” in the first and second line “Panyo mo kag ini’ng panyo ko, Gisi-

gisi-a kay tambihon ko”.

Dandansoy is a short poem but it did used a few words repeatedly. There were

repetitions of “Payaw”, “ikaw”, “kon”, “sa diin” and “ko” which is usually done to put

emphasis in those words. This highlights the words to give extra attention to these

words and also to introduce them. Since this is originally a Bisayan song, repetition of

some words in this language serves also a way to translate or define it’s meaning or to

give another opportunity to understand what the word meant. Fascinating effect is that
this will lead them to curiosity and amazement to the language and soon then decide to

learn the language.

There was a repetition of the same sounds at the start in series of words in each

stanza in the original version. In the first stanza there is “Pauli ko sa Payaw” where

there is the repetition of the sound “p”. Second stanza there is “Ugaling kon ikaw

Uhawon” there then is the repetition of “u”. Third stanza, “Munispyo, sa diin ang

hustisya? Yari si Dansoy mahika, Mahika sa paghigugma” represents the repetition of

“m”. Lastly in the fourth stanza, “Panyo mo kag ini’ng panyo ko” the repetition of “p”.

Alliteration was found in the second line and third line of the first stanza also in the

third stanza second, third and fourth line. Alliteration is also found at the fourth stanza

on the first line. This arrangement makes the poem more attractive to the listeners and

this also makes appealing to hear. The alliteration laced-words pulls the readers interest

to reread each line or linger to them a little longer where each line is packed with


Now we go to assonance. There is a very consistent use or presence of assonance

that can be observed in the poem as it has the rhyming element it also led to the use of

assonance making the words sound like a lullaby. All four stanza has assonance laced-

words which creates rhythm in the readers mind making the lines more memorable.
The short use of vowels “o”, “a” and “i” makes the line sound quicker in pace and

energetic. The use of the assonance is subtle than the traditional rhyming meaning this

can be used as more without being redundant. Besides the rhythm assonance can make

it also brought musicality to the poem as it was organized to do the exact same thing.

The presence of the sound elements in this poem served it purposes. It is

necessary to include these elements in writing a poem because this makes a poem

comprehensible in a very unique way since most poem is deep and the meanings were

hidden these elements serves as a way to understanding and connecting to a poem. A

poem is not just rhyming and the use of highfalutin or uncommon words it is also about

the organization of sounds for better interpretation. Appropriate organization of sounds

also leads readers to reread the poem or delve in to it more deep which this poem gives.

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