Practical Petroleum Geology Lab No. 5

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Tishk University 2nd Year

Petroleum Engineering Lab no. (5)

Practical Petroleum Geology

Application of Lopatin’s method in petroleum exploration

It is generally known that time and temperature are important factors in the process of oil

Lopatin’s method states the considering of time and temperature in calculating the thermal
maturity of organic material and sediments.

He developed a Time-Temperature-Index (TTI) of maturity for estimating the stages of

petroleum generation and maturation.

1- The first stapes is the reconstruction of the geologic section.

i.e. depth of burial versus geologic age.

2- The temperature grid.

Through out the geologic past every depth must have a specified temperature, it
depends upon the present day geothermal gradient.
Temperature grid is a series of equally spaced lines of constant depth, a 10Co
spacing (interval) is convenient.

3- Lopatin’s divided the temperature profile in to10Co intervals (Isotherms).

Isotherms are subsurface temperature as a function of geologic time.

4- 100Co – 110Co is the base interval and chose (n = 0) as the index value.
5- Dependence of maturity on temperature is exponential.

6- Dependence of maturity on time is linear

∆ Maturity = ∆ti rin
∆ti = the time length (M.Y.) spent by the sediment in the temperature interval.
ri = factor which reflect the exponential dependence of maturity on temperature.
7- There is increase in maturation by a factor ( r) for every 10Co rise in reaction
8- It is generally accepted that the reaction rate will be doubled if the temperature is
raised by 10Co, so (r) value will equal (2).
9- Because the maturity effects on the organic material are additive, the total
maturity (TTI) equal the sum of the maturation acquired in each interval.

n max
TTI = ∑ (∆tn) (rn)
n min
Where n max and n min are the n-values of highest and lowest temperature intervals.
10- The cumulative value of (TTI) for each horizon is then correlated with the R o.

TTI = 15 Onset of oil generation Ro = 0.65

TTI = 75 Peak oil generation Ro = 1.0
TTI = 160 End oil generation Ro = 1.3
TTI ≈ 500 40% oil preservation dead line Ro = 1.75
TTI ≈ 1000 50% oil preservation dead line R o = 2.0
TTI ≈ 1500 Wet gas preservation dead line Ro = 2.2
TTI ˃ 65000 Dry gas preservation dead line R o = 4.8
Tishk University 2nd Year
Petroleum Engineering Lab no. (5)
Practical Petroleum Geology

Application of Lopatin’s method to petroleum exploration

An exploration well was drilled in a new oil field, the following boundaries are noted.

Period M.Y. Thickness (m)

---------------------- ----------- -------------------
Eocene 55 1500
Paleocene 10 800
Up-Cretaceous 35 900
L-Cretaceous 40 800
Unconformity 20 0.0
Jurassic 50 1000
Construct a family of burial history curve and calculate the present day (TTI).
If you know that surface temperature equal 25C o and corrected BHT=125Co.

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