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Coca-Cola Strategic Plan & Business Continuity Management Of TASIL Group

During The Pandemic' Covid-19

Research · June 2021


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1 author:

Mohamed Ghaly Elgazar

international business academy of switzerland


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9/6/2021 Strategic Management Final Exam

Answers of the 5 questions in WORD form.


1 Coca Cola’ S.W.O.T. : 3

1.1 The Coca Cola’ SWOT analysis as follow: 3

1.2 Ansoff’s Matrix to Coca-Cola : 5

2 The Eisenhower Matrix BOX: 8

The Flaws That Deprives a Manager From Being a Real

3 10
Leader & How it Negatively Affect:
The Manager' Do’s and Don’ts for Providing Effective
4 14
4.1 What Manager Don’t: 15

4.2 What Manager Do: 17

Risk Management During COVID-19 For Ensuring The

5 20
Continuity Of Business:
Business Continuity Management Of TASIL Group During
5.1 21
The Pandemic' Covid-19:

⚫ Reference: 25

1. Coca Cola’ S.W.O.T. :
1.1 The Coca Cola’ SWOT analysis as follow:
Strengths Weaknesses
1 - Its very popular brand with unique identity 1 - The soft drink of Coca Cola it’s one of basic

and highest brand value which had awarded as sources of intake with sugar which lead to

the highest Brand Equity Award in 2011. serious health problems (Obesity and Diabetes).

2 - Daily sold more than 9 billion which over 2 - The existing ways of distribution system.
Internal Strategic Factors

Internal Strategic Factors

more than 200 countries; it has the largest 3 The high water consumption of Coca Cola in

market share bigger than Pepsi and has nearly water scarce regions.

250 packaging partners globally.

3 - Coca Cola refreshment related with

happiness which looking always to raising

customer loyalty.

4 - With interbrand co. Coca Cola listed as best

3rd global brand & its value estimated with

$79.96 billion which for many years is number

one value position.

Opportunities Threats

External Strategic Factors

External Strategic Factors

1- Coca Cola Brands known globally which 1 - Coca Cola suffering from less creation any

touching every lifestyle and demography. healthy alternative or solutions to stop or

2- Customers they can identify their own taste reducing the banning from many healthy

quickly however it is difficult for them to find experts about use of Coca Cola soft drinks.

its alternatives.

3 - They own several brands of bottled drinking 2 - From Pepsi with high product diversity

water such as kinley, which it gave potential of which is the biggest competitor to Coca Cola

a great expansion for Coca Cola' sector. which has lower product diversity.

4 - Coca Cola have great chance for offering 3 - They Faced many criticisms over the issue

new products at sectors' health & food, like of water management regarding the high water

Pepsi. For example, acquisition Ades by Coca consumption at the regions which suffered from

Cola it give great chance of the largest scarce of water, people claimed that pollution

beverage of Soy-refreshment. brand in Latin water and mixed water with pesticides to

America, it will give Coca Cola expanded its remove the contaminations.

ready-to-drink beverage line and to be able

Globally Introducing with more than 500 new

products such as Coco Cola Vanilla. (Reference

to clarify by the following Ansoff’s Matrix to


5 - Increasing the presence with great 4 - From Some environmental organizations’

opportunity at the hot climates regions to seize such as Greenpeace which monitored at Coca

a high consumptions of Coca Cold drinks, it Cola 2017' report they published its usage of

can be excellent' consumption such as Middle the plastic bottles with one time use plus

East and Africa countries as good examples. criticized them for its recycling and renewable


1.2 Ansoff’s Matrix to Coca-Cola :

Existing Market New
Existing Market Penetration Market Development

Product Development Related Diversification Unrelated Diversification


a) Coca Cola' Market Penetration (EXISTING Market, EXISTING Product):

• This strategy involves an attempt to increase market share within existing industries,
either by selling more product to established customers or by finding new customers
within these markets – typically by adapting the ‘Promotion’ element of the Marketing
Mix. Due to the incredible strength of Coca-Cola’s brand, the company has been able to
utilise market penetration on an annual basis by creating an association between Coca-
Cola and Christmas, such as ARMY, get your wallet ready because Coca-Cola will be
releasing limited edition cans and bottles with the mugs of K-pop group BTS plastered all
over them.The photos on the cans and bottles depict the members holding a bottle of the
beverage and hamming it up for the camera.

b) Coca Cola' Market Product Development (EXISTING Market, NEW Product):

• This involves developing new products for existing markets by thinking about how new
products can meet customer needs more closely and outperform competitors. A prime
example of this was There is a new breakthrough from Coca Cola. The drink brand
launched a new flavor variant, combining the taste of soft drinks with the taste of ice
cream; the name is Vanilla Float Coke. Different from other Coca Cola carbonated drinks,
vanilla float coke is claimed to have a soft sweet taste.

c) Coca Cola' Market Development: (NEW Market, EXISTING Product):

• Thirdly, the market development strategy entails finding a new group of buyers for an
existing product, such as, we realized that they need a translated global campaign that can
be delivered, and understood by the target market. Therefore, we came up with the
#ShareACokeID campaign where we invited the target customers to celebrate their names
and advertised relevant and common names on Coca-Cola products.

d) Coca Cola' Market Related Diversification (NEW Market, NEW Product):

• This involves the production of a new category of goods that complements the existing
portfolio, in order to penetrate a new but related market. Such as Coca-Cola' energy drink
market, its Simply Beverages brand into the smoothie and tea segments, its Smartwater
brand into the flavored and sparkling water sector and its Honest Tea brand into the coffee
and chilled tea categories. So we are going to see we’re entering categories, like energy,
we’re introducing new flavors and into formats with the goal of continuing to drive category
growth like we’ve done in the past. Also we will expanded its Simply Beverages brand into
two new categories this year and launched Simply Smoothie, a new line of chilled, ready-to-
drink 100% fruit smoothies..

e) Coca Cola' Market Unrelated Diversification (NEW Market, NEW Product):

• Finally, unrelated diversification entails entry into a new industry that lacks important
similarities with the company’s existing markets. Coca-Cola generally avoids risky
adventures into unknown territories and can instead utilise its brand strength to continue
growing within the drinks industry. That said, Coca-Cola offers official merchandise, such
as " Coca Cola Classic lip balm, you feel so tempted as it actually smells like fizzy Coca
Coca, the smell is nearly identical to the original smell of Coca Cola.

From the Ansoff’s Matrix of Coca-Cola' as a recommendations to use the points of S.W.O.T., we reach that

Coca-Cola won't be the powerful center of nowadays without knows when step out of its special zone comfort

and the example of acquisition of the AdeS was a case which is visible on these point. Even if it has little

potential effect of reducing Coca-Cola reputation for the soft drink beverages within short-terms, but we

consider as suitable strategy for Coca-Cola brand to face the changing markets on long term.

2. The Eisenhower Matrix BOX:
It simply assist me for decision making, by helping to making the distinction between which are (The important

and not important) & (The urgent and not urgent).

Yes, I believe the right of Dwight D. Eisenhower words " I have two kinds of problems: the urgent and the
important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent".

The Eisenhower Decision Matrix

Urgent Not Urgent
Do Decide
1. Personal Cleanliness. 1. Medical Check Up.
2. Prayer on time & Quran Revision. 2. Exercising.
3. My Favorite Drink. 3. Contacting Friends.
4. Exchange prayers and greetings with 4. Our Branches visits.
my family before and after the (work 5. Meeting with Westzone
and school)’ day. Hyp. Officer.
5. Morning Brief meeting with marketing 6. Meeting with Union Coop.
& sales team. Officer.
6. Frozen Item Stock checking. 7. Promotional Offer Price to
7. Sales, Return and Cash & Credit increase sales target with
(Deposits, Cheques & Bank Transfers) Sharjah Coop.
Schedule a Time To Do It

analysis reports. 8. COVID-19' PCR to visit


8. Report to CEO. Abu Dhabi' Customers.

Do It Now

9. Contact Customers & Market channels 9. Studying & Researching.

visits. 10. Out going with my family to
10. Direct & Indirect Customer services. Khor Fakkan.
11. Listen to Quran Radio & Quite Music
office a few times.
12. Schedule or Reschedule total production
13. Confirmation with sales team of
tomorrow total orders.
14. Family Lunch & Tea.
15. Contact my Mother & Sisters.
16. Watch My favorite Drama Series 7 pm.

Delegate Delete
1. Scheduling Meetings. 1. Social Media' checking.
2. Customers Care & Services' Calls. 2. Watching Television at
Figure Who Can Do It For You.

3. Customers' Regular Email & Calls Night.

Eliminate It, Don't Do It.

(Statements, Invitations, 3. Drinking Coffee & Eating
Not Important

Offers,……ect.). Junk Food.

4. Car Services. 4. Night Eating.
5. Sharing of Tomorrow' Daily Sales 5. Sleeping Late.
6. Other Departments' (Inputs & Outputs)
Email & Reports.

3. The Flaws That Deprives a Manager From Being a Real Leader & How it

Negatively Affect:

Over-Reactive. Won't Delegate.

Bias/Favouristism. Blames Others.

Promises. Stubborn.

Manager' Flaws
Incompetence. Which Deprives him Indecisive.
Being Real Leader:

The manager must a strong leader with insightful to be able for guides his team effectively to success. However

showing weakness at critical performance or interpersonal skills area will lead to increasing the discussions and

reducing productivity with negative affect on team morale. There are some flaws that deprives a manager from

being a real leader. The following points clarify these flaws which negatively affect the relationship between a

manager and his employees:

3.1 Incompetence:

Sometimes No one showing any respect for the leader who can't delivering results, especially when given the

unsuitable goals from manager because of his incompetence to draw it.

Reality example when Michael resigned from his new work, because his director was incompetent whom hid

behind fake activities & empty promises. However Michael he was insisting to do his best to ascertaining KPIs'

roles of his duty and the expectations of his vague director but it seems can't. So he resigned for feared of

damaging his autobiography, later on his director pretended that Micheal was unable to adapt.

Sometimes we are wondering about those type of managers who made it to the organization' positions, however

‫ طؤوة‬we must consider that It is not a defect in the principles of leadership, but in the incompetence of some

managers to extract and apply them with their employees.

3.2 Vague Or Empty Promises:

Also Frustration from not delivered on promising or being vague' words by managers to employees, example: if

manager said “I’ll call you back” and then he comes and goes without any sign or following up his word.

Manager to be a real leader, he must be clear consistent with follow-up of delivering his promises and using his

tact and quiet persistence to Raising the morale of the employees with such determination and persistence.

3.3 Bias Or Favoritism:

If the manager showing prejudice in his work with any on team members, means lack of respect to others, yes

as a humans we have our preferences special with someone’s we feel better working with them, but these type

of favoritism even perceived or actual, it affecting squalls at office with more noises.

So the manager to be real leader must set the similar tone for everyone including manager himself and must

clarify his expectations of the work' processes, outcomes and behaviors which is a barometer understood by

most of the people.

3.4 Over – Reactive:

If you are a manager who leading other and you are over sensitive and getting too emotional during work, it's

not good quality for lead others who are some of them or even him, like weather: when we know that storm is

about to hit, the most us will hide, similar to that with one of our collegues or our manager whom are over-

reactive sensitive, then becomes with darkens faces or mutinous which forced most others goes hurry to them


Japanees gives an practice which can help, by which called" Pouring water on a frog's face" the frog stay calm

in facing of adversity. These example clarify that the frog give good example to other whom jumping on the

wrong minute for something isn't right.

3.5 Won’t Delegate:

Remember a manager who said to his team" I am not Hulagu" he is just give to other the mode of martyr and

complaints always. But he is giving others the act like no one can do his work because of not trust their teams.

Manager to be a real leader, must realise what value of team efforts which making much positive difference. So

the manager begin to train his teams to using availabilities for dealing challenges.

3.6 Blames others:

One of the most worst example of poor leader of the manager who not facing the problems by close his door

front his team and blaming others.

So the manager to be good leader, must take his responsibility by working to solve any problems even any

failers from them teams' actions.

3.7 Stubbornness:

The stubborn manager must think rightly & factly whether he is being rigid or just not ready to open or develop.

Manager team they just remember the proverb "Patience is the key to relief".

So, manager to be a real leader he just develop himself by think an open mind and interest of the new solotions

which is the keys of better outcomes.

3.8 Indecisiveness:

Sometimes manager who is sincere looks like he is indecisive, his problem that he is seeing all sides of a

disagreements and honestly want to reach suitable solution which agreed for everyone. Really that type of

managers exhausting themselves for finding these types of solutions and as Aesop Fable goes, they end to un-

reached to satisfy anyone.

So, the manager to be leader, he must determine which decisions are passing to other and which are making by


The right time decisions is essential for all manger to be leader but must learn from each result, to avoided

frustrating managers' teams because of delaying some decisions becomes training them to define the priorities it

goes for them with a list or matrix of scenarios are very important for facilitation a better decisions.

4. The Manager' Do’s and Don’ts for Providing Effective Feedback:

Most of employees looking for successful work with feeling better during work through understanding duties &

rights and what is do and what is don't. However no perfect manager,If it is time for giving feedback to

emplyees, there is always scope for improvement the manager have to understood. The following list of what

manager do's and don't to must be observed:

What Manager Don't:

•Don't create a policy every time somebody messes up.
•Don't lie.
•Don't hide behind policies or senior management when you have to be tough.
•Don't spy on your employees.
•Don't be a pest.
•Don't threaten people.
•Don't demand the impossible.
•Don't ask employees to do anything unethical.
•Don't make people choose between their families and the jobs.
•Don’t ask for a lot more than you give.

What Manager Do:

•Do be sensitive.
•Do provide constructive feedback on a regular basis.
•Do Focus on performance not personality
•Do give credit where credit is due.
•Do provide direction.
•Do automate.
•Do make sure to be specific.
•Do give the recipient a chance to respond.
•Do consider the recipient’s needs.
•Do only give negative feedback in private.

Giving a feedback can be a make or a break tool in the manager employee relationship. So how a manager can

make this process a make relationship. The previous form listed the Do’s and the Don’ts that a manager, should

follow during this process which usually give us information that people needs for feedback for work, however

it needs to make clarify surelly each point for developing the manager' culture about his feedback:

4.1 What Manager Don’t:

Education & Training needs practice and application during work to know management by watching our bosses

for understanding the better way for doing that things. However much experience we have whatever not enough

as same as practice duing work, some may good and some others not.

Whatever the industry or organization size & its culture, success as a manager it needs running with follow up

to avoid doing the following 10 things:

4.1.1 Don't make a new policy at every messed up of anyone:

People are inherently wrong.” But as a manager, you shouldn't exaggerate your comments on these mistakes too

much, which only adds to the wall between the manager and his employees. This can be dealt with through

fruitful conversations to learn how to fix that mistake.

4.1.2 Don't lie:

The manager should not, even for a good reason, distort or falsify the truth or hide information. “Keeping

employees in the dark creates mistrust in management and its decisions,” so the manager should strive for


4.1.3 Don't use the policies or top management for hiding yourself when you must be tough:

Do not hide behind policies in times when you should be serious or severe with your employees as a manager.

Just take the decision you deem appropriate with announcing its reasons.

4.1.4 Don't spy on your employees:

As a manager, you should not monitor your employees closely to ensure that they do not violate the policies.

“Do not impose psychological imprisonment for your employees simply because of the possibility that one of

them may make a wrong decision or act because of a previous problem.” But you must observe the principles of

trust and obligations, And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another.

4.1.5 Don't be like a pest:

As a manager, you do not have to delegate small tasks and then interfere strongly in the details of their

implementation with the person responsible for their implementation, which increases the employee’s lack of

confidence in performing other broader tasks, but as a manager, give direction and training through the how,

what and why, which increases the development The principle of personal accountability for the duties of the

employee assigned to it.

4.1.6 Don't threaten always the people:

Do not constantly threaten "this is a sign of weak leadership", but create a positive environment to discuss the

responsibilities of each employee and for each task with its pros and cons.

4.1.7 Don't required the impossible:

The task may be impossible, so as a manager, you should not force your employees to go through it or

implement it.” Therefore, the importance of negotiation was through the manager’s study of the resources

available with his employees and the appropriate support for undertaking tasks and the growth of team

motivation and insistence on implementing them or achieving them despite their difficulty.

4.1.8 Don't require from employees anything which unethical:

Do not transgress the right of your employees as a manager by asking them to do something unethical.” The

employee’s satisfaction is an essential factor in increasing productivity and the public good.

4.1.9 Don't make people choose between them families and them jobs:

Your refusal as a manager to be flexible in some cases, "you pay employees to end work policies", so be

flexible in cases, for example, that an employee needs to go to see his newborn during the working period and

then does not feel anxious about deduction from his salary or losing work.

4.1.10 Don't ask for more than what your gives:

For example, you blame the employee who came late for work even though he stayed up all night to finish the

work project on time.” Instead, specify what is important and most important, including the necessary and

necessary timings to carry out work tasks and related obligations.

4.2 What Manager Do:

As we clarified that people needs usually the feedback at work, that to understand what to do differently, similar

or better to reach effective results and productively more of our roles. Manager who looking for successful, he

must follow the management dos:

4.2.1 Do be sensitive:

As a manager, you should be diplomatic in making comments.” Bullying by a manager on his employees with

numerous negative comments is unhelpful and may cause serious harm to the business.

4.2.2 Do provide constructive feedback on a regular basis:

Regular meetings between the manager and his employees help to monitor their performance but also gives

them a great sense of what is expected of each of them to compete for the lead among themselves.

4.2.3 Do Focus on performance not personality:

Pay attention to behavior and do not personalize things, maintain constructive relationships within the scope of

work, and rely on facts and leave unprofessional images that lead to deviation towards the personal aspects of

the employee.

4.2.4 Do give credit where credit is due:

Honoring and motivating an employee is the easiest management reward for its employees.” A manager’s

comment to his employee “Great or persist” increases employee motivation towards better performance and


4.2.5 Do provide direction:

If the manager discovers a faltering employee, he should provide support not only through the input of the

work, but his participation in creating an action plan that suits the employee towards growth and development.

False promises or false praise without directing the benefit of it at all.

4.2.6 Do automate:

As a manager seeking development, managing the talents of your employees provides you with the necessary

mechanism to create the necessary goals and development plans necessary to achieve those goals and the results

associated with that through your central position as a manager.

4.2.7 Do make sure to be specific:

To be specific as a manager, you must provide corrective feedback to the employee's behavior through

"constructive conversation" while avoiding making general remarks that distract the employee.

4.2.8 Do grant the recipient a chance to respond:

The manager must give the employee an opportunity to respond, “Do not pretend or think as a manager that you

know everything.” Initiate open conversations. It may be an opportunity for expressing opinion and appreciating

the feedback, which means that most participants benefit from it.

4.2.9 Do consider the recipient’s needs.

The employee’s adaptation to work is the responsibility of the management in the first place and then the work

environment.” Imagine that a new employee joined the work and started directly without preparing him for the

work environment. In this case, the management must present it to his colleagues and visit the sites around the

work and other positive foundations And guidelines to make the performance of the new employee more


4.2.10 Do only give negative feedback in private.

As a manager, you should talk privately with your employees about difficult matters (such as business errors or

the like) and face to face.” After doing this, positive responses from the manager to the employee in front of

others may be useful to increase motivation and morale of others as well.

5. Risk Management During COVID-19 For Ensuring The Continuity Of


For ensurign the continuity of business, must have scenario for emrgency during COVID-19 with vital react

as fast as possible to reduce the affects and other dangerous expecte to track the organizaiton for continue

progress. So through the continuity management of business it gives abillity to cover the infrastructure' risks

and on other operations, to manage the organizaiton it must face any chanlleges or new risk to ensure the

continuity of producitons and operations.

During the stagnation period due to the COVID-19, the subsequent procedures for banning and obligating social

distancing, “many companies were affected by this despite their high material and human capabilities” which

prompted most of the managements of these companies to reconsider how to operate the business “there has

become a difficulty In managing its financial policy as before, due to a noticeable rise in prices due to a

shortage of raw materials, which affected a severe shortage of its revenue and fear of another global financial


The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on emerging and small companies may be very severe due to the lack of

financial reserves necessary to keep pace with this crisis due to the scarcity of cash flow in the management.

This resulted in an increase in the sale of some minor products (for example, pharmaceutical and food

products), and the movement of sales of most other products stopped.

5.1 Business Continuity Management Of TASIL Group During The Pandemic' Covid-19:

the leading companies in the field of production and marketing of hatching eggs and broiler
chickens in UAE, which was established according to Amiri’ Decree No. 14 of 1997 and is a
partnership between the Sharjah Asset Management Holding of the Government of Sharjah
Since the production of the year 2003 and we are integrated company providing vegetarian
feed, Old Chick Producer, Breeder, Hatching eggs, Broiler chicken And Fully Automatic
Processing Plant to reputed for fresh & frozen chicken UAE, our broilers are hand-
slaughtered in accordance with Islamic Principles. During the period from March until the
end of the year 2020, and what happened, the events arising from the Corona epidemic
intensified, negatively and positively, affecting most of our activities, “and it was necessary
to work on developing our internal and external policies to deal with the current and future
with that crisis, so if will happen again we do as follows through the Business Continuity
Management Of TASIL Group same as we followed During The Pandemic' Covid-19 with
the ability to amendmenting If the need arises:

5.1.1 COVID –19 Initial Measures Which Carring out TASIL Group:

 For future emergencies arising from the Corona virus, the basic measures accompanying this situation,

such as precautionary measures, are followed.

 Follow up the implementation of all instructions issued by the government of the United Arab Emirates.

 The necessary criteria are determined to follow the progress of those procedures that have been entered

in all departments of the company.

 We may have to impose employee travel restrictions or travel bans.

5.1.2 COVID –19 Infrastructure Risks Of TASIL Group:

 We may have to return to work remotely, so we must check the readiness of our infrastructure and the

accompanying other services, for example, Saas” and others.

 Training all employees concerned with working remotely to keep pace with the company's systems

management without the need for the constant presence of operations, support and information

technology employees.

 It is then set to identify the potential points of individual failure of the infrastructure in the case of

remote operations management, and the corresponding designs for countermeasures.

 Develop clear policies and formulations accompanied by the nature of possible modifications in

accordance with the responsibilities of suppliers identified by the company's management to facilitate

service level agreements associated with emergencies.

 Technical and technical support during the working hours of remote employees and giving priority to

the possibility and facilitation of the access of the employees concerned with the work to the subordinate

departments or the higher administration.

 Frequent reviews and renewal of licenses for some technological applications to facilitate the

continuation of remote communication.

5.1.3 COVID –19 Cyber Risks Of TASIL Group:

 Continuous and security verification to monitor the effectiveness of organized applications for all

remote communication systems.

 Training the concerned employees on how to conduct the necessary tests for remote communication

applications, an example VPN application.

 Creating awareness campaigns for examples of critical cases such as electronic piracy during remote

communication operations during crises of the continuation of the ban.

5.1.4 COVID –19 On Employee Risks Of TASIL Group:

 Determining the main roles of the employees concerned with remote work and analyzing those roles to

ensure access to work sites and the necessary implementation of work plans or creating alternative plans

(for example, the ability to replace) in case work sites are not accessible.

 Training employees at work sites, as well as those who have work authority, to manage crises, pressures

and the difficult situations that accompany them through the establishment and design of the necessary

measures that guarantee the effectiveness of these works.

 Establishing clear timetables and identifying those responsible for modifying them that ensure the

effective delivery of the company’s products during and before or after the ban periods, in accordance

with the procedures and permits regulating that.

5.1.5 COVID – 19 Business and Operational Risks Upon TASIL Group:

 In such critical cases, as we explained before, it is necessary to determine the individual failure points of

the infrastructure of the Tasel company (mother farms, fattening farms, feed factory, hatchery,

slaughterhouse, maintenance, operations, purchases and stores) and what are the necessary drafts within

each of those sections Illustrated for countermeasures for individual failures.

 The establishment of procedures for such emergencies and the accompanying organizational instructions

to ensure the continuity of business and operations, according to the level of risk, shall be established.

 Develop clear and ready-to-implement plans, accompanying any human or technical response.

 Addressing all the concerned authorities in the country regarding any violations or issues (for example,

how to deal with and solve the replacement violations without delay or affecting the continuity of the

company’s outlets). Will communication be done remotely to resolve it or what the possible

mechanisms for resolving these similar issues.

 It may be difficult to do remote work within some departments of the company (for example, the

production departments), so the necessary arrangements must be made to work in it when necessary, and

even experience this during normal periods and circumstances.

 During the ban times, most companies suffer from a shortage of materials.” Therefore, our procurement

department is assigned to provide the necessary materials at normal prices and in the necessary

quantities during normal circumstances, to address any shortages if the closure or ban event is repeated.

 Creating scenarios, plans and measures accompanying the crisis that may arise as a result of another

wave of the Corona virus.” For example, what happened during the month of July 2021 as a result of the

outbreak of the Corona virus in India and the forced ban on flights to and from the State of India and the

accompanying shortage of manpower.

5.1.6 COVID –19 Cutting Communication Risks Upon TASIL Group:

 Establishing clear and easy mechanisms for positive communication between purchasers, shareholders,

suppliers, authorities and the public.

View publication stats

 Reference:
Development, The Arab Company Of Livestock. “Operation, Marketing, Sales Department Of Tasil.” Al-

Dhaid , Sharjah, 1 Aug. 2020.

“10 Management DON'TS.” AMA,

Ash, Eve, et al. “Eight Common LEADERSHIP Flaws to Avoid.” SmartCompany, 29 July 2019,

“Covid-19 Managing Risks and Ensuring Business Continuity.” Deloitte Serbia, 26 Mar. 2020,

“Manager and Employee Feedback Examples: How to Give Feedback at Work: The Leapsome Blog.” RSS,

Marsh, Emily. “The Do's and Don'ts of Giving Effective Feedback in the Workplace.” New Ways, New Habits,

Sabek, Dr. Amira. “Strategic Management.” DBA . DBA, 18 June 2021, Cairo, ECC - IBSS Educational.

Simon, Rebecca. “The Do's and Don'ts of Providing Effective Feedback.” EmPerform Blog, 17 Dec. 2019,

Slab. “The Eisenhower Matrix: Prioritize Your Time on What Matters Most - Knock down Silos by Slab.” Slab,


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