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I would like to express my special thanks of
gratitude to my English teacher as well as our
principal who gave me the golden opportunity to
do this wonderful project on the topic
NAVARASAS (NINE RASAS), which also helped
me in doing a lot of research and I came to know
about so many new things.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents
and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this
project within the timeframe.
A project is a bridge between theoretical and
practical learning and with this thinking I worked
on the project and made it successful due to timely
support and efforts of all who helped me.

Thank you.


This is to certify that the project entitled

NAVARASAS (NINE RASAS) is authentic work
carried out under my supervision as part of the
CBSE curriculum of Class 12 English and that it is
as per the guidelines issued by CBSE. To the best
of my knowledge the project is original and a
bonafide work undertaken by ANJALI JITENDRA

Name of the English Teacher:



During first term we were informed about the

project and outline was provided although detailed
information regarding the format was provided
after term one examination, which gave ample time
to plan about how to how to proceed with the
project. After that different topics based on which
project can be prepared or provided and finalized.
Further research regarding the topic will turn a
questionnaire was made and responsive were
received All the information collected either from
Internet or questionnaire responses was combined
and a draft was prepared and submitted. After
making some adjustment approval from the teacher
was received and this project was completed.



1 What are the Nine 7
2 The Chemistry 9
behind Emotions
3 Colours that 10
represent Nine

4 Are emotions 11
good or bad?
Should we
embrace all
5 How to overcome 13
bad moods? /
What happens
when the
emotions are
6 Life experience of 15
dealing with

emotions (Grief,
Sorrow, Anger,
7 Professions and 18
skills which
include learning
about emotions
8 Make a Google 21
form (at least 10
questions)/make a
questionnaire: to
assess your as
well as your
friends Emotional
9 Bibliography 25


What are the Nine Rasas?

The Nine Rasas, also known as the Navarasas, are the

foundational emotions or aesthetic flavors in Indian
classical arts, including dance, music, literature, and
drama. Each Rasa represents a specific sentiment or
emotional state. Here are the Nine Rasas:

1. Shringara (Love/Beauty):
 Associated with the emotion of love, beauty, and
romantic sentiment.
 Often depicted through expressions of passion,
romance, and devotion.

2. Hasya (Laughter):
 Represents the sentiment of humor, mirth, and
 Conveyed through jokes, satire, and comedic

3. Karuna (Compassion):

 Reflects the emotion of compassion, empathy, and
 Portrayed through expressions of empathy, pity,
and understanding.

4. Raudra (Anger):
 Associated with the emotion of anger, rage, and
 Conveyed through intense facial expressions,
gestures, and movements.

5. Veera (Courage):
 Represents the sentiment of courage, heroism, and
 Often depicted in tales of valor, battles, and triumph
over adversity.

6. Bhayanaka (Fear):
 Reflects the emotion of fear, anxiety, and terror.
 Conveyed through expressions of horror,
apprehension, and vulnerability.

7. Bibhatsa (Disgust):

 Associated with the emotion of disgust, repulsion,
and aversion.
 Conveyed through facial expressions and gestures
expressing revulsion.

8. Adbhuta (Wonder/Amazement):
 Represents the sentiment of wonder, amazement,
and astonishment.
 Conveyed through expressions of awe, fascination,
and marvel.

9. Shanta (Peace):
 Reflects the emotion of peace, tranquility, and
 Often portrayed through serene facial expressions
and graceful movements.

The Chemistry behind Emotions

Emotions are complex psychological and physiological

responses to stimuli. The brain plays a crucial role in the
release of neurotransmitters and hormones that lead to
emotional experiences. Understanding the chemical

processes involved can shed light on the science behind

Colours that represent Nine Rasas

The colours associated with the Nine Rasas (Navarasas)

in classical Indian arts are symbolic and add visual
richness to the portrayal of emotions. These colour
associations are used in various art forms, including
classical dance, theatre, and visual arts, to enhance the
expression and convey the specific emotional flavour of
each Rasa. It's important to note that these colour
associations may vary to some extent based on different
traditions and interpretations within the diverse
landscape of classical Indian arts. Here are the colours
generally associated with each Rasa:

1. Shringara (Love/Beauty): Colour: Light Green

2. Hasya (Laughter): Color: White

3. Karuna (Compassion): Color: Grey

4. Raudra (Anger): Color: Red

5. Veera (Courage): Color: Orange

6. Bhayanaka (Fear): Color: Black

7. Bibhatsa (Disgust): Color: Blue

8. Adbhuta (Wonder/Amazement): Color: Yellow

9. Shanta (Peace): Color: Peaceful shades, often

depicted as a mix of soft colours

Are emotions good or bad? Should we

embrace all emotions?

Emotions themselves are not inherently good or bad;

they are fundamental aspects of the human experience.
Emotions serve various purposes and can provide
valuable information about our thoughts, feelings, and
reactions to different situations. How we perceive and

respond to emotions can be influenced by cultural,
social, and personal factors.

Should we embrace all emotions?

Yes, there is a general consensus among psychologists

and mental health professionals that embracing and
acknowledging all emotions is beneficial for overall
well-being. Here's why:

1. Emotional Intelligence: Acknowledging and

understanding one's emotions is a key aspect of
emotional intelligence. This involves recognizing,
managing, and appropriately expressing emotions, both
positive and negative.

2. Authenticity: Embracing all emotions allows

individuals to be authentic and true to themselves.
Suppressing or denying certain emotions can lead to
internal conflicts and stress.

3. Learning and Growth: Negative emotions, such as

sadness, anger, or fear, can provide valuable insights
into areas of our lives that may need attention or change.

Embracing these emotions allows for personal growth
and self-discovery.

4. Connection with Others: Sharing and expressing

emotions fosters deeper connections with others. It
helps build empathy and understanding, creating a
supportive environment for emotional well-being.

5. Stress Reduction: Acceptance of emotions reduces the

internal struggle that comes with trying to suppress or
ignore them. This can contribute to lower stress levels
and improved mental health.

How to overcome bad moods? / What happens

when the emotions are supressed?

How to Overcome Bad Moods:

 Identify the Cause: Understand the root cause of

your bad mood. Is it triggered by a specific event,
lack of sleep, or other factors?
 Express Your Feelings: Talk to someone you trust
about your feelings. Expressing your emotions can
provide relief and a different perspective.

 Engage in Physical Activity: Exercise releases
endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Even a
short walk or some light stretching can be
 Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques:
Meditation, deep breathing exercises, or
mindfulness techniques can help calm the mind and
reduce stress.
 Listen to Uplifting Music: Music has the power to
influence mood. Listen to your favourite uplifting
tunes to boost your spirits.

What Happens When Emotions Are Suppressed:

 Increased Stress: Suppressing emotions can lead to

heightened stress levels as the body and mind try to
manage the internal conflict.
 Physical Health Impact: Chronic emotional
suppression is associated with various health issues,
including cardiovascular problems and weakened
immune function.
 Mental Health Challenges: Long-term emotional
suppression may contribute to mental health issues
such as anxiety and depression.

 Interpersonal Issues: Difficulty in expressing
emotions can strain relationships, as others may
struggle to understand your feelings or needs.
 Reduced Emotional Intelligence: Emotional
suppression hinders the development of emotional
intelligence, making it challenging to navigate and
understand one's own emotions and those of others.

Life Experience of Dealing with Emotions

(Grief, Sorrow, Anger, Fear)

Dealing with a range of emotions is an integral part of

the human experience. Here's a brief exploration of life
experiences related to dealing with grief, sorrow, anger,
and fear:


Experiencing grief is a profound and often
overwhelming emotional response to loss. It may
manifest after the death of a loved one, the end of a
significant relationship, or other forms of loss.

Coping Mechanisms:
1. Allowing Space for Grieving: Acknowledging and
allowing oneself to grieve is crucial. It's okay to
feel the pain and sadness associated with loss.
2. Seeking Support: Sharing feelings with friends,
family, or a support group can provide comfort and
3. Creative Expression: Some individuals find solace
in creative activities such as writing, art, or music
to express and process their emotions.


Sorrow is a deep, pervasive sadness often triggered by
personal challenges, disappointments, or a sense of

Coping Mechanisms:
1. Self-Reflection: Understanding the root cause of
sorrow can be a starting point for finding solutions
or acceptance.
2. Connection with Others: Seeking emotional
support from friends or a mental health

professional can offer different perspectives and
coping strategies.
3. Mindfulness Practices: Mindful activities, such as
meditation or yoga, can help manage and alleviate
feelings of sorrow.


Anger is a powerful emotion that can arise from
frustration, perceived injustice, or unmet needs. It can
manifest in various intensities, from irritation to rage.

Coping Mechanisms:
1. Healthy Expression: Finding constructive ways to
express anger, such as through assertive
communication or physical activities, can be
2. Self-Reflection: Identifying the underlying causes
of anger and addressing them can contribute to
long-term emotional well-being.
3. Anger Management Techniques: Learning and
practicing anger management techniques, including
deep breathing or taking a break, can help control
intense emotions.


Fear is a natural response to perceived threats or
dangers. It can range from mild unease to intense
anxiety and can be triggered by various situations.

Coping Mechanisms:
1. Mindfulness and Grounding Techniques: Bringing
awareness to the present moment through
mindfulness or grounding exercises can help
alleviate fear.
2. Gradual Exposure: Gradually exposing oneself to
feared situations, known as exposure therapy, can
be an effective way to overcome certain fears.
3. Seeking Professional Help: In cases of persistent
and debilitating fear, consulting with a mental
health professional can provide guidance and

Professions and skills which include learning

about emotions

Several professions emphasize the understanding,
management, and utilization of emotions. These
professions often require individuals to have strong
emotional intelligence and the ability to navigate and
respond effectively to various emotional states. Here are
some professions and the associated skills that involve
learning about emotions:

Therapists and Counsellors:

- Active listening
- Empathy
- Non-verbal communication
- Conflict resolution

- Psychological assessment
- Counselling
- Research and data analysis
- Diagnosis and treatment planning

Social Workers:
- Advocacy
- Case management
- Crisis intervention
- Cultural competency

Human Resources Professionals:

- Employee relations
- Conflict resolution
- Communication
- Team building

Teachers and Educators:

- Classroom management
- Empathy
- Communication with students and parents
- Understanding diverse learning styles

Make a Google form (at least 10
questions)/make a questionnaire: to assess
your as well as your friends Emotional State

Emotional State Assessment Questionnaire:

1. How would you describe your overall mood today?

☐ Very Positive
☐ Positive
☐ Neutral
☐ Negative
☐ Very Negative

2. Are there specific events or situations influencing

your mood today? If yes, please briefly describe.
*Your response: [Open-ended]

3. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think you are

managing stress at the moment?
☐ 1 (Not well at all)
☐ 10 (Very well)

4. How comfortable are you in expressing your

emotions to others?
☐ Very Comfortable
☐ Comfortable
☐ Neutral
☐ Uncomfortable
☐ Very Uncomfortable

5. What activities or hobbies bring you joy and

*Your response: [Open-ended]

6. How well do you think you understand and manage
your emotions?
☐ Not Well at All
☐ Somewhat Well
☐ Moderately Well
☐ Very Well
☐ Exceptionally Well

7. Are there any specific emotions you would like to

explore or understand better? If yes, please specify.
*Your response: [Open-ended]

8. How would you describe the quality of your social

connections and relationships currently?
☐ Excellent
☐ Good
☐ Fair
☐ Poor

9. On a scale of 1 to 10, how optimistic do you feel
about the future?
☐ 1 (Not optimistic at all)
☐ 10 (Very optimistic)

10. How do you typically cope with challenging

emotions or situations?
*Your response: [Open-ended]

Thank you for completing the Emotional State

Assessment Questionnaire!




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