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Author Joshua Birdsong Art Director Joshua Birdsong
Editor Joshua Birdsong Cover Art Ink the Tea Studios
Layout Joshua Birdsong Illustrator Ink the Tea Studios
Publisher Joshua Birdsong
The magic you command comes at a cost
At 1st level, you gain the listed that can never truly be forgotten. You have
proficiency ranks in the struck a bargain with a powerful being.
following statistics. You are You have certainly obtained remarkable
untrained in anything not
listed unless you gain a better powers, but only time will tell who the
proficiency rank in some other contract truly favors.
way. Key Ability Hit Points
PERCEPTION Charisma 8 plus your
Trained in perception At 1st level, your class Constitution modifier
SAVING THROWS give you an ability You increase your maximum
Expert in Fortitude boost in Charisma. number of HP by this number at
Trained in Reflex 1st level and every level Thereafter.
SKILLS You bombard the battlefield with powerful cantrips or
charge into battle with your bargained weapon skills.
Trained in Occultism
Trained in one skill DURING SOCIAL ENCOUNTERS…
determined by your warlock Your charismatic personality is powerful, and when
pact coupled with magic and a knack for the unknown, it
Trained in a number of makes you quite enthralling.
additional skills equal to 2 plus WHILE EXPLORING…
your Intelligence modifier
You stay wary of magic, with a keen eye for haunts and
ATTACKS occult activity in particular.
Trained in simple weapons IN DOWNTIME…
Trained in unarmed attacks You craft scrolls and other magic items. Perhaps you
spend time desperately looking for loopholes.
Trained in light armor YOU MIGHT…
Trained in medium armor • Be at odds with your pact, trying to find loopholes at
every turn.
Trained in unarmed defense
• Seek even more power at even greater cost.
SPELLS • Warn others of the dangers of such pacts.
Trained in spell DC • Assume you wanted an easy path to power.
CLASS DC • Are very careful with their words and promises around
Trained in warlock class DC you.
•Inquire how they might go about entering into a pact.
Warlock Class Features
Advancement You gain these features as a Warlock. Abilities
gained at higher levels list the levels at which
Your you gain them next to the features' names.
Class Features
Ancestry & Background
Ancestry & background, contract, In addition to the abilities provided by your
1 initial proficiencies, pact spellcasting, class at 1st level, you have the benefits of your
2 Warlock feat, skill feat selected ancestry and background.
General feat, invocation feature, skill Contract
3 As a warlock, you must enter into a contract
increase, warlock recovery
with a higher power at 1st level. You gain a
4 Warlock feat, skill feat Warlock Pact (page 7). This contract binds you
Ability boosts, ancestry feat, skill to the creature or entity and often has
5 conditions. The details of the contract should
be discussed between you and the GM before
6 Skill feat, warlock feat the game begins. Please refer to the contract
Expert spellcaster, general feat, recommendations and etiquette (page XXX).
7 invocation feature, lightning reflexes, Initial Proficiency
perception expertise, skill increase At 1st level, you gain the listed proficiency ranks
8 Skill feat, warlock Feat in the following statistics. You are untrained in
anything not listed unless you gain a better
9 Ancestry feat, skill increase proficiency rank in some other way.
10 Ability boosts, skill feat, warlock feat Pact Spellcasting
General feat, invocation feature, Your contract provides you with eldritch energy
11 and grants you the power to cast spells. You can
liability of will, skill increase
cast spells using the Cast a Spell activity. As a
12 Skill feat, warlock feat warlock you invocations may be reciting parts
of your contract, and you gestures may be
Ancestry feat, light armor expertise, mimicking the writing or signing of a contract.
13 skill increase,
At 1st level, you can prepare a single 1st-
14 Skill feat, warlock feat rank spell and six cantrips each morning from
Ability boosts, general feat, invocation the common spells on the Occult spell list, or
15 feature, master spellcaster, skill from other occult spells to which you gain
increase, access. Prepared spells remain available to you
until you cast them or until you prepare your
16 Skill feat, warlock feat spells again. The number of spells you can
Ancestry feat, juggernaut, skill prepare is called your spell slots.
17 As you increase in level as a warlock, your
number of spell slots and the highest rank of
18 Skill feat, warlock feat spells you can cast from spell slots increase, as
General feat, invocation feature, shown in the Warlock Spells per Day table.
19 Some of your spells require you to attempt
legendary spellcaster, skill increase
20 Ability boosts, skill feat, warlock feat a spell attack roll to see how effective they are
or have your enemies roll against your spell DC
(typically by attempting a saving throw). Since
your key ability is Charisma, your spell attack
rolls and spell DCs use your Charisma modifier.
Warlock Spells Per Day
Your Cantrips 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1 6 1 - - - - - - - -
2 6 2 - - - - - - - -
3 6 2 1 - - - - - - -
4 6 2 2 - - - - - - -
5 6 - 2 2 - - - - - -
6 6 - 2 2 - - - - - -
7 6 - - 2 2 - - - - -
8 6 - - 2 2 - - - - -
9 6 - - - 2 2 - - - -
10 6 - - - 2 2 - - - -
11 6 - - - - 2 2 - - -
12 6 - - - - 2 2 - - -
13 6 - - - - - 2 2 - -
14 6 - - - - - 2 2 - -
15 6 - - - - - - 2 2 -
16 6 - - - - - - 2 2 -
17 6 - - - - - - - 2 2
18 6 - - - - - - - 2 2
19 6 - - - - - - - 2 2
20 6 - - - - - - - 2 2
Heightening Spells You also know the eldritch blast cantrip. This
When you get spell slots of 2nd rank and does not count against the number of cantrips
higher, you can fill those slots with stronger you can prepare each day.
versions of lower-rank spells. This increases the ELDRITCH BLAST CANTRIP 1
spell's rank, heightening it to match the spell UNCOMMON ATTACK CANTRIP EVOCATION FORCE
slot. Many spells have specific improvements WARLOCK
when they are heightened to certain ranks.
Cast � somatic, verbal
Range 60 feet, Target 1 or more creatures
the majority of your spells are cantrips. A
cantrip is a special type of spell that doesn't use You shoot 2 bolts of eldritch energy. For each
spell slots. You can cast a cantrip at will, any bolt shot, make a spell attack roll against a
number of times per day. A cantrip is target within range. If you hit, you deal 1d8
automatically heightened to half your level force damage. All attacks count toward your
rounded up—this is usually equal to the highest multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn’t
rank of warlock spell slot you have. For increase until after you’ve made all of them.
example, as a 1st-level warlock, your cantrips are Critical Success The target takes double
1st-rank spells, and as a 5th-level warlock, your damage.
cantrips are 3rd-rank spells. Success The target takes full damage.
Heightened (+2) You shoot an additional bolt
Warlock Pacts Ancestry Feats 5th
At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you In addition to the ancestry feat you started with,
gain a skill feat. Skill feats have the skill trait. you gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4
You must be trained or better in the levels thereafter.
corresponding skill to select a skill feat. Expert Spellcasting 7th
Skill Increases 2nd Your contractual magic responds easily and
At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you powerfully to your command. Your proficiency
gain a skill feat. Skill feats have the skill trait. ranks for spell attack modifier and spell DC
You must be trained or better in the increase to expert.
corresponding skill to select a skill feat. Lightning Reflexes 7th
Warlock Feats 2nd Your reflexes are lightning-fast. Your
At 2nd level and every even-numbered level, proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to
you gain a warlock class feat. expert.
General Feats 3rd Perception Expertise 7th
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you You remain alert to threats around you. Your
gain a general feat. proficiency rank for Perception increases to
Invocation Feature 3rd expert.
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter you Liability of Will 11th
gain an invocation feature. You have discovered a contractual obligation
Skill Increases 3rd for some additional mental protection. Your
proficiency rank for Will saves increase to
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you master. When you roll a success at a Will save,
gain a skill increase. You can use an increase to you get a critical success instead.
either become trained in one skill you’re
untrained in or to increase your proficiency rank Light Armor Expertise 13th
in one skill in which you’re already trained to You’ve learned how to dodge while wearing
expert. light or no armor. Your proficiency ranks for
At 7th level, you can use skill increases to light armor and unarmored defense increase to
become a master in a skill in which you’re expert.
already an expert, and at 15th level, you can use Master Spellcaster 15th
them to become legendary in a skill in which You have achieved mastery over your pact
you’re already a master. magic. Your proficiency ranks for spell attack
Warlock Recovery 3rd modifier and spell DC increase to master.
Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes Contractual Fortitude 15th
meditating or consulting with your pact and Your contracts implied a hardier body. Your
regain an expended spell slot from your Pact proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to
Spellcasting. When you recover a spell slot this master. When you roll a success on a Fortitude
way, you can prepare a new spell in the save, you get a critical success instead.
recovered slot.
Legendary Spellcaster 19th
Attribute Boosts 5th
You demonstrate a prodigious talent for
At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you spellcasting. Your proficiency ranks for spell
get four free boosts to different attribute attack modifier and spell DC increase to
modifiers. If an attribute modifier is already +4 legendary.
or higher, it takes two boosts to increase it; you
get a partial boost, and must boost that attribute
again at a later level to increase it by 1.
Warlock Pacts
In order to become a warlock, one must first forge a contract with a higher
power. This pact is often forged for various reasons. A fiend might be after
your soul, while an angel might want to create a beacon of hope for the
You have forged a pact with a holy creature. Whether from a prayer of desperation or from a
genuine hope for change is irrelevant, as you now have the attention of the holy judges.
You are trained in medicine, and you gain the Blessing of Heaven feat. When you cast eldritch
blast, you can choose to have the spell deal spirit damage instead of force. If you do, eldritch blast
gains the spirit and holy traits and loses the force trait.
A pact with the fathomless is not quickly forgotten. You have made a promise to the powers that lie
in the darkest depths of the sea, and those powers intend to see their end fulfilled.
You are trained in intimidation, and you gain the Grasp of the Unrelenting Sea feat. When you
cast eldritch blast, you can choose to have the spell deal bludgeoning damage instead of force. If you
do, eldritch blast loses the force trait.
Through want, desire, or an incident, you are under oath to a fey. Fickle and rambunctious, these
creatures simply want one thing: entertainment. Let's hope you can keep up the fun.
You are trained in performance and gain the Fright of the Fey feat. When you cast eldritch blast,
you can choose to have the spell deal electricity damage instead of force. If you do, eldritch blast gains
the electricity trait and loses the force trait.
A pact with a fiend is simple and daunting: power in exchange for your
soul. Is it a price you are willing to pay?
You are trained in deception and gain the Curse of the Lower
Planes feat. When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose to have the
spell deal fire damage instead of force. If you do, eldritch blast gains
the fire and unholy traits and loses the force trait.
In life, your undead patron will promote almost any excuse
to see you grow more powerful, but do not mistake this
for friendship. The more powerful you grow, the more
useful you are to them in life and death.
You are trained in arcana and gain the Sap of
Unlife feat. When you cast eldritch blast, you can
choose for the spell to deal spirit damage
instead of force. If you do, eldritch blast gains
the spirit traits and loses the force trait.
Warlock Feats
1st Level FAMILIAR
Source Player Core
WARLOCK You make a pact with a creature that serves you
and assists your spellcasting. You gain a familiar.
Prerequisites eldritch blast
You imbue holy magic into your eldritch blast
cantrip. If the next action you use is to cast CONCENTRATE EMOTION MENTAL FEAR
eldritch blast any allies targeted are automatically SPELLSHAPE WARLOCK
hit (but not critically hit) and, instead of taking Prerequisites eldritch blast
damage, they are healed for the amount of You imbue terrifying magic into your eldritch
damage they would have taken from the spell. blast cantrip. If the next action you use is to
Any creature healed in this way become cast eldritch blast, any creature hit becomes
temporarily immune to Blessing of Heaven for frightened 1 (or frightened 2 on a critical hit)
10 minutes. and becomes temporarily immune to Fright of
CURSE OF HELL � FEAT 1 the First World for 10 minutes.
Prerequisites eldritch blast CONCENTRATE SPELLSHAPE WARLOCK
Your eldritch blast cantrip saps the strength of Prerequisites eldritch blast
your enemies. If the next action you use is to Your eldritch blast cantrip wraps around the
cast eldritch blast any creature hit becomes targets like a squid's tentacles. If the next action
enfeebled 2 for 1 round (or enfeebled 3 on a you use is to cast eldritch blast any creature hit
critical success). The target then becomes becomes immobilized (or restrained on a critical
temporarily immune to Curse of the Lower hit) for 1 round or until they Escape. The
Planes for 10 minutes. Escape DC is equal to your spell DC. The target
SAP OF UNLIFE � FEAT 1 then becomes temporarily immune to Grasp of
CONCENTRATE SPELLSHAPE WARLOCK the Unrelenting Sea for 10 minutes.
Prerequisites eldritch blast REACH SPELL � FEAT 1
Frequency one per 10 minutes CONCENTRATE SPELLSHAPE WARLOCK

Your eldritch blast cantrip drains its target of Source Player Core
substance. If the next action you use is to cast You can extend the range of your spells. If the
eldritch blast you gain temporary Hit Points next action you use is to Cast a Spell that has a
equal to half the total damage dealt. The range, increase that spell’s range by 30 feet. As is
temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute. standard for increasing spell ranges, if the spell
normally has a range of touch, you extend its
range to 30 feet.
2nd Level 4th Level

Source Player Core Frequency once per turn

A greater understanding of your magic Requirements Your most recent action was to
broadens your range of simple spells. You can cast a non-cantrip spell.
prepare two additional cantrips each day. You siphon spell energy into one weapon you’re
CONCEAL SPELL � FEAT 2 wielding, or into one of your unarmed attacks,
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE SPELLSHAPE WARLOCK such as a fist. Until the end of your turn, the
weapon or unarmed attack deals an extra 1d6
Source Player Core force damage and gains the arcane trait if it
By shaping the magical energies and parameters didn’t have it already. If the spell dealt a
of your spells all in your head through sheer different type of damage, the Strike deals this
concentration, you can simplify the incantations type of damage instead (or one type of your
and gestures needed to spellcast, leaving them choice if the spell could deal multiple types of
barely noticeable. If the next action you use is damage).
to Cast a Spell, the spell gains the subtle trait, PROPELLING BLAST � FEAT 4
hiding the shining runes, sparks of magic, and
other manifestations that would usually give
away your spellcasting. The trait hides only the Prerequisite eldritch blast
spell’s spellcasting actions and manifestations, If the next action you use is to cast eldritch blast,
not its effects, so an observer might still see a any large or smaller creature hit, is pushed back
ray streak out from you or see you vanish into 5 feet.
thin air.
Frequency once per day
Source Player Core
You can cast bane as a warlock spell without
You infuse your familiar with additional magical expending a spell slot. Except, once per turn,
energy. You can select four familiar or master starting the turn after you cast bane, you can use
abilities each day instead of two. a free action, which has the concentrate trait, to
PACT OF THE SHEATH FEAT 2 increase the emanation's radius by 5 feet and
WARLOCK force enemies in the area that weren't yet
affected to attempt another saving throw.
You can spend 1 hour meditating with a
weapon to form a pact with it. You can spend 1
action with the concentrate trait to send the
6th Level
pact weapon into a demiplane. You can also CELESTIAL HEALING FEAT 6
spend 1 action with the concentrate trait to WARLOCK
summon the weapon to your hand(s) from Prerequisite celestial pact
anywhere within your current plane of
existence or demiplane. You can only have one Once per day, you can cast the heal spell as a
pact at a time. If you try to create a 2nd pact warlock spell heightened to half your level,
the first pact ends. rounded up, without expending a spell slot.
ELDRITCH BURST � FEAT 6 You regain 12 Hit Points and you do not
increase your dying condition. Additionally, you
stand up without triggering any reactions. This
Prerequisite eldritch blast healing increases by 4 at level 8 and every 2
If the next action you use is to cast eldritch blast levels thereafter.
all bolts explode on impact. Eldritch blast gains STEADY SPELLCASTING FEAT 6
the splash trait and each bolt deals 1 splash
damage. This damage increases by 1 at levels 12
and 18. Source Player Core
FATHOMLESS GRASP � FEAT 6 Confident in your technique, you don’t easily
lose your concentration when you Cast a Spell.
If a reaction would disrupt your spellcasting
Prerequisites fathomless pact action, attempt a DC 15 flat check. If you
Frequency once per day succeed, your action isn’t disrupted.
Trigger A grabbed, immobilized, or restrained
creature within 30 feet attempts to Escape 8th Level
You rapidly tighten the restraints on a target. If INTUITIVE CURSER FEAT 8
the triggering creature successfully Escapes (but WARLOCK
does not critically succeed), they fall prone. If Any prepared warlock spell can instead be cast
the triggering creature fails to Escape, they take as any other occult spell with the curse trait you
3d6 bludgeoning damage (or double on a have access to.
critical failure). This damage increases by 1d6 at
level 7 and every 2 levels thereafter. POWER BLAST FEAT 8


Prerequisite eldritch blast
Prerequisites fey pact Whenever you cast eldritch blast, you can
overcharge the spell increasing the damage of
Frequency once per day each bolt by 1d8. If you do, you are unable to
Trigger You take damage. cast eldritch blast again for 1 round.
You know how to get out of a tricky situation. SOULSIGHT FEAT 8
You teleport up to 20 feet away into an WARLOCK
unoccupied space that you can see and become
invisible until the end of your next turn or until Source Player Core
you attack or cast a spell. You sense the world beyond. You gain
LUCK OF FIENDS � FEAT 6 spiritsense as an imprecise sense with a range of
60 feet. Spiritsense enables you to sense the
WARLOCK spirits of creatures, including living creatures,
Prerequisites fiend pact most non-mindless undead, and haunts within
Frequency once per day the listed range. As with your hearing and other
imprecise senses, you still need to Seek to locate
Trigger You fail or critically fail a check. an undetected creature.
roll 1d8. You can add the result to your check. As spiritsense detects spiritual essence, not
If you do, you lose Hit Points equal to the physical bodies, it can detect spirits projected by
result. spells such as project image or possessing
REJECT DEATH � FEAT 6 otherwise soulless objects. It can’t detect
soulless bodies, constructs, or objects, and like
most senses, it doesn’t penetrate through solid
Prerequisites undead pact objects.
Frequency once per day
Trigger You succeed a recovery check.
10th Level You gain resistance to fire damage equal to half
your level.
ELDRITCH SMITE � FEAT 10 Once a day, you may exchange a prepared
CONCENTRATE WARLOCK warlock spell with any common arcane spell
You make a melee Strike. This counts as two that has the fire trait as a single action.
attacks when calculating your multiple attack MAGIC SENSE FEAT 12
penalty. If this Strike hits, you may expend a DETECTION OCCULT WARLOCK
warlock spell slot. If you do the strike deals an
additional force damage. Roll a number of d8s Source Core Rulebook
equal to the rank of the spell slot you expended, You have a literal sixth sense for ambient magic
the result is the additional damage. (E.g., if you in your vicinity. You can sense the presence of
expend a 5th-rank spell slot, the attack deals an magic auras as though you were always using a
additional 5d8 force damage.) 1st-rank detect magic spell. This detects magic
INVOCATION MASTER FEAT 10 in your field of vision only. When you Seek, you
gain the benefits of a 3rd-rank detect magic
spell on things you see (in addition to the
You gain an additional invocation of 7th level. normal benefits of Seeking). You can turn this
MAGICAL STEP � FEAT 10 sense off and on with a free action at the start
or the end of your turn.
Trigger You successfully cast a cantrip
Frequency once per turn
Prerequisite undead pact
You can carefully move with your fundamental
spells. You Step. You gain resistance to vitality and void damage
equal to half your level.
Once a day, you may exchange a prepared
warlock spell with any common divine spell that
Frequency once per day has the void or death trait as a single action.
You accelerate your spellcasting. If your next WARLOCK
action is to cast a witch cantrip or a witch spell Prerequisite fathomless pact
that is at least 2 ranks lower than the highest-
rank witch spell slot you have, reduce the You gain resistance to cold damage equal to
number of actions to cast it by 1 (minimum 1 half your level.
action). Once a day you may exchange a prepared
warlock spell with a common primal spell that
12th Level has the water trait as a single action.
Prerequisite celestial pact Prerequisite fey pact
You gain resistance to spirit damage equal to You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to resist
half your level. mental spells and effects and to disbelieve
Once a day, you may exchange a prepared illusions.
warlock spell with a common divine spell that Once a day, you may exchange a prepared
has the healing trait as a single action. warlock spell with any other occult spell that
FIEND FIRE FEAT 12 has the mental or illusion trait to which you
have access as a single action (concentrate).

Prerequisite fiend pact

Your initial pact spellshape becomes stronger.
The spellshapes listed below are modified in the
Prerequisite eldritch blast following ways:
If the next action you use is to cast eldritch Fright of the Fey creatures hit instead become
blast any target hit takes a -2 status penalty (or a frightened 2 (or frightened 3 on a critical hit)
-3 status penalty on a critical hit) to the next Blessing of Heaven Allies hit are instead
attack roll they make before the start of your healed for twice the amount of damage they
next turn. would have taken from the spell.
JAUNTING FOLLOW-UP � FEAT 14 Grasp of the Sea Creatures hit instead
CONCENTRATE TELEPORTATION WARLOCK become immobilized (or restrained on a critical
Requirement Your last action this turn was hit) for 2 rounds or until they Escape.
Cast a Spell that targets one or more creatures. Curse of the Hell Creatures hit instead
You can move with your magic. You teleport to becomes enfeebled 3 for 1 round (or 3 rounds
an empty space adjacent to a target of the spell on a critical success).
within 30 feet. If this would bring another Sap of Unlife You instead gain temporary hit-
creature with you—even if you're carrying it in points equal to the total damage dealt
an extradimensional container—this ability fails
and the action is wasted. 18th Level
Magical jumps become second nature to you. Prerequisites undead pact
You can cast jump and gentle landing as an occult
spell at will. Frequency once per day
You shroud yourself in void energy for 1
16th Level minute. You gain 50 temporary Hit Points.
Additionally, while in this form, you are
immune to the frightened condition, and
WARLOCK whenever you hit a creature with a weapon or
Trigger Your turn begins spell attack, that target must make a Will saving
throw. On a failure, the target is frightened 2.
Source Player Core
You maintain a spell with hardly a thought. You
immediately gain the effects of the Sustain a OCCULT TELEPORTATION WARLOCK
Spell action, allowing you to extend the duration Prerequisites fathomless pact
of one of your active warlock spells. Frequency once per day
Large tentacles wrap around you and your allies
MASTERFUL CURSER FEAT 16 before jaunting them to a new location. You
WARLOCK teleport up to 120 feet to an empty space you
can see. Any number of willing allies within a
Prerequisites Intuitive Curser 30-foot emanation of you can teleported with
Once per day, you can cast any occult spell with you to an unoccupied space within a 30-foot
the curse trait, to which you have access, as a emanation of your destination.
warlock spell without expending a spell slot.
The spell must be of a rank equal to or less
than half your level, rounded up.

Prerequisites fiend pact Prerequisites celestial pact

Frequency once per day Frequency once per day
You attempt to briefly teleport a creature Your mastery over trickery has reached its
through various hellscapes in quick succession. pinnacle. Until the start of your next turn, you
A creature within 120 feet must make a Will project a perfect illusion of everything already
saving throw versus your spell DC. existing within 120 feet that you can see, making
Critical Success The target resists the it almost impossible to detect the existence of
teleportation but takes 1d10 mental damage. the illusion. You can also alter the illusion at key
moments to benefit you and your allies or trick
Success The target is teleported for an your enemies. Until the start of your next turn,
instance, taking 1d10 fire damage, 1d10 cold you can use the Alter Reality Reaction. You gain
damage, and 1d10 mental damage. 2 additional reactions until the start of your
Failure The target is teleported until the start next turn that can only be used for the Alter
of their next turn. The target takes 3d10 fire Reality reaction
damage, 3d10 cold damage, and 3d10 mental Alter Reality � (illusion, occult) Trigger A
damage. The target reappears in the space it left creature you can see within 120 feet makes a
or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space check; Effect You cause the creature to roll
is occupied. Upon arriving the target becomes twice. You decide if the creature takes the better
frightened 1. or worse result of the rolls. This action gains
Critical Failure the target is teleported and the fortune or misfortune trait respectively. The
stunned until the end of their next turn. The creature then becomes immune to Alter Reality
target takes 5d10 fire damage, 5d10 cold for 1 minute.
damage, and 5d10 mental damage. The target
reappears in the space it left or in the nearest 20th Level
unoccupied space if that space is occupied. ALLOCATUR FEAT 20
Upon arriving the target becomes frightened 2.
The most powerful contract magic has been
allotted for limited use. Add one common 10th-
Prerequisites celestial pact rank occult spell to your repertoire. You gain a
Frequency once per day single 10th-rank spell slot you can use to cast
the spell using pact spellcasting. You can’t use
Magical spectral shields surround you and your 10th-rank slots with abilities that give you more
allies. You and up to 10 allies within 30 feet gain spell slots or that let you cast spells without
the benefit of standard cover for 1 round. This expending spell slots. You cannot regain this
cover cannot be used Hide or Sneak. Until the spell slot using Warlock Recovery.
start of your next turn, you and allies benefiting
from this cover gain the following reaction: DOUBLE TROUBLE FEAT 20
Holy Shield Block � (occult) Trigger You WARLOCK
would take damage from an attack, a spell, or an For any warlock class feat or invocation that
effect that requires a reflex saving throw; Effect allows you to perform an action or cast a spell a
The holy shield prevents you from taking 20 of number of times per day, you may perform that
the triggering damage. You take the remaining action or cast that spell an additional time each
damage. day.

You gain an additional invocation of any level.

You become trained in three skills of your
choice and gain two 1st-level skill feats of your
You gain Darkvision, and your speed increases choice.
You embed your pact upon your skin allowing
You become trained in medium armor. you to grow a weapon. You gain a claw
Whenever you gain a feature that grants you unarmed attack that deals 1d6 slashing damage
expert or greater proficiency in armor, you also and has the agile and finesse traits; a horn, jaws,
gain that proficiency rank in medium. You also or tusk unarmed attack that deals 1d6 piercing
gain the Shield Block general feat. After damage and has the versatile slashing trait; or a
selecting this invocation, your patron will tail or tentacle unarmed attack that deals 1d8
somehow give you a set of mundane armor of a bludgeoning damage and has the backswing
type you can use and have access to. trait. Each of these unarmed attacks is in the
MAGICAL CONDUIT I brawling weapon group.

Upon picking this invocation, select one 1st

7TH Level
rank occult spell that you have access to. You ELDRITCH FOCUS
can cast it as a warlock spell twice a day without INVOCATION
expending a spell slot. You imbued part of your pact into An object
You can use the warlock recovery class feature such as a staff, orb, or book by spending 1 hour
one additional time per day. with the object. While holding this eldritch
PRETERNATURAL WEAPON ART focus, your cantrip spells gain a +1 item bonus
to spell attack rolls that target AC and spell
INVOCATION damage rolls. You can only have one eldritch
You become trained in martial weapons. focus at a time. If you create an eldritch focus
Whenever you gain a feature that grants you while another exists, the original focus loses this
expert or greater proficiency in simple weapons, benefit. Turning an item into an eldritch focus
you also gain that proficiency rank in martial does not add to the monetary value of the item.
weapons. After selecting this invocation, your EXPERT ELDRITCH MIND
patron will somehow give you a +1 weapon of
a type you can use and have access to.
You become an expert in two skills in which
you're already trained. You gain two skill feats
of 3rd level or lower.

Prerequisites darkvision You gain the Unearthly Retort reaction as

Your proficiency rank for Perception increases described below:
to master, and you gain greater darkvision. Unearthly Retort � Trigger A creature
MAGICAL CONDUIT II within your reach uses an attack or move action;
Effect You respond with unnatural speed. Make
INVOCATION a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If
Upon picking this invocation, select one 2nd your attack is a hit and the trigger was an attack
rank occult spell that you have access to. You action, the target suffers a -1 circumstance
can cast it as a warlock spell twice a day without penalty to the triggering attack (-2 on a critical
expending a spell slot. hit). If your attack is a hit and the trigger was a
You can use the warlock recovery class feature move action, the target suffers a -10
one additional time per day. circumstance penalty to its Speeds for 1 round
(-20 on a critical hit). This Strike doesn’t count
RELIABLE ARMAMENT toward your multiple attack penalty, and your
INVOCATION multiple attack penalty doesn’t apply to this
Your proficiency with simple weapons and Strike.
unarmed attacks increases to expert.
You also gain access to the critical specialization
15TH Level
effects of all weapons and unarmed attacks for GREATER ARMAMENT
which you have proficiency. You deal 1 INVOCATION
additional damage with weapons and unarmed Your proficiency with simple weapons and
attacks in which you are an expert. This damage unarmed attacks increases to master.
increases to 2 if you’re a master and to 3 if
you’re legendary. Your damage from Reliable Armament
increases to 2 with weapons and unarmed
11TH Level attacks in which you’re an expert, 4 if you’re a
master, and 6 if you’re legendary.
You engrave a deadly pact onto your fists or
other natural weapons you possess. Your Upon picking this invocation, select one 4th
unarmed attacks granted by invocations or your rank occult spell that you have access to. You
ancestry gain the deadly d10 trait. can cast it as a warlock spell twice a day without
expending a spell slot.
You can use the warlock recovery class feature
INVOCATION one additional time per day.
You become an master in two skills in which TRUE ELDRITCH FOCUS
you're already expert. You gain two skill feats of
7th level or lower.
MAGICAL CONDUIT III Prerequisites Eldritch Focus
INVOCATION Your eldritch focus now grants your cantrip
spells a +2 item bonus to attack roll that target
Upon picking this invocation, select one 3rd AC and spell damage rolls.
rank occult spell that you have access to. You
can cast it as a warlock spell twice a day without
expending a spell slot.
You can use the warlock recovery class feature
one additional time per day.
19TH Level

You become legendary in two skills in which

you're already a master. You gain two skill
feats of 15th level or lower.

Upon picking this invocation,

select one 5th rank occult spell
that you have access to. You can
cast it as a warlock spell twice a
day without expending a spell
You can use the warlock
recovery class feature one
additional time per day.

Prerequisites master
proficiency in perception
Your proficiency rank for
Perception increases to
You are constantly under the
effects of a 9th rank truesight

Prerequisites expert
proficiency in light armor
Your proficiency with light
armor increases to master.
You also gain resistance 3 to
bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing damage
while wearing
WARLOCK DEDICATION FEAT 2 You gain one warlock feat. For the purpose of
ARCHETYPE DEDICATION MULTICLASS meeting its prerequisites, your warlock level is
equal to half your character level.
Prerequisites Charisma +2
Special You can select this feat more
You can cast spells like a warlock and gain the than once. Each time you select it, you gain
Cast a Spell activity. You can prepare two another warlock feat.
common cantrips each day from the occult spell
list or any other occult cantrips you learn or BASIC PACT CASTING FEAT 6
discover. You are trained in the spell attack ARCHETYPE
modifier and spell DC statistics. Your key Prerequisites Warlock Dedication
spellcasting attribute for warlock archetype
spells is Charisma, and they are occult warlock You gain the basic bounded spellcasting
spells. benefits.
Choose a contract and a pact as if you SIMPLE INVOCATION FEAT 6
were a warlock. You become trained in ARCHETYPE
Occultism and your pact’s associated skill; for Prerequisites Warlock Dedication
each of these skills in which you were already
trained, you become trained in a skill of your You gain a 3rd level invocation of your choice.
choice. You do not gain any other abilities from EXPERT PACT CASTING FEAT 12
your choice of pact. ARCHETYPE
BASIC ELDRITCH ART FEAT 4 Prerequisites Basic Pact Casting, master in
Prerequisites Warlock Dedication You gain the advanced bounded spellcasting
You gain a 1st- or 2nd-level warlock feat or your benefits.

ARCHETYPE Prerequisites Simple Invocation

Prerequisites Warlock Dedication You gain a 7th level invocation of your choice.
You also know the eldritch blast cantrip (page 5). MASTER PACT CASTING FEAT 18
This does not count against the number of ARCHETYPE
cantrips you can prepare each day.
Prerequisites Expert Pact Casting, legendary in
ARCHETYPE You gain the master bounded spellcasting
Prerequisites Basic Eldritch Magic benefits.
Warlock Contracts
The contract you forge is a binding agreement between you and your patron. Unlike a witch, these
pacts are not secret, and the terms and often goals are known and agreed upon by both parties. The
reasons one would agree to bad terms are numerous. Desperation, desire, revenge, overconfidence,
pride, redemption, and purpose, among many other factors, could lead to the desire for the power
that comes with a pact.
Because a pact is often known by both parties, it is highly recommended for the game master
and the player to discuss the terms of the pact and their expectations of it before the game begins.
Potential requirements, consequences, and rewards should not be deceptive or secret unless both the
game master and the player wish for them to be beforehand. A pact should not be used to mind-
control a player or force a player to do something they are not comfortable with. If the pact has
requirements, it should be a choice the player has. Be prepared for players to either not do them or
find a loophole. Finding loopholes should be encouraged and rewarded.
When using rewards and punishment, keep in mind how it will affect the scaling of power in a
game. Most rewards and punishments should be minor, as the effects are often fleeting but
memorable. Moderate rewards and punishments should result from hugely significant events that
typically come with permanent consequences. Major rewards and punishments can pivotally change
the recipient's life and should be used only in the most extreme or significant circumstances.
Moderate and major benefits can potentially grant such a power-up that it should be accounted for
as a high-level item when determining loot.

A pact with a celestial is most often formed out of a cry to the heavens out of desperation.
Sometimes an angel or some other celestial being will have mercy on you and offer you a second
chance. A pact with a celestial will often leave a small mark of some kind in a place easy for you and
others to see, such as the forehead or your hand, as a reminder of your pact and to let others who
recognize it know you are being held accountable.
Unlike many other pacts, a celestial will rarely want anything from you. They may forge the pact
under the simple promise that you try to be a better person. However, a celestial being will not stand
for blatantly cruel deeds under their supervision. They will hold you accountable for truly evil deeds.
Example Rewards
Minor You gain the effects of the guidance spell, which will last until it is used.
Moderate You gain the 1st level nephilim feat, Halo.
Major You gain the 17th-level nephilim feat Eternal Wings, ignoring any prerequisites.
Example Punishments
Minor Your mark begins to burn you. You become clumsy 1 for 24 hours.
Moderate You lose the magic that comes from your warlock pact. These abilities can be regained
only if you demonstrate your repentance by conducting an atone ritual.
Major Whenever you cast a spell that would knowingly harm a holy creature or knowingly help an
unholy creature, you must succeed a DC 11 flat or the spell is disrupted.
Who the fathomless are is a mystery. Some believe them to be a powerful race of sea people deep
below the waves, unable to emerge. Others believe it to be a single massive sea monster trapped for
all of time. Regardless of who they are, they always want something. Normally, it only requests a
small, seemingly insignificant task from their warlocks, perhaps delivering a package, opening a
tomb, or finding a lost object. The task could also be yet to come. However, it is clear that while this
task seems mundane, it is increasing the fathomless' influence or aiding in its eventual release. You
live with the guilt that you may have moved the world one step closer to its destruction.
Example Rewards
Minor You gain the effects of the water breathing spell for 24 hours.
Moderate You gain a swim Speed equal to your Speed.
Major You can cast Control Water and Hydraulic Torrent at will as occult warlock spells.
Example Punishments
Minor You have uneasy dreams. The next time you rest, you do not recover Hit Points, and you
wake up fatigued.
Moderate You feel like you are being dragged down by an invisible force. Your bulk limit is reduced
by half, rounded down. Whenever you roll initiative, you are considered flat-footed until the end of
your first turn.
Major The ocean becomes your enemy. Whenever you are near a large body of water, sea monsters
attack you.

Fey are simple creatures who often enjoy pranks and hijinks. These pacts are often in the form of
promises. Usually, what they want in return is entertainment now and again when they remember
you. They may appear to you and request a show of some kind, often at the expense of you or
others around you. These are often harmless, though some fey can have a darker side to pranks.
Example Rewards
Minor You instantly teleport up to 30 feet to an empty space of your choice.
Moderate gain the telekinetic hand cantrip as an additional occult warlock cantrip. You can
cast telekinetic hand with a single action (somatic).
Major You can cast illusionary disguise and mirror's misfortune at will as a 4th level occult warlock spell.
Example Punishments
Minor You instantly teleport up to 30 feet into a non-lethal hazard.
Moderate Whenever you cast eldritch blast, one of the bolts always targets you or an ally within range
chosen at random.
Major Whenever you critically fail a check, something ridiculous and unfortunate happens to you,
such as a piano falling on you from the sky, baleful polymorph being cast on you, or a pit appearing
below you. These should require standard DC and deal, at most, the damage of a complex hazard
of the appropriate level.
A pact with a fiend is often quite simple. They want a soul that would otherwise be too difficult to
obtain. Whether the warlock's soul is the desired intent or whether the warlock's pact requires them
to obtain such a soul can vary. Each fiend goes about it in a very different way. A devil would likely
craft a large and complicated contract and persuade you with guile and promises, while a demon may
threaten your life or the lives of your loved ones. However, no matter how complicated or simple
these pacts are, a pact with a fiend is never truly hopeless.
Example Rewards
Minor You gain resistance to fire equal to half your level for 24 hours.
Moderate You gain the 1st level nephilim feat Nephilim Eyes, ignoring any prerequisites.
Major You gain the 17th-level nephilim feat Eternal Wings, ignoring any prerequisites.
Example Punishments
Minor You become stupefied 1 for 24 hours.
Moderate you gain vulnerability to fire equal to half your level.
Major You are always under the effects of extreme heat.

A pact with an undead can seem quite appealing to those who care little about the consequences of
their actions. However, these pacts are only given to those that the undead believe can grow strong
in life and will die young. Thus, they are offered to those on dangerous missions or showing great
ambition. It is often given as a drink or potion of some kind that seals the pact. What an undead
patron often takes in return is an eternity of service after you die. The stronger you grow, the more
powerful of a servant they gain after your inevitable death.
Example Rewards
Minor You gain the effects of the false vitality spell.
Moderate Your Hit Points are increased by your level.
Major You gain a +4 status bonus to saves against death and void effects, gain void resistance 10,
and suppresses the effects of the doomed condition.
Example Punishments
Minor You become drained 1.
Moderate You become doomed 1 permanently.
Major Whenever you would be healed by any means you must succeed a DC 11 flat check or the
healing is disrupted.
ORC Notice
This product is licensed under the ORC License to be held in the Library of Congress and available
online at various locations including,, and others. All
warranties are disclaimed as set forth therein.

This product is based on the following Licensed Material:

Pathfinder Player Core © 2023 Paizo Inc., Designed by Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen
Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter. Authors: Alexander Augunas, Kate Baker, Logan Bonner,
Jason Bulmahn, Carlos Cabrera, Calder CaDavid, James Case, Eleanor Ferron, Steven Hammond,
Joan Hong, Vanessa Hoskins, James Jacobs, Jenny Jarzabski, Erik Keith, Dustin Knight, Lyz Liddell,
Luis Loza, Patchen Mortimer, Dennis Muldoon, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Mikhail Rekun,
David N. Ross, Michael Sayre, Mark Seifter, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Mark Thompson, Clark
Valentine, Andrew White, Landon Winkler, and Linda Zayas-Palmer

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