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JOY 7, 1966





1.1 Scope.- This specification covers the requirements for the construction
of a masonry remote transmitter/receiver facility building to include the
installation of electrical and mechanical equipment, as required.


2.1 FAA documents.- The following FAA specifications, standard, and draw-
ings, of the issues specified in the invitation for bids or request for
proposals, form a part of this specification and are applicable to the ex-
tent specified herein.
i 2.1.1 FAA specifications
FAA-C-1217 Electrical Work, Interior
FAA-1391 Installation and Splicing of Underground Cable
FAA-C-2153 Installation of Sanitary System - Gas Incinerator

FAA- c-2256 Temperature and Humidity Control Equipment

2.1.2 FAA standard

FAA-STD-003 Paint Systems for Structures

2.1.3 FAA drawings

c-3871-1, Sectional Battery Rack for Engine-Generator

~-562 515 Gallon Fuel Storage Tank
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FAA-C-2255 -e-

D-2111-1 Fuel Tank Installation

D-5819-1 Remote Transmitter/Receiver Building - Air-

through Conditioned With Engine-Generator

~-5820-i Remote Transmitter/Receiver Building - Ventilated

through With Engine-Generator

2.2 Federal publications.- The following Federal publications, of the issues

in effect on the date of the invitation for bids or request for proposals,
form a part of this specification and are applicable to the extent speci-
fied herein.

2.2.1 Federal specifications

QQ-S-775 Steel Sheets, Carbon, Zinc-Coated

TT-p-28 Paint, Aluminum, Heat Resisting (1200'F)

2.2.2 Federal standard

Fed. Std. 595 Colors

. 2.3 Other publications.- The following publications, of the issues in effect

on the date of the invitation for bids or request for proposals, form a part
of this specification and are applicable to the extent specified herein.
2.3.1 American Concrete Institute

~~1-318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete

2.3.2 American Society for Testing and Materials

A-15 Billet - Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement

A-123 Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings on Products
Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged
Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strips
A-153 Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Products
~-185 Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement
A-305 Minimum Requirements for the Deformations of
Deformed Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
A-307 Low-Carbon Steel Externally and Internally Threaded
Standard Fasteners
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-3- FAA-C-2255

A-385 Recommended Practice for Providing High Quality

Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) on Assembled Products
c-55 Building Brick, Concrete
c-go Concrete Masonry Units, 'Hollow Load-Bearing
c-145 Concrete Masonry Units, Solid Load-Bearing
c-270 Mortar for Masonry Units
C-476 Mortar and Grout for Reinforced Masonry

2.3.3 National Fire Protection Association

NFPA No. 31 Installation of Oil Burning Equipment

NFPA No. 70 National Electrical Code

(Copies of this specification and other applicable FAA specifications,

standards and drawings may be obtained from the Contracting Officer in the
Federal Aviation Agency Office issuing the invitation for bids or request
for proposals. Requests should fully identify material desired, i.e.,
specification, standard, amendment, and drawing numbers and dates. Re-
quests should cite the invitation for bids, request for proposals, or the
contract involved or other use to be made of the requested material.)

(Information on obtaining copies of Federal specifications and standards may

be obtained from General Services Administration offices in Washington, D.C.,
Seattle, San Francisco, Denver, Kansas City, MO., Chicago, Atlanta, New York,
Boston, Dallas, and Los Angeles.)

(Information on obtaining copies of the AC1 publication may be obtained

from the American Concrete Institute, P. 0. Box 4754, Redford Station,
Detroit, Michigan 48219.)

(Information on obtaining copies of the ASTM publications may be obtained

from the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.)

(Information on obtaining copies of the NFPA publications may be obtained

from the National Fire Protection Association, 60 Batterymarch Street,
Boston, Mass. 02110.)


3.1 General.- The contractor shall construct a remote transmitter/receiver

facility building as specified in the contract schedule.

1.2 Structural

x.2.1 Excavation, filling, and grading

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FAA-C-2255 -4- Clearing and grubbing.- The contractor shall clear the site and re-
move all organic material therefrom. Excavation.- Footing excavation shall be carried to the depth shown

on the drawings or to a minimum depth of 12 inches below local frost line,
whichever is greater. Where excavation is carried to a depth greater than
required, the excess excavation shall be backfilled with concrete at no
cost to the Government. Fills.- The excavated areas around the foundation walls and under
all slabs (interior and exterior) shall be backfilled to the required ele-
vation with excavated material, placed in six (6) inch layers and compacted
to a uniform density equal to or exceeding the density of the undisturbed
sub-grade material. Finish grade shall slope away from the building to pro-
vide drainage. Fill under floating floor slabs shall consist of not less
than 50 percent granular material ranging in size from l/4 inch to l-1/2
inches and not more than 50 percent sand. This fill shall be placed and com-
pacted in the same manner as backfill.
3.2.2 Building construction Concrete.- Concrete construction shall be as required on the appli-

cable drawings and in accordance with the current issue of Building Code
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, American Concrete Institute - 318.
Concrete shall develop a minimum strength of 2500 psi at 28 days with a
maximum slump of 3 inches. Maximum aggregate sizes shall be l-l/4 inches
for footings and walls and 3/4 inch for floor, steps and equipment slabs. Concrete placement and curing.- Concrete for footings shall be

placed on undisturbed soil. All exposed surfaces above grade shall receive
a rough trowel finish. After placement, the concrete shall be kept wet for
at least five days and protected from freezing for at least 7 days. Reinforcing steel.- All reinforcing steel shall be placed in accord-

ance with the applicable drawings and inspected, checked in place, and ap-
proved by the Contracting Officer's representative before concrete is placed.
Reinforcement bars shall be new intermediate grade billet steel having a
minimum allowable tensile stress of 20,000 psi, conforming to ASTM A-15 and
deformed in accordance with ASTM A-305. Necessary splices shall have a lap
of 24 bar diameters with a minimum lap of 12 inches. Welded steel wire
fabric shall conform to ASTM ~-185. Necessary splices shall have a lap of
two full mesh with a minimum lap of 12 inches. Reinforcing steel shall be
supported in.position by chairs or other approved methods and secured to pre-
vent displacement during the placing of concrete. Steel shall be free of
excessive rust and scale. Anchor bolts.- Anchor bolts shall conform to ASTM A-307 grade A
and shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A-123, A-153, or A-385. Conduit.- Conduit shall be accurately placed and supported to main-
tain correct position during the placing of concrete, and checked to assure
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-5- FAA-C-2255

that vertical extensions above the slab will be vertical. Threads shall be
protected and open ends plugged to prevent entry of foreign material. Floor finish.- The equipment room floor, steps, and utility slabs
shall be poured monolithically and be given a wood trowel finish. The
engine-generator room floor shall receive a steel trowel finish. There shall
be no place where the space between the floor and a ten foot straight edge
placed on it is greater than l/4 inch. In the event a satisfactory surface
is not obtained during the finishing, the contractor will be required to rub
or grind the surface with appropriate equipment until a satisfactory surface
is obtained. The floor in the engine generator room shall be treated with a
transparent, quick drying, concrete sealing and floor hardener equal to
"Clear Seal", manufactured by the A. C. Horn Company Division of the Sun
Chemical Corporation. The floor hardener shall be applied in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendation. The floor of the equipment room shall be
covered with a first quality dark green marbled-pattern vinyl-asbestos floor
tile l/S inch thick. Black vinyl-asbestos moulded top-set cove base, 4 inches
high, l/8 inch thick, shall be placed at all walls in the equipment room. Concrete masonry units.- Concrete masonry units shall be used in the
locations and in conformity with the lines, dimensions, and details shown on
the applicable drawings. The masonry work shall include building in anchors,
furnishing and installing steel reinforcement for masonry, wall flashings,
bond beams, lintels and necessary reinforcement. Completed exterior walls
shall be watertight. Units that are exposed or painted in the completed
building shall have a smooth texture. The hollow load bearing units shall
conform to Grade A of ASTM C-90 with minimum compression strength of 800 psi.
The solid load bearing units shall conform to Grade A of ASTM C-145 with
minimum compression strength of 1600 psi. The concrete building brick shall
conform to Grade A of ASTM C-55 with minimum compression strength of 2000
psi. The mortar for masonry units shall conform to mortar Type M of ASTM
C-270 with a minimum compression strength of 2500 psi. The mortar for rein-
forcing masonry construction shall conform to mortar Type PM of ASTM C-476
with a minimum compression strength of 2500 psi in 28 days. The grout for
reinforced masonry construction shall conform to the coarse grout type of
ASTM C-476. Masonry core insulation.- Hollow cores of the exterior masonry

units which do not contain concrete and reinforcement shall be filled with
a water-repellent vermiculite, or silicon treated perlite masonry fill in-
sulation. Roof.- Roof deck shall be light gage steel 4-l/2 inches deep, equal
to Robertson Company "Q" Deck, Sec. 5-45, 18 gage. Decking shall be laid in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and as shown on the appli-
cable drawings. Deck units shall be adjusted in place before being perma-
nently welded. Decking shall be welded to bearing plates with 3/4 inch
diameter fusion welds at each rib. All welds shall be sound and upon cool-
ing shall be given a coating of a galvanizing type of treatment equal to
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FAA-C-2255 -6-

"G&V-WELD" as manufactured by Galv-Weld Products, Bradenton, Florida. The

side joints of the deck shall be pinched together at 3 feet - 0 inches
on centers. Roof decking shall be galvanized in accordance with Federal
Specification QQ-S-775, Type I, Class E. Panels shall be single length
(unspliced). A 5-ply,20-year bonded built-up roof with a smooth finish shall
be placed over one inch thick rigid insulation, Celotex Corp., plain fiber-
board, or equal, on the metal deck. Hardware Exterior door hinges.- Hinges shall be 4-l/2 inches ball tip, non-
rising pin, bronze, brass or aluminum full mortise butts. Three hinges shall
be provided for each door. Exterior lock set.- Each set shall consist of wrought bronze
entrance door handles with thumbpiece, designed to take a cylinder entrance
door lock set with protected front; lock shall take standard FAA cylinder. Exterior door stops.- Door stops shall be bronze, brass, or

aluminum hook and keeper type.

X. Exterior door threshold.- The door threshold shall be a saddle

tme, solid brass, architectural bronze, or aluminum, minimum 4 inches wide
by l/2 inch-rise, non-skid type, recessed for weather-stripping. Painting.- Painting shall be in conformance with the applicable

requirements of FAA-STD-003. Exterior surfaces shall be painted white.
Doors shall be painted gray, color 16187 of Federal. Standard No. 595. In-
terior walls and ceiling shall be painted off-white, color 37778 of Federal
Standard No. 595.

3.3 Mechanical equipment

3.3.1 Temperature and humidity control system.- The mechanical installation

as required by the contract schedule shall be accomplished in accordance
with Specification FAA-c-2256 and the applicable drawings.

3.3.2 Sanitary system.- The sanitary system as required by the contract

schedule shall be installed in accordance with Specification FAA-C-2153 and
the applicable drawings.

3.4 Engine-generator installation

3.4.1 General.- The contractor shall install an engine-generator as required

by the contract schedule in accordance with the applicable drawings and in-
structions contained in the manufacturer's Operator's or Instruction Manual.

X.4.2 Vibration pads.- The engine-generator set shall be mounted on not less
than 6 vibration pads. The pads shall be neoprene,, 4-l/2 inches by 6 inches,
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-7- FAA-C-2255

not less t&an 5/16 inch or more than l-l/8 inches thick, grooved l/8 inch
deep longitudinally. The grooves on.the top surface of the pad shall be at
right angles to the grooves on the bottom surface of the pad.

3.4.3 Fuel tank installation.- Installation of a steel tank for underground ~

storage of approximately 550 gallons of fuel (reference FAA Drawing D-562,
515 Gallon Fuel Storage Tank, for opening sizes and gage of shell and heads)
shall be in accordance with FAA Drawing D-2111-1, Fuel Tank Installation,
Underground, Gasoline and Diesel; The tank shall comply with the require-
ments of the National Fire Protection Association Standard No. 31, and shall
be so labeled by the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.

3.4.4 Exhaust pipe and muffler.- Engine exhaust pipe and fittings shall be
standard weight black steel. The pipe shall be threaded to accommodate
threaded flange couplings. The exhaust pipe fittings and muffler shall be
painted with a heat resistant paint conforming to Federal Specification

3.4.5 Battery rack.- Battery rack shall be constructed in accordance with

FAA Drawing C-387121 and 2, Sectional Battery Rack for Engine-Generator.

3.5 Electrical installation.- The contractor shall accomplish all electrical

work specified in the contract and any other work necessary to complete the
building service connection in accordance with FAA-C-1217, FAA-1391 and local
power company regulations.


4.1 Mechanical equipment.- Temperature and humidity control equipment shall

be inspected and tested in accordance with Specification FAA-C-2256.

4.2 Engine-generator.- The manufacturer's instructions for placing the

engine-generator set in operation shall be followed. The contractor shall
connect the set, ready to operate, fill the crankcase with the correct grade
of oil, and fill the cooling system, including a sufficient amount of perma-
nent ethylene-glycol type rust inhibiting anti-freeze to protect the engine
from freezing down to the minimum temperature expected at the facility. For
gasoline engines the contractor shall fill the storage tank with not less than
100 gallons of standard grade (non-premium) gasoline having an octane rating
of not less than 82. If the set is diesel-operated, a like amount of No. 2
diesel fuel of not less than 40 cetane rating shall be supplied. Before
connecting the battery circuit, be sure that emergency stop and lockout switch
is in the OFF position. The contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer's
representative when the set is ready for operation. The contractor shall not
attempt to start the engine generator for the first time until the installa-
tion has been completely checked for starting by a representative of the
Federal Aviation Agency.

4.3 Electrical tests.- The interior electrical work shall be inspected and
tested in accordance with Specification FAA-C-1217.
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FAA-C-2255 -8-


5.1 Not applicable.


6.1 Note on information items.- The contents of the subparagraph below are
only for the information of the Contracting Officer. They are not contract
requirements, nor binding on either the Government or the contractor, except
to the extent that they may be specified elsewhere in the contract as such.
Any reliance placed by the contractor on the information in this subparagraph
is wholly at the contractor's own risk.

6.1.1 Ordering data.- Invitation for bids and contracts should specify
the following:

(a) Type of facility to be constructed by listing the applicable

drawing series as well as any secondary or reference drawings.
(b) Items to be Government furnished.
(c) Electric service requirements.
(d) Sanitary requirements.
(e) Heating design temperature.
(f) Engine-generator anti-freeze protection temperature.

* -x- * * *
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This sheet is provided for obtaining information on the use of this specification by either Contractor or
Government personnel. Recommendations should be based on actual or potential savings and advantages to the
Government or users. Return of this form will be appreciated. Fold on lines on reverse side, staple closed, and




0 Direct Government Contract - No: _____

q Government Subcontract - No: -__
0 Other - . -

1. Has any part of the specification created problems or required interpretation?

A. Give paragraph number and wording.

B. Recommendations for correcting the deficiencies.

2. Comments on any specification requirement considered too rigid?

3. Is the specification restrictive? 0 Yes; 0 No

If “yes”, in what way?

4. R__-
E M A R K S . “Attach to this form any additional pertinent data which may be of use in improving this
specification. Form with attachments should be mailed together in an envelope addressed as shown on reverse


FAA Form 3705 (t-en) (4510)

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Official Business

TO: Federal Aviation Agency

Systems Standards Branch, RD420
800 Independence Avenue, S. W.
Washington, D. C. 20553

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