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Lecture Note of Naval Architectural Calculation

Ship Stability
Ch. 4 Initial Transverse Stability

Spring 2016

Myung-Il Roh

Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering

Seoul National University

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


 Ch. 1 Introduction to Ship Stability

 Ch. 2 Review of Fluid Mechanics
 Ch. 3 Transverse Stability Due to Cargo Movement
 Ch. 4 Initial Transverse Stability
 Ch. 5 Initial Longitudinal Stability
 Ch. 6 Free Surface Effect
 Ch. 7 Inclining Test
 Ch. 8 Curves of Stability and Stability Criteria
 Ch. 9 Numerical Integration Method in Naval Architecture
 Ch. 10 Hydrostatic Values and Curves
 Ch. 11 Static Equilibrium State after Flooding Due to Damage
 Ch. 12 Deterministic Damage Stability
 Ch. 13 Probabilistic Damage Stability

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Ch. 4 Initial Transverse Stability

1. Transverse Metacentric Height (GM)

2. Derivation of Transverse Metacentric Radius (BMT)
3. Change of the Metacenter for Large Angle of Inclination
4. Another Approach to Derive the Following Formula
 yB   yvp  v p  yvs  vs
 zB   zvp  v p  zvs  vs

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

1. Transverse Metacentric Height (GM)

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Righting Arm (GZ, Restoring Arm)

• Transverse Righting Moment
 righting  FB  GZ

How can we find GZ in small angle

of inclination?
B B1


G: Center of mass of a ship

FG: Gravitational force of a ship 
B: Center of buoyancy at the previous state (before inclination)
FB: Buoyant force acting on a ship
B1: New position of center of buoyancy after the ship has been inclined
Z : The intersection point of a vertical line through the new position of
the center of buoyancy(B1) with the transversely parallel line to a
waterline through the center of mass(G)

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

• Righting Moment

Metacenter (M)  righting  FB  GZ

Definition of M (Metacenter)
e • The intersection point of the vertical
FG line through the center of buoyancy
at previous position (B) with the
G Z vertical line through the center of
buoyancy at new position (B1) after
• The term meta was selected as a prefix for center
because its Greek meaning implies movement. The
B B1 metacenter therefore is a moving center.

• GM  Metacentric height

• From the figure, GZ can be obtained

FB with assumption that M does not
change within a small angle of
r inclination (about 7 to 10), as below.
Z: The intersection point of the line of buoyant force through
B1 with the transverse line through G

GZ  GM  sin 

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Metacentric Height (GM) of a Ship • Righting Moment

 righting  FB  GZ
for Small Angle of Inclination

 e Righting Arm
GZ  GM  sin 
>> Z

• From the geometrical configuration
B B1 of the ship, GM is made up as follows:

GM  KB  BM  KG

r  KB ≒ 51~52% draft Center of gravity

Z: The intersection point of the line of buoyant force through of the ship
B1 with the transverse line through G
M: Metacenter How can you get
GM: Metacentric height the value of the BM
θ: Angle of heel (metacentric radius)?
K: Keel, the lower most point on the ship vertical centre line

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Righting Moment at Large Angle of Inclination

M ① Apply a large rotational angle to the ship

by an external moment

e • Transverse Righting Moment

 righting  FB  GZ
Righting Arm
G //
• The use of metacentric height (GM)
// as the righting arm is not valid for a
ship at a large angle of inclination.

B B1
To determine the righting arm ”GZ”
of the ship at a large angle of
FB inclination, it is necessary to know
the accurate GZ which corresponds

G: Center of mass of a ship r
to the distance from the center of
FG: Gravitational force of a ship
B: Center of buoyancy in the previous state (before inclination) mass (G) to the vertical line through
FB: Buoyant force acting on a ship
B1: New position of center of buoyancy after the ship has been inclined
the new position of the center of
Z : The intersection point of a vertical line through the new position of buoyancy (B1).
the center of buoyancy(B1) with the transversely parallel line to a
waterline through the center of mass(G) GZ  GM  sin 
for a large angle of inclination 8
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


2. Derivation of Transverse
Metacentric Radius (BMT)

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Derivation of BMT (1/12) (BMT : Transverse Metacentric Radius)

Let us derive the transverse metacentric

z z radius “BM" in case of a wall-sided ship
with a simple section shape.
▪ Wall sided ship
 : When a ship has a perpendicular side
shell to water plane, the ship is called as
L2 y “wall-sided ship”.

g1 Assumption
W1 O, O L1

1. Wall sided ship

W2 ▪ When the ship is inclined, the
G submerged volume is the same as the
B1 emerged volume without any change in
B the displacement volume.

2. Main deck is not submerged.

3. Axis of inclination does not
B : Center of buoyancy in the previous state (before inclination) ▪ In this case, the axis of inclination passes through
B1: Center of buoyancy in the present state (after inclination) the origin “O” of the inertial frame.
M : Intersection of the line of the buoyant force through B1 in the present state with the
line of the buoyant force B in the previous state

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


: Displacement volume

Derivation of BMT (2/12)

v: Changed displacement volume (wedge)
BB1 ( yB ,  z B ) : Distance between the initial center of buoyancy and the changed B1
gg1 ( yg , z g ) : Distance between the center of wedges

 , zvp
( yvp  ) : Center of the submerged Translation of the center of buoyancy
volume on the port side
z z caused by the movement of the small volume v
( yvs , zvs ) : Center of the emerged
volume on the starboard side
 yB   yg  v (1)

Submerged  z B   z g  v (2)
volume(-v) volume(v)
, where v is the each volume of the submerged
and emerged volume.
y  is total volume of the ship. [nabla]
g1( yvp , zvp )   
O, O Og  gg1  Og1
y   
x gg1  Og1  Og

( yvs , zvs ) g g
yg zg ( yg , zg )  ( yvp
 , zvp
 )  ( yvs , zvs )

B1 yg  yvp
  yvs (3)

B2 zg  zvp
  zvs (4)

B1 K
Substituting Eq. (3) and (4) into the Eq. (1) and (2),


B  zB
 yB B2  yB   yvp  v  yvs  v
Translation of the center of gravity  z B   zvp  v  zvs  v
caused by the movement of the small load w w
 yG  d  zG  c We can derive these equations
W W with another method!
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Momentum Conservation Principal

Derivation of BMT (3/12) “Initial” + “Moving a Load” = “Final”

 “Final” - “Initial” = “Moving a Load”

Another Derivation  yB   yvp  v  yvs  v Moment about x' axis due to the z’ component of
z the changed buoyant force FB  cos 
z vp
 z B   zvp  v  zvs  v
M Submerged yvs  FBvs  cos 
g v
Emerged volume(v)
volume(-v)  FBvp yvp

y x y
g1( yvp , zvp )
O, O FBvs  cos    Fvp  cos 

x FBvs

( yvs , zvs ) g g
FB1 yg zg  g  v 0  FB 
FB After heeling Before heeling
 yB   g   cos   yvp  FB  cos   yvs  FB  cos 
vp vs

B1 yB1  yB
B  yB   g   yvp  FB  yvs  FB

FBvs B2 vp vs

FBvs    g  v, FBvp   g  v
B1 K


 yB B2  zB  g   yB   yvp   g  v  yvs   g  v

 , zvp
( yvp  ) : The center of the changed
volume on the port side
 yB   yvp  v  yvs  v
( yvs , zvs ) : The center of the changed
volume on the starboard side : Moment about x' axis due to
the z’ component of the
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh changed volume 12


Derivation of BMT (4/12)

Another Derivation  yB   yvp  v  yvs  v Moment about x' axis due to the y’ component of
z z the changed buoyant force g v 
 z B   zvp  v  zvs  v
M Submerged zvs  FBvs  sin 
Emerged volume(v)
volume(-v)  FBvp FBvp  sin 
zvs y
y x
FBvs  sin 
g1( yvp , zvp )
O, O   FBvp  sin 
x FBvs

( yvs , zvs ) g g
FB1 yg zg  g  v
FB After heeling OB  0  Before heeling
 zB   g   sin   zvp  FB  sin   zvs  FB  sin 
vp vs

B z B1  z B

FBvs B2  z B   g   zvp  FB  zvs  FB vp vs

K FBvs    g  v, FBvp   g  v


B  zB  zB   g    g  zvp  v   g  zvs  v

 yB B2
 z B   zvp  v  zvs  v
: Moment about x' axis due to
the y’ component of the
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Derivation of BMT (5/12)

Another Derivation
z z  yB   yvp  v  yvs  v
: Moment about x' axis due to
M Submerged the z’ component (x’-z’ plane)
Emerged volume(vp=v)
volume(vs=-v)  FBv of the changed volume

y  z B   zvp  v  zvs  v
: Moment about x' axis due to
g1( yvp , zvp ) the y’ component (x’-y’ plane)
O, O of the changed volume


( yvs , zvs ) g g
yg zg v  v p ,  v  vs

 yB   yvp  v p  yvs  vs


FB v B2  zB   zvp  v p  zvs  vs

B1 K


B  zB
 yB B2

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Derivation of BMT (6/12)

: Moment about x' axis
 yB   yvp  v p  yvs  vs due to the z’ component
z z of the changed volume

M  zB   zvp  v p  zvs  vs : Moment about x' axis

due to the y’ component
 of the changed volume

What we want to find is BM.

y BM sin   BB3
BM 
g1 sin 
O, O
y 1
x   yB cos    zB sin  
sin 

g g
cos   sin  
   yB   zB 
sin   cos  
B3 1
B B1   yB   zB tan  
 

tan 
 yB   yvp  v p  yvs  vs  / 
K  z B   zvp  v p  zvs  vs  / 
 zB sin  1  yvp   v p  yvs  vs zvp   v p  zvs  vs 
 yB cos  B3     tan  
tan     
B  BM 
  tan 
yvp 
  v p  yvs  vs   zvp
  v p  zvs  vs   tan  
 zB Find!
 yB B2
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Derivation of BMT (7/12) BM 

  tan 

  v p  yvs  vs   zvp
yvp   v p  zvs  vs   tan  
(A) (B) (C) (D)

z z
y' tan∅

dv p


y L
g1  dx'
O, O

y y'
star x  port
zvp dy'

y dv p  y  tan   dx  dy port fore
vp    dv p
0 aft

B1 
port fore

B  y   tan   dx  dy 

0 aft

(A) v p  : The moment about x'-axis due to the z’

 yvp
K component of the changed volume of port side
port fore
  y  dv p
0 aft
port fore

 , zvp
 ) : The center of the changed
  y  y  tan   dx  dy
( yvp 0 aft
volume on the port side
port fore
( yvs , zvs ) : The center of the changed
volume on the starboard side
 tan    y  y  dxdy
0 aft

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Derivation of BMT (8/12) BM 

  tan 

  v p  yvs  vs   zvp
yvp   v p  zvs  vs   tan  
(A) (B) (C) (D)

z z dy'
dx' F
 dvs
y 
O, O y' tanø
zvs y
star x port y'

y 0 fore
dvs  y  tan   dx  dy vs    dvs
star aft

B1 
0 fore

B  y   tan   dx  dy 

star aft

(B) vs  yvs : The moment about x'-axis due to the z’

component of the changed volume of starboard
K side
0 fore
  y  dvs
star aft
0 fore

 , zvp
 ) : The center of the changed
  y  y  tan   dx  dy
( yvp star aft
volume on the port side
0 fore
( yvs , zvs ) : The center of the changed
volume on the starboard side
 tan    y  y  dxdy
star aft

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Derivation of BMT (9/12) BM 

  tan 

  v p  yvs  vs   zvp
yvp   v p  zvs  vs   tan  
(A) (B) (C) (D)

z z
y' tan∅

dv p
y  tan 
y L
C 2

g1  dx'
O, O

y y'
star x zvp port dy'

y dv p y  tan   dx  dy port fore
vp    dv p
0 aft

B1 
port fore

B  y   tan   dx  dy 

0 aft

(C) v p  zvp : The moment about x'-axis due to the y’

K component of the changed volume of port side
port y tan 
   dv p
0 aft 2
port fore y   tan 
 , zvp
( yvp  ) : The center of the changed    y  tan   dx  dy
volume on the port side 0 aft 2
( yvs , zvs ) : The center of the changed
volume on the starboard side tan  port fore

2 0 aft
 y  y  dx  dy
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Derivation of BMT (10/12)BM    tan   y(A) 

 v vp p  yvs  vs   zvp
  v p  zvs  vs   tan 
(B) (C) (D)

z z dy'
dx' y tan 
M 2

y 
O, O y' tanø
zvs y
star x port y'

y 0 fore
dvs  y  tan   dx  dy vs    dvs
star aft

B1 
0 fore

B  y   tan   dx  dy 

star aft

(D) vs  zvs : The moment about x'-axis due to the y’

component of the changed volume of starboard
K side
0 y tan 
   dvs
star aft 2
0 fore y  tan 
 , zvp
( yvp  ) : The center of the changed    y  tan   dx  dy
volume on the port side
star aft 2
( yvs , zvs ) : The center of the changed tan 2
0 fore

2 star aft
volume on the starboard side  y  y  dx  dy
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Derivation of BMT (11/12)BM    tan   y(A) 

 v vp p  yvs  vs   zvp
  v p  zvs  vs   tan 
(B) (C) (D)

z z (A)+(B Moment about x' axis due to the z’ component of the changed volume
) port fore 0 fore
M   v p  yvs  vs  tan  
yvp  y  y  dxdy  tan    y  y  dxdy
0 aft star aft

port fore
 tan    y  y   dxdy
star aft
port fore
O, O
 tan    y2  dxdy

y star aft

g x
 tan   IT

(C)+(D) Moment about x' axis due to the y’ component of the changed volume
tan 2  port fore tan 2  0 fore
  v p  zvs  vs 
2   0 aft
y  y  dx  dy 
2   star aft
y  y  dx  dy

tan 2  port fore

2   star aft
y  y  dx  dy

tan 2  port fore

2   star aft
y2  dx  dy

tan 2 
  IT

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Derivation of BMT (12/12)BM    tan   y(A) 

 v vp p  yvs  vs   zvp
  v p  zvs  vs   tan 
(B) (C) (D)

(A)+(B) Moment about x' axis due to

z the z’ component of the
changed volume 
yvp  v p  yvs  vs  tan   IT
(C)+(D) Moment about x' axis due to
 the y’ component of the tan 2 
changed volume 
zvp  v p  zvs  vs   IT
y 2
yv 1  1 
BM   tan   IT  .tan   IT 
O, O   tan   2 

g x
IT  1 
BM  1  tan  
B1  2 

if  is small
K IT  1  tan2 2=0 IT
BM  1  tan  
BM 
 2  
which is generally known as BM.
This BM does not consider the change of the center
of buoyancy in vertical direction.
In order to distinguish those, we will indicate two BM
as follows.

IT 1 (Considering the change of

BM 0  (1  tan 2  ) the center of buoyancy in
 2 vertical direction)

IT (Without considering the

BM  change of the center of
 buoyancy in vertical direction)
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

3. Change of the Metacenter for

Large Angle of Inclination

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Metacenter (M)
G: Center of mass of a ship
FG: Gravitational force of a ship
M1 B: Center of buoyancy at the previous state
(before inclination)
FB: Buoyant force acting on a ship
B1: New position of center of buoyancy after
the ship has been inclined




Definition Which vertical line is used to define the metacenter “M”?

Metacenter (M) ※ Metacenter “M” is valid for small angle of inclination.

The intersection point of

a vertical line through the center of buoyancy at the previous position (B)

with a vertical line through the center of buoyancy at the present position (B1)

* Dage, J.L. et al., Stability and Trim for the Ship’s Officer, D. Van Nostrand Company, p.43, 1946
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Metacenter (M) at Small Angles

B2: New position of center of buoyancy after

M1 M2 the ship has been inclined with small angle

B2 B


M remains at the same position for small angles of inclination, up to about 7~10 degrees.

As the ship is inclined with a small angle, B moves along the arc of a circle whose center is at M.

The BM is metacentric radius.

The GM is metacentric height.

※ The term meta was selected as a prefix for center because its Greek meaning implies movement.
Therefore, the metacenter is a ”moving center”.

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Metacenter (M) at Large Angles

B3: New position of center of buoyancy after

M1 M2 the ship has been inclined with large angle


B3 B2


M does not remain in the same position for large angles of inclination over 10 degrees.

Thus, the metacenter, M, is only valid for a small angle of inclination.

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Meaning of Metacenter (M)

B4: New position of center of buoyancy after

M1 M2 the ship has been inclined with large angle


B3 B2

The term meta was selected as a prefix for center because its Greek meaning implies
movement. The metacenter therefore is a ”moving center”.

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Example of Metacenter (M)

B-B'’: Trajectory of the center of buoyancy

as function of the inclination angle

Typical locus of metacenter and centers of buoyancy

for an average form merchant ship

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Metacenter (M) of Circular Section

Metacenter (M) : The intersection point of a vertical line through the center of buoyancy at the previous
position with a vertical line through the center of buoyancy at the present position.

e This figure shows a ship with a

circular section.
W2 The M does not move either
W1 vertically or off the center line.
W L Since the shape of the immersed
L1 section (under water plane)
B2 B B L2 remains the same, the position of
the metacenter M has the same
value regardless of the inclination.

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (1/4)

z z What will be the location of the
metacenter (M) for the box-shaped ship
z at large angles of heel?
Let us calculate the metacenter (M)
for the barge-shaped ship at various
angles of heel.
Geometry of the box-shaped ship
: A, D, T
y 2D Angles of heel
: angle of heel in the previous state, 1
O, O 1 2 y angle of heel in the present state, 2
zB2 y
yB2 B2 Metacenter ‘M’ at given angles of
B1  z B T heel
yB1  yB

Oxyz  : The body fixed frame 2A

Oxyz : The inertial frame cL 29
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (2/4)

z , z What will be the location of the
M1 metacenter (M) for the box-shaped ship
at large angles of heel?


O, O 1 2
zB2 y, y
yB2 B2
B1 zB1
 z B 10m
yB1  yB

Oxyz  : The body fixed frame
Oxyz : The inertial frame
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (3/4)

- Center of Buoyancy at a Given Angle of Heel
What will be the location of the metacenter (M) for
the box-shaped ship at large angles of heel?

(1) Center of Buoyancy (B) at a given angle of heel 

2 D  20m
※ Assumption: Deck will not be immersed and the bottom will not
In the body fixed reference frame,
y  tan  x
( A,  A  tan  ) P4 ( A, A  tan  )
O, O 
P3 A2 y
B G2
G1 P3 T  10m
A1 B
( A, T ) P1 P2 ( A, T ) ( yB , zB )
P1 P2
- Area of A1  (T  A  tan  )  2 A 
- Area of A2  (T  A  tan  )  2 A  1 2 A  30m
  A  A  A T  T  A  tan   - Geometry of the box-shaped ship
- Centroid of A1 (G1)   , 
 3 3  : 2A=30m, 2D=20m, T=10m
 A  A  A T  A  tan   A  tan  
- Centroid of A2 (G2)   , 
 3 3 
- Centroid of P1P2P3P4 = Center of Buoyancy (B)
A1 A2 B A2
 G1  G2
A1  A2 A1  A2 A1
 A2 tan  3T 2  A2 tan   A2 : A1
 , 
 3T 6T 
Oxyz  : The body fixed frame
Oxyz : The inertial frame 31
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (3/4)

- Vertical Line through the Center of Buoyancy at a Given Angle of Heel

(2) Vertical line through the center of buoyancy (B) at a

given angle of heel  2 D  20m
※ Assumption: Deck will not be immersed and the bottom will not
- Slope of the vertical line  
tan  O, O 
- Vertical line through the center of buoyancy (B)
1 P3 T  10m
z   ( y  yB )  z B B
tan  ( yB , zB )
1 1
P1 P2
z   y  yB  z B
tan  tan 
2 A  30m
1 1 A2 tan  3T 2  A2 tan  cL
z   y   - Geometry of the box-shaped ship
tan  tan  3T 6T
: 2A=30m, 2D=20m, T=10m
1 A2 3T 2  A2 tan  - Center of buoyancy (B) at a angle of heel 
z   y  
tan  3T 6T  A2 tan  3T 2  A2 tan  
 ,   (1)
1 2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan   3T 6T 
z   y 
tan  6T
- If the angle of heel is zero degree, the vertical line is given
as follows.
y  0 Oxyz  : The body fixed frame
Oxyz : The inertial frame 32
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (3/4)

- Metacenter at Given Angles of Heel (1/4) M 0 : metacenter at upright condition


M M0
(3) Metacenter (M) at given angles of heel 1 , 2
2 D  20m
where, 1 is the angle of heel in the previous state
2 is the angle of heel in the present state
※ Assumption: Deck will not be immersed and the bottom will not
emerge. O, O 1 2
From the equation (2), the vertical lines at each position are y
obtained as follows. B2
- Vertical line through the center of buoyancy(B1) at a given angle of
heel 1 :
1 2 A  3T  A tan 1
2 2 2
z   y 
tan 1 6T 2 A  30m T  10m
- Vertical line through the center of buoyancy (B2) at a given angle - Geometry of the box-shaped ship
of heel 2 : : 2A=30m, 2D=20m, T=10m
1 2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 2
z   y  - Center of buoyancy (B) at a angle of heel 
tan 2 6T
 A2 tan  3T 2  A2 tan  
 ,   (1)
If the two lines are described as z   ay  b and z   cy  d ,  3T 6T 
- Vertical line through the center of buoyancy
the intersection point is obtained as follows. (B) at a angle of heel 
- Intersection point:  d  b ad  bc  1 2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 
 ,  z   y   (2)
 a c ac  tan  6T
Oxyz  : The body fixed frame
Oxyz : The inertial frame 33
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (3/4)

- Metacenter at Given Angles of Heel (2/4) M 0 : metacenter at upright condition


M M0
(3) Metacenter (M) at given angles of heel 1 , 2
2 D  20m
where, 1 is the angle of heel in the previous state
2 is the angle of heel in the present state

O, O 1 2

2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 2 2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 1
 2 A  30m T  10m
d b 6T 6T

1 1
ac  
tan 1 tan 2 - Geometry of the box-shaped ship
: 2A=30m, 2D=20m, T=10m
(2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 2 )  (2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 1 )
 (tan 1  tan 2 ) - Center of buoyancy (B) at a angle of heel 
6T (  tan 2  tan 1 )
 A2 tan  3T 2  A2 tan  
( A2 tan 2 )  ( A2 tan 1 )  ,   (1)
 (tan 1  tan 2 )  3T 6T 
6T (  tan 2  tan 1 )
- Vertical line through the center of buoyancy
A (tan 2  tan 1 )
(B) at a angle of heel 
 (tan 1  tan 2 )
6T (  tan 2  tan 1 ) 1 2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 
A2 z   y   (2)
 (tan 1  tan 2 ) tan  6T
6T Oxyz  : The body fixed frame
Oxyz : The inertial frame 34
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (3/4)

- Metacenter at Given Angles of Heel (3/4) M 0 : metacenter at upright condition


M M0
(3) Metacenter (M) at given angles of heel 1 , 2
2 D  20m
where, 1 is the angle of heel in the previous state
2 is the angle of heel in the present state

O, O 1 2
 d  b ad  bc  d  b A2 y
 ,  ,  (tan 1  tan 2 )
 a  c a  c  a  c 6T B2
1 1
, b  2 A  3T  A tan 1 , c   , d  2 A  3T  A tan 2
2 2 2 2 2 2
where , a   B1
tan 1 6T tan 2 6T

 1  2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 2 2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 1  1 
     2 A  30m T  10m
ad  bc  tan 1  6T 6T  tan 2 

1 1 cL
 
tan 1 tan 2 - Geometry of the box-shaped ship
2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 2 2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 1
  tan 2     tan 1  : 2A=30m, 2D=20m, T=10m
 6 T 6T
( tan 2  tan 1 ) - Center of buoyancy (B) at a angle of heel 
 tan 2 (2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 2 )  tan 1 (2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 1 )  A2 tan  3T 2  A2 tan  

6T ( tan 2  tan 1 )  ,   (1)

 tan 2 (2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 2 )  tan 1 (2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 1 )  3T 6T 
6T ( tan 2  tan 1 ) - Vertical line through the center of buoyancy

( tan 2  tan 1 )(2 A2  3T 2 )  A2 (  tan 2 2  tan 2 1 ) (B) at a angle of heel 
6T (  tan 2  tan 1 ) 1 2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 
( tan 2  tan 1 )(2 A2  3T 2 )  A2 (  tan 2  tan 1 )(tan 2  tan 1 ) z   y   (2)

6T ( tan 2  tan 1 ) tan  6T

(2 A2  3T 2 )  A2 (tan 2  tan 1 ) Oxyz  : The body fixed frame
6T Oxyz : The inertial frame 35
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (3/4)

- Metacenter at Given Angles of Heel (4/4) M 0 : metacenter at upright condition


M M0
(3) Metacenter (M) at given angles of heel 1 , 2
2 D  20m
where, 1 is the angle of heel in the previous state
2 is the angle of heel in the present state

O, O 1 2
- Intersection point: y
(2 A2  3T 2 )  A2 (tan 2  tan 1 ) 
 d  b ad  bc   A

 ,  (tan 1  tan 2 ),  B1

 a  c a  c   6T 6T 
1 1
, b  2 A  3T  A tan 1 , c   , d  2 A  3T  A tan 2
2 2 2 2 2 2
where , a  
tan 1 6T tan 2 6T
2 A  30m T  10m
By definition of the metacenter (M), the metacenter is the cL
intersection point. - Geometry of the box-shaped ship
 A2 (2 A2  3T 2 )  A2 (tan 2  tan 1 )  : 2A=30m, 2D=20m, T=10m
 Metacenter ( M )   (tan 1  tan 2 ),  - Center of buoyancy (B) at a angle of heel 
 6T 6T 
 A2 tan  3T 2  A2 tan  
If 1 , 2  10 , tan 1  0, tan 2  0
  ,   (1)
 3T 6T 
Thus, y’ component of metacenter is approximately zero. - Vertical line through the center of buoyancy
(B) at a angle of heel 
A 1 2 A2  3T 2  A2 tan 
(tan 1  tan 2 )  0 z   y   (2)
6T tan  6T
Oxyz  : The body fixed frame
Oxyz : The inertial frame 36
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (4/4)

- Result (1/2)
z z
z z What will be the location of the
z Center of buoyancy (B)
at a angle of heel
metacenter (M) for the box-shaped ship
 A2 tan  3T 2  A2 tan   at large angles of heel?
 , 
 3T 6T 

1: angle of heel at present position
Metacenter ( M )
 A2 (2 A2  3T 2 )  A2 (tan 2  tan 1 )  2 : angle of heel at next position
 (tan 1  tan 2 ),  ( y , z ) :
 6T 6T  B B center of buoyancy at present position (B)
( yM , zM ) : metacenter (M)
y The calculation result of the metacenter (M)
M6 and center of buoyancy (B) is as follows;
20m 1  0 , 2  5 : ( yB0 , z B0 )  (0.000,  5.000), ( yB1 , z B1 )  (0.656,  4.971)
( yM 0 , zM 0 )  (0.000, 2.529)
1  5 , 2  10 : ( yB , zB )  (0.656,  4.971), ( yB , zB )  (1.322,  4.883)
 

1 1 2 2

( yM 1 , zM 1 )  (0.015, 2.703)

M1 y : At small angle of heel, y’ component of

O, O M 0 metacenter is approximately zero.
BB 7

1  30 , 2  35 : ( yB , zB )  (4.330,  3.750), ( yB , zB )  (5.252,  3.161)
6 6 7 7

( yM 6 , zM 6 )  (3.392, 9.182)

: At large angle of heel, y’ component of

30m metacenter is not negligible.

Oxyz  : The body fixed framecL

Naval : The inertial
Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

Metacenter (M) of a Box-shaped Ship (4/4)

- Result (2/2)
z z
z z z What will be the location of the
z metacenter (M) for the box-shaped ship
at large angles of heel?
1 : angle of heel at present position
2 : angle of heel at next position
( yB , zB ) : center of buoyancy at present position (B)
( yM , zM ) : metacenter (M)

The calculation result of the metacenter (M)

M6 and center of buoyancy (B) is as follows;
20m 1  0 , 2  5 : ( yB0 , z B0 )  (0.000,  5.000), ( yB1 , z B1 )  (0.656,  4.971)
M5 ( yM 0 , zM 0 )  (0.000, 2.529)
M4 1  5 , 2  10 : ( yB , zB )  (0.656,  4.971), ( yB , zB )  (1.322,  4.883)
M3 M2
1 1 2 2

( yM 1 , zM 1 )  (0.015, 2.703)

M1 1  10 , 2  15 : ( yB , zB )  (1.322,  4.883), ( yB , zB )  (2.010,  4.731)
O, O M 0
2 2 3 3

( yM 2 , zM 2 )  (0.079, 3.063)

1  15 , 2  20 : ( yB , zB )  (2.010,  4.731), ( yB , zB )  (2.730,  4.503)
y, y
3 3 4 4

( yM 3 , zM 3 )  (0.231, 3.632)

B0 B B5 1  20 , 2  25 : ( yB , zB )  (2.730,  4.503), ( yB , zB )  (3.497,  4.185)
4 4 5 5
4 ( yM 4 , zM 4 )  (1.054, 5.575)

B1B2 B3
10m 1  25 , 2  30 : ( yB , zB )  (3.497,  4.185), ( yB , zB )  (4.330,  3.750)
5 5

( yM 5 , zM 5 )  (1.937, 7.105)

6 6

1  30 , 2  35 : ( yB , zB )  (4.330,  3.750), ( yB , zB )  (5.252,  3.161)
6 6 7 7

( yM 6 , zM 6 )  (3.392, 9.182)

Oxyz  : The body fixed framecL
Naval : The inertial
Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


4. Another Approach to Derive

the Following Formula
 yB   yvp  v p  yvs  vs
 zB   zvp  v p  zvs  vs

Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh

i j k

Derivation of BMT (1/2)

 
M   rx ry rz   i (ry  Fz  rz  Fy )  j( rx  Fz  rz  Fx )  k (rx  Fy  ry  Fx )
 Fz  M O,x '
 Fx Fy

Body fixed frame M①+M②+M③=M④ For the convenience of calculation, the forces
z z are decomposed in body fixed frame.
Moment about x' axis through point O
M  gv p 1. Moment about x' axis due to the z’
 FBvp component of the changed buoyant force

y M④=M①+M②+M③
② yB1  FB1 , z  yB  FB , z  yvp
  FBvp , z  yvs  FBvs , z 
O, O g1( yvp , zvp )

x x y yB1  (  g  cos  )

( yvs , zvs ) g ④
 yB  (  g  cos  )  yvp
  (  gv p  cos  )  yvs (  gvs  cos  )
③ ①
B1 ( yB , zB )
1 1
( yB 1  yB )  (  g  cos  )  yvp
  (  gv p  cos  )

FBvs ( yB , z B ) B FB
 g   yB  yvs (  gvs  cos  )
 gvs  g
( yB )  (  g  cos  )  yvp
  (  gv p  cos  )
B: The center of buoyancy before inclination
B1: The center of buoyancy after inclination  yvs (  gvs  cos  )
: Displacement volume
v: Changed displacement volume (wedge)
BB1: Distance of changed center of buoyancy
gg1: Distance of changed center of wedge
 yB   yvp  v p  yvs  vs
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


i j k

Derivation of BMT (2/2)

 
M   rx ry rz   i (ry  Fz  rz  Fy )  j( rx  Fz  rz  Fx )  k (rx  Fy  ry  Fx )
 Fx Fy Fz  M O,x '

Body fixed frame M①+M②+M③=M④ For the convenience of calculation, the forces
z z are decomposed in body fixed frame.
Moment about x' axis through point O
M  gv p 2. Moment about x' axis due to the y’
 FBvp component of the changed buoyant force

y M④=M①+M②+M③
② z B1  FB1 , y  z B  FB , y  zvp
  FBvp , y  zvs  FBvs , y
O, O g1( yvp , zvp )

x x = y z B1  (  g   sin  )

( yvs , zvs ) g ④
 z B  (  g  sin  )  zvp
  (  gv p  sin  )  zvs (  gvs  sin  )
③ ①
B1 ( yB , zB )
( z B1  z B )  (  g  sin  )  zvp
  (  gv p  sin  )
1 1

FBvs ( yB , z B ) B FB
 g   zB  zvs (  gvs  sin  )
 gvs  g
( z B )  (  g  sin  )  zvp
  (  gv p  sin  )
B: The center of buoyancy before inclination  zvs (  gvs  sin  )
B1: The center of buoyancy after inclination
: Displacement volume
v: Changed displacement volume (wedge)
BB1: Distance of changed center of buoyancy
gg1: Distance of changed center of wedge
 zB   zvp  v p  zvs  vs
Naval Architectural Calculation, Spring 2016, Myung-Il Roh


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