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The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales


For exams in 2019

Question Bank
Management Information
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales

ISBN: 978-1-50971-999-0
Previous ISBN: 978-1-78363-883-3

First edition 2007

Twelfth edition 2018

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in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic,
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otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

The content of this publication is intended to prepare students for the

ICAEW examinations, and should not be used as professional advice.

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A catalogue record for this book has been applied for from the British

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© ICAEW 2018

ii ICAEW 2019
The following questions are exam-standard. Unless told otherwise, these questions are the style,
content and format that you can expect in your exam.

Title Page

Questions Answers

1. The fundamentals of costing 3 175

2. Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 13 181
3. Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 23 189
4. Marginal costing and absorption costing 37 199
5. Pricing calculations 45 205
6. Budgeting 59 217
7. Working capital 75 229
8. Performance management 91 241
9. Standard costing and variance analysis 103 249
10. Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 113 259
11. Investment appraisal techniques 125 269
Scenario-based questions 141 281
Appendix: Discount rate tables 315
Mock Exam guidance notes 319

ICAEW 2019 Contents iii

This assessment will consist of 33 questions in total. There will be 32 objective-test questions
(80% of the marks) which will be of three types:
 Multiple choice – select 1 from 4 options A, B, C or D (see Chapter 1 Q1)
 Multi-part multiple choice – select 1 from 2 or 3 options, for 2 or more question parts (see
Chapter 1 Q25)
 Multiple response – select 2 or 3 responses from 4 or more options (see Chapter 1 Q26)
There will be one scenario-based question (20% of the marks). This will cover a single syllabus
area: either costing and pricing; budgeting and forecasting; performance management; or
management decision making.
The assessment is 1.5 hours long and at least 55 marks are required to pass this assessment.
Our website has the latest information, guidance and exclusive resources to help you prepare
for this assessment. Find everything you need, from exam webinars, sample assessments, errata
sheets and the syllabus to advice from the examiners at if you’re studying the
ACA and if you’re studying ICAEW CFAB.

iv Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Question Bank
2 Management Information ICAEW 2019
Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing
1 A cost unit is
A a unit of product or service in relation to which costs are ascertained
B the cost per hour of operating a machine
C the cost per unit of electricity consumed
D a measure of output of work in a standard hour LO 1a

2 Certain types of income and cost are of no interest to the cost accountant.
An example of such income or cost is
A indirect labour
B purchase of raw materials
C dividends received
D rent paid on a factory LO 1a

3 Variable costs are conventionally deemed to

A be constant in total when production volume changes
B be constant per unit of output
C vary per unit of output as production volume changes
D vary, in total, from period to period when production is constant LO 1b

4 Which of the following costs would not be the concern of the supervisor of a production
A Material costs
B Labour costs
C Maintenance costs for a machine
D Lease payments on a machine LO 1a

5 A company makes one delivery per week to all of its customers.

The cost of these deliveries is
A a selling and distribution cost
B a prime cost
C a production overhead
D a direct production expense LO 1b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing 3

6 A hospital has total costs of £1 million for 20X1. During 20X1, 200,000 patients were treated
and doctors were paid £500,000.
What is the most appropriate cost per patient for the hospital to use?
A £0.20
B £2.50
C £5.00
D £7.50 LO 1b

7 A business has ascertained that its total costs (TC) can be estimated for any level of
production (P) and sales (S) according to the following equation:
TC = (£5  P + £1,000) + (£2  S + £500)
If the production level was 500 units and sales were 400 units, what would be the
company's fixed costs?
A £1,500
B £4,800
C £3,500
D £3,300 LO 1b

8 Bo Feeters Shoes Ltd manufactures two types of shoe in its factory.

A typical monthly budget is as follows:
Shoe Type A Shoe Type B
Monthly output 2,100 units 4,400 units
Time per unit 24 minutes 36 minutes
Unavoidable non-productive time is 20% of productive time, and is paid £4 per hour.
Operatives are paid £3.60 per unit of shoe Type A produced and £6 per unit of shoe
Type B.
What is the monthly cost of operatives' wages in the factory?
A £13,920
B £33,960
C £36,744
D £50,664 LO 1b

4 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

9 If a sales representative is paid a basic salary plus commission for each sale made, this wage
cost is best described as
A a semi-variable cost
B a fixed cost
C a variable cost
D a production cost LO 1b

10 Prime cost is
A the total of all direct costs
B the total of all costs incurred in manufacturing a product
C the same as the fixed cost of a cost unit
D any cost which does not vary with changes in output levels LO 1b

11 A cost which contains both fixed and variable components, and so is partly affected by
changes in the level of activity is known as
A a direct cost
B a variable cost
C an indirect cost
D a semi-variable cost LO 1b

12 Which of the following costs are fixed per unit, but change in total, as production levels
A Variable costs
B Direct costs
C Fixed costs
D Step costs LO 1b

13 If an assembly line supervisor is paid a salary of £100 each week and an additional £0.10 for
every unit of production made in the week, this wage could be described as
A a semi-variable cost
B a fixed cost
C a variable cost
D a step cost LO 1b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing 5

14 A company has a photocopier for which a fixed rental is payable up to a certain number of
copies each period. If the number of copies exceeds this amount, a constant charge per
copy is made for all subsequent copies during that period.
Which of the following graphs depicts the cost described?

Level of activity

Level of activity

Level of activity

Level of activity
LO 1b

6 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

15 A factory making soft toys uses a particular machine on each production line. Each machine
costs £1,000 per month to hire. Each production line can make up to 100 toys per month.
Which of the following best describes the cost of hiring the machines?
A A step cost
B A variable cost
C A fixed cost
D A semi-variable cost LO 1b

16 The annual salary paid to a business's financial accountant would best be described as
A a variable administrative cost
B a fixed production cost
C part of prime cost
D a fixed administrative cost LO 1b

17 The following is a graph of cost against level of activity:


Level of activity
To which of the following costs does the graph correspond?
A Electricity bills made up of a standing charge and a variable charge
B Bonus payments to employees when production reaches a certain level
C Sales representatives' commissions payable per unit up to a maximum amount of
D Bulk discounts on purchases, the discount being given on all units purchased LO 1b

18 A company's telephone bill consists of two parts:

(1) a charge of £40 per month for line rental
(2) a charge of £0.01 per minute of call time
Which of the following equations describes the total annual telephone cost, C, if the
company uses T minutes of call time in a year?
A C = 480 + 0.01T
B C = 40 + 0.01T
C C = 480 + 0.12T
D C = 40 + 0.01T/12 LO 1b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing 7









0 20 40 60 80

In the graph above, the x-axis represents volume of output, and the y-axis represents total
costs. Which of the following could explain the shape of the graph?
A Fixed costs = 500. Variable costs per unit are constant until output is 30, then
additional costs per unit are higher.
B Fixed costs = 500. Variable costs per unit are constant until output is 30, then all costs
per unit (from the first unit onwards) are higher.
C Fixed costs cannot be determined, because the two parts of the line will intersect the
y-axis at different points. Variable costs per unit are constant until output is 30, then
additional costs per unit are higher.
D Fixed costs cannot be determined, because the two parts of the line will intersect the
y-axis at different points. Variable costs per unit are constant until output is 30, then all
costs per unit (from the first unit onwards) are higher. LO 1b

20 Which of the following statements is correct?

A The use of cost accounting is restricted to manufacturing operations.
B The format of management accounts is regulated by Financial Reporting Standards.
C Management accounts are usually prepared for internal use by an organisation's
D Financial accounts and management accounts are each prepared from completely
different sets of basic data. LO 1a

8 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

21 Which of the following would be most useful for monitoring and controlling the costs
incurred by a freight transport organisation?
A Cost per tonne carried
B Cost per kilometre travelled
C Cost per driver hour
D Cost per tonne-kilometre LO 1a

22 Which of the following items might be a suitable cost unit within the accounts payable
(1) Postage cost
(2) Invoice processed
(3) Supplier account
A Item (1) only
B Item (2) only
C Item (3) only
D Items (2) and (3) only LO 1a

23 What is the correct description of the following graph?


Output (level of activity)
A The line with the constant upward slope represents fixed costs; D represents variable
cost per unit
B The line with the constant upward slope represents variable costs; D represents fixed
C The line with the constant upward slope represents total costs; D represents fixed costs
D The line with the constant upward slope represents total costs; D represents variable
cost per unit LO 1b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing 9

24 What is the correct description of the following graph?

Output (level of activity)
A Total fixed costs fall after production reaches Q, but variable costs per unit increase.
B Fixed costs are constant until production reaches Q after which fixed costs step up to a
higher level.
C Variable costs per unit are constant until output reaches Q after which all production
(from the first unit onwards) incurs higher variable costs per unit.
D Variable costs per unit are constant until output reaches Q after which further
production incurs higher variable costs per unit. LO 1b

25 Select the cost classification that best describes each of the following:
Labour paid per hour worked
A Fixed
B Variable
C Semi-variable
Rent of a factory
D Fixed
E Variable
F Semi-variable
Salary plus profit-related pay
G Fixed
H Variable
I Semi-variable LO 1b

26 Which two of the following would be regarded as cost objects?

A Business rates paid on a factory
B An operating theatre in a hospital
C Labour used in cleaning offices
D A branch of a high street bank
E Glue used in making a chair LO 1a

10 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

27 Which two of the following would be regarded as elements of cost?
A A meal in a restaurant
B An operation in a hospital
C A branch of a high street building society
D Labour used in assembling a car
E Wood used in making a chair LO 1a

28 Adam is responsible for preparing a monthly analysis of total department costs for the
Managing Director of XYZ. Adam's boss, the Department Manager, has asked Adam to
exclude a number of costs from the monthly analysis to 'give a better impression' of the
department, and has threatened to start disciplinary proceedings against Adam for poor
work if he fails to do so.
Which threat does this represent?
A Familiarity
B Self-interest
C Intimidation
D Self-review LO 5a

29 The ICAEW Code of Ethics exemplifies which of the following theoretical approaches to
ethical codes?
A A rules-based approach
B A framework-based approach
C A compliance-based approach
D A tick box approach LO 5a

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing 11

12 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019
Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1)
1 Which of the following would normally be classified as a direct labour cost?
A The basic pay of production line staff
B Overtime premiums paid – if the overtime is not worked at the specific request of a
C The basic pay of production line supervisors
D Idle time payments to production line staff LO 1c

2 A manufacturing firm is very busy and overtime is being worked.

The amount of overtime premium paid to production line workers would normally be
classed as
A factory overheads
B part of prime cost
C direct labour costs
D administrative overheads LO 1c

3 Wage payments for idle time of direct workers within a production department are
classified as
A direct labour cost
B prime cost
C administration overhead
D factory overhead LO 1c

4 Grant Leeve is an assembly worker in the main assembly plant of Gonnaway Co.
Details of his gross pay for the week are as follows.
Basic pay for normal hours worked: 38 hours at £5 per hour £190
Overtime: 8 hours at time and a half £60
Gross pay £250
Although he is paid for normal hours in full, Grant had been idle for 10 hours during the
week because of the absence of any output from the machining department.
The indirect labour costs that are included in his total gross pay of £250 are
A £20
B £50
C £70
D £110 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 13

5 Which of the following would be classified as indirect costs for a food product
(1) Food label on a tin of beans
(2) Maintenance materials used to repair production machinery
(3) Cleaner's wages in the factory
A (1) only
B (2) and (3) only
C All of them
D None of them LO 1c

6 A small engineering company that makes generators specifically to customers' own designs
has had to purchase some special tools for a particular job. The tools will have no further
use after the work has been completed and will be scrapped.
Which of the following options is the correct cost classification for these tools?
A Variable production overheads
B Fixed production overheads
C Indirect expenses
D Direct expenses LO 1c

7 Which of the following statements about a direct cost are correct?

(1) A direct cost can be traced in full to the product, service or department that is being
(2) A cost that is a direct cost of one cost object might be an indirect cost of a different
cost object.
(3) A direct cost might also be referred to as an overhead cost.
(4) Expenditure on direct costs will probably vary every period.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (1), (2) and (4) only
D All of them LO 1c

8 Which of the statements is true?

A Total direct costs are always greater than total indirect costs.
B Indirect costs are alternatively called overheads.
C Fixed costs per unit are the same at all levels of production.
D A direct cost will always be a variable cost. LO 1c

14 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

9 A shop carries out repairs on customers' electrical items, eg, televisions, DVD players.
From the point of view of costing individual repair jobs, identify the most appropriate
description for each cost.
Repair person paid a fixed wage per week
A Direct and variable
B Direct and fixed
C Indirect and fixed
Replacement electrical components
D Direct and variable
E Direct and fixed
F Indirect and fixed
Rent of the repair shop
G Direct and variable
H Direct and fixed
I Indirect and fixed LO 1c

10 A company pays £1 per unit as a royalty to the designer of a product which it manufactures
and sells.
When costing units of the company's product, the royalty charge is classified as a
A direct expense
B production overhead
C administrative overhead
D selling overhead LO 1c

11 Cigar Co had the following entries in its materials control account:

Opening inventory £13,000
Closing inventory £18,000
Deliveries from suppliers £250,000
Returns to suppliers £25,000
The value of the issue of materials to production is
A £220,000
B £225,000
C £230,000
D £270,000 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 15

12 Which three of the following are recognised and possibly acceptable methods of valuing
A First in, Last out (FILO)
B First in, First out (FIFO)
C Last in, First out (LIFO)
D Future anticipated cost
E Standard cost LO 1c

13 A wholesaler had an opening inventory of 750 units of geronimo valued at £80 each on
1 February.
The following receipts and sales were recorded during February.
4 February Received 180 units at a cost of £85 per unit
18 February Received 90 units at a cost of £90 per unit
24 February Sold 852 units at a price of £110 per unit
Using the FIFO valuation method, what was the cost of the units of geronimo sold on
24 February?
A £68,160
B £68,670
C £69,960
D £93,720 LO 1c

14 A wholesaler had an opening inventory of 750 units of product A valued at £80 each on
1 February.
The following receipts and sales were recorded during February.
4 February Received 180 units at a cost of £85 per unit
18 February Received 90 units at a cost of £90 per unit
24 February Sold 852 units at a price of £110 per unit
Using the LIFO valuation method (to the nearest £), what was the gross profit earned from
the product A sold on 24 February?
A £17,040
B £23,760
C £69,960
D £93,720 LO 1c

16 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

15 A wholesaler had an opening inventory of 330 units of mavis valued at £75 each on
1 February.
The following receipts and sales were recorded during February.
4 February Received 180 units at a cost of £80 per unit
18 February Received 90 units at a cost of £85 per unit
24 February Sold 432 units at a price of £90 per unit
Using the cumulative weighted average cost method of valuation, what was the cost of the
mavis' sold on 24 February?
A £33,696
B £34,560
C £35,280
D £38,880 LO 1c

16 At the beginning of week 15 there were 200 units of pixie held in the stores. 80 of these had
been purchased for £7.55 each in week 14 and 120 had been purchased for £7.91 each in
week 13.
On day 3 of week 15 a further 60 pixies were received into stores at a purchase cost of
£7.96 each.
The only issue of pixies occurred on day 4 of week 15, when 75 pixies were issued to
Using the LIFO valuation method, what was the total cost of the pixies issued on day 4?
A £566.25
B £590.85
C £593.25
D £597.00 LO 1c

17 At the beginning of week 12 there were 500 units of component J held in the stores. 200 of
these components had been purchased for £6.25 each in week 11 and 300 had been
purchased for £6.50 each in week 10.
On day 3 of week 12 a further 150 components were received into stores at a purchase cost
of £6.60 each.
The only issue of component J occurred on day 4 of week 12, when 90 units were issued to
Using the FIFO valuation method, what was the value of the closing inventory of component
J at the end of week 12?
A £585
B £594
C £3,596
D £3,605 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 17

18 In a period of falling prices, four students have recorded the cost of sales of commodity X.
One student has used the FIFO method of inventory valuation and one has used the LIFO
method. The other two students have used an average cost method, using the periodic and
cumulative weighted average basis respectively.
The gross profits recorded by the students were as follows:
Student Recorded gross profit
A 12,600
B 13,400
C 14,500
D 15,230
Which student was using the LIFO method of inventory valuation?
A Student A
B Student B
C Student C
D Student D LO 1c

19 Which of the following are true?

(1) With FIFO, the inventory valuation will be close to replacement cost.
(2) With LIFO, inventories are issued at a price which is close to the current market value.
(3) Decision-making can be difficult with both FIFO and LIFO because of the variations in
(4) A disadvantage of the weighted average method of inventory valuation is that the
resulting issue price is rarely an actual price that has been paid and it may be
calculated to several decimal places.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1), (2) and (4) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (1), (2), (3) and (4) LO 1c

20 For many years Sunny has faced rising prices on his main raw material. He maintains
inventories of this material at a constant volume. He uses the FIFO method of inventory
valuation. If he had used the LIFO method this would have resulted in
A higher cost of sales and lower inventory value
B higher cost of sales and higher inventory value
C lower cost of sales and lower inventory value
D lower cost of sales and higher inventory value LO 1c

18 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

The following information relates to questions 21 and 22.
G Ltd makes the following purchases and sales:
1 January Purchases 4,000 units for £10,000
31 January Purchases 1,000 units for £2,000
15 February Sales 3,000 units for £13,000
28 February Purchases 1,500 units for £3,750
14 March Sales 500 units for £1,200

21 At 31 March which of the following closing inventory valuations using FIFO is correct?
A £8,000
B £7,500
C £7,000
D £6,500 LO 1c

22 At 31 March which of the following closing inventory valuations using LIFO is correct?
A £6,500
B £7,000
C £7,500
D £8,000 LO 1c

23 With all average price systems where it is required to keep prices up to date, the average
price must be re-calculated
A each time an issue is made
B each accounting period
C each time a purchase is made
D each time an inventory count is carried out LO 1c

The following information relates to questions 24 and 25

Inventory Item 2362 X
Receipts Issues
Price per Price
Date Units unit Value Units per unit Value
£ £ £ £
1 June Opening inventory 100 5.00 500
3 June Receipts 300 4.80 1,440
5 June Issues 220
12 June Receipts 170 5.20 884
24 June Issues 300

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 19

24 Using the cumulative weighted average price method of inventory valuation, the cost of the
materials issued on 5 June was
A £1,056
B £1,067
C £1,078
D £1,100 LO 1c

25 Using the cumulative weighted average price method of inventory valuation, the value of
closing inventory on 30 June was
A £248
B £250
C £251
D £260 LO 1c

26 A wholesaler buys and resells a range of items, one of which is the Kay. Each Kay is resold
for £3 per unit and opening inventory for June was 400 units valued at £1.80 per unit. The
wholesaler purchased a further 600 units on 10 June for £2.10 per unit, and sold 800 units
on 25 June.
What gross profit would be recorded for the sale of Kays during June, using the FIFO
method of inventory valuation?
FIFO gross profit
A £780
B £960
C £840
D £1,560 LO 1c

27 A wholesaler buys and resells a range of items, one of which is the Kay. Each Kay is resold
for £3 per unit and opening inventory for June was 400 units valued at £1.80 per unit. The
wholesaler purchased a further 600 units on 10 June for £2.10 per unit, and sold 800 units
on 25 June.
What gross profit would be recorded for the sale of Kays during June, using the LIFO
method of inventory valuation?
LIFO gross profit
A £840
B £720
C £780
D £1,620 LO 1c

20 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

28 At the beginning of week 5 there were 600 units of material M held in inventory, valued at
£6 per unit.
The following purchases and issues occurred during the subsequent four week period.
Purchases Issues to production
Week Units Cost per unit Units
5 – 350
6 400 8 –
7 – – 300
8 100 9 –
Inventory is valued using a periodic weighted average price calculated at the end of each
four week period.

To the nearest £, the value of the inventory at the end of week 8 is

A £3,150
B £3,431
C £3,450
D £3,690 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 21

22 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019
Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2)
1 Which of the following decribes a cost centre?
A Units of a product or service for which costs are ascertained
B Amounts of expenditure attributable to various activities
C Functions or locations for which costs are ascertained and related to cost units for
control purposes
D A section of an organisation for which budgets are prepared and control is exercised
LO 1c

2 Which of the following is a valid reason for calculating overhead absorption rates?
A To reduce the total overhead expenditure below a predetermined level
B To ensure that the total overhead expenditure does not exceed budgeted levels
C To attribute overhead costs to cost units
D To attribute overhead costs to cost centres LO 1c

3 Which of the following is known as spreading common costs over cost centres on the basis
of benefit received?
A Overhead absorption
B Overhead apportionment
C Overhead allocation
D Overhead analysis LO 1c

4 The process of overhead apportionment is carried out so that

A costs may be controlled
B cost units gather overheads as they pass through cost centres
C whole items of cost can be charged to cost centres
D common costs are shared among cost centres LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 23

5 The following information is available for the two production departments (machining and
assembly) and one service department (the canteen) at Wilmslow.
Machining Assembly Canteen
Budgeted overheads £15,000 £20,000 £5,500
Number of staff 30 20 5
After reapportionment of the service cost centre costs, what will be the overhead cost of the
machining department cost centre?
A £3,300
B £17,750
C £18,000
D £18,300 LO 1c

6 The works manager of a company is fully occupied in running the production lines in the
factory. The logistics manager spends some time on production and some time organising
How would their salaries be dealt with when calculating a fixed overhead absorption rate
for the factory?
Works manager
A Allocated to factory
B Apportioned to factory
Logistics manager
C Allocated to factory
D Apportioned to factory LO 1c

7 The following extract of information is available concerning the four cost centres of EG
Production cost centres centre
Machinery Finishing Packing Canteen
Number of direct employees 7 6 2 –
Number of indirect employees 3 2 1 4
Overhead allocated and apportioned £28,500 £18,300 £8,960 £8,400
The overhead cost of the canteen is to be re-apportioned to the production cost centres on
the basis of the number of employees in each production cost centre.
After the re-apportionment, the total overhead cost of the packing department, to the
nearest £, will be
A £1,200
B £9,968
C £10,080
D £10,160 LO 1c

24 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

8 Which three of the following statements on the determination of overhead absorption rates
are correct?
A Costs can be allocated where it is possible to identify which department caused them.
B Supervisors' salaries are likely to be apportioned rather than allocated.
C Costs need to be apportioned where they are shared by more than one department.
D There is no need for a single product company to allocate and apportion overheads in
order to determine overhead cost per unit.
E Apportionment always produces the correct result. LO 1c

9 Which of the following bases of apportionment would be most appropriate for

apportioning heating costs to production cost centres?
A Floor space occupied in square metres
B Volume of space occupied in cubic metres
C Number of employees
D Labour hours worked LO 1c

10 A company makes three products in a period.

Quantity (units) Labour hours per unit
Product A 1,000 4
Product B 2,000 6
Product C 3,000 3
Total 6,000

Overheads for the period are £30,000 and they are absorbed on the basis of labour hours.
What is the fixed overhead cost absorbed by a unit of Product B?
A £30.00
B £5.00
C £7.20
D £1.20 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 25

The following information relates to questions 11 and 12
Budgeted information relating to two departments in JP Ltd for the next period is as follows.
Production Direct Direct Direct Machine
Department overhead material cost labour cost labour hours hours
£ £ £
1 27,000 67,500 13,500 2,700 45,000
2 18,000 36,000 100,000 25,000 300
Individual direct labour employees within each department earn differing rates of pay,
according to their skills, grade and experience.

11 What is the most appropriate production overhead absorption rate for department 1?
A 40% of direct material cost
B 200% of direct labour cost
C £10 per direct labour hour
D £0.60 per machine hour LO 1c

12 What is the most appropriate production overhead absorption rate for department 2?
A 50% of direct material cost
B 18% of direct labour cost
C £0.72 per direct labour hour
D £60 per machine hour LO 1c

13 Budgeted fixed overheads for cost centre 1 during the last accounting period were £64,800
for apportioned overheads and £95,580 for allocated overheads. A predetermined
machine hour rate is used to absorb fixed overheads into product costs. Budgeted machine
hours during the period were 1,800. Actual fixed overheads were £178,200 and actual
machine hours for the period were 1,782.
What was the fixed overhead absorption rate per machine hour?
A £89.10
B £90.00
C £99.00
D £100.00 LO 1c

26 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

14 The following information is recorded in the machinery department relating to activity levels
and overheads in period 1.
Machine hours Overheads
Budget 22,000 460,000
Actual 27,000 390,000
Overheads are absorbed on the basis of machine hours.
What is the overhead absorption rate for the machinery department to two decimal places?
A £14.44
B £17.04
C £17.73
D £20.91 LO 1c

15 Which of the following statements about overhead absorption rates are true?
(1) They are usually determined in advance for each period.
(2) They are used to charge overheads to products.
(3) They are normally based on actual data for each period.
(4) They are used to control overhead costs.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1), (2) and (4) only
C (2), (3) and (4) only
D (3) and (4) only LO 1c

16 A product requires four hours of direct labour at £5.25 per hour, and requires direct
expenses of £53.50. In its production, it requires 24 minutes of complex welding.
Possible overhead absorption rates have been calculated to be £7.10 per direct labour
hour or £41.50 per welding machine hour.
Using the direct labour hour basis of overhead absorption, calculate to the nearest penny
the total product cost.
A £81.90
B £91.10
C £102.90
D £119.50 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 27

17 Lerna Ltd produces hydras in three production departments and needs to apportion
budgeted monthly overhead costs between those departments. Budgeted costs are as
Rent of factory 2,000
Rates for factory 1,000
Machine insurance 1,000
Machine depreciation 10,000
Factory manager's salary 7,000

The following additional information is available.

Department A Department B Department C
Area (square metres) 3,800 3,500 700
Value of machinery (£'000) 210 110 80
Number of employees 34 16 20
The total budgeted monthly overhead cost for Department C is
A £1,837.50
B £4,462.50
C £6,000.00
D £7,000.00 LO 1c

18 A company manufactures two products, J and K, in a factory divided into two production
cost centres, Primary and Finishing. In order to determine a budgeted production overhead
cost per unit of product, the following budgeted data are available.
Primary Finishing
Allocated and apportioned production overhead costs £96,000 £82,500
Direct labour minutes per unit
Product J 36 25
Product K 48 30
Budgeted production is 6,000 units of product J and 7,500 units of product K. Production
overheads are to be absorbed on a direct labour hour basis.
The budgeted production overhead cost per unit for product K is
A £10.00
B £13.20
C £14.00
D £14.60 LO 1c

28 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

19 Which of the following statements about predetermined overhead absorption rates are
(1) Using a predetermined absorption rate avoids fluctuations in unit costs caused by
abnormally high or low overhead expenditure or activity levels.
(2) Using a predetermined absorption rate offers the administrative convenience of being
able to record full production costs sooner.
(3) Using a predetermined absorption rate avoids problems of under/over absorption of
overheads because a constant overhead rate is available.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3) LO 1c

20 Bumblebee Co absorbs production overhead costs on a unit basis. For the year just ended,
Bumblebee Co's production overhead expenditure was budgeted at £150,000 but was
actually £148,000 while the budgeted activity level (production units) was 30,000 units and
29,000 units were actually produced.
Which of the following is true?
A Fixed overheads were under absorbed by £5,000, this being the difference between
budgeted expenditure and 29,000 units at £5 per unit.
B Fixed overheads were under absorbed by £5,000, this being the difference between
budgeted and actual production at £5 per unit.
C Fixed overheads were over absorbed by £3,000, this being partly the difference
between budgeted and actual expenditure and partly the production shortfall of 1,000
D Fixed overheads were under absorbed by £3,000, this being partly the difference
between budgeted and actual expenditure and partly the production shortfall of 1,000
units. LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 29

21 A manufacturing company, Leyton Friday, has three production departments X, Y and Z. A
predetermined overhead absorption rate is established for each department on the basis of
machine hours at budgeted capacity. The overheads of each department consist of the
allocated costs of each department plus a share of the service department's overhead
costs. All overheads are fixed costs.
The table shows incomplete information available relating to the period just ended.
Production department Z
Budgeted allocated overhead expenses £61,500
Budgeted service department apportionment £42,000
Budgeted machine capacity (hours) ?
Pre-determined absorption rate per machine hour ?
Actual machine utilisation (hours) 10,000
Over/(under) absorption of overhead £(11,500)
Actual overhead expenditure incurred in each department was as per budget.
Budgeted capacity and the absorption rate per hour in department Z were
A Budgeted capacity 11,111 hours, absorption rate per hour of £10.35
B Budgeted capacity 11,111 hours, absorption rate per hour of £9.20
C Budgeted capacity 11,250 hours, absorption rate per hour of £10.35
D Budgeted capacity 11,250 hours, absorption rate per hour of £9.20 LO 1c

22 The budgeted overhead absorption rate for variable production overheads in department
X of Lublin's factory is £3.00 per direct labour hour and for fixed overhead is £4.50 per
direct labour hour. Actual direct labour hours worked exceeded the budget by 500 hours.
If expenditures were as expected for variable and fixed overheads, the total over-absorbed
overhead for the period would be
A £507.50
B £1,500.00
C £2,250.00
D £3,750.00 LO 1c

23 The finishing department has budgeted labour hours of 3,250 and budgeted overhead
costs of £14,950.
The actual labour hours were 3,175 and actual overheads were £14,810.
The overheads for the period were
A under-absorbed by £140
B over-absorbed by £140
C under-absorbed by £205
D over-absorbed by £205 LO 1c

30 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

24 A company absorbs overheads on a machine hour basis. Actual machine hours were
20,000, actual overheads were £480,000 and there was over absorption of overheads of
What is the overhead absorption rate?
A £19.25 per unit
B £19.25 per hour
C £28.75 per unit
D £28.75 per hour LO 1c

25 Budgeted and actual data for the year ended 31 December 20X1 is shown in the following
Budget Actual
Production (units) 5,000 4,600
Fixed production overheads £10,000 £9,500
Sales (units) 4,000 4,000
Fixed production overheads are absorbed on a per unit basis.
Why did under/over absorption occur during the year ended 31 December 20X1?
A The company sold fewer units than it produced.
B The company sold fewer units than it produced and spent less than expected on fixed
C The company produced fewer units than expected.
D The company produced fewer units than expected and spent less on fixed overheads.
LO 1c

26 Budgeted overheads for a period were £340,000. At the end of the period the actual labour
hours worked were 21,050 hours and the actual overheads were £343,825.
If overheads were over absorbed by £14,025, how many labour hours were budgeted to be
A 20,000
B 20,225
C 21,050
D 21,700 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 31

27 The budgeted absorption rate for variable production overhead in department X of
Wiggipen Ltd's factory is £2.50 per direct labour hour and for fixed overhead is £4 per
direct labour hour. Actual direct labour hours worked fell short of budget by 1,000 hours.
If expenditures for the actual level of activity were as expected for variable and fixed
overheads, the total under or over absorbed overhead for the period would be
A £4,000 under-absorbed
B £4,000 over-absorbed
C £6,500 under-absorbed
D £6,500 over-absorbed LO 1c

28 AB produces two products, A and B. Budgeted overhead expenditure for the latest period
was £54,500. Overheads are absorbed on the basis of machine hours. Other data for the
period are as follows:
Product A Product B
Actual results: Units Units
Opening inventory 400 700
Sales 1,800 2,400
Closing inventory 500 500
Production 1,900 2,200
Budgeted results:
Production 1,700 2,500
Machine hours per unit 2 3
If actual overhead expenditure for the period was £55,400, what was the under- or over-
absorption of overhead for the period?
A £900 under-absorbed
B £900 over-absorbed
C £3,400 under-absorbed
D £3,400 over-absorbed LO 1c

29 In activity based costing (ABC), what is a cost driver?

A A mechanism for accumulating the costs of an activity
B An overhead cost that is caused as a direct consequence of an activity
C A factor which causes the costs of an activity
D A cost relating to more than one product or service LO 1c

32 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

30 Which two of the following statements are correct?
A Just-in-time (JIT) purchasing requires the purchase of large quantities of inventory
items so that they are available immediately when they are needed in the production
B Activity based costing (ABC) is concerned only with production overhead costs.
C Activity based costing (ABC) derives accurate product costs because it eliminates the
need for arbitrary cost apportionment.
D Activity based costing (ABC) involves tracing resource consumption and costing final
E Just-in-time (JIT) systems are referred to as 'pull' systems because demand from a
customer pulls products through the production process. LO 1c, 1d

31 Which of the following is an aspect of a just-in-time (JIT) system?

(1) The use of small frequent deliveries against bulk contracts
(2) Flexible production planning in small batch sizes
(3) A reduction in machine set-up time
(4) Production driven by demand
A (1) only
B (1), (2), (3) and (4)
C (1), (2) and (4) only
D (1) and (4) only LO 1d

32 Which two of the following statements are correct?

A When target costing is used, the selling price of a product or service determines its
target cost.
B An activity based costing (ABC) system makes some use of volume-related cost drivers.
C A JIT system tends to cause increased storage costs because high inventories are held
to ensure that materials are available just as they are needed in production.
D Life cycle costing does not track costs that are incurred once production has ceased,
since there are no revenues against which to match the costs.
E A product's target cost takes no account of the external market conditions. LO 1d

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 33

33 Which of the following would not normally result from the adoption of a JIT purchasing
A Closer relationship with the suppliers
B Lower levels of inventory
C Lower levels of receivables
D Better quality supplies obtained LO 1d

34 Select the costing method that would be appropriate in each of the following industries.
Brewing Motorway construction
A Process D Job
B Job E Batch
C Batch F Contract
Plumbing repairs Shoe manufacture
G Process J Process
H Job K Job
I Contract L Batch LO 1d

35 Which two of the following statements are correct?

A In process and batch costing the cost per unit of output is found indirectly by dividing
total costs by the number of units produced.
B In process and job costing the cost per unit of output is found directly by accumulating
costs for each unit.
C Costing is irrelevant because the same level of detailed information can be extracted
from the financial accounts.
D The procedures used to calculate unit costs in manufacturing industries can equally be
applied to service industries. LO 1d

36 Which two of the following items used in costing batches are normally contained in a typical
batch cost?
A Actual material cost
B Actual manufacturing overheads
C Absorbed manufacturing overheads
D Budgeted labour cost LO 1d

34 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

37 Which of the following industries would not normally use process costing?
A The brewing industry
B The oil industry
C The steel industry
D The construction industry LO 1d

38 Which of the following statements about contract costing are correct?

(1) Work is undertaken to customer's special requirements
(2) Work is usually undertaken on the contractor's premises
(3) Work is usually of a relatively long duration
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3) LO 1d

39 A firm makes special assemblies to customers' orders and uses job costing, with overheads
being absorbed based on direct labour cost.
The data for a period are:
Job A Job B Job C
£ £ £
Opening work in progress 26,800 42,790 0
Material added in period 17,275 0 18,500
Labour for period 14,500 3,500 24,600
Job B was completed during the period, during which actual overheads were the same as
the budgeted figure of £126,000.
What was the approximate value of closing work-in progress at the end of the period?
A £58,575
B £101,675
C £217,323
D £227,675 LO 1d

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 35

40 Job number 352 requires 270 hours of active labour. It is expected that 10% of labour's
total time will be idle time. The wage rate is £8 per hour.
What is the labour cost for the job?
A £300
B £2,160
C £2,376
D £2,400 LO 1d

41 For each of the following industries select the appropriate method to establish the cost of
Oil refining Clothing Car repairs
A Process D Process G Process
B Job/contract E Job/contract H Job/contract
C Batch F Batch I Batch LO 1d

36 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 4: Marginal costing and absorption costing
1 The following cost details relate to one unit of product MC.
£ per unit
Variable materials 9.80
Variable labour 8.70
Production overheads
Variable 1.35
Fixed 9.36
Selling and distribution overheads
Variable 7.49
Fixed 3.40
Total cost 40.10

In a marginal costing system the value of a closing inventory of 4,300 units of product MC
will be
A £85,355
B £117,562
C £125,603
D £172,430 LO 1c

2 A company manufactures product S and product T.

The following information relates to the latest period.
Product S Product T
Variable labour cost per unit £60 £48
Other variable production costs per unit £70 £50
Budgeted production units 3,400 4,000
Labour hours 17,000 16,000
Variable labour is paid at £12 per hour.
Fixed production overhead incurred of £214,500 was the same as budgeted for the period.
Fixed production overhead is absorbed on the basis of labour hours.
Fixed production overhead absorption rate = £214,500/(17,000 + 16,000)
= £6.50 per labour hour
The value of the closing inventory of product S using absorption costing was £65,000.
If marginal costing had been used the value of this inventory would have been
A £52,000
B £53,150
C £260,000
D £442,000 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 4: Marginal costing and absorption costing 37

3 Ticktock Ltd makes clocks with a selling price of £50 per clock. Budgeted production and
sales volume is 1,000 clocks per month. During September 1,000 clocks were made and
800 clocks were sold. There was no opening inventory.
The variable cost per clock is £25. Fixed costs in September were, as budgeted, £5,000.
Using marginal costing the contribution and profit for September would be calculated as
A Contribution: £25,000, Profit: £20,000
B Contribution: £20,000, Profit: £15,000
C Contribution: £20,000, Profit: £16,000
D Contribution: £25,000, Profit: £16,000 LO 1c

4 Which three of the following statements concerning marginal costing are true?
A Marginal costing is an alternative method of costing to absorption costing.
B Contribution is calculated as sales revenue minus fixed cost of sales.
C Closing inventories are valued at full production cost.
D Fixed costs are treated as a period cost and are charged in full to the income statement
of the accounting period in which they are incurred.
E Marginal cost is the cost of a unit which would not be incurred if that unit were not
produced. LO 1c

5 Which two of the following statements concerning marginal costing systems are true?
A Such systems value finished goods at the variable cost of production.
B Such systems incorporate fixed overheads into the value of closing inventory.
C Such systems necessitate the calculation of under- and over-absorbed overheads.
D Such systems write off fixed overheads to the income statement in the period in which
they were incurred. LO 1c

6 A company budgets during its first year of operations to produce and sell 15,900 units per
quarter of its product at a selling price of £24 per unit.
Budgeted costs are as follows:
£ per unit
Variable production costs 8.50
Fixed production costs 2.50
Variable selling costs 6.00
In the first quarter the unit selling price, variable unit cost and expenditure on fixed
production costs were as budgeted. The sales volume was 16,000 units and closing
inventory was 400 units.

38 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

The absorption costing profit for the quarter was
A £110,750
B £112,000
C £112,250
D £113,250 LO 1c

7 Which of the following statements about profit measurement under absorption and
marginal costing is true (assuming unit variable and fixed costs are constant)?
A Profits measured using absorption costing will be higher than profits measured using
marginal costing.
B Profits measured using absorption costing will be lower than profits measured using
marginal costing.
C Profits measured using absorption costing will be either lower or higher than profits
measured using marginal costing.
D Profits measured using absorption costing may be the same as, or lower than, or
higher than profits measured using marginal costing. LO 1c

8 If the number of units of finished goods inventory at the end of a period is greater than that
at the beginning, marginal costing inventory will result in (assuming unit variable and fixed
costs are constant)
A less operating profit than the absorption costing method
B the same operating profit as the absorption costing method
C more operating profit than the absorption costing method
D more or less operating profit than the absorption costing method depending on the
ratio of fixed to variable costs LO 1c

9 Adams Ltd's budget for its first month of trading, during which 1,000 units are expected to
be produced and 800 units sold, is as follows:
Variable production costs 95,500
Fixed production costs 25,800
Selling price is £250 per unit

The profit calculated on the absorption cost basis compared with the profit calculated on
the marginal cost basis is
A £24,260 lower
B £5,160 higher
C £5,160 lower
D £24,260 higher LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 4: Marginal costing and absorption costing 39

10 Bright makes and sells boats. The budget for Bright's first month of trading showed the
Variable production cost of boats 45,000
Fixed production costs 30,000
Production cost of 750 boats 75,000
Closing inventory of 250 boats (25,000)
Production costs of 500 boats sold 50,000
Sales revenue 90,000
Production cost of boats sold (50,000)
Variable selling costs (5,000)
Fixed selling costs (25,000)
Profit 10,000

The budget has been produced using an absorption costing system. If a marginal costing
system were used, the budgeted profit would be
A £22,500 lower
B £10,000 lower
C £10,000 higher
D £22,500 higher LO 1c

11 A company produces a single product for which cost and selling price details are as follows:
£ per unit £ per unit
Selling price 28
Variable material 10
Variable labour 4
Variable overhead 2
Fixed overhead 5
Profit per unit 7

Last period, 8,000 units were produced and 8,500 units were sold. The opening inventory
was 3,000 units and profits reported using marginal costing were £60,000.

The profits reported using an absorption costing system would be

A £47,500
B £57,500
C £59,500
D £62,500 LO 1c

40 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

12 Typo Ltd's budget for the year ended 31 December 20X8 is as follows.
Units £
Sales 1,200 24,000
Opening inventory 500
Production 1,000
Closing inventory (300)
Sold 1,200
Marginal cost per unit £15 (18,000)
Contribution 6,000
Fixed overhead (7,000)
Loss (1,000)

For absorption costing purposes, the fixed overhead absorption rate is set at £7 per unit for
If absorption costing were to be used in inventory valuation throughout 20X8, what would
the profit (or loss) be for 20X8?
A £400 loss
B £400 profit
C £2,400 profit
D £2,400 loss LO 1c

13 A company had opening inventory of 48,500 units and closing inventory of 45,500 units.
Profits based on marginal costing were £315,250 and on absorption costing were
What is the fixed overhead absorption rate per unit?
A £5.94
B £6.34
C £6.50
D £9.00 LO 1c

14 In March, a company had a marginal costing profit of £78,000. Opening inventories were
760 units and closing inventories were 320 units. The company is considering changing to
an absorption costing system.
What profit would be reported for March, assuming that the fixed overhead absorption rate
is £5 per unit?
A £74,200
B £75,800
C £76,400
D £80,200 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 4: Marginal costing and absorption costing 41

15 When comparing the profits reported under marginal and absorption costing when the
levels of inventories increased (assuming unit variable and fixed costs are constant)
A absorption costing profits will be lower and closing inventory valuations higher than
those under marginal costing
B absorption costing profits will be lower and closing inventory valuations lower than
those under marginal costing
C absorption costing profits will be higher and closing inventory valuations lower than
those under marginal costing
D absorption costing profits will be higher and closing inventory valuations higher than
those under marginal costing LO 1c

16 Which two of the following statements are advantages of marginal costing as compared
with absorption costing?
A It complies with accounting standards
B It ensures the company makes a profit
C It is more appropriate for short-term decision-making
D Fixed costs are treated in accordance with their nature (ie, as period costs)
E It is more appropriate when there are strong seasonal variations in sales demand LO 1c

17 When comparing the profits reported under marginal and absorption costing when the
levels of inventories decreased (assuming unit variable and fixed costs are constant)
A absorption costing profits will be lower and closing inventory valuations higher than
those under marginal costing
B absorption costing profits will be lower and closing inventory valuations lower than
those under marginal costing
C absorption costing profits will be higher and closing inventory valuations lower than
those under marginal costing
D absorption costing profits will be higher and closing inventory valuations higher than
those under marginal costing LO 1c

42 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

18 Which two of the following statements are correct?
A Absorption unit cost information is the most reliable as a basis for pricing decisions.
B A product showing a loss under absorption costing will also make a negative
contribution under marginal costing.
C When closing inventory levels are higher than opening inventory levels and overheads
are constant, absorption costing gives a higher profit than marginal costing.
D In a multi-product company, smaller volume products may cause a disproportionate
amount of set up overhead cost.
E Marginal unit cost information is normally the most useful for external reporting
purposes. LO 1c

19 Iddon Ltd makes two products, Pye and Tan, in a factory divided into two production
departments, Machining and Assembly. Both Pye and Tan need to pass through the
Machining and Assembly departments. In order to find a fixed overhead cost per unit, the
following budgeted data are relevant:
Machining Assembly
Fixed overhead costs £120,000 £72,000
Labour hours per unit: Pye 0.5 hours 0.20 hours
Tan 1.0 hours 0.25 hours
Budgeted production is 4,000 units of Pye and 4,000 units of Tan (8,000 units in all) and
fixed overheads are to be absorbed by reference to labour hours.
What is the budgeted fixed overhead cost of a unit of Pye?
A £18
B £20
C £24
D £28 LO 1c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 4: Marginal costing and absorption costing 43

20 Norbury plc has just completed its first year of trading. The following information has been
collected from the accounting records:
Variable cost per unit
Manufacturing 6.00
Selling and administration 0.20
Fixed costs
Manufacturing 90,000
Selling and administration 22,500
Production was 75,000 units and sales were 70,000 units. The selling price was £8 per unit
throughout the year.
Calculate the net profit for the year using absorption costing.
A £13,500
B £19,500
C £21,000
D £22,500 LO 1c

44 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 5: Pricing calculations
1 Product X is produced in two production cost centres. Budgeted data for product X are as
Cost centre A Cost centre B
Direct material cost per unit £60.00 £30.30
Direct labour hours per unit 3 1
Direct labour rate per hour £20.00 £15.20
Production overhead absorption rate per direct labour £12.24 £14.94
General overheads are absorbed into product costs at a rate of 10% of total production
If a 20% return on sales is required from product X, its selling price per unit should be
A £271.45
B £282.31
C £286.66
D £298.60 LO 1e

2 A company manufactures two products for which budgeted details for the forthcoming
period are as follows:
Product L Product T
£ per unit £ per unit
Materials 6.00 9.00
Labour (£15 per hour) 30.00 22.50
Production overhead of £61,200 is absorbed on a labour hour basis. Budgeted output is
4,000 units of product L and 6,000 units of product T.
The company adds a mark up of 20% to total production cost in order to determine its unit
selling prices.
The selling price per unit of product L is
A £47.52
B £51.84
C £54.00
D £61.56 LO 1e

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 45

3 Print Ltd manufactures ring binders which are embossed with the customer's own logo. A
customer has ordered a batch of 300 binders. The following data illustrate the cost for a
typical batch of 100 binders:
Variable materials 30
Wages (paid on a per binder basis) 10
Machine set up (fixed per batch) 3
Design and artwork (fixed per batch) 15

Print Ltd absorbs production overhead at a rate of 20% of variable wages cost. A further 5%
is added to the total production cost of each batch to allow for selling, distribution and
administration overhead.
Print Ltd requires a profit margin of 25% of sales value.
The selling price for a batch of 300 binders should be
A £189.00
B £193.20
C £201.60
D £252.00 LO 1e

4 A firm makes special assemblies to customers' orders and uses job costing.
The data for a period are:
Job A Job B Job C
£ £ £
Opening work in progress 26,800 42,790 0
Material added in period 17,275 0 18,500
Labour for period 14,500 3,500 24,600
The budgeted overheads for the period were £126,000 and these are absorbed on the
basis of labour cost.
Job B was completed and delivered during the period and the firm wishes to earn a 33 1/3%
profit margin on sales.
What should be the selling price of job B?
A £69,435
B £75,523
C £84,963
D £258,435 LO 1e

46 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

5 Halcow Ltd operates a job costing system and its standard net profit margin is 20% of sales
The estimated costs for job 173 are as follows:
Direct materials 5 metres @ £20 per metre
Direct labour 14 hours @ £8 per hour

Variable production overheads are recovered at the rate of £3 per direct labour hour.
Fixed production overheads for the year are budgeted to be £200,000 and are to be
recovered on the basis of the total of 40,000 direct labour hours for the year.
Other overheads, in relation to selling, distribution and administration, are recovered at the
rate of £80 per job.
The selling price to be quoted for job 173 is
A £404
B £424
C £485
D £505 LO 1e

6 An item priced at £90.68, including local sales tax at 19%, is reduced in a sale by 20%.
The new price before sales tax is added is
A £58.76
B £60.96
C £72.54
D £76.20 LO 1e

7 Three years ago a retailer sold electronic calculators for £27.50 each. At the end of the first
year he increased the price by 5% and at the end of the second year by a further 6%. At the
end of the third year the selling price was £29.69 each.
The percentage price change in Year 3 was a
A 2.7% decrease
B 3.0% increase
C 3.0% decrease
D 3.4% decrease LO 1e

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 47

8 At a sales tax rate of 12%, an article sells for £84, including sales tax.
If the sales tax rate increases to 17.5%, the new selling price will be
A £75.00
B £86.86
C £88.13
D £88.62 LO 1e

9 A greengrocer sells apples either for 45p per kg, or in bulk at £9 per 25 kg bag.
The percentage saving per kg from buying a 25 kg bag is
A 9%
B 11.25%
C 20%
D 25% LO 1e

10 A skirt which cost a clothes retailer £50 is sold at a profit of 25% on the selling price.
The profit is therefore
A £12.50
B £16.67
C £62.50
D £66.67 LO 1e

11 Sunita sells an item for £240 on which there is a mark-up of 20%.

What profit was made on this transaction?
A £40
B £48
C £192
D £200 LO 1e

48 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

12 A company calculates the prices of jobs by adding overheads to the prime cost and then
adding 30% to total costs as a profit mark up. Job number Y256 was sold for £1,690 and
incurred overheads of £694.
What was the prime cost of the job?
A £489
B £606
C £996
D £1,300 LO 1e

13 A company prices its product at the full cost of £4.75 per unit plus 70%. A competitor has
just launched a similar product selling for £7.99 per unit. The company wishes to change
the price of its product to match that of its competitor.
The product mark up percentage should be changed to
A 1.1%
B 1.8%
C 40.6%
D 68.2% LO 1e

14 Details from a retailer's records concerning product D for the latest period are as follows.
Sales revenue 60,000
Purchases 40,000
Opening inventory 12,000
Closing inventory 2,000
The profit margin for product D is
A 16.7%
B 20.0%
C 33.3%
D 50.0% LO 1e

15 The following data relate to the Super.

Material cost per unit £15.00
Labour cost per unit £52.05
Production overhead cost per machine hour £9.44
Machine hours per unit 7
General overhead absorption rate 8% of total production cost
The capital invested in manufacturing and distributing 953 units of the Super per annum is
estimated to be £136,200.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 49

If the required annual rate of return on capital invested in each product is 14%, the selling
price per unit of the Super must be
A £102.62
B £153.14
C £163.79
D £163.91 LO 1e

16 A product's marginal costs are 60% of its fixed costs. Selling prices are set on a full cost
basis to achieve a margin of 20% of selling price.
To the nearest whole number, which percentage mark up on marginal costs would produce
the same selling price as the current pricing method?
A 67%
B 108%
C 220%
D 233% LO 1e

17 A company determines its selling prices by adding a mark up of 100% to the variable cost
per unit.
If the selling price is increased by 50%, the quantity sold each period is expected to reduce
by 40% but the variable cost per unit will remain unchanged.
Which of the following statements is correct?
A The total revenue will increase and the total contribution will increase.
B The total revenue will increase and the total contribution will decrease.
C The total revenue will decrease and the total contribution will increase.
D The total will decrease and the total contribution will decrease. LO 1e

18 The following information is available for the latest period.

Fixed costs £160,000
Variable cost per unit £4
Profit £10,000
A 2% increase in selling price would not alter the number of units sold each period but the
profit would increase by £5,000.
The current selling price per unit is
A £0.08
B £10.00
C £12.50
D £12.75 LO 1e

50 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

19 A contract is agreed between a supplier and a buyer. The contract will take four weeks to
complete and the price to be charged will be agreed upon at the point of sale as the actual
costs incurred plus an agreed percentage mark up on actual costs. The buyer is to be
granted four weeks credit from the point of sale.
Which of the following best describes how the risk caused by inflation will be allocated
between the supplier and the buyer?
A The supplier and the buyer will each bear some of the inflation risk but not necessarily
B The supplier and the buyer will each bear equal amounts of the inflation risk.
C Only the supplier will bear the inflation risk.
D Only the buyer will bear the inflation risk. LO 1e

20 Which of the following statements is correct?

A A cost-plus pricing method will enable a company to maximise its profits.
B A selling price in excess of full cost will always ensure that an organisation will cover all
its costs.
C The percentage mark up with full cost plus pricing will always be smaller than the
percentage mark up with marginal cost-plus pricing.
D Since it is necessary to forecast output volume to determine the overhead absorption
rate, full cost-plus pricing takes account of the effect of price on quantity demanded.
LO 1e

21 The following data relate to Bailey plc, a manufacturing company with several divisions.
Division X produces a single product which it sells to division Y and also to external
Sales to division Y External sales
£ £
Sales revenue
At £25 per unit 250,000
At £20 per unit 100,000
Variable costs at £12 per unit (60,000) (120,000)
Contribution 40,000 130,000
Fixed costs (20,000) (50,000)
Profit 20,000 80,000

A supplier offers to supply 5,000 units at £18 each to division Y.

If division Y buys from the external supplier and division X cannot increase its external sales,
the change in total profit of Bailey plc will be a
A £10,000 decrease
B £30,000 decrease
C £10,000 increase
D £30,000 increase LO 1f

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 51

22 Which two of the following criteria should be fulfilled by a transfer pricing system?
A Should encourage dysfunctional decision-making
B Should encourage output at an organisation-wide profit-maximising level
C Should encourage divisions to act in their own self interest
D Should encourage divisions to make entirely autonomous decisions
E Should enable the realistic measurement of divisional profit LO 1f

23 Which of the following best describes a dual pricing system of transfer pricing?
A The receiving division is charged with the market value of transfers made and the
supplying division is credited with the standard variable cost.
B The receiving division is credited with the market value of transfers made and the
supplying division is charged with the standard variable cost.
C The receiving division is charged with the standard variable cost of transfers made and
the supplying division is credited with the market value.
D The receiving division is credited with the standard variable cost of transfers made and
the supplying division is charged with the market value. LO 1f

24 A company has two divisions, A and B. Division A transfers one third of its output to B and
sells the remainders to the external market for £14 per unit. The transfers to division B are
made at the transfer price of cost plus 20%.
Division B incurs costs of £4 per unit in converting the transferred units before selling them
to external customers for £20 per unit.
Division A costs amount to £10 per unit and the budgeted total output for the period is 270
units. There is no budgeted change in inventories for either division.
The reported profits for the period will be
Division A Division B
A £900 profit £360 profit
B £900 profit £720 profit
C £900 profit £1,440 profit
D £1,332 profit £72 loss LO 1f

52 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

25 Division P produces plastic mouldings, all of which are used as components by Division Q.
The cost schedule for one type of moulding, item 103, is shown below.
Direct material cost per unit £3.00
Direct labour cost per unit £4.00
Variable overhead cost per unit £2.00
Fixed production overhead costs each year £120,000
Annual demand from Division Q is expected to be 20,000 units
Two methods of transfer pricing are being considered:
(1) Full production cost plus 40%
(2) A two-part tariff with a fixed fee of £200,000 each year
The transfer price per unit of item 103 transferred to Division Q using both of the transfer
pricing methods listed above is:
(1) Full production cost plus 40% (2) Two-part tariff with a fixed fee of £200,000 each
A £12.60 £9
B £12.60 £19
C £21.00 £9
D £21.00 £19 LO 1f

26 A and B are two divisions of company C. A manufactures two products, the X and the Y. The
X is sold outside the company. The Y is sold only to division B at a unit transfer price of
£410. The unit cost of the Y is £370 (variable cost £300 and absorbed fixed overhead £70).
Division B has received an offer from another company to supply a substitute for product Y
at a price of £330 per unit. Assume Division A and B have spare operating capacity.
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the offer from the other
A The offer is not acceptable from the point of view of company C and the manager of
Division B will make a sub-optimal decision.
B The offer is not acceptable from the point of view of company C and the manager of
Division B will not make a sub-optimal decision.
C The offer is acceptable from the point of view of company C and the manager of
Division B will make a sub-optimal decision.
D The offer is acceptable from the point of view of company C and the manager of
Division B will not make a sub-optimal decision. LO 1f

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 53

27 Division J manufactures product K incurring a total cost of £50 per unit. Product K is sold to
external customers in a perfectly competitive market at a price of £57, which represents a
mark up of 90% on marginal cost.
Division J also transfers product K to division R. If transfers are made internally then division
J does not incur variable selling costs which amount to 5% of the total variable cost.
Assuming that the total demand for product K exceeds the capacity of division J, the
optimum transfer price per unit between division J and division R is
A £54.50
B £55.50
C £56.72
D £57.00 LO 1f

28 In a contract to sell a commodity the selling price is agreed between the supplier and the
buyer to be the actual costs incurred by the supplier plus a profit mark-up using a fixed
percentage on actual costs. No credit period is offered by the supplier.
Which of the following best describes how the risk caused by inflation will be allocated
between the supplier and the buyer?
A The supplier and the buyer will each bear some of the inflation risk but not necessarily
B Only the supplier will bear the inflation risk
C Only the buyer will bear the inflation risk
D The supplier and the buyer will each bear equal amounts of the inflation risk LO 1e

29 F and G are two divisions of a company. Division F manufactures one product, Rex. Unit
production cost and the market price are as follows:
Variable materials 24
Labour 16
Variable fixed overhead 8
Prevailing market price £64

Product Rex is sold outside the company in a perfectly competitive market and also to
division G. If sold outside the company, Rex incurs variable selling costs of £8 per unit.
Assuming that the total demand for Rex is more than sufficient for division F to manufacture
to capacity, what is the price per unit (in round £s) at which the company would prefer
division F to transfer Rex to division G?
A £64
B £56
C £40
D £48 LO 1f

54 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

30 A company estimates indirect costs to be 40% of direct costs and it sets its selling prices to
recover the full cost plus 50%.
What percentage represents the mark-up on direct costs that would give rise to the same
selling price as using the method described above?
A 90%
B 110%
C 190%
D 210% LO 1e

31 The master budget for Serse Ltd, a single-product firm, for the current year is as follows:
£ £
Sales 480,000

Variable materials (20,000 tonnes at £10 per tonne) 200,000

Variable labour 96,000
Variable overhead 48,000
Fixed overhead 72,000
Total cost (416,000)
Budgeted net profit 64,000

Serse Ltd has substantial excess production capacity. A sales enquiry has been received,
late in the year, which will increase sales and production for the year by 25% over budget.
The extra requirement for 5,000 tonnes of material will enable the firm to purchase 7,000
tonnes at a discount of 5% on its normal buying price. The additional 2,000 tonnes will be
used to complete the year's budgeted production.
What price should Serse Ltd charge for the special order in order to earn the same
budgeted net profit for the year of £64,000?
A £83,500
B £100,500
C £82,500
D £101,500 LO 1e

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 55

32 Gabba sets up in business to clean carpets. She will charge £30 per carpet cleaned and
estimates the direct variable and fixed costs per carpet cleaned to be £9 and £6
respectively. She also estimates her variable and fixed advertising costs per carpet cleaned
to be £2 and £3 respectively.
What is the contribution per carpet cleaned and the mark up on total costs?
Contribution Mark-up
£ %
A 21 50
B 19 100
C 10 100
D 19 50 LO 1e

33 Next month's budget for a single product company is shown below.

£ £
Sales of 1,200 units 600,000
Manufacturing costs:
Variable 216,000
Fixed 60,000
Selling costs:
Variable 132,000
Fixed 78,000
Administration costs (fixed) 36,000
Net profit 78,000

The company's variable manufacturing cost per unit is now expected to increase by 10%,
but all other costs remain unchanged.
Assuming an unchanged volume of sales, calculate the selling price per unit that would
maintain the contribution ratio.
A £531
B £733
C £550
D £518 LO 1e

34 Delta and Gamma are two divisions of a company. Delta manufactures two products X and
Y. X is sold outside the company. Y is sold only to division Gamma at a unit transfer price of
£176. Unit costs for product Y are:
Variable materials 60
Variable labour 40
Variable overhead 40
Fixed overhead 20

56 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Division Gamma has received an offer from another company to supply a substitute for Y
for £152 per unit.
Assuming division Delta is only operating at 80% of capacity, if Gamma accepts the offer
the effect on profits will be
Division Overall
Delta company
profit profit
A Increase Increase
B Increase Decrease
C Decrease Increase
D Decrease Decrease LO 1f

35 Delta and Gamma are two divisions of a company. Delta manufactures two products X and
Y. X is sold outside the company. Y is sold only to division Gamma at a unit transfer price of
£176. Unit costs for product Y are:
Variable materials 60
Variable labour 40
Variable overhead 40
Fixed overhead 20

Division Gamma has received an offer from another company to supply a substitute for Y for
£152 per unit.
Assuming division Delta can sell as much of Product X as it can produce and the unit
profitability of X and Y are equal, what will be the effect on profits if Gamma accepts the
Division Overall
Delta company
profit profit
A No change Decrease
B Decrease No change
C No change Increase
D Increase No change LO 1f

36 A company currently sets its selling price at £10, which achieves a 25% mark-up on variable
cost. Annual production and sales volume is 100,000 units and annual fixed costs are
By how much would the selling price need to be increased in order to double profit if costs,
production and sales volume remain unchanged?
A 12%
B 17%
C 20%
D 25% LO 1e

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 57

58 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019
Chapter 6: Budgeting
1 Which of the following are considered to be objectives of budgeting?
(1) Authorisation
(2) Expansion
(3) Performance evaluation
(4) Resource allocation

A (4) only
B (1), (2) and (4) only
C (1), (3) and (4) only
D (1), (2) and (3) only LO 2d

2 Which of the following is not one of the main purposes of a budget?

A To compel planning
B To communicate targets to the managers responsible for achieving the budget
C To inform shareholders of performance in meeting targets
D To establish a system of control by comparing budgeted and actual results LO 2d

3 Which two of the following statements relating to budgets are correct?

A A budget covers periods longer than one year and is used for strategic planning.
B The budget committee coordinates the preparation and administration of budgets.
C The budget committee is responsible for the preparation of functional budgets.
D A budget manual will contain instructions governing the preparation of budgets.
E A budget is usually prepared by the shareholders of a company. LO 2d

4 When preparing the master budget, which of the following tasks would normally be carried
out first?
A Calculate the overhead absorption rate
B Establish the organisation's long-term objectives
C Identify the principal budget factor
D Prepare the sales budget LO 2c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 59

5 Which three of the following are steps in the preparation of a budget?
A Arrange overdraft facilities
B Identify the principal budget factor
C Prepare a budgeted income statement
D Budget the resources for production
E Complete the audit of the prior year's results LO 2c

6 Which of the following is a principal budget factor?

A The highest value item of cost
B A factor which limits the activities of an undertaking
C A factor common to all budget centres
D A factor controllable by the manager of the budget centre LO 2c

7 Which of the following could be principal budget factors?

(1) Sales demand
(2) Machine capacity
(3) Key raw materials
(4) Cash flow
A (1) and (2) only
B (1), (2), (3) and (4)
C (1), (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (4) only LO 2c

8 Which of the following is not a functional budget?

A Purchases budget
B Cash budget
C Sales budget
D Marketing cost budget LO 2c

60 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

9 For a company that does not have any production resource limitations, which of the
following sets out the correct sequence for budget preparation?
A Production budget, finished goods inventory budget, sales budget, then materials
usage budget
B Sales budget, finished goods inventory budget, production budget, then materials
usage budget
C Sales budget, production budget, finished goods inventory budget, then materials
usage budget
D Sales budget, finished goods inventory budget, materials usage budget, then
production budget LO 2c

10 Which two of the statements below correctly complete the following sentence?
The master budget
A will include a budgeted balance sheet and a budgeted income statement prepared on
the accruals basis
B will include a cash budget
C is usually prepared before the functional budgets
D details the timetable for the preparation of the various budgets
E includes the instructions for the completion of the budget forms and the
responsibilities of the personnel involved LO 2d

11 Which of the following expressions is correct?

A Opening inventory + sales – closing inventory = production (in units)
B Opening inventory + sales + closing inventory = production (in units)
C Closing inventory + sales – opening inventory = production (in units)
D Closing inventory – sales – opening inventory = production (in units) LO 2c

12 A company is preparing its production budget for product Z for the forthcoming year.
Budgeted sales of product Z are 1,500 units. Opening inventory is 120 units and the
company wants to reduce inventories at the end of the year by 10%.
The budgeted number of units of product Z to be produced is
A 1,392
B 1,488
C 1,500
D 1,512 LO 2c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 61

13 Research Ltd purchases a chemical and refines it before onward sale. Budgeted sales of the
refined chemical are as follows.
January 40,000
February 50,000
March 30,000
(1) The target month-end inventory of unrefined chemical is 30% of the chemical needed
for the following month's budgeted production.
(2) The targeted month-end inventory of refined chemical is 30% of next month's
budgeted sales.
Calculate the budgeted purchases of unrefined chemical for January.
A 56,200 litres
B 49,750 litres
C 48,250 litres
D 43,300 litres LO 2c

14 When preparing a material purchases budget, which of the following is the quantity to be
A Materials required for production – opening inventory of materials – closing inventory
of materials
B Materials required for production – opening inventory of materials + closing inventory
of materials
C Opening inventory of materials + closing inventory of materials – materials required for
D Opening inventory of materials – materials required for production – closing inventory
of materials LO 2c

15 Barlow plc manufactures two products, Vip and Bip. It intends to produce 2,000 units of
each product in the next year to meet the sales budget.
Each Vip requires 2 kg of material Z and 1 kg of material Y and each Bip requires 3 kg of
material Z and 4 kg of material Y.
At present there are 200 kg of Z and 500 kg of Y in inventory.
Barlow plc intends to increase the inventory levels of these materials by the end of the year
to 600 kg of Z and 800 kg of Y.
Material Z costs £4 per kg and material Y costs £5 per kg.
What is the total materials purchases for the next year?
A £86,900
B £90,000
C £93,100
D £96,400 LO 2c

62 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

16 A retailing company makes a gross profit of 25% on sales. The company plans to increase
inventory by 10% in June. The budgeted sales revenue for June is £25,000. Opening
inventory on 1 June is valued at £5,000.
What are the budgeted inventory purchases for June?
A £18,250
B £19,125
C £19,250
D £25,500 LO 2c

17 Budgeted sales of X for December are 18,000 units. At the end of the production process
for X, 10% of production units are scrapped as defective. Opening inventories of X for
December are budgeted to be 15,000 units and closing inventories will be 11,400 units. All
inventories of finished goods must have successfully passed the quality control check.
The production budget for X for December, in units, is
A 12,960
B 14,400
C 15,840
D 16,000 LO 2c

18 The quantity of material in the material purchases budget is greater than the quantity of
material in the material usage budget.
Which of the following statements can be inferred from this situation?
A Wastage of material occurs in the production process.
B Finished goods inventories are budgeted to increase.
C Raw materials inventories are budgeted to increase.
D Raw materials inventories are budgeted to decrease. LO 2c

19 George has been asked by his bank to produce a budgeted income statement for the six
months ending on 31 March 20X4.
He forecasts that monthly sales will be £3,000 for October, £4,500 for each of November
and December and £5,000 per month from January 20X4 onwards.
Selling price is fixed to generate a margin on sales of 33 1/3%.
Overhead expenses (excluding depreciation) are estimated at £800 per month.
He plans to purchase non-current assets on 1 October costing £5,000, which will be paid for
at the end of December and are expected to have a five-year life, at the end of which they
will possess a nil residual value.
The budgeted net profit for the six months ending 31 March 20X4 is
A £3,200
B £3,700
C £3,950
D £8,200 LO 2c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 63

20 At the beginning of March 20X2, a company has an opening balance of £60,000 on its
receivables ledger. Sales of £160,000 have been budgeted for March and it is budgeted
that 60% of these will be settled in March after a cash discount of 2.5%.
If 23% of the opening receivables are still outstanding at the end of March, what will be the
budgeted receivables figure at that date?
A £76,200
B £77,800
C £80,200
D £110,200 LO 2c

21 A retailing company budgets to maintain inventories at the end of each month which are
sufficient to meet the budgeted sales requirements for the following month. Two months'
credit will be received from suppliers of inventory.
Budgeted sales, which earn a gross profit margin of 20% of sales value, are as follows:
January 28,300
February 26,100
March 33,800
April 30,690
The budgeted balance sheet as at the end of March will show a payables balance of
A £47,920
B £51,592
C £59,900
D £64,490 LO 2c

22 A company's master budget contains the following budgeted income statement.

£ £
Sales revenue (5,000 units) 120,000
Variable materials cost 24,000
Variable labour cost 32,500
Variable overhead 13,000
Fixed overhead 41,000
Budgeted net profit 9,500

The company's management are considering a change in the materials specification. This
would reduce the materials cost per unit by 10%. The reduced product quality would
necessitate a 2% reduction in the selling price and the sales volume would fall by 5%.
The revised budgeted net profit for the period would be
A £3,620
B £6,975
C £9,025
D £9,375 LO 2c

64 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

23 Which two of the following statements are correct?
A A forecast and a budget are essentially the same thing.
B A budget must be quantified if it is to be useful for planning and control purposes.
C A budget provides the basic unit rates to be used in the preparation of standards for
control purposes.
D The sales budget must always be prepared first.
E An organisation's long term plan provides the framework within which an annual
budget is set. LO 2a

24 A company has recorded the following costs over the last six months.
Month Total cost Units produced
1 74,000 3,000
2 72,750 1,750
3 73,250 2,000
4 75,000 2,500
5 69,500 1,500
6 72,750 2,000
Using the high-low method, which of the following represents the total cost equation?
A Total cost = 61,250 + (1.25  quantity)
B Total cost = 65,000 + (3  quantity)
C Total cost = 65,000 + (1.25  quantity)
D Total cost = 61,250 + (3  quantity) LO 2a

25 A company has recorded the following costs over the last four months.
Month Cost Production
£ Units
1 21,995 1,050
2 19,540 1,090
3 19,000 750
4 17,200 700
Using the high-low method, the expected cost of producing 950 units is
A £17,030
B £18,700
C £20,625
D £23,343 LO 2a

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 65

26 The following estimates of possible sales revenue and cost behaviour for a one-year period
relate to one of AB Company's products:
Activity level 60% 100%
Sales and production (units) 36,000 60,000
£ £
Sales revenue 432,000 720,000
Production costs
Variable and fixed 366,000 510,000
Sales distribution and administration costs
Variable and fixed 126,000 150,000
The budgeted level of activity for the current year is 60,000 units, and fixed costs are
incurred evenly throughout the year.
There was no inventory of the product at the start of the first quarter, in which 16,500 units
were made and 13,500 units were sold. Actual fixed costs were the same as budgeted.
AB Company uses absorption costing. You may assume that sales revenue and variable
costs per unit are as budgeted.
What is the value of the fixed production costs that were absorbed by the product in the
first quarter?
A £33,750
B £37,500
C £41,250
D £66,000 LO 2a

27 The following data have been extracted from the budget working papers of BL Ltd.
Production volume 1,000 2,000
£/unit £/unit
Variable materials 4.00 4.00
Variable labour 3.50 3.50
Production overhead – department 1 6.00 4.20
Production overhead – department 2 4.00 2.00
The total fixed cost and variable cost per unit is
Total fixed cost Variable cost per unit
£ £
A 3,600 9.90
B 4,000 11.70
C 7,600 7.50
D 7,600 9.90 LO 2a

66 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

28 Which of the following would affect the reliability of a forecast using linear regression?
(1) The amount of data on which the regression line is based
(2) The assumption that the trend line applies outside the range of X values used to
establish the line in the first place
(3) The assumption that there is a linear relationship between the two variables
(4) The coefficient of correlation
A (1) and (2) only
B (1), (2) and (3) only
C (1), (2), (3) and (4)
D (2) and (4) only LO 2a

29 Which two of the following are underlying assumptions of forecasts made using regression
A A curvilinear relationship exists between the two variables
B The value of one variable can be predicted or estimated from the value of one other
C A perfect linear relationship between the two variables
D What has happened in the past will provide a reliable guide to the future LO 2a

30 A company's weekly costs (£C) were plotted against production level (P) for the last 50
weeks and a regression line calculated to be C = 100 + 20P.
Which of the following statements about the breakdown of weekly costs is true?
A Fixed costs are £100. Variable costs per unit are £20.
B Fixed costs are £20. Variable costs per unit are £100.
C Fixed costs are £20. Variable costs per unit are £5.
D Fixed costs are £100. Variable costs per unit are £4. LO 2a

31 Which two of the following statements are correct?

A Positive correlation means that low values of one variable are associated with low
values of the other, and high values of one variable are associated with high values of
the other.
B Positive correlation means that low values of one variable are associated with high
values of the other, and high values of one variable are associated with low values of
the other.
C Negative correlation means that low values of one variable are associated with low
values of the other, and high values of one variable are associated with high values of
the other.
D Negative correlation means that low values of one variable are associated with high
values of the other, and high values of one variable are associated with low values of
the other. LO 2a

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 67

32 Examine the following graphs:
(a) Y

(b) Y

Which of the following statements is correct?
A Diagram (a) represents perfect positive correlation; diagram (b) represents negative
B Diagram (b) represents perfect positive correlation; diagram (a) represents negative
C Diagram (a) represents perfect negative correlation; diagram (b) represents imperfect
positive correlation.
D Diagram (b) represents perfect negative correlation; diagram (a) represents perfect
positive correlation. LO 2a

33 The correlation coefficient between two variables, x and y, is +0.72.

The proportion of variation in y that is explained by variation in x is (to two decimal places).
A 0.52
B 0.72
C 0.85
D 1.44 LO 2a

34 Which two of the following statements are correct?

A The coefficient of determination must always fall between 0 and +1.
B The correlation coefficient must always fall between –1 and +1.
C An advantage of the high-low method of cost estimation is that it takes into account the
full range of available data.
D A cost estimate produced using the high-low method can be used to reliably predict
the cost for any level of activity. LO 2a

68 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

35 The correlation coefficient between advertising expenditure and sales revenue is calculated
to be 0.85.
Which of the following statements is true?
A There is a weak relationship between advertising expenditure and sales revenue.
B 85% of the variation in sales revenue can be explained by the corresponding variation
in advertising expenditure.
C 72% of the variation in sales revenue can be explained by the corresponding variation
in advertising expenditure.
D Sales revenue will increase by 85% more than advertising expenditure will increase.
LO 2a

36 The linear relationship between advertising in thousands of pounds (X) and sales in tens of
thousands of pounds (Y) is given by Y = 5 + 2X.
Which two of the following statements are correct?
A For every £1,000 spent on advertising, sales revenue increases by £50,000 on average.
B When nothing is spent on advertising the average level of sales is £50,000.
C For every £1,000 spent on advertising, sales revenue increases by £20,000 on average.
D When nothing is spent on advertising, the average level of sales is £20,000. LO 2a

37 Which of the following is the best description of a 'top-down' budgeting process?

A The process starts with sales, then progresses to production, materials usage and other
functional budgets.
B Top management prepare a budget with little or no input from operating personnel.
C A series of budgets is prepared, from the most optimistic performance down to the
most pessimistic.
D The top level budget is non-financial, but more detailed budgets are progressively in
more financial terms. LO 2d

38 Which two of the following are advantages of a 'bottom-up' style of budgeting?

A Increase operational managers' commitment to organisational objectives
B Enhance the coordination between the plans and objectives of divisions
C Reduce the incidence of budgetary slack
D Based on information from employees most familiar with day to day activities
E Decrease the period of time taken to prepare the budgets LO 2d

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 69

39 Which of the following are criticisms of incremental budgeting?
(1) It is time consuming because it involves starting each budget from scratch
(2) It encourages slack
(3) It includes past inefficiencies as cost levels are not scrutinised
(4) It encourages wasteful spending

A (1) and (2) only

B (1), (2) and (3) only
C (2), (3) and (4) only
D (3) and (4) only LO 2d

40 Which of the following best describes incremental budgeting?

A Increments of expenditure are compared with the expected benefits to be received.
B Budgeted capacity is increased in increments until it is just sufficient to satisfy
budgeted production requirements.
C The budget for each period is based on the current year's results, modified for
changes in activity levels.
D The budget is updated in regular increments, by adding the budget for a further
accounting period when the earliest accounting period has expired. LO 2d

41 Which two of the following are characteristics of rolling budgets?

A Each item of expenditure has to be justified in its entirety in order to be included in the
next year's budget.
B A new accounting period, such as a month or a quarter, is added as each old one
C The budget is more realistic and certain as there is a short period between the
preparation of budgets.
D Updates to the fixed annual budget are made only when they are foreseeable. LO 2d

42 Which of the following best describes 'zero-based budgeting'?

A A budget method where an attempt is made to make expenditure under each cost
heading as close to zero as possible.
B A method of budgeting whereby all activities are re-evaluated each time a budget is
C A method of budgeting where the sum of costs and revenues for each budget centre
equals zero.
D A method of budgeting that distinguishes fixed and variable cost behaviour with
respect to changes in output and the budget is designed to change appropriately with
such fluctuations. LO 2d

70 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

43 Three separate newly-formed companies are currently designing their budgetary planning
and control systems.
Company A will manufacture a wide range of products of varying flexibility. Some of the
products will be mass produced, others will be low volume. The degree of non-production
support required for each product differs widely.
Company B will manufacture a single product and has employed a specialist to manage
each of its production and non-production activities.
Company C will manufacture a small range of diverse products and the cost and revenue
responsibilities will differ for each product.
Indicate which budget structure would be most appropriate for each organisation.
Product based budget
A Company A
B Company B
C Company C
Responsibility based budget
D Company A
E Company B
F Company C
Activity based budget
G Company A
H Company B
I Company C LO 2d

44 Which two of the following statements about budgeting are correct?

A A forecast is an attempt to predict what will happen.
B A budget is a plan of what is intended to happen.
C All budgets are prepared in financial terms.
D The master budget consists of a budgeted income statement and a budgeted balance
E A flexible budget adjusts both fixed and variable costs for the level of activity. LO 2d

45 A firm that uses zero-based budgeting for its overheads has

A zero as the starting point for budgeting the coming year's overheads
B a zero variance between budgeted and actual overhead
C an assumed sales level of zero as the starting point for budgeting the coming year's
D an overhead budget of zero LO 2d

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 71

46 The high-low method of cost estimation is useful for
A calculating the budgeted cost for the actual activity
B calculating the highest and lowest costs in the budget period
C measuring the actual cost for the budgeted activity
D predicting the range of costs expected in the budget period LO 2a

47 An extract from next year's budget for a manufacturing company is shown below.
Month 3 Month 4
£ £
Closing inventory of raw materials 22,000 12,000
The manufacturing cost of production is £116,000 in both Month 3 and Month 4. Materials
costs represent 40% of manufacturing cost.
The budgeted material purchases for Month 4 are
A £36,400
B £42,400
C £46,400
D £56,400 LO 2c

48 You are given the following budgeted cost information for Verlaine plc for January.
Sales £120,000
Unit selling price £2
Gross profit 30% margin on sales
Opening inventory 6,000 units
Sales volumes are increasing at 20% per month and company policy is to maintain 10% of
next month's sales volume as closing inventory.
The budgeted cost of production for January is
A £84,000
B £85,680
C £120,000
D £122,400 LO 2c

72 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

49 Which of the following statements about big data is/are correct?
(1) Big data is often out of date before it can be used.
(2) Big data is only relevant for short term decisions.
(3) Big data can be used to predict consumer preferences.
A (1), (2) and (3)
B (1) and (2) only
C (3) only
D (2) and (3) only LO 2b

50 Fashn Ltd runs a chain of fashion retail stores. A key element of its commercial success
comes from being able to identify customer trends, and responding to them, more quickly
than its competitors.
Which two of the following are potential sources of big data for Fashn Ltd?
A Online video clips of clothes being shared by customers
B Daily transactions records from stores
C Inventory records from the chain’s central warehouse
D Keywords from conversations about fashion on social media
E The number, and level, of discounts Fashn Ltd has to offer on its products LO 2b

51 Consider the following statements:

(1) Big data analytics enables businesses to gain a more detailed understanding of
customer behaviour.
(2) Big data requires analysis by a skilled data analyst.
Which of the following is correct with regards to the statements above?
A (1) and (2) are correct
B (1) and (2) are incorrect
C (1) is correct and (2) is incorrect
D (2) is correct and (1) is incorrect LO 2b

52 What are the four 'V's associated with big data?

A Volume, velocity, visibility, veracity
B Variability, volume, verification, veracity
C Volume, velocity, variety, veracity
D Velocity, visibility, variety, variability LO 2b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 73

53 Teecee Ltd operates a chain of coffee shops. It has an interactive website where customers
can leave feedback, and has recently introduced a customer loyalty card that is swiped at
the till whenever a purchase is made. Teecee is keen to make use of this new data.
Which two of the following are suitable uses of the data that is collected from Teecee's
website and its customer loyalty cards?
A Understanding individual customer preferences
B Updating inventory records
C Analysing the take-up of targeted promotions
D Rewarding branch managers for the achievement of sales targets LO 2b

54 The number of specialist data analytics firms has risen in recent years with the increase in
the collection of big data.
Which two of the following explain this?
A Privacy concerns mean that it is prudent to give data to analytics firms who are better
able to protect it.
B Cybersecurity risks can be avoided by the use of data specialists.
C There is a lack of employees within the organisation with appropriate data analytics
D Big data is often incorrect and data analysts are quicker to detect errors and
E Traditional data management systems cannot readily process unstructured data. LO 2b

74 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 7: Working capital
1 Claw is preparing its cash flow forecast for the next quarter.
Which of the following items should be excluded from the calculations?
A The receipt of a bank loan that has been raised for the purpose of investment in a new
rolling mill
B Depreciation of the new rolling mill
C A tax payment that is due to be made, but which relates to profits earned in a previous
accounting period
D Disposal proceeds from the sale of the old rolling mill LO 2e

2 A cash budget has been drawn up as follows:

January February March
£ £ £
Credit sales 10,000 11,000 12,500
Cash sales 5,000 4,500 6,000
Suppliers 6,500 4,200 7,800
Wages 2,300 2,300 3,000
Overheads 1,500 1,750 1,900
Opening cash 500
The closing cash balance for March is budgeted to be
A £5,800
B £12,450
C £17,750
D £18,250 LO 2e

3 A machine that was bought in January 20X1 for £44,000 and has been depreciated by
£8,000 per year, is expected to be sold in December 20X3 for £17,600.
What is the net cash inflow or (outflow) that will appear in the cash budget for December
A £9,000 inflow
B £15,200 inflow
C £17,600 inflow
D £17,600 outflow LO 2e

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 75

4 Jason is preparing a cash budget for July. His actual credit sales are:
April 40,000
May 30,000
June 20,000
July 25,000
His recent debt collection experience has been as follows:
Current month's sales 20%
Prior month's sales 60%
Sales two months prior 10%
Cash discounts taken 5%
Bad debts 5%
How much should Jason budget to collect from customers during July?
A £19,750
B £20,000
C £22,000
D £26,000 LO 2e

5 Lotsa plc has budgeted that sales will be £101,500 in January 20X2, £580,500 in February,
£215,000 in March and £320,500 in April.
Half of sales will be credit sales. 80% of customers are expected to pay in the month after
sale, 15% in the second month after sale, while the remaining 5% are expected to be bad
Customers who pay in the month after sale can claim a 4% early settlement discount.
What level of sales receipts should be shown in the cash budget for March 20X2 (to the
nearest £)?
A £338,025
B £347,313
C £568,550
D £587,125 LO 2e

6 A company has a two month receivables cycle. It receives in cash 45% of the total gross
sales value in the month of invoicing.
Bad debts are 7% of total gross sales value and there is a 10% discount for settling accounts
within 30 days.
What percentage of the first month's sales will be received as cash in the second month?
A 38%
B 43%
C 48%
D 58% LO 2e

76 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

7 From the customer collection records of Low Ltd, it is possible to determine that 60% of
invoices are paid in the month after sale, 30% in the second month after sale and 5% in the
third month after sale. Invoices are raised on the last day of each month and 5% become
bad debts.
Customers who settle in the month after sale are entitled to a 4% settlement discount.
Budgeted credit sales in January 20X6 are £221,500, in February £332,000, in March
£175,000 and in April £384,000.
What is the amount budgeted to be received in April from credit sales (to the nearest £)?
A £211,475
B £215,675
C £290,284
D £299,500 LO 2e

8 A company anticipates that 10,000 units of product Z will be sold during August.
Each unit of Z requires two litres of raw material W.
Actual inventories as at 1 August and budgeted inventories as at 31 August are:
1 August 31 August
Product Z (units) 14,000 15,000
Raw materials W (litres) 20,000 15,000
A litre of W costs £1.50. If the company pays for all purchases in the month of acquisition,
what is the payment for August purchases of W?
A £17,000
B £25,500
C £33,000
D £34,500 LO 2e

9 Sam is a trading company that holds no inventories. Each month the following relationships
Gross profit 40% of sales
Closing trade payables 30% of cost of sales
Sales are budgeted to be £48,500 in April and £36,500 in May.
How much cash is budgeted to be paid in May to suppliers?
A £19,740
B £21,900
C £23,340
D £24,060 LO 2e

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 77

10 The budgeted sales for the first six months of Bendy Ltd's business are:
January 60,000
February 75,000
March 84,000
April 90,000
May 90,000
June 87,000
Bendy Ltd (Bendy) wishes to maintain inventory levels, as at the end of each month, to cover
sales for the following three months. Purchases are made at the beginning of each month,
and suppliers are to be paid after two months. Bendy will operate a 40% mark-up on costs.
The payment to be made to suppliers in May is (to the nearest £)
A £52,200
B £62,143
C £64,286
D £87,000 LO 2e

11 The following is an extract from an entity's budget for next month.

Sales £520,000
Gross profit on sales 30%
Increase in trade payables over the month £15,000
Decrease in cost of inventory held over the month £22,000
The budgeted payment to trade payables is
A £327,000
B £357,000
C £371,000
D £401,000 LO 2e

12 A company is preparing the budget for a product, and the following data has been
Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4
Planned sales (units) 2,000 2,200 2,500 2,600

Closing inventory in each month must be 50% of the next month's sales. Suppliers are paid
in the month following purchase. The standard cost of materials is £4 per unit.
What is the budgeted payment to suppliers in Month 3?
A £8,200
B £9,400
C £10,000
D £10,200 LO 2e

78 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

The following information relates to questions 13 and 14
Each unit of product Zeta requires 3 kg of raw material and four direct labour hours. Material
costs £2 per kg and the direct labour rate is £7 per hour.
The production budget for Zeta for April to June is as follows:
April May June
Production units 7,800 8,400 8,200

13 Raw material opening inventories are budgeted as follows:

April May June
3,800 kg 4,200 kg 4,100 kg
The closing inventory budgeted for June is 3,900 kg.
Material purchases are paid for in the month following purchase.
The figure to be included in the cash budget for June in respect of payments for purchases
A £25,100
B £48,800
C £50,200
D £50,600 LO 2e

14 Wages are paid 75% in the month of production and 25% in the following month.
The figures to be included in the cash budget for May in respect of wages is
A £222,600
B £231,000
C £233,800
D £235,200 LO 2e

15 Aaron Products is considering the implementation of a revised receivables policy, which will
result in an increase in the average collection period from the current 60 days to 90 days.
This is expected to lead to a 20% increase in annual sales revenue, currently £960,000,
resulting in additional inventories and trade payables of £30,000 and £15,000 respectively.
It is expected that all customers will take advantage of the extended credit period.
The net increase in working capital investment that would result from the change in policy,
assuming a 360-day year, is
A £31,000
B £95,000
C £113,000
D £143,000 LO 2e

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 79

16 In order to improve operational cash flows indicate whether a business needs to increase or
decrease each of the following.
A Increase
B Decrease
C Increase
D Decrease
The credit period from trade suppliers
E Increase
F Decrease LO 2h

17 Which two of the following actions would be appropriate if the cash budget identified a
short-term cash deficit?
A Issue shares
B Pay suppliers early
C Arrange an overdraft
D Implement better credit control procedures
E Replace non-current assets LO 2h

18 A company's cash budget for the next six months is shown below.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Cash receipts £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
From customers 5 8 10 15 14 15
Investment maturing – – 5 – – –
5 8 15 15 14 15
Cash payments
To suppliers 6 8 12 10 8 4
Tax – – 4 – – –
Wages and other 4 4 4 3 4 4
Capital expenditure – 5 – – – –
Loan repayment – – – 2 – –
10 17 20 15 12 8
Net inflow/(outflow) (5) (9) (5) – 2 7
Balance b/f 2 (3) (12) (17) (17) (15)
Balance c/f (3) (12) (17) (17) (15) (8)

The company's overdraft facility is only for £15,000.

It has been proposed to reschedule the cash flows by delaying payment of 50% of the
supplier payments in each of the first five months by one month.

80 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

The maximum overdraft and the overdraft at the end of June will now be
Maximum End of June
A £18,000 £8,000
B £12,000 £6,000
C £18,000 £6,000
D £12,000 £8,000 LO 2e

19 A telephone business has annual sales of £1.1 million and a gross profit margin of 10%. It is
currently experiencing short-term cash flow difficulties, and intends to delay its payments to
trade suppliers by one month.
To the nearest £, the amount by which the cash balance will benefit in the short term from
this change in policy, assuming sales are spread evenly over the year, and inventory levels
remain constant throughout, is
A £82,500
B £83,333
C £91,667
D £100,833 LO 2e

20 A company's cash budget highlights a short-term surplus in the near future.

Which two of the following actions would not be appropriate to make use of the surplus?
A Increase inventories and receivables to improve customer service
B Buy back the company's shares
C Increase payables by delaying payments to suppliers
D Invest in a short term deposit account LO 2h

21 A company has annual sales of £3 million and its gross profit is 60% of sales. Inventory
turnover is 60 days, customers take an average of 35 days to pay and the company pays its
suppliers after 25 days.
Defining working capital as average inventories plus average receivables minus average
trade payables and using a 365-day year for your calculations, to the nearest £1,000, the
company's working capital will be
A £280,000
B £403,000
C £567,000
D £699,000 LO 2f

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 81

22 The following information relates to a business:
Debt collection period 11 weeks
Raw material inventory holding period 3 weeks
Suppliers' credit period 6 weeks
Production period 2 weeks
Finished goods inventory holding period 7 weeks
What is the working capital (operating) cycle of the business?
A 6 weeks
B 7 weeks
C 17 weeks
D 29 weeks LO 2f

23 Using the table below and a 365-day year, calculate the length of the working capital cycle
(operating cycle).
Inventories: Raw materials 250,000
Work in progress 115,000
Finished goods 186,000
Purchases 1,070,000
Cost of goods sold 1,458,000
Sales 1,636,000
Receivables 345,000
Trade payables 162,000
A 174 days
B 182 days
C 193 days
D 293 days LO 2f

24 Which two of the following might be associated with a lengthening cash cycle?
A Lower net operating cash inflow
B Lower investment in working capital
C Taking longer to pay trade suppliers
D Slower inventory turnover
E Higher net asset turnover LO 2f

82 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

25 The following information is available for a wholesale business for the latest year.
Opening balance Closing balance
£'000 £'000
Receivables 200 220
Inventory 120 220
Payables 170 130
The cost of goods sold during the year was £2 million and the company earns a margin of
20% of sales. Half of all sales are credit sales and the remainder are cash sales.
Using a 365-day year in your calculations, what is the length of the cash operating cycle in
respect of credit sales?
A 65 days
B 66 days
C 68 days
D 118 days LO 2f

26 A company has liquidity ratio (receivables divided by payables and bank overdraft) equal to
0.5. The directors believe that the company has to reduce its bank overdraft and have
agreed to alter the company's credit terms to customers from two months to one month.
What would be the effects on the company's cash operating cycle and liquidity ratio if this
change were to be achieved?
Cash operating cycle Liquidity ratio
A Decrease Decrease
B Decrease No change
C Decrease Increase
D Increase Increase LO 2f

27 From the following extracts from a draft balance sheet, calculate the quick (liquidity) ratio
£m £m
Non-current assets 10.5
Inventories 4.2
Receivables 2.8
Cash in hand 0.3
Liabilities 17.8
Trade payables 2.6
Other short-term payables 0.8
Loan repayable in five years 6.5

A 0.31
B 0.91
C 1.80
D 2.15 LO 2e

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 83

28 A company's liquidity (quick or acid test) ratio, which includes receivables, cash and
payables, is 0.5.
Consideration is being given to two changes:
Proposal 1 offer a 2% cash discount to customers for early settlement,
Proposal 2 delay payment to all suppliers.
All other things being equal, what will be the effects of the proposed change on the
liquidity ratio?
Proposal 1
A Increase
B Decrease
C No change
Proposal 2
D Increase
E Decrease
F No change LO 2e

29 If an increase in inventory levels is funded by an increase in the bank overdraft, what will be
the effect on the quick (liquidity) ratio?
A Increase
B Decrease
C Remain the same
D Increase, decrease or remain the same depending on the initial size of the quick ratio
LO 2e

30 A company has a current ratio greater than 1:1 and a quick (liquidity) ratio less than 1:1. If
the company uses cash to reduce trade payables, how will these payments affect each of
the ratios?
Current ratio
A Increase
B Decrease
C No change
Quick (liquidity) ratio
D Increase
E Decrease
F No change LO 2e

84 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

31 A retailing company's current assets and current liabilities consist of inventory at cost
£2,100, receivables, cash and trade payables. Its financial ratios include the following:
Quick (liquidity) ratio 2:1
Rate of inventory turnover 10 times p.a.
Gross profit margin 30%
Receivables collection period 1 month
Payables payment period 1.6 months
The opening inventory, receivables and payables balances are the same as the closing
The closing cash in hand balance will be
A £3,100
B £2,170
C £1,000
D £100 LO 2e

32 Fenton Ltd's projected revenue for 20X1 is £350,000. It is forecast that 12% of sales will
occur in January and remaining sales will be equally spread among the other 11 months. All
sales are on credit. Receivables accounts are settled 50% in the month of sale, 45% in the
following month, and 5% are written off as bad debts after two months.
The budgeted cash collections for March are
A £24,500
B £26,600
C £28,000
D £32,900 LO 2e

33 A retail company extracts the following information from its accounts at 30 June 20X6:
Average inventory 490,000
Average receivables 610,000
Average payables 340,000
Cost of sales 4,500,000
Purchases 4,660,000
Gross profit margin 32%
The number of days in the company's cash operating cycle is
A 34 days
B 44 days
C 47 days
D 51 days LO 2f

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 85

34 Fraser Ltd manufactures leather bags. The company buys raw materials from suppliers that
allow the company 2.5 months credit. The raw materials remain in inventory for 1 month
and it takes Fraser Ltd 2 months to produce the goods, which are sold immediately
production is completed. Customers take an average 1.5 months to pay.
Fraser Ltd's cash operating cycle is
A 1 month
B 1.5 months
C 2 months
D 6 months LO 2f

35 Trant plc has a two-stage trading process:

Stage 1: buy a large quantity of goods on credit
Stage 2: immediately sell them on credit at a profit
Which of the following will increase after Stage 1?
A Receivables and inventory
B Current assets and non-current assets
C Payables and cash
D Current assets and current liabilities LO 2g

36 Merlion plc is an international company based in Malaysia. It manufactures and sells items
for a wide variety of outdoor leisure pursuits including wind surfing, camping and mountain
biking. A summary of the ratios provided by the chief accountant is as follows:
Ratio 20X4 20X5 20X6
Receivables collection period 49 days 38 days 35 days
Payables payment period 51 days 35 days 30 days
Inventory turnover period 23 days 25 days 29 days
What are the figures for Merlion plc's cash operating cycle for each of the three years?
Cash operating cycle in 20X4
A 21 days
B 28 days
C 34 days
Cash operating cycle in 20X5
D 21 days
E 28 days
F 34 days
Cash operating cycle in 20X6
G 21 days
H 28 days
I 34 days LO 2g

86 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

37 Shrier plc is trying to decide on its optimal level of current assets. The company's
management face a trade-off between
A profitability and risk
B liquidity and risk
C equity and debt
D short-term and long-term borrowing LO 2g

38 If a business is suffering from liquidity problems, the aim must be to reduce the length of
the cash operating cycle. Which three of the following actions would achieve this?
A Reducing the credit period extended to receivables
B Reducing the payables payment period
C Extending the period of credit taken from suppliers
D Reducing the production period
E Extending the inventory holding period LO 2g

39 Albert's Autos is a small garage providing car servicing. Business is good, there is a steady
stream of income from repeat customers and breakdown recoveries. There are no
significant cash reserves and there is no need for an overdraft. Now the organisation that
passes on most of the breakdown recovery work offers Albert a contract to supply recovery
services over a 50-mile radius. It is seeking 60 days credit rather than Albert's usual 30 days.
Albert is keen but has been warned to look for signs of overtrading.
Which two of the following are most likely to be symptoms of overtrading?
A A lengthening of the cash operating cycle
B A rapid reduction in sales
C Increase in the level of the current ratio
D A rapid increase in sales
E A shortening of the cash operating cycle LO 2g

40 Apart from the actual cost of buying inventory, there are other inventory costs to consider.
Which two of the following are inventory holding costs?
A Clerical and administrative expenses
B Insurance
C Opportunity cost of capital tied up
D Production stoppages due to lack of raw materials
E The cost of inventory packaging materials LO 2g

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 87

41 The different functions within a company (finance, production, marketing, etc) often have
differing views about what is an 'appropriate' level of inventory. Essentially, two inventory
problems need to be answered – how much to order and when to order?
If we order inventory more frequently which of the following can we expect?
A Lower ordering costs and lower average inventory
B Lower ordering costs and higher average inventory
C Higher ordering costs and lower average inventory
D Higher ordering costs and higher average inventory LO 2g

42 The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) can be expressed as follows:
What does h describe in this formula?
A The cost of holding one unit of inventory for one period
B The cost of placing one order
C The cost of a unit of inventory
D The customer demand for the item LO 2g

43 Fruit & Nut Ltd is re-evaluating its inventory control policy. Its daily demand for wooden
boxes is steady at 40 a day for each of the 250 working days (50 weeks) of the year. The
boxes are currently bought weekly in batches of 200 from a local supplier for £2 each. The
cost of ordering the boxes from the local supplier is £64 per order, regardless of the size of
the order. The inventory holding costs, expressed as a percentage of inventory value, are
25% pa. The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) can be expressed as follows:
Identify the correct EOQ
A 101 boxes
B 253 boxes
C 1,600 boxes
D 2,262 boxes LO 2g

44 Kate Osmond works for a company manufacturing industrial fasteners, so the company has
several thousand types of inventory item. The company wants to introduce a new inventory
control system and Kate is reviewing what is available.
Identify the most suitable system for an organisation with so many inventory items.
A Re-order level system
B Periodic review system
C ABC system
D Just-in-time system LO 2g

88 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

45 The key trade-off that lies at the heart of working capital management is that between
A business stability and solvency
B debtors and creditors
C current assets and current liabilities
D liquidity and profitability LO 2g

46 Identify whether the following tasks are normally undertaken by the treasury department of
a large business.
Credit control
A Yes
B No
Short-term investment
C Yes
D No
Capital investment appraisal
E Yes
F No LO 2g

47 Total usage of one item of Archer Ltd's inventory for the next month is estimated to be
100,000 units. The costs incurred each time an order is placed are £180. The carrying cost
per unit of the item each month is estimated at £2. The purchase price of each unit is £4.
The economic order quantity formula is:

(2cd) /h

When using this formula to find the optimal quantity to be ordered, identify the amounts
that are included in the calculation.
Cost per order (£180)
A Included
B Not included
Carrying cost per unit per month (£2)
C Included
D Not included
Purchase price per unit (£4)
E Included
F Not included LO 2g

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 89

48 Rust Ltd invoices customers at the beginning of the month following the month in which a
sale is made. All of the cash to be received in respect of these invoices occurs within two
calendar months of invoicing. The company receives in cash 45% of the total gross sales
value in the month of invoicing. Because Rust Ltd operates in a market where there is poor
creditworthiness bad debts are 20% of total gross sales value, but there is a 10% discount
for settling accounts within a calendar month of invoicing.
What percentage of the sales invoiced in the first month will be received as cash in the
second month by Rust Ltd?
A 55.0%
B 35.0%
C 39.5%
D 30.0% LO 2g

49 Youri plc has the following opening and closing balances on its trade receivables budget
for next year, 20X7:
Opening balance on trade receivables (invoiced on 31 December 20X6) 56,000
Closing balance on trade receivables (invoiced on 30 November 20X7) 72,000
In 20X7 credit sales are expected to be £276,000. The company offers a 10% discount on all
amounts paid within one month of the invoice date. In 20X7 the company expects 50% of
eligible trade customers to take advantage of this discount.
How much cash does Youri plc expect to receive from customers during the year?
A £247,000
B £243,400
C £260,000
D £276,000 LO 2g

90 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 8: Performance management
1 Shown below is a diagram of a simple control cycle. What should be in the box marked 'X'?

Resources Operations

Control action

and control

A Feedback
B Fixed costs
C Activity levels
D Budgets and standards LO 3a

2 Which of the following is not a feature of effective feedback reports?

A Made available in a timely fashion
B Produced on a regular basis
C Distributed to as many managers as possible
D Sufficiently accurate for the purpose intended LO 3a

3 Which of the following describes exception reporting?

A Reporting of exceptional activities within an organisation
B Reporting only controllable matters to managers
C Reporting only of variances which exceed a certain value
D Reporting of all variances to the relevant manager LO 3a

4 Which two of the following statements about management control reports are correct?
A Reports should be completely accurate.
B Reports should be clear and comprehensive.
C Reports should not include information about uncontrollable items.
D Based on the information contained in reports, managers may decide to do nothing.
LO 3a

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 91

5 Which of the following is not an example of budget bias?
A A manager overestimates costs when setting the budget, to guard against
overspending during the period.
B A manager's advertising budget is disproportionately large in comparison with the
budgeted revenue to be generated.
C A manager underestimates revenues when setting the budget to ensure that the
budget target can be easily exceeded.
D A manager overestimates revenues when setting the budget in order to make a
favourable impression on senior managers. LO 3a

6 Which of the following statements is correct?

A Since management accounts are prepared for a different purpose from that of external
financial reports, there is no need for any convergence between the two.
B The setting of appropriate performance measures will ensure that an organisation's
performance management is effective.
C Since the board of directors is not concerned with the day to day management of a
business they do not require regular management reports.
D Management control activity might involve a comparison of the latest forecast results
with the original budget. LO 3a

7 Which of the following is not a style of performance evaluation identified in Hopwood's

A Budget constrained
B Non-accounting
C Revenue focused
D Profit conscious LO 3a

8 Select which of the following styles of using budgetary information is most likely to lead to
each of the situations described.
Job related tension is caused by which of the following styles:
A Budget constrained
B Profit conscious
C Non-accounting
Less focus on cost control is caused by which of the following styles:
D Budget constrained
E Profit conscious
F Non-accounting

92 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Incidence of budget bias is caused by which of the following styles:
G Budget constrained
H Profit conscious
I Non-accounting LO 3a

9 A company have recently implemented a new budgetary planning and control system after
several years of trading.
Having made a significant investment in the new system, the company's management team
were surprised to learn that it is not designed to do which of the following?
A Improve control of actual performance
B Improve coordination of activities
C Improve gross profit
D Improve communication of ideas and plans LO 3a

10 Which of the following is a reason for adopting a decentralised rather than a centralised
organisational structure?
A Improved goal congruence between the goals of divisional management and the goals
of the organisation
B Rapid management response to changes in the trading environment
C Availability of objective performance measures
D Improved communication of information between the group's managers LO 3a

11 Division P is an investment centre within PC Ltd. Over which of the following is the manager
of division P likely to have control?
(1) Transfer prices
(2) Level of inventory in the division
(3) Discretionary fixed costs incurred in the division
(4) Apportioned head office costs
A (1), (2), (3) and (4)
B (1), (2) and (3) only
C (1) and (2) only
D (1) only LO 3b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 93

12 The manager of a trading division has complete autonomy regarding the purchase and use
of non-current assets. The division operates its own credit control policy in respect of its
customers but the group operates a central purchasing function through which the division
places all orders with suppliers and invoices are paid by head office.
Inventories of goods for sale are kept in central stores, from which local divisions call off
requirements for local sales on a monthly basis into a local inventory.
Divisional performance is assessed on the basis of controllable residual income. The
company requires a rate of return of 'R'.
Using the following symbols:
Divisional non-current assets N
Apportioned net book value of central stores S
Divisional working capital
Receivables D
Local inventory I
Bank B
Payables (P)
Divisional net assets T
Divisional contribution C
Controllable fixed costs (F)
Head office charges (H)
Divisional net income G

Which of the following formulae calculates the division's controllable residual income?
A [C – F] – [(N + D + B)  R]
B [C – F] – [(N + D + I + B)  R]
C C – [(N + D)  R]
D G – (T  R) LO 3b

13 Division D of Distan Ltd is considering a project which will increase annual profit by £15,000
but will require average receivables levels to increase by £100,000. The company's target
return on investment is 10% and the imputed interest cost of capital is 9%. Division D
currently earns a return on investment of 13%.
Would the return on investment (ROI) and residual income (RI) performance measures
motivate the manager of Division D to act in the interest of the Distan company as a whole?
A Manager would wish to act in the interest of Distan Ltd
B Manager would not wish to act in the interest of Distan Ltd
C Manager would wish to act in the interest of Distan Ltd
D Manager would not wish to act in the interest of Distan Ltd LO 3b

94 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

14 Division B of a national house-building group is projected to earn profits of £4.5 million in
the current year on capital employed at the year end of £25 million. The division has been
set a target return on investment (ROI) of 20%.
The manager of division B is considering disposing of some slow-moving houses which
have a full market value of £16 million, but are held in the books at cost of £12 million, for a
reduced figure of £14 million.
Which of the following statements is true?
A The revised divisional ROI will be below 20% and the manager will make a goal
congruent decision.
B The revised divisional ROI will be above 20% and the manager will not make a goal
congruent decision.
C The revised divisional ROI will be below 20% and the manager will not make a goal
congruent decision.
D The revised divisional ROI will be above 20% and the manager will make a goal
congruent decision. LO 3b

15 On the last day of the financial year a division has net assets with a total carrying amount of
£300,000. The return on investment for the division is 18%.
The division manager is considering selling a non-current asset immediately before the year
end. The non-current asset has a carrying amount of £15,000 and will sell for a profit of
What would be the division's return on investment (ROI) immediately after the sale of the
asset at the end of the year?
A 17.7%
B 19.3%
C 20.3%
D 20.7% LO 3b

16 Which of the following is not a perspective that is monitored by the balanced scorecard
approach to performance measurement?
A Financial
B Customer
C Supplier
D Innovation and learning LO 3b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 95

17 Indicate which of the following statements are true.
(1) If a company uses a balanced scorecard approach to the provision of information it will
not use ROI or residual income as divisional performance measures.
(2) The residual income will always increase when investments earning above the cost of
capital are undertaken.
(3) The internal business perspective of the balanced scorecard approach to the provision
of information is concerned only with the determination of internal transfer prices that
will encourage goal congruent decisions.
(4) An advantage of the residual income performance measure is that it facilitates
comparisons between investment centres.
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (3) only
D (1) and (4) only LO 3b

18 Which of the following describes a flexible budget?

A A budget comprising variable production costs only
B A budget which is updated with actual costs and revenues as they occur during the
budget period
C A budget which shows the costs and revenues at different levels of activity
D A budget which is prepared using a computer spreadsheet model LO 3c

19 Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(1) Fixed budgets are not useful for control purposes.
(2) A prerequisite of flexible budgeting is a knowledge of cost behaviour patterns.
(3) Budgetary control procedures are useful only to maintain control over an
organisation's expenditure.
A (1), (2) and (3)
B (1) and (2) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (2) only LO 3c

96 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

20 A company manufactures a single product and has drawn up the following flexed budget
for the year.
60% 70% 80%
£ £ £
Variable materials 120,000 140,000 160,000
Variable labour 90,000 105,000 120,000
Production overhead 54,000 58,000 62,000
Other overhead 40,000 40,000 40,000
Total cost 304,000 343,000 382,000

What would be the total cost in a budget that is flexed at the 77% level of activity?
A £330,300
B £370,300
C £373,300
D £377,300 LO 3c

21 Within decentralised organisations there may be cost centres, investment centres and profit
centres. Which of the following statements is true?
A Cost centres have a higher degree of autonomy than profit centres.
B Investment centres have the highest degree of autonomy and cost centres have the
C Investment centres have the lowest degree of autonomy.
D Profit centres have the highest degree of autonomy and cost centres have the lowest.
LO 3a

22 A manager of a trading division of a large company has complete discretion over the
purchase and use of non-current assets and inventories. Head Office keeps a central bank
account, collecting all cash from receivables and paying all suppliers. The division is
charged a management fee for these services. The performance of the manager of the
division is assessed on the basis of her controllable residual income. The company requires
a rate of return of 'R'. Using the following symbols:
Divisional non-current assets F
Divisional working capital
Receivables D
Inventory S
Payables (L)
Divisional net assets Z
Divisional profit P
Head office management charges (M)
Divisional net profit N

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 97

Which of the following is the correct formula for calculating the controllable residual
income of the division?
A P – [(F + S)  R]
B N – [(F + S)  R]
C N – (Z  R)
D P – (Z  R) LO 3b

23 Which of the following sentences best describes what is necessary for a responsibility
accounting system to be successful?
A Each manager should know the criteria used for evaluating his or her own
B The details on the performance reports for individual managers should add up to the
totals on the report of their superior.
C Each employee should receive a separate performance report.
D Service department costs should be apportioned to the operating departments that
use the service. LO 3a

24 Information concerning three divisions of Haughton plc is shown below.

Division Capital invested Return on investment
P £1,100,000 12%
Q £1,200,000 13%
R £1,500,000 14%
Select the percentage that is the highest rate for the imputed cost of capital that would
produce the same ranking for these three divisions using residual income instead of return
on investment.
A 11.9%
B 13.9%
C 17.9%
D 23.9% LO 3b

25 A division has a residual income of £480,000 and a net profit before imputed interest of
If it uses a rate of 10% for computing imputed interest on its invested capital, what is its
return on investment?
A 10%
B 22%
C 6%
D 16% LO 3b

98 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

26 Division X of Martext Ltd produced the following results in the last financial year:
Net profit 400
Average net assets 2,000
For evaluation purposes all divisional assets are valued at original cost. The division is
considering a project which will increase annual net profit by £30,000, but will require
average inventory levels to increase by £100,000 and fixed assets to increase by £100,000.
Martext Ltd imposes a 16% capital charge on its divisions.
Given these circumstances, will the evaluation criteria of return on investment (ROI) and
residual income (RI) motivate division X managers to accept the project?
A No Yes
B Yes Yes
C No No
D Yes No
LO 3b

27 A division currently has an annual return on investment (ROI) of 20% on its investment base
of £1,200,000. The following additional projects are being considered:
Investment Annual
Project outlay profit ROI
£'000 £'000 %
K 300 100 33
L 700 210 30
M 500 130 26
N 200 44 22

Which combination of investments will maximise the division's return on investment

assuming unlimited capital is available?
A K, L, M and N
B K, L and M only
C K and L only
D K only LO 3b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 99

28 Ulster plc estimates that the net cash flows associated with a new piece of equipment will
be equal in each of the five years of the asset's life.
In assessing performance, Return on Investment (ROI) is used, but the figures for capital
employed and accounting profit have come under scrutiny.
Which methods of stating these two components of ROI will provide figures which are
constant from year to year over the five-year life of this new asset?
Capital employed Accounting profit
A Gross book value Profit after charging depreciation on a reducing balance basis
B Gross book value Profit after charging depreciation on a straight-line basis
C Net book value Profit after charging depreciation on a straight-line basis
D Net book value Profit after charging depreciation on a reducing balancebasis
LO 3b

29 Consider the following statements:

(1) Cloud accounting software allows multi-user access.
(2) Cloud accounting software is more expensive than accounting software packages.
Which of the following is correct with regards to the statements above?
A (1) and (2) are correct
B (1) and (2) are incorrect
C (1) is correct and (2) is incorrect
D (2) is correct and (1) is incorrect LO 3d

30 Which two of the following are true when management information is provided by a shared
service centre (SSC)?
A Management information quality is improved as best practice can be implemented
B There is a more consistent management of business data
C Specific finance issues affecting individual departments will be taken into account
D The costs of providing management information will increase LO 3e

31 Which of the following statements about cloud accounting is/are correct?

(1) Data can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.
(2) It helps businesses stay up to date with latest technological advances.
(3) Cloud accounting applications remove risks of data theft.
A (1), (2) and (3)
B (1) and (2) only
C (3) only
D (2) and (3) only LO 3e

100 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

32 When a company decides to use cloud accounting, which of the following does it no longer
A Accounting software update manager
B Trained accounts staff
C Management reporting timetables
D Internet access LO 3e

33 The shared service centre (SSC) of Brilliant Job Ltd contains its human resource
management, payroll, accounting and IT functions. It has developed a service level
agreement (SLA) with its internal clients in the various business units of Brilliant Job Ltd. This
SLA places great importance on service quality, and particularly focuses on the accuracy of
the work that the SSC performs.
Which of the following performance measures reflects this focus on accuracy?
A Percentage of employment contracts sent out without errors
B Speed in dealing with IT user queries
C Number of sales invoices raised
D Timely removal of ex-employees from the payroll database LO 3e

34 The shared service centre (SSC) of Oilspill Ltd operates its payroll, finance and project
management functions. It has adopted the balanced scorecard for measuring its
Which two of the following would be appropriate for the SSC to use as performance
measures in the ‘customer perspective’ quadrant?
A Cost per accounting transaction processed
B Time saved updating payroll file for overtime payments
C Number of complaints about processing delays
D Number of new projects set up
E Training days per employee
F Percentage of reports issued to department heads on time LO 3e

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 101

102 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019
Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis
1 Which of the following would not be used to estimate standard material prices?
A The availability of bulk purchase discounts
B Purchase contracts already agreed
C The forecast movement of prices in the market
D Performance standards in operation LO 3c

2 Which of the following statements about budgets and standards is/are correct?
(1) Budgets can be used in situations where output cannot be measured but standards
cannot be used in such situations.
(2) Budgets can include allowances for inefficiencies in operations but standards use
performance targets which are attainable under the most favourable conditions.
(3) Budgets are used for planning purposes, standards are used only for control purposes.
A (1), (2) and (3)
B (1) and (2) only
C (1) only
D (2) and (3) only LO 3c

3 Which of the following is not a cause of variances?

A Actual prices are different from budgeted prices
B Actual resource usage is different from planned resource usage
C Actual production volume is different from budgeted production volume
D Actual prices are different from forecast prices LO 3c

The following information relates to questions 4 and 5

Telgar plc uses a standard costing system, with its material inventory account being maintained
at standard cost. The following details have been extracted from the standard cost card in
respect of materials.
8 kg @ £0.80/kg = £6.40 per unit
Budgeted production in April was 850 units.
The following details relate to actual materials purchased and issued to production during April
when actual production was 870 units.
Materials purchased 8,200 kg costing £6,888
Materials issued to production 7,150 kg

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 103

4 The material price variance for April was
A £286 adverse
B £286 favourable
C £328 adverse
D £328 favourable LO 3c

5 The material usage variance for April was

A £152.00 favourable
B £152.00 adverse
C £159.60 adverse
D £280.00 adverse LO 3c

The following information relates to questions 6 and 7

Revue plc uses a standard costing system. The budget for one of its products for September
includes labour cost (based on 4 hours per unit) of £117,600. During September 3,350 units
were made which was 150 units less than budgeted. The labour cost incurred was £111,850 and
the number of labour hours worked was 13,450.

6 The labour rate variance for the month was

A £710 favourable
B £1,130 favourable
C £1,130 adverse
D £5,750 adverse LO 3c

7 The labour efficiency variance for the month was

A £415.80 adverse
B £420.00 adverse
C £420.00 favourable
D £710.00 favourable LO 3c

104 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

The following information relates to questions 8 to 10
Extracts from Verona Ltd's records for June are as follows.
Budget Actual
Production 520 units 560 units
Variable production overhead cost £3,120 £4,032
Labour hours worked 1,560 2,240

8 The variable production overhead total variance for June is

A £240 adverse
B £672 adverse
C £672 favourable
D £912 adverse LO 3c

9 The variable production overhead expenditure variance for June is

A £448 favourable
B £448 adverse
C £672 adverse
D £912 adverse LO 3c

10 The variable production overhead efficiency variance for June is

A £1,008 adverse
B £1,120 adverse
C £1,120 favourable
D £1,360 adverse LO 3c

11 The following information is available for Mentamint Ltd, which makes one product.
Budgeted fixed overhead per unit £10
Budgeted output 1,000 units
Actual output 1,200 units
Actual fixed overheads £11,200
What is the fixed overhead expenditure variance?
A £1,200 adverse
B £800 favourable
C £1,200 favourable
D £800 adverse LO 3c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 105

12 The following information relates to Product M, made and sold by Nan Ltd.
Standard £ per unit Actual £ per unit
Selling price 20 22
Material 6 8
Labour 3 4
Variable overhead 2 4
Total variable costs (11) (16)
Contribution 9 6

Nan Ltd budgeted for a sales volume of 1,000 units, but actually sold 100 units less than
Which of the following shows the correct calculation of the sales price and contribution volume
A Sales price variance = £1,800 favourable
Sales volume variance = £2,000 adverse
B Sales price variance = £2,000 favourable
Sales volume variance = £900 adverse
C Sales price variance = £2,000 favourable
Sales volume variance = £2,000 adverse
D Sales price variance = £1,800 favourable
Sales volume variance = £900 adverse LO 3c

13 To reconcile the budgeted contribution to the actual contribution, which of the following
must be accounted for?
A All sales variances and all marginal cost variances
B All sales variances
C All marginal cost variances
D Neither sales nor marginal cost variances LO 3c

14 A company budgets to make and sell 83,000 units of its product each period. The standard
contribution per unit is £8.
The following variances (A = adverse; F = favourable) were reported for the latest period.
Variances £
Sales volume contribution 42,400 (A)
Sales price 7,310 (F)
Material total 7,720 (F)
Material price 10,840 (F)
Labour total 6,450 (A)
Variable overhead total 4,250 (A)
Fixed overhead expenditure 8,880 (F)
The budgeted fixed overhead expenditure for the period was £210,000.

106 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

The actual profit for the period was
A £424,810
B £435,650
C £483,190
D £634,810 LO 3c

15 In a period, 11,280 kg of material were used at a total standard cost of £46,248. The
material usage variance was £492 adverse.
What was the standard allowed weight of material for the production achieved?
A 10,788 kg
B 11,160 kg
C 11,280 kg
D 11,400 kg LO 3c

16 During a period, 17,500 labour hours were worked at a standard cost of £6.50 per hour.
The labour efficiency variance was £7,800 favourable.
How many standard hours should have been worked?
A 1,200
B 16,300
C 17,500
D 18,700 LO 3c

17 The following information relates to material costs for the latest period.
Actual material purchased and used 210,000 kg
Standard material for actual output 175,000 kg
Total actual materials cost £336,000
Materials price variance £21,000 adverse
What was the standard materials price per kg?
A £1.50
B £1.70
C £1.80
D £2.04 LO 3c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 107

18 Consider the following statements:
(1) Favourable variances are always good for an organisation.
(2) Variance reporting is the comparison of the actual results with the original budget.
Which of the following is correct with regards to the statements above?
A Both statements are correct
B Both statements are incorrect
C Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is incorrect
D Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is correct LO 3c

19 Variances which are simply random deviations can be described as which of the following?
A Controllable
B Uncontrollable
C Either controllable or uncontrollable
D Marginal costs LO 3c

20 Consider the following factors for investigating a variance.

(1) Controllability of variance
(2) Cost of investigation
(3) Personnel involved
(4) Trend of variance
Which of these would be a factor that would affect a decision as to whether to investigate the
A (2) and (4) only
B (2), (3) and (4) only
C (1), (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (4) only LO 3c

21 Which of the following would not help to explain a favourable materials usage variance?
A Using a higher quality of materials than specified in the standard
B Achieving a lower output volume than budgeted
C A reduction in quality control checking standards
D A reduction in materials wastage rates LO 3c

108 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

22 Select the likely impact of the following actual events on the materials price variance.
The standard material price was set too low.
A Adverse
B Favourable
C No impact
Discounts were taken from suppliers for early settlement of invoices.
D Adverse
E Favourable
F No impact
The material purchased was of a higher quality than standard.
G Adverse
H Favourable
I No impact LO 3c

23 Which of the following could cause a favourable variable overhead efficiency variance?
A Using less material than the flexed materials usage budget predicts
B Working fewer hours than the flexed labour hours budget predicts
C Variable overhead cost per hour being less than the standard variable overhead cost
per hour
D Fixed overhead expenditure being less than budgeted LO 3c

24 The labour total variance for the latest period was favourable. Which of the following are,
together, certain to have caused this variance?
A Lower hourly rates than standard and higher than budgeted labour hours
B Lower hourly rates than standard and lower than budgeted labour hours
C Lower hourly rates than standard and lower than standard labour hours for the actual
D Lower hourly rates than standard and higher than standard labour hours for the actual
production LO 3c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 109

25 A business has a budgeted materials cost of £7 per kg. During the month of June 2,500 kg
of the material was purchased and used at a cost of £18,750 in order to produce 1,250 units
of the product. The budgeted materials cost of £14,000 had been based upon budgeted
production of 1,000 units of the product.
What was the materials total variance?
A £1,250 adverse
B £1,250 favourable
C £4,750 adverse
D £4,750 favourable LO 3c

26 A business has a budgeted labour cost per unit of £15.50. During the month of December
production details were as follows:
Budget 12,600 units
Actual 12,000 units
The actual labour cost for the month was £199,400
What was the labour total variance as a percentage of the flexed budgeted figure?
A 2.1% adverse
B 2.1% favourable
C 7.2% adverse
D 7.2% favourable LO 3c

27 A company's actual output for the period was 22,000 units and variable overhead costs
were in line with budget. The budgeted variable overhead cost per unit was £3 and total
overhead expenditure of £108,000 meant that fixed overheads were £8,000 under budget.
What was the budgeted level of fixed overheads for the period?
A £34,000
B £50,000
C £66,000
D £116,000 LO 3c

28 When absorbing variable overheads on the basis of machine hours, the total variable
overhead variance can be worked out by comparing actual variable overheads in a period
with the product of the absorption rate and which of the following?
A (Planned output)  (Standard machine hours per unit)
B (Actual output)  (Actual machine hours per unit)
C (Planned output)  (Actual machine hours per unit)
D (Actual output)  (Standard machine hours per unit) LO 3c

110 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

29 A product requires raw material with a standard cost of 50p per kg. In February, 2,500 kg of
raw material were purchased at a cost of £1,500 of which 2,300 kg of raw material were
used in that month's production.
If raw material inventory is valued at standard cost and there was no opening inventory of
raw material, which of the following represents the material price variance for February?
A £250 adverse
B £230 adverse
C £230 favourable
D £250 favourable LO 3c

30 The following is extracted from Proteus Ltd's monthly management reporting:

Performance report for October
Budgeted contribution (10,000 units) 172,000
Variances Adverse Favourable
£ £
Labour rate 3,600
Labour efficiency 8,000
Material price 10,800
Material usage 4,800
14,400 12,800 (1,600)
Actual contribution (10,000 units) 170,400

The purchasing manager decided to buy a superior quality material that was more
expensive than the standard material for use in October. This superior material causes less
waste. Labour was able to convert this superior material into the final product in less than
the standard time. A wage rise, agreed in July and implemented at the beginning of
October, also impacted on the results.
The decision to buy the superior quality materials caused the profit in October to change.
Select which of the following best describes that change.
A Fall by £1,600
B Rise by £4,800
C Fall by £6,000
D Rise by £2,000 LO 3c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 111

31 The following data are available with regard to a product for a given period:
Actual Budget
Sales (units) 10,100 10,000
£ £
Sales value 105,040 102,000
Variable costs at standard 86,860 86,000
Contribution 18,180 16,000

The favourable sales volume variance was

A £1,020
B £1,040
C £180
D £160 LO 3c

32 The following information relates to a firm's labour costs for the year:
Standard rate per hour £2.00
Actual rate per hour £4.00
Actual hours worked 130,000
Labour efficiency variance £10,000 favourable
The standard number of labour hours for actual output were
A 125,000 hours
B 127,500 hours
C 132,500 hours
D 135,000 hours LO 3c

33 Would each of the following actual events during the year lead to a sales volume variance
being adverse or favourable or have no impact on it?
Sales prices increased
A Adverse
B Favourable
C No impact
Successful advertising campaign
D Adverse
E Favourable
F No impact
Increased labour pay rates
G Adverse
H Favourable
I No impact LO 3c

112 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor
1 The Finance Assistant from Castle Associates has recently returned from a management
accounting seminar at which she was introduced to some new management accounting
terms and formulae. She has now got several of the terms and formulae mixed up in her
The contribution required to breakeven is best given by which of the following?
A Unit selling price less unit variable cost
B Unit contribution  number of units sold
C Total fixed costs
D Total fixed costs/contribution ratio LO 4a

2 Which two of the following show how the breakeven point in units can be calculated?
A Total fixed costs/contribution per unit
B Contribution required to break even/contribution per unit
C Contribution/sales
D Fixed costs/costs to sales ratio LO 4a

3 A company makes a single product and incurs fixed costs of £30,000 per month. Variable
cost per unit is £5 and each unit sells for £15. Monthly sales demand is 7,000 units.
The breakeven point in terms of monthly sales units is
A 2,000 units
B 3,000 units
C 4,000 units
D 6,000 units LO 4a

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 113
4 A company manufactures a single product for which cost and selling price data are as
Selling price per unit £12
Variable cost per unit £8
Fixed costs per month £96,000
Budgeted monthly sales (units) 30,000
The margin of safety, expressed as a percentage of budgeted monthly sales, is
A 20%
B 25%
C 73%
D 125% LO 4a

5 Uula plc makes a single product, which it sells for £16 per unit. Fixed costs are £76,800 per
month and the product has a contribution ratio of 40%.
In a month when actual sales were £224,000, Uula plc's margin of safety, in units, was
A 2,000
B 12,000
C 14,000
D 32,000 LO 4a

6 A company has budgeted sales revenue of £500,000 for Period 1, with an associated
contribution of £275,000. Fixed production costs are £137,500 and fixed selling costs are
What is the breakeven sales revenue?
A £165,000
B £250,000
C £300,000
D £366,667 LO 4a

7 A company has calculated its margin of safety to be 20% of budgeted sales. Budgeted sales
are 5,000 units per month and budgeted contribution is £25 per unit.
What are the budgeted fixed costs per month?
A £25,000
B £100,000
C £125,000
D £150,000 LO 4a

114 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

8 Doer Ltd makes a single product, the Whizzo. This product sells for £15, and makes a
contribution of £5 per unit. Total fixed costs per annum are £11,125.
If Doer Ltd wishes to make an annual profit of £11,875 how many Whizzos do they need to
A 1,533 units
B 2,225 units
C 2,375 units
D 4,600 units LO 4a

9 Jackson plc expects a new venture to yield a gross profit of 50% on sales.
Fixed salary costs are expected to be £23,520 per month and other expenses are expected
to be 8% of sales.
Calculate the sales revenue necessary to yield a monthly profit of £58,800.
A £56,000
B £140,000
C £164,640
D £196,000 LO 4a

10 Bandido Ltd manufactures and sells a single product, with the following estimated costs for
next year.
Unit cost
100,000 units of 150,000 units of
output output
£ £
Variable materials 20.00 20.00
Variable labour 5.00 5.00
Production overheads 10.00 7.50
Marketing costs 7.50 5.00
Administration costs 5.00 4.00
47.50 41.50

Fixed costs are unaffected by the volume of output.

Bandido Ltd's management think they can sell 150,000 units per annum if the sales price is
The breakeven point, in units, at this price is
A 36,364
B 90,000
C 101,020
D 225,000 LO 4a

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 115
11 Xena Ltd generates a 12% contribution on its weekly sales of £280,000. A new product, Z, is
to be introduced at a special offer price in order to stimulate interest in all the company's
products, resulting in a 5% increase in weekly sales of the company's other products.
Product Z will incur a variable unit cost of £2.20 to make and £0.15 to distribute. Weekly
sales of Z, at a special offer price of £1.90 per unit, are expected to be 3,000 units.
The effect of the special offer will be to increase the company's weekly profit by:
A £330
B £780
C £5,700
D £12,650 LO 4a

12 JJ Ltd manufactures a product which has a selling price of £14 and a variable cost of £6 per
unit. The company incurs annual fixed costs of £24,400. Annual sales demand is 8,000 units.
New production methods are under consideration, which would cause a 30% increase in
fixed costs and a reduction of £1 in the variable cost per unit. The new production methods
would result in a superior product and would enable the sales price to be increased to £15
per unit.
If the organisation implements the new production methods and wishes to achieve the
same profit as that under the existing method, the number of units to be produced and sold
annually would be
A 3,960
B 4,755
C 7,132
D 8,915 LO 4a

116 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019




Level of activity
10,000 (units)

The above breakeven chart has been drawn for a company's single product. Which of the
following statements about the product are correct?
(1) The product's selling price is £10 per unit.
(2) The product's variable cost is £8 per unit.
(3) The product incurs fixed costs of £30,000 per period.
(4) The product earns a profit of £70,000 at a level of activity of 10,000 units.
A (1), (2) and (3) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (1), (3) and (4) only
D (3) and (4) only LO 4a

14 Which two of the following statements about traditional breakeven charts are correct?
A The fixed costs are depicted by a straight line parallel to the vertical axis.
B The sales revenue line passes through the origin.
C The total cost line cuts the vertical axis at the point which is equal to the period fixed
D The breakeven point is the point where the sales revenue line crosses the fixed cost
LO 4a

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 117
15 When using limiting factor analysis in order to calculate maximum profit, which three of the
following assumptions should be made?
A Fixed costs per unit are not changed by increases or decreases in production volume.
B Fixed costs in total are not changed by increases or decreases in production volume.
C Variable costs per unit are not changed by increases or decreases in production
D Variable costs in total are not changed by increases or decreases in production
E Estimates of sales demand, prices and resources required for each product are known
with certainty. LO 4a

16 A company produces a single product for which standard cost details are as follows.
£ per unit
Material (£2 per kg) 8
Labour (£6 per hour) 18
Production overhead 9
Total production cost 35

The item is perishable and no inventories are held.

Demand for next period will be 6,000 units but only 19,000 hours of labour and 22,000 kg
of material will be available.
What will be the limiting factor next period?
A Material only
B Labour only
C Material and labour
D Sales demand LO 4b

118 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

17 A company makes three products to which the following budget information relates:
£ per unit £ per unit £ per unit
Selling price 100 120 145
Labour at £20 per hour 40 40 60
Materials at £10 per kg 10 20 30
Fixed overheads 30 40 20
Profit 20 20 35

The marketing department says the maximum annual demand is for 1,000 units of Product
B, 1,200 units of product A and 1,500 units of product T, and the factory has budgeted to
produce that number of units. It has just been discovered that next year materials will be
limited to 5,000 kg and labour to 10,000 hours.
If the company wishes to maximise profit, the priority in which the products should be made
and sold is
A B then A then T
B A then B then T
C T then A then B
D T then B then A LO 4b

18 A company makes three products and has produced the following standard cost cards.
£ per unit £ per unit £ per unit
Selling price 100 80 70
Variable costs
Material 20 30 5
Labour 30 10 5
Fixed overheads 40 10 40
Profit 10 30 20

The same labour is used to make all three products, but in different quantities.
Assume that the company can make and sell any combination of products.
In a month where expenditure on labour is restricted to £50,000, what is the maximum
contribution and profit that can be earned?
A Contribution: insufficient information to calculate, Profit: insufficient information to
B Contribution: Insufficient information to calculate, Profit: £200,000
C Contribution: £600,000, Profit: Insufficient information to calculate
D Contribution: £600,000, Profit: £200,000 LO 4b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 119
19 Brian Ltd produces three products which have the following unit contributions and labour
Product Unit contribution requirement
£ Hours
Scratch 6 2
Purr 7 3
Buzz 8 3
Due to industrial action only 2,600 labour hours are available next period, when expected
demand is 700 units of each product. Fixed costs are £1,700 for the period.
What is the maximum profit that can be achieved next period?
A £5,062
B £5,700
C £6,100
D £13,000 LO 4b

20 Using the following data Chin has correctly selected the plan which will maximise profit for
next month, assuming 15,000 labour hours are available.
Product M Product Q
£ per unit £ per unit £ per unit £ per unit
Selling price 171 235
Less Variable costs
Materials 26 45
Labour (at £10 per hour) 60 80
86 125
Contribution 85 110
Maximum demand (units) 1,000 1,200

If an extra 48 hours were available (at the normal hourly rate of £10) and allocated
optimally, profit for next month would be expected to increase by
A £180
B £660
C £680
D £880 LO 4b

120 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

21 MNP plc produces three products from a single raw material that is limited in supply.
Product details for period 6 are as follows:
Product M Product N Product P
Maximum demand (units) 1,000 2,400 2,800
Optimum planned production 720 nil 2,800
Unit contribution £4.50 £4.80 £2.95
Raw material cost per unit (£0.50 per kg) £1.25 £1.50 £0.75
The planned production optimises the use of 6,000 kg of raw material that is available from
MNP plc's normal supplier at the price of £0.50 per kg. However, a new supplier has been
found that is prepared to supply a further 1,000 kg of the material.
The maximum price that MNP plc should be prepared to pay for the additional 1,000 kg of
the material is
A £1,740
B £1,800
C £2,240
D £2,300 LO 4b

22 Jethro Ltd manufactures three products, the selling prices, maximum demand and cost
details of which are as follows.
£ £ £
Unit selling price 150 190 190
Unit costs
Materials (£10/kg) 20 10 30
Labour (£8/hr) 32 48 40
Variable overheads 16 24 20
Fixed overheads 48 72 60
Maximum demand (units) 590 840 660
In the forthcoming period direct materials are restricted to 1,400 kg and the company has
contracted to supply 100 units of Z and 130 units of Y to a customer (included in the
maximum demand figures above).
What is the profit-maximising production plan?
Units Units Units

A 130 840 100

B 280 840 Nil
C Nil 2 466
D 1 840 186
LO 4b

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 121
23 Green Ltd manufactures two components, the Alpha and the Beta, using the same
machines for each. The budget for next year requires the production of 4,000 units of each
The variable production cost per component is as follows:
Machine hours per unit Variable production cost (£ per
Alpha 3 20
Beta 2 36
Only 16,000 machine hours will be available next year. A sub-contractor has quoted the
following unit prices to supply components: Alpha £29; Beta £40.
The optimum plan to obtain the components required is
Component Alpha Component Beta
Purchase from Purchase from
Produce sub-contractor Produce sub-contractor
Units Units Units Units
A 0 4,000 0 4,000
B 2,000 2,000 0 4,000
C 2,666 1,334 4,000 0
D 4,000 0 2,000 2,000
LO 4b

24 Blue plc manufactures two components, the Aura and the Venta, using the same machines
for each. The budget for next year requires the production of 400 units of each component.
The variable production cost per component is as follows:
Machine hours per unit Variable production cost (£ per
Aura 30 360
Venta 20 360
A maximum of 15,000 machine hours will be available next year. A sub-contractor has
quoted the following unit prices to supply components: Aura £390; Venta £400.
The optimum plan to obtain the components required is
Component Aura Component Venta
Purchase from Purchase from
Produce sub-contractor Produce sub-contractor
Units Units Units Units
A 400 0 150 250
B 250 150 375 25
C 233 167 400 0
D 0 400 0 400
LO 4b

122 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

25 A company has only 6,000 kg of an irreplaceable raw material called Grunch. Grunch can
be used to make three possible products X, Y and Z, details of which are given below:
Maximum demand (units) 4,000 3,000 5,000
Constant unit selling price (£/unit) £3.00 £4.00 £5.00
Constant unit variable cost (£/unit) £1.50 £2.40 £2.60
Fixed costs (£/unit) £1.80 £2.20 £2.40
Quantity of raw material Grunch to make one unit of 0.30 0.40 0.80
product (kg)

If the company's objective is to maximise profit, which of the following production

schedules should be chosen?


Units Units Units

A 2,666 3,000 5,000
B 4,000 3,000 5,000
C 4,000 2,000 5,000
D 4,000 3,000 4,500 LO 4b

26 A company makes large plastic containers for storing chemicals. An extract from the 20X7
budget based on a sales volume of 10,000 units is given below.
£ per unit £ per unit
Selling price 200
Variable cost 80
Fixed overhead cost 20
Total cost (100)
Profit 100

Actual results for 20X7 were in line with this budget except that 12,000 units were
produced and sold.
For 20X8 all costs are expected to increase by 10%, although selling price increases are
expected to be restricted to 5%.
What level of sales must be achieved in 20X8 in order to maintain the actual profit at the
20X7 level?
A 12,400 units
B 11,639 units
C 12,000 units
D 11,967 units LO 4a

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 123
124 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019
Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques
1 A company is considering investing £46,000 in a machine that will be operated for four
years, after which time it will sell for £4,000. Depreciation is charged on the straight-line
basis. Forecast operating profits/(losses) to be generated by the machine are as follows:
Year £
1 16,500
2 23,500
3 13,500
4 (1,500)
What are the Payback Period (PP) and the Accounting Rate of Return (ARR), calculated as
average annual profits divided by the average investment?
A 1.56 years 52.0%
B 2.44 years 56.5%
C 2.44 years 52.0%
D 1.56 years 56.5% LO 4c

2 A company is currently evaluating a project which requires investments of £5,000 now, and
£2,000 at the end of Year 1. The cash inflow from the project will be £7,000 at the end of
Year 2 and £6,000 at the end of Year 3.
The cost of capital is 16%.
What are the Discounted Payback Period (DPP) and the Net Present Value (NPV)?
A 2.0 years £3,013
B 2.4 years £2,323
C 2.0 years £2,323
D 2.4 years £3,013 LO 4c

3 An investment will generate cash flows of £1,800 each year in Years 3 to 7 (ie, first amount
to be received three years from now). The discount rate is 15% per annum.
What is the present value of the cash flows?
A £1,350
B £3,377
C £4,561
D £6,830 LO 4c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 125

4 A leasing agreement is for five years. £10,000 must be paid at the beginning of the first
year, to be followed by four equal payments at the beginning of Years 2, 3, 4 and 5. At a
discount rate of 8%, the present value of the four equal payments is £26,496.
The total amount to be paid during the lease period is
A £8,000
B £32,000
C £32,480
D £42,000 LO 4c

5 An investment has a net present value of £4,000 at 10% and one of –£2,000 at 15%. What is
the approximate Internal Rate of Return?
A 11.67%
B 12.50%
C 13.33%
D 20.00% LO 4c

6 Which two of the following statements about the Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate
of Return (IRR) methods of investment appraisal are correct?
A The graph of the NPV against the discount rate has a negative slope.
B If the NPV of an investment at r% is positive, the NPV will be lower at a rate of s% if s% is
less than r%.
C The IRR can be obtained exactly using interpolation whereas the graphical method
provides only an approximate rate for the IRR.
D An estimate of the IRR requires the calculation of the NPV at two different discount
rates. LO 4d

7 Which of the following statements about Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of
Return (IRR) methods are correct?
(1) An investment with a positive NPV is financially viable.
(2) NPV is a superior method to IRR.
(3) The graph of NPV against discount rate has a negative slope for most projects.
(4) NPV is the present value of expected future net cash receipts less the cost of the
A (1) and (3) only
B (2) and (4) only
C (1), (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2), (3) and (4) LO 4d

126 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

8 A company is considering investing £160,000 in a project which will generate the following
positive cash flows.
Year Cash flow
1 £31,700
2 £179,000
3 £48,900
The Net Present Value of the project's cash flows, at a cost of capital of 24%, is (to the
nearest £500)
A £167,500
B –£84,000
C £38,500
D £7,500 LO 4c

9 A two-year project has the following annual cash flows:

Initial cost (400,000)
12 months later 300,000
24 months later 200,000
The cost of capital is estimated at 15% per annum during the first year and 17% per annum
during the second year.
What is the net present value of the project (to the nearest £500)?
A £2,500
B £9,500
C £12,000
D £32,000 LO 4c

10 For a company with the objective of maximising net present value, what is the validity of the
following statements for a conventional investment project?
(1) The accounting rate of return (ARR) method of project appraisal usually gives too little
weight to cash flows which occur late in the project's life.
(2) For a project with a (unique) IRR greater than the opportunity cost of capital, the IRR
method of project appraisal usually gives too little weight to cash flows which occur
late in the project's life.
Statement 1 Statement 2
A True True
B True False
C False False
D False True LO 4d

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 127

11 Which of the following statements about Net Present Value (NPV) are correct?
(1) An investment with a positive NPV is viable.
(2) NPV is a superior appraisal method to Internal Rate of Return.
(3) NPV is the present value of expected future net cash receipts less the cost of the
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (1) only
D (1), (2) and (3) LO 4d

12 Which of the following is not an advantage of the payback method of investment appraisal?
A Focus on a short payback period enhances liquidity
B Investment risk is reduced if the payback period is shorter
C It quantifies the effect of the timing of cash flows through the investment
D It is useful as an initial screening device LO 4d

13 Which two of the following are not advantages of the accounting rate of return (ARR)
method of investment appraisal?
A It is based on objective accounting profits
B The calculation method of ARR is universally agreed
C It involves a familiar concept of a percentage return
D It takes account of returns over the entire project life LO 4d

14 In a comparison of the Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) techniques,
which of the following statements is true?
A Both methods give the same accept or reject decision, regardless of the pattern of the
cash flows.
B IRR is technically superior to NPV and easier to calculate.
C The NPV approach is superior if discount rates are expected to vary over the life of the
D NPV and the accounting rate of return (ARR) can be confused. LO 4d

128 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

15 A company is considering investing in a two-year project. Machine set-up costs will be
£150,000 payable immediately. Working capital of £4,000 is required at the beginning of
the contract and will be released at the end.
Given a cost of capital of 10% and rounding to the nearest £1,000, what is the minimum
acceptable contract price to be received at the end of the contract?
A £151,000
B £154,000
C £183,000
D £187,000 LO 4c

16 A company has identified two mutually-exclusive projects which have an equivalent effect
on the risk profile of the company.
Project I Project II
Discounted payback period 2.8 years 3.2 years
Net present value £17,200 £15,700
Internal rate of return 18% 22%
Average accounting rate of return 19% 21%
Cost of capital is 15%.
Assuming that the directors wish to maximise shareholder wealth and that no shortage of
capital is expected, which project should the company choose and why?
A Project I because it has the shorter payback period
B Project I because it has the higher net present value
C Project II because it has the higher internal rate of return
D Project II because it has the higher accounting rate of return LO 4d

17 A group of projects all involve the same initial outflow followed by a series of constant
annual cash inflows. The projects all have the same lives.
What is the validity of the following statements?
(1) A ranking of the projects by NPV gives the same order as ranking by payback.
(2) A ranking of the projects by IRR gives the same order as ranking by payback.
Statement 1 Statement 2
A True True
B True False
C False False
D False True LO 4d

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 129

18 Alesme Ltd needs to replace a major item of capital equipment in five years' time. The
estimated replacement cost will be £750,000. Funds for the replacement will be provided
by setting aside five equal annual sums and investing them at 10%. The first amount will be
invested immediately, the last in four years' time.
What is the annual amount to set aside (to the nearest £100)?
A £111,700
B £122,800
C £179,900
D £197,800 LO 4c

19 An investment of £50,000 to be made on 31 December 20X8 will produce an annual return

of £7,000 in perpetuity, with the first income occurring on 1 January 20X9.
What (to the nearest £10) is the net present value of this investment on 31 December 20X7
discounted at 12%?
A £2,090
B £7,440
C £8,330
D £13,690 LO 4c

20 Kennett plc is about to undertake a project requiring an investment of £305,000 to

generate equal annual inflows of £61,000 in perpetuity.
If the first inflow from the investment arises at the same time as the initial investment, what is
the IRR of the project?
A 20%
B 25%
C 400%
D 500% LO 4c

21 A company is considering investing £400,000 in equipment that will produce annual

savings of £116,300 for five years.
If the investment is made on 1 January 20X0 and the savings are receivable from
31 December 20X1 to 31 December 20X5, the internal rate of return of the investment is
A 10%
B 14%
C 16%
D 29% LO 4c

130 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

22 Devereaux Ltd is considering investing in a project with the following cash flows:
Year Cash flow
0 (500)
1 1,150
2 (660)
The project has a negative net present value of £3,401 at a 5% discount rate, and a positive
net present value of £945 at 15%.
Which of the following is the approximate internal rate(s) of return of the project?
A 10% only
B 13% only
C 10% and 20%
D 110% and 120% LO 4c

23 A company is considering a project which has an initial outflow followed by several years of
cash inflows, with a cash outflow in the final year.
How many internal rates of return could there be for this project?
A Only two
B Either one or two
C Either zero or two
D Zero, one or two LO 4d

24 What is the payback period of the following investment?

Year 0: £400,000 spent on a new machine
Years 1 to 5: £70,000 cash inflow per annum
Years 6 to 10: £50,000 cash inflow per annum
Year 11: Machine sold for £72,857
A Seven years
B Six years
C Five years
D Four years LO 4c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 131

25 Given a cost of capital of 10%, what is the discounted payback period of the following
Year 0: £300,000 spent on a new machine
Years 1 to 5: £70,000 cash inflow per annum
Years 6 to 10: £50,000 cash inflow per annum
Year 11: Machine sold for £72,857
A 5.25 years
B 6.00 years
C 6.25 years
D 7.00 years LO 4c

26 A project analyst has just completed the following evaluation of a project which has an
initial cash outflow followed by several years of cash inflows:
Internal rate of return (IRR) 15% pa
Discounted payback period (DPP) 7 years
She then realises that the company's annual cost of capital is 12% not 10% and revises her
Select the option for what will happen to each of the IRR and DPP figures when the
calculations are revised.
A No change
B Increase
C Decrease
D No change
E Increase
F Decrease LO 4c

27 For a project with a normal pattern of cash flows (ie, an initial outflow followed by several
years of inflows) the internal rate of return is the interest rate that equates the present value
of expected future cash inflows to
A the project's cost of capital
B zero
C the terminal (compounded) value of future cash receipts
D the initial cost of the investment outlay LO 4d

132 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

28 A project has an initial cash outflow followed by a series of positive future cash inflows
where the internal rate of return is unique and the net present value is positive at the
opportunity cost of capital.
Which of the following statements is true for this project?
A The internal rate of return is always greater than the opportunity cost of capital.
B The internal rate of return is sometimes lower than the opportunity cost of capital.
C The internal rate of return is always lower than the opportunity cost of capital.
D The internal rate of return is sometimes greater than the opportunity cost of capital.
LO 4d

29 A company has identified three independent projects, X, Y and Z. It has estimated the cash
flows and positive internal rates of return (IRRs) as follows:
Year Project X Project Y Project Z
£ £ £
0 (25,000) 82,000 (50,000)
1 – (20,000) 127,500
2 – (20,000) (78,750)
3 20,000 (20,000) –
4 40,000 (20,000) –
5 (27,938) (20,000) –
IRRs 10% 7% 5% and 50%

If the three projects are of equivalent risk and the company aims to maximise shareholder
wealth, at which of the following costs of capital would all three projects be deemed to be
acceptable by the company?
A 12%
B 8%
C 6%
D 4% LO 4c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 133

30 A company is to spend £60,000 on a machine that will have an economic life of 10 years
and no residual value. Depreciation is to be charged using the straight-line method.
Estimated operating cash flows are:
Year £
1 – 2,000
2 + 13,000
3 + 20,000
4–6 + 25,000 each year
7–10 + 30,000 each year
What is the average accounting rate of return (ARR), calculated as average annual profits
divided by the average investment?
A 75%
B 55%
C 38%
D 28% LO 4c

31 A project has an initial investment cost of £200,000. It is expected to generate a net cash
inflow of £20,000 at the end of its first year. This will rise to £25,000 at the end of the second
year and remain at £25,000 per annum in perpetuity. The relevant cost of capital is
expected to be 8% in the first year and 10% in the second and subsequent years.
What is the net present value of the project (to the nearest £100)?
A £29,000
B £45,800
C £50,000
D £68,500 LO 4c

32 A project can be expected to generate 10 annual cash inflows of £30,000 starting

immediately. The project requires an initial cash outlay of £150,000 and a final cash outlay
at the end of 10 years of £50,000.
If the annual cost of capital is 10%, what is the net present value of the project (to the
nearest £100)?
A £15,100
B £23,500
C £31,600
D £33,500 LO 4c

134 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

33 A conventional project has a payback period of 5 years and yields a constant annual cash
flow. The cost of capital is 20%.
Which of the following statements is true?
A The net present value of the project must always be positive.
B The net present value of the project must always be negative.
C The internal rate of return of the project must equal 20%.
D The average accounting rate of return is never less than zero. LO 4d

34 Soyuz Ltd is considering two separate investment projects. Both projects involve an initial
outlay and both are expected to produce positive annual net cash flows throughout their
expected lives. The projects are not mutually exclusive. The company uses the net present
value (NPV) method and internal rate of return (IRR) method to evaluate its investment
The following statements have been made in relation to the above projects:
(1) The IRR method may produce multiple solutions for one or both of the projects.
(2) The IRR method and NPV method may not give the same decision concerning
acceptance or rejection of the projects.
(3) The IRR method and NPV method may not rank the projects in the same order of
Which of the above statements are correct?
A (1) and (2)
B (1) and (3)
C (2) and (3)
D (3) only LO 4d

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 135

35 Projects X and Y both have an initial outflow followed by a series of inflows. At an interest
rate of 15% project Y has the greater Net Present Value (NPV). The discount rate at which
both projects have the same NPV is greater than 15%, but less than the Internal Rates of
Return of either individual project.
Which diagram best represents the relationship between the NPVs of the projects and the
discount rate?
Diagram A Diagram B


i i

Diagram C Diagram D


i i

A Diagram A
B Diagram B
C Diagram C
D Diagram D LO 4d

136 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

36 A project has an initial outflow followed by several years of inflows.
What would be the effects on the internal rate of return (IRR) of the project and its payback
period of an increase in the company's cost of capital?
IRR period
A Increase Increase
B Increase No change
C No change Increase
D No change No change
LO 4c

37 A project has a normal pattern of cash flows (ie, an initial outflow followed by several years
of inflows).
What would be the effects on the internal rate of return (IRR) of the project and its
discounted payback period (DPP) of an increase in the company's cost of capital?
A Increase Decrease
B Increase Increase
C No change Increase
D No change Decrease
LO 4c

38 A project has an initial cash outflow followed by three annual positive cash inflows and has a
payback period of two years.
What is the validity of the following statements?
(1) The project always has a unique internal rate of return.
(2) If the internal rate of return is less than the cost of capital then the project has a positive
NPV at the cost of capital.
Statement (1) Statement (2)
A False True
B True False
C False False
D True True
LO 4d

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 137

39 A company is considering a two-year project which has two annual internal rates of return,
namely 10% and 25%. The sum of the undiscounted cash flows is positive.
The project will necessarily have a positive net present value, when the annual cost of
capital is:
A More than 25%
B More than 10%
C Between 10% and 25%
D Less than 25% LO 4c

40 A project with an initial cash outflow of £55,000 was expected to have the following cash
inflows which arise at the end of each year:
Year 1 £19,000
Year 2 £19,000
Year 3 £19,000
Year 4 £19,000
Subsequently it was discovered that the cash inflow at the end of Year 3 had been
underestimated by £6,000. What would be the effect on the project's internal rate of return
(IRR) and its payback period?
IRR Payback period
A Increase No change
B Increase Decrease
C Decrease No change
D Decrease Decrease
LO 4c

41 A company is considering undertaking a cost reduction project which will require an outlay
in one year's time (t1) of £900,000. Savings in costs are likely to amount to £400,000 at t2,
and £600,000 at t3. The company's cost of capital is 10% p.a.
If all cash savings are deemed to arise at the end of each year, what (to the nearest £1,000)
is the NPV of the project?
A £(41,000)
B £(37,000)
C £41,000
D £37,000 LO 4c

138 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

42 A company has £75,000 in a bank account as at 31 December 20X0. The company then
deposits £4,000 in the account at the end of each of the next three years (ie, 20X1, 20X2,
If all amounts in the account earn annual interest at 8% per annum, what will be the balance
on the account at 1 January 20X3?
A £82,133
B £95,800
C £96,466
D £107,464 LO 4c

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 139

140 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019
Scenario-based questions

1 Sunshine Ltd
Sunshine Ltd (Sunshine) manufactures and sells a range of three umbrellas – the Standard, the
Easy Opener and the Dome. Production and sales data for April was as follows:
Standard Easy Opener Dome
Selling price £36 per unit £10 per unit £25 per unit
Variable materials £6 per unit £2 per unit £5 per unit
Variable labour £6 per unit £2 per unit £4 per unit
Variable production overhead £2 per unit £1 per unit £2 per unit

Actual production 10,000 units 6,000 units 4,000 units

Closing inventory 1,000 units 1,000 units 1,000 units
The variable labour cost is £10 per hour and Sunshine's fixed overheads for April were £88,000.
Calculate the total value of the closing inventory for each product under marginal costing:

Easy Opener

Sunshine is considering the impact of changing to absorption costing.
Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate per labour hour for April:
£ per labour
Fixed overhead absorption rate
During May the fixed overhead absorption rate was calculated as £15 per labour hour and the
value of the closing inventory under marginal costing, and the number of units, was as below.
The labour cost per hour and per unit remained at their April values.
Closing inventory value Closing inventory
£ Units
Standard 19,500 1,500
Easy Opener 3,000 500
Dome 5,000 500
Calculate the total value of the closing inventory for May for each product under absorption

Easy Opener


ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 141

During June Sunshine sold all of the opening inventory and all the units it manufactured during
the month. Sales price and marginal cost information for June was as follows:
Standard Easy Opener Dome
Selling price (per unit) £36 £10 £25
Marginal cost (per unit) as May £13 £6 £10
Assuming the same actual production data and fixed production overheads in June as for April,
complete the table below which calculates Sunshine's gross profit for June under marginal
costing and absorption costing.
Marginal costing Absorption costing
£ £
Sales revenue


Easy Opener


Total sales revenue

Total marginal cost of sales

Total absorption cost of sales

Fixed production overheads (88,000)

Gross profit

During July sales matched production and Sunshine was again left holding no inventories for
any of its products.
Assuming the same actual production data and costs in July as for April, select whether the
gross profit in July was
A Higher under marginal costing
B Higher under absorption costing
C Exactly the same under absorption and marginal costing

2 Kingsman Ltd
Kingsman Ltd (Kingsman) started business on 1 September manufacturing a single product, the
A356. The budgeted production cost per unit of the A356 is as follows:
Variable materials 78
Variable labour 12
Variable production overheads 6
Fixed production overheads 18
The budget showed production and sales for the first six months of 1,200 units. The budgeted
selling price is £170 per unit.
The budgeted selling, distribution and administration costs are as follows:
Fixed £36,000 per annum
Variable £2.50 per unit

142 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Inventory at the end of September was 20 units of the A356. In October Kingsman sold 150 units
and manufactured 155 units. Budgeted fixed costs are incurred evenly per month. Actual costs
and the selling price were as budgeted except for the fixed selling, distribution and
administration costs, which were 12.5% lower than budgeted.
Calculate the profit or loss for October using both absorption costing and marginal costing:
Enter costs as negative values
Absorption Marginal
£ £ £ £

Variable production

Fixed production costs


Opening inventory

Closing inventory

Production cost of

Under/over absorption

Variable selling,
administration and

Fixed selling,
administration and

Fixed production costs

In the second six months of the year Kingsman plans to introduce the B786, a deluxe version of
the A356. The budgeted total absorption cost for the B786 is £420 per unit including £40 per
unit for fixed overheads. In order to set a selling price Kingsman plans to use a margin of 25% on
the absorption cost.
If there is no inventory of the B786 at the end of the first six months of production, will the
profits calculated under marginal costing be higher than, lower than or the same as those
calculated under absorption costing?
Use the drop down to select from:
Calculate the per cent mark-up for the B786 using marginal costing and the planned selling

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 143

3 Numan Ltd
Numan Ltd (Numan) began manufacturing a new product named Gazza in March. The budgeted
data per unit of Gazza was as follows:
Cost Resource required
2 2
Variable materials £48 per m 5m
Variable labour £16 per hour 3.5 hours
Variable production overheads £6 per hour As labour
Calculate the budgeted prime cost per Gazza for March:

The budgeted cost and resource requirements for March were all met except for materials price
and usage. Owing to higher quality supplies, only 4.5m of material were actually used per
Gazza but at a cost of £52 per m . Numan absorbs fixed overheads into all its products using a
rate of 115% of actual materials cost.
Calculate the actual absorption cost per Gazza for March:

During April the actual absorption cost per Gazza was £592 and Numan set a target of a 33 1/3%
margin on the selling price per Gazza.
Calculate the selling price per Gazza in April:

During May Numan changed the production process. This resulted in a saving of 30 minutes of
labour time per Gazza compared with March. Materials actual price and usage were as in March.
Actual labour and variable production overhead costs were as March's budget. Numan decided
to absorb fixed overheads at a rate of 60% of prime cost.
Calculate the actual absorption cost per Gazza in May:

In June, the materials usage and labour and variable overhead costs were as the March budget
but materials were 10% cheaper per m . The labour time per unit was the same as in May. The
fixed overhead absorption rate was £56 per Gazza and 1,400 units were produced.
Calculate the actual marginal cost per Gazza in June:

Before finalising the selling price for July, which was to be based on the June costs, the
accountant noticed an error in the costing information and this resulted in the actual marginal
cost per unit for June being corrected. The fixed overhead per Gazza remained at its June level.
A target mark-up on absorption cost was now set.
Using a corrected marginal cost of £302 and a target mark-up on absorption cost of 22%,
calculate the selling price for July:

Numan's accountant decided to experiment with different ways of calculating the fixed
overhead absorption rate in August. In particular she wanted to see the effect of using a blanket
absorption rate (based on all of Numan's products) on selling prices. The target mark-up
remained at 22%.

144 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

The following actual data from August is available:
Data related to Gazzas
Total variable cost per unit £305
Units produced 1,450
Fixed overheads £82,650
Labour hours per unit 3
Data related to all of Numan's products
Total fixed overheads £1,239,500
Total number of units produced 18,500
Calculate the difference in the selling price of Gazzas that results from switching from a fixed
overhead absorption rate based on Gazza's labour hours to a blanket fixed overhead
absorption rate based on all of Numan's products:

The budgeted blanket fixed overhead absorption rate for August was £66.25 per unit of output.
Calculate the total under or over absorption of fixed overheads for all of Numan's products
using the blanket rate in August:

£ Use drop down to select from:

Under absorption
Over absorption

4 Oaklea plc
Oaklea plc manufactures high quality dining tables. The standard cost per table is as follows:
Materials 4 kg @ £10/kg 40
Labour 12 hours @ £16/hour 192
Variable overheads 12 hours @ £4/hour 48
Fixed overheads 12 hours @ £2.50/hour 30
Total absorption cost 310

The budgeted production and sales for each month are 400 tables selling for £600 each.
In April everything went according to budget except that only 380 tables were sold.
Calculate the difference between the absorption costing and marginal costing profits for April:
Difference £

Actual results for May are as follows:

6% fewer tables than budgeted were produced and sold at a price of £620 each. 1,600 kg of
materials were used costing £16,800. Labour was paid £69,020 for 4,060 hours. Fixed and
variable overheads were £13,050 and £17,255 respectively.
Complete the table to generate the marginal costing operating statement for May.
Make one entry (adverse or favourable) for each variance and enter a zero or dash in the other
Enter the net total of adverse and favourable variances as either a positive number (favourable
total) or negative number (adverse total) in the final column.

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 145

Operating statement for May
Favourable Adverse
£ £ £
Budgeted profit

Sales volume variance

Sales price variance

Cost variances

Materials price

Materials usage

Labour rate

Labour efficiency

Variable overhead expenditure

Variable overhead efficiency

Fixed overhead expenditure

Total variances

Actual profit

5 VanHensen plc
VanHensen plc has two production departments (Assembly and Finishing) and two service
departments (Stores and Maintenance). Its budgeted overheads for the next quarter (July to
September) are as follows:
Rent and rates 80,000
Plant depreciation 100,000
Light and heat 50,000
Canteen costs 85,000
Finishing costs 32,000
These overheads are to be allocated and apportioned as fairly as possible to the four
departments using the information contained in the table below.
Assembly Finishing Stores Maintenance
Plant cost (£) 25,000 60,000 7,500 7,500
Number of employees 10 20 10 10
Floor area (m2) 2,000 4,000 3,000 1,000

146 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Allocate and apportion the budgeted overheads to the four departments:
Assembly Finishing Stores Maintenance
£ £ £ £
Rent and rates

Plant depreciation

Light and heat

Canteen costs

Finishing costs
In the following quarter (October to December) VanHensen's accountant has already completed
the initial allocation and apportionment of budgeted overheads to the four departments and
now wishes to reapportion the service department overheads to the production departments.
He has provided the following information:
Assembly Finishing Stores Maintenance
Total overhead (£) 70,000 185,000 65,000 38,000
Plant cost (£) 25,000 60,000 7,500 7,500
Number of employees 10 20 10 10
Floor area (m2) 2,000 4,000 3,000 1,000
Stores works 50% of the time for Assembly, 30% for Maintenance and the balance for Finishing.
Its costs should be reapportioned first. Maintenance looks after the plant in each department.
Reapportion the service department overheads (Stores and Maintenance) to the production
departments (Assembly and Finishing):
Assembly Finishing Stores Maintenance
£ £ £ £
Total overhead 70,000 185,000 65,000 38,000

Stores reapportionment

Revised total overheads

(enter figures in all 4 boxes)


Revised total overheads

(enter figures in all 4 boxes)
In the next quarter (January to March) the budgeted overhead in Finishing was £243,000 and
the budgeted labour hours were 20,250. The budgeted overhead absorption rate was £8 per
machine hour in Assembly based on budgeted labour hours of 15,000. In fact 15,876 hours
were actually worked.
Calculate the budgeted overhead absorption rate per labour hour in Finishing:
Calculate the under or over absorption of overheads in Assembly:
£ Use the drop down to select from:
Under absorption
Over absorption

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 147

6 Basket Ltd
Basket Ltd (Basket) produces a range of three picnic products: Large Hampers, Medium
Hampers and Small Hampers. The budgeted data per Large Hamper for January was as follows:
Cost Resource required
Variable materials (all imported) £6 per kg 5 kg
Variable labour £8 per hour 3 hours
Variable production overheads £2 per hour As labour
Calculate the budgeted prime cost per Large Hamper for January:
In January a total of 2,400 labour hours were worked, shared equally between the three types of
hamper. The actual cost of Medium Hampers was the same as the January budgeted cost of
Large Hampers, except for materials usage. Owing to their smaller size Medium Hampers used
4 kg of material per hamper. During January Basket incurred fixed production overheads of
£85,000 of which £24,000 related to the manufacture of Medium Hampers. The other two sizes
of hampers shared the remaining fixed production overhead equally. The accountant at Basket
absorbed each hamper's fixed overheads into output using a rate per labour hour based upon
actual labour hours worked.
Calculate the actual absorption cost per Medium Hamper in January:

During January the actual absorption cost per Large Hamper was £165 and Basket's accountant
recommended setting all its selling prices using a target mark-up of 40% on the actual
absorption cost per unit.
Calculate the selling price per Large Hamper in January:

During February, Basket took delivery of new weaving equipment that resulted in a 22%
reduction in the labour time per unit for each hamper size from the January level. However, as a
result of the new equipment, February's fixed production overheads were 10% higher than their
level in January. Material costs and usage and variable overheads were at the same level as
budgeted for January, as was the volume of output for all products.
Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate per labour hour in February for Large Hampers:

During March, the materials usage and variable overhead costs for Large Hampers were the
same as February but due to movements in foreign exchange rates the materials cost was 15%
higher per kg. The labour time per unit was the same as the January budget adjusted for the
saving made in February. The fixed overhead absorption rate was £48 per hamper.
Calculate the absorption cost per Large Hamper in March:

When preparing the monthly cost reports for March, Basket's accountant calculated the
absorption cost per Small Hamper to be £84. In order to stimulate demand a target margin of
20% was set.
Calculate the selling price per Small Hamper for March:

148 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Basket's board asked the accountant to demonstrate the effect of calculating the fixed overhead
absorption rate in different ways. In particular it wanted to see the effect of using a blanket
absorption rate (based on all of Basket's hampers) on selling prices. The target margin remained
at 20%.
During April Basket manufactured 1,000 hampers of each size (3,000 in total) and the variable
cost per Large Hamper was £100. Total fixed overheads were £88,000 of which 30% were
attributable to Large Hampers. Labour hours per unit were 80% of the original January budget.
Calculate the decrease in the selling price per Large Hamper that results from switching to a
fixed overhead rate absorption rate based on the labour hours for Large Hamper's from a
blanket fixed overhead absorption rate based on all three hamper sizes:

The budgeted company wide blanket fixed overhead absorption rate for April was £38 per
Calculate the total under or over absorption of fixed overheads for all three hamper sizes using
Basket's wide blanket absorption rate in April:
£ Use drop down to select from:
Under absorption
Over absorption

7 Geartop plc
Geartop plc (Geartop) manufactures components for the car industry. Data for three of its
products for July was as follows:
Selling price per unit £45 £60 £70
Variable materials per unit £15 £14 £21
Variable labour per unit £6 £8 £9
Variable production overhead £2 £3 £4
per unit
Actual production (units) 3,000 2,500 1,800
Closing inventory (in units) for each product was 10% of July's production. The variable labour
rate is £12 per hour and Geartop's fixed overheads for these three products for July were
£80,000. There was no opening inventory of any of the products.
Calculate the total value of the cost of sales for each product for July using marginal costing:


Geartop's accountant now wishes to change to absorption costing.
Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate as a percentage of the labour cost for July:
% of labour
Fixed overhead absorption rate

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 149

During August the fixed overhead absorption rate was calculated as £18 per labour hour and
the value of the closing inventory using absorption costing, and number of units, was as below.
The labour cost per hour and per unit remained at their July values.
Closing inventory Closing inventory
£ units
AVX12 7,000 200
PUH78 6,000 150
YTF65 5,000 100
Calculate the total value of the closing inventory for each product line for August using
marginal costing.


During September Geartop sold all the units it produced during the month together with the
entire opening inventory of the three product lines. Sales price, absorption cost, production and
inventory information for September was as follows:
Selling price (per unit) £45 £60 £70
Total absorption cost (per unit) as £35 £40 £50
of August
Actual production (units) 3,000 2,500 1,800
Opening inventory (units) 200 150 100
Assuming fixed production overheads of £81,300 were incurred during September and that
there was a total of £4,950 of fixed production overheads included in the absorption costing
value of opening inventory, complete the table below which calculates Geartop's profit for
September under marginal costing and absorption costing.
Marginal Absorption
costing costing
£ £
Sales revenue



Total sales revenue

Total marginal cost of sales

Total absorption cost of sales

Fixed production overheads (81,300)

Gross profit
In October Geartop sold all the units of each product that it produced.
Assuming the same actual production data and costs in October as for September, select
whether the gross profit in October was:
A Higher under marginal costing
B Higher under absorption costing
C Exactly the same under absorption and marginal costing

150 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

8 Borehole Ltd
Borehole Ltd (Borehole) is a specialist manufacturer of water pumps for the water extraction
industry. Borehole produces three types of pumps and data for these for May was as follows:
High Load Standard Load Low Load
Actual production (units) 250 400 500
Selling price per unit £265 £220 £195
Variable materials per unit £150 £125 £100
Variable labour per unit £36 £36 £30
Variable production overhead per unit £20 £18 £16
Closing inventory (units) 25 30 10
Borehole has a variable labour rate of £10 per hour and its fixed overheads for these three
pumps for May totalled £22,000. There was no opening inventory of any of the pumps.
Calculate the total value of the cost of sales for each pump for May using marginal costing:
High load

Standard load

Low load
The board of directors of Borehole has decided to stop using marginal costing and instead
adopt absorption costing.
Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate as a percentage of the labour cost for May:
% of labour
Fixed overhead absorption rate
During June Borehole's accountant calculated the company's fixed overhead absorption rate as
£6 per labour hour. She also calculated the value of the closing inventory for each pump type
using absorption costing as below. The labour cost remained at £10 per hour.
Closing inventory Closing inventory
£ units
High load 4,600 20
Standard load 6,000 30
Low load 800 5
Calculate the total value of the closing inventory for each pump type for June using marginal
High load

Standard load

Low load
July was a very dry month with almost no rainfall and as a consequence Borehole sold all the
pumps it could produce during the month together with the entire opening inventory of the
three pump types. Fixed production overheads for July were £31,000 and the sales price,
absorption cost, production and inventory information for July was as follows:

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 151

High load Standard load Low load
Selling price (per unit) £270 £230 £195
Total absorption cost (per unit) as £230 £200 £160
Opening inventory (units) 20 30 5
Actual production (units) 300 400 600
Assuming there was a total of £1,170 of fixed production overheads included in the absorption
costing value of opening inventory, complete the table below which calculates Borehole's
profit for July under both marginal costing and absorption costing.
Marginal Absorption
costing costing
£ £
Sales revenue
High load

Standard load

Low load

Total sales revenue

Total marginal cost of sales

Total absorption cost of sales

Fixed production overheads (31,000)

Gross profit
In August the dry weather ended and Borehole did not sell all the pumps that it produced but
the month's production data and costs were the same as in July.
Select whether Borehole's profit in August was:
A Higher under marginal costing
B Higher under absorption costing
C Exactly the same under absorption and marginal costing

9 Hector plc
Hector plc (Hector) provides a number of different services from two service departments
(Service 1 and Service 2) that are supported by two other departments (Canteen and
Administration). Hector's budgeted overheads for the next six months (January to June) are as
Rent and business rates 500,000
Fixtures depreciation 700,000
Electricity, gas and water 175,000
Supervisors' salaries 750,000
Canteen costs 60,000
Canteen takings for the next six months are budgeted at £10,000.
These overheads are to be allocated and apportioned to the four departments using the
information gathered below.

152 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Service 1 Service 2 Canteen Administration
Floor area (m ) 3,000 4,000 1,500 1,500
Fixtures cost (£'000) 120 80 50 100
Number of employees 40 30 5 25
Allocate and apportion the overheads to the four departments:
Service 1 Service 2 Canteen Administration
£ £ £ £
Rent and rates

Fixtures depreciation

Electricity, gas and water

Supervisors' salaries

Canteen costs

In the following six months (July to December) Hector's accountant has already completed the
initial allocation and apportionment of budgeted overheads to the four departments and now
wishes to reapportion the canteen and administration overheads to the two service
departments. He has provided the following information:
Service 1 Service 2 Canteen Administration
Total apportioned 740,000 650,000 280,000 500,000
overhead (£)
Floor area (m ) 3,000 4,000 1,500 1,500
Fixtures cost (£'000) 120 80 50 100
Number of employees 40 30 5 25
Reapportion the Canteen and Administration overheads to Service 1 and Service 2:
Service 1 Service 2 Canteen Maintenance
£ £ £ £
Total overhead 740,000 650,000 280,000 500,000
First reapportionment

Revised total overheads

(enter figures in all 4 boxes)
Second reapportionment

Revised total overheads

(enter figures in all 4 boxes)
In the first six months of the following year Service 2 had budgeted overhead of £980,000 and
budgeted labour cost of £2,940,000. For the same period Service 1 had budgeted and actual
overhead of £1,200,000 and budgeted labour hours of 5,000 although actual hours worked
were 5,344.
Calculate the budgeted overhead absorption rate as a percentage of labour cost in Service 2:

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 153

Calculate the under or over absorption of overheads in Service 1:
£ Use drop down to select from:
Under absorption
Over absorption

10 Oakbeam Ltd
Oakbeam Ltd (Oakbeam) is a manufacturer of kitchen furniture. It has two production
departments (Cabinets and Worktops) that are supported by two non-production departments
(Warehousing and Administration). Its budgeted overheads for this year are as follows:
Rent and rates 60,000
Machinery depreciation 60,000
Building utility costs 90,000
Managers' salaries 120,000
Warehousing department costs 175,000
Administration department costs 50,000
These overheads are to be allocated and apportioned to the four departments as fairly as
possible and the information below is available to help with this.
Cabinets Worktops Warehousing Administration
Direct labour cost (£'000) 65 35 50 100
Machinery cost (£'000) 400 300 300 0
Floor area (m2) 2,200 1,800 10,000 1,000
Allocate and apportion the overheads to the four departments:
Cabinets Worktops Warehousing Administration
£ £ £ £
Rent and rates

Building utility costs

Managers' salaries

department costs
department costs
In the following year, Oakbeam's accountant has already completed an initial allocation and
apportionment of budgeted overheads between its four departments. As a second stage she
now wishes to reapportion the Warehousing and Administration department overheads to the
two other departments. She has provided the following information:
Cabinets Worktops Warehousing Administration
Total overhead (£) 170,000 70,000 300,000 80,000
Direct labour cost (£'000) 70 30 50 100
Machinery cost (£'000) 400 300 300 –
Floor area (m2) 2,200 1,800 10,000 1,000

154 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Administration costs are to be reapportioned first based on the direct labour cost in each
department. Warehousing costs should then be apportioned between the other two
departments based on machinery cost.
Reapportion the Warehousing and Administration department overheads to the Cabinets and
Worktops departments:
Cabinets Worktops Warehousing Administration
£ £ £ £
Total overhead 170,000 70,000 300,000 80,000


Revised total overheads

(enter figures in all 4


Revised total overheads

(enter figures in all 4
In the next year the Cabinets department had budgeted overhead of £400,000 and budgeted
labour costs of £75,000. For the Worktops department the budgeted overhead absorption rate
was £5 per £ of labour cost based on a budgeted labour cost of £35,000, although the actual
labour cost turned out to be £33,365.
Calculate the budgeted overhead absorption rate as a percentage of labour cost in the
Cabinets department:

Calculate the under or over absorption of overheads in the Worktops department:

£ Use drop down box to select from:
Under absorption
Over absorption

11 Jitinder plc
Jitinder plc (Jitinder) started business on 1 January manufacturing a single product, the
Gromett. The budget includes the following for production costs per Gromett:
Variable materials: 4 kg @ £15/kg
Variable labour: 2.5 hours @ £16/hour
Variable production overheads: £10/unit
The budgeted production and sales for the first year is 4,800 Grometts, selling for a budgeted
price of £300 each. Budgeted fixed production overheads are £192,000 per annum. Jitinder
uses a pre-determined fixed overhead absorption rate.
Selling, administration and distribution costs are partly fixed and partly variable as follows:
Fixed £27,000 per quarter
Variable £7 per unit

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 155

Inventory at the end of January was 55 Grometts. In February Jitinder sold 440 Grometts and
manufactured 420. Budgeted fixed costs are incurred evenly over the year. Actual costs and the
selling price were as budget except for the fixed selling, administration and distribution costs,
which were 12% higher than budgeted and fixed production overheads, which were £16,374.
Calculate the profit or loss for February using both absorption costing and marginal costing:
Enter costs as negative values.
Absorption Marginal
£ £ £ £

Variable production

Fixed production costs


Opening inventory

Closing inventory

Production cost of

Under/over absorption

Variable selling,
administration and

Fixed selling,
administration and

Fixed production costs

In its second year of business Jitinder plans to introduce a basic version of its product known as
the Salis, which is budgeted to have a far greater volume of sales than the Gromett and will be
much easier to manufacture. The budgeted total absorption cost for the Salis is £80 per unit
using traditional volume based absorption costing. In order to set a selling price Jitinder plans
to use either a mark up of 25% or a margin of 25%.
If Jitinder were to switch to using Activity Based Costing (ABC), would the total cost per Salis
be higher or lower than the cost calculated using traditional absorption costing?
Use the drop down to select from:
Calculate the difference in the price of a Salis from applying either a 25% mark-up or 25%

156 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

12 Flag Ltd
Flag Ltd (Flag) has been trading for many years and manufactures just one product, the
Standard. Flag's accountant has prepared a budget, for its next quarter (September to
November) that shows the following production cost information per unit of Standard:
Variable materials 3.50
Variable labour 6.50
Variable production overheads 1.00
Fixed production overheads 4.00
Budgeted sales and production are to equal 4,400 units at a budgeted selling price of £35 per
Flag's accountant is aware from past experience that the company's sales, administration and
distribution costs are partly fixed and partly variable as follows:
Variable element £3.00 per unit
Fixed element £12,000 per quarter

Inventory at the end of August was 115 Standards. In the quarter September to November, Flag
manufactured 4,200 Standards and sold 4,215. Flag's budgeted fixed costs are incurred evenly
throughout its financial year. Flag's actual costs and the selling price were as budget except for
the fixed element of the sales, administration and distribution costs, which were 4% higher than
Calculate Flag's profit or loss for the quarter September to November under both marginal
costing and absorption costing:
Enter costs as negative values.
Absorption Marginal
£ £ £ £

Variable production

Fixed production costs


Opening inventory

Closing inventory

Production cost of

Under/over absorption

Variable sales,
administration and
distribution costs

Fixed sales,
administration and
distribution costs

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 157

Absorption Marginal

Fixed production costs

Following extensive market research, Flag has decided to launch a low cost product called the
Substandard. The budgeted total absorption cost is £9 per Substandard including £2 per unit
for fixed costs. In order to set a selling price Flag's accountant plans to apply a mark up of 60%
to the total absorption cost. During the first year of manufacture the Substandard will not be
marketed, with all production going into inventory. By the end of the second year of
manufacture the aim is to keep inventory levels as close to zero as possible, with production
more or less keeping pace with sales.
If there is a high inventory of the Substandard at the end of the first year it is manufactured, but
no inventory at the end of the second year, will the profits calculated under absorption costing
for the second year be higher or lower than those calculated under marginal costing?
Use the drop down to select from:
Calculate the % margin for the Substandard using marginal costing and the planned selling

13 Hexabeast plc
Hexabeast plc manufactures up-market model figurines. The standard cost per unit of one of its
products, the Grimmbo, is as follows:
Plastic material 2 kg @ £12/kg 24.00
Labour 3 hours @ £22/hour 66.00
Variable overheads 3 hours @ £5.50/hour 16.50
Budgeted production and sales for August are 1,200 units selling for £199.50 each. Budgeted
fixed overheads are £300,000 per quarter incurred evenly each month.
Actual results for August are as follows:
1,290 units were produced and sold at a price that was £10 per unit less than the budget. The
cost of material was £29,025 and there was a favourable usage variance of 0.2 kg per unit
because better quality plastic was used. Labour worked 3,600 hours and received a 3% pay rise
at the start of August. Fixed and variable overheads were £98,765 and £21,600 respectively.
Complete the table below to generate the operating statement for August:
Make one entry (adverse or favourable) for each variance and enter a zero or dash in the other
Enter the net total of adverse and favourable variances as either a positive number (favourable
total) or negative number (adverse total) in the final column.

158 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Operating statement for August
Favourable Adverse
£ £ £
Budgeted contribution
Sales volume variance
Sales price variance
Variable cost variances
Materials price
Materials usage
Labour rate
Labour efficiency
Variable overhead rate
Variable overhead efficiency
Total variable cost variances

Fixed overhead budgeted

Fixed overhead expenditure variance
Actual profit

14 Yarn & Co
Yarn & Co (Yarn) is an unincorporated business that manufactures a single type of wool, the Knit.
The standard cost for a unit of Knit is as follows:
Skilled labour 4 hours @ £10/hour 40
Raw material 4 metres @ £6/metre 24
Variable overheads 4 hours @ £4/hour 16
Yarn's budget for November is to manufacture and sell 1,200 units of Knit at a selling price of
£105 per unit. Yarn has budgeted fixed overheads of £72,000 per annum, which are incurred
evenly throughout the year.
Yarn's actual results for November are as follows:
In total 110% of the budgeted number units of Knit were manufactured and sold, although the
average selling price achieved was £5 per unit below budget.
The total skilled labour variance was £2,200 adverse, with 5,200 hours worked. The total
materials variance was also £2,200 adverse with raw materials usage of 5,100m. Yarn's fixed and
variable overheads were £5,500 and £23,400 respectively.
Complete the operating statement table below for the month of November:
Make one entry (adverse or favourable) for each variance and enter a zero or dash in the other
Enter the net total of adverse and favourable variances as either a positive number (favourable
total) or negative number (adverse total) in the final column.

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 159

Favourable Adverse
£ £ £
Budgeted contribution

Sales volume variance

Sales price variance

Variable cost variances

Skilled labour rate

Skilled labour efficiency

Materials price

Materials usage

Variable overhead rate

Variable overhead efficiency

Total variances

Budgeted fixed overheads

Fixed overhead expenditure variance

Actual profit

15 Johnson & Redmond plc

A newly established manufacturing company, Johnson & Redmond plc (Johnson & Redmond),
manufactures three types of carton: Large, Medium and Small. The budgeted data for cartons
for 20X1 was as follows:
Cost Resource required
Variable labour (all types of carton) £8 per hour 2 hours
Variable material – Large £2 per kg 2 kg
Variable material – Medium £2 per kg 1.5 kg
Variable material – Small £2 per kg 1 kg
Variable production overheads £4 per hour As labour
Calculate the budgeted prime cost per Large carton for 20X1:

In 20X1 Johnson & Redmond worked 30,000 labour hours, split as follows:
Labour hours
Small 8,000
Medium 12,000
Large 10,000
During the year the company incurred fixed production overheads of £336,000 of which
£216,000 related to the manufacture of Large Cartons. Small and Medium cartons shared the
remaining fixed production overhead equally. All fixed overheads are absorbed into output
using a rate per labour hour based upon actual labour hours worked. Each carton took two
hours to produce.

160 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Calculate the actual absorption cost per unit of output for Medium cartons in 20X1:

During 20X1 the actual absorption cost per Large carton was £44 and the accountant of
Johnson & Redmond decided to set all its selling prices using a target mark up of 25% on the
absorption cost per unit.
Calculate the selling price of Large cartons in 20X1:

During the following year, 20X2, Johnson & Redmond introduced a streamlined manufacturing
process that resulted in a reduction of 10% in labour time per carton from the level in 20X1.
However, as a result of other changes, the fixed production overheads were 5% higher than their
level in 20X1. Material costs and usage and variable overheads were at the same level as for
20X1, as was the volume of output for all products.
Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate per labour hour for Large cartons in 20X2:

Johnson & Redmond's budget for the next year, 20X3, is to be set using the materials usage and
variable overhead costs for all products as in 20X1 but due to lower import duties the raw
materials cost is expected to be 5% lower per kg. The labour time per unit is budgeted to 90% of
that in 20X1. The fixed overhead absorption rate for 20X3 is budgeted to be £28 per unit of
Calculate the budgeted absorption cost per Medium carton for 20X3:

When the actual cost reports for 20X3 became available they showed that the absorption cost
per unit for Small cartons was £40. In order to stimulate sales demand for 20X4 a target margin
of 15% was set.
Using this data for Small cartons for 20X3 and the target margin, calculate the selling price for

Johnson & Redmond's managing director asked to see the effect of calculating the fixed
overhead absorption rate in different ways. In particular she wanted to see the effect of using a
blanket absorption rate (based on all of the company's products) on selling prices. The target
margin remained at 15%.
During 20X4 the company manufactured 5,000 cartons of each size and the variable cost for a
Medium carton was £50. In 20X4 total fixed overheads were £350,000 of which 35% were
attributable to Medium cartons. Labour hours per unit remained in line with the 20X3 budget.
Calculate the decrease in the selling price of a Medium carton achieved by switching from a
fixed overhead rate absorption rate based on the specific carton's labour hours to a single
blanket fixed overhead absorption rate based on all three carton sizes:

The budgeted company wide blanket fixed overhead absorption rate for 20X4 was £22.50 per
Calculate the total under or over absorption of fixed overheads for all three carton sizes using
the company wide blanket absorption rate in 20X4:
£ Use drop down box to select from:
Under absorption
Over absorption

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 161

16 Kaytering plc
Kaytering plc is a multinational business that has many subsidiaries operating in various parts of
the catering industry. Data relating to two of these subsidiaries is shown below.
Restaurants subsidiary
The average weekly trading results in August for one restaurant are shown below:
£ £
Sales 42,000
Meat, fruit, vegetables and drinks 23,100
Power 4,200
Staff 5,100
Premises 6,900
Profit 2,700
The average selling price of each meal was £60. All costs may be regarded as varying with the
number of meals served except for staff costs that are semi-variable with a fixed element of
£3,000 per week and premises costs that are fixed.
Calculate the number of meals (to the nearest whole meal) that would need to be sold to earn
a profit of £4,000 per week.
Number of meals per week

In October the restaurant’s head chef proposes that take-away meals are offered in addition to
those served in the restaurant. He estimates 1,080 take-away meals could be sold at £18 each
per week at a variable cost of £10.50 each. Incremental fixed costs per week would be £9,150.
All other cost and revenue data for existing restaurant meals is the same as in August.
Calculate the additional profit or loss that the restaurant would earn per week from introducing
take-away meals.
Additional profit/(loss) per week £
The restaurant manager points out that the head chef has ignored the following three items in
her calculation:
 Volume purchasing discounts would result in a saving of 12.5% on meat, fruit, vegetable
and drinks costs per existing restaurant meal
 Recyclable packaging costs would amount to £0.75 per take-away meal
 The take-away meals service would need to be advertised at a cost of £200 per week.
If the three additional items are allowed for in the appraisal of the take-away meals proposal,
then they would result in an
additional profit Drop down menu choice
additional loss

of (to the nearest £)

£ per week
In December the restaurant manager has budgeted the following data:
Restaurant meal Take-away meal
Contribution per meal £20 £8.50
Labour time to cook per meal 18 minutes 7 minutes
Fixed costs £10,500 £9,750
Maximum demand per week (meals) 1,200 1,100

162 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Because of Christmas, labour time for cooking both types of meal is limited to a total of 450
hours per week.
Calculate the maximum contribution that can be earned per week in December.
Catering equipment subsidiary
The catering equipment subsidiary has five divisions. Each divisional manager is currently
undertaking a capital budgeting exercise assessing the viability of different projects in their
division. However, each of the managers favours a different project appraisal technique.
Data relating to a single project in each division is shown below:
Metal press
A metal press costing £750,000 is to be depreciated straight line to a residual value of £150,000
over 5 years. Profits after depreciation in Years 1 to 5 respectively are: £50,000, £95,000,
£160,000, £165,000 and £55,000.
Arc welder
An arc welder costs £60,000 immediately and saves cash costs in Years 1 to 3 respectively of:
£35,000, £32,000 and £68,000.
Gloss painter
A gloss painter costing £130,000 would be bought immediately. Annual cash savings generated
from using the painter would be £30,000 for 6 years. The painter’s residual value after 6 years is
expected to be £30,000.
Mixing machine
This project has an initial outlay of £200,000 and generates cash inflows of £63,000 for 4 years.
The scrap value is estimated to be £30,000 after 4 years.
Rapid baker
A rapid baker costs £230,000 immediately and will save costs of £55,000 pa over its 6-year life. It
will have no resale value at the end of Year 6.
Calculate the payback period (to the nearest whole year) for the metal press.
Calculate the net terminal value at the end of Year 3 for the arc welder (to the nearest £1,000)
using an 8% cost of capital.
Calculate the net present value of the gloss painter (to the nearest £100) using a 15% cost of
Calculate the accounting rate of return (to the nearest whole per cent) of the mixing machine
using the average investment.

Interpolate the internal rate of return of the rapid baker using costs of capital of 10% and 15%
(to the nearest whole percent).

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 163

17 DeeSplay Ltd
DeeSplay Ltd (DeeSplay) makes and sells frames for displaying vinyl LPs. In September the
company approached its bank for a loan to help meet short term cash requirements. In order to
assess the scale of the loan required, the loan manager at the bank has asked the company to
prepare a cash budget for the three months of October to December.
DeeSplay’s management accountant has gathered the following information.
The budgeted data per frame is as follows:
Selling price 30

Variable materials cost 8

Variable labour cost 5
Variable production overheads 4
Variable selling expenses 3
Additional information:
 Unit sales of frames are budgeted to be:
September October November December January
800 900 700 600 1,000
 Credit sales account for 80% of total sales. Credit customers are expected to pay in the
month following sale for which there will be a discount of 2% given. One credit customer
who bought 20 frames on 3 September was declared bankrupt on 27 September, with no
prospect of being able to pay their creditors. DeeSplay also wishes to make a general
provision for bad debts of £1,000 in October.
 Inventory levels will be such that production takes place the month before sale.
 Materials are purchased one month before production takes place.
 Suppliers of materials are paid two months after purchase.
 DeeSplay has some obsolete materials in inventory which cost £1,200. These will be sold on
one month’s credit in October for £250.
 Labour costs are paid in the month in which they are incurred. All other expenses are paid
in the month following that in which they are incurred.
 Fixed expenses incurred are £1,000 per month for the months of September and October
and £1,500 per month for the months of November, December and January. All fixed
expenses are paid in the month following that in which they are incurred. The fixed
expenses include £200 for depreciation of buildings per month. The buildings were
revalued by a surveyor in September and are worth £5,000 more than the net book value
shown in September’s accounts. This additional value is to be recorded in October’s
 The company is also planning to purchase a new delivery vehicle costing £25,000, which
will be paid in full in October. The estimated scrap value is £4,000 in 3 years’ time.
 On 1 November, additional machinery will be purchased at a cost of £15,000 payable in
three equal installments in November, December and January. The estimated scrap value is
£1,000 in four years’ time.
 Depreciation is calculated straight line per month and a full month’s depreciation is
charged in the month of purchase.

164 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

 The bank balance on 1 October is £5,000 in credit. Overdraft interest payments are
estimated at £125 for November and £130 for December.
 Taxable profits for last year amounted to £3,500 and the tax on these at a rate of 17% is due
to be paid on 31 October.
Prepare the cash budget for each of the three months ending 31 December.
You should make an entry in every box in the cash budget. Enter a zero or dash where
applicable. Do not leave any boxes blank.
October November December
£ £ £
Cash sales
Credit sales
Sale of obsolete materials
Revaluation of buildings
Scrap value of machinery
Scrap value of delivery vehicle
Last year’s taxable profits
General provision for bad debts
Payment to suppliers
Loss on sale of obsolete materials
Variable production overheads
Variable selling expenses
Fixed expenses
Delivery vehicle purchase
Machinery purchase
Delivery vehicle plus machinery total
Tax paid
Overdraft interest
Net surplus/(deficit)
Opening balance
Closing balance

18 Baybee plc
Baybee plc (Baybee) manufactures hand-made cots for babies and is currently preparing its
budget for February and has provided the following information:
Budgeted sales
Basic 220 units at £800 each
Standard 310 units at £1,195 each
Deluxe 45 units at £1,640 each
Budgeted inventory and production
Basic Standard Deluxe
Opening (units) 50 Not required 24
Closing (units) 60 Not required 16
Production (units) To be calculated 310 To be calculated

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 165

Budgeted labour, materials and variable overheads for the Standard
Materials per unit at £8/metre 17 metres
Labour per unit at £22/hour 14 hours
Variable overheads (total for 310 units) £6,510
Because of holidays one quarter of the labour time required for the production of the Standard
will be overtime which is paid at a premium of 40% above the normal rate.
Actual total overhead costs for the Deluxe in the last 6 months
Units produced £
August 52 16,300
September 51 16,020
October 50 16,200
November 60 16,440
December 70 16,680
January 55 16,300

Baybee wishes to use this data to budget fixed and variable overheads for February.
Calculate the budgeted total sales revenue for February.
Calculate the budgeted production for February of the Basic and the Deluxe.
Basic Deluxe
Production (units)
Calculate the budgeted total direct cost of the 310 units of the Standard to be produced in
Budgeted total direct £
cost for the Standard
If the budgeted fixed overhead absorption rate per labour hour for the Standard is £23,
calculate the budgeted total fixed overheads for the Standard for February.
Budgeted total fixed £
overheads for the
Standard for February
Using the high low method, calculate the budgeted total fixed overheads and variable
overheads per unit for the Deluxe.
Total fixed overheads £
Variable overheads per £

Baybee is also preparing its cash budget for the period May to July. Total sales of the Basic,
Standard and Deluxe are budgeted to be £700,000 in each month from March to May, £750,000
in June and £800,000 in July.
25% of sales in any month are for cash. Cash customers receive a 1.5% discount.
The balance of sales is made on credit. 70% of credit customers pay after a month, 25% pay after
two months and the remainder is written off as bad debts.
Sales of the Standard are budgeted to be 320 units per month in the period March to May, rising
to 330 units in June, 350 units in July and 380 units in August.
Production takes place in the month before sale. Labour and materials costs per unit of the
Standard are budgeted at the same level as for February above. No overtime will be necessary

166 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

after February. Materials are purchased in the month before production and are paid for two
months later. Baybee receives a 2% settlement discount on these purchases. Half of labour costs
are paid for in the month of production, with the balance the month after.
Prepare the following cash budget extracts for the period May to July.
You should make an entry in every box in the cash budget. Enter a zero or dash where
applicable. Do not leave any boxes blank. All figures should be entered to the nearest £.
May June July
£ £ £
Receipts from cash sales
Receipts from credit sales
Payments for the Standard materials
Payments for the Standard labour

19 McCarthy plc
McCarthy plc (McCarthy) manufactures a number of products, one of which is Product Z.
Estimated costs for March for Product Z are as follows:
Cost per unit
At 40,000 units At 60,000 units
£ £
Variable materials 40 40
Variable labour 30 30
Production overheads 15 10
Other overheads 10 8
95 88
Total fixed costs are unaffected by the volume of output. McCarthy has budgeted to sell 35,000
units in March at a price of £120 each.
Calculate the breakeven number of units (to the nearest whole unit) for March.
Breakeven (units)

In April, McCarthy is considering a new production method for Product Z. Using the existing
production method, the budget for April for Product Z shows a variable cost of £80 per unit, a
selling price of £150 per unit, total fixed costs of £1,400,000 and sales demand of 35,000 units.
The new production method would cause the total fixed costs to increase by 15% and the
variable cost per unit to reduce by 10%. Owing to an increase in Product Z’s quality with the new
production method, the selling price per unit would be increased by 12%.
Calculate how many fewer units (to the nearest 100) would need to be sold using the new
production method to give the same budgeted profit for April as the existing production
Reduction in the
number of units
In May, McCarthy’s budget shows it generating a contribution of 40% on monthly sales of
Product Z of £3,000,000. McCarthy is considering introducing a new special edition version of
Product Z in order to stimulate demand and this will cause the budgeted sales of the original
version of Product Z to increase by an estimated 10%. The special edition version is expected to
have a variable production cost of £100 per unit and packaging and distribution costs of £20 per

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 167

unit. Sales of the special edition version, at a price of £110 per unit, are expected to be 6,000
units in May.
Calculate how much the introduction of the special edition version of Product Z will increase
McCarthy’s budgeted profit by in May.
Increase in profit (£)

In June, the single raw material from which McCarthy manufactures Products X, Y and Z is
expected to be in short supply. Product details for June are budgeted to be as follows:
Product X Product Y Product Z
Maximum demand (units) 15,000 10,000 8,000
Optimum planned production (units) 0 6,000 8,000
Contribution (per unit) £10 £15 £20
Material cost per unit (at £2/kg) £8 £6 £4

The planned production optimises the use of the raw material available from McCarthy’s normal
supplier at £2/kg. A new supplier is willing to supply a further 20,000 kg of raw material at £3/kg.
Calculate the maximum total price that McCarthy should pay for the extra 20,000 kg of raw
Maximum total price (£)

In July, McCarthy decides to replace the machine that manufactures Product Z. Two alternative
machines have been identified.
Machine L7
Machine L7 requires an initial outlay of £800,000 and is expected to have a scrap value of
£80,000 after 4 years. The machine will generate a constant annual cash contribution of
£640,000 in each year of its life. Cash fixed costs are expected to be £360,000 pa.
Calculate (to the nearest whole year) the payback period for machine L7.
Payback (years)

Calculate (to the nearest whole %) the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of machine L7,
interpolating at discount rates of 10% and 20% pa.
IRR (%)

Machine M8
Machine M8 requires an initial outlay of £680,000 and is expected to have a scrap value of
£120,000 after 4 years. Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis. Profits after
depreciation are expected to be £120,000, £130,000, £140,000 and £110,000 in Years 1–4 of its
life respectively.
Calculate the difference (to the nearest whole % point) between the Accounting Rate of Return
(ARR) based on the initial investment and the ARR based on the average investment for
machine M8.
Difference in ARRs (% points)

Calculate the net present value (NPV) (to the nearest £1,000) for machine M8 at a discount rate
of 15% pa.
NPV (£)

168 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

20 Glasstop Ltd
Glasstop Ltd (Glasstop) makes coloured glass window decorations and will soon be expanding
the business using a loan from the bank. It is preparing its cash budget for the months July to
September to enable it to understand its cash flow, as it has agreed to rent new premises from
The management accountant has prepared the following information.
 The bank balance on 1 July is £12,000 in credit.
 Sales revenue and general expenses for May and June were:
May June
£ £
Sales revenue 21,000 22,000
General expenses 3,400 3,200
 Sales revenue and general expenses for July to September are budgeted to be:
July August September
£ £ £
Sales revenue 24,000 23,000 35,000
General expenses 3,500 3,200 5,300
 It has been determined from the customer collection records of Glasstop that cash sales
account for 30% of total sales. The credit sales customers pay two months after sale. One
credit customer, who bought goods for £300 in May, was declared bankrupt a few days
after the sale and will not be able to pay Glasstop.
 Glasstop wishes to set up a general bad debt provision of £500 for September.
 General expenses are paid in the month following the month in which they were incurred.
 The cost of purchases is 25% of sales revenue each month. Glasstop currently pays for
purchases two months later. However, for purchases made in June and purchases
thereafter, Glasstop has agreed with the supplier that it will take three months to pay.
 From July, Glasstop will be renting new premises. The rent and rates will be £5,000 per
month payable in the month in which they are incurred. Staff will be expected to work
longer hours and therefore current staff costs of £3,000 per month will increase by 10%
from July. Staff costs are paid in the month in which they are incurred.
 Taxable profit for last year amounted to £8,200 and the tax on this (at a rate of 20%) is due
to be paid in September.
 New machinery will be purchased on 1 June at a cost of £12,000, payable in three equal
instalments in June, July and August. The scrap value is estimated to be £2,000 in three
years' time. Old machinery with a net book value of £5,000 is to be disposed of in July for a
cash receipt of £1,000.
 New fixtures and fittings will be purchased for £10,000 and will be paid for in full in July.
The estimated scrap value is £1,500 in four years' time.
 Monthly depreciation on the new machinery and the new fixtures and fittings is calculated
on a straight line basis.
 Glasstop's loan from the bank of £20,000 was received on 30 June. Interest of 0.3% on the
£20,000 is paid monthly.

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 169

Prepare the cash budget for each of the three months ending 30 September.
You should make an entry in every box in the cash budget. Enter a zero or dash where
applicable. Do not leave any boxes blank. All figures should be entered to the nearest £.
July August September
£ £ £
Cash sales
Credit sales
Scrap value of new machinery
Scrap value of new fixtures and
Cash on disposal of old machinery
Last year's taxable profit
General provision for bad debts
General expenses
Premises rent and rates
Staff costs
Machinery purchase
Loss on disposal of old machinery
Fixtures and fittings purchase
Depreciation on machinery and
fixtures and fittings
Loan interest
Net surplus/(deficit)
Opening balance
Closing balance

21 Treeze Ltd
Treeze Ltd (Treeze) manufactures a product called the Barc. For the first quarter of the year
(quarter 1), the following budgeted information is available for the Barc:
per unit
Budgeted selling price 35.00
Budgeted variable production cost 10.00
Budgeted variable selling cost 4.50
quarter 1
Fixed production costs £11,500
Administration costs £6,250
Sales and production 5,000 units
60% of the administration costs are fixed costs and the remainder are variable costs.
Calculate the breakeven point for quarter 1 (to the nearest whole unit):
New production methods are under consideration for quarter 2 that would lead to a total
variable cost per unit of £14 and total fixed costs of £18,300. Budgeted sales volume is expected
to be 5,200 units for the quarter.

170 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Calculate the sales price per unit (to the nearest whole pound) required to achieve a profit of
£80,000 in quarter 2.
In quarter 3 the budgeted contribution ratio is 45% and total fixed costs are budgeted to be
£16,000. Treeze has a target profit of £95,000 for quarter 3.
Calculate the total sales revenue required to achieve the target profit in quarter 3 (to the
nearest £100).
Treeze is considering the manufacture of an additional product, the Leaffe, for quarter 4.
However, labour time is restricted to 1,500 hours in total for the quarter. Product details for the
quarter are budgeted to be as follows:
Barc Leaffe
Maximum demand (units) 6,500 4,000
Variable production cost per unit £15 £20
Labour hours per unit 0.25 0.40
A subcontractor has quoted Treeze £17 per unit to supply Barc and £23 per unit to supply
Calculate how many units of Barc and Leaffe should be purchased from the subcontractor in
order to meet total demand and minimise total cost.
Treeze is considering purchasing a new machine to manufacture the Leaffe. The cost of the
machine is £250,000 and it is expected to have an economic life of four years and a residual
value of £20,000. Depreciation is to be charged using the straight-line method. Estimated
operating cash inflows are:
Year £
1 110,000
2 130,000
3 110,000
4 70,000
The discount rate to be applied for Years 1 and 2 is 10%, increasing to 12% for Years 3 and 4.
Calculate the payback period (to the nearest whole year) for the machine.
Calculate the difference (to the nearest whole percentage point) between the accounting rate
of return (ARR) based on the initial investment and the ARR based on the average investment
for the machine.
% points
Calculate the net present value (to the nearest £10,000) of the machine.
The original estimates for the operating cash inflows for the machine have been revised and the
NPV has been correctly calculated as £67,840 using a cost of capital of 15% throughout the full
four year period. Treeze is also considering an alternative machine with an economic life of four
years, an initial outlay of £274,800 and no residual value. Depreciation is to be charged using
the straight-line method. The machine is expected to generate constant annual cash inflows.

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based questions 171

Calculate the constant annual profit (to the nearest £1,000) that the alternative machine should
generate in order to be indifferent between the two machines.

172 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Answer Bank
174 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019
Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing
1 A A unit of product or service in relation to which costs are ascertained
The cost per hour of operating a machine and the cost per unit of electricity consumed
are examples of the cost of input resources, which might form part of the total cost of a
cost unit.
A measure of output of work in a standard hour is an indication of productivity.
2 C Dividends received
Dividends received are not related to the production process. This is income received
from investments. Cost accountants are only interested in income and costs relating to
production (or manufacturing).
Indirect labour is incorrect. The cost accountant is interested in the cost of indirect
labour as it affects the cost per unit of production.
Purchase of raw materials is incorrect. The cost accountant is interested in the cost of
raw materials as it affects the cost per unit of production.
Factory rent is incorrect. The cost accountant is interested in factory rent as it affects the
cost per unit of production.
3 B Be constant per unit of output
Variable costs are constant per unit of output. As output changes, total variable costs
will vary in direct proportion to the level of activity.
Variable costs are not conventionally deemed to be constant in total when the
production volume changes. This is a definition of fixed costs, ie, costs which do not
change as outputs change.
Variable costs are also not deemed to vary per unit of output as production volumes
change. Variable costs are constant per unit regardless of output levels.
Variable costs do not vary, in total, from period to period when production is constant.
If production is constant, variable costs will also be constant.
4 D Lease payments on a machine
The decision to take out a lease would have been made by the finance function and
not be of relevance to production.
A supervisor would be concerned with material costs because he or she is responsible
for the efficiency with which materials are used.
A supervisor would be concerned with labour costs because he or she is responsible
for the efficiency with which labour work.
A supervisor would be concerned with maintenance costs because he or she is
responsible for the manner in which machines are operated.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing 175

5 A A selling and distribution cost
As the deliveries will only occur when a sale has been made it is therefore a selling and
distribution cost.
Prime cost is the name given to the total of all the direct production costs, not a cost
incurred when distributing goods after they have been sold.
Production overheads are the costs incurred in making goods which cannot be
identified directly to the goods made by the company, not a cost incurred when
distributing goods after they have been sold.
A direct production expense is incorrect. These are the expenses other than materials
and labour costs which are incurred in full as a direct consequence of making the
product, not a cost incurred when distributing goods after they have been sold.
6 C £5.00
Cost per unit = Total cost/Number of patients treated
= £1m/200,000 patients
= £5.00 per patient
If you answered £0.20 your calculation was upside down. The figure of £7.50 double
counts the payments to doctors, which are already included in total costs. The answer
of £2.50 was only the doctors' costs, which is understating the total cost.
7 A £1,500
The fixed costs are those costs that remain unchanged irrespective of activity levels.
The information given in the question regarding the activity levels is therefore
£4,800 is incorrect. You have calculated the total costs incurred at the given activity
level, not the fixed costs.
£3,500 is incorrect. The fixed costs are those costs which are unaffected by changes in
activity levels, which could be calculated by considering the total costs if both
production and sales levels were 0.
£3,300 is incorrect. You have calculated the total variable cost incurred at the given
activity level, not the fixed costs.
8 C £36,744
Shoe Type A Shoe Type B
Units 2,100 4,400
Time (hrs) ( 24 mins) = 840 ( 36 mins) = 2,640
Rate £3.60 per unit £6 per unit
Labour cost £7,560 £26,400
Non productive time (20%) 840  0.20 = 168 2,640  0.20 = 528
Non productive cost @ £4/hr £672 £2,112
Total cost £8,232 £28,512
Therefore the correct answer
= Total cost of shoe Type A + Total cost of shoe Type B
= £8,232 + £28,512 = £36,744
If you answered £13,920 you simply calculated an hourly rate for the productive hours
but took no account of the rate per unit or the payment for non-productive hours.
If you answered £33,960 you did not add the payment for non-productive hours.
The answer of £50,664 incorrectly allows £4 per hour for all productive hours, in
addition to the piece rate payment.

176 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

9 A A semi-variable cost
The basic salary is fixed, but the sales representative also receives commission, which
increases as sales increase. The cost is therefore best described as semi-variable.
A fixed cost is incorrect. As the salary is made up of both fixed and variable elements it
is a semi-variable cost.
A variable cost is incorrect. The commission is variable, but the sales representative
also receives a basic salary which is fixed.
A production cost is incorrect. This cost relates to sales not to production.
10 A The total of all direct costs
In other words, prime cost is the total of all the costs that can be directly attributed to a
cost unit.
Total manufacturing cost would include overheads in addition to the costs that are
directly attributable to a cost unit.
Fixed costs attributed to a cost unit are not the prime cost because the variable costs
have not been considered.
Any cost which does not vary with changes in output levels is a description of a fixed
11 D A semi-variable cost
A semi-variable cost contains both fixed and variable components.
A direct cost is affected by changes in the level of activity, but may not be
A variable cost is wholly dependent on the level of activity.
An indirect cost may be fixed and/or variable but is not necessarily made up of both
fixed and variable elements.
12 A Variable costs
For example, fixed costs do not vary with output levels.
13 A A semi-variable cost
As the salary contains both a fixed element (the basic wage) and a variable element
(the £0.10 paid per unit) the wage expense is a semi-variable cost.
It is not a fixed cost, because the total amount paid each week varies with the amount
produced during the week, nor a variable cost, as even if no units were produced the
supervisor would still receive the basic salary (£100).
And finally it is not a step cost, because it does not remain constant for a given range of
output, and then 'step up' to a new level, but increases (by £0.10) for each additional
unit produced.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing 177

14 B

Level of activity
The cost consists of a fixed amount up to a certain level of activity which is represented
by a straight horizontal line on the graph. At a certain point a variable element is
introduced and the cost line slopes upwards at a constant rate as the level of activity
15 A A step cost
As the hiring cost remains fixed within certain activity levels it is a step cost.
Although the cost may increase with output it remains constant for certain activity
levels. It is therefore not a variable cost.
If the factory made between 1 and 100 toys in one month the cost would be £1,000.
However if they made 101 toys they would need two production lines, and therefore
two machines. The cost would then be £2,000. As this cost can be seen to increase with
output it cannot be fixed.
This cost remains constant within a range of activity levels. It is therefore not a semi-
variable cost.
16 D A fixed administrative cost
As the salary paid to the financial accountant is unlikely to change if output levels
change the cost is fixed, and as the expense relates to the business's administration it is
an administrative cost.
A variable administrative cost is incorrect. This cost is unlikely to vary as output
changes, therefore this cost is more likely to be a fixed cost.
A fixed production cost is incorrect. An accountant's salary is incurred as part of the
business's administration not production.
Prime cost is the total of all direct production costs. An accountant's salary is neither a
direct cost, nor a production cost, and therefore would not be part of prime cost.
17 A Electricity bills made up of a standing charge and a variable charge
The cost shown in the graph has a basic fixed element which is payable even at zero
activity, with a variable element being added at a constant rate as activity increases.
Therefore the correct answer is where electricity bills are made up of a standing charge
and a variable charge. The cost depicted is known as a semi-variable cost.
18 A C = 480 + 0.01T
A standing charge of £40/month is £480 per year. Costs then increase by

178 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

19 A Fixed costs = 500. Variable costs per unit are constant until output is 30, then
additional costs per unit are higher.
The fixed costs are 500 because this is the single point at which the line crosses the
y-axis (the cost incurred at zero activity). The gradient of the total cost line becomes
steeper when output exceeds 30 units, which indicates a higher cost per unit for output
above 30 units.
20 C Management accounts are usually prepared for internal use by an organisation's
The management accounts provide information to managers within a business to help
them to manage the business by making planning and control decisions. In contrast,
the financial accounts are usually prepared for stakeholders external to the
The use of cost accounting systems is not restricted to manufacturing operations. Cost
accounting information is also used in service industries, public sector bodies and not-
for-profit organisations.
The format of management accounts is not regulated by accounting standards. No
strict rules govern the way the management accounts are prepared or presented: the
format is entirely at managers' discretion.
The financial accounting and cost accounting records are not prepared from different
sets of basic data. Both systems record the same basic data for income and
expenditure. However, each system has a different purpose and each therefore
analyses the data in a different way.
21 D Cost per tonne-kilometre
The most useful cost unit from those described is a tonne-kilometre. This is a
composite cost unit which takes account of both the weight carried and the distance
The cost per tonne carried is not as useful because it is affected by distance travelled.
For example, it would not be possible to compare for control purposes the cost per
tonne transported on a journey of 500 kilometres with the cost per tonne transported
for 10 kilometres.
Similarly, the cost per kilometre travelled would be affected by the weight transported.
It would not be as useful as the cost per tonne-kilometre for control by comparison.
The cost per driver hour would not be as useful as a cost per tonne-kilometre because
it is distorted both by the weight carried and the distance travelled.
22 D Items (2) and (3) only
It would be appropriate to use the cost per invoice processed and the cost per supplier
account for control purposes.
Postage cost, item (1), is an expense of the department but not a suitable unit for cost
analysis and control.
23 C The line with the constant upward slope represents total costs; D represents fixed costs
The line with the constant upwards slope represents the total of fixed costs and
variable costs, ie, total costs.
The point where the total costs line cuts the y-axis, D, represents the cost incurred at
zero activity, ie, the fixed costs.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 1: The fundamentals of costing 179

24 D Variable costs per unit are constant until output reaches Q after which further
production incurs higher variable costs per unit
The line representing fixed costs remains horizontal for all levels of output, therefore
the first two statements are incorrect.
The increase in the gradient of the total cost line at Q indicates that each unit, from that
level of output onwards only, incurs a higher variable cost. Therefore the third
statement is incorrect.
25 B,D,I
Labour costs will vary directly in proportion to the number of hours worked and
therefore are a true variable cost
The factory rent will not vary even if output levels change and is therefore a fixed cost.
Salary plus profit related pay will contain a fixed element, the basic salary, plus an
element that will vary depending upon the profits of the enterprise. Therefore this will
be a semi-variable cost.

26 B, D
A, C and E are all elements of cost.
27 D, E
A, B and C are all cost objects.
28 C Intimidation
Threat of disciplinary proceedings or dismissal over a disagreement about the
application of accounting principle or the way in which financial information is to be
reported is an example of an intimidation threat.
29 B A framework-based approach
The ICAEW Code of Ethics is a framework or ethics-based approach, which is the
opposite of the compliance, rule or tick-box approach seen in other jurisdictions such
as the US.

180 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1)
1 A The basic pay of production line staff
If overtime is worked at the specific request of a customer then it is treated as a direct
labour cost attributable to that job. However the premium paid for general overtime
not required for a specific job is generally treated as an indirect cost.
The cost of indirect workers (production line supervisors) will usually be indirect labour
costs (ie, overheads) as it will not be possible to trace them in full to individual cost
Idle time payments are indirect labour costs because it is not possible to trace them to
specific cost units.
2 A Factory overheads
Overtime premium payments are always classed as factory overheads unless the
overtime is worked at the specific request of a customer (in order to complete the
specific job more quickly) or worked regularly by a production department in the
normal course of operations.
3 D Factory overhead
Idle time is usually treated as an overhead because it cannot be identified with a
specific cost unit. In this case the cost is incurred within the production department and
is therefore a factory overhead.
4 C £70
The indirect labour costs are made up of idle time costs and overtime premiums.
Idle time costs = 10 hours  £5 per hour
= £50
Overtime premium = ½  £5
= £2.50 per hour
Overtime premium for 8 hours = £2.50  8 hours
= £20
Therefore indirect labour costs = £50 + £20
= £70
If you selected £20 you calculated the overtime premium correctly but did not add on
the cost of idle time payments. Wages paid for idle time cannot be traced to a specific
cost unit and are therefore a part of indirect labour cost.
If you selected £50 you classified the idle time payments correctly but did not add on
the cost of the overtime premium. If the overtime had been worked for a specific cost
unit then the premium could have been a direct labour cost of that unit, but this is not
the case here.
If you selected £110 you included all of the overtime cost as an indirect labour cost.
However, the basic pay for overtime hours can be traced to specific cost units and is
therefore a direct labour cost.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 181

5 B (2) and (3) only
Labels can be identified with a specific cost unit and form a part of the product.
Therefore, the cost of food labels is a direct cost.
Maintenance and cleaning wages (2) and (3) are indirect costs because they cannot be
specifically identified with a specific cost unit.
6 D Direct expenses
The cost of the tools is a direct cost of the job because it can be specifically identified
with the job.
7 C (1), (2) and (4) only
Statement (1) is correct. Direct costs are specific and traceable to the relevant product,
service or department.
Statement (2) is correct. For example a departmental manager's salary is a direct cost
of the department but it is an indirect cost of the individual cost units passing through
the department.
Statement (3) is incorrect. This describes an indirect cost which much be apportioned
between several cost objects because it cannot be specifically identified with any
single one.
Statement (4) is correct. It is likely that if activity changes so will the expenditure on
direct costs, as direct costs are usually costs such as materials, labour and other direct
8 B Indirect costs are alternatively called overheads
Total direct costs are not always greater than total indirect costs. The relative size of
direct and indirect costs varies according to the type of output, the industry, the
technology and so on. For example, in highly automated service industries the direct
material and direct labour costs are likely to be small relative to the indirect costs.
The fixed costs per unit are not the same at all levels of production. The total fixed cost
will remain the same but the fixed cost per unit will reduce as output increases.
A direct cost will often be a variable cost, but it will not always be a variable cost. For
example, the cost of hiring a special machine for a job is a direct cost of that job but it
is also a fixed cost which remains the same irrespective of the level of output.
9 B,D,I
The repair person's wages can be analysed between specific jobs and accordingly
would usually be classified as a direct cost. The cost is fixed because it does not vary
with the level of activity.
The cost of electrical components can be traced as a direct cost of each job and the
cost will increase as the level of activity increases.
The rent of the repair shop is an indirect cost because it cannot be traced to a specific
repair job. It is a fixed cost because it does not vary with the level of activity.
10 A Direct expense
The royalty cost can be traced in full to units of the company's product. Therefore it is a
direct expense.

182 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

11 A £220,000
£ £
Opening 13,000 Returns 25,000
Deliveries 250,000 Issue to production 220,000
Closing inventory 18,000
263,000 263,000

12 B First in, First out (FIFO)

C Last in, First out (LIFO)
E Standard cost
First in, Last out (FILO) and future anticipated cost are not recognised methods of
valuing inventory.
13 B £68,670
The FIFO method uses the cost of the older batches first.
Cost of units sold on 24 February £
750 units @ £80 60,000
102 units @ £85 8,670
852 units 68,670

If you answered £68,160 you valued all of the units sold at the opening inventory cost
of £80 per unit. However there are only 750 units held at this cost. The cost of the
remainder of the units sold must be taken from the next batch received.
The option of £69,960 uses the LIFO basis rather than the required FIFO basis.
The option of £93,720 uses the sales revenue, not the cost of the units sold.
14 B £23,760
The LIFO method uses the cost of the most recent batches first.
Cost of units sold on 24 February £
90 product A @ £90 8,100
180 product A @ £85 15,300
582 product A @ £80 46,560
852 69,960
Sales revenue = 852 units  £110 93,720
Less cost of units sold 69,960
Gross profit 23,760

The option of £17,040 values all the units sold at the cost of the latest batch received.
However, there are only 90 units at this cost. The remaining units must be valued at the
cost of earlier batches received.
If you selected the option of £69,960 you calculated the correct cost of goods sold, but
the question asks for the gross profit earned.
The option of £93,720 is the sales revenue of the units sold, not the gross profit

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 183

15 A £33,696
Weighted average cost per unit: £
330 units @ £75 24,750
180 units @ £80 14,400
90 units @ £85 7,650
600 46,800

Weighted average cost per unit = £46,800/600

= £78.00
Cost of units sold on 24 February = £78.00  432 units
= £33,696
The option of £34,560 uses a simple average cost of the three available batches, rather
than a weighted average cost.
If you answered £35,280 you based your weighted average on the cost of two batches
received in February. You did not take account of the unit cost of the opening
The option of £38,880 is the sales value of the units sold, not the weighted average
16 B £590.85
60 pixies received on day 3 of week 15 @ £7.96 477.60
15 pixies received in week 14 @ £7.55 113.25
75 590.85

If you selected £566.25 you ignored the receipts on day 3 of week 15 and based your
calculations on the opening inventory. However the LIFO method uses the cost of the
latest batch first.
The option of £593.25 would have been the correct cost of pixies issued if the FIFO
method was used.
If you selected £597.00 you valued all of the pixies issued at the price of the latest
batch received. However, there are only 60 units in this batch and the remaining units
must be taken from the latest batch in the opening inventory.
17 D £3,605
Components issued on day 4 = 90 from week 10 receipts
Closing inventory week 12:
Remaining 210 components from week 10 @ £6.50 1,365
200 components from week 11 @ £6.25 1,250
150 components from week 12 @ £6.60 990
560 3,605

If you answered £585 you selected the cost of the issues rather than the value of the
closing inventory.
The answers of £594 and £3,596 are the cost of the issues and the closing inventory
respectively, using the LIFO valuation method.
18 D Student D
The LIFO method charges the latest prices paid to cost of sales. In a period of falling
prices the latest prices will be the lowest prices. Therefore the student using the LIFO
method would record the lowest cost of sales and the highest gross profit.

184 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

19 D (1), (2), (3) and (4)
With FIFO, the oldest prices are charged first to cost of sales and inventory is valued at
the latest prices paid, which will be close to replacement cost.
With LIFO, the most recent prices are charged first to cost of sales, therefore
inventories are issued at a price which is close to the current market value.
20 A Higher cost of sales and lower inventory value
The LIFO method charges the latest prices paid to cost of sales. In a period of rising
prices the cost of sales will be higher than with FIFO. The remaining items in inventory
will be valued at the older, lower prices.
Workings for questions 21 and 22

Units £/unit Value FIFO Units £/unit Value LIFO

£ £
Purchase 1/1 4,000 2.50 10,000 4,000 2.50 10,000
31/1 1,000 2.00 2,000 1,000 2.00 2,000
5,000 12,000 5,000 12,000
Sales 15/2 (3,000) 2.50 (7,500) (1,000) 2.00 (2,000)
(2,000) 2.50 (5,000)
2,000 4,500 2,000 5,000
Purchase 28/2 1,500 2.50 3,750 1,500 2.50 3,750
3,500 8,250 3,500 8,750
Sales 14/3 (500) 2.50 (1,250) (500) 2.50 (1,250)
3,000 7,000 3,000 7,500

21 C £7,000
If you selected the wrong option then check your working carefully against the above
22 C £7,500
If you selected the wrong option then check your working carefully against the above
23 C Each time a purchase is made
Each time a purchase is made this is likely to change the average price of the items
held in inventory. If it is required to keep prices up to date, the average price must be
re-calculated each time a purchase is made at a different price.
Each time an issue is made is incorrect because the average price of remaining
inventory items is not altered when an issue is made at the average price.
Re-calculating the average price at the end of each accounting period would not keep
prices up to date.
An inventory count is verification of physical quantities and does not require the re-
calculation of average prices.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 185

24 B £1,067
Total inventory
Date Received Issued Balance value Unit cost
£ £
1 June 100 500 5.00
3 June 300 1,440 4.80
400 1,940 4.85*
5 June 220 180 (1,067) 4.85
873 4.85
12 June 170 884 5.20
350 1,757 5.02*
24 June 300 (1,506) 5.02
Closing inventory 50 251 5.02

* A new weighted average price is calculated every time there are receipts into
From the above records, it can be seen that the cost of material issued on 5 June was
If you selected £1,056 you used a unit rate of £4.80, ie, the price of the latest goods
received, rather than the average price of £4.85.
If you selected £1,078 you used a simple average price of £4.90, rather than a
weighted average price.
If you selected £1,100 you used a unit rate of £5, ie, the price of the oldest items in
25 C £251
From the table in solution 25, the closing inventory value is £251.
If you selected £248 you used a periodic weighted average cost of all inventory at the
month end, instead of recalculating the average every time there are receipts into
If you selected £250 you calculated a simple average of all three available prices.
£260 would be the correct solution if the FIFO method of inventory valuation was used.
26 C FIFO = £840
£ £
Sales value £3  800 2,400
Less cost of sales:
400  £1.80 720
400  £2.10 840
Gross profit 840

If you selected £780 you have used a LIFO calculation.

If you selected £960 you priced all units at the first price of £1.80 for FIFO. However,
you must deal with the separate batches of units, taking account of how many were
received at each price.
£1,560 is the correct figure for cost of sales, but the question asked for the gross profit.

186 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

27 C LIFO = £780
£ £
Sales value £3  800 2,400
Less cost of sales:
600  £2.10 1,260
200  £1.80 360
Gross profit 780

If you selected £840 you have used a FIFO calculation.

If you selected £720 you priced all units at the latest price of £2.10 for LIFO. However,
you must deal with the separate batches of units, taking account of how many were
received at each price.

£1,620 is the correct figure for cost of sales, but the question asked for the gross profit.
28 A £3,150
Units Value
Opening inventory 600 3,600
Week 6 400 3,200
Week 8 100 900
1,100 7,700

Periodic weighted average price = £7,700/1,100 = £7 per unit

Closing inventory = 1,100 – (350 + 300)
= 450 units
Value of closing inventory = 450 units  £7
= £3,150
If you selected £3,431 you used the cumulative weighted average method whereby a
new average cost is calculated each time a batch is received into inventory.
If you selected £3,450 you calculated a simple average of the three unit costs available.
However, the unit cost calculation must take account of how many units were
purchased at each price.
If you selected £3,690 you excluded the value of the opening inventory from your
average cost calculations.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 2: Calculating unit costs (Part 1) 187

188 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019
Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2)
1 C Functions or locations for which costs are ascertained and related to cost units for
control purposes
Units of a product or service for which costs are ascertained is a description of a cost
Amounts of expenditure attributable to various activities is a description of overheads.
A section of an organisation for which budgets are prepared and control is exercised is
a description of a budget centre.
2 C To attribute overhead costs to cost units
'To attribute overhead costs to cost centres' describes overhead allocation and
'To reduce the total overhead expenditure below a predetermined level' and 'To
ensure that the total overhead expenditure does not exceed budgeted levels' are
more concerned with cost planning and control than with the costing of individual
products or services.
3 B Overhead apportionment
Overhead absorption is the final process of absorbing the total cost centre overheads
into product costs.
Overhead allocation is the allotment of whole items of overhead costs to a particular
cost centre or cost unit.
Overhead analysis is the general term used to describe all of the tasks of processing
overhead cost data.
4 D Common costs are shared among cost centres
'Costs may be controlled' is not correct because costs are controlled using budgets
and other management information.
'Cost units gather overheads as they pass through cost centres' describes overhead
absorption, not overhead apportionment.
'Whole items of cost can be charged to cost centres' describes overhead allocation,
not overhead apportionment.
5 D £18,300
The overheads of the canteen department are reapportioned on the basis of the
number of staff working in the production departments only.
Reapportionment of canteen overheads
To machining department = (30/50)  £5,500 = £3,300
Machining department total overheads = £15,000 + £3,300
= £18,300
If you answered £3,300 you calculated the correct amount of canteen costs to be
apportioned to machining. However, you then forgot to add on the original budgeted
overheads of £15,000.
If you answered £17,750 you simply apportioned the canteen costs evenly to the two
production cost centres. Since we know the number of staff in each cost centre, this is
likely to be a more equitable apportionment basis. It is probable that a cost centre with
more staff would place a greater burden on the canteen facilities.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 189

The answer of £18,000 bases the apportionment of the canteen costs on all 55
employees. However, the canteen cannot give itself a charge and the correct
apportionment basis is the 50 employees in the production cost centres only.
6 A Works manager = Allocated to factory
D Logistics manager = Apportioned to factory
The whole of the works manager's salary can be allocated to the factory since the
manager is fully occupied in the factory cost centre.
Part of the logistics manager's salary must be apportioned to the factory since some
time is spent on production tasks.
7 D £10,160
Number of employees in packing department = 2 direct + 1 indirect = 3
Number of employees in all production departments = 15 direct + 6 indirect
= 21
Packing department overhead
Canteen cost apportioned to packing department = 3
= £1,200
Original overhead allocated and apportioned = £8,960

Total overhead after apportionment of canteen costs = £10,160

If you selected £1,200 you forgot to include the original overhead allocated and
apportioned to the packing department.
If you selected £9,968 you included the four canteen employees in your calculation,
but the question states that the basis for apportionment is the number of employees in
each production cost centre.
If you selected £10,080 you based your calculation on the direct employees only.
8 A Costs can be allocated where it is possible to identify which department caused them.
C Costs need to be apportioned where they are shared by more than one department.
D There is no need for a single product company to allocate and apportion overheads in
order to determine overhead cost per unit.
Although supervisors' salaries might be apportioned over more than one department
or cost centre, it is more likely that a supervisor would work in a single cost centre.
Therefore, supervisors' salaries are likely to be allocated rather than apportioned.
The process of apportioning overhead costs is arbitrary. There is no single 'correct'
9 B Volume of space occupied in cubic metres
From the four options available, a basis relating to space occupied would seem to be
most appropriate. This eliminates the number of employees and labour hours worked.
Since heating is required to warm the whole of the space occupied, from floor to
ceiling, the volume of space is more appropriate than the floor space occupied.

190 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

10 C £7.20
Total labour hours = (1,000  4) + (2,000  6) + (3,000  3) = 25,000 hours
Overhead per labour hour = £30,000/25,000 = £1.20 per hour
Overhead content per unit of Product B = £1.20  6 = £7.20
If you selected £1.20 you calculated the correct absorption rate per labour hour.
However, you should then have applied this rate to the number of labour hours per
unit of product B.
A fixed overhead cost of £5 per unit is incorrect because it is calculated by simply
determining a single rate per unit for all 6,000 units produced. However, the different
number of labour hours for each unit of product indicates that each places a different
burden on resources. This is reflected in the absorption of overheads on the basis of
labour hours.
If you selected £30 you calculated the simple rate of £5 per unit as described above.
However, you then went on to take account of the six hours worked on product B and
so created a 'hybrid' absorption method which mixes two bases.
11 D £0.60 per machine hour
Department 1 appears to undertake primarily machine-based work, therefore a
machine-hour rate would be most appropriate.
= £0.60 per machine hour

A rate of 40% of direct material cost is not the most appropriate because it is not time-
based, and most items of overhead expenditure tend to increase with time.
The two rates based on direct labour are not the most appropriate because labour
activity is relatively insignificant in department 1, compared with machine activity.
12 C £0.72 per direct labour hour
Department 2 appears to be labour-intensive therefore a direct labour-hour rate would
be most appropriate.
= £0.72 per direct labour hour

The rate of 18% of direct labour cost is based on labour therefore it could be suitable.
However, differential wage rates exist and this could lead to inequitable overhead
absorption. The machine hour rate is not suitable because machine activity is not
significant in department 2.
13 A £89.10
Fixed overhead absorption rate = budgeted overheads/budgeted machine hours
= £(95,580 + 64,800)/1,800
= £89.10
The rate of £100 per machine hour is the actual rate for the period. However, a
predetermined rate, based on the budget data both for the overhead expenditure and
the activity level, is used to absorb overheads.
14 D £20.91
Overhead absorption rate = £460,000/22,000 = £20.91 per hour
Remember overhead absorption rates are based on budgeted information.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 191

15 A (1) and (2) only
Overhead absorption rates are usually determined in advance for each period, usually
based on budgeted data. Therefore statement (1) is correct and statement (3) is
incorrect. Overhead absorption rates are used in the final stage of overhead analysis,
to absorb overheads into product costs. Therefore, statement (2) is correct. Statement
(4) is not correct because overheads are controlled using budgets and other
management information.
16 C £102.90
Direct labour £5.25  4 hours 21.00
Direct expenses 53.50
Total direct cost 74.50
Overhead absorbed
£7.10  4 hours 28.40
Total production cost 102.90

The answer of £81.90 does not include a direct labour cost. The direct cost is not
affected by the basis chosen for the absorption of overheads.
If you selected £91.10 you based the overhead absorption on the rate per welding
machine hour, rather than using the direct labour hour basis as requested.
The answer of £119.50 includes too much overhead cost. It uses both bases of
absorption together, but only one basis of overhead absorption can be used.
17 B £4,462.50
Apportionment of budgeted overhead costs £
Rent and rates (area) £3,000  (700/8,000) 262.50
Plant insurance and depreciation (value of machinery)
£11,000  (80/400) 2,200.00
Factory manager's salary (employee numbers) £7,000  (20/70) 2,000.00

The option of £1,837.50 apportions all of the costs on the basis of area. More
appropriate apportionment bases are available for some of the costs.
Similarly, the option of £6,000 apportions all of the costs on the basis of the number of
employees, and suffers from the same inadequacy.
If you selected £7,000 you simply apportioned the overhead costs evenly between the
departments. More appropriate apportionment bases are available.

192 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

18 D £14.60
Primary Finishing
hours hours
Product J (6,000  36/60) / (6,000  25/60) 3,600 2,500
Product K (7,500  48/60) / (7,500  30/60) 6,000 3,750
Total budgeted direct labour hours 9,600 6,250

Budgeted production overheads £96,000 £82,500

Production overhead absorption rate £10 per £13.20 per
hour hour

Production overhead cost absorbed by product K

£ per unit
Primary cost centre (£10  48/60) 8.00
Finishing cost centre (£13.20  30/60) 6.60
Total budgeted production overhead cost 14.60

If you selected £10.00 or £13.20 you calculated the correct absorption rate but you
should have then applied it to the labour hours worked on product K.
If you selected £14.00 you calculated an absorption rate based on the 13,500 total
budgeted production units. This rate takes no account of the different amounts of time
taken to produce one unit of each product, and hence of the different resources
consumed by each.
19 A (1) and (2) only
Statement (1) is correct because a constant unit absorption rate is used throughout the
period. Statement (2) is correct because 'actual' overhead costs, based on actual
overhead expenditure and actual activity for the period, cannot be determined until
after the end of the period. Statement (3) is incorrect because under/over absorption
of overheads is caused by the use of predetermined overhead absorption rates.
20 D Fixed overheads were under absorbed by £3,000, this being partly the difference
between budgeted and actual expenditure and partly the production shortfall of 1,000
Overhead absorption rate = £150,000/30,000 = £5 per unit
Absorbed overhead (29,000 units  £5) 145,000
Actual overheads 148,000
Under-absorbed overhead 3,000

The effect of the production shortfall was partly offset by the difference between
budgeted and actual expenditure.
21 D Budgeted capacity 11,250 hours, absorption rate per hour of £9.20
To calculate budgeted capacity, calculate the budgeted overheads and the overhead
absorption rate. To calculate the overhead absorption rate remember to use the
budgeted data.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 193

Department Z £
Actual overhead expenditure (same as budget, £61,500 + 103,500
Under-absorbed overhead (11,500)
Overhead actually absorbed into production costs 92,000
Actual machine hours 10,000 hrs
Absorption rate per hour £9.20

Budgeted capacity = Budgeted overheads/Absorption rate

= £103,500/£9.20 per hr = 11,250 hrs
22 C £2,250.00
When expenditures are as budgeted, but actual and budgeted production activity
levels are different, only fixed overhead can be under or over absorbed.
Over-absorbed overhead = 500 hrs  £4.50
= £2,250
Variable overhead absorbed = (500  £3.00) = £1,500 more than budgeted in the
original budget. However, variable overhead incurred would be £1,500 more as well,
leaving neither under nor over absorbed variable overheads.
23 C Under-absorbed by £205
The overhead absorption rate is the
budgeted overhead cost/budgeted hours = £14,950/3,250
= £4.60 per hour
Absorbed overheads (3,175 hours  £4.60) = £14,605
Actual overheads = £14,810
Under absorbed overheads = £205
The overhead is under absorbed because the actual overhead expenditure exceeded
the amount absorbed.
If you calculated the under or over absorption as £140 you simply determined the
difference between the budgeted and actual overheads. However, the amount of
overhead absorbed will depend on the actual level of activity achieved.
24 D £28.75 per hour
Actual overheads incurred 480,000
Over absorbed overheads 95,000
Overheads absorbed 575,000

Overhead absorption rate = £575,000/20,000

= £28.75 per hour
If you selected a rate of £19.25 you deducted the over absorbed overheads from the
actual overheads to derive the amount absorbed. However, if the overhead is over
absorbed then the amount absorbed must be greater than the actual overhead

194 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

25 C The company produced fewer units than expected.
Overhead absorbed = 4,600 units  £2 9,200
Overhead incurred 9,500
Under absorption 300

The company sold fewer units than it produced is incorrect. It is the levels of
production which bring about under/over absorption.
The company sold fewer units than it produced and spent less than expected on fixed
overheads is incorrect. The company has under absorbed production overheads
because of lower production levels than expected.
Spending less than expected on fixed overheads would, in isolation, lead to over
absorption rather than to the under absorption that occurred.
The company produced fewer units than expected and spent less on fixed overheads
is incorrect. The company has under absorbed overheads because of lower production
levels than expected.
26 A 20,000
Actual overheads = £343,825
Over absorption = £14,025
Absorbed overheads = Actual overheads + over absorbed overheads
= £343,825 + £14,025
= £357,850
If the absorbed overheads = £357,850 then the budgeted overhead absorption rate =
Absorbed overheads/actual labour hours = £357,850/21,050 = £17 per labour hour.
If budgeted overheads for the period were £340,000 and the budgeted overhead
absorption rate is £17 per labour hour, then the budgeted labour hours = budgeted
overheads/overhead absorption rate = £340,000/£17 = 20,000 hours.
If you selected 20,225 hours you calculated the correct absorption rate but then you
divided this into the actual overhead cost. You should have divided it into the
budgeted overhead cost.
If you selected 21,700 hours you subtracted the over absorption to derive the
absorbed overheads. However, if overheads are over absorbed then the amount of
overhead absorbed must be greater than the actual overhead incurred.
27 A £4,000 under-absorbed
When expenditures are as budgeted, but actual and budgeted production activity
levels are different, only fixed overhead can be under or over absorbed.
Under-absorbed overhead = 1,000 hours  £4 = £4,000.
Variable overhead absorbed would be (1,000  £2.50) = £2,500 less than in the
original budget, but variable overhead incurred would be £2,500 less as well, leaving
neither under nor over absorbed variable overheads.
28 C £3,400 under-absorbed
Overhead absorption rate = £54,500/((1,700  2) + (2,500  3))
= £5 per machine hour

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 195

Overhead absorbed by actual production achieved:
Product A 1,900 units produced  £5  2 hours 19,000
Product B 2,200 units produced  £5  3 hours 33,000
Actual overhead incurred 55,400
Under absorbed overhead 3,400

If you calculated the under or over absorption as £900 you calculated the difference
between the budgeted and actual overheads without taking account of overhead
absorbed by the units produced.
29 C A factor which causes the costs of an activity
The cost driver is the factor which causes the costs of an activity to increase or
decrease. For example, a cost driver for materials handling costs could be the number
of production runs: the higher the number of production runs, the higher will be the
cost of material handling.
'A mechanism for accumulating the costs of an activity' is a description of a cost pool.
'An overhead costs that is caused as a direct consequence of an activity' is a
description of an overhead cost that is attributable to a particular activity.
'A cost relating to more than one product or service' describes a common cost that
must be apportioned.
30 D Activity based costing (ABC) involves tracing resource consumption and costing final
E Just-in-time (JIT) systems are referred to as 'pull' systems because demand from a
customer pulls products through the production process
JIT purchasing requires that materials are delivered by the supplier, in small quantities
not large quantities, just as they are needed in the production process.
ABC is concerned with all types of overhead cost, including the cost of non factory-
floor activities such as quality control and customer service. It therefore takes cost
accounting beyond its traditional factory floor boundaries.
ABC does not eliminate the need for arbitrary cost apportionment. Some
apportionment may still be required at the pooling stage for items such as rent and
31 B (1), (2), (3) and (4)
(1) JIT requires close integration of suppliers with the company's manufacturing
(2) To respond immediately to customer requirements, production must be flexible
and in small batch sizes.
(3) JIT systems attempt to reduce set-up times in order to achieve fast throughput.
(4) Each component on a production line is produced only when needed for the next
32 A When target costing is used, the selling price of a product or service determines its
target cost
B An activity based costing (ABC) system makes some use of volume-related cost drivers
The target cost is derived by deducting the required profit margin from the selling

196 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

An ABC system uses volume-related cost drivers such as machine hours as well as
transaction related cost drivers such as the number of quality control checks.
A JIT system tends to reduce storage costs because lower inventories are held, not
increase them.
Life cycle costing does track costs that are incurred once production has ceased, since
it tracks costs over the whole of a product's life cycle.
A product's target cost is derived from a selling price which is determined by a
consideration of external market conditions.
33 C Lower levels of receivables
A lower level of receivables is not the result of the adoption of a JIT system and is more
to do with credit control procedures.
34 A Brewing = Process
F Motorway construction = Contract
H Plumbing repairs = Job
L Shoe manufacture = Batch
Brewing involves a continuous flow of processes.
Each motorway would be a separately identifiable cost unit of relatively long duration.
Therefore contract costing is appropriate.
Each plumbing repair would be a separately identifiable cost unit of relatively short
duration. Therefore job costing is most appropriate.
In shoe manufacturing a number of identical shoes would be manufactured in
separately identifiable batches.
35 A In process and batch costing the cost per unit of output is found indirectly by dividing
total costs by the number of units produced.
D The procedures used to calculate unit costs in manufacturing industries can equally be
applied to service industries.
It is incorrect to state that in process and job costing the cost per unit of output is found
directly by accumulating costs for each unit. This applies only to job costing since it is
not possible to identify individual units in a process costing environment.
It is incorrect to state that costing is irrelevant. Both financial accounts and cost
accounts use the same basic data. However, the cost accounting analyses the data in a
more detailed way and in a manner that is useful for management planning, decision-
making and control.
36 A Actual material cost
C Absorbed manufacturing overheads
The actual material cost for a batch can be determined from the material recording
Actual manufacturing overheads cannot be determined for a specific batch because of
the need for allocation and apportionment of each item of overhead expenditure, and
the subsequent calculation of a predetermined overhead absorption rate. Therefore
actual manufacturing overheads is incorrect and absorbed manufacturing overheads is
Budgeted labour costs are irrelevant when considering actual batch costs.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 3: Calculating unit costs (Part 2) 197

37 D The construction industry
The construction industry would be more likely to use contract costing, not process
The brewing industry, the oil industry and the steel industry would all use process
38 B (1) and (3) only
Statement (2) is not correct. Contract costing often applies to projects which are based
on sites away from the contractor's premises.
39 C £217,323
Work in progress
Job A £
£(26,800 + 17,275 + 14,500) + £(14,500/42,600  126,000) 101,462
Job C
£(18,500 + 24,600) + £(24,600/42,600  126,000) 115,861
Total WIP cost 217,323

£58,575 is the direct cost of job A, with no addition for overhead. £101,675 is the
direct cost of both jobs in progress, but with no addition for overhead.
£227,675 is the result of charging all of the overhead to the jobs in progress, but some
of the overhead must be absorbed by the completed job B.
40 D £2,400
Idle time is 10% of the hours to be paid for. Hours to be paid for are therefore
= 270/0.9 = 300 hours
Therefore labour cost = 300 hours  £8 = £2,400
The answer of 300 is the number of hours to be paid for. This needs to be evaluated at
the hourly rate of £8.
If you selected £2,160 you made no allowance for the extra payment for idle time.
The answer of £2,376 is derived by simply adding 10% to the active hours. However,
the idle time is calculated as a percentage of the total hours paid for, not as a
percentage of the active hours worked.
41 A,F,H
Oil refining involves a continuous manufacturing process of homogeneous output and
therefore is ideally suited to process costing.
Clothing would be manufactured using batches of material, for example of a certain
texture or colour. Production would be halted before the next batch of items of a
particular style is produced. The most appropriate costing method would therefore be
batch costing.
Car repair work would be very varied and each repair would be bespoke. Therefore
neither process nor batch costing would be appropriate but job/contract costing
would be a suitable costing method.

198 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 4: Marginal costing and absorption costing
1 A £85,355
£ per unit
Variable materials 9.80
Variable labour 8.70
Variable production overheads 1.35
Variable production cost per unit 19.85

Value of inventory in a marginal costing system = £19.85  4,300 units

= £85,355
If you selected £117,562 you included the variable selling and distribution overheads
in the inventory valuation. The inventory should be valued at variable production cost.
The value of £125,603 includes fixed production overheads. In a marginal costing
system these overheads would be charged against the revenue as a period cost and
would not be included in the inventory valuation.
If you selected £172,430 you valued the inventory units at total cost. Selling and
distribution overheads should not be included in inventory valuation and fixed
production overheads should not be included in a marginal costing inventory
2 A £52,000
The value of this inventory using marginal costing would have been £52,000.
Fixed production overhead per unit of product S = £6.50  (£60/£12) hours
= £32.50 per unit
Full production cost per unit of product S = £(32.50 + 60.00 + 70.00)
= £162.50
Number of units of product S in inventory = £65,000/£162.50
= 400 units
Marginal costing valuation of inventory = 400  (£60 + £70)
= £52,000
You should have been able to eliminate the options of £260,000 and £442,000 since
the inventory valuation using marginal costing will always be lower than with
absorption costing.
If you selected £53,150 you re-calculated the fixed overhead absorption rate on a per
unit basis rather than using a rate per labour hour.
3 B Contribution: £20,000, Profit £15,000
Contribution = 800 clocks  £(50 – 25) = £20,000
Profit = £20,000 – £5,000 fixed costs = £15,000
The contribution figures of £25,000 relate to a sales volume of 1,000 clocks but this
was the production volume.
The profit figure of £16,000 is the absorption costing profit for September.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 4: Marginal costing and absorption costing 199

4 A Marginal costing is an alternative method of costing to absorption costing.
D Fixed costs are treated as a period cost and are charged in full to the income statement
of the accounting period in which they are incurred.
E Marginal cost is the cost of a unit which would not be incurred if that unit were not
Contribution is calculated as sales revenue minus all variable costs (and not fixed cost
of sales). Closing inventories are valued at marginal production cost (and not full
production cost).
5 A Such systems value finished goods at the variable cost of production.
D Such systems write off fixed overheads to the income statement in the period in which
they were incurred.
Under- or over-absorbed overheads cannot arise with marginal costing because fixed
overhead is written off in full as it is incurred.
6 D £113,250
Gross profit (16,000 units  £(24.00 – 8.50 – 2.50)) 208,000
Selling costs (16,000 units  £6) (96,000)
Over absorbed fixed production costs
(16,400 units produced – 15,900 budgeted)  £2.50 1,250
Absorption costing profit 113,250

If you answered £110,750 you deducted the over absorption instead of adding it to the
calculated profit. The option of £112,000 makes no allowance for the over absorption
and £112,250 is the marginal costing profit for the quarter.
7 D Profits measured using absorption costing may be the same as, or lower than, or
higher than profits measured using marginal costing.
Whether profits under absorption costing are the same as, lower than or higher than
profits under marginal costing depends entirely on opening and closing inventory
figures. For example, if there is no opening or closing inventory, then the two measures
of profit will be the same.
8 A Less operating profit than the absorption costing method
If the number of units in inventory increased then with absorption costing more fixed
overhead will be carried forward in inventory to the next period. Thus operating profits
will be higher than with the marginal costing method.
9 B £5,160 higher
Since production exceeded sales the inventory of 200 units carried forward to the next
period would include fixed production costs of (200  (£25,800/1,000)) = £5,160 with
absorption costing.
Under marginal costing these fixed costs would be charged against the revenue for the
period. Thus the absorption costing profit would be £5,160 higher.
If you selected £24,260 higher or lower you calculated the profit difference as the total
production cost of the 200 units in inventory. However, the difference in inventory
valuation is caused by the differing treatment of the fixed costs only.

200 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

10 B £10,000 lower
The marginal costing profit is lower because with absorption costing some of the fixed
production costs would be carried forward in the inventory valuation.
Profit difference = 250 units in inventory  (£30,000/750)
= £10,000
If you calculated the profit difference as £22,500 you included the fixed selling costs.
However, selling costs are not included in the inventory valuation, which should
include production costs only.
11 B £57,500
Sales volume exceeded production volume by 500 units, therefore inventories
reduced. The absorption costing profit will be lower than the marginal costing profit
because fixed overheads were 'released' from inventory.
Profit difference = inventory reduction in units  fixed overhead per unit
= 500  £5 = £2,500
Absorption costing profit = £60,000 – £2,500
= £57,500
If you selected £47,500 you based your calculation of the profit difference on the
closing inventory of 2,500 units. The answer of £59,500 is calculated as £7 profit per
unit  8,500 units sold, however, this takes no account of the actual level of fixed
overhead cost.
If you selected £62,500 you calculated the correct profit difference but you added it to
the marginal costing profit instead of subtracting it.
12 D £2,400 loss
Change in inventory = 200 units reduction.
Profit difference = 200 units  £7
= £1,400
Since inventory reduced the absorption costing profit would be lower than the
marginal costing profit. This would increase the loss from £1,000 to £2,400.
If you selected £400 profit you added the difference in inventory value to reduce the
loss. However, since fixed overhead is 'released' from inventory with absorption
costing, the loss will be greater.
13 D £9.00
Decrease in inventory levels = 48,500 – 45,500
= 3,000 units
Difference in profits = £315,250 – £288,250
= £27,000
Fixed overhead per unit = £27,000/3,000
= £9 per unit
If you selected one of the other options you attempted various divisions of all the data
available in the question.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 4: Marginal costing and absorption costing 201

14 B £75,800
Decrease in inventory levels = 760 – 320
= 440 units
Difference in profits = 440  £5 fixed overhead per unit
= £2,200
Inventories decreased, therefore the absorption costing profit would be lower as
overheads are 'released' from inventory.
Absorption costing profit = £78,000 – £2,200
= £75,800
If you selected options A or C you based your calculation of the profit difference on
only the opening inventory or closing inventory respectively.
If you selected option D you calculated the correct profit difference, but you added it,
instead of subtracting it from the marginal costing profit.
15 D Absorption costing profits will be higher and closing inventory valuations higher than
those under marginal costing.
Closing inventory valuations are always higher with absorption costing because of the
inclusions of fixed overhead. Therefore the statements that closing inventory valuations
are lower are incorrect.
If inventories increase, absorption costing profits are higher because of the fixed
overhead being carried forward in inventory.
16 C It is more appropriate for short-term decision-making.
D Fixed costs are treated in accordance with their nature (ie, as period costs).
Marginal costing does not comply with accounting standards for external reporting. It
does ensure that the company focuses on producing a positive contribution but that
may not be sufficient to cover fixed costs and hence make an overall profit.
In situations of highly fluctuating demand, marginal costing will produce highly
fluctuating profits. There is less of a fluctuation under absorption costing and as a
result, it can be argued that this costing method is more appropriate when there are
strong seasonal variations in sales demand.
17 A Absorption costing profits will be lower and closing inventory valuations higher than
those under marginal costing.
Closing inventory valuations are always higher with absorption costing because of the
inclusions of fixed overhead. Therefore the statements that closing inventory valuations
are lower are incorrect.
If inventories decrease, absorption costing profits are lower because of the fixed
overhead being released from inventory.

202 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

18 C,D The statement 'Absorption unit cost information is the most reliable as a basis for
pricing decisions' is not true because short term changes in activity levels can result in
unit costs being artificially high or low, because overheads will be absorbed over the
unrepresentative number of units. This could make prices set using this cost basis
artificially high or low.
The statement 'A product showing a loss under absorption costing will also make a
negative contribution under marginal costing' is not true because a product could earn
a contribution under marginal costing which then becomes a gross loss under
absorption costing only because of the increase in cost from absorbing overheads.
The statement 'Marginal unit cost information is normally the most useful for external
reporting purposes' is not true because external reporting will need to take account of
unit costs right across an operation not just unit costs when incremental (marginal)
changes in activity levels are made.
The statement 'When closing inventory levels are higher than opening inventory levels
and overheads are constant, absorption costing gives a higher profit than marginal
costing' is true because an increase in inventory levels will mean that with absorption
costing more overhead is being carried forward at the end of the period than at the
start of the period. This means that overheads charged against profit in the period
would be lower than under marginal costing thereby increasing the reported profit.
The statement 'In a multi-product company, smaller volume products may cause a
disproportionate amount of set up overhead cost' is true because overheads would
normally be apportioned based on the time a product spends on the production line.
For smaller volume products the time taken to set up the product run becomes a larger
proportion of the total time spent in production than for higher volume products.
19 A £18
Number of hours in Machining are:
Pye 4,000  0.5 = 2,000
Tan 4,000  1.0 = 4,000

Total Machining overhead is £120,000 or £120,000/6,000 per hour = £20 per hour
Machining overhead cost of a unit of Pye is £20  0.5 = £10
Number of hours in Assembly are:
Pye 4,000  0.20 = 800
Tan 4,000  0.25 = 1,000

Total Assembly overhead is £72,000 or £72,000/1,800 per hour = £40 per hour
Assembly overhead cost of a unit of Pye is £40  0.2 = £8
Total overhead cost of a unit of Pye is therefore £10 (Machining) + £8 (Assembly) = £18
If you calculated £20 you incorrectly either just used the total Machining overhead per
hour or added together the Machining overhead cost of a Pye and the Assembly
overhead cost of a Tan.
If you calculated £28 you incorrectly added together the Machining overhead cost of a
Tan and the Assembly overhead cost of a Pye.
£24 was just an incorrect answer.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 4: Marginal costing and absorption costing 203

20 B £19,500
The manufacturing cost per unit, on an absorption costing basis, is:
£6.00 + (£90,000/75,000) =
£6.00 + £1.20 = £7.20
The cost of sales is therefore 70,000  £7.20 = £504,000
The sales revenue is 70,000  £8 = £560,000
The profit before selling and administration costs is therefore £560,000 – £504,000 =
The selling and administration costs are (70,000  £0.20) + £22,500 = £36,500
The net profit is therefore £56,000 – £36,500 = £19,500
If you calculated the profit as £13,500 then you calculated the net profit using marginal
costing. Total variable costs on this basis would be 70,000  £6.20 = £434,000 and
total overheads £90,000 + £22,500 = £112,500. The net profit would therefore
(incorrectly) be calculated as £560,000 – £434,000 – £112,500 = £13,500
If you calculated the net profit as £21,000 or £22,500 then you probably followed the
right method but made an arithmetical error.

204 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 5: Pricing calculations
1 D £298.60
Cost centre A Cost centre B Total
£ per unit £ per unit £ per unit
Direct material 60.00 30.30 90.30
Direct labour 60.00 15.20 75.20
Production overhead 36.72 14.94 51.66
Total production cost 217.16
General overhead 10% 21.72
Total cost 238.88
Profit margin ( 20/80) 59.72
Selling price 298.60

If you selected £271.45 you did not add the general overhead to determine the total
cost per unit.
If you selected £282.31 you simply added 30% (20% + 10%) to the total production
cost in order to determine the selling price. The two percentages should be added
separately and the 20% margin should be determined as a percentage of the selling
price, not as a percentage of cost.
The option of £286.66 is the price derived using a 20% mark up on a cost, rather than a
20% margin on the selling price.
2 B £51.84
Production overhead absorption rate per direct labour hour is:
£61,200/(4,000  2 hours + 6,000  1.5 hours) = £3.60
Product L
£ per unit
Materials 6.00
Labour 30.00
Production overhead (2 hours  £3.60) 7.20
Total production cost 43.20
Profit mark up (20%  £43.20) 8.64
Selling price 51.84

If you selected £47.52 you calculated the correct production overhead absorption rate
per hour but you forgot to multiply this by 2 to derive the overhead to be absorbed by
product L.
If you selected £54.00 you added a margin of 20% based on the selling price, rather
than a mark up of 20% based on the cost.
If you selected £61.56 you calculated the production overhead absorption rate based
only on the output of product L. However, some of the production overhead will be
absorbed by product T.
3 C £201.60
Since employees are paid on a per unit basis the wage cost is a variable cost, which will
increase in line with the number of binders.
The machine set-up cost and design costs are fixed costs for each batch, which will not
be affected by the number of binders in the batch.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 205

For a batch of 300 binders:
Variable materials (£30  3) 90.00
Variable wages (£10  3) 30.00
Machine set up 3.00
Design and artwork 15.00
Production overhead (£30  20%) 6.00
Total production cost 144.00
Selling, distribution and administration overhead (£144  5%) 7.20
Total cost 151.20
Profit margin (£151.20  25/75) 50.40
Selling price for a batch of 300 201.60

If you selected £189.00 you calculated the cost correctly, but added a profit mark up of
25% of cost, instead of a margin of 25% of selling price.
If you selected £193.20 you failed to absorb the appropriate amount of fixed overhead.
If you selected £252.00 you treated all of the costs as variable costs, even though the
machine set up and design costs are fixed regardless of batch size.
4 C £84,963
Opening work in progress 42,790
Labour for period 3,500
Overheads (£3,500/£42,600)  £126,000 10,352
Total cost 56,642
Profit (331/3% on sales) 28,321

If you selected £69,435 you forgot to add on overhead cost.

1 1
If you selected £75,523 you calculated the profit as 33 /3% on cost, instead of 33 /3%
on sales.
If you selected £258,435 you charged all of the overhead to job B, but some of the
overhead should be absorbed by the other two jobs (based on labour cost).
5 D £505
Direct materials (5  £20) 100
Direct labour (14  £8) 112
Variable overhead (14  £3) 42
Fixed overhead (14  £5*) 70
Other overhead (fixed per job) 80
Total cost of job 173 404
Profit margin ( 20/80) 101
Selling price 505

*Fixed production overhead absorption rate = £200,000/40,000 = £5 per direct labour

£404 is the total cost, but a profit margin should be added to this to determine the
selling price. If you selected £424 you added only £5 for fixed production overhead
but this is the hourly rate, which must be multiplied by the number of direct labour
hours. If you selected £485 you calculated 20% of cost to determine the profit but the
data states that profit is calculated as 20% of the sales value.

206 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

6 B £60.96
Selling price = £90.68
= 119% of pre-tax price
 Selling price excluding tax = 100/119  £90.68
= £76.20
 New price after 20% reduction = (100% – 20%)  £76.20
= £60.96
If you selected £58.76 you calculated the sales tax as 19% of the current selling price,
but the price already includes the 19% tax which is based on the pre-tax price.
If you selected £72.54 you calculated the correct pre-tax price but then you added 19%
sales tax, which was not required.
If you selected £76.20 you calculated the correct old pre-tax price but forgot to reduce
the price by 20%.
7 C 3.0% decrease.
Selling price at end of Year 2 = £27.50  1.05  1.06
= £30.61
Change in selling price in Year 3 is therefore £(30.61 – 29.69) = £0.92 (reduction)
Percentage change in Year 3 was therefore (–0.92/30.61)  100% = –3%
If you selected a 2.7% decrease you calculated the price at the end of Year 2 as being
11% of the initial price. You should have compounded the two increases at 6% and 5%,
rather than simply adding them together.
If you calculated the year three price change to be a 3.4% decrease you calculated the
correct absolute value of the price change. However, you then expressed this as a
percentage of the original price, rather than as a percentage of the price at the
beginning of Year 3.
8 C £88.13
Let x = price of article before sales tax
Then 1.12 x = £84
Therefore: x = £84/1.12
= £75
New selling price = 1.175  £75
= £88.13
If you selected £75 you calculated the correct pre-tax price but then forgot to add the
revised sales tax.
If you selected a price of £86.86 you calculated the sales tax as 12% of the current
selling price, but this price includes the tax which is based on the pre-tax price.
If you calculated a price of £88.62 you simply added an extra 5.5% tax to the current
selling price. However, the total sales tax is based on the pre-tax price. Therefore, the
current level of tax must first be deducted to derive the basis on which to calculate the
new 17.5% tax.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 207

9 C 20%
25 kg costs £9.00
 1 kg costs = £9.00/25
= £0.36
 Percentage saving = (0.45 – 0.36)/0.45  100%
= 20%
9% is incorrect since it represents a saving in pence ie, £0.45 – £0.36 = £0.09 and not a
percentage saving.
11.25% represents 25kg  £0.45 = £11.25 which is incorrect.
If you selected 25%, you used £0.36 as the denominator instead of £0.45.
10 B £16.67
Cost = 75% of selling price
And cost = £50
Therefore selling price = £50/75  100
= £66.67
Profit = (£66.67 – £50.00)
= £16.67
If you selected £12.50 you calculated the profit as 25% of the cost rather than 25% of
the selling price.
If you selected £62.50 you calculated a profit markup of 25% of the cost and then
added the profit to the cost to derive the (incorrect) selling price.
The option of £66.67 is the correct selling price but this was not the requirement of the
11 A £40
Cost + mark up = sales price
Assume cost = £100, then mark up is £20 and sales price = £120 (100 + 20 = 120)
Actual selling price = £240
The profit (mark up) is therefore £240/120  20 = £40
If you selected £48 you calculated the profit margin of 20% of the selling price. The
mark-up is expressed as a percentage of cost.
12 B £606
Selling price of job 1,690
Less profit mark up (30/130) 390
Total cost of job 1,300
Less overhead 694
Prime cost 606

If you selected £489 you deducted 30% from the selling price to derive the total cost of
the job.
£996 is the result of deducting the overhead from the selling price, but omitting to
deduct the profit margin.
£1,300 is the total cost of the job; you needed to deduct the overhead to derive the
prime cost.

208 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

13 D 68.2%
Revised mark up in £ = £(7.99 – 4.75)
= £3.24
Revised mark up percentage = (£3.24/£4.75)  100%
= 68.2%
If you selected 1.1% you calculated the percentage change required in the selling price
rather than the change required in the mark-up percentage.
If you selected 1.8% you calculated the change in the mark up percentage.
The option of 40.6% is the margin as a percentage of the selling price rather than the
mark up as a percentage of cost.
14 A 16.7%
Cost of goods sold = purchases + opening inventory – closing inventory
= £40,000 + £12,000 – £2,000
= £50,000
Profit for period = £60,000 – £50,000
= £10,000
Percentage margin = (£10,000/£60,000)  100%
= 16.7%
If you selected 20.0% you calculated the percentage mark up on cost rather than the
percentage margin on the selling price.
If you selected 33.3% or 50.0% you calculated the margin and the mark up
respectively, using the purchases figure as the cost of goods sold, without adjusting for
the change in inventory.
15 C £163.79
£ per unit
Material 15.00
Labour 52.05
Production overhead (£9.44  7 hours) 66.08
Total production cost 133.13
General overhead (£133.13  8%) 10.65
Total cost 143.78
Required return from the Super per unit (£136,200  0.14)/953 20.01
Required selling price 163.79

If you selected £102.62 you included only £9.44 for production overhead. This hourly
rate should have been multiplied by the number of machine hours to determine the
total overhead absorbed.
If you selected £153.14 you forgot to include general overhead when you calculated
the total cost.
If you selected £163.91 you added a mark up of 14% to the total cost, instead of
determining a profit per unit based on the 14% required return on the capital invested.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 209

16 D 233%
Marginal cost 60
Fixed cost 100
Full/total cost 160
Margin (160  20/80) 40
Selling price 200

Percentage mark up on marginal costs = 140/60  100%

= 233%
If you selected 67% you calculated the mark up as (40/60) and did not allow for the
additional mark up to cover the fixed costs.
If you selected 108% you misread the marginal costs to be 60% of total costs, rather
than 60% of fixed costs.
If you selected 220% you calculated the selling price structure based on a 20% mark up
on full cost, rather than a 20% margin on the selling price. Mark up on marginal costs is
(£200 – £60) = £140.
17 C The total revenue will decrease and the total contribution will increase
Let the current selling price be £P and the current sales volume be V units.
Since the mark up is 100% of variable costs,
Current contribution per unit = £0.5P
Current revenue = £VP
Current total contribution = £0.5VP
After the change in pricing policy, the sales volume will be 0.6V and the revised selling
price will be £1.5P. The variable cost per unit remains at £0.5P.
Revised revenue = volume sold  revised selling price
= 0.6V  £1.5P
= £0.9VP
Therefore the revenue will decrease.
Revised total contribution = 0.6V (£1.5P – £0.5P)
= £0.6VP
Therefore the total contribution will increase.

210 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

18 C £12.50
Profit = contribution – fixed costs
Therefore contribution = £10,000 + £160,000 = £170,000
If a 2% increase in selling price is £5,000 then the sales revenue before the increase
£5,000/0.02 = £250,000
The variable costs are sales revenue less contribution, ie,
£250,000 – £170,000
= £80,000
Number of units sold = £80,000/(variable cost per unit = £4)
= 20,000
Current selling price per unit is therefore:
£250,000/20,000 = £12.50
If you selected £0.08 you made a mistake at the last step and performed the final
division 'upside down'.
If you selected £10.00 you deducted the profit from the fixed costs to determine the
contribution, instead of adding it.
The option of £12.75 is the revised selling price, including the 2% increase.
19 A The supplier and the buyer will each bear some of the inflation risk but not necessarily
The supplier will bear the inflation risk during the credit period, since the price is fixed
during that time.
The buyer will bear the inflation risk during the time that the contract is being
completed, since the actual costs incurred are to be passed to the buyer.
Despite the fact that both intervals are four weeks the buyer and seller do not bear the
inflation risk equally because the risk applies to two different time periods.
20 C The percentage mark up with full cost plus pricing will always be smaller than the
percentage mark up with marginal cost-plus pricing
The percentage mark up with marginal cost-plus pricing must be large enough to
cover the fixed costs as well as to earn the required profit.
A cost-plus pricing method does not enable a company to maximise its profits because
it fails to recognise that since price may be determining demand, there will be a profit-
maximising combination of price and demand.
A selling price in excess of full cost will not always ensure that an organisation will
cover all of its costs. The full cost includes fixed costs per unit which have been derived
based on estimated or budgeted volume. If this volume is not achieved then the actual
fixed cost per unit will be higher and the selling price might be lower than the actual
cost per unit.
A full cost-plus pricing method does not take account of the effect of price on the
quantity demanded. The quantity is established as a basis for determining the price.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 211

21 B £30,000 decrease
The company will be buying 5,000 units at £18 each from the external supplier, rather
than making the units for £12 each in division X. Profit will therefore fall by 5,000  £(18
– 12) = £30,000.
If you calculated a change in profit of £10,000 you calculated the difference of £2
between the transfer price of £20 and the external price of £18 and interpreted this as
a saving for the company as a whole. However the transfer price of £20 is not an actual
cost to the company. It is an external charge made for goods or services supplied
between divisions.
22 B Should encourage output at an organisation-wide profit-maximising level
E Should enable the realistic measurement of divisional profit
An effective transfer pricing system should discourage dysfunctional decision-making
and should not encourage divisions to act in their own self interest. Instead it should
encourage goal congruence where divisions do not make entirely autonomous
decisions and there is an alignment between divisional goals and corporate goals.
By providing the supplying division with a realistic profit and the receiving division with
a realistic cost, it is possible to measure the divisional profit and to encourage output at
an organisation-wide profit-maximising level.
23 C The receiving division is charged with the standard variable cost of transfers made and
the supplying division is credited with the market value
The use of standard cost ensures that efficiencies and inefficiencies are not transferred
to the receiving division. The use of variable cost avoids the situation where the
receiving division perceives the supplying division's fixed costs to be variable costs of
the organisation as a whole. This could lead to sub-optimal decisions.
Crediting the supplying division with the market value reduces the likelihood of sub-
optimal decision-making and improves goal congruence.
24 A Division A £900 profit
Division B £360 profit
Division A Division B
£ £ £
External sales (180  £14) 2,520 (90  £20) 1,800
Transfer sales (90  £(10 + 20%) 1,080
3,600 1,800
Transfer costs 1,080
Own costs (270  10) (2,700) (90  £4) 360
Profit 900 360

If you calculated a £720 profit for division B you forgot to include the division's own
costs in the calculation.
If you calculated a £1,440 profit for division B you forgot to include the transfer cost in
the division's total costs.
If you selected the profit of £1,332 for division A and a loss for division B you calculated
the transfer price as £16.80 (£14 + 20%) per unit instead of £12 (£10 + 20%) per unit.

212 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

25 C (1) Full production cost plus 40% £21.00

(2) Two-part tariff £9

Variable cost per unit £
Direct material cost per unit 3.00
Direct labour cost per unit 4.00
Variable overhead cost per unit 2.00
Fixed production overhead absorbed per unit 6.00
Add: 40% of full production cost (£15  40%) 6.00
Total cost plus 21.00
If you calculated a full production cost-plus transfer price of £12.60 you did not include
any absorbed fixed production overhead.
If you selected a two-part tariff price of £19 you added £10 per unit for fixed overhead,
based on the fixed fee of £200,000 divided by the expected number of 20,000 units to
be transferred.
However the fixed fee is not unitised in a two-part tariff system. The charge of £200,000
is made regardless of the number of units actually transferred.
26 A The offer is not acceptable from the point of view of company C and the manager of
Division B will make a sub-optimal decision
The manager of division B accepts the offer, the company as a whole pays £330 per
unit but saves only £300 per unit, which are the variable costs of division A. Thus
overall the company's costs increase by £30 per unit and the offer is not acceptable.
Division B will pay £330 per unit but saves £410 per unit and so will decide to accept
the offer. Thus the manager of Division B will make a sub-optimal decision from the
point of view of the company as a whole.
27 B £55.50
The total demand for product K exceeds the capacity of division J therefore internal
transfers will displace external sales.
Optimum transfer price = external market price – cost savings with internal transfer.
Cost savings with internal transfer = 5%  total variable cost
= 5%  (100/190  £57)
= £1.50
Optimum transfer price per unit = £57 – £1.50
= £55.50
If you selected £54.50 per unit you calculated the cost savings on internal transfers as
5% of the total cost of £50, rather than as 5% of the total variable cost.
If you selected £56.72 per unit you calculated the variable costs as 10% of the selling
price of £57. This misinterprets the meaning of the 90% mark up on marginal cost.
If you selected £57.00 per unit you simply opted for a transfer price equal to the
external market price. However this makes no allowance for the cost savings which
arise on internal transfers.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 213

28 C Only the buyer will bear the inflation risk
Because the selling price is agreed to be the actual costs incurred by the supplier plus
a profit mark-up using a fixed percentage then any inflation adjustment to costs would
also affect the selling price. The supplier can pass on all inflation increases to the buyer
and will also earn a mark-up on the cost increase.
In this case:
The statement 'The supplier and the buyer will each bear some of the inflation risk' is
incorrect as the supplier bears no risk.
The statement 'Only the supplier will bear the inflation risk' is incorrect, as the supplier
bears no risk.
The statement 'The supplier and the buyer will each bear equal amounts of the
inflation risk' is also incorrect for the same reason. SAMPLE PAPER
29 B £56
Because the demand for Rex is more than sufficient for division F to manufacture to
capacity, the price that the product should be transferred to division G should
represent the same profit margin as if the product were sold externally. The external
selling price is £64 but if an external sale is made then additional selling overhead of
£8 would be incurred. The net transfer price is therefore £56.
The £64 price doesn't reflect the saving in selling costs. £40 and £48 give lower profit
margins for the producing division F, hence they would want to sell outside.
30 B 110%
If it is assumed that the direct cost of the product is £100, then the indirect costs would
be £40 and the total cost £140. The selling price is set to recover the full cost (£140)
plus 50%, ie, plus £70. This makes the selling price £210 (£140 + £70).
The mark-up on direct costs is therefore £210 (selling price) less £100 (direct cost) =
The percentage mark-up is therefore £110/£100 = 110%
If you calculated the mark-up as 210% you probably calculated the selling price (£210)
as a percentage of the direct cost in error.
If you calculated the mark-up as 190% or 110% you probably made calculation errors.
31 C £82,500
The total sales will use 25,000 tonnes of material, at a cost of:
(18,000  £10) + (7,000  £10  95%)
= (£180,000) + (£70,000  95%)
= £246,500
The variable labour and overhead cost for this level of production would increase to:
(£96,000 + £48,000)  125% = £144,000  125% = £180,000
The fixed costs remain at £72,000
Total costs are therefore (£246,500 + £180,000 + £72,000) = £498,500
The requirement is to earn the same budget profit of £64,000. This means the total
required sales income will be (£498,500 + £64,000) = £562,500.

214 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

The sales revenue without the extra order is £480,000 and therefore the revenue to be
generated from the extra order is (£562,500 – £480,000) = £82,500.
If you calculated the answer as £100,500 then you probably incorrectly increased the
fixed costs by 25% as well, from £72,000 to £90,000, meaning an extra £18,000 would
need to be recovered through the selling price.
If you calculated the answer as either £83,500 or £101,500 then you either followed the
correct logic or the incorrect logic set out above, and also made an arithmetical error.
32 D Contribution £19
Mark-up 50%
The contribution is selling price less variable costs only. The variable costs are £9 + £2
= £11
The contribution is therefore £30 (selling price) – £11 = £19
The percentage mark-up on total cost is the profit as a percentage of total costs. The
total costs per unit are £9 + £6 + £2 + £3 = £20. The profit is therefore £30 – £20 = £10
and the mark up % is £10/£20 = 50%.
If you incorrectly calculated the contribution as £21 then you ignored the variable
advertising costs in error.
If you incorrectly calculated the contribution as £10 then you deducted all costs from
the selling price rather than just the variable costs.
If you correctly calculated the contribution as £19 but incorrectly calculated the mark
up % as 100% then you incorrectly used the cost value of £20 as the numerator, rather
than the profit of £10.
33 A £531
Contribution is defined as sales revenue less variable costs. The current contribution
ratio is therefore (600,000 – 216,000 – 132,000)/600,000 = 42%.
The variable manufacturing cost is expected to increase by 10% to £237,600 and
therefore total variable costs will be (£237,600 + £132,000) = £369,600. If the
contribution ratio is maintained at 42% then these costs would represent 58% of sales
revenue. Sales revenue is therefore £369,600/0.58 = £637,241.
As the sales volume remains at 1,200 units the unit selling price must be
£637,241/1,200 = £531.
If you incorrectly calculated the selling price as £550 then you either calculated the
contribution as sales revenue less manufacturing variable costs only (64%) and
incorrectly ignored variable selling costs or alternatively increased both manufacturing
and selling variable costs by 10%.
If you incorrectly calculated the selling price as £518 then you probably calculated the
current contribution correctly but then inflated the selling variable costs by 10% rather
than the manufacturing variable overheads.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 5: Pricing calculations 215

34 D Division Delta profit Decrease
Overall company profit Decrease
Delta loses a contribution of £(176 – 140) = £36/unit so its profits fall. The company is
paying £152 for a unit which costs £140 to make internally (fixed costs are fixed) so its
profits fall.
Gamma's profit would increase (paying £152 not £176). If you selected an increase in
the company's profits then you forgot that fixed costs are fixed and the relevant cost
per unit in Delta is £140 not £160.
35 C Division Delta profit Increase
Overall company profit No change
For every Y not sold internally, Delta would sell an equally profitable X externally, so
there would be no change in its profits. For the company, it gains £(176 – 140) =
£36/unit on an X and pays £(152 – 140) = £12/unit more on a Y so gains overall (fixed
costs are fixed).
Gamma's profits would increase as it pays less per unit for Y. If you thought the company
profits would fall then you probably allowed for the extra cost of a Y but not the gain
from an X.
36 A 12%
To find variable costs per unit, 1.25VC = 10, VC = 8
Profit = £(10 – 8) 100,000 – 80,000 = £120,000
240,000 = TR – 800,000 – 80,000, so TR = £1,120,000
Unit price = £1,120,000/100,000 = £11.20 ie, 12% increase.
If you got 17% then you found VC by 0.75  £10 = £7.50
If you got 20% you doubled contribution, not profit
If you got 25% you had VC = £7.50 and doubled contribution.

216 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 6: Budgeting
1 C (1), (3) and (4) only
Although plans to expand may underlie the framework within which an organisation's
budget is set, expansion is not itself an objective of the budgetary planning process. In
fact, some organisations may include a reduction in activity in their budgetary plans.
In many budget systems, expenditure that is included in the budget is automatically
approved as expenditure which may be incurred by the budget holder, without further
approval being sought. The budget acts as an authorisation mechanism and therefore
authorisation is an objective of budgeting.
Budgets ensure that the organisation sets out in the right direction for the forthcoming
period. It is comparison of the actual results with the budget which ensures that the
organisation continues in the right direction, however. An objective of the budget is
therefore to provide a basis for performance evaluation.
Most organisations work with limited resources. By considering carefully the demands
on those resources from each budget centre, an objective of the budgeting process is
to ensure that these resources are used in the most effective way.
2 C To inform shareholders of performance in meeting targets
Budgets are prepared for internal use and are not usually communicated to
3 B The budget committee coordinates the preparation and administration of budgets
D A budget manual will contain instructions governing the preparation of budgets
A budget is set within the framework of the long term or strategic plan but is not itself
used for strategic planning. It acts as one step towards the achievement of the long
term or strategic plan.
The budget committee is responsible for coordinating the preparation and
administration of budgets but not for actually preparing the individual functional
Shareholders (unless also managers) would not usually be involved in budget
4 B Establish the organisation's long-term objectives
Since each budget is set within the framework of the long-term plan, the long-term
plan must be established before any of the other budget tasks can be undertaken. The
(usually annual) budget acts as the first step towards the achievement of the
organisation's long-term plans.
Calculation of the overhead absorption rate is unlikely to be the first task undertaken. It
will depend on other budgets being prepared first, for example the production budget
and the production overheads budget.
The principal budget factor is important because it is the limiting factor which must be
identified before the other budgets can be prepared. The limiting factor may be
affected by the organisation's long-term objectives, however, and so its identification is
not the first task to be undertaken.
The sales budget may be the first budget to be prepared, if sales are the principal
budget factor. The establishment of the long-term plans and identification of the
principal budget factor must come first, however.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 217

5 B Identify the principal budget factor
C Prepare a budgeted income statement
D Budget the resources for production
A visit to the bank manager may be necessary but is not normally a step in the
preparation of a budget.
The budget would normally be prepared before the start of the finanical year to which
it relates, meaning that the audit of the prior year's results would not be complete.
6 B A factor which limits the activities of an undertaking
The factor which limits the activities of an undertaking will drive the budget and is
called the principal budget factor.
The highest value item of cost will not drive the budget unless they are limited in some
Both a factor common to all budget centres and a factor controllable by the manager
of the budget centre are incorrect. These factors will not drive the budget unless it is
limited in some way.
7 B (1), (2), (3) and (4)
Sales demand is usually the principal budget factor. However the identification of a
principal budget factor depends on what factor limits the organisation's activities and
so is the limiting factor.
All of the factors listed could therefore be the principal budget factor in certain
8 B Cash budget
The cash budget is not a functional budget but part of the overall master budget.
9 B Sales budget, finished goods inventory budget, production budget, then materials
usage budget
Sales would be the principal budget factor (as there are no production resource
limitations) and so this is the first budget to be prepared.
Inventory adjustments in the finished goods inventory budget indicate the production
requirements for the production budget. Once the level of production is known, the
materials usage budget can be prepared.
10 A Will include a budgeted balance sheet and a budgeted income statement prepared on
the accruals basis
B Will include a cash budget
The master budget consists of a budgeted balance sheet, a budgeted income
statement and a cash budget. It is prepared from the information in the functional
budgets, and is therefore the last to be prepared.
Instructions for the preparation of the budgets will be contained in the budget manual.
A budget timetable is drawn up at the start of the budgetary process, and is not
included in the master budget.
11 C Closing inventory + sales – opening inventory = production (in units)
The units in opening inventory plus those produced will either be sold or become
closing inventory.

218 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

12 B 1,488
Budgeted sales 1,500
Less inventory reduction (120  10%) (12)
Budgeted production 1,488

If you selected 1,392 units you deducted the budgeted opening inventory from the
budgeted sales volume and then added the budgeted reduction in inventory. This is
The option of 1,500 units is the budgeted sales volume. This would only be the correct
answer if there was no budgeted change in inventory. Because a reduction in inventory
is budgeted it is possible to produce fewer units in order to satisfy the sales demand.
If you selected 1,512 units you added the inventory reduction instead of deducting it.
As mentioned earlier, a budgeted reduction in inventory means that it is possible to
produce fewer units in order to satisfy the sales demand.
13 D 43,300 litres
Dec Jan Feb
Closing inventory of refined Litres Litres Litres
[30% of next month's sales] 12,000 15,000 9,000
Sales for the month 40,000 50,000
Less opening inventory of refined (12,000) (15,000)
Required refined chemical 43,000 44,000
Closing inventory of unrefined
[30% of next month's requirements of 12,900 13,200
Total production requirement 56,200
Less opening inventory (12,900)
Budgeted purchases 43,300

14 B Materials required for production – opening inventory of materials + closing inventory

of materials
It may help if you think in terms of the inputs to a material purchases budget (opening
inventory plus purchases) and the outputs (closing inventory and the quantity used in
production). Inputs should equal outputs. You can then manipulate the inputs and
outputs to calculate whichever input or output you need to determine.
15 C £93,100
Material Z Material Y
kg kg
Vip 2,000  2 kg of Z 4,000
Vip 2,000  1 kg of Y 2,000
Bip 2,000  3 kg of Z 6,000
Bip 2,000  4 kg of Y 8,000
Total usage 10,000 10,000
Increase in inventory 400 300
Materials purchases budget 10,400 10,300
Cost per kg £4 £5
Cost of material purchases £41,600 £51,500

Total materials purchases = £93,100 = £(41,600 + 51,500)

If you selected £86,900 you deducted the inventory increase instead of adding it. If
inventories are budgeted to increase then more material must be purchased.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 219

If you selected £90,000 you calculated the material usage correctly but did not then
add on the additional material purchases required to increase the inventory.
If you selected £96,400 you missed the information about the materials inventory of Z
and Y and interpreted that it would increase by 600 kg and 800 kg respectively.
16 C £19,250
Cost of sales for June (£25,000  0.75) 18,750
Increase in inventory (£5,000  0.10) 500
Budgeted inventory purchases 19,250

If you selected £18,250 you deducted the inventory increase instead of adding it. A
budgeted increase in inventory means that a higher level of purchases are required to
satisfy the sales demand as well as leaving sufficient inventory for the forthcoming
If you selected £19,125 you deducted a profit margin from the £5,000 value of the
inventory. This is incorrect because inventory is valued at cost.
If you selected £25,500 you did not deduct the profit margin from the sales revenue
figure for June. This is incorrect because purchases are valued at cost.
17 D 16,000
Budgeted sales 18,000
Budgeted reduction in finished goods (3,600)
Budgeted production of completed units 14,400
Allowance for defective units (10% of output = 1/9 of input) 1,600
Production budget 16,000

If you selected 12,960 you deducted a 10% allowance for defective units, instead of
adding it.

If you selected 14,400 then this makes no allowance for defective units at all.

If you selected 15,840 then you added 10% to the required completed units to allow
for the defective units, but then 10% should be based on the total number of units
output, ie, 10% of 16,000 = 1,600 units
18 C Raw materials inventories are budgeted to increase
Once the material usage budget has been prepared, based on the budgeted
production volume, the usage is adjusted for the budgeted change in materials
inventories in order to determine the required budgeted purchases. If purchases
exceed production requirements this means that raw material inventories are being
The first statement is incorrect because wastage would have been allowed for in
determining the material usage budget. A budgeted increase in finished goods
inventory would have been allowed for in determining the production budget and
hence the material usage budget.

220 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

19 B £3,700
£ £
Sales (3,000 + (2  4,500) + (3  5,000)) 27,000
Cost of sales (2/3  £27,000) 18,000
Gross profit 9,000
Running expenses (6  £800) 4,800
Depreciation (£5,000  20%  6/12) 500
Net profit 3,700

If you selected £3,200 you charged a full year's deprecation on the non-current assets,
instead of only six months.
If you selected £3,950 you charged depreciation only from the date that the non-
current assets are paid for. However, depreciation should have been charged for all of
the six months that the assets were in use.
If you selected £8,200 you calculated the gross profit as 50% of the selling price,
instead of one third.
20 B £77,800
23% of opening receivables 13,800
40% of March sales 64,000

Note that an adjustment does not have to be made for the settlement discount in this
case as the question states that 60% of the sales will be settled, rather than that 60% of
the gross invoice value will be received.
21 B £51,592
Payables balance at end of March = February and March purchases
The purchases for each month are equal to the sales requirement for the following
Payables balance at end of March = March and April cost of sales
= £(33,800 + 30,690)  0.8
= £51,592
If you selected £64,490 you calculated the sales value for March and April, rather than
the cost of sales for which credit is obtained.
22 B £6,975
£ £
Sales revenue £120,000  0.98  0.95 111,720
Variable materials cost £24,000  0.9  0.95 20,520
Variable labour cost £32,500  0.95 30,875
Variable overhead £13,000  0.95 12,350
Fixed overhead 41,000
Budgeted net profit 6,975

If you selected £3,620 you made the common mistake of failing to reduce all of the
variable costs by 5% in line with the reduction in sales volume.
If you selected £9,025 you reduced the budgeted fixed costs by 5%. The fixed costs do
not alter when activity levels change.
If you selected £9,375 you did not take account of the reduction in the selling price.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 221

23 B A budget must be quantified if it is to be useful for planning and control purposes.
E An organisation's long term plan provides the framework within which an annual
budget is set.
If a budget is not quantified then it is merely a general statement of intention rather
than a quantified plan of action that the organisation will aim to achieve.
The long-term plan does provide the framework for the annual budget. Each budget is
a step towards the achievement of the long term plan.
A forecast and a budget are not the same thing. A forecast is a prediction of what
might happen given a certain set of circumstances. A budget is a quantified plan that
the organisation will aim to achieve. A budget is often based on a forecast.
Standard costs provide the basic unit rates to be used in the preparation of a number
of functional budgets, rather than the other way round.
The first budget to be prepared is the budget for the principal budget factor, ie, the
factor which limits the organisation's activities. Often this is sales demand but it will not
always be so. There may be a limitation on some other factor such as machine capacity.
In this case the production budget will be prepared before the sales budget.
24 B Total cost = 65,000 + (3  quantity)
Highest production 3,000 units 74,000
Lowest production 1,500 units 69,500
1,500 4,500
Variable cost per unit = £4,500/1,500 = £3 per unit
Total cost = fixed cost + (£3  quantity)
£74,000 = fixed cost + (£3  3,000)
Fixed cost = £74,000 – £9,000
= £65,000
25 B £18,700
Units £
Highest output 1,090 19,540
Less lowest output 700 17,200
390 2,340
Variable cost per unit = £2,340/390 = £6
Fixed cost at a production level of 1,090 units = £19,540 – (1,090  £6) = £13,000
(Note that the fixed cost will be the same if calculated at the lowest production level,
but not if production levels other than the ones used in the calculation of variable cost
are used.)
Total cost of producing 950 units:
Variable cost (950  £6) 5,700
Fixed cost 13,000

Be careful when you begin these calculations to ensure that you base them on the
highest and lowest production/output, and not the highest and lowest costs. This could
lead to a different answer, as the highest and lowest outputs do not necessarily
correspond to the highest and lowest costs.

222 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

26 C £41,250
Production Sales etc
costs costs
£ £
Total costs of 60,000 units (fixed plus variable) 510,000 150,000
Total cost of 36,000 units (fixed plus variable) 366,000 126,000
Difference = variable costs of 24,000 units 144,000 24,000
Variable costs per unit £6 £1
Production Sales etc
costs costs
£ £
Total costs of 60,000 units 510,000 150,000
Variable costs of 60,000 units 360,000 60,000
Fixed costs 150,000 90,000

The rate of absorption of fixed production overheads will therefore be

£150,000/60,000 = £2.50 per unit
The fixed production overhead absorbed by the product would be 16,500 units
produced × £2.50 = £41,250
If you selected £33,750 you based the overhead absorption on the number of units
sold, rather than on the number of units produced.
If you selected £37,500 you calculated the correct value of the fixed production
overhead incurred during the quarter, but this is not the same as the overhead
If you selected £66,000 you absorbed the fixed sales, distribution and administration
costs in addition to the fixed production costs.
27 D Total fixed cost = £7,600
Variable cost per unit = £9.90
Department 1
Units £
Total production overhead cost for 1,000 = 1,000  £6 = 6,000
Total production overhead cost for 2,000 = 2,000  £4.20 = 8,400
Increase 1,000 2,400

Variable overhead cost per unit = £2.40

Fixed overhead cost = £6,000 – (1,000  £2.40)
= £3,600
Department 2
Units £
Total production overhead cost for 1,000 = 1,000  £4 = 4,000
Total production overhead cost for 2,000 = 2,000  £2 = 4,000
The production overhead cost in department 2 is wholly fixed.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 223

Total Variable cost
fixed cost per unit
£ £
Variable materials 4.00
Variable labour 3.50
Production overhead – 1 3,600 2.40
Production overhead – 2 4,000
7,600 9.90

If you selected £3,600 and £9.90 you omitted the fixed cost for department 2.
The combination of £4,000 and £11.70 treats the unit rate for 2,000 in department 1 as
wholly variable, but it is a semi-variable cost.
If you selected £7,600 and £7.50 you forgot to include the variable cost per unit for
department 1.
28 C All of the stated factors can affect the accuracy of any forecast
29 B The value of one variable can be predicted or estimated from the value of one other
D What has happened in the past will provide a reliable guide to the future
Regression analysis assumes that a linear relationship exists (not a curvilinear relationship).
Two variables may have a perfect linear relationship (r = +1 or r = –1) but this is not
necessary for forecasting purposes.
30 A Fixed costs are £100. Variable costs per unit are £20
If C = 100 + 20P, then fixed costs are the constant, £100, and variable costs are £20 per
31 A Positive correlation means that low values of one variable are associated with low values
of the other, and high values of one variable are associated with high values of the other.
D Negative correlation means that low values of one variable are associated with high values
of the other, and high values of one variable are associated with low values of the other.
Positive correlation means that both variables move together from low to high.
Negative correlation means that as one variable increases, the other decreases.
32 C Diagram (a) represents perfect negative correlation; diagram (b) represents imperfect
positive correlation.
Diagram (a) shows perfect correlation because all the points lie on the line. The
correlation is negative because as X increases, Y decreases.
Diagram (b) shows imperfect correlation because not all the points lie on the line. The
correlation is positive because as X increases, Y increases.
33 A 0.52
The coefficient of determination, r , measures the proportion of the total variation in the
value of one variable that can be explained by variations in the value of the other variable.
2 2
r = 0.72 = 0.52
Therefore, only just over half of the variation in one variable can be explained by
variation in the other.
If you selected 0.85 you calculated the square root of 0.72, rather than squaring it to
derive the coefficient of determination.
If you selected 1.44, you multiplied 0.72 by 2 instead of squaring it.

224 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

34 A The coefficient of determination must always fall between 0 and +1
B The correlation coefficient must always fall between –1 and +1
The correlation coefficient (r) can take any value from –1 (perfect negative correlation)
to +1 (perfect positive correlation).
The coefficient of determination (r ) must therefore lie between 0 and +1.
A major disadvantage of the high-low method is that it does not take into account the
full range of available data. Only two pairs of historical cost data are used in the cost
A cost estimate produced using the high-low method cannot be used to reliably
predict the cost for any level of activity. It can reasonably be used to estimate a cost
within the range of activity covered by the data available. Although managers are often
forced to use this data as a basis for prediction outside this range, the results will be
35 C 72% of the variation in sales revenue can be explained by the corresponding variation
in advertising expenditure
Correlation coefficient, r = 0.85
2 2
Coefficient of determination, r = 0.85 = 0.72
The coefficient of determination tells us that 72% of the variation in sales revenue can
be explained by the corresponding variation in advertising expenditure.
36 B When nothing is spent on advertising the average level of sales is £50,000
C For every £1,000 spent on advertising, sales revenue increases by £20,000 on average
When nothing is spent on advertising, X = 0.
 Y = 5 + (2  0) = 5
Therefore sales revenue is £5  10,000 = £50,000 on average.
If £1,000 extra is spent on advertising, then sales increase by 20  £1,000.
Therefore the increase in sales revenue when an extra £1,000 is spent on advertising is
£20,000 (2  £10,000).
37 B Top management prepare a budget with little or no input from operating personnel.
A 'top down' budgeting process is an imposed style of budgeting. This style of
budgeting has its advantages but it can cause motivational problems.
38 A Increase operational managers' commitment to organisational objectives
D Based on information from employees most familiar with day to day activities
A 'bottom-up' style of budgeting is a participative approach where lower-level
managers are involved in preparing their own budgets. This tends to increase their
commitment to the budget and to the overall objectives. It also means that budgets are
likely to be more accurate and realistic because managers who are undertaking tasks
on a daily basis will have greater knowledge about what is achievable.
Since each division is preparing its own budget, a participative process can be more
time consuming and it can be more difficult to coordinate the divisions' activities than if
centrally-prepared budgets are imposed on the divisions.
Budgetary slack is unnecessary expenditure built into the budget. If managers are
involved in preparing their own budgets they may be tempted to build in slack to give
some protection against underperformance.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 225

39 C (2), (3) and (4) only.
Starting each budget from scratch is not a criticism of incremental budgeting as this is
a feature of zero-based budgeting.
40 C The budget for each period is based on the current year's results, modified for
changes in activity levels.
Increments of expenditure are compared with the expected benefits to be received in
a zero-based budgeting system, not in an incremental budgeting system.
The regular updating of the budget by adding the budget for a further accounting
period occurs with a system of rolling budgets.
41 B A new accounting period, such as a month or a quarter, is added as each old one
C The budget is more realistic and certain as there is a short period between the
preparation of budgets.
The other characteristics relate to annual budgets and zero based budgets (where
each item of expenditure has to be justified from scratch).
42 B A method of budgeting whereby all activities are re-evaluated each time a budget is
Zero-based budgeting builds up a budget from scratch. It rejects the assumption that
this year's activities will continue at the same level next year.
43 C Company C: Product based budget
E Company B: Responsibility based budget
G Company A: Activity based budget
The use of an activity based budget by company A will ensure that the non-production
costs are planned and controlled more accurately through the identification of
appropriate cost drivers. The use of non-volume related cost-drivers should also help
with more accurate planning and control of production costs, where low volume
products might cause a disproportionate amount of cost.
Within company B each specialist manager will have their own budget and will be
responsible for the achievement of that budget.
A product based budget is most appropriate for company C because a separate
budget would be prepared for each of the diverse products.
44 A,B A forecast is a prediction by management of the expected outcome whereas a budget
represents a set of targets of what management intend to happen. A budget is usually
set just once a year whereas forecasts and re-forecasts can be carried out much more
The statement 'All budgets are prepared in financial terms' is incorrect as often a budget
could include, for example, tonnage of raw material needed or quantity (in units) of
finished product.
The statement 'The master budget consists of a budgeted income statement and a
budgeted balance sheet' is incorrect as a master budget would also contain a cash
flow budget.
The statement 'A flexible budget adjusts both fixed and variable costs for the level of
activity' is incorrect as a flexible budget adjusts just variable costs for the level of
activity and not fixed costs. SAMPLE PAPER

226 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

45 A Zero-based budgeting, by its very definition, starts from zero and is built upwards
The statement 'a zero variance between budgeted and actual overhead' is incorrect as
this merely refers to the comparison of actual performance with budgeted
The statement 'an assumed sales level of zero as the starting point for budgeting the
coming year's overheads' is a meaningless statement as an overhead budget would be
based on budgeted sales not zero sales.
The statement 'an overhead budget of zero' is incorrect. SAMPLE PAPER
46 A The high-low method of cost estimation is a method of linear extrapolation or
interpolation between two actual data points. It is a method for flexing a budget by
calculating the budgeted cost for the actual activity.
The high-low method uses the highest and lowest costs in the budget period for the
extrapolation process itself.
The measurement of actual cost for the budgeted activity is irrelevant.
The high-low method estimates a single cost at a certain level of activity and not a
range of costs.
47 A £36,400
Month 4 materials cost included within cost of sales is £116,000  40% = £46,400.
Inventory of materials are budgeted to reduce from £22,000 to £12,000 and therefore
budgeted materials purchased in the month would be (£46,400 + £12,000 – £22,000)
= £36,400.
£46,400 (see above) represents the materials cost of sales rather than purchases.
£46,400 – £12,000 + £22,000 = £56,400 incorrectly deducts closing inventory and
adds the opening. 40% (£116,000 + £12,000 – £22,000) = £42,400 incorrectly applies
the 40% adjustment to the materials inventory figures. SAMPLE PAPER
48 B £85,680
As sales are increasing at 20% per month the expected sales for February are £120,000
 120% = £144,000. As the gross margin is 30% on sales the cost of sales for February
is expected to be £144,000  70% = £100,800.
The company policy is to maintain closing inventory at 10% of the expected next
month's sales. The closing inventory for January is therefore £10,080. The cost of a unit
is £2  70% = £1.40, meaning the closing inventory for January is £10,080/£1.40 =
7,200 units.
The budgeted cost of production for January would therefore need to cover January
sales (£120,000/£2 per unit = 60,000 units) plus an increase in inventory from 6,000 to
7,200 units, ie, a total of 61,200 units. This is a cost of 61,200  £1.40 = £85,680.
If you incorrectly calculated the cost of production as £84,000 then you calculated the
production volume as 60,000 units (the number sold in January) and did not allow for
an increase in inventory levels.
If you incorrectly calculated the cost of production as £120,000 then you again
calculated the production volume as 60,000 units in error and made a further error in
valuing this volume at the selling price of £2 per unit rather than the cost price.
If you incorrectly calculated the cost of production as £122,400 then you correctly
calculated the production volume as 61,200 units but in error valued this volume at the
selling price of £2 per unit rather than the cost price. SAMPLE PAPER

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 6: Budgeting 227

49 C (3) only
Big data is relevant to long term as well as short term decision making and it is updated
in real time so is not out of date. It is often used to predict consumer preferences
50 A, D Although the data obtained from sources B, C and E could all be valuable to Fashn
Ltd’s managers in analysing the company’s performance they are all data sets which we
would expect to be available from ‘traditional’ database software within the company.
One of the key benefits big data can provide for a business is the insights it can give in
terms of identifying trends and patterns, and gaining a deeper understanding of
customer requirements. Social media (Options A and D) can be a key source of such
data – for example, by identifying what sorts of designs customers are commenting on
favourably and which are receiving less favourable feedback. SAMPLE PAPER
51 A (1) and (2) are correct
Sources of big data (such as customers' conversations in social media about different
products or services) can provide businesses with a better understanding of customer
behaviour and customer needs. In turn, this can help businesses to develop products
and services which meet customers' needs more effectively. Therefore statement (1) is
Statement (2) is correct. One of the current problems with big data is that there is a lack
of skilled data analysts in the labour market.
52 C The widely quoted definition provided by Gartner refers to 'high-volume, high-velocity
and high-variety information’. Veracity (trust in the data) is often considered to be the
fourth V.
53 A,C Teecee can use information from the interactive website and loyalty cards to track
individual purchases and see which customers are taking advantage of the offers that
are targeted at them. The updating of inventory records would take place as part of the
standard point of sale and inventory accounting systems. Rewarding branch managers
for the achievement of sales targets will also use standard sales information that is
already available.
54 C,E Privacy concerns and cybersecurity risks (A,B) are not avoided by the use of data
analytics firms – who is in control of the data will still be an issue, and all companies
with access to such data need to ensure that they are not infringing the security of
other organisations and customers. It is however true that there is increasing demand
for staff who are able to make full use of the data, and specialist firms will be able to
supply this (C). It is not true to say that unstructured data is ‘incorrect’ (D) – it is more
accurate to say that it needs to be analysed to uncover trends and preferences that are
not initially obvious. The sheer volume, complexity and speed of big data means that
traditional forecasting tools and systems cannot readily process it (E).

228 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 7: Working capital
1 B Depreciation of the new rolling mill
This is a non-cash item and should therefore be excluded.
2 D £18,250
January February March
£ £ £
Credit sales 10,000 11,000 12,500
Cash sales 5,000 4,500 6,000
15,000 15,500 18,500
Suppliers 6,500 4,200 7,800
Wages 2,300 2,300 3,000
Overheads 1,500 1,750 1,900
10,300 8,250 12,700
Opening cash 500 5,200 12,450
Net cash receipts 4,700 7,250 5,800
Closing cash 5,200 12,450 18,250

3 C £17,600 inflow
Depreciation and profits and losses on sales are accounting entries only. The only
amount that will appear in the cash budget is the receipt of the £17,600 sale proceeds.
4 B £20,000
July receipts
(Ignore the discounts: the percentages add to 100 so discounts have already been
accounted for)
20% July sales = £5,000
60% June sales = £12,000
10% May sales = £3,000
Total = £20,000
5 A £338,025
Receipts for March:
50%  March sales for cash (50%  £215,000) 107,500
80%  February credit sales less 4% discount
(50%  80%  £580,500  96%) 222,912
15% January credit sales (50%  15%  £101,500) 7,613

If you selected £347,313 you forgot that receivables who pay in the month after sale
are entitled to a 4% discount.
If you selected £568,550 you calculated the amount to be received from credit
customers as 80% and 15% respectively of total sales, rather than of the credit sales.
The option of £587,125 combines both of the errors discussed.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 229

6 B 43%
Suppose the total gross invoiced sales is £100.
Cash received 45%.
But these customers have taken a 10% discount before paying, hence the gross value
of bills settled is 45/0.9 = £50
Bad debts 7% = £7
Balancing figure ie, received in month two = £43
Total = £100
If you selected 38% or 58% you did not deal correctly with the early settlement
discount. If you selected 48% you made no allowance at all for the discount.
7 A £211,475
(£175,000  0.6  0.96 from March sales) = £100,800
(£332,000  0.3 from February sales) = £99,600
(£221,500  0.05 from January sales) = £11,075
April receipts = £211,475

If you selected £215,675 you forgot to allow for the 4% settlement discount.
The option of £290,284 calculates the receipts on the assumption that the first
customers pay in the month of sale rather than in the month after sale.
If you selected £299,500 you combined both errors.
8 B £25,500
Production of Z Units
Sales requirement 10,000
Closing inventory 15,000
Opening inventory (14,000)
Budgeted production 11,000
Purchases of W Litres
Purchase requirement (11,000 units  2 litres) 22,000
Closing inventory 15,000
Opening inventory (20,000)
Cost at £1.50 per litre £25,500

If you selected £17,000 you forgot to value your answer in litres at a cost of £1.50 per
If you selected £33,000 you made no allowance for the reduction in materials
If you selected £34,500 you reversed both the adjustments for changes in inventory.

230 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

9 D £24,060
April cost of sales = 60%  £48,500 = £29,100
Closing payables balance for April = £29,100  30% = £8,730
May cost of sales = 60%  £36,500 = £21,900
Closing payables balance for May = £21,900  30% = £6,570
Reduction in payables balance in May = £2,160
Cost of sales for May = £21,900
Supplier Payments in May = £24,060
If you selected £19,740 you deducted the change in payables balance from the cost of
sales. The reduction in the payables balance should have been added, since this
means that higher payments were made to suppliers to reduce the balance owed.
The option of £21,900 is the cost of sales, which takes no account of the change in the
payables balance.
If you selected £23,340 you took the cost of sales to be 40% of the sales value, instead
of 60%.
10 B £62,143
Bendy will pay for March's purchases in May.
In March, he will top up inventories by those required for June's sales.
Cost of goods sold in June = £87,000  100/(100 + 40) = £62,143
The more traditional approach to calculating this would be:
March opening inventory = (84,000 + 90,000 + 90,000)  100/140 = (£188,571)
March closing inventory = (90,000 + 90,000 + 87,000)  100/140 = £190,714
March cost of sales = 84,000  100/140 = £60,000

If you selected £52,200 you deducted a profit margin of 40% to determine the cost of
goods sold, instead of deducting a 40% mark-up.
If you selected £64,286 you misinterpreted the timings of purchases and calculated the
payments as being the cost of goods sold in May.
If you selected £87,000 you interpreted the timings of purchases correctly but then you
forgot to deduct the profit mark up.
11 A £327,000
Cost of sales for month = £520,000  70% 364
Increase in trade payables (15)
Decrease in inventory (22)
Budgeted payment to trade payables 327

If you selected an incorrect option you did not deal correctly with the change in trade
payables and inventory balances.
An increase in trade payables will reduce the amount paid to suppliers, since more
credit is being taken. A decrease in inventory will also reduce the amount paid to
suppliers because required purchases will be lower.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 231

12 B £9,400
Month 1 2 3 4
Units Units Units Units
Sales 2,000 2,200 2,500 2,600
Closing inventory 1,100 1,250 1,300
Opening inventory (1,000) (1,100) (1,250) (1,300)
Purchases 2,100 2,350 2,550
Payments (£) 8,400 9,400 10,200

If you selected £8,200 you reversed the opening and closing inventory figures for
Month 2.
The cost of sales of £10,000 for Month 3 is the incorrect figure.
If you selected £10,200 you have calculated the purchases figure for Month 3.
However, the question asks for the budgeted payment for Month 3, which represents
Month 2 purchases.
13 C £50,200
Payments in June will be in respect of May purchases.
Production requirements (8,400 units  3 kg) 25,200 kg
Closing inventory 4,100 kg
29,300 kg
Less opening inventory 4,200 kg
Purchase budget 25,100 kg
25,100 kg  £2 per kg = payment for purchases in June £50,200

If you selected £25,100 this is the figure for quantity of material to be paid for, not its
The option of £48,800 is the value of June purchases, which will be paid for in July.
If you selected £50,600 your adjustments for opening and closing material inventories
were the wrong way round.
14 B £231,000
75%  May wages cost = 75%  8,400  £7  4 hours 176,400
25%  April wages cost = 25%  7,800  £7  4 hours 54,600
Wage payments for May 231,000

If you selected £222,600 you calculated the payment the wrong way round as 25% of
May wages cost and 75% of April wages cost.
If you selected £233,800 you calculated the payment as 75% to be paid in the month
and 25% in advance for the following month.
The option of £235,200 is the labour cost for May, which makes no allowance for the
timing of cost payments.

232 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

15 D £143,000
Average receivables after change in policy 90/360  £960,000  120% 288,000
Less: current average receivables 60/360  £960,000 (160,000)
Increase in receivables 128,000
Increase in inventories 30,000
Increase in payables (15,000)
Net increase in working capital investment 143,000

If you selected £31,000 you calculated the effect of the 30 days increase in the
collection period based on only the increase in the sales revenue, rather than on all of
the sales revenue.
If you selected £95,000 you took no account at all of the increase in sales revenue and
if you selected £113,000 you reversed the adjustments for the changes in inventories
and trade payables. An increase in inventories means that more money will be invested
in working capital and the reverse applies for payables.
16 B,D,E
In order to improve cashflow, a business needs to decrease receivables, decrease
inventory and increase the credit period taken from suppliers.
17 C Arrange an overdraft
D Implement better credit control procedures
Arranging short-term finance in the form of an overdraft, and encouraging receivables
to pay sooner will alleviate the short-term cash deficit problem.
Paying payables early would exacerbate the situation and issuing shares is most
appropriate for long-term finance.
Replacing non-current assets would not provide any extra cash with immediate effect,
thereby making the situation worse in the short term.
18 D Maximum £12,000
End of June £8,000
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Payments to suppliers £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000
Current month 50%* 3 4 6 5 4 4
Following month 50% – 3 4 6 5 4
Revised payments 3 7 10 11 9 8
Payments in original
budget 6 8 12 10 8 4
Change in cash flow 3 1 2 (1) (1) (4)
inflow/(outflow) (5) (9) (5) – 2 7
Revised cash flow (2) (8) (3) (1) 1 3
Balance b/f 2 – (8) (11) (12) (11)
Revised balance c/f – (8) (11) (12) (11) (8)

* 50% Jan – May, 100% Jun

If you calculated the maximum overdraft to be £18,000 you simply added the change
in cash flow for each month to the previous budgeted closing balances. However, the
cash flow change is cumulative and delaying the payment of suppliers must improve
the overdraft balance from its current level.
If you selected £6,000 as the overdraft balance for June you budgeted for the delayed
payment of suppliers in all six months, rather than in only the first five months.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 233

19 A £82,500
Gross profit = 10% sales, and cost of sales = 90% sales
Annual cost of sales = 90%  £1.1m = £990,000
As inventories remain constant, this is also the annual purchase cost, which is spread
evenly over the year.
Thus one month's purchases = £990,000/12 = £82,500
This is the value of one month's extra trade credit, ie, the cash benefit to be derived
from delaying payment by one month.
If you selected £83,333 you interpreted the 10% gross profit as a mark up on cost,
rather than as a margin based on the sales revenue.
The option of £91,667 is the sales revenue for one month. However, the cash saved in
delayed payments to suppliers must be based on the cost of sales, after deducting the
10% margin.
20 B Buy back the company's shares
C Increase payables by delaying payments to suppliers
Buying back the company's shares would be a suitable use of a long-term surplus (but
not short-term), by returning surplus cash to the shareholders.
Increasing payables would increase the surplus still further because additional credit
would be taken from suppliers. SAMPLE PAPER
21 B £403,000
Inventories 60/365  40% of £3m 197,260
Receivables 35/365  £3m 287,671
Trade payables 25/365  40% of £3m (82,192)

If you selected £280,000 or £699,000 you valued the trade payables and the
inventories respectively at sales value. However, as far as the company's working
capital is concerned, their investment amounts to the cost value of these elements.
If you selected £567,000 you added the trade payables figure, but the availability of
trade credit reduces the required investment in working capital.
22 C 17 weeks
Raw materials 3
Payables (6)
Production 2
Finished goods 7
Receivables 11

If you selected 29 weeks you added the payables period instead of deducting it.
However, the availability of credit from suppliers reduces the cash operating cycle.

234 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

23 B 182 days
Raw material inventory turnover (250/1,070  365 days) 85.3
Less payables: average payment period (162/1,070  365) (55.3)
Production cycle (WIP turnover) (115/1,458  365) 28.8
Finished goods inventory turnover (186/1,458  365) 46.6
Debt collection period (345/1,636  365) 77.0
Full operating cycle 182.4

If you calculated the operating cycle to be 174 days you made the common mistake of
basing the calculation for raw materials inventory and payables on the figure for cost of
goods sold. If the purchases figure is not available then this might be acceptable but
the use of the purchases figure is more accurate.
24 A Lower net operating cash inflow
D Slower inventory turnover
When the cash cycle lengthens, there will be a slow-down in operating cash inflows,
and net cash inflow will be lower. The reasons for a longer cash cycle could be a slower
inventory turnover, a lengthening of the average credit period taken by customers
and/or paying suppliers sooner. Net assets will be either increased or remain the same,
depending on how the extra working capital is financed. Net assets should not
decrease, however, and so net asset turnover should not rise.
25 B 66 days
Average inventory = £170,000
Inventory period = (170/2,000)  365 = 31.03 days
Sales value = £2,000,000  100/80 = £2,500,000
Credit sales = £1,250,000
Average receivables = £210,000
Receivables period = (210/1,250)  365 = 61.32 days
Purchases = cost of goods sold + inventory increase
= £2,000,000 + £100,000
= £2,100,000
Average payables = £150,000
Payables period = (150/2,100)  365 = (26.07) days

Cash operating cycle = 66.28 days

If you selected 65 days you based your payables calculation on the cost of goods sold.
Since credit is received on the purchases for the year, this should be the basis of the
If you selected 68 days you miscalculated the sales revenue using a 20% mark up
rather than a 20% margin.
If you selected 118 days you added together the days for each element of working
capital. However, the payables period, during which the company takes credit from
suppliers, reduces the length of the cycle and hence should be deducted.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 235

26 A Cash operating cycle decreases, Liquidity ratio decreases
The reduction in the amount of time taken for customers to pay their bills would reduce
the cash operating cycle.
The reduction in receivables and in the overdraft mean that the numerator and
denominator of the liquidity ratio would both reduce by the same amount. Therefore
the ratio would decrease.
27 B 0.91
Quick ratio = Current assets excluding inventories/current liabilities
= (2.8 + 0.3)/(2.6 + 0.8)
= 0.91
If you selected 0.31 you included the loan repayable in five years in the denominator.
Since the ratio is concerned with short-term liquidity this long-term loan should have
been excluded.
If you selected 1.80 you included non-current assets, inventories and the long-term
loan in your calculation. All of these should be excluded for the same reason as stated
If you selected 2.15 you included inventory in the numerator. This would have been the
correct calculation for the current ratio, but not the quick ratio.
28 B Proposal 1 Decrease
D Proposal 2 Increase
Let receivables = 100
Cash = 50
Therefore payables = 300
Proposal 1
Receivables =0
Cash = 50 + 98 (100 less 2%) = 148
Therefore current ratio = 148/300
= 0.493
Proposal 2
Cash and payables will both rise at same rate, say, by 50
Therefore current ratio = 200/350
= 0.57
29 B Decrease
The quick (liquidity) ratio is current assets (excluding inventory) divided by current
liabilities. As inventory is excluded from the ratio any change in inventory levels would
have no effect on the ratio unless either other current assets (such as cash at bank) or
current liabilities are also affected. If inventory levels are financed by an increase in the
bank overdraft then the denominator of the ratio would increase, reducing the ratio
itself. This will always be the case regardless of the relative values of current assets and
current liabilities.
It is worth noting that if inventory levels are increased by reducing the cash at bank
balance then the quick ratio would again decrease.

236 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

30 A,E Current ratio increases, quick ratio decreases
The current ratio is current assets divided by current liabilities. If cash is used to reduce
trade payables then both the numerator and denominator will reduce. As the current
ratio is greater than 1:1 the numerator is larger than the denominator. This means that
the same absolute change to the numerator would represent a larger proportionate
change to the denominator than the numerator, thereby increasing the ratio.
The quick ratio is current assets (excluding inventory) divided by current liabilities. If
cash is used to reduce trade payables then both the numerator and denominator will
reduce. As the quick ratio is less than 1:1 the denominator is larger than the numerator.
This means that the same absolute change to the numerator would represent a smaller
proportionate change to the denominator than the numerator, thereby reducing the
31 A £3,100
The inventory value is £2,100. The rate of inventory turnover is 10 times pa, therefore
the annual cost of sales is £21,000 (we are told opening inventory equals closing
inventory). The gross profit margin is 30% which means annual sales are £21,000/0.7 =
The receivables collection period is 1 month, which means closing receivables are
£30,000/12 = £2,500.
The payables payment period is 1.6 months, which means closing payables are
£21,000/12  1.6 = £2,800.
The quick ratio is 2:1 which means current assets (excluding inventory) are £2,800  2 =
£5,600. As receivables are £2,500 the cash balance must be (£5,600 – £2,500) =
If you calculated incorrectly the cash balance as £1,000 then you probably incorrectly
calculated closing payables as £21,000/12 = £1,750 which would mean current assets
(excluding inventory) of £3,500 and cash of (£3,500 – £2,500) = £1,000.
If you calculated incorrectly the cash balance as £100 then you probably incorrectly
calculated closing receivables as £2,100/12/0.7 = £250 and closing payables as
£2,100/12 = £175 and therefore current assets (excluding inventory) of £350.
32 B £26,600
January sales are £350,000  12% = £42,000. Sales in each of the other months are
(£350,000 – £42,000)/11 = £28,000.
March cash collections will be:
50% of March sales = £28,000  50% = £14,000
45% of February sales = £28,000  45% = £12,600
Total = (£14,000 + £12,600) = £26,600
If you incorrectly calculated the cash collections in March as £28,000 then you probably
calculated collections using 50% on both March and February sales.
If you incorrectly calculated the cash collections in March as £32,900 then you probably
used January sales of £42,000  45% and February sales of £28,000  50% in error.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 237

33 C 47 days
The company's cash operating cycle is calculated as:
(Inventory days + receivables days – payables days)
Inventory days = £490,000/£4,500,000  365 = 39.7 days
Receivables days = £610,000/(£4,500,000/0.68)  365 = 33.6 days
Payables days = £340,000/£4,660,000  365 = 26.6 days
Note: The cost of sales value is used for the inventory days and also to calculate sales
(using the gross margin of 32%). However, the purchases figure is used to calculate the
payables days.
The answer is therefore (39.7 + 33.6 – 26.6) days = 46.7 days (rounded to 47).
If you incorrectly calculated the answer as 34 days then you probably rounded up the
inventory days to 40 days, added the payables days in error (also rounded up at 27
days) and then deducted the receivables days (rounded down to 33 days).
If you incorrectly calculated the answer as 44 days then you probably used the
purchases figure of £4,660,000 in the calculations for inventory days and receivables
days rather than the cost of sales figure.
If you incorrectly calculated the answer as 51 days you probably calculated the
inventory days and payables days correctly but used the wrong gross margin to
calculate the sales figure in the receivables days formula (using 22% margin rather than
34 C 2 months
The average time the raw materials are in inventory 1.0
Less the time taken to pay suppliers (2.5)
Time taken to produce the goods 2.0
Time taken by customers to pay for the goods 1.5
Total 2.0

35 D Current assets and current liabilities

The purchase of goods increases inventory (current assets) while the taking of credit in
respect of the purchase increases payables (current liabilities).
36 A,E,I
20X4 20X5 20X6
Inventory turnover 23 days 25 days 29 days
Plus receivables collection 49 days 38 days 35 days
Less payables payment (51 days) (35 days) (30 days)
Cash operating cycle 21 days 28 days 34 days

37 A Profitability and risk

All businesses face a trade-off between being profitable and being liquid. Less liquidity
may yield greater profitability, but less liquidity equals greater risk (A). Liquidity and
risk (B) are not the trade-off – they are on the same side of the trade-off. The equity and
debt (C) trade-off is concerned with long-term capital structure rather than current
assets and the short-term versus long-term borrowing trade-off (D) is a financing
decision unrelated to current assets.

238 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

38 A,C,D
A business suffering from liquidity problems might consider:
Reducing the production period – not easy to do but it might be worth investigating
different machinery or different working methods.
Reducing the credit period extended to receivables.
Extending the period of credit taken from suppliers.
The business would not want pay its payables quicker (B) or to hold inventory for
longer (E).
39 A,D There is no reason to believe that the current ratio would increase (C) – there could be
a rapid increase in current assets (particularly receivables) but this would be often more
than matched by a commensurate increase in current liabilities (payables and bank
overdraft). A lengthening cash operating cycle (A) and a rapid increase in sales (D) are
the classic signs of overtrading.
40 B,C Holding costs include insurance (B) and the opportunity cost of capital tied up (C). (D)
and (E) are production costs, while clerical and administrative expenses are overheads.
41 C If we order inventory more frequently we can expect higher order costs but lower
average levels of inventory.
42 A c is the cost of placing one order and d is the estimated usage of the inventory item
over the period.
43 C EOQ = 1,600 boxes and the re-order interval = 40 days
Annual demand = 40  250 = 10,000 boxes = d
Order cost = £64 = c
Holding cost per year per unit = 25% of £2 = £0.50 = h

2 cd 2  64  10,000
EOQ = = = 1,600 boxes
h 0.5
44 C The ABC system is the most suitable. It aims to reduce the work involved in inventory
control in a business which may have several thousand types of inventory items. It is a
technique which divides inventory into sub-classifications based on their annual usage
and involves using different control systems for each classification.

45 D All businesses face a trade-off between being profitable (providing a return) and being
liquid (staying in business).
46 A,C,F
Credit control – Yes
Short-term investment – Yes
Capital investment appraisal – No
Treasury management involves managing cash surpluses and deficits by making short-
term investments, and also managing working capital from day to day so as to optimise
cash flow, including inventory, receivables (credit control) and payables management.
Credit control in many businesses is managed jointly by the treasury management and
recording transactions (receivables ledger) departments, via a separate credit control
department. Management accounting will attend to capital investment appraisal.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 7: Working capital 239

47 A,C,F
Cost per order (£180) – Included
Carrying cost per unit per month (£2) – Included
Purchase price per unit (£4) – Not included
In the formula, c = the cost of placing one order; d = the estimated usage of an
inventory item over a particular period; and h = the cost of holding one unit of
inventory for that period.
The purchase price per unit is not a constituent part of the formula. SAMPLE PAPER
48 D 30.0%
If the company is offering a 10% discount for settling within the first month, then if it
receives 45% of gross sales value that must equate to 45  100/90 = 50% of invoices
settling within that first month. With bad debts of 20%, that leaves 30% to be collected
in the second month.
49 B £243,400
The closing receivables of £72,000 represent the customers who did not take
advantage of the discount available in December; the total invoicing on 30 November
must therefore have been £72,000  2 = £144,000. This means that from January to
October invoicing was £276,000 – £144,000 = £132,000.
Cash Discount
received allowed
£ £
Opening receivables taking discount (£56,000  0.5  0.9) 25,200 2,800
Opening receivables not taking discount (£56,000  0.5) 28,000 –
Sales in year taking discount (£132,000  0.5  0.9) 59,400 6,600
Sales in year not taking discount (£132,000  0.5) 66,000
November invoicing taking discount (£144,000  0.5  0.9) 64,800 7,200
243,400 16,600

240 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 8: Performance management
1 D Budgets and standards
To exercise control, managers must compare actual performance with budgets and
The term 'feedback' describes the whole process of reporting control information to
management and might also refer to the control information itself.
Information about fixed costs and activity levels might be included with the control
information but they are not a separate element of the control cycle itself.
2 C Distributed to as many managers as possible
Reports should be communicated to the manager who has responsibility and authority
to act on the information. There is no point in distributing reports to managers who
cannot act on the information contained therein.
In this situation managers could suffer from information overload where they are
supplied with so much information that their attention is not drawn clearly to that which
is specifically relevant to them. Important information could be overlooked or simply
3 C Reporting only of variances which exceed a certain value
When reports are prepared using the exception principle, areas that are conforming to
plan are given less prominence in control reports, allowing managers to focus on areas
requiring attention.
4 B Reports should be clear and comprehensive
D Based on the information contained in reports, managers may decide to do nothing
Management reports should be sufficiently accurate for the purpose intended.
Complete accuracy might not be possible, or might take so long to attain that the value
of the information is diminished by its late arrival.
Although reports should distinguish between controllable and uncontrollable items it
is incorrect to say that uncontrollable items should not be included. Uncontrollable
items might be included for information rather than for action.
5 B A manager's advertising budget is disproportionately large in comparison with the
budgeted revenue to be generated.
As long as the advertising budget is a realistic plan of the expenditure necessary to
achieve the company's objectives, the disproportionate amount of expenditure is not
an example of budget bias. The manager might perhaps be responsible for a new
product or service and the company is budgeting to spend heavily on advertising to
increase consumer awareness.
The other three examples are all incidences of budget bias, ie, the manipulation of
budgetary plans in a way which distorts the planning and control process.
6 D Management control activity might involve a comparison of the latest forecast results
with the original budget.
This form of control is known as feed forward control. If necessary, management can
take control action now to attempt to bring forecast results back into line with the
original budget.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 241

Although management accounts are prepared for a different purpose from that of
external financial reports, ensuring continual convergence between the two systems
is an important aspect of integrating performance and compliance measures into
general systems of control.
The setting of appropriate performance measures will not on its own ensure that an
organisation's performance management is effective. Continual monitoring of the
measures and the instigation of appropriate control action is another important aspect
of integrating performance and compliance measures into general systems of control.
The board of directors does require management reports to monitor progress.
7 C Revenue focused
Although managers might focus on the achievement of revenues in the context of a
budget constrained or profit conscious style of evaluation, 'revenue focused' is not a
specific style identified by Hopwood.
8 A,F,G
With a budget constrained style of evaluation the focus is on meeting the budget on a
short-term basis. Compared with the other styles of evaluation this is more likely to
lead to job-related tension and budget bias.
With a non-accounting style of evaluation the budgetary information is not as
important in the evaluation of a manager's performance. Compared with the other
styles of evaluation there will be less focus on cost control.
9 C Improve gross profit
A new budgetary planning and control system is not designed to improve actual
performance levels.
It is designed to improve the control of actual performance, the coordination of
activities, and the communication of ideas and plans.
10 B Rapid management response to changes in the trading environment
One of the advantages of decentralisation is the opportunity for a speeder response to
problems and situations as a result of divisional managers' more detailed and 'local'
Improved goal congruence is not an advantage of decentralisation. Once an
organisation is decentralised it might effectively divide into a number of self-interested
The availability of objective performance measures is not an advantage of
decentralisation. There are often difficulties in setting suitable measures of
performance in decentralised organisations.
Improved communication is not an advantage of decentralisation. There are often
difficulties with communication between managers in a decentralised organisation.
11 B (1), (2) and (3) only
Apportioned head office costs are not controllable by the manager of an investment
centre. Discretionary fixed costs (those which do not have to be incurred in the short
term, such as advertising and training) are within the manager's control since they can
be increased or reduced at fairly short notice.
The level of inventory in the division is a part of the capital invested in the division,
which is usually controllable by the manager of an investment centre. The manager
also has control over the revenue from sales within the organisation (transfer prices).

242 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

12 B [C – F] – [(N + D + I + B)  R]
The fixed costs are labelled as controllable therefore they should be deducted from
the contribution but the head office charges should not. The divisional manager cannot
exercise control over the latter costs and therefore should not be held responsible for
The divisional manager is responsible for the non-current assets and all of the current
assets. Although inventories of goods for sale are kept in central stores, the division
calls off its requirements on a monthly basis. The divisional manager is therefore
responsible for the amount of inventory held.
13 A ROI Manager would wish to act in the interest of Distan Ltd
C RI Manager would wish to act in the interest of Distan Ltd
The project is acceptable to the company as a whole because the RI is positive and the
ROI exceeds the target return of 10%.
The manager of divison D will be willing to undertake the project whichever
performance measure is used, since both the ROI and the RI will increase. Therefore
both measures will motivate the divisional manager to act in the interest of the
company as a whole.
14 B The revised divisional ROI will be above 20% and the manager will not make a goal
congruent decision.
Revised profit £m
Current projection 4.5
Profit on sale of houses (£14m – £12m) 2.0
Revised divisional investment £m
Current level 25
Cash from sales of houses 14
Less book value of houses (12)

Revised ROI = (6.5/27)  100% = 24.1%

The manager would wish to undertake the transaction since the projected ROI of
(4.5/25) 18% would otherwise not satisfy the target ROI of 20%. However this is not a
goal congruent decision since the houses would be sold for £2 million below their
market value of £16 million.
15 B 19.3%
Original profits £300,000  18% 54,000
Profit on sale 5,000
Revised profit 59,000
Original net asset value 300,000
Less carrying amount of asset sold (15,000)
Plus cash received from sale of asset 20,000

Revised ROI after sale of asset = (£59,000/£305,000)  100% = 19.3%

If you answered 17.7% you omitted to include the sale of the asset in the numerator.
If you selected 20.7% you made the common error of omitting the cash received from
the sale in the revised figure for the divisional investment.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 243

16 C Supplier
The supplier perspective is not one of the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard.
Aspects of a supplier relationship would be monitored, if appropriate, within the
internal business perspective.
17 B (2) only
(1) is false as the ROI and residual income might be used as one of the measures
within the financial perspective.
(2) is true as the residual income will increase because the additional imputed interest
charge will be lower than the additional profit generated.
(3) is false as the internal business perspective monitors what the business must be
good at in order to succeed, for example, the average set-up time or the speed
with which inter-departmental queries are handled.
(4) is false as a disadvantage of residual income (RI) is that it does not facilitate
comparisons between investment centres. The same absolute value of RI might be
earned by two investment centres but it is much easier for a larger investment
centre to generate a given level of RI than it is for a smaller investment centre.
18 C A budget which shows the costs and revenues at different levels of activity.
A flexible budget recognises different cost behaviour patterns and is designed to
change as the volume of activity changes.
A flexible budget includes both fixed and variable costs, and identifies them
separately. Therefore the first statement is not correct. Any budget can be prepared
using a spreadsheet model therefore the last statement is not correct.
19 D (2) only
Statement (1) is not correct. A fixed budget may be useful for control purposes where
activity levels are not prone to change, or where a significant proportion of costs is
fixed, so that alterations in activity levels do not affect the costs incurred.
Statement (2) is correct. Fixed and variable costs must be separately identified so that
the allowance for variable costs may be flexed according to the actual activity level.
Statement (3) is not correct. Budgetary control procedures can be used to monitor and
control income as well as expenditure.
20 B £370,300
Variable material cost per 1% activity = £2,000
Variable labour cost per 1% activity = £1,500
Production overhead £
At 60% activity 54,000
At 80% activity 62,000
Change 20% 8,000

Variable cost per 1% change in activity is (£8,000 / 20) = £400

Substituting in 80% activity £
Variable cost = 80  £400 32,000
Total cost 62,000
Therefore fixed cost 30,000

Other overhead is a wholly fixed cost.

244 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Budget flexed at 77% level of activity
Variable material 77  £2,000 154.0
Variable labour 77  £1,500 115.5
Production overhead
Variable 77  £400 30.8
Fixed 30.0
Other overhead 40.0
If you selected £330,300 you did not include a fixed cost allowance for the other
overhead. The option of £373,300 ignores the fact that production overhead is a semi-
variable cost and the option of £377,300 simply multiplies the total cost for 70% activity
by a factor of 1.1. This makes no allowance for the fact that there is an element of fixed
costs within production overhead, and other overhead is wholly fixed.
21 B Cost centres have the lowest degree of autonomy with managers only able to control
costs. Profit centres have a higher degree of autonomy as managers can not only
control costs but can also control sales prices and revenue. Investment centres have
the highest degree of autonomy as managers can not only control costs and revenues
but can also make investment decisions not open to managers in either of the other
two centres.
22 A P – [(F + S)  R]
Controllable residual income is defined as controllable profit less the 'cost of capital'
used in the business, to the extent that capital is controllable.
Controllable profit is not N (as management cannot control the head office
management charges) but is P.
The cost of capital will be R multiplied by the controllable capital. As head office
collects cash from receivables and pays suppliers then D and L do not form part of
controllable capital. The division has complete control over non-current assets (F) and
inventory (S) and therefore controllable capital is (F + S). The 'cost of capital' is
therefore (F + S)  R.
The controllable residual income is therefore P – [(F + S)  R]
If you selected the formula N – [(F + S)  R] then you correctly excluded the
non-controllable receivables and payables balances but you included the
non-controllable head office management charges.
If you selected the formula P – (Z  R) then you incorrectly included the
non-controllable receivables and payables balances.
If you selected the formula N – (Z  R) then as well as incorrectly including the
non-controllable receivables and payables balances you included the non-controllable
head office management charges. SAMPLE PAPER
23 A Each manager should know the criteria used for evaluating his or her own
Under a responsibility accounting system it is imperative that each manager knows
what is expected of them. The criteria used for evaluation of their performance must
therefore be known.
The statement 'The details on the performance reports for individual managers should
add up to the totals on the report of their superior' is not necessarily true and is
certainly not required for a responsibility accounting system.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 245

The statement 'Each employee should receive a separate performance report'
represents best practice but this is not a feature of a responsibility accounting system.
The statement 'Service department costs should be apportioned to the operating
departments that use the service' is true but relates to a method of cost apportionment
and is irrelevant when considering a responsibility accounting system.
24 C 17.9%
Residual income is calculated by comparing the actual return with the target return
using the cost of capital. The ranking of the three divisions based on return on
investment is:
P Third
Q Second
R First
To establish the ranking using residual income the following table is produced:
return Cost of
using capital
ROI At 11.9% At 13.9% At 17.9% At 23.9%
P £132k £130.9k £152.9k £196.9k £262.9k
Q £156k £142.8k £166.8k £214.8k £286.8k
R £210k £178.5k £208.5k £268.5k £358.5k
The residual income at each cost of capital is calculated by subtracting the cost of
capital from the actual return:
At 11.9% At 13.9% At 17.9% At 23.9%
P £1.1k –£20.9k –£64.9k –£130.9k
Q £13.2k –£10.8k –£58.8k –£130.8k
R £31.5k £1.5k –£58.5k –£148.5k
The ranking of the divisional projects is therefore:
At 11.9% At 13.9% At 17.9% At 23.9%
P 3rd 3rd 3rd 2nd
Q 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st
R 1st 1st 1st 3rd
The highest cost of capital where the rankings agree to the ROI rankings is therefore
25 D 16%
Imputed interest is £1,280,000 – £480,000 = £800,000. With interest at 10%, capital
must be £8 million. ROI = £1,280,000/£8,000,000 = 16%.
If you got 6% you did RI/capital. If you got 10% you did interest/capital. If you got 22%
you did profit + RI/capital.

246 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

26 C Current ROI is 400/2,000 = 20%
Project ROI = 30/200 = 15%, so reject as overall result would fall below 20%
Project RI = 30 – (0.16  200) = (2), so reject
Failing to evaluate the project separately eg, combining it with existing results would
produce an ROI in excess of 16% and a positive RI which may have led you to say yes.
27 B K, L and M only
Current profit = 0.2  £1.2m = £240,000
Current plus K (highest ROI > 20%) ROI = (240 + 100)/(1,200 + 300) = 22.66%
Current plus K plus L (ROI > 22.66%) ROI = (240 + 100 + 210)/(1,200 + 300 + 700) = 25%
Current plus K, L, M (ROI > 25%) ROI = (240 + 100 + 210 + 130)/(1,200 + 300 + 700 +
500) = 25.2%, so do not add N as ROI < 25.2%
28 B To get a constant ROI both profits and capital should be constant. Reducing balance
depreciation would increase profits over the life. Net book value would decrease the
capital figure.
29 C (1) is correct and (2) is incorrect
Accounting information in the cloud can be accessed from anywhere, at any time,
from a browser or mobile device and can be accessed by multiple users at once.
Cloud applications are usually rented rather than purchased meaning that there are no
upfront costs. In addition to this, costs such as maintenance and software upgrades are
borne by the supplier. SAMPLE PAPER
30 A, B
Knowledge sharing in a SSC should lead to an improvement in quality of the service
A SSC allows standard approaches to be adopted across the organisation leading to
more consistent management of business data.
One of the disadvantages of having a SSC instead of individual finance departments is
the loss of business specific knowledge. For example, a consolidated finance function
which broadly handles financial matters for the entire organisation may lack an
understanding of specific finance issues affecting individual departments or business
units. One of the main reasons why businesses decide to implement a shared service
centre is to reduce the costs of functions such as the finance function.
31 B (1) and (2) only
Data can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This may exclude
rural areas and aeroplanes.
Cloud accounting can help businesses to stay up to date with latest technological
advances as software updates are done automatically by the cloud accounting
Statement (3) is incorrect. One of the potential risks of cloud accounting is a security
breach, including data loss and theft and privacy issues. SAMPLE PAPER

32 A Although cloud accounting applications are designed for ease of use, a company will
still need trained accounting staff (option B), and it will still have its own internal
management reporting timetables to adhere to (option D). Internet access is vital for
cloud accounting applications (option D). However, it will no longer need to worry
about the management of accounting software updates, as the provider will include
that in its subscription fee (option A).

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 8: Performance management 247

33 A Options B, C and D relate to the speed of work, or the number of transactions
completed, rather than the accuracy of that completion. Only option A is concerned
with making sure that the output is accurate.

34 C, F
Options C and F focus on the internal customer. Number of complaints and reports
delivered to department heads on time will both measure customer satisfaction levels.
Cost per accounting transaction processed = financial perspective
Time saved updating payroll file for overtime payments = internal business perspective
Number of new projects set up = internal business perspective
Training days per employee = innovation and learning perspective

248 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis
1 D Performance standards in operation
Performance standards would be taken into account when estimating material usage,
they would not have a direct effect on material price.
All of the other factors would be used to estimate standard material prices for a
forthcoming period.
2 C (1) only
Statement (1) is correct. The use of standards is limited to situations where output can
be measured.
Statement (2) is not correct. Standards can include allowances for inefficiencies in
operations, through the use of attainable standards.
Statement (3) is not correct. Standards and budgets are both used for planning and
control purposes.
3 D Actual prices are different from forecast prices
All of the other options given will give rise to a variance.
Forecast prices are merely a prediction of what prices might be in the future. Once
these forecasts are incorporated into budgets or standards, then they become
formalised plans that the organisation will aim to achieve. Differences between the
actual results and the budgets or standards will cause variances.
4 C £328 adverse
Material price variance
8,200 kg did cost 6,888
But should have cost ( £0.80) 6,560
328 (A)

If you calculated the variance to be £286 you based your calculations on the materials
issued to production. However, the material inventory account is maintained at
standard cost, therefore the material price variance is calculated when the materials
are purchased. If you selected £328 favourable you calculated the size of the variance
correctly but you misinterpreted it as favourable. SAMPLE PAPER
5 B £152 adverse
870 units did use 7,150 kg
But should have used ( 8 kg) 6,960 kg
Usage variance in kg 190 (A)
Usage variance in £ = (190 kg  standard price per kg £0.80) £152 A

If you selected £152 favourable you calculated the size of the variance correctly but
you misinterpreted it as favourable.

If you selected £159.60 adverse you evaluated the usage variance in kg at the actual
price per kg, instead of the standard price per kg.

The result of £280 adverse bases the calculation of standard usage on the budgeted
production of 850 units. This is not comparing like with like. The comparison should be
based on a flexed budget for the actual production level. SAMPLE PAPER

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 249

6 B £1,130 favourable
Budgeted direct labour cost for September = £117,600
Budgeted direct labour hours = (3,350 + 150 units)  4 = 14,000 hours
Standard direct labour rate = £8.40/hour
13,450 hours should have cost ( £8.40) 112,980
But did cost 111,850
Direct labour rate variance 1,130 (F)

The option of £710 favourable is the direct labour total variance.

If you selected £1,130 adverse you calculated the correct money value of the variance
but you misinterpreted its direction.
The variance of £5,750 adverse is derived from a fixed budget comparison of the
budgeted direct labour cost of 3,500 units with the actual direct labour cost of 3,350
units. A flexible budget comparison should be used.
7 B £420.00 adverse
3,350 units should have taken ( 4) 13,400 hrs
But did take 13,450 hrs
Direct labour efficiency variance in hours 50 hrs (A)
Direct labour efficiency variance (in £) = (Direct labour efficiency
variance in hours  standard rate per hour £8.40) £420 (A)

If you selected £415.80 (A) you valued the labour efficiency in hours at the actual rate
instead of the standard rate.
If you selected £420 (F) you calculated the correct money value of the variance but you
misinterpreted its direction.
The option of £710 favourable is the direct labour total variance.
8 B £672 adverse
Standard variable overhead cost per unit = £3,120/520 units = £6 per unit
Standard variable overhead cost for 560 units ( £6) 3,360
Actual variable overhead cost 4,032
672 adverse

If you selected £240 adverse you compared the standard cost for 560 units with the
standard cost for 520 units. This indicates the volume effect of the change in output
but it is not the variable production overhead total variance.
If you selected £672 favourable you calculated the correct money value of the variance
but you misinterpreted its direction.
The variance of £912 adverse is the difference between the standard cost for 520 units
and the actual cost for 560 units. This is not a valid comparison for control purposes
because of the different output volumes.

250 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

9 A £448 favourable
Standard variable production overhead cost per hour = £3,120/1,560 = £2 per hour
2,240 hours of variable production overhead should cost ( £2) 4,480
But did cost 4,032
448 (F)

If you selected £448 adverse you calculated the correct money value of the variance
but you misinterpreted its direction.

£672 adverse is the variable production overhead total variance.

The variance of £912 adverse is the difference between the standard cost for 520 units
and the actual cost for 560 units. This is not a valid comparison for control purposes
because of the different output volumes.
10 B £1,120 adverse
Standard time allowed for one unit = 1,560 hours/520 units
= 3 hours/unit
Standard variable production overhead cost per hour = £3,120/1,560
= £2/hour
560 units should take ( 3 hours) 1,680 hrs
But did take 2,240 hrs
Efficiency variance in hours 560 hrs (A)
Efficiency variance in £ = (Efficiency variance in hours  standard
variable production overhead per hour £2) £1,120 (A)

If you selected £1,008 adverse you valued the efficiency variance in hours at the actual
variable production overhead rate per hour.
If you selected £1,120 favourable you calculated the correct money value of the
variance but you misinterpreted its direction.
If you selected £1,360 adverse you based your calculation on the difference between
the original budgeted hours for 520 units and the actual hours worked for 560 units.
This is not comparing like with like. You should have flexed the allowance for
comparison purposes.
11 A £1,200 adverse
Budgeted fixed overhead cost £10  1,000 10,000
Actual fixed overhead cost 11,200
Fixed overhead expenditure variance 1,200 (A)

If you calculated the variance to be £800 you flexed the budget cost allowance for
fixed overhead. By definition, the budgeted expenditure on fixed overhead does not
alter when the activity level changes.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 251

12 D Sales price variance = £1,800 favourable
Sales volume variance = £900 adverse
Sales price variance £
Sales revenue from 900 units should have been ( £20) 18,000
But was (900  £22) 19,800
Sales price variance 1,800 (F)
Sales volume variance
Budgeted sales volume 1,000 units
Actual sales volume 900 units
Sales volume variance in units 100 units (A)
Sales volume contribution variance in £ = (sales volume
variance in units x standard contribution per unit £9) £900 (A)

If you calculated a sales price variance of £2,000 favourable you simply calculated the
extra sales revenue that would have been achieved if the budgeted sales volume had
been sold at the higher price. Variances must be based on a flexed budget for the
actual volume achieved.
If you calculated a sales volume variance of £2,000 adverse you calculated the
reduction in budgeted sales revenue due to the reduction in sales volume. However,
the sales volume variance measures the reduction in budgeted contribution due to the
actual sales volume being lower than budgeted.
13 A All sales variances and all marginal cost variances
Budgeted contribution is different from actual contribution because of all of the sales
and marginal cost variances which have arisen.
14 A £424,810
Favourable Adverse
£ £ £
Budgeted contribution 83,000  £8 664,000
Sales volume 42,400
Sales price 7,310
Material total 7,720
Labour total 6,450
Variable overhead total – 4,250
15,030 53,100 38,070 (A)
Actual contribution 625,930
Budgeted fixed overhead 210,000
Fixed overhead expenditure variance 8,880 (F)
Actual profit 424,810

If you calculated the profit to be £435,650 you double-counted the material price
variance, which would be included within the material total variance.
If you selected £483,190 you added the adverse variances to the budgeted
contribution and deducted the favourable variances. However, an adverse variance will
reduce the actual profit to a result below the budgeted profit and vice versa for
favourable variances.
If you selected £634,810 you forgot to deduct the budgeted fixed overhead.

252 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

15 B 11,160 kg
Total standard cost of 11,280 kg = £46,248
Standard cost per kg = £46,248/11,280 = £4.10 per kg
Usage variance in kg = £492/4.10 = 120 kg
11,280 kg were used. There was an adverse usage variance of 120 kg and so (11,280 –
120) kg = 11,160 should have been used.
If you selected 10,788 kg you deducted the money value of the usage variance from
the actual quantity used. You were correct to deduct the variance, but you should first
have converted it to a quantity of material.
11,280 kg is the actual material used, which cannot be the same as standard because
there is a usage variance.
If you selected 11,400 kg you added the usage variance to the actual usage, instead of
subtracting it. The variance is adverse, therefore standard usage must be lower than
actual usage.
16 D 18,700
Production should have taken =X hours
But did take = 17,500 hours
Variance in hours = X – 17,500 hours (F)
 standard rate per hour =  £6.50
Variance in £ = £7,800 (F)
6.5 (X – 17,500) = 7,800
X – 17,500 = 1,200
X = 18,700
1,200 hours is the efficiency variance in terms of hours, and 17,500 is the actual
number of hours worked.
If you selected 16,300 hours you treated the efficiency variance as adverse instead of
17 A £1.50
Materials price variance per kg purchased and used = (£21,000/210,000)
= £0.10 (A) per kg
Actual price per kg = £336,000/210,000 = £1.60
Standard price per kg = £1.50
If you selected £1.70 you added the adverse variance per kg to the actual price instead
of deducting it. If the variance is adverse then the standard price must be lower than
the actual.
If you selected £1.80 you based your unit rate calculations on the standard materials
usage instead of the actual materials purchased and used. The price variance is always
based on actual quantities.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 253

18 B Both statements are incorrect
Favourable variances may not always be good. For example, a favourable materials
variance might be achieved by buying poorer quality material which means that the
labour force have to spend much longer working on the material leading to an adverse
labour variance.
Variance reporting is the reporting of differences between the actual results and the
flexed budget not the original budget.
19 B Uncontrollable
Uncontrollable variances are variances which have arisen by chance. They are random
Controllable variances result from a manager's actions and decisions.
Marginal cost is the cost of producing one more unit of production.
20 D (1), (2) and (4) only
All of these apart from personnel would influence the decision to investigate a variance
as they include cost/benefit considerations, whether the variance can be controlled
and what the movement of the variance suggests is a trend.
21 B Achieving a lower output volume than budgeted
Variations in output volume should not affect usage of materials per unit produced.
The calculation of the usage variance is based on a flexed budget allowance for the
actual volume achieved.
A high quality material might reduce wastage or scrap levels that in turn would
improve the materials usage rate.
Lower quality control standards should lead to fewer items being rejected, a higher
proportion of successfully-completed items, and so an improvement in materials
A reduction in material wastage rates will also improve the materials usage rate.
22 A,F,G
If the standard material price was set too low then an adverse material price variance is
likely to arise.
Early settlement discounts are a financial management matter and do not affect the
actual price paid for material purchases.
Material of a higher quality is likely to have a higher price, leading to an adverse
material price variance.
23 B Working fewer hours than the flexed labour hours budget predicts
Variable overhead efficiency variance = (standard hours for actual output – actual
hours)  standard variable overhead rate per hour.
Of the options available, only working fewer hours than standard will result in a
favourable variance. Material usage and fixed overhead will have no impact on the
efficiency variance. Since the variance is evaluated at the standard rate per hour it will
not be affected by the actual variable overhead cost per hour.
24 C Lower hourly rates than standard and lower than standard labour hours for the actual
To be certain of a favourable labour total variance it would be necessary for both the
labour rate variance and the labour efficiency variance to be favourable.
All of the options will result in a favourable labour rate variance.

254 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

If labour hours are lower than budgeted it is possible that the labour efficiency variance
will be favourable, but not certain. The hours could be lower because production
output was lower than budgeted, not because labour were working efficiently. The
efficiency variance could still be adverse when the correct comparison is made with the
flexed budget.
25 A £1,250 adverse
Flexed budget £14,000  1,250/1,000 = £17,500
Actual cost = £18,750
Variance = £1,250 adverse
If you calculated the variance to be £4,750 you compared the actual material cost for
1,250 units with the budgeted cost for 1,000 units. This is not a valid comparison for
control purposes.
26 C 7.2% adverse
Flexed budget 12,000 units  £15.50 = £186,000
Actual cost = £199,400
Variance = £13,400 adverse
Percentage of flexed budget 13,400/186,000  100 = 7.2% adverse
If you calculated the variance as 2.1% of budget you were basing your calculations on
the original budgeted labour cost for 12,600 units.
However, since the actual output was only 12,000 units the control comparison should
be made of the actual cost with the flexible budget cost allowance for 12,000 units.
27 B £50,000
Actual expenditure on overheads 108,000
Fixed overheads under budget 8,000
Budgeted expenditure on overheads 116,000
Less budgeted variable overhead expenditure
= actual expenditure (£3  22,000) 66,000
Budgeted fixed overhead expenditure 50,000

If you selected £34,000 you adjusted for the fixed overheads under budget by
subtracting them instead of adding them to the actual expenditure. £66,000 is the
budgeted variable overhead expenditure for the actual production and £116,000 is the
total budgeted overhead for the period.
28 D (Actual output)  (Standard machine hours per unit)
Absorption costing always uses the budgeted (or standard) production time, as flexed
by the actual output in a period. This means that the actual output is multiplied by the
standard machine hours per unit in order to establish a flexed budget of machine
hours for the actual production. The value of overheads absorbed would therefore be
the absorption rate multiplied by this flexed budget.
If you selected (planned output)  (standard machine hours per unit) then the result
would be the budgeted level of absorbed overhead rather than the actual absorbed
If you selected (actual output)  (actual machine hours per unit) then the result would
include any production efficiencies or inefficiencies in the actual machine hours and
this would result in an incorrect calculation of absorbed overhead.
If you selected (planned output)  (actual machine hours per unit) then you have
reversed the selections you should have made. SAMPLE PAPER

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 255

29 A £250 adverse
The cost of material purchased was £1,500/2,500 per kg, or 60p per kg. The standard
cost is 50p per kg, an adverse variance of 10p per kg. In February a total of 2,500 kg
were purchased of which 2,300 kg were used and as there was no opening inventory
200 kg was left in closing inventory. If inventory were valued at actual cost then some of
the adverse price variance would be carried forward in inventory. However, we are told
that inventory is valued at standard cost and therefore the closing inventory is valued at
50p per kg. This means that the whole of the price variance (2,500 kg  10p = £250)
would be included in the February results. This variance is adverse as the price paid for
the material was higher than the standard.
If you selected £230 adverse then you had ignored the fact that the inventory is valued
at standard cost.
If you selected £230 favourable then you had ignored the fact that the inventory is
valued at standard cost and also misinterpreted the additional cost of the material to
be a favourable variance.
If you selected £250 favourable then you correctly calculated the variance but made
the mistake of thinking that the additional cost of the material was a favourable
variance. An additional cost will always be adverse whereas additional revenue will be
30 D Rise by £2,000
The first important consideration is to ignore the effect of the wage rise, because this
did not arise because of the decision to procure the superior quality material. The
adverse labour rate variance should therefore be discounted.
The favourable material usage variance arose because the superior material generated
less waste. However, the superior material was more expensive leading to the adverse
material price variance, and also could be converted by the workforce more efficiently,
leading to the favourable labour efficiency variance.
The answer is therefore 8,000F + 4,800F – 10,800A = 2,000F. A favourable cost
variance means that profits will rise.
If you selected a rise of £4,800 then you incorrectly ignored the labour efficiency and
material price variances.
If you selected a fall of £1,600 then you incorrectly also included the adverse labour
rate variance of £3,600.
If you selected a fall of £6,000 then you included the material price and usage
variances but incorrectly ignored the favourable labour efficiency variance.
31 D £160
The sales volume variance is defined as variance in sales volume  the budgeted unit
The volume variance is 100 units favourable.
The budgeted contribution was:
£16,000/10,000 = £1.60 per unit
The favourable sales volume variance is therefore £1.60  100 = £160
If you incorrectly calculated the sales volume variance as £180 then you used the actual
contribution per unit rather than the budgeted contribution per unit.
100  £10.20 = £1,020 uses the standard selling price rather than contribution and
100  £10.40 uses the actual selling price.

256 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

32 D 135,000 hours
The labour efficiency variance (L) is defined as the variance in labour hours (V)  the
standard rate per hour (R), or
Or V = L/R
L = £10,000 (positive, as it is a favourable variance)
R = £2.00
Therefore V = £10,000/£2 = 5,000
The variance in labour hours is therefore 5,000 favourable meaning the actual hours
taken were 5,000 lower than the standard. The actual hours were 130,000 therefore the
standard hours were 130,000 + 5,000 = 135,000
130,000 – 5,000 = 125,000 incorrectly deducts the favourable hours variance from the
actual hours. £10,000/£4 = 2,500 incorrectly uses the actual rather than the standard
rate of pay. 130,000 + 2,500 = 127,500 and 132,500 hours.
33 A,E,I
Sales prices increased: Adverse
Successful advertising campaign: Favourable
Increased labour pay rates: No impact
If sales prices were increased then market theory would predict a reduction in sales
volumes as potential purchasers switch to less expensive alternative products.
If an advertising campaign were successful then it would encourage potential
purchasers to try the product and therefore an increase in sales volumes would be
If labour pay rates increased then this would have no impact on sales volumes unless
the increase in costs were passed on by an increase in the sales price, which is not the
case here.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 9: Standard costing and variance analysis 257

258 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019
Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor
1 C Total fixed costs
Contribution required to break even is the same value as total fixed costs.
Unit selling price less unit variable cost is the unit contribution.
Unit contribution  number of units sold is the total contribution.
Total fixed costs/Contribution ratio provides the sales revenue at breakeven point.
2 A Total fixed costs/contribution per unit
B Contribution required to break even/contribution per unit
Breakeven point is the activity level at which there is neither a profit nor a loss.
Alternatively, it is the activity level at which total contribution equals fixed costs.
3 B 3,000 units
Breakeven point = Fixed costs/Contribution per unit
= £30,000/(£15 – £5)
= 3,000 units

If you selected 2,000 units you divided the fixed cost by the selling price, but
remember that the selling price also has to cover the variable cost.
The option of 4,000 units is the margin of safety, and if you selected 6,000 units you
seem to have divided the fixed cost by the variable cost per unit.
4 A 20%
Breakeven point = Fixed costs/Contribution per unit

= £96,000/(£12 – £8)

= 24,000 units

Budgeted sales = 30,000 units

Margin of safety = 6,000 units
Expressed as a % of budget = 6,000/30,000  100% = 20%
If you selected 25% you calculated the correct margin of safety in units, but you then
expressed this as a percentage of the breakeven point.
If you selected 73% you divided the fixed cost by the selling price to determine the
breakeven point, but the selling price also has to cover the variable cost.
You should have been able to eliminate the option of 125%; the margin of safety
expressed as a percentage must always be less than 100%.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 259
5 A 2,000
Breakeven point = Fixed costs/Contribution ratio
= £76,800/0.40
= £192,000
Actual sales = £224,000
Margin of safety = £224,000 – £192,000
= £32,000
Margin of safety in units = £32,000/£16
= 2,000 units
If you selected 12,000 units you calculated the breakeven point in units, but forgot to
take the next step to calculate the margin of safety.
14,000 is the actual sales in units and 32,000 is the margin of safety in terms of sales
6 C £300,000
Total fixed costs = £137,500 + £27,500
= £165,000
Contribution ratio = £275,000/£500,000
= 0.55
Breakeven sales revenue = Fixed costs/Contribution ratio
= £165,000/0.55
= £300,000
If you selected £250,000 you included only the fixed production costs in your
breakeven calculation. However, all fixed costs must be covered by the contribution in
order to breakeven.
If you selected £366,667 you misread the question and treated the £275,000 as
variable cost rather than as the budgeted contribution.
7 B £100,000
Margin of safety = 20%  5,000 units
= 1,000 units
Breakeven sales = Budget sales – Margin of safety
= (5,000 – 1,000) units
= 4,000 units
Breakeven sales volume = Total fixed costs/Contribution per unit
4,000 = Total fixed costs/£25
Total fixed costs = 4,000  £25
= £100,000
If you selected £25,000 or £125,000 you calculated the monthly profit and contribution
respectively, rather than the fixed costs.

260 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

If you selected £150,000 you added the margin of safety to the budgeted sales to
determine the breakeven sales volume. If the margin of safety is positive then the
budgeted sales will always be higher than breakeven sales.
8 D 4,600 units
Sales units that will earn a required profit = (Fixed costs + Required profit)/Unit
contribution = (£11,125 + £11,875)/£5 = 4,600
If you selected 1,533 units you divided the target contribution by the selling price, but
the variable costs must also be taken into account.
If you selected 2,225 units you calculated the breakeven point.
If you selected 2,375 units you divided the £11,875 target profit by the £5 contribution
per unit. But the fixed costs must be covered before any profit can be earned.
9 D £196,000
Contribution ratio = 50% – 8%
= 42%
Sales required to earn target profit = (Fixed costs + Required profit)/Contribution ratio
= (£23,520 + £58,800)/0.42 = £196,000
If you selected £56,000 you calculated the breakeven point and did not allow for the
target profit.
If you selected £140,000 you divided the £58,800 target profit by the contribution
ratio, but the fixed costs must be covered before any profit can be earned.
If you selected £164,640 you based your calculations on a contribution ratio of 50%
and did not allow for the other expenses which are 8% of sales.
10 B 90,000
Total cost of 150,000 units ( £41.50) 6,225,000
Total cost of 100,000 units ( £47.50) 4,750,000
Variable cost of 50,000 units 1,475,000
Variable cost per unit £29.50
Substituting £
Total cost of 100,000 units 4,750,000
Variable cost of 100,000 units ( £29.50) 2,950,000
Fixed costs 1,800,000

Breakeven point = £1,800,000/(£49.50 – £29.50) = 90,000 units

If you selected 36,364 you divided the fixed cost by the unit selling price, but the
variable costs must also be taken into account.
If you selected 101,020 you assumed that the production overheads and the marketing
and administration costs were wholly fixed. In fact the marketing costs are the only
wholly fixed costs. You can test this by multiplying the unit rate by the output volume at
each level of activity.
If you selected 225,000 you divided the fixed cost by the profit per unit instead of the
contribution per unit.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 261
11 A £330
Currently weekly contribution = 12%  £280,000 = £33,600
Extra contribution from 5% increase in sales = 5%  £33,600 1,680
Loss on product Z each week 3,000  (1.90 – 2.20 – 0.15) (1,350)
Weekly increase in profit 330

If you selected £780 you forgot to allow for the variable cost of distributing the 3,000
units of Z.
If you selected £5,700 you made no allowances for the variable costs of either product
Z or the extra sales of other products.
The option of £12,650 is based on a 5% increase in revenue from the other products;
however extra variable costs will be incurred, therefore the gain will be a 5% increase
in contribution.
12 C 7,132
Current profit = Total contribution – Fixed costs
= (8,000  £8) – £24,400
= £39,600
Required profit = £39,600
If the new production methods are implemented the required contribution will be:
Required contribution = Revised fixed costs + Required profit
= (£24,400  1.30) + £39,600
= £31,720 + £39,600
= £71,320
Contribution required
Required sales =
Contribution per unit (revised)

= £71,320/(£15 – £5)
= 7,132 units
If you selected 3,960 units you did not add the revised fixed costs to the required
contribution figure. The fixed costs must be covered before any profit can be earned.
If you selected 4,755 units you divided the required contribution by the selling price
but this does not take account of the need to cover the variable costs.
If you selected 8,915 units you assumed that a £1 change in both the variable cost and
the selling price would leave the contribution per unit unaltered.
13 B (1) and (3) only
Statement (1) is correct. The line which passes through the origin indicates the sales
revenue at various levels of activity. At an activity level of 10,000 units, the sales
revenue is £100,000 therefore the selling price is £10 per unit.
Statement (2) is incorrect. The sloping line which intercepts the vertical axis at £30,000
shows the total cost at various levels of activity. The total cost for 10,000 units is
£80,000, from which we subtract the £30,000 fixed costs to derive the variable cost of
10,000 units, which is £50,000. Therefore the variable cost per unit is £5.

262 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Statement (3) is correct. The fixed cost is the cost incurred at zero activity and is shown
as a horizontal line at £30,000.
Statement (4) is incorrect. The profit for 10,000 units is the difference between the sales
value (£100,000) and the total cost (£80,000) which amounts to £20,000.
14 B The sales revenue line passes through the origin
C The total cost line cuts the vertical axis at the point which is equal to the period fixed
Since sales revenue is zero when activity is zero the sales revenue line must pass
through the origin.
When activity is zero the only cost incurred is the fixed cost. Therefore the cost line cuts
the vertical axis at the point which is equal to the period fixed costs.
Statement A is incorrect because the fixed costs are depicted by a straight line parallel
to the horizontal axis.
Statement D is incorrect because the breakeven point is the point where the sales
revenue line crosses the total cost line.
15 B Fixed costs in total are not changed by increases or decreases in production volume
C Variable costs per unit are not changed by increases or decreases in production
E Estimates of sales demand, prices and resources required for each product are known
with certainty
Fixed costs in total are not changed by increases or decreases in production volume
(so that the profit-maximising and contribution-maximising output levels are the same).
Variable costs per unit are not changed by increases or decreases in production
volume and estimates of sales demand, prices and resources required for each
product are known with certainty (so that contribution per unit of scarce resource is
16 A Material only
Quantity Quantity Quantity
per unit required available
Material (£8/2) 4 kg ( 6,000) 24,000 kg 22,000 kg
Labour (£18/6) 3 hrs ( 6,000) 18,000 hrs 19,000 hrs
Sales demand is not a limiting factor because there is not sufficient material to satisfy
the demand of 6,000 units.
There is sufficient labour to satisfy the demand of 6,000 units.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 263
17 A B then A then T
This answer ranks the products by contribution per kg of material (the limiting factor).
B A T Total
Maximum sales (units) 1,000 1,200 1,500 N/A
Material kg needed 1,000 2,400 4,500 7,900
Labour hours needed 2,000 2,400 4,500 8,900
Thus, labour is not a limiting factor but material is a limiting factor.
The products must be ranked according to their contribution per kg of material.
Contribution per unit (£) £50 £60 £55
Kg of material per unit 1 2 3
Contribution per kg of material (£) £50 £30 £18.33
Rank by contribution per kg of
material 1 2 3
18 C Contribution: £600,000, Profit: Insufficient information to calculate
To maximise contribution, we must produce the product with the greatest contribution
per £ spent on labour.
£ per unit £ per unit £ per unit
Contribution per unit 50 40 60
Labour cost per unit 30 10 5
Contribution per £ of labour 1.67 4 12
Ranking 3 2 1
Thus the company will make £50,000/5 = 10,000 units of Z.
This will produce 10,000  £60 = £600,000 of contribution.
Remember that the fixed costs per unit are based on budgeted production quantities
(not actual production) and as we do not know these quantities we cannot calculate
budgeted monthly fixed costs. Therefore there is insufficient information to calculate
the profit.
19 B £5,700
We begin by calculating the contribution per unit of limiting factor.
Scratch = £6/2 = £3 per labour hour 1
Purr = £7/3 = £2.33 per labour hour 3
Buzz = £8/3 = £2.66 per labour hour 2
Hours Contribution
Production priorities 1st Scratch
(700 units  2 hours) 1,400 (700  £6) £4,200
2nd Buzz
(400 units  3 hours) 1,200 (400  £8) £3,200
2,600 7,400
Less fixed costs (1,700)
Maximum profit £5,700

If you selected £5,062 you allocated the available hours according to the contribution
earned per unit of product. However, this does not take account of the limiting factor.

264 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

If you selected £6,100 you allocated all the available hours to Scratch, the product
which earns the highest contribution per hour. However, the maximum demand for
Scratch is 700 units. Once that demand has been met the remainder of the available
hours must be allocated to Buzz, the next product in the priority ranking.
£13,000 is the profit earned from satisfying the maximum demand for each product,
but there are insufficient labour hours available to manufacture this volume of output.
20 B £660
Product M Product Q
Contribution per labour hour = (£85/6) = (£110/8)
= £14.17 = £13.75
Priority ranking 1 2
Optimum allocation of hours 6,000 9,000
(1,000 units) (1,125 units)
An additional 48 hours would be used to produce 6 units of Q, earning a contribution
of (6  £110) £660.
If you selected £680 you allocated the hours to product M but according to the ranking
and maximum demand it is not possible to sell further units of M.
If you selected £180 you allocated the available hours correctly but you then deducted
the cost of the labour from your calculated contribution. However the cost of the labour
has already been deducted when deriving the contribution per unit.
21 C £2,240
Since product N does not feature in the optimum planned production this product
must rank last in utilising the raw material (you could check this for yourself). The
optimum production with the additional 1,000 kg would therefore be as follows:
kg used Contribution
(1,000 – 720) units of M ( (£1.25/£0.50)) 700 (280  £4.50) 1,260
100 units of N ( (£1.50/£0.50)) 300 (100  £4.80) 480
1,000 1,740

However, the contribution is after charging £0.50 per kg.

The maximum amount that should be paid is the contribution before the material cost
= £1,740 + (1,000  £0.50) = £2,240
If you selected £1,740 you forgot to add back the £0.50 per kg already included for
If you selected £2,300 you assumed that the 1,000 kg would all be used on Product M
(an additional 400 units). However, the maximum demand for Product M means only
280 units can be sold, with the remainder being used on Product N.
If you selected £1,800, you again incorrectly allocated all the material to Product M,
and also forgot to add back the £0.50 per kg of material cost already included.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 265
22 A X: 130 units, Y: 840 units, Z: 100 units
Unit contribution £82 £108 £100
Kg required per unit 2 kg 1 kg 3 kg
Contribution per kg £41 £108 £33.33
Ranking 2 1 3
kg used
Produce 100 units of Z for contract ( 3 kg) 300
Produce 130 units of Y for contract ( 1 kg) 130
Produce remaining (840 – 130) units of Y ( 1 kg) 710
Use balance to produce 130 units of X ( 2 kg) 260

If you decided not to produce any units of Z you took no account of the requirement to
produce 100 units of Z.
If you decided not to produce any units of X you ranked the products on the basis of
unit profit and took no account of the contract.
If you decided to produce only one unit of X you ranked the products on the basis of
contribution per unit.
23 D Alpha: Produce 4,000 units
Beta: Produce 2,000 units, Buy in 2,000 units
The units subcontracted should be those which add least to the costs of Green Ltd. The
cheapest policy is to subcontract work which adds the least extra cost per machine
hour saved.
Alpha Beta
£ £
Variable cost of internal manufacture 20 36
Variable cost of buying 29 40
Extra variable cost of buying 9 4
Machine hours saved by buying 3 hours 2 hours
Extra cost of buying, per hour saved £3 £2

It is cheaper to buy Betas than to buy Alphas. Therefore the priority for making the
components in-house will be to allocate the available hours to the manufacture of
Production Hours Hours
Component Units per unit allocated
Alpha 4,000 3 12,000
Beta 2,000 2 4,000

The remaining 2,000 units of Beta should be purchased from the sub-contractor.

266 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

24 C Aura: Produce 233 units, buy in 167 units
Venta: Produce 400 units
The units subcontracted should be those which add least to the costs of Blue plc. The
cheapest policy is to subcontract work which adds the least extra cost per machine
hour saved.
Aura Venta
£ £
Variable cost of internal manufacture 360 360
Variable cost of buying 390 400
Extra variable cost of buying 30 40
Machine hours saved by buying 30 hours 20 hours
Extra cost of buying, per hour saved £1 £2

It is cheaper to buy Auras than to buy Ventas. Therefore the priority for making the
components in-house will be to allocate the available hours to the manufacture of
Production Hours Hours
Component Units per unit allocated
Venta 400 20 8,000
Aura 233 30 7,000

The remaining 167 units of Aura should be purchased from the sub-contractor.
25 D X 4,000 Y 3,000 Z 4,500
This question relates to limiting factor analysis. The key to these questions is ranking
the contribution per unit of the limiting factor, in this case Grunch. In this question the
contribution per unit of Grunch will be calculated pre-fixed costs, as these will be
constant whatever production schedule is chosen.
Product X: Contribution = £1.50 and £1.50/0.3 = £5 contribution per kg of Grunch
Product Y: Contribution = £1.60 and £1.60/0.40 = £4 contribution per kg of Grunch
Product Z: Contribution = £2.40 and £2.40/0.80 = £3 contribution per kg of Grunch
The ranking of the products is therefore X, Y, Z.
The production schedule that will maximise profit will therefore be:
4,000 units of X (maximum demand), utilising 4,000  0.3 kg of Grunch, ie, 1,200kg
3,000 units of Y (maximum demand), utilising 3,000  0.4 kg of Grunch, ie, 1,200kg
This is a total of 2,400 kg and therefore 3,600 kg of the 6,000 kg will be available to
manufacture Product Z. This will produce 3,600/0.8 units = 4,500 units.
Any other production schedule will not maximise profit. SAMPLE PAPER

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 10: Breakeven analysis and limiting factor analysis 267
26 D 11,967 units
The first step is to calculate the profit achieved in 20X7. Contribution is £120 per unit
and 12,000 units were produced and sold generating £120  12,000 = £1,440,000.
Fixed costs were £20  10,000 (per the budget) = £200,000 meaning the net profit was
In 20X8 the unit selling price will be £200  1.05 = £210. Unit variable costs will be £80
 1.1 = £88. The unit contribution is therefore (£210 – £88) = £122. In 20X8 fixed costs
will be £200,000  1.1 = £220,000.
Profits in 20X8 are the same as 20X7, ie, £1,240,000, meaning the contribution must be
£1,240,000 + £220,000 = £1,460,000. The number of units sold to generate this
contribution will be £1,460,000/£122 = 11,967.
If you calculated the number of units as 12,000 then you probably incorrectly
calculated the fixed costs in 20X7 as £20  12,000 = £240,000 and the 20X7 profits as
£1,200,000. This would mean that you calculated the 20X8 fixed costs as £240,000 
1.1 = £264,000 and therefore the required contribution in 20X8 as £1,464,000. At a
unit contribution of £122 this would mean 12,000 units.
If you calculated the number of units as 11,639 then you probably also incorrectly
calculated the fixed costs in 20X7 as £20  12,000 = £240,000 and the 20X7 profits as
£1,200,000. However, in 20X8 you correctly calculated the fixed costs as 10,000  £20
 1.1 = £220,000 and therefore the required contribution in 20X8 as £1,420,000. At a
unit contribution of £122 this would mean 11,639 units.

268 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques
1 A PP is 1.56 years and ARR is 52.0%
Depreciation must be added back to the annual profit figures to derive the annual cash
Annual depreciation= £(46,000 – 4,000)/4 years
= £10,500
Adding £10,500 to each year's profit figure produces the following cash flows.
Cash Cumulative
flow cash flow
£ £
Initial investment (46,000) (46,000)
Year 1 27,000 (19,000)
Year 2 34,000 15,000
Payback period = 1 year + ((19,000/34,000)  1 year)
= 1.56 years
If you selected a payback period of 2.44 years you based your calculations on the
accounting profits after the deduction of depreciation. The calculation of the payback
period should be based on cash flows.
Accounting rate of return (ARR)
Average profit = £(16,500 + 23,500 + 13,500 – 1,500)/4
= £13,000
Average investment = £(46,000 + 4,000)/2
= £25,000
ARR = £(13,000/25,000)  100%
= 52.0%
If you selected an ARR of 56.5% you forgot to include the residual value of £4,000 in
your calculation of the average investment.
2 B DPP is 2.4 years and NPV is £2,323
Net present value
Discount Present
Year Cash flow factor value
£ 16% £
0 (5,000) 1.000 (5,000)
1 (2,000) 0.862 (1,724)
2 7,000 0.743 5,201
3 6,000 0.641 3,846
Net present value (NPV) 2,323

If you selected an NPV of £3,013 you treated the £5,000 cash flow as occurring in Year
1 and discounted it. Cash flows occurring 'now' should not be discounted.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 269

Discounted payback period
Present value Cumulative
Year (PV) PV
£ £
0 (5,000) (5,000)
1 (1,724) (6,724)
2 5,201 (1,523)
3 3,846 2,323
DPP = 2 years + ((1,523/3,846)  1 year)
= 2.4 years
If you selected 2.0 years you calculated the non-discounted payback period.
3 C £4,561
Using cumulative present value tables:
We require the 15% factor for Years 3 – 7.
Cumulative discount factor for Years 1 – 7 at 15% 4.160
Less: cumulative discount factor for Years 1 – 2 at 15% 1.626
Cumulative discount factor for Years 3 – 7 at 15% 2.534

Present value = £1,800  2.534

= £4,561
If you selected £3,377 you made the common mistake of deriving the cumulative
discount factor for years 4 to 7 instead of Years 3 to 7.
4 D £42,000
Discount Present
Year Payment factor value
£ 8% £
0 10,000 1 10,000
1 x 0.926 0.926x
2 x 0.857 0.857x
3 x 0.794 0.794x
4 x 0.735 0.735x

The present value of the four equal payments is £26,496.

Therefore each payment = x = £26,496/3.312 = £8,000
The total amount to be paid during the lease period is therefore
(£10,000 + (4  £8,000)) = £10,000 + £32,000 = £42,000.
If you selected £32,480 you made the common mistake of discounting each year's
payment by the factor for the year in which the payment is made. However, the
payments are made at the beginning of each year. The convention used in discounted
cash flow is treated as though it occurs at the end of the previous year. Hence a cash
flow at the beginning of Year 2 is discounted using the factor for Year 1 and so on.

270 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

5 C 13.33%
The IRR can be calculated using the following formula.
If a = 10%
B = 15%
A = £4,000
B = – £2,000
IRR = a% + [A/(A – B)] × (b – a)%
= 10% + 3.33%
= 13.33%
If you selected 20% you did not account correctly for the fact that the NPV was negative
at a discount rate of 15%. You treated the £2,000 NPV as a positive figure in the
If you selected 11.67% you swapped A and B around in the formula, using A = £2,000
and B = £4,000.
If you selected 12.5% you have simply calculated the mid-point of the two rates instead
of using the IRR formula.
6 A The graph of the NPV against the discount rate has a negative slope
D An estimate of the IRR requires the calculation of the NPV at two different discount
As the discount rate increases, the NPV decreases. If the discount rate is viewed as the
cost of capital, the NPV will fall as financing the project becomes more expensive.
The NPV falls as the discount rate increases and so a lower discount rate of s% will
result in a higher NPV.
The interpolation and graphical methods both approximate as linear the behaviour of
the IRR as discount rates increase and decrease. In fact the behaviour is curvilinear.
Neither can therefore give exact answers.
By calculating the NPV at two different discount rates, the IRR can generally be
estimated by linear interpolation.
7 D (1), (2), (3) and (4)
NPVs are extensively used in practice to ascertain whether or not a project is a viable
investment or not.
8 D £7,500
Discount factors (DCF) of 24% are not shown on the tables therefore it is necessary to
calculate the factors yourself.
Year Cash flow DCF value
£ £
0 (160,000) 1 1 (160,000)
1 31,700 × 1/1.24 0.806 25,565
2 179,000 × 1/(1.24)2 0.650 116,415
3 48,900 × 1/(1.24) 3 0.524 25,647
NPV £7,627

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 271

If you selected £38,500 you discounted the initial investment but since this occurs at
the beginning of the project it should not be discounted.
If you selected £(84,000) you discounted each year's cash flow by the factor for cash
flows in the following year.
9 B £9,500
NPV = –£400,000 + (£300,000)/1.15 + (£200,000)/(1.15  1.17)
= £9,500
If you selected £2,500 or £12,000 you discounted both years' cash flows at 17% and
15% respectively.
If you selected £32,000 you used a discount factor of (1/1.17) for the year 2 cash flow
instead of (1/(1.17  1.15)).
The Year 2 cash flow has to be discounted twice: one year at 17% and one year at 15%.
10 D Statement 1: False ARR places equal value on all cash flows throughout a
project's life. NPV places less value on later cash flows. Therefore,
statement (1) is false.
Statement 2: True The IRR is the rate that equates PV of inflows with the PV of
the initial outflow(s). If the IRR is greater than the cost of capital,
later cash flows have been discounted too much. Therefore,
statement (2) is true.
11 D (1), (2) and (3)
The decision rule is to accept all investments with a positive NPV. Therefore (1) is
NPV is the absolute measure and is therefore superior to IRR which is a relative
measure (percentage). Therefore (2) is correct.
Finally, (3) is the correct definition of NPV.
12 C It quantifies the effect of the timing of cash flows through the investment
Although the payback period does take some account of the timing of cash flows, it
does not quantify the effect of the timing of cash flows within the payback period.
Furthermore the method ignores the cash flows that occur after the end of the payback
13 A It is based on objective accounting profits
B The calculation method of ARR is universally agreed
Neither of these factors are advantages of the ARR method of investment appraisal.
Accounting profits are not objective. They are subject to a number of different
accounting policies.
The calculation method of ARR can be based either on the initial investment or on the
average investment. The basis is not universally agreed and this can make it difficult for
managers to interpret calculated ARRs.

272 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

14 C The NPV approach is superior if discount rates are expected to vary over the life of the
Variable discount rates can be incorporated easily into NPV calculations, but not into
IRR calculations.
The methods only give the same accept or reject decision when the cash flows are
conventional. There may be several IRRs that decision makers must be aware of to
avoid making the wrong decision.
NPV is technically superior to IRR and easier to calculate. It is unlikely that the NPV and
ARR will be confused. However, the ARR can be confused with IRR because both
measures are expressed in percentage terms.
15 C £183,000
We need to calculate the terminal value of the project.
Year Cash flow 10% factor value
£ £
0 (154,000) 1.000 (154,000)
2 4,000 0.826 3,304

This is the present value of the cash flows without any revenue from the contract. The
minimum acceptable contract price is the terminal value (TV) at the end of Year 2.
TV  10% discount factor for Year 2 = PV
TV = £150,696/0.826
= £182,441
If you selected £151,000 you calculated the correct present value of the cash flows but
did not allow for the fact that the contract revenue was to be received at the end of
Year 2.
16 B Project I because it has the higher net present value
The NPV method is superior to all the other criteria for investment appraisal.
17 A True and True
Consider the following three projects.
Time A B C
£ £ £
0 (200) (200) (200)
1 100 50 40
2 100 50 40
3 100 50 40
4 100 50 40
Ranking under:
Payback (2 years) 1 (4 years) 2 (–) 3
NPV at 10% (£117) 1 (– £41) 2 (–£73) 3
IRR (+35%) 1 (0%) 2 (–8%) 3

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 273

18 A £111,700
Present value of replacement cost in five years' time = £750,000  0.621
= £465,750
Annual investment required =
1  discount factor for four years at 10%
= £465,750/(1 + 3.170)
= £111,691
If you selected £197,800 you did not take account of the fact that the first amount will
be invested immediately and thus should not be discounted.
19 D £13,690
Present value of investment to be made in one year = £50,000/1.12
= £44,643
Present value of perpetuity stream beginning in one year =
= £7,000/0.12
= £58,333
NPV of investment = £58,333 – £44,643
= £13,690
If you selected £7,440 you made the common mistake of failing to appreciate that the
formula finds the present value of a perpetuity stream one year before the first cash
20 B 25%
Net initial investment = £(305,000 – 61,000)
= £244,000
The IRR is the interest rate at which the NPV of the investment is zero.
PV of perpetuity = £61,000/r
The IRR is where £61,000/r = £244,000
IRR = £61,000/£244,000 = 25%
If you selected 20% you divided £61,000 by £305,000. This fails to take account of the
fact that the first inflow is simultaneous with the initial investment.
If you selected 400% you calculated the £244,000 net investment correctly but your
final calculation was 'upside-down'.
If you selected 500% you combined both of the errors above.

274 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

21 A 10%
The IRR is the discount rate that results in a zero NPV in the following calculation.
Discount Present
Year Cash flow factor value
£ £
0 (400,000) 1.000 (400,000)
2–6 116,300 ? 400,000

Discount factor for Year 2 to 6 = 400,000/116,300

= 3.439
Using the annuity table the nearest factor to 3.439 for Years 2 to 6 is at 10%
(Year 6 – Year 1 = 4.355 – 0.909 = 3.446)
If you selected 14% you used the annuity table to find the nearest factor to 3.439 for
Years 1 to 5 instead of Years 2 to 6. However, if the investment is made at the
beginning of 20X0, any receipt at the end of 20X0 would be deemed to be received at
the end of Year 1. Therefore the first receipt at the end of 20X1 is deemed to be
received at the end of Year 2.
22 C 10% and 20%
Since there are only three cash flows the options can be tested by trial and error.
At 10%, (1,150  0.909) – (660  0.826) – 500 = 0.19
This is close to zero and probably eliminates the option of 13% but as a quick check:
At 13%, (1,150  0.885) – (660  0.783) – 500 = 0.97
This is not as close to zero therefore the option of 13% can be eliminated.
Since the cash flows are non-conventional there could be as many IRRs as there are
sign changes, ie, up to two IRRs. Therefore a discount rate of 20% should also be
At 20%, (1,150  0.833) – (660  0.694) – 500 = –0.09.
This is close to zero therefore the project has a second IRR of 20%.
If you selected 13% you used the NPVs provided to calculate the IRR. This produces a
less accurate IRR than the trial and error process because it assumes that the NPV rises
in linear fashion between the two NPVs provided. It also fails to take account of the
non-conventional cash flows and the existence of two IRRs.
23 D Zero, one or two
In general, it is possible for a project to have up to as many IRRs as there are sign
changes in the cash flows. Since the project's cash flows have two sign changes there
can be up to two IRRs.
The NPV profile could take various forms depending on the relative magnitudes of the
cash flows, as shown below.

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 275

Zero IRRs One IRR
0 0
Discount rate, i


One IRR if final

outflow is small Two IRRs
0 0
Discount rate, i

24 B Six years
This is calculated as follows:
Year Cashflow cashflow
£ £
0 (400,000) (400,000)
1 70,000 (330,000)
2 70,000 (260,000)
3 70,000 (190,000)
4 70,000 (120,000)
5 70,000 (50,000)
6 50,000 0
This means the payback period is exactly six years.
25 C 6.25 years
The discounted payback period is calculated as follows:
Discounted discounted
Year Cashflow DCF cashflow cashflow
£ £ £
0 (300,000) 1.000 (300,000) (300,000)
1–5 70,000 3.791 265,370 (34,630)
6 50,000 0.564 28,200 (6,430)
7 50,000 0.513 25,650 19,220
This means the discounted payback period is 6 + [£6,430/£25,650] years = 6.25 years
26 A,E A project's IRR is the return at which the net present value (NPV) of the cash flows is
zero. The IRR is therefore independent of a company's cost of capital. The revision to
the cost of capital by the project analyst will therefore not impact on the IRR, hence
there is no change.
A project's DPP is the period of time taken for the project's cumulative discounted cash
flows to turn from the initial negative outflow to a cumulative positive position. The
revision to the cost of capital from 10% to 12% will reduce each future discounted cash
inflow, and therefore increase the time taken for the cumulative discounted cash flows
to become positive. SAMPLE PAPER

276 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

27 D The initial cost of the investment outlay
A project's IRR is defined as the return at which the net present value (NPV) of the cash
flows is zero. This means that for a project with a normal pattern of cash flows the
internal rate of return is the interest rate that equates the present value of expected
future cash inflows to the initial cost of the investment outlay.
A project's cost of capital is the benchmark return that is used to evaluate the residual
income of a project.
Zero is the present value of expected future cash inflows and the initial cash outflow
discounted at a project's IRR.
The terminal (compounded) value of future cash receipts for a project will bear no
resemblance to the present value of expected future cash inflows.
28 A The internal rate of return is always greater than the opportunity cost of capital.
As the net present value of the project's cash flows is positive at the opportunity cost of
capital, this means that the project is viable and its IRR must be higher than the cost of
If the internal rate of return of a project were sometimes lower than the opportunity
cost of capital then the net present value in those instances would be negative.
If the internal rate of return were always lower than the opportunity cost of capital then
the net present value would always be negative.
If the internal rate of return of a project were sometimes higher than the opportunity
cost of capital then this would imply that sometimes it would be lower.
29 B 8%
The best way to attempt this question is to draw graphs of the net present value of
each project at various discount rates. The IRR of each project tells us at what point the
x-axis is crossed and the number of changes in sign of the cash flows (from positive to
negative or vice versa) tells us how many changes in direction each graph will have.
The starting sign (positive or negative) for the graph can be easily established at a
discount factor of 0% by adding the cash flows up.
The graphs of net present values for Projects X, Y and Z must look like this:
£ Project X

10% %

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 277

£ Project Y

7% %

£ Project Z

5% 50%

The answer is 8% because at a discount factor of 8% the NPV of project X is positive

(accepted), project Y is also positive (accepted) and project Z is also positive
Examining the other discount factors shows that:
At a discount factor of 12% the NPV of project X is negative (rejected), project Y is
positive (accepted) as is project Z.
At a discount factor of 6% the NPV of project X is positive (accepted), project Y is
negative (rejected) and project Z is positive (accepted).
At a discount factor of 4% the NPV of project X is positive (accepted), project Y is
negative (rejected) and project Z is also negative (rejected). SAMPLE PAPER
30 B 55%
The ARR in this question is defined as average annual profits divided by the average
In Year 1 profits are –£2,000 less depreciation of (£60,000/10), ie, –£8,000
In Year 2 profits are £13,000 less depreciation of £6,000, ie, £7,000
In Year 3 profits are £20,000 less depreciation of £6,000, ie, £14,000
In Year 4 to 6 profits are £25,000 less depreciation of £6,000, ie, £19,000
In Year 7 to 10 profits are £30,000 less depreciation of £6,000, ie, £24,000
The average profits are therefore:
(–8,000 + 7,000 + 14,000 + (19,000  3) + (24,000  4))/10 = £166,000/10 = £16,600
The investment in Year 1 is £60,000 and the investment in Year 10 is £nil. The average
investment is therefore (£60,000)/2 = £30,000
The ARR is therefore £16,600/£30,000 = 55%
The average cash flow (rather than profit) = (16,600 + ) = £22,600

278 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

£22,600 ¸ £30,000 = 75%

£16,600 ¸ £60,000 = 28% ie, incorrect using the initial investment

£22,600 ¸ £60,000 = 38%, ie, incorrect using the initial investment and average cash
31 C £50,000
The cash flows for the project are:
T0 –£200,000
T1 +£20,000
T2 +£25,000 and each year thereafter
The T0 outflow is not discounted.
The T1 inflow is discounted for one year at 8%, giving a NPV of £20,000/(1.08) =
Thereafter we have a perpetuity at a discount rate of 10% starting after one year. The
perpetuity factor is 1/0.1 = 10, and therefore the NPV is £25,000  10/1.08 = £231,481.
The NPV of the project is therefore (–£200,000 + £18,519 + £231,481) = £50,000
B Incorrectly discounting the perpetuity back from T1 at 10% (rather than 8%) gives
£25,000  10/1.1 = £227,273 + £18,519 – £200,000 =
£45,792 ie, £45,800
£25,000  10
Discounting the perpetuity as = £210,438
1.1 1.08

+ £18,519 – £200,000 = £28,957 ie, £29,000 SAMPLE PAPER

32 D £33,500
As the 10 annual inflows start immediately then in Year 0 the net outflow is actually –
£150,000 + £30,000 = –£120,000
The NPV of this initial outflow is –£120,000.
The NPV of the nine remaining annual cash inflows (Years 1 to 9) of £30,000 each can
be found from the discount tables by taking the annuity factor for Years 1 to 9 at 10%.
This is 5.759. Therefore the NPV of these cash inflows is £30,000  5.759 = £172,770.
The NPV of the outlay at the end of 10 years is –£50,000  0.386 = –£19,300.
The project NPV is therefore (–£120,000 + £172,770 – £19,300) = £33,470 or £33,500
to the nearest £100.
If you incorrectly calculated the NPV as £15,100 (to the nearest £100) then you treated
the 10 annual inflows as being received in Years 1 to 10 rather than Years 0 to 9. This
meant you calculated the NPV as –£150,000 + £30,000  6.145 – £19,300 = £15,050.
If you incorrectly calculated the NPV as £31,600 (to the nearest £100) then you
probably completed every calculation correctly except the discounting of the final
£50,000. You probably used a discount factor of 0.424 rather than 0.386 meaning the
NPV became £31,570 (£31,600 to the nearest £100). SAMPLE PAPER

ICAEW 2019 Chapter 11: Investment appraisal techniques 279

33 D The average accounting rate of return is never less than zero.
Imagine there are no cash flows beyond Year 5 ie, outflow equals inflows exactly. The
NPV at 20% would be negative so A is ruled out. The IRR would be 0% so C is out. If
cash flows occur beyond Year 5 there is no reason why the NPV could not be positive,
so B is out.
34 D (3) only
Both are normal projects so statement 1 is false. As they are normal projects there will
be no conflict between the NPV and IRR methods so 2 is also false. However, the
methods may rank the projects in a different order so 3 is true.
35 C Diagram C
Rate at which both NPVs are equal is between the IRRs and 15% (at which Y's NPV is
greater). Only C shows this.
36 D Both the IRR and payback period do not involve the cost of capital in their calculation.
37 C The IRR does not use the cost of capital in its calculation. If the cost of capital increases
the present value of inflows decreases and the DPP gets longer.
38 B The project is normal ie, outflow and inflows which exceed the outflow, therefore it will
have a single IRR (statement 1 is true) and if the IRR is less than the cost of capital the
NPV will be negative (think about the normal NPV graph) so statement 2 is false.
39 A More than 25%
The graph would be U-shaped with a negative NPV between 10% and 25% and
positive NPVs at less than 10% or more than 25%.
40 A As cash flows arise at the end of the year an increase in Year 3's cash flow would not
change the 3 year payback period. Higher cash flows require a greater discount rate to
get a 0 NPV for the IRR.
41 B £(37,000)
NPV = (900,000  0.909) + 400,000  0.826 + 600,000  0.751 = (37,100)
If you got (41,000) you started the flows at t0 not t1. If you got positive NPVs you had
your cash flow signs reversed.
42 B £95,800
1 January 20X3 is the same point in time as 31 December 20X2
75,000  1.08 = 81,000 at 31 December 20X1
85,000  1.08 = 91,800 at 31 December 20X2 plus 4,000 on that day = 95,800
£82,133 is the present value of the £95,800 terminal value.

280 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Scenario-based answers

1 Sunshine Ltd
Calculate the total value of the closing inventory for each product under marginal costing:
£ Workings*
Standard 14,000 1,000 × (6 + 6 + 2)

Easy opener 5,000 1,000 × (2 + 2 + 1)

Dome 11,000 1,000 × (5 + 4 + 2)

1 mark each item, maximum 3 marks

* Number of closing inventory units × variable cost per unit

Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate per labour hour for April:
£ per labour hour
Fixed overhead 10
absorption rate

3 marks

Labour hours = (6/10  10,000) + (2/10  6,000) + (4/10  4,000)
= 8,800 hours
Fixed overhead absorption rate = Fixed overheads/Labour hours
= £88,000/8,800 hours
= £10 per hour
Calculate the total value of the closing inventory for May for each product under absorption
£ Workings*
Standard 33,000 19,500 + (6/10  15)  1,500

Easy opener 4,500 3,000 + (2/10  15)  500

Dome 8,000 5,000 + (4/10  15)  500

0.5 mark each item, maximum 1.5 marks

* The closing inventory value under marginal costing excludes the fixed overhead per unit. The
fixed overhead per unit therefore needs to be added onto the value under marginal to work out
the value under absorption costing.
Closing inventory under absorption costing = Closing inventory under marginal costing +
(number of units of closing inventory  overhead absorption rate per hour  number of labour
hours per unit)

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 281

Assuming the same actual production data and fixed production overheads in June as for April,
complete the table below which calculates Sunshine's gross profit for June under marginal
costing and absorption costing.
Marginal Absorption Do not score
costing Workings costing items marked Workings
£ £ *
Sales revenue
Standard 414,000 (1,500 + 414,000* 1 mark
10,000 =
11,500)  36

Easy opener 65,000 (500 + 6,000 = 65,000* 1 mark

6,500)  10

Dome 112,500 (500 + 4,000 = 112,500* 1 mark

4,500)  25

Total sales 591,500 591,500


Total marginal (233,500) 11,500  13 + 2 marks

cost of sales 6,500  6 +
4,500  10

Total absorption (339,500) 2 marks Should add 88,000

cost of sales and 18,000 to
calculated marginal
costing cost of sales**

Fixed production (88,000)


Gross profit 270,000 Calculated 252,000 1.5 mark each,

from above max 3 marks
** To work out the absorption cost of sales from the marginal cost of sales, we need to add the
fixed overheads for the period and the fixed overheads in the closing inventory units. Fixed
overheads for the period = £88,000. Fixed overheads in the closing inventory units = (1,500 
£15  6/10) + (500  £15  2/10) + (500  £15  4/10) = £18,000
Assuming the same actual production data and costs in July as for April, the gross profit in July
C Exactly the same under absorption and marginal costing 2.5 marks

282 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

2 Kingsman Ltd
Calculate the profit or loss for October using both absorption costing and marginal costing:
Enter costs as negative values
Absorption Marginal Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Sales 25,500 25,500 1, 0.5 150  170

Variable 14,880 14,880 0.5, 0.5 allow 155  (78 + 12 + 6)

production –ves

Fixed 2,790 0 1.5 allow –ve, 155  18

production 0.5 for 0 or –
costs absorbed

Opening 2,280 1,920 0.5, 0.5 allow 20  (78 + 12 + 6 + 18)

inventory –ves and 20  (78 + 12 + 6)

Closing (2,850) (2,400) 1, 1 25  (78 + 12 + 6 + 18)

inventory allow +ves and 25  (78 + 12 + 6)

Production (17,100) (14,400) 0.5 each Opg + prodn – clsg

cost of sales

Under/over (810) 0 2 for –810 or Absorbed overhead =

absorption 1 for 810, 155 units  18 = 2,790
1 for 0 or – Actual overhead =
1,200/6  18 = 3,600
2,790 – 3,600 = 810

Variable (375) (375) 1 and 0.5 for 2.50  150

selling, –ves, 0.5 and
administration 0.5 for +ves

Fixed selling, (2,625) (2,625) 1.5 and 0.5 36,000/12  0.875

administration for –ves 1 and
and 0.5 for +ves

Fixed 0 (3,600) 0.5 for 0 or –, 1,200/6  18

production 1 for
costs –ve or 0.5 for

Profit/loss 4,590 4,500

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 283

If there is no inventory of the B786 at the end of the first six months of production, will the
profits calculated under marginal costing be higher than, lower than or the same as those
calculated under absorption costing?
Same 1 mark for Same No opening or closing inventory so
Calculate the % mark-up for the B786 using marginal costing and the planned selling price.
47% (or 48%) Price is 420/0.75 = 560
2.5 marks Margin is (560 – (420 – 40)) / (420 – 40)

3 Numan Ltd
Calculate the budgeted prime cost per Gazza for March:
£296 2.5 marks Direct materials + direct labour = 48 × 5 + 16 × 3.5
Calculate the actual absorption cost per Gazza for March:
£580 (or £581) 2.5 marks 4.5 × 52 + 16 × 3.5 + 6 × 3.5 + 4.5 × 52 × 1.15
Calculate the selling price per Gazza in April:
£888 2.5 marks 592/0.666667
Calculate the actual absorption cost per Gazza in May:
£469 (or £470) 2.5 marks (4.5 × 52 + 16 × 3 + 6 × 3) + (4.5 × 52 + 16 × 3) × 0.6
Calculate the actual marginal cost per Gazza in June:
£282 3 marks 5 × 48 × 0.9 + 3 × 16 + 3 × 6
Using a corrected marginal cost of £302 and a target mark-up on absorption cost of 22%,
calculate the selling price for July:
£437 (or £436) 2 marks (302 + 56) × 1.22
Calculate the difference in the selling price of Gazzas that results from switching from a fixed
overhead absorption rate based on Gazza's labour hours to a blanket fixed overhead
absorption rate based on all of Numan's products:
£12 (or £11) 3 marks *441.64 – 453.84 = 12.2
*Fixed overhead rate based on labour hours = 3 × £82,650/3 × 1,450 = £57 per unit
Fixed overhead per unit + variable cost per unit = £57 + £305 = £362. Price per unit = £362 
1.22 = £441.64
Blanket overhead rate = £1,239,500/18,500 = £67 per unit
Overhead per unit + variable cost per unit = £67 + £305 = £372. Price per unit = £372 × 1.22 =
Calculate the total under or over absorption of fixed overheads for all of Numan's products
using the blanket rate in August:
£13,875 2 marks, 1 for 13,875 1,239,500 – 18,500 ×
Under absorption and 1 for under 66.25 = 13,875

284 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

4 Oaklea plc
Difference £ 600 2 marks (400 – 380) × 30*
*Difference between opening inventory and closing inventory × fixed overhead cost per unit
Operating statement for May
Favourable Adverse Marks Workings
£ £ £
Budgeted profit 116,000 2 400(600 – 310)
Sales volume 0 or – 7,680 1.5 (400 × 0.94 – 400)(600 – 280)
Sales price variance 7,520 0 or – 1.5 (620 – 600)400 × 0.94
Cost variances
Materials price 0 or – 800 1.5 (16,800/1,600 – 10)1,600
Materials usage 0 or – 960 1.5 (1,600 – 400 × 0.94 × 4)10
Labour rate 0 or – 4,060 1.5 (69,020/4,060 – 16)4,060
Labour efficiency 7,232 0 or – 1.5 (4,060 – 400 × 0.94 × 12)16
Variable overhead 0 or – 1,015 1.5 (17,255/4,060 – 4)4,060
Variable overhead 1,808 0 or – 1.5 (400 × 0.94 × 12 – 4,060)4
Fixed overhead 0 or – 1,050 2 13,050 – 400 × 30

Total variances 16,560 15,565 995

Actual profit 116,995 2 400 × 0.94 × 620 – 16,800 –
69,020 – 17,255 – 13,050
Alternative workings for variance calculations

Sales volume variance

Budgeted sales volume 400 units
Actual sales volume (400 × 94%) 376 units
Sales volume variance in units 24 units (A)
 Standard contribution £(600 – 40 – 192 – 48)  £320
Sales volume variance 7,680 (A)

Sales price variance

Sales revenue from 376 units should have been ( £600) 225,600
but was (376  £620) 233,120
Sales price variance 7,520 (F)

Materials price variance

1,600 kg should have cost ( £10) 16,000
but did cost 16,800
Material price variance 800 (A)

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 285

Materials usage variance
Units produced = 400 units  94% = 376

376 units should have used ( 4 kg) 1,504 kg

but did use 1,600 kg
Usage variance in kg 96 kg (A)
 Standard price per kilogram  £10
Usage variance in £ £960 (A)

Labour rate variance

4,060 hours of work should have cost ( £16) 64,960
but did cost 69,020
Labour rate variance 4,060 (A)

Labour efficiency variance

376 units should have taken ( 12 hours) 4,512 hrs
but did take 4,060 hrs
Efficiency variance in hours 452 hrs (F)
 Standard rate per hour × £16
Efficiency variance in £ £7,232 (F)

Variable overhead expenditure variance

4,060 hours of variable overhead should cost ( £4.00) 16,240
but did cost 17,255
Variable overhead expenditure variance 1,015 (A)

Variable overhead efficiency variance

376 units should take ( 12 hrs) 4,512 hrs
but did take 4,060 hrs
Variable overhead efficiency variance in hours 452 hrs (F)
 Standard rate per hour  £4.00
Variable overhead efficiency variance in £ £1,808 (F)

Fixed overhead expenditure variance

Budgeted fixed overhead (400 units  12 hrs  £2.50) 12,000
Actual fixed overhead 13,050
Fixed overhead expenditure variance 1,050 (A)

286 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

5 VanHensen plc
Allocate and apportion the budgeted overheads to the four departments:
Assembly Finishing Stores Maintenance Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Rent and rates 16,000 32,000 24,000 8,000 0.5 2:4:3:1
Plant 25,000 60,000 7,500 7,500 0.5 25:60:7.5:
depreciation each 7.5
Light and heat 10,000 20,000 15,000 5,000 0.5 2:4:3:1
Canteen costs 17,000 34,000 17,000 17,000 0.5 1:2:1:1
Finishing costs 0 or – 32,000 0 or – 0 or – 2 Direct
Reapportion the service department overheads (Stores and Maintenance) to the production
departments (Assembly and Finishing):
Assembly Finishing Stores Maintenance Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Total overhead 70,000 185,000 65,000 38,000
Stores 32,500 13,000 –65,000 19,500 1.5 marks 5:2:3
reapportionment for –65,000
0.5 marks
each for
other 3
(3 total)
Revised total 102,500 198,000 0 57,500 Only score
overheads (enter 1 for a zero
figures in all 4 in stores
boxes) column
Maintenance 16,912 40,588 0 –57,500 1 mark for 25:60
reapportionment (or 16,911) (or correct
40,589) answer in
each of A
and F (max
2 in total)
Revised total 119,412 238,588 0 0 Only score
overheads (enter (or (or 0.5 + 0.5
figures in all 4 119,411) 238,589) for a zero
boxes) in S and
M columns

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 287

Calculate the budgeted overhead absorption rate per labour hour in Finishing:
£12 1 mark 243,000/20,250
Calculate the under or over absorption of overheads in Assembly:
£7,008 1 mark for £7,008 (15,876 – 15,000) × 8
Over absorption 1 mark for over

6 Basket Ltd
Calculate the budgeted prime cost per Large Hamper for January:
£54 2 marks Direct materials + direct labour = 6 × 5 + 3 × 8
Calculate the actual absorption cost per Medium Hamper in January:
£144 3 marks 6 × 4 + 8 × 3 + 2 × 3 + £90*
*Hours worked relating to the Medium Hamper = 2,400 hours/3 = 800 hours
Fixed overhead cost per hour = £24,000/800 hours = £30 per hour
Fixed overhead cost per Medium Hamper = £30 × 3 = £90

Calculate the selling price per Large Hamper in January:

£231 2 marks 165 × 1.4
Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate per labour hour in February for Large Hampers:
£54 (or £53) 3 marks
Fixed overhead cost relating to Large Hampers = (£85,000 – £24,000)/2 × 110% = £33,550
Fixed overhead cost per hour = £33,550/(800 hours × 78%) = £53.76 per hour
Calculate the absorption cost per Large Hamper in March:
£106 (or £105) 3 marks 5 × 6 × 1.15 + 3 × 8 × 0.78 + 2 × 3 × 0.78 + 48
Calculate the selling price per Small Hamper for March:
£105 2 marks 84/0.8
Calculate the decrease in the selling price per Large Hamper that results from switching to a
fixed overhead rate absorption rate based on the labour hours for Large Hamper's from a
blanket fixed overhead absorption rate based on all three hamper sizes:
£4 (or £3) 3 marks (88,000 × 0.3/1,000 + 100)/0.80 = 158
(88,000/(3 × 1,000) + 100)/0.80 = 161.67
Difference = 3.67

Calculate the total under or over absorption of fixed overheads for all three hamper sizes using
Basket's wide blanket absorption rate in April:
£26,000 2 marks, 1 for 26,000 88,000 – (3 × 1,000) × 38
Over absorption and 1 for over = 26,000

288 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

7 Geartop plc
Calculate the total value of the cost of sales for each product for July using marginal costing:
£ Workings
AVX12 62,100 3,000 × 0.9 × (15 + 6 + 2)
PUH78 56,250 2,500 × 0.9 × (14 + 8 + 3)
YTF65 55,080 1,800 × 0.9 × (21 + 9 + 4)
1 mark each item, maximum 3 marks
Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate as a percentage of the labour cost for July:
% of labour cost Workings
Fixed overhead absorption rate 148 (or 147) 80,000/(3,000 × 6 + 2,500 × 8 +
1,800 × 9)
3 marks (give 1 mark for an
answer of 1.48 or 1.47)
Calculate the total value of the closing inventory for each product line for August using marginal
£ Workings
AVX12 5,200 7,000 – 200 × (6/12) × 18
PUH78 4,200 6,000 – 150 × (8/12) × 18
YTF65 3,650 5,000 – 100 × (9/12) × 18
0.5 mark each item, maximum 1.5
Assuming fixed production overheads of £81,300 were incurred during September and that
there was a total of £4,950 of fixed production overheads included in the absorption costing
value of opening inventory, complete the table below which calculates Geartop's profit for
September under marginal costing and absorption costing.
Marginal Absorption Do not score
costing Workings costing Workings items marked
£ £ *
Sales revenue
AVX12 144,000 45 × 3,200 144,000* 1 mark
PUH78 159,000 60 × 2,650 159,000* 1 mark
YTF65 133,000 70 × 1,900 133,000* 1 mark
Total sales revenue 436,000* 436,000*
Total marginal cost (226,750) 313,000 – 81,300 –
of sales 4,950 ie, remove
fixed overheads
from absorption
cost of sales
Total absorption (313,000) 3,200 × 35 3 marks for
cost of sales + 2,650 × MC, 2 marks
40 + 1,900 for AC, max 5
× 50 marks (allow –
ve values for
these figs)
Fixed production (81,300) n/a
Gross profit 127,950 Marginal higher 123,000 1 mark each,
by the 4,950 fixed max 2 marks
overhead in
opening inventory

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 289

Assuming the same actual production data and costs in October as for September, the gross
profit in October was:
C Exactly the same under absorption and marginal costing
No opening or closing inventory in October
Correct answer scores 2.5 marks

8 Borehole Ltd
Calculate the total value of the cost of sales for each pump for May using marginal costing:
£ Workings
High load 46,350 (250 – 25) × (150 + 36 + 20)
Standard load 66,230 (400 – 30) × (125 + 36 + 18)
Low load 71,540 (500 – 10) × (100 + 30 + 16)
1 mark each item, maximum 3 marks
Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate as a percentage of the labour cost for May:
% of labour cost Workings
Fixed overhead absorption 57 (or 58) 22,000/(250 × 36 + 400 × 36 + 500 × 30)
3 marks (give 1 mark for
an answer of 0.57 or 0.58)
Calculate the total value of the closing inventory for each pump type for June using marginal
£ Workings
High load 4,168 4,600 – 20 × (36/10) × 6
Standard load 5,352 6,000 – 30 × (36/10) × 6
Low load 710 800 – 5 × (30/10) × 6
0.5 mark each item, maximum 1.5 marks
Assuming there was a total of £1,170 of fixed production overheads included in the absorption
costing value of opening inventory, complete the table below which calculates Borehole's
profit for July under both marginal costing and absorption costing.
Marginal Workings Absorption Workings Do not
costing costing score items
£ £ marked *
Sales revenue
High load 86,400 270 × 320 86,400* 1 mark
Standard load 98,900 230 × 430 98,900* 1 mark
Low load 117,975 195 × 605 117,975* 1 mark
Total sales 303,275* 303,275*
Total marginal (224,230) 256,400 –
cost of sales 31,000 –
1,170 ie,
cost of sales

290 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Marginal Workings Absorption Workings Do not
costing costing score items
£ £ marked *
Total absorption (256,400) 320 × 230 3 marks for
cost of sales + 430 × MC, 2 marks
200 + 605 for AC, max
× 160 5 marks
(allow –ve
values for
these figs)
Fixed production (31,000) n/a
Gross profit 48,045 Marginal 46,875 1 mark
higher by each, max 2
the 1,170 marks
in opening

Borehole's profit in August was:

B Higher under absorption costing
No opening but closing inventory in August
Correct answer scores 2.5 marks

9 Hector plc
Allocate and apportion the overheads to the four departments:
Service 1 Service 2 Canteen Administration Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Rent and 150,000 200,000 75,000 75,000 0.5 each 3,000:4,000:
business rates (2 marks total) 1,500:1,500
Fixtures 240,000 160,000 100,000 200,000 0.5 each 120:80:50:
depreciation (2 marks total) 100
Electricity, gas 52,500 70,000 26,250 26,250 0.5 each 3,000:4,000:
and water (2 marks total) 1,500:1,500
Supervisors' 300,000 225,000 37,500 187,500 0.5 each 40:30:5:25
salaries (2 marks total)
Canteen costs 0 0 50,000 0 2 (for Direct
50,000) allocation net
and all three of takings
others either 0 (60,000 –
or – 10,000)

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 291

Reapportion the Canteen and Administration overheads to Service 1 and Service 2:
Service 1 Service 2 Canteen Administration Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Total overhead 740,000 650,000 280,000 500,000
First 266,667 (or 200,000 33,333 (or –500,000 2.5 marks for Start with
reapportionment 266,666) 33,334) –500,000 largest costs
0.5 marks using
each for other employees
3 positive figs 40:30:5
(4 marks total)
Revised total 1,006,667 (or 850,000 313,333 0 Only score 1
overheads (enter 1,006,666) (or for a zero in
figures in all 4 313,334) Admin
boxes) column
Second 179,047 (or 134,286 (or –313,333 0 0.5 marks for Employees
reapportionment 179,048) 134,285) (or correct 40:30
313,334) answer in
each of
Service 1 and
Service 2
(max 1 in
Revised total 1,185,714 (or 984,286 (or 0 0 Only score 0.5
overheads (enter 1,185,715 or 984,285) + 0.5 for a
figures in all 4 1,185,713) zero in
boxes) canteen and
columns (max
1 in total)

Calculate the budgeted overhead absorption rate as a percentage of labour cost in Service 2:
33% (or 34%) 1 mark 980/2,940 × 100
Calculate the under or over absorption of overheads in Service 1:
£82,560 1 mark for £82,560 (5,344 – 5,000) ×
Over absorption 1 mark for over 1,200,000/5,000

292 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

10 Oakbeam Ltd
Allocate and apportion the overheads to the four departments:
Cabinets Worktops Warehousing Administration Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Rent and rates 8,800 7,200 40,000 4,000 0.5 each £60,000
(2 marks allocated
in total) 2,200:1,800:

Machinery 24,000 18,000 18,000 0 0.5 each £60,000

depreciation (2 marks allocated
in total) 400:300:300:0

Building utility 13,200 10,800 60,000 6,000 0.5 each £90,000

costs (2 marks allocated
in total) 2,200:1,800:

Managers' 31,200 16,800 24,000 48,000 0.5 each £120,000

salaries (2 marks allocated
in total) 65:35:50:100

Warehousing 0 0 175,000 0 1 Direct

department costs allocation

Administration 0 0 0 50,000 1 Direct

department costs allocation
Reapportion the Warehousing and Administration department overheads to the Cabinets and
Worktops departments:
Cabinets Worktops Warehousing Administration Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Total overhead 170,000 70,000 300,000 80,000
Administration 37,333 16,000 26,667 (or –80,000 1.5 marks £80,000
reapportionment (or 26,666) for –80,000 allocated
37,334) (and 0.5 70:30:50
marks for ignoring
80,000) Admin
0.5 marks itself
each for
other 3
figs (3 total)
Revised total 207,333 86,000 326,667 (or 0 Only score
overheads (enter (or 326,666) 1 for a zero
figures in all 4 207,334) in Admin
boxes) column
Warehousing 186,667 140,000 –326,667 (or 0 1 mark for £326,667
reapportionment (or (or 326,666) each allocated:
186,666) 140,001 correct 400:300
or answer
139,999) (max 2 in

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 293

Cabinets Worktops Warehousing Administration Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Revised total 394,000 226,000 0 0 Only score
overheads (enter (or (or 0.5 + 0.5
figures in all 4 393,999 226,001 for a zero in
boxes) or or Warehousi
394,001) 225,999) ng and

Calculate the budgeted overhead absorption rate as a percentage of labour cost in the
Cabinets department:
533% 1 mark 400,000/(75,000)
(0.5 mark for 5.33 or 534 or 5.34)
Calculate the under or over absorption of overheads in the Worktops department:
–8,175 1 mark for –8,175 (allow 8,175) (33,365 – 35,000)  5
Under absorption 1 mark for under

11 Jitinder plc
Calculate the profit or loss for February using both absorption costing and marginal costing:
Enter costs as negative values.
Absorption Marginal Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Sales 132,000 132,000 1, 0.5 (max 1.5) 440 × 300
Variable 46,200 46,200 0.5, 0.5 allow 420 × (4 × 15 +
production –ves (max 1) 2.5 × 16 + 10)
Fixed 16,800 0 1.5 allow –ve, 420 ×
production 0.5 for 0 or 192,000/4,800
costs dash (max 2)
Opening 8,250 6,050 0.5, 0.5 allow 55 × (4 × 15 +
inventory –ves (max 1) 2.5 × 16 + 10 +
192,000/ 4,800)
and 55 × (4 × 15
+ 2.5 × 16 + 10)
Closing (5,250) (3,850) 1, 1 allow +ves 35 × (4 × 15 +
inventory (max 2) 2.5 × 16 + 10 +
192,000/ 4,800)
and (35 × 4 × 15
+ 2.5 × 16 + 10)
Production (66,000) (48,400) 0.5 each Opg + prodn –
cost of sales (max 1) clsg
Under/over 426 0 2 for 426, 1 for 16,374 – 420 ×
absorption –426, 1 for 0 or (192,000/4,800)
dash (max 3)
Variable (3,080) (3,080) 1, 0.5 for –ves 7 × 440
selling, or 0.5, 0.5 for
administration +ves (max 1.5)

294 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Absorption Marginal Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Fixed selling, (10,080) (10,080) 1.5, 0.5 for 27,000/3 × 1.12
administration –ves or 1, 0.5
and for +ves (max
distribution 2)
Fixed 0 (16,374) 0.5 for 0 or
production dash, 1 for –ve
costs and 0.5 for +ve
(max 1.5)
Profit/loss 53,266 54,066 No marks for
totals (Table
max 16.5)
If Jitinder were to switch to using Activity Based Costing (ABC), would the total cost per Salis
be higher or lower than the cost calculated using traditional absorption costing?
Lower 1 mark for lower Traditional underallocates overheads
to low volume products ie, Gromett
Calculate the difference in the price of a Salis from applying either a 25% mark-up or 25% margin.
£7 2.5 marks (0.5 mark for £6) 80 / 0.75 = 106.67
80 × 1.25 = 100

12 Flag Ltd
Calculate Flag's profit or loss for the quarter September to November under both marginal
costing and absorption costing:
Enter costs as negative values.
Absorption Marginal Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Sales 147,525 147,525 1, 0.5 4,215 × 35
(1.5 max)
Variable 46,200 46,200 0.5, 0.5 4,200 × (3.5 + 6.5
production allow –ves + 1)
costs (1 max)
Fixed 16,800 0 1.5 allow 4,200 × 4
production –ve, 0.5 for
costs 0 or dash
absorbed (2 max)
Opening 1,725 1,265 0.5, 0.5 115 × (3.5 + 6.5 +
inventory allow –ves 1 + 4) and 115 ×
(1 max) (3.5 + 6.5 + 1)
Closing (1,500) (1,100) 1, 1 allow 100 × (3.5 + 6.5 +
inventory +ves (2 max) 1 + 4) and 100 ×
(3.5 + 6.5 + 1)
Production cost (63,225) (46,365) 0.5 each for Opening +
of sales –ve (1 max) Production
– Closing
Under/over (800) 0 2 for –740 or (4,200 – 4,400) × 4
absorption 1 for 740,
1 for 0 or
dash (3 max)

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 295

Absorption Marginal Marks Workings
£ £ £ £
Variable sales, (12,645) (12,645) 1, 0.5 where 4,215 × 3
administration –ves or 0.5,
and distribution 0.5 where
costs +ves (1.5
Fixed sales, (12,480) (12,480) 1.5, 0.5 12,000 × 1.04
administration where –ves
and distribution or 1, 0.5
costs where +ves
(2 max)
Fixed 0 (17,600) 0.5 for 0 or 4,400 × 4
production dash, 1 for –
costs ve or 0.5 for
+ve (1.5
Profit/loss 58,375 58,435 (No marks
for totals)
Total 16.5
If there is a high inventory of the Substandard at the end of the first year it is manufactured, but
no inventory at the end of the second year, will the profits calculated under absorption costing
for the second year be higher or lower than those calculated under marginal costing?
Lower 1 mark for Lower There is opening inventory
but no closing inventory so
profits must be reduced by
overhead being released
from inventory
Calculate the % margin for the Substandard using marginal costing and the planned selling
51% 2.5 marks (0.5 mark for 52%) (9 × 1.6 – (9 – 2))/(9 × 1.6)

13 Hexabeast plc
Complete the table below to generate the operating statement for August:
Make one entry (adverse or favourable) for each variance and enter a zero or dash in the other
Enter the net total of adverse and favourable variances as either a positive number (favourable
total) or negative number (adverse total) in the final column.
Operating statement for August
Favourable Adverse Marks Workings
£ £ £
Budgeted 111,600 2 1,200 × (199.50 – 24 – 66 –
contribution 16.50)
Sales volume 8,370 0 1.5 (1,290 – 1,200) × (199.50 – 24
variance – 66 – 16.50)

Sales price 0 12,900 1.5 10 × 1,290

variance allow –ve

296 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Favourable Adverse Marks Workings
£ £ £
Variable cost
Materials price 0 1,161 2 (29,025/((2 – 0.2) × 1,290) – 12)
allow –ve × (2 – 0.2) × 1,290
Materials usage 3,096 0 1.5 0.2 × 1,290 × 12

Labour rate 0 2,376 2 22 × 0.03 × 3,600

allow –ve
Labour efficiency 5,940 0 1.5 (3,600 – 1,290 × 3) × 22
Variable overhead 0 1,800 1.5 (21,600/3,600 – 5.5) × 3,600
rate allow –ve
Variable overhead 1,485 0 1.5 (3,600 – 1,290 × 3) × 5.5
Total variable cost 18,891 18,237 654
Fixed overhead (100,000) 1.5 300,000/3
Fixed overhead 1,235 1.5 98,765 – 100,000
Actual profit 13,489 2 1,290 × 189.50 – 29,025 –
3,600 × 22 × 1.03 – 98,765 –
Alternative workings for variance calculations

Sales volume variance

Budgeted sales volume 1,200 units
Actual sales volume 1,290 units
Sales volume variance in units 90 units (F)
 Standard contribution £(199.50 – 24 – 66 – 16.50)  £93
Sales volume variance 8,370 (F)

Sales price variance

Sales revenue from 1,290 units should have been ( £199.50) 257,355
but was (1,290  £189.50) 244,455
Sales price variance 12,900 (A)

Materials price variance

Kg used = 1,290 units  (2 kg – 0.2 kg) = 2,322 kg
2,322 kg should have cost ( £12) 27,864
but did cost 29,025
Material price variance 1,161 (A)

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 297

Materials usage variance
1,290 units should have used ( 2 kg) 2,580 kg
but did use ( 1.8 kg) 2,322 kg
Usage variance in kg 258 kg (F)
 Standard price per kilogram  £12
Usage variance in £ £3,096 (F)

Labour rate variance

3,600 hours of work should have cost ( £22) 79,200
but did cost ( £22  1.03) 81,576
Labour rate variance 2,376 (A)

Labour efficiency variance

1,290 units should have taken ( 3 hours) 3,870 hrs
but did take 3,600 hrs
Efficiency variance in hours 270 hrs (F)
 Standard rate per hour × £22
Efficiency variance in £ £5,940 (F)

Variable overhead expenditure variance

3,600 hours of variable overhead should cost ( £5.50) 19,800
but did cost 21,600
Variable overhead expenditure variance 1,800 (A)

Variable overhead efficiency variance

1,290 units should take ( 3 hrs) 3,870 hrs
but did take 3,600 hrs
Variable overhead efficiency variance in hours 270 hrs (F)
 Standard rate per hour  £5.50
Variable overhead efficiency variance in £ £1,485 (F)

Fixed overhead expenditure variance

Budgeted fixed overhead (£300,000/3) 100,000
Actual fixed overhead 98,765
Fixed overhead expenditure variance 1,235 (F)

14 Yarn & Co
Complete the operating statement table below for the month of November:
Make one entry (adverse or favourable) for each variance and enter a zero or dash in the other
Enter the net total of adverse and favourable variances as either a positive number (favourable
total) or negative number (adverse total) in the final column.
Favourable Adverse Marks Workings
£ £ £
Budgeted 30,000 1.5 1,200 × (105 – 40 – 24 –
contribution 16)

Sales volume 3,000 – 1.5 (1.1 × 1,200 – 1,200) ×

variance (105 – 40 – 24 – 16)

Sales price – 6,600 1.5 allow –5 × 1,200 × 1.1

variance –ve

298 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Favourable Adverse Marks Workings
£ £ £
Variable cost
Skilled labour – 3,000 2 allow –ve (2,200 adv – fav eff var
rate below of 800) = –3,000

Skilled labour 800 – 2 allow –ve (1,200 × 1.1 × 4 – 5,200)

efficiency × 10

Materials price – 3,280 2 allow –ve (2,200 adv – fav usage var
below of 1,080) = –3,280

Materials usage 1,080 – 2 (1,200 × 1.1 × 4 – 5,100) ×


Variable – 2,600 2 allow –ve (23,400/5,200 – 4)

overhead rate × 5,200

Variable 320 – 1.5 (5,200 – 1,200 × 1.1 × 4) ×

overhead 4

Total variances 5,200 15,480 –10,280

Budgeted fixed –6,000 1 allow 72,000/12

overheads +ve

Fixed overhead 500 1 allow –ve 5,500 – 6,000


Actual profit 14,220 2 1,200 × 1.1 × (105 – 5) –

(1,200 × 1.1 × 40 + 2,200)
–(1,200 × 1.1 × 24 +
2,200) – 5,500 – 23,400
Alternative workings for variance calculations
Sales volume variance
Budgeted sales volume 1,200 units
Actual sales volume (1,200  1.1) 1,320 units
Sales volume variance in units 120 units (F)
 Standard contribution £(105 – 40 – 24 – 16)  £25
Sales volume variance 3,000 (F)

Sales price variance

Sales revenue from 1,320 units should have been ( £105) 138,600
but was (1,320  £100) 132,000
Sales price variance 6,600 (A)

Labour variances
The information in the question allows us to calculate the labour efficiency variance:
Labour efficiency variance
1,320 units should have taken ( 4 hours) 5,280 hrs
but did take 5,200 hrs
Efficiency variance in hours 80 hrs (F)
 Standard rate per hour × £10
Efficiency variance in £ £800 (F)

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 299

We are given the total variance in the question and now we know the efficiency variance. We can
calculate the rate variance because efficiency + rate = total variance.
Total variance = £800 (F) + price = £2,200 (A)
Rate variance = £2,200 (A) + £800 = £3,000 (A)
Material variances
The information in the question allows us to calculate the materials usage variance:
Materials usage variance
1,320 units should have used ( 4 m) 5,280 m
but did use 5,100 m
Usage variance in m 180 m (F)
 Standard price per m  £6
Usage variance in £ £1,080 (F)

We are given the total variance in the question and now we know the usage variance. We can
calculate the price variance because usage + price = total variance.
Total variance = £1,080 (F) + price = £2,200 (A)
Price variance = £2,200 (A) + £1,080 = £3,280 (A)
Variable overhead expenditure variance
5,200 hours of variable overhead should cost ( £4.00) 20,800
but did cost 23,400
Variable overhead expenditure variance 2,600 (A)

Variable overhead efficiency variance

1,320 units should take ( 4 hrs) 5,280 hrs
but did take 5,200 hrs
Variable overhead efficiency variance in hours 80 hrs (F)
 Standard rate per hour  £4.00
Variable overhead efficiency variance in £ £320 (F)

Fixed overhead expenditure variance

Budgeted fixed overhead (£72,000 / 12) 6,000
Actual fixed overhead 5,500
Fixed overhead expenditure variance 500 (F)

15 Johnson & Redmond plc

Calculate the budgeted prime cost per Large carton for 20X1:
£20 2 marks 2×8+2×2
Calculate the actual absorption cost per unit of output for Medium cartons in 20X1:
£37 3 marks 8 × 2 + 2 × 1.5 + 4 × 2 + ((336,000 – 216,000)/2/12,000) × 2
Calculate the selling price of Large cartons in 20X1:
£55 2 marks 44 × 1.25
Calculate the fixed overhead absorption rate per labour hour for Large cartons in 20X2:
£25 (or £26) 3 marks 1.05 × (216,000)/(10,000 × 0.9)

300 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Calculate the budgeted absorption cost per Medium carton for 20X3:
£52 (or £53) 3 marks 2 × 8 × 0.9 + 1.5 × 2 × 0.95 + 4 × 2 × 0.9 + 28
Using the 20X3 data for Small cartons and the target margin, calculate the selling price for
£47 (or £48) 2 marks 40/0.85
Calculate the decrease in the selling price of a Medium carton that results from switching from
a fixed overhead rate absorption rate based on the specific carton's labour hours to a single
blanket fixed overhead absorption rate based on all three carton sizes:
£1 (or £2) 3 marks ((350,000 × 0.35)/5,000 + 50)/0.85 = 87.65
(350,000/(3 × 5,000) + 50)/0.85 = 86.27
Difference = 1.38
Calculate the total under or over absorption of fixed overheads for all three carton sizes using
the company wide blanket absorption rate in 20X4:
£12,500 under 2 marks: 350,000 – (3 × 5,000) × 22.5 = 12,500
1 for 12,500
1 for under

16 Kaytering plc
Calculate the number of meals (to the nearest whole meal) that would need to be sold to earn
a profit of £4,000 per week.
Number of meals per week 772 3 marks
Number of meals sold per week = £42,000/£60 = 700
Variable cost per meal = (£23,100 + £4,200 + (£5,100 – £3,000))/700
= £42.00
Contribution per meal = £60.00 – £42.00 = £18.00
Number of meal sales to reach target profit = Fixed costs + target profit/Contribution per unit
= (£6,900 + £3,000 + £4,000)/£18.00
= 772 (to the nearest whole meal)
Calculate the additional profit or loss that the restaurant would earn per week from introducing
take-away meals.
Additional profit/(loss) per week (1,050) 2 marks
1,080  (18.0 – 10.5) – 9,150 = (1,050) loss
If the three additional items are allowed for in the appraisal of the take-away meals proposal,
then they would result in an
additional profit 0.5 mark
of (to the nearest £)
£ 1,878 or 1,877 per week 1.5 marks
(0.125  23,100) – (1,080  0.75) – 200
= 1,877.50

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 301

Calculate the maximum contribution that can be earned per week in December.
£30,790 3 marks

Restaurant meal Take away meal

Contribution per unit £20 £8.50
Labour time per unit (mins) 18 7
Contribution per limiting factor 1.11 1.21
Ranking 2 1
Take away meal: 1,100 take away meals  7 mins = 7,700 mins
Leaving (450  60 mins) – 7,700 mins = 19,300 mins available for restaurant meals.
19,300 mins/18 mins = 1,072 restaurant meals.
Total contribution = (1,072  £20) + (1,100  £8.50) = £30,790
Calculate the payback period (to the nearest whole year) for the metal press.
3 years 2 marks
Annual depn is (750 – 150)/5 = 120
Cash flow is
Yr 1: 50 +120 = 170
Yr 2: 95 +120 = 215
Yr 3: 160 +120 = 280
Yr 4: 165 +120 = 285
Yr 5: 55 +120 +150 = 325
After 3 years cum CF is –85 (–750 + 170 + 215 + 280)
so 3 yrs and (85/285)  12 = 4 months
Calculate the net terminal value at the end of year 3 for the arc welder (to the nearest £1,000)
using an 8% cost of capital.
£68,000 2 marks
–60,000  1.08 = –75,583

35,000  1.08 = 40,824


32,000  1.08 = 34,560

total is £67,801
Calculate the net present value of the gloss painter (to the nearest £100) using a 15% cost of
(£3,500) 2 marks

Year DF @ 15% Cash flow

0 (130,000) 1 (130,000)
1–6 30,000 3.784 113,520
6 30,000 0.432 12,960
Calculate the accounting rate of return (to the nearest whole per cent) of the mixing machine
using the average investment.
18% 2 marks
Average profit is (4  63,000 – 170,000 depn)/4 = 20,500
Avge inv = (200,000 + 30,000)/2 = 115,000
ARR = 20,500/115,000 = 17.8%

302 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Interpolate the internal rate of return of the rapid baker using costs of capital of 10% and 15%
(to the nearest whole percent).
11 or 12% 2 marks
NPV at 10% is
–230,000 + (55,000  4.355) = 9,525
NPV at 15% is
–230,000 + (55,000  3.784) = –21,880
IRR is 10% + (9,525/(9,525 + 21,880))(15% – 10%) = 11.5%

17 DeeSplay Ltd
Prepare the cash budget for each of the three months ending 31 December.
You should make an entry in every box in the cash budget. Enter a zero or dash where
applicable. Do not leave any boxes blank.
October November December
£ £ £
Receipts workings marks
Cash sales 5,400 4,200 3,600 W1 0.5 each, 1.5 total
Credit sales 18,228 21,168 16,464 W2 Oct =2 marks
each, 3 total
Sale of obsolete 0 250 0 1 mark
Revaluation of 0 0 0 0.5 mark all zeros
Scrap value of 0 0 0 0.5 mark all zeros
Scrap value of 0 0 0 0.5 mark all zeros
delivery vehicle
Last year’s taxable 0 0 0 0.5 mark all zeros
General provision 0 0 0 0.5 mark all zeros
for bad debts
Payment to 7,200 5,600 4,800 W3 0.5 mark each, 1.5
suppliers total, allow –ves
Loss on sale of 0 0 0 0.5 mark all zeros
obsolete materials
Labour 3,500 3,000 5,000 W4 0.5 each, 1.5 total,
allow –ves
Variable production 3,600 2,800 2,400 W5 0.5 each, 1.5 total,
overheads allow –ves
Variable selling 2,400 2,700 2,100 W6 0.5 each, 1.5 total,
expenses allow –ves
Fixed expenses 800 800 1,300 Excl 0.5 each, 1.5 total,
depn, lag allow –ves
1 month
Delivery vehicle 25,000 0 0 0.5 mark, allow
purchase –ves
Machinery purchase 0 5,000 5,000 1 mark, allow –ves
Delivery vehicle plus 0 0 0 0.5 mark all zeros
machinery total

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 303

Tax paid 595 0 0 0.17  1 mark, allow –ves
Overdraft interest 0 125 130 0.5 mark, allow
Net surplus/(deficit) (19,467) 5,593 (666)
Opening balance 5,000 (14,467) (8,874)
Closing balance (14,467) (8,874) (9,540) 0.5 mark for
(1) Cash sales
Oct 900  20%  £30 = 5,400
Nov 700  20%  £30 = 4,200
Dec 600  20%  £30 = 3,600
(2) Credit sales
Sep sales rec’d Oct (800  80%) – 20  £30  98% = 18,228
Oct sales rec’d Nov 900  80%  £30  98% = 21,168
Nov sales rec’d Dec 700  80%  £30  98% = 16,464
(3) Payments to suppliers
Materials are purchased two months before sale and are paid for two months later (ie, in the
month of sale)
Oct 900  £8 = 7,200
Nov 700  £8 = 5,600
Dec 600  £8 = 4,800

(4) Payments for labour

Production takes place a month before sale and labour is paid for in the month incurred
Nov sales produced in Oct 700  £5 = 3,500
Dec sales produced in Nov 600  £5 = 3,000
Jan sales produced in Dec 1,000  £5 = 5,000

(5) Payments for variable production overhead

Variable production overheads are paid in the month following that in which they are
incurred. As production takes place a month before sale, the variable production overheads
are paid in the month of sale.
Oct 900  £4 = 3,600
Nov 700  £4 = 2,800
Dec 600  £4 = 2,400

(6) Payments for variable selling expenses

Variable selling expenses are paid in the month following that in which they are incurred (ie,
the month after sale)
Oct 800  £3 = 2,400
Nov 900  £3 = 2,700
Dec 700  £3 = 2,100

304 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

18 Baybee plc
Calculate the budgeted total sales revenue for February.
£620,250 1 mark 220  800 + 310  1,195 + 45  1,640
Calculate the budgeted production for February of the Basic and the Deluxe.
Basic Deluxe
Production (units) 230 37 0.5 mark each
Production units = sales units + closing inventory units – opening inventory units
Basic production = 220 + 60 – 50 = 230
Deluxe production = 45 + 16 – 24 = 37
Calculate the budgeted total direct cost of the 310 units of the Standard to be produced in
Budgeted total direct cost for the Standard £153,698 2 marks

Materials £8  17 metres  310 units = 42,160
Labour 75%  310 units  14 hours  £22 = 71,610
Labour overtime 25%  310 units  14 hours  £22  1.4 = 33,418
Variable overheads 6,510
Total 153,698
If the budgeted fixed overhead absorption rate per labour hour for the Standard is £23,
calculate the budgeted total fixed overheads for the Standard for February.
Budgeted total fixed £99,820 0.5 mark 310  14  23
overheads for the
Standard for February
Using the high low method, calculate the budgeted total fixed overheads and variable
overheads per unit for the Deluxe.
Total fixed overheads £15,000 1.5 marks 16,680 – 70  24
Variable overheads £24 1.5 marks (16,680 – 16,200)/(70 – 50)
per unit
Prepare the following cash budget extracts for the period May to July.
You should make an entry in every box in the cash budget. Enter a zero or dash where
applicable. Do not leave any boxes blank. All figures should be entered to the nearest £.
May June July
£ £ £ marks
Receipts from 172,375 184,687 or 184,688 197,000 0.5 mark
cash sales (W1) each
Receipts from 498,750 498,750 525,000 1.5 marks
credit sales (W2) each first 2
and 2 marks
for Jul
Payments for the 42,650 43,982 46,648 Allow –ves
Standard 1 mark each
purchases (W3)
Payments for the 100,100 104,720 112,420 Allow –ves
Standard labour 1 mark each
costs (W4)

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 305

(1) Cash sales are 25% of total sales
March April May June July
£ £ £ £ £
Sales revenue 700,000 700,000 700,000 750,000 800,000
Cash sales (25%) 175,000 175,000 175,000 187,500 200,000
 98.5% 172,375 172,375 172,375 184,688 197,000
Credit sales (75%) 525,000 525,000 525,000 562,500 600,000
(2) Credit sales: 70% pay one month after sale
April credit sales £525,000  70% = £367,500 Received in May
May credit sales £525,000  70% = £367,500 Received in June
June credit sales £562,500  70% = £393,750 Received in July
Credit sales: 25% pay two months after sale
March credit sales £525,000  25% = £131,250 Received in May
April credit sales £525,000  25% = £131,250 Received in June
May credit sales £525,000  25% = £131,250 Received in July
(3) Standard materials purchases: purchased two months before sale and paid for two months
later – ie, paid in month of sale
May June July
Sales units 320 330 350
Purchases ( £8  17m) £43,520 £44,880 £47,600
Payment ( 98%) £42,650 £43,982 £46,648
(4) Labour: 50% paid in production month (ie, month before sale) and 50% paid for in month of
May June July
Sales units 320 330 350
Labour (£22  14 hours  50%) £49,280 £50,820 £53,900
Production units 330 350 380
Labour (£22  14 hours  50%) £50,820 £53,900 £58,520
Total labour £100,100 £104,720 £112,420

19 McCarthy plc
Calculate the breakeven number of units (to the nearest whole unit) for March.
Breakeven (units) 18,261 3 marks
Total cost for 40,000 units = 40,000  £95 = £3,800,000
Total cost for 60,000 units = 60,000  £88 = £5,280,000
Use high low method to calculate variable cost per unit:
(£5,280,000 – £3,800,000)/(60,000 – 40,000) = £74
Therefore fixed cost = £5,280,000 – (60,000  £74) = £840,000
Breakeven point = Fixed cost/contribution per unit = £840,000/(£120 – £74) = 18,261

306 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Calculate how many fewer units (to the nearest 100) would need to be sold using the new
production method to give the same budgeted profit for April as the existing production
Reduction in the 7,300 3 marks
number of units
[score 1.5 marks for 7,291 or 7,292]
[score 1 mark for 27,700]
Budgeted profit for April = (£150 - £80)  35,000 – £1,400,000 = £1,050,000
Fixed cost will increase to £1,400,000  1.15 = £1,610,000
Variable cost will reduce to £80  90% = £72
Selling price will increase to £150  1.12 = £168
Target profit is the same as April, ie, £1,050,000.
Sales units required = Fixed costs + target profit/contribution per unit
= (£1,610,000 + £1,050,000)/(£168 – £72)
= 27,708 units
Therefore, to make the same profit as April, 35,000 units – 27,708 units = 7,292 fewer units need
to be made. The question states that the number of units should be given to the nearest
hundred so the correct answer is 7,300 units.
Calculate how much the introduction of the special edition version of Product Z will increase
McCarthy’s budgeted profit by in May.
Increase in profit (£) 60,000 2 marks 0.40  £3.0m  0.10 =
Loss on special =
6,000  (110 – 100 –20)
= (60,000)
Calculate the maximum total price that McCarthy should pay for the extra 20,000 kg of raw
Maximum total price 120,000 3 marks
[score 1 mark for 80,000]

Contribution per unit £10 £15 £20
Material per unit 4 kg (£8/£2) 3 kg (£6/£2) 2 kg (£4/£2)
Contribution per limiting factor 2.5 5 10
Ranking 3 2 1
We know from the optimum planned production given in the question that we need 15,000
units of X and 4,000 more units of Y in order to fulfil demand.
Product Y is ranked more highly than product X so we want to use the available 20,000 on
Product Y first.
Product Y: 4,000 units  3 kg = 12,000 kg
Leaving 20,000 kg – 12,000 kg = 8,000 kg available for Product X.
8,000 kg/4 kg = 2,000 units of Product X.
Maximum price = contribution from 4,000 units of Product Y and 2,000 units of Product X less
the cost of the material already included in the contribution figure. To remove the material cost
from the contribution we need to add it back.
Maximum price = (4,000  £15) + (2,000  £10) + (20,000  £2) = £120,000

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 307

Calculate (to the nearest whole year) the payback period for machine L7.
Payback (years) 3 1.5 marks –800 + 280 + 280 = –240
240/280 = 0.86
2.86 years
Calculate (to the nearest whole %) the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of machine L7,
interpolating at discount rates of 10% and 20% pa.
IRR (%) 18 2.5 marks 10%
–800 + 280  2.487 + 360 
0.683 = 142,240

–800 + 280  2.106 + 360 
0.482 = (36,800)

10 + [142,240/142,240 +
36,800] [20 – 10] = 17.94
Calculate the difference (to the nearest whole % point) between the Accounting Rate of Return
(ARR) based on the initial investment and the ARR based on the average investment for
machine M8.
Difference in ARRs 13 3 marks Avg profit:
(% points) Allow –13 120 + 130 + 140 + 110/4 = 125
125/400 = 31.25
125/680 = 18.38
Diff 12.87
Calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) (to the nearest £1,000) for machine M8 at a discount
rate of 15% pa.
NPV (£) 146,000 2 marks Add 140 depn to each profit to
get CF
+260  0.870
+270  0.756
+280  0.658
+(250 + 120)  0.572 = 146,200

308 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

20 Glasstop Ltd
Prepare the cash budget for each of the three months ending 30 September.
You should make an entry in every box in the cash budget. Enter a zero or dash where
applicable. Do not leave any boxes blank. All figures should be entered to the nearest £.
July August September
£ £ £
Cash sales (W1) 7,200 6,900 10,500 0.5 marks each
Credit sales (W2) 14,400 15,400 16,800 Jul = 1.5 marks,
Aug/Sep 0.5 marks
Scrap value of new 0 0 0 0.5 marks all zeros
Scrap value of new fixtures 0 0 0 0.5 marks all zeros
and fittings
Cash on disposal of old 1,000 0 0 1 mark
Last year's taxable profit 0 0 0 0.5 marks all zeros
Loan 0 0 0 0.5 marks all zeros
General provision for bad 0 0 0 0.5 marks all zeros
General expenses (W3) 3,200 3,500 3,200 0.5 marks each allow
Purchases (W4) 5,250 0 5,500 1 mark each for
Jul/Aug/Sep allow
Premises rent and rates 5,000 5,000 5,000 0.5 marks each allow
Staff costs (£3,000  1.10) 3,300 3,300 3,300 0.5 marks each allow
Tax (£8,200  20%) 0 0 1,640 1 mark allow –ve
Machinery purchase 4,000 4,000 0 1 mark allow –ves
Loss on disposal of old 0 0 0 0.5 marks all zeros
Fixtures and fittings 10,000 0 0 0.5 marks allow –ve
Depreciation on 0 0 0 0.5 marks all zeros
machinery and fixtures
and fittings
Loan interest 60 60 60 1 mark allow –ve
Net surplus/(deficit) (8,210) 6,440 8,600
Opening balance 12,000 3,790 10,230
Closing balance 3,790 10,230 18,830 0.5 marks for 18,830

(1) Cash sales are 30% of total sales
May June July August September
£ £ £ £ £
Sales revenue 21,000 22,000 24,000 23,000 35,000
Cash sales (30%) 6,300 6,600 7,200 6,900 10,500
Credit sales (70%) 14,700 15,400 16,800 16,100 24,500

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 309

(2) Credit sales: pay two months after sale

May credit sales £14,700 – £300 = £14,400 Received in July

June credit sales £15,400 Received in August
July credit sales £16,800 Received in September
(3) General expenses: pay month following the month they were incurred

June general expenses £3,200 Paid in July

July general expenses £3,500 Paid in August
August general expenses £3,200 Paid in September
(4) Purchases: pay two months later or three months later
May June July August September
£ £ £ £ £
Sales revenue 21,000 22,000 24,000 23,000 35,000
Purchase (25%) 5,250 5,500 6,000 5,750 8,750
May purchases £5,250 Paid in July
June purchases £5,500 Paid in September
Note that the general bad debt provision, loss on disposal of old machinery and
depreciation are not cash flows and are therefore excluded.

21 Treeze Ltd
Calculate the breakeven point for the quarter (to the nearest whole unit):
763 units 2 marks (Allow 762)
Admin fixed costs = £6,250 × 60% = £3,750
Total fixed costs = £11,500 + £3,750 = £15,250
Admin variable cost per unit = (£6,250 × 40%)/5,000 = £0.50
Total variable cost per unit = £10 + £4.50 + £0.50 = £15
Contribution per unit = £35 – £15 = £20
Breakeven point = Fixed costs/contribution per unit
= £15,250/£20
= 762.5 units
Calculate the sales price per unit required to achieve a profit of £80,000 in quarter 2.
£33 2 marks
(£18,300 + £80,000)/(SP – £14) = 5,200 units
£98,300/5,200 = SP – £14
SP = £33 per unit
Calculate the total sales revenue required to achieve the target profit in quarter 3 (to the
nearest £100).
£246,700 2 marks
Sales revenue required = (Fixed costs + target profit)/Contribution ratio
(£16,000 + £95,000)/0.45 = £246,666.67

310 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Calculate how many units of Barc and Leaffe should be purchased from the subcontractor in
order to meet demand and minimise total cost.
Barc 500 2 marks
Leaffe 4,000 2 marks

Barc Leaffe
Variable cost of making £15.00 £20.00
Variable cost of buying £17.00 £23.00
Extra variable cost of buying £2.00 £3.00
Labour hours saved by buying 0.25 0.40
Extra variable cost of buying per £8.00 £7.50
hour saved
Priority for making in-house 1 2
Number of units of Barc made in-house = 1,500 hours/0.25 = 6,000 units
Therefore need to purchase 500 Barcs to make demand of 6,500 and need to purchase all 4,000
units of Leaffe to meet demand.
Calculate the payback period (to the nearest whole year) for the machine.
2 years 1 mark

Year Cash flow Cumulative

£ cash flow

0 (250,000) (250,000)
1 110,000 (140,000)
2 130,000 (10,000)
3 110,000 10,000/110,000 = 0.09
Payback = 2.09 years
Calculate the difference (to the nearest whole percentage point) between the accounting rate
of return (ARR) based on the initial investment and the ARR based on the average investment
for the machine.
16 % points 3 marks (also allow –16)
Depreciation per year = (£250,000 – £20,000)/4 = 57,500
Year Cash flow Profit
£ £
1 110,000 52,500
2 130,000 72,500
3 110,000 52,500
4 70,000 12,500
190,000 Average profit per year = £190,000/4 = £47,500
Average investment = (Initial investment + scrap value)/2 = £135,000
ARR based on initial investment = £47,500/£250,000 = 19%
ARR based on average investment = £47,500/£135,000 = 35%
Difference = 35 – 19 = 16

ICAEW 2019 Scenario-based answers 311

Calculate the net present value (to the nearest £10,000) of the machine.
£ 90,000 3 marks (or 2 marks for £80,000 – see below)

factor @
10% and
Year Cash flow 12% PV
£ £
0 (250,000) 1 (250,000)
1 110,000 0.909 99,990
2 130,000 0.826 107,380
3 110,000 0.712 78,320
4 90,000 0.636 57,240
NPV: 92,930

If the scrap value of £20,000 is incorrectly missed off in Year 4, the NPV will be £80,210, ie,
£80,000 to the nearest £10,000.
Calculate the constant annual profit that the alternative machine should generate in order to
be indifferent between the two machines.
£ 51,000 3 marks (or 2 marks for £120,000)
PV of net cash inflows of alternative machine = revised NPV of original machine plus initial outlay
of alternative machine = £67,840 + £274,800 = £342,640
Annuity for four years to obtain a PV of £342,640 = £342,640/2.855 = £120,014 (= cash inflow)
Depreciation per year = £274,800/4 = £68,700
Profit per year = £120,014 – £68,700 = £51,314

312 Management Information: Question Bank ICAEW 2019

Discount rate tables
314 Management Information: Appendix ICAEW 2019
Discount Tables
Interest Number of Present value of Present value of £1
rate years £1 receivable at receivable at the end
p.a. n the end of n years of each of n years
1 1 1 
r 1– 
1+r n r  1+r n 
 
1% 1 0.990 0.990
2 0.980 1.970
3 0.971 2.941
4 0.961 3.902
5 0.951 4.853
6 0.942 5.795
7 0.933 6.728
8 0.923 7.652
9 0.914 8.566
10 0.905 9.471
5% 1 0.952 0.952
2 0.907 1.859
3 0.864 2.723
4 0.823 3.546
5 0.784 4.329
6 0.746 5.076
7 0.711 5.786
8 0.677 6.463
9 0.645 7.108
10 0.614 7.722
10% 1 0.909 0.909
2 0.826 1.736
3 0.751 2.487
4 0.683 3.170
5 0.621 3.791
6 0.564 4.355
7 0.513 4.868
8 0.467 5.335
9 0.424 5.759
10 0.386 6.145
15% 1 0.870 0.870
2 0.756 1.626
3 0.658 2.283
4 0.572 2.855
5 0.497 3.352
6 0.432 3.784
7 0.376 4.160
8 0.327 4.487
9 0.284 4.772
10 0.247 5.019
20% 1 0.833 0.833
2 0.694 1.528
3 0.579 2.106
4 0.482 2.589
5 0.402 2.991
6 0.335 3.326
7 0.279 3.605
8 0.233 3.837
9 0.194 4.031
10 0.162 4.192

ICAEW 2019 Appendix 315

316 Management Information: Appendix ICAEW 2019
Mock Exam
guidance notes
318 Management Information ICAEW 2019
Suggested structure for Mock Exams in 2019
Exam standard
The Mock Exam should be set at the same level represented by the three sample papers on the
ICAEW website.
Exam format
The assessment consists of 33 questions in total. There will be 32 objective-test questions (80%
of the marks) which will be of three types:
 Multiple choice – select 1 from 4 options A, B, C or D (see Chapter 1 Q1)
 Multi-part multiple choice – select 1 from 2 or 3 options, for two or more question parts (see
Chapter 1 Q25)
 Multiple response – select 2 or 3 responses from 4 or more options (see Chapter 2 Q12)
20% of the marks are allocated in one scenario-based question. This will cover a single syllabus
area: either costing and pricing; budgeting and forecasting; performance management; or
management decision making.
The assessment is 1.5 hours long and at least 55 marks are required to pass this assessment.
Exam coverage and balance
A Mock Exam should reflect the weightings in the syllabus specification grid as follows:

Syllabus area Weighting (%) Number of Questions

1 Costing and pricing 25 1 × scenario-based question and

5 Ethics 2 × OTQs
(1 × OTQ should be written style on
syllabus area 1 and 1 × OTQ on ethics,
syllabus area 5)
10 × OTQs
(6 × calculation and 4 × written with 1 ×
OTQ on ethics )
2 Budgeting and forecasting 25 1 × scenario-based question and
2 × OTQs
(1 × OTQ should be written style and 1
× OTQ should be calculation style)
10 × OTQs
(6 × calculation, 4 × written style)

ICAEW 2019 Mock Exam guidance notes 319

Syllabus area Weighting (%) Number of Questions

3 Performance management 25 1 × scenario-based question and

and management information
2 × written style OTQs
10 × OTQs
(6 × calculation and 4 × written)
4 Management decision-making 25 1 × scenario-based question and
2 × written style OTQs
10 × OTQs
(7 × calculation, 3 × written style)
Total 100 33

The following matrix contains three sets of questions, selected from within this Question Bank.
Each one contains an appropriate balance of questions which form an 'Illustrative Paper' for you
to attempt. Note that the question topics listed here are only examples of the nature of
questions which may be included – the actual exam questions may be on different topics.

Question Illustrative Paper 1 Illustrative Paper 2 Illustrative Paper 3

Scenario based Q13 Hexabeast Q1 Sunshine Q17 DeeSplay

1 Ch 1; Q1 Ch 1; Q2 Ch 1; Q4
2 Ch 1; Q6 Ch 1; Q28 Ch 1; Q7
3 Ch 2; Q4 Ch 6; Q25 Ch 2; Q28
4 Ch 2; Q11 Ch 6; Q50 Ch 3; Q13
5 Ch 3; Q30 Ch 6; Q48 Ch 3; Q32
6 Ch 3; Q38 Ch 6; Q13 Ch 3; Q41
7 Ch 5; Q1 Ch 6; Q38 Ch 5; Q5
8 Ch 5; Q4 Ch 6; Q41 Ch 5; Q15
9 Ch 5; Q21 Ch 7; Q3 Ch 5; Q24
10 Ch 1; Q28 Ch 7; Q22 Ch 1; Q29
11 Ch 6; Q24 Ch 7; Q43 Ch 6; Q28
12 Ch 6; Q49 Ch 7; Q17 Ch 6; Q51
13 Ch 6; Q47 Ch 8; Q3 Ch 8; Q1
14 Ch 6; Q12 Ch 8; Q4 Ch 8; Q6
15 Ch 6; Q37 Ch 8; Q24 Ch 8; Q25
16 Ch 6; Q40 Ch 8; Q26 Ch 8; Q27
17 Ch 7; Q2 Ch 8; Q20 Ch 9; Q15
18 Ch 7; Q21 Ch 9; Q4 Ch 9; Q6

320 Management Information ICAEW 2019

Question Illustrative Paper 1 Illustrative Paper 2 Illustrative Paper 3

19 Ch 7; Q36 Ch 9; Q5 Ch 9; Q7
20 Ch 7; Q16 Ch 9; Q11 Ch 9; Q12
21 Ch 8; Q29 Ch 8; Q32 Ch 10; Q5
22 Ch 8; Q30 Ch 8; Q34 Ch 10; Q6
23 Ch 10; Q3 Ch 10; Q7 Ch 10; Q19
24 Ch 10; Q4 Ch 10; Q8 Ch 10; Q22
25 Ch 10; Q17 Ch 10; Q18 Ch 11; Q3
26 Ch 10; Q20 Ch 10; Q21 Ch 11; Q5
27 Ch 11; Q1 Ch 11; Q2 Ch 11; Q18
28 Ch 11; Q4 Ch 11; Q8 Ch 11; Q37
29 Ch 11; Q9 Ch 11; Q15 Ch 11; Q39
30 Ch 11; Q6 Ch 11: Q7 Ch 11; Q14
31 Ch 11; Q26 Ch 11; Q36 Ch 8; Q31
32 Ch 11; Q10 Ch 11; Q12 Ch 8; Q33

ICAEW 2019 Mock Exam guidance notes 321

322 Management Information ICAEW 2019
ICAEW 2019 Notes
Notes ICAEW 2019
ICAEW 2019 Notes
Notes ICAEW 2019
ICAEW 2019 Notes
Notes ICAEW 2019
ICAEW 2019 Notes
Notes ICAEW 2019

Your ratings, comments and suggestions would be appreciated on the following areas of
this Question Bank

Very useful Useful Not useful

Number of questions in each section
Standard of answers
Amount of guidance on exam technique
Quality of marking guides
Excellent Good Adequate Poor
Overall opinion of this
Question Bank

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The Learning Team
Learning and Professional Department
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