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Envizom TM

Advanced Air Monitoring Software For Professionals

About Envizom

EnvizomTM is an air quality monitoring software for real-time

air quality data acquisition, visualization, and analytics. The
Oizom® environmental data interpretation engine fetches
the data from the Oizom® Environmental monitoring
stations. On receiving the data, the engine runs necessary
corrections and compensation algorithms. EnvizomTM uses
secured HTTPS servers for data storage. Alternatively, this
data can also be stored on local servers.

The Dashboard module shows the data in different chart

formats, whereas, in the Overview module, the devices can
be seen geo-mapped to their respective locations. In
addition, EnvizomTM also offers advanced modules like
automated reports, smart alerts, and process automation.

Envizom Features TM

Real-time data Easy to Set Up

EnvizomTM platform offers real-time data A simple two-click setup application for
visualization of all environmental users to access data remotely on any web
parameters. browser.

Smart alerts One click share

1 Set alerts based on predefined thresh- Users can share quick custom reports or
old values and send notifications to the share magic links for login with desired
respective users through SMS, Email users from the application with a single
and push notifications. click.

User friendly interface Data accessibility

Envizom platform is user-friendly and
Access real-time data on the go from any
navigation across modules is internet power device like, a laptop, tablet,
hassle-free and interactive. mobile phone, etc.

Endorse your brand Easy to integrate

Users can customize their Envizom TM Through our REST APIs, data from all the
platform and endorse their brand by Oizom equipment can be integrated into
updating their logo in the application. any third party platform.

Process automation Set clusters

Enable process automation using our Users can create their own clusters by
relay-based module and set thresholds combining data points based on the
to automate the integrated systems. location e.g. residential, industrial, city.
Why Choose Envizom

2 level user management

EnvizomTM air quality monitoring platform has a two-level hierarchy with
Admin users and sub-users. Admin users have all the rights to add, edit
and delete sub-users as per the requirement. Admin users also control
the number of visible devices and modules under each sub-user.

Tech support
Oizom® provides remote and on-field technical support. We also have a
ticketing system to maintain all support-related issues. We retain an SLA
of 24 hours for better understanding and clarity of the issues. The techni-
cal team helps the onsite team to carry out initial troubleshooting of the

Supports third party devices

EnvizomTM can integrate third-party devices using APIs. So, users can
access and analyze environmental data from multiple devices on a
single platform.

Calibration module OIZOM

EnvizomTM provides a device calibration module. This module enables our

partners and users to calibrate Oizom® monitors in the lab and on-site.
Users can also view and access historical calibration data from the plat-

Remote diagnostics
Oizom® architecture is built in a way to carry out remote diagnostics of
the device. The Oizom® tech team carries out regular remote diagnostics

of the devices. Based on various data points, the health of the device is
also regulated.
Envizom Modules TM

Overview Dashboard
Overview module provides you with a bird’s eye Dashboard is a complete visualization module for
view of the Oizom® devices and the real-time air you to analyse the environmental data from the
quality index with data of various parameters. device.

Cluster Analytics
Cluster module lets you group specific devices Analytics module enables you to review
and can display an average of your selected comprehensive analysis of environmental data.
devices’ data.

Automation User Role Management

Automation module can be used to toggle a The User Role Management module provides the
relay-based switch, of an external equipment. option to create multiple user accounts and AQI
selection based on geography.
Reports Alerts And Notifications
Reports module lets you control the automated The Alerts Module provides alerts to the user for
report generation for each device. These are print added specific conditions through sms and
ready reports with interactive charts and analysis. emails.

Integration Device Management

API Integration is used for seamless communica- The Devices module helps you to view and edit
tion with third party tools. API enables interaction your device information. You can see all your
between data, applications, and devices. registered devices on one screen .

Display Mobile App

The Display module is used to create customiz- This terminal portal is also mobile compatible.
able screen displays for all types of screens. Users can open the link in their mobile’s browser.
System Architecture

Remote User
Integrated Command &
Control Centers

3rd Party CEMS

Continuous Emission Monitoring


3rd Party Control Equipments


Mist cannons, HVAC, Dust Collectors,

Ozonizers, etc.

Oizom's Real-time Air

Quality Monitors
Polludrone, Odosense, Dustroid,
3rd Party CAAQMs
Weathercom, AQBot Continous Ambient Air Quality
Monitoring Systems

Privacy First Platform

Data Privacy Data Ownership Data Transparency

The data shared with the client EnvizomTM creates a secured Data collected from Oizom®
uses an encryption server and encrypted password equipment runs through the
through HTTPS Secure Socket combination for the user login. Environment Data Interpreta-
layers. EnvizomTM also uses AES Oizom® ensures 100% privacy of tion Engine. It processes various
encryption for connection that the data and doesn’t share algorithms and eliminates
adds to data safety. without relevant permissions. environmental impact
interferences on the sensors.
Envizom Capabilities TM

Visualization & Analytics

With our web-based air quality monitoring software – EnvizomTM,
the professionals can access and analyze the air quality data
remotely from anywhere. Users can perform multi device and
multi parameter analysis to make the data actionable.

Data Access
Environmental data analytics needs to be made accessible in a
user-friendly way. EnvizomTM generates data insights in various
formats like printable reports and downloadable CSVs. Data
transfer integration to a 3rd party application or external IT
infrastructure is possible through Oizom® APIs.

Data Publishing
Dissemination of environmental data is critical for public
awareness. This can trigger environmental actions among the
mass audience. Using various data publishing mediums,
environmental health advisory can be served at once. The data
publishing is possible through outdoor LED Display Boards, TV
Screens, and integrable web widgets.

Environmental Actions
Oizom is committed to making environmental data more
apprehensible by offering immediate alerts for timely decisions.
Data-driven suggestive actions are provided to the authorities
to mitigate any significant future risk, such as an industrial
accident or natural/man-made hazard.

Data Automation
Threshold based alerts can now be triggered using the
Automation module in Envizom. User defined limits can be
assigned to specific parameters. On breaching such limits, 3rd
party equipment like mist cannons can be switched ON/OFF.
This empowers the stake holders to take timely corrective
actions without any human dependency.

Trusted by Solutions Installed in Total Devices Installed Total Population Covered

60+ Countries 65+ Cities 1000+ 200 million+

Global Presence

Accurate Air Quality Monitoring And Advanced Data Analytics

306, Indraprasth Corporate,

Prahladnagar, Ahmedabad - India
[email protected] / [email protected]
Get in touch +91 88666 60025 / 39

© Oizom Instruments Pvt. Ltd. | PB06-V1.1

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