Cot DLP Q3 PR1

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Department of Education

Division of Cebu Province

BOLJOON district

Ratee: BERNADITH E. MENDOZA Subjects Taught: Practical Research 1 and Research

Rater: ANN DAPHNE F. EUBLERA Rating Period: Quarter 3
Date and time: March 29, 2023; 11:00am-12nooon Class: Grade 11-Antares – Practical Research


DLP No. Learning Area Grade Quarter Duration

Practical Research 1 Level 3rd 1 hour

Learning Competency Illustrate the importance of qualitative

research across fields (CS_RS11-IIIb-2)
Key Concept
1. Objectives
Knowledge Explain how qualitative studies take place in other areas of knowledge
Skills Differentiate hard sciences from soft sciences concerning research studies
Attitude Show respect to other’s choices in life
Values Display positive attitude in receiving correction
2. Content Qualitative Research in Different Areas of Knowledge
 CG
3. Learning Resources
 Textbook: Practical Research1 by Esther L. Baraceros, PhD.
4. Procedures
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
The teacher reviews the difference between qualitative and
quantitative research methods.
After reviewing, the teacher then asks some students in the class
Introductory Activity
what course do they want to take if ever they are given a chance
to go to college?
After their responses, the teacher asks if they know what basic
research approach do their chosen college courses belong to?

Then the teacher discusses about the three basic research


 Activity  Group work: The class is grouped into four and given
 (__15__minutes) the same activity sheets.
They are to arrange the given concepts into two: Soft
science and hard science. After the given time to work
on the activity, the group will choose a reporter to
explain their work.
The teacher asks:
 What made you decide what concept to put under the soft or
the hard science? Reporters from the groups will take turn in
answering the question.

Abstraction  The teacher will ask the class’s input about the general idea
(_10___minutes) of the lesson. She will also supplement the class’s input and
correct wrong inputs.
Application Group Activity
(__15__minutes)  The teacher instructs the class to do Activity 1 on page 38 of
the textbook. Checking follows.

After the class has learned the lesson, the teacher gives an
Assessment: Recall or remember the college course you have
chosen in the beginning of the lesson or think of a subject that
interests you. Write a research topic about it and identify if it is a soft
or a hard science. After identifying, write the importance of
researching that topic in your daily life.

OUTPUT Rubrics for Assessment

Excellent (16-20 points)

Assessment Topic is written clearly, identification is correct, and the importance of
(__15__minutes) researching that topic is well explained.

Average (11-15 points)

Topic is written somewhat clear, identification is correct, and the
importance of researching that topic is explained.

Below average (6-10 points)

Topic is written, identification is correct, and the explanation
importance of researching is vaguely explained.

Needs Improvement (0-5 points)

Only topic is written

Analysis of Learners’ The teacher assesses students’ output based on the given
Products rubrics.
Assignment Ask some people whom you know have already done a research
(2 minutes) work or who are currently doing a research study. Get to know the
title and their research method of their research study including the
importance of such research work in the subject area under which it
belongs. Present the result of your inquiry using the table below:

Research title Research Methods Importance of the

Concluding Activity
(__2__minutes) Let the class reflect on the meaning of the quote:

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a

purpose.” –Zara Neale Hurston

5. Remarks
6. Reflections

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher 2

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