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Strahd Loves, Credits

Man Kills
Writing and Design: Jack Shear
Cover Art: Becky Munich
Interior Art: Mallory Johndrow, JJ Jordan, Janko Ferlič, Haley
Owens, Trollinho, Frank Uyt den Bogaard

Contact: [email protected]

A Ravenloft Fanzine
Issue 2: Fall 2021
My Neck to the Blade
I bid you welcome to the second issue of Strahd Loves, Man Kills.
Dark delights await you in the pages that follow, but first I must
tell you of a dream that continues to trouble me.
While writing this issue, I dreamed of an abattoir. The stone
floor of the slaughterhouse was encrusted with dried gore, but in
places it was still slick with freshly spilled blood. The stench of
spoiled meat was overpowering and foul. Swarms of green flies,
bejeweled and incessant, buzzed through the air and crawled
across every surface. There were no doors to this slaughterhouse,
no entries or exits, just blood-streaked walls unbroken and
unending—the abattoir was an entrapping world unto itself.
Perhaps this abattoir is where all characters in Ravenloft find
themselves eventually. I shudder to think on their ultimate fates
within this barbarous and inescapable slaughterhouse.
Let us wake from this hideous dream and consider the contents
of this issue of Strahd Love, Man Kills:
Lurid Locations explores a Wild West-themed version of
Lurid Locations
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft features many interesting
Nova Vaasa.
locations tailor-made for adventures set in the Land of the Mists,
Baleful Backgrounds presents two new backgrounds for but there is always room for more sinister sites. This installment of
characters: dandy and inquisitor. Lurid Locations presents a re-imagined version of Nova Vaasa.
Seeds of Evil gives advice on using the adventures in The version of Nova Vaasa that I detail here takes the brief
Candlekeep Mysteries in the context of a Ravenloft campaign. description of the domain in Van Richten’s Guide and adds a
Cryptic Alliances revisits and updates seven classic factions substantial bit of inspiration from “the Weird West.” My Nova
and secret societies from Ravenloft’s prior iterations. Vaasa is a land haunted by the corrupting and insidious American
Portraits of the Damned details Donesta Sangino, a dream of Manifest Destiny.
villainous artist who crafts monsters from paint and canvas, and
the Viscount, a drow gunslinger haunted by his violent past. INSPIRATIONS
Tragic Heroes focuses on grim gunslingers you might create
Nova Vaasa was originally presented in Ravenloft’s 2e era as a
as characters for games set in the Domains of Dread.
domain inspired by Russian feudalism and Robert Louis
Forbidden Tomes provides a bibliography of a particular Stevenson’s Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The new
genre of horror for your edification and entertainment. This iteration of Nova Vaasa in Van Richten’s Guide feels more tribal;
installment explores body horror. although a slight connection to Stevenson’s novel remains, the
Darklord of the domain now tells a very different story. My
version of Nova Vaasa was influenced by The Dark Tower,
Deadlands, The Sixth Gun, Deadwood, Hell on Wheels, Jonah
Hex, Malifaux, The Six-Gun Tarot, and Pretty Deadly.
Nova Vaasa Noteworthy Features
Those familiar with Nova Vaasa know the following facts:
Domain of the Accursed Frontier
• The people of Nova Vaasa continually travel west across
Darklord: Myar Hiregaard the frontier in hopes of finding habitable sites that will
Genres: Disaster horror and dark fantasy blossom into towns, ranches, and farmsteads.
Hallmarks: Manifest destiny, bandits, wagon trains, • The land itself seems to reject settlement. Accidents,
homesteaders, miners and prospectors, the Wild West violence, and strange phenomena push the Nova Vaasans
Mist Talismans: Tarnished sheriff’s badge, noose, scrap of to continue their westward march.
bloodstained flag, rusty horseshoe, ace of spades playing card • Nova Vaasa’s temporary forts, encampments, and wagon
trains are sometimes attacked by a bandit called Malken
The people of the Nova Vaasa frontier were once tribal nomads, and her posse of undead riders.
but they were united into a nation called Vaasa by a great warlord • As they move westward, Nova Vaasans encounter
named Myar Hiregaard. She ruled with strict fairness, though her mysteriously abandoned ghost towns and horrific creatures
bellicose nature ultimately made her a poor leader for a populace who hunt in the untamed wilderness.
who desired to set down roots, adopt the ways of settled
civilization, and build enduring communities.
Vaasa was shattered by a civil war known as the War of the Five Nova Vaasan Characters
Stewards. The violence of the conflict, combined with the bloody Characters from Nova Vaasa are often adept at trades that are
lengths Myar pursued to stamp out the hostilities, ruined the valuable to a roving population. Skilled riders, muleskinners,
Vaasans’ attempt to forge a lasting union as a burgeoning nation. blacksmiths, carpenters, navigators, horse breeders, scouts, and
In the aftermath of the hostilities, the towns and villages of Vaasa marksmen are in high demand on the trails being cut across the
lay devastated, and the land itself was incurably poisoned by the frontier. Brewing is also a respected skill, as Nova Vaasans prefer
conflict. No crops would grow in the soil tainted by the blood to quench their thirst with strong beer and whiskey after long
spilled in the War of the Five Stewards. The Vaasans were forced days in the saddle. When players create characters from Nova
to resume their ranging and roaming. Leaving the ruins of Vaasa Vaasa, consider asking them the following questions.
behind, they headed into the western frontier to seek Nova Vaasa,
literally “the New Vaasa,” to rebuild what they had lost. Who did you look to for justice on the frontier? The Nova
Nova Vaasans now find themselves trapped a life of perpetual Vaasan frontier is an often lawless land. Most travelers look to a
westward migration. They dearly want to settle permanently, but leader to keep the ideal of civilized justice alive.
the land allows them no such stability. Rich veins of ore in the hills
and mountains tempt pioneers into establishing mining camps, Did you experience the traumas of war? The people of
but lodes mysteriously vanish. Farmsteads are decimated by Nova Vaasa are still haunted by the fallout of the War of the Five
plagues of locusts. Villages are raided by undead bandits. Stewards. Did you fight in the conflict? Did you lose someone
On the frontier of Nova Vaasa, nothing is permanent and plans important to you in the war? Were you forced to strive against
for the future always comes to ruin in the end. When nascent someone from your own family?
communities inevitably fail or fall to catastrophe, they become
part of the desolated east as the pioneers of Nova Vaasa up stakes Why did you give up on the dream of a settled Nova
and move further into the unexplored west. The frontier promises Vaasa? Few Nova Vaasans abandon the westward march—was
a land of plenty and a chance of establishing permanent there an inciting incident that made you leave Nova Vaasa
settlements, but the Nova Vaasans are chasing a dream that will without fulfilling your hopes and dreams of nationhood?
never be fulfilled.
Settlements and Sites Liara
Nova Vaasa is a domain of endless rolling plains, black hills, Led by a scheming brothel madame named Lara Vistin, Liara is a
canyons and gulches, and sweltering deserts. Due to the curse that community of swindlers who survive by providing services such as
afflicts the land, it has no permanent settlements or persistent gambling, saloons, and prostitution to other travelers on the
sites. Most communities last a few scant years at most, and some frontier. The trajectory of Liara’s wagon train frequently intersects
are forced to move on after only a matter of months. Once the with the paths of other would-be settlers. Liara attaches itself like
settlers flee further west, the remains of their failed attempt to a parasite to drain both coin and resources before moving on to
settle are swallowed by the Mists. Some settlers stick together on the next marks further down the trail.
the long trail west, continually reestablishing their communities
before inevitably having to abandon their current location to try Myar Hiregaard
again in another area of the Nova Vaasan frontier.
A celebrated warrior of the Hiregaard clan, Myar united the
nomadic tribes of the vast plains of Vaasa. However, Myar
Bergovitsa Hiregaard made a poor peacetime leader. When brutal games
Bergovitsa is a community of ruffians who travel westward could no longer hold her interest, she incited hostilities between
through the mountains and hills of Nova Vaasa looking to four of her vassal tribes that resulted in a bloody civil war, then led
establish a profitable mining operation. Though he wields little her own forces to crush the opposing belligerents. The wide-
real authority in Bergovitsa, Soren Rivtoff acts as its impulsive and ranging conflict of the War of the Five Stewards tore the nation
unreliable sheriff. Whenever Bergovitsa reestablishes itself as a apart and caused a supernatural doom to befall the land.
mining camp, it is eventually consumed by bouts of raucous After Myar’s greatest massacre, the Mists enfolded the land and
drunkenness, bitter vendettas, and deadly gunfights. split Myar’s being in two. By day, she leads her people west across
an accursed, ever-expanding frontier, but by night she transforms
Ghost Towns into an undead bandit called Malken who preys upon the settlers
Nova Vaasans sometimes discover eerie ghost towns as they move who follow in her wake across the expanse of Nova Vaasa.
west. These towns are always dilapidated and appear to have been
long abandoned. Searching a ghost town reveals few clues as to the Myar’s Powers and Dominion
identities of its former residents. However, some Nova Vaasans By day, Myar Hiregaard appears to be a hardened woman still
have noticed architectural elements or stray items that remind wearing the uniform she donned during the War of the Five
them of the towns and villages they’ve left behind in the east— Stewards. Her statblock is similar to that of a veteran. By night,
pieces of the lives they’ve forsaken seem to reappear as grim Myar’s becomes a desiccated revenant clad in a moth-eaten
reminders of their fate as rootless, wandering pioneers. duster who sports a black wide-brimmed hat and two matching
pistols that spew hellfire.
Kantora Malken’s Posse. In her guise as Malken, Hiregaard is
Kantora is a traveling tent revival and missionary movement led attended by a group of wights mounted on nightmares.
by the renegade priest Othmar Bolshnik. The preachers of Kantora Malken’s posse is the terror of the frontier, thundering across the
believe that their god, a tyrannical deity called the Lawgiver, has plains to assault any travelers or settlements they encounter.
ordained that a paradise awaits the Nova Vaasans somewhere in Closing the Borders. When Hiregaard closes the borders of
the west. The religious leaders of Kantora favor a fire and Nova Vaasa, brutal winds carrying abrasive grit begin to tear
brimstone style of sermonizing, and they include speaking in across the frontier. Those who attempt to reach the Mists find
tongues and handling poisonous snakes as part of their rites. themselves trying to push through a sea of tumbleweed as the
biting winds render the border always just out of reach.
Myar’s Torment
Myar Hiregaard wants to be viewed as the founder of a great and Baleful Backgrounds
enduring nation, but the Dark Powers and her own aggressive This section of Strahd Loves, Man Kills
impulses conspire to make that impossible. presents two backgrounds for characters
• During the day, Myar Hiregaard acts as a leader of her in games set in the Land of the Mists.
people and a bringer of order. Dandies can be found in any domain
• With the coming of night, Malken is driven to cause chaos possessing the pretense of “high society.”
and wanton destruction. They are a natural fit to the pomp and
circumstance of Dementlieu, but Borca
and Ghastria are also likely candidates
Roleplaying Myar for a dandy’s feckless aestheticism.
Myar Hiregaard is a difficult woman, hard to please and expectant Inquisitors, on the other hand, flourish in
of deference. Malken is an unhinged maniac who delights in any land where religion is a force to be
slaughter and the look of fear in her victims’ eyes. reckoned with. Zealous sects of the
Personality Trait. “I must take pains to keep my savage and Church of Ezra might employ inquisitors to investigate heresy and
unnatural alter ego in check.” suppress rival faiths. You can also import religions from other
Ideal. “Nova Vaasa will emerge as a lasting nation, and I will sources or invent puritanical faiths of your own devise that would
be revered as the mother of that nation.” utilize the services of a militant branch to persecute unbelievers
and apostates.
Bond. “I need to be seen by my people as a leader. I can never
appear weak or indecisive in their eyes.”
Flaw. “I cannot still the hell that’s in these hands.” INSPIRATIONS
The dandy background was mainly inspired by Oscar Wilde’s The
Adventures in Nova Vaasa Picture of Dorian Gray and Joris-Karl Huysmans’s A Rebours,
though a number of similar popinjay characters from books such
Nova Vaasa is ideal for adventures with a Western flavor. Because as Molly Tanzer’s Creatures of Will and Temper and Gail
it is a frontier, it is also well-suited for hexcrawl campaigns. Carriger’s Soulless exerted a pernicious influence as well.
Fanatical inquisitors are ubiquitous in Gothic fiction, though
Nova Vaasa Adventures they tend to be villainous agents whose spirituality masks base
desires—the background poses a challenge to roleplay an
d4 Adventure
inquisitor as a protagonist! For the inspirations behind the
1 A band of greedy mercenaries is besieging an embattled inquisitor background, look to Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Pit and the
mining settlement. Pendulum,” Matthew Lewis’s The Monk, Ann Radcliffe’s The
2 Orphans have been abducted from a wagon train. Their Italian, Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, the film
captors plan to make them fight each other to the death for The Appearance, and Dan Abnett’s Eisenhorn and Ravenor
the amusement of a degenerate audience. series of novels.
3 A caravan of travelers is willing to pay for protection as they
venture toward an expanse of grasslands rumored to be the
hunting grounds of primeval reptilian monsters.
4 A desperado and his bandit compatriots have decided that
the characters are likely to meddle in their affairs. They plan
to preemptively assassinate them.
Dandy Ideals
You are a fop, popinjay, rake, aesthete, or simply a well-dressed d6 Ideal
member of the demimonde noted for their devotion to art, fashion, 1 Classicism. The knowledge and art of past ages must be
and the pursuit of pleasurable sensations. preserved at all costs. (Lawful)
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion 2 Flaneur. There is no greater thrill than to seek adventure
Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set or one type of in the streets of a metropolis. (Any)
musical instrument 3 Egalitarianism. I fight to show the world that nobility of
Languages: One of your choice spirit is not the sole purview of those of noble birth. (Good)
Equipment: A set of fine clothes, a walking stick or parasol, 4 Hedonism. I pursue my own pleasure to the detriment of
outlandish accessories of nebulous value, a lace handkerchief, and those around me. (Evil)
a belt pouch containing 10 gp 5 Self-objectification. I present myself to the world as an
objet d'art. (Neutral)
Feature: Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know 6 Aesthetic Charity. I live to brighten the lives of
commoners by providing entertainment. (Chaotic)
As a flamboyant and stylish dandy, you find it easy to insert
yourself into high society and obtain entry to exclusive events. You
can acquire invitations to gala balls, parties, artistic salons, Bonds
theatrical performances, the opera, and other moments of upper- d6 Bond
class spectacle with ease. 1 I would do anything to protect my paramour.
2 I am trying to pay off the debts I owe to a gambling den.
Alternate Feature: Bunburyism 3 I would rather be famous than righteous or holy.
You have created a second identity that includes documentation, 4 I am the patron of an artistic academy or institute of higher
established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to learning.
assume that persona without arousing suspicion. 5 I wish to show the world that my rival is unfashionable,
uncouth, and coarse.
Personality Traits 6 I have a young ward I am sworn to protect.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I have a witty paradox ready for every occasion. Flaws
2 I adore adding new items to my cabinet of curiosities. d6 Flaw
3 I'm a snob who looks down on those who can't appreciate 1 I am made foolish by beauty.
the finer things in life. 2 I can resist everything but temptation.
4 I wield rudeness like a hammer. 3 The poorly dressed should be mocked mercilessly.
5 I use flattery to ingratiate myself with the upper ranks. 4 I am dogged by salacious gossip, some of which is true.
6 I refuse to be dressed in anything less than the latest stylish 5 I am in the grip of an addiction to an illicit substance.
fashions. 6 My money is frittered away on decadent luxuries and
7 I want to rub the world's nose in its own absurdity. creature comforts.
8 I believe that other people exist to entertain me.
Inquisitor Ideals
Some religions employ sanctioned inquisitors to root out d6 Ideal
corruption and heretical practices. The more zealous 1 Innocence. The innocent must be protected from the
denominations of churches associated with the Lawgiver, the trespasses of the sinful. (Good)
Morninglord, or Ezra empower inquisitors to uncover the enemies 2 Order. Strict adherence to divine law keeps the world free
of their faiths. As an inquisitor, you were justly feared by the from decadence and decay. (Lawful)
faithful and faithless alike; you were authorized to use extreme 3 Zealotry. If the innocent must be sacrificed to punish
methods to carry out your grim vocation. sinners—then so be it. (Evil)
4 Piety. The divine will is above mortal reproach. (Neutral)
Skill Proficiencies: Choose two from the following list: Insight,
Intimidation, Investigation, Religion 5 Misanthropy. Everyone is guilty, everyone deserves the
pyre. (Chaotic)
Languages: Two of your choice
6 Honesty. Deception opens the door to grievous sins. (Any)
Equipment: A holy symbol, a writ of holy sanction, a set of
traveler’s clothes, implements of torture, a pair of manacles, and a
belt pouch containing 10 gp Bonds
d6 Bond
Feature: Spiritual Authority 1 I seek revenge against the heretics who murdered my
As an inquisitor of your religion, you have the authority to arrest family.
criminals in the lands in which your faith holds sway. You are 2 I owe my allegiance to the church in which I was raised.
authorized to pass judgment and even carry out sentencing for 3 My weapon once belonged to my beloved mentor.
crimes related to heresy. If you abuse this power, your superiors 4 My sibling is a monster, and I must hide their misdeeds.
can strip it from you.
5 An obscure chapel is my spiritual home.
Personality Traits 6 I am haunted by the ghost of an innocent I unjustly
d8 Personality Trait
1 I quote scripture to justify my actions. Flaws
2 Everyone should respect my authority. d6 Flaw
3 I see my allies as people selected by my god to fulfill a 1 A violent urge to punish lurks just under the surface of my
higher purpose. controlled demeanor.
4 My heart is hardened against heretics, heathens, and 2 My conscience is troubled by the severe penalties I have
unbelievers. meted out.
5 I feel burdened by my own sins. 3 I crave the deference and love of the faithful.
6 We must submit our personal desires to the divine plan. 4 I seek forgiveness through flagellation and the mortification
7 Vigilance is required because the forces of evil hide behind of my wayward flesh.
the mask of innocence. 5 I have no regard for my own safety.
8 I cannot forget the horrors I have witnessed. 6 I am a hypocrite who is guilty of the sins I punish in others.
Seeds of Evil The First Five Adventures
Once you’ve established the premise, the adventures in
I am a firm believer in using every Candlekeep Mysteries only need a little light revision to work
part of the animal where possible, within the framework of the S.C.D. Below is my advice for running
which means that if I buy an the first five adventures in Candlekeep Mysteries. To play these
adventure or campaign focused on adventures as a campaign, I simply had the characters level up
another setting—such as the whenever it was necessary to tackle the next adventure.
Forgotten Realms, for example—I
immediately start thinking about
how I can adapt it to Ravenloft.
The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces
The premise I used for this adventure is that a visiting scholar had
What follows is my advice for running the scenarios found in
gone missing from a study carrel in Ludendorf University Library.
Candlekeep Mysteries as Ravenloft adventures.
“Doctor” Matreous disappeared into Fistandia’s extradimensional
mansion, and members of the S.C.D. were enlisted to find him
The S.C.D. before word of his disappearance got out and damaged the
university’s reputation.
The adventures in Candlekeep Mysteries aren't necessarily meant There is one bit of this scenario that falls a little flat: when the
to be played one after another; they're more geared toward being characters encounter Matreous in the mansion, he asks them to
dropped in between other adventures, but playing them back-to- continue to explore the extradimensional space on his behalf while
back as a campaign isn’t much of an imposition if you have the he skedaddles back to the real world. The rationale for continuing
right premise. My advice is to establish this framework for the to search the house once he's been found feels pretty thin and is
campaign in advance: the characters are all employees of unlikely to be satisfying to players who aren't content to go along
Ludendorf University Library’s “Special Collections Department.” with it just to further the plot. To fix this issue, I had Matreous run
Each adventure is a mission that the characters are sent on by past the characters and leap through the portal to escape the
their superiors in the S.C.D., as it is more commonly called. extradimensional space, which effectively traps them in the house.
As the library of the most hallowed institution of higher Finding a way out becomes both its own reward and a vital
learning in Lamordia, and indeed perhaps in the whole of the necessity for the characters still inside the mansion.
Land of the Mists, Ludendorf University Library is an
astoundingly well-funded repository of learning and knowledge.
The library possesses books related to any imaginable topic,
Mazfroth’s Mighty Digressions
though some of its archives are highly restricted due to the fell This adventures centers on discovering why books have been
nature of the tomes involved. transforming into monsters and attacking the unaware in the
Although most of the staff of the library work to maintain and library. Overall, the early portions of the adventure feature really
catalog the library’s holdings or assist the scholars of Ludendorf good opportunities for investigation. My players were asking
University with their research, the library employs a number of questions, shadowing suspicious individuals, and staking out a
adventurers tasked with seeking out and obtaining rare books, potential hot spot of cursed tomes in short order. This adventure
scrolls, and other writings under the aegis of its Special Collections gives a lot of options for resolving the conflict nonviolently, which
Department. The agents of the S.C.D. are rarely sent after was completely wasted on my group; once inside the house of the
mundane books; rather, they deal in the occult, the perilous, and culprits, this adventure turned into a bloodbath. My advice is to
the forbidden. lean into that and make the jackalwere cult behind the
supernaturally murderous books even more deserving of death.
Book of the Raven Shemshime’s Bedtime Rhyme
Unfortunately, the pieces of Book of the Raven just don't fit Shemshime's Bedtime Rhyme is an excellent adventure. It's a bit
together into a coherent whole, so it requires some extra work. of a “bottle episode,” with the characters locked inside a
There is an eerie “abandoned” house to explore in this adventure, subterranean library with a cast of interesting nonplayer
which is admittedly very Ravenloft-esque in tone, but the narrative characters who have been “infected” with a supernatural tune that
links between the house’s past, the wereravens currently squatting they must continually hum and sing. Although this adventure is
there, and a trip into the Shadowfell at the end are seriously very light on combat, with one fight at the conclusion that can end
lacking. I altered this scenario by having the titular book brought quickly if the players have pieced together what they need to do,
to the characters by Valor, a nonplayer character who had caught the lead up to it is fantastic. The claustrophobic atmosphere of the
their interest in the previous adventure. Valor turned out to be a adventure and the loss of control experienced by the players work
Knight of the Circle whose cadre of fellow knights had been killed in tandem. Although the adventure revolves around a nursery
by cultists devoted to the demon lord Orcus. rhyme, it all comes off as suitably unnerving.
Unbeknownst to Valor, the wereravens were manipulated by The adventure gives you the option of having the events of the
Orcus’s cult to deliver the book to her in order to draw her into a scenario occur slowly to heighten the feeling of dread or having the
trap at the chalet. (The wereravens were being controlled through events proceed at a breakneck pace so that the players barely have
the figurine of Orcus they have at the house.) Valor asked the time to breath as problems begin to mount. I went with the latter
characters to accompany her to the house, with the library gaining option and it worked well; things moved along briskly, but the
the Book of the Raven to add to their collection as payment. The players were able to suss out the cause of the issue and its solution
trip through the grave at the end is the final confrontation with the in good time.
cult. One cool thing you can do here is make the gargoyle statues Admittedly, I did amp up the tension in ways that the
on the mausoleum look like mini Orcuses! adventure as written wasn't ready to commit to. For example, I
had K’Tulah scale the walls to get to the hatch leading to the
A Deep and Creeping Darkness outside world during her moment of panic—then she fell to her
death as the characters looked on helplessly. Similarly, I had
This is a pretty solid adventure about exploring an abandoned Gailby bludgeon Crinkle to death with the metal book instead of
mining town. In my version of the scenario, the members of the merely knocking him unconscious. My version of this adventure
S.C.D. were sent there by a scholar at Ludendorf University who was likely a bit more metal than its author envisioned.
was currently writing a history of the town and its downfall; they
wanted the characters to return with documents from the town
that could be used as research for their monograph. Ludendorf University Library as group Patron
There are a couple small missteps and missed opportunities in Consider using the rules for patrons in Eberron: Rising from the
this adventure that you can address. The characters have the Last War or Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything to establish
option of stopping at another town for information prior to Ludendorf University Library as a group patron for the
arriving at the abandoned mine, but I found myself wishing that characters. Between the University entry in the Eberron book
more happened there—this is a good place to expand with your and the Academy entry in Tasha’s Cauldron, you’ll have all the
own content. Also, though the early portions of exploration in the tools and options necessary to make the University Library an
mining town work well for creating an atmosphere of dread, I element of the campaign with its own distinct feel and
would add a few more opportunities for explosive encounters; personality. As an additional benefit, the University Library can
things come to a nice climax at the end of the adventure, but the supply members of the S.C.D. with Mist talismans if they need to
earlier sections need a bit more action. Similarly, this adventure travel to other domains on library business.
benefits from additional “set dressing” and detail. Play up the deep
and creeping darkness of the doom that befell the town.
Church of Hala
Cryptic Alliances The Church of Hala is a mystical,
nature-based faith practiced by self-
This installment of Cryptic Alliances revisits several secret proclaimed witches. The Church
societies, factions, and faiths that were present in earlier versions reveres Hala, a Witch Goddess who
of Ravenloft, but did not make it into Van Richten’s Guide. is believed to the last remaining
member of a nine-god pantheon.
Ata-Bestaal Since witchery is generally
associated with the malignancy of
The Ata-Bestaal is a lodge of monster hunters who track and slay hags and the practice of black magic
the unnatural beasts that stalk the Land of the Mists. However, the in the Land of the Mists, the witches
Ata-Bestaal do not pit their lives against monstrosities because of the Church of Hala often find
they are motivated by altruism or a higher calling. Rather, the themselves misunderstood, if not
members of the Ata-Bestaal revel in the hunt itself and the glory of reviled outright. Even so, the witches
primal bloodshed. Each member of the Ata-Bestaal longs to shed of Hala operate a number of small
the trappings of civilization by becoming bestial and untamed by hospices that offer healing to any who seek their aid.
the laws of society. To the hunters of the Ata-Bestaal, embracing a
philosophy of “might makes right” and an outlook that idealizes Lately, the witches of the Church of Hala have taken an interest
nature as “red of tooth and claw” offers a model of vital existence in the land of Tepest. In particular, they plot to overthrow Lorinda
far superior to that of the civilized world’s stifling insistence upon and free the people of Viktal from the bloody burden of the Tithe.
propriety, restraint, and self-control.
Some members of the Ata-Bestaal pursue the goal of Dark Delvers
transcending the burdens of civilized life by engaging lycanthropes The Dark Delvers are a group of spelunkers, cavers, and dungeon
in hand-to-hand combat in hopes of both defeating worthy foes explorers who search deep beneath the earth for a primordial
and acquiring their peculiar curse. Others seek the aid of mad entity known as Hated Mother. The Dark Delvers believe that the
scientists, such as Frantisek Markov and his ilk, who are willing to Hated Mother is the source of the supernatural evil that pervades
transform them into mongrelfolk. One group of Ata-Bestaal the Land of the Mists; their hope is that if the subterranean lair of
hunters have captured an enclave of scientists belonging to the the Hated Mother can be located, she can be killed and the land
Simic Combine who were brought through the Mists from thereby restored to a forgotten state of purity.
Ravnica. The unfortunate Simic biomancers are being forced to
The Dark Delvers maintain fortresses and fastnesses
graft bits and pieces of animal flesh onto the hunters’ bodies to
throughout the mountain ranges of the Land of the Mists. Most of
alter them beyond their mundane origins.
these structures predate the Dark Delvers adopting them as
headquarters—they seemed to be waiting for the Delvers’ arrival,
Ata-Bestaal Characters complete with inexplicable labyrinths winding down into the
abyssal depths beneath them.
Characters who have undergone a transformation into a more
bestial state might be represented by using the shifter race from To keep knowledge of the Hated Mother from spreading among
Eberron: Rising from the Last War, animal-inspired races such the uninitiated, the Dark Delvers have created their own secret
as leonin and minotaurs from Mystic Odysseys of Theros, or the language known as the Mother’s Tongue. The Dark Delvers use
Simic hybrid race from Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica. The this invented language to safeguard their findings from prying
Path of the Beast barbarian is an ideal class choice for a character eyes and to inscribe markers left behind in their underground
who belongs to the Ata-Bestaal lodge. explorations to guide fellow members of their secret society.
The Eternal Order Ildi’Thaan
The mystics of the Eternal Order belong to a cult that venerates a The Ildi’Thaan present themselves as a society of like-minded
patchwork pantheon of deities borrowed from other religions. All individuals who share an interest in unlocking the potential of
of the gods they venerate, such as Vecna, Myrkul, Jergal, Vol, and their minds. In particular, they seek to awaken and sharpen their
Nerull, are associated with death. Members of the Eternal Order psionic powers. As members of the Ildi’Thaan progress toward
believe that undeath represents a transcendence of mortal frailty harnessing their psionic power, they find themselves visited by
and willingly serve powerful undead entities in hopes of learning terrifying nightmares. These dreams are initially surreal and
necromantic rites, such as the rituals of lichdom, that would allow phantasmagorical in tone, but as they become more intense they
them to become undead creatures. impart an underlying urge—each member of the Ildi’Thaan finds
themselves called to the strange land of Bluetspur, where the mind
Fraternity of Shadows flayers promise to reveal untold secrets of the psionic arts in
return for aid in discovering lost tomes of ancient prophecy known
The Fraternity of Shadows is a secret society of wizards who as the Thirteen Texts of Thaan.
operate throughout the Land of the Mists. Contrary to the name of
their organization, the Fraternity admits both men and women
into their ranks, though this was not always the case. Members of Viktra’s Children
the Fraternity of Shadows recognize each other by the silver rings, Viktra Mordenheim tends to either destroy or cast out any
fashioned in the shape of two intertwining asps, worn by those experimental constructs who do not meet her exacting
who have been admitted into the cabal. expectations—a common enough occurrence, since none of her
Although the wizards of the Fraternity seek to master many creations have managed to equal or surpass her beloved Elise.
kinds of magic, they have an especial interest in illusions. Their Although most of her surviving creations wander away into the
study of the illusionist’s art has led them to the realization that the wastes of Lamordia to live as solitary brutes, some eventually
Land of the Mists is itself a construct, an unreal nightmare where awaken to new or forgotten intelligence and become reasoning
fiction has been given a strange half-life in order to torment the beings all too aware that their creator has abandoned them as
Darklords trapped therein. The wizards of the Fraternity of unfit and unworthy.
Shadows hope to learn enough about the land’s true nature to A few of the sentient and intelligent constructs that Viktra has
wrest control of it from the Dark Powers. crafted have banded together into a coterie obsessed with their
creator’s work. Naming themselves Viktra’s Children, these
constructs work in concert to discover the processes of animation
for themselves so that they might reproduce their kind through
scientific means.

Viktra’s Children Characters

Characters who are members of Viktra’s Children can be
represented with either the reborn lineage in Van Richten’s
Guide to Ravenloft or the warforged race in Eberron: Rising
from the Last War. Of course, you could also run a much wilder
campaign about Viktra’s Children by allowing the players to play
as modified golems from the Monster Manual or as other
constructs usually intended to be antagonists.
As she continued to ply the trade of a portraitist, though by now

Portraits of the Damned she had exchanged the charcoal of her youth for vibrant oil paints,
Donesta discovered arcane ways of using her art as a medium for
her magic. When she paints a person known to her, she doesn’t
This feature discloses the awful truth of two nonplayer characters
just capture their likeness—she also captures a bit of their free will
that you can use in your games. In this installment, I detail
and binds it to the portrait. Some have noted that many of the
Donesta Sangino, an artist who uses her paintings to create
incidental figures in her paintings resemble her artistic rivals—the
monsters and ensnare the wills of those who have the misfortune
very artists she has eclipsed seem to be referenced in her works. In
of being immortalized on her canvasses, and the Viscount, a
truth, she has siphoned away the agency of her contemporaries
former enforcer for a crime syndicate who cannot escape his
and paved the way for her own success by bending her patrons and
deadly reputation. It is no exaggeration that Donesta Sangino is
clients to her will.
easily the most hated villain I’ve ever crafted. I’ve used her as an
antagonist in several campaigns and across a number of Donesta Sangino is currently one of the most popular painters
adventures, and she never fails to get under the players’ skins. The in the Land of the Mists. Despite the isolation that afflicts many
Viscount, on the other hand, was meant as a tragic villain, but my domains, she is an uncannily well-known figure throughout
players quickly adopted him as a troubled friend and ally. Ravenloft. She is sought after by nobles, rich merchants, and
powerful members of the clergy. Having one’s portrait painted by
her is guaranteed to be worth the extravagant cost when balanced
Donesta Sangino against the social capital to be gained from being noted as one of
It is often remarked upon that Donesta her patrons. Of course, none know the true price of sitting for
Sangino’s rise to fame in the art world Donesta Sangino’s cruel art.
was meteoric, and indeed she seemed
to appear out of nowhere to become the Donesta Sangino’s Traits
name on every aesthete’s lips, but her
Ideal. “I will rise up in the world by bleeding the wealthy and
origins were actually quite humble.
prestigious dry.”
Donesta was born to a poor, working-
class family in Ghastria. She evidenced Bond. “I only feel secure when surrounded by sycophants or
a talent for art, particularly for those who are under my control.”
portraiture, and she contributed to the Flaw. “A return to poverty would be a fate worse than death. I
family’s meager finances by sketching willingly take great risks to grow my wealth and status.”
passersby in charcoal for a few paltry
copper pieces. Donesta Sangino’s Powers
In her teenage years, Donesta Donesta Sangino has the statblock of an enchanter, though her
Sangino found a patron—a wealthy Charisma is 16 and she is proficient in the Deception and
nobleman who dabbled in the occult. Persuasion skills. She also possesses the Displacement ability of an
Her patron not only supported Donesta monetarily, raising her out illusionist, which recharges whenever she casts a spell of 1st level
of poverty, he also taught her the arts of wizardry as well. This or higher. Donesta can channel her magic into her paintings in the
tutelage would prove to be his undoing; Donesta was a quick following ways:
study, and she soon mastered enough enchantment magic to
Monster Creation. Donesta Sangino can create any monster
mentally enslave her patron. She drained his wealth, used his
by painting it for a number of uninterrupted days equal to the
contacts among the upper crust to establish herself as the artist of
creature’s challenge rating. At the end of the final day, the creature
the moment, and finally abandoned him to a life of abject penury
springs forth from the canvas and obeys her will.
when his money ran out.
Painted Portals. When Donesta paints a landscape, she
creates a mystical conduit through the Mists to that location. As an
The Viscount
action, Donesta can touch a landscape painting of her creation and Elleri Ban’Ethyn, more commonly called the Viscount because of
be instantly teleported to that area. his gallant manners and eloquent mode of speech, is a drow
gunslinger with a fearsome reputation. Originally hailing from
Soul-Stealing Portraits. If a humanoid has had their
Faerûn, Elleri was once an enforcer employed by a crime syndicate
portrait painted by Donesta Sangino, they make saving throws
in Waterdeep. The mastermind at the head of the syndicate used
against her spells with disadvantage as long as the portrait is in
Elleri and his deadly skill with firearms to eliminate her rivals one-
her possession.
by-one, until the survivors were forced to band together to end her
reign of terror. As his boss lay bleeding to death, Elleri tried to flee
Adventures with Donesta Sangino the city by night, but his flight plunged him into the midst of a
Donesta Sangino deftly maneuvers the rich and powerful into her disorienting fog that transported him into the Domains of Dread.
web like a cunning spider. As a renowned artist, Sangino finds Elleri has attempted to atone for his misdeeds by living the
herself in demand—it is considered a mark of power and prestige peaceful life of a wandering gambler in this accursed land, but his
to have your portrait painted by Donesta or to have the essence of reputation always uncannily precedes him in the form of a
your estate or home captured in one of her famed landscape mysterious woman in black who tells tall tales of his matchless aim
paintings. Consider the following plots when featuring Donesta in and his past as a remorseless hired gun. These tales cause many to
an adventure: give the fabled Viscount a wide berth, while others treat him with
• A friend of the characters has had their portrait painted by contempt as they have already judged him to be a cold-blooded
the famed artist Donesta Sangino. They will be horrified to killer. Few look upon the Viscount as a friend.
discover that their ally is now seemingly under Donesta’s The stories told about Elleri also draw unwanted bravos into his
thumb, lavishing her with extravagant gifts and throwing orbit. These fellow gunfighters seek a duel against the Viscount to
ostentatious parties in her honor. test their skill against his under the glare of the sun at high noon.
• Artists on the brink of success are being killed by monsters Thus far, Elleri has emerged the victor from each challenge, but
who bleed oily pigment when wounded. Following the trail the death of every gunfighter he sends to the grave weighs heavily
of death and destruction will lead back to Donesta Sangino, upon his already burdened soul.
who is using her painted monstrosities to murder artists
she considers potential rivals. The Viscount’s Traits
• After a previous run in with Donesta, the characters learn Ideal. “I want to die having made peace with who I was and
that she has painted their portraits from memory. They what I did in Waterdeep.”
have a vested interest in stealing or destroying these
Bond. “I must discover the identity of the woman in black who
portraits before Donesta Sangino can use them to exact
tells tales of my crimes and deadly deeds.”
revenge against the characters.
Flaw. “Although I try to atone for my bloodthirsty ways, I still
• Donesta has decided that one of the player characters is
take pleasure in felling a foe with a well-placed shot.”
her latest muse. She will stop at nothing to kidnap the
source of her inspiration.
• Donesta’s peculiar skills with magical painting could
provide exactly the aid needed for the characters to take
down a greater evil, but what horrific price would the artist
want in trade for her services?
Adventures with The Viscount
The Viscount has the statblock of a drow gunslinger. As long as
Elleri wears his trademark pair of violet spectacles, he does not
Tragic Heroes
suffer from the Sunlight Sensitivity trait. Consider the following This feature gives five brief outlines of
plots when featuring Elleri in an adventure: heroes you might create as characters
• Angry townsfolk believe that Elleri is responsible for the to face the horrors of Ravenloft. Each
murder of a beloved citizen. The characters know him to be Tragic Heroes segment revolves around
innocent of the crime, but will they be able to apprehend a common theme. The theme of this
the guilty party and clear Elleri’s name before he’s forced to installment is grim gunslingers. Some
shoot his way out of a difficult situation? of these concepts might require some
• The Viscount has mistaken the characters for a group of house rules and a permissive Dungeon
assassins sent to take revenge on him over the outcome of a Master. For example, the crusading
previous duel. outrider works best if the Dungeon
Master agrees to let paladins take the
• Elleri has devised a method of creating bullets that archery fighting style and apply their
detonate with the force and effect of a fireball spell, but he smite abilities to ranged attacks.
needs help obtaining the ingredients needed to make his
incendiary dreams a reality.
• Tired of chasing the woman in black, the Viscount needs
Crusading Outrider
aid concocting a scheme that will bring the mysterious The crusading outrider belongs to an order of cavaliers who have
woman after him instead. traded the traditional swords and lances associated with knightly
valor for the modern innovations of black powder firearms. The
crusading outrider is a questing knight, sent from the fortress
The Viscount’s Guns maintained by their order—which may even reside on another
Elleri wields twin repeating pistols of his own creation. His plane—to prove their mettle by fighting otherworldly evil wherever
abilities as a gunsmith rival those of the artificers of Lamordia. If they find it. What bullets alone cannot fell, surely the faith that
the characters help Elleri out of a scrape, he may craft similar empowers their oath will overcome.
weapons for them as a gift. Elleri is capable of making firearms Suggested build: Eladrin Oath of the Watchers paladin
with the following stats:
Name Weight Damage Properties
The gunmage is fascinated by the violent possibilities of
Repeating carbine 8 lbs. 1d12 piercing Ammunition (range combining the latest firearm technology with the powers of arcane
80/240), reload (5 science. The gunmage once served in an army or mercenary
shots), two-handed company that valued their explosive contributions to the
battlefield, but the tragic loss of their comrades caused them to
Repeating pistol 3 lbs. 1d10 piercing Ammunition (range strike out on the path of the adventurer. They now seek new
40/120), reload (6 innovations to incorporate into their bespoke magical firearm and
shots) view the adventuring life as the ideal testing grounds for their
novel and deadly inventions.
Suggested build: Rock gnome Artillerist artificer
Mist Warden
Although most residents of the Land of the Mists do not stray too
far from the domains they call home, some do uproot themselves
Forbidden Tomes
to seek better lives elsewhere. Those who travel from domain to Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft features a fantastic discussion of
domain by entering the Mists risk encountering supernatural different genres of horror. Unfortunately, the one thing it doesn’t
horrors. Enter the mist warden, a trail guide who specializes in include is a list of inspirations you can turn to for each of the
protecting those brave enough to venture into the ethereal wilds to genres it covers. This feature aims to add to Van Richten’s Guide
journey from one domain to another. A trusty firearm and a ready by providing a list of media you might want to read or watch to
hunter’s mark are sometimes all that stands between a caravan of deepen your understanding of those genres. This installment
naive travelers and the monstrosities who wait in the Mists. covers body horror. These selections are not intended to be
comprehensive—these are merely my favorite examples of the
Suggested build: Wood elf Horizon Walker ranger
body horror genre.

Revenant Pistolero Barker, Clive. The Hellbound Heart.

Left for dead on a battlefield, this gunslinger refused the call of the Bennett, Marguerite and Ariela Kristantina. InSEXTS.
grave and now seeks revenge against those who betrayed them Brite, Poppy Z. Exquisite Corpse.
into the hands of the unscrupulous enemy. Their quest for
Collins, Nancy A. Swamp Thing.
vengeance will not end until all of their foes are buried under six
feet of cold earth. Unlike many gunslingers, the revenant pistolero Cronenberg, David. Dead Ringers, The Fly, and Videodrome.
does not rely on a well-kept firearm; rather, they channel their Del Toro, Guillermo. Cronos.
eldritch blasts through the sundered remains of a pistol they once Doyle, Arthur Conan. “The Case of Lady Sannox.”
carried into the fray.
Dunn, Katherine. Geek Love.
Suggested build: Reborn Undying Patron warlock
Fawcett, John. Ginger Snaps.
Franju, Georges. Eyes Without a Face.
Traumatized Sharpshooter Ito, Junji. Uzumaki.
There are many possible reactions to the traumas that come with Levin, Ira. Rosemary’s Baby and The Stepford Wives.
living in the Land of the Mists. Some become loners, some become
Liu, Marjorie and Sana Takeda. Monstress.
victims, but others learn ways of striking back against the terrors
that lurk in the night. The traumatized sharpshooter has suffered Lovecraft, H.P. “The Shadow Over Innsmouth.”
greatly, but the ordeals they faced have pushed them to master the Machado, Carmen Maria. Her Body and Other Parties.
gun as their favored form of self-defense. Their techniques are Peele, Jordan. Get Out and Us.
flashy—their maneuvers are colored by spectacular displays of
Poe, Edgar Allan. “William Wilson,” “Ligeia,” and “Berenice.”
dexterity—but these are the honed abilities of someone who
believes that their skill with a gun is all that ensures their safety Roupenian, Kristen. “Sardines.”
from the nefarious evil that dominates the land. Scott, Ridley. Alien and Aliens.
Suggested build: Human Battle Master fighter Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein.
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
VanderMeer, Jeff. Annihilation.
Wells, H.G. The Island of Doctor Moreau and The Invisible Man.
Wilde, Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray.

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