CRE S.4 NCDC Simplified Guide Notes Sample

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A competency based Curriculum Approach
Book 4

Low Secondary Curriculum
Lucky Jonathan
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Chapter 1:
i) Understanding Peace……………………………………………………………………………….
ii) Organizations and Personalities that Promote peace in Society…………………….
iii) Traditional African Peace building Mechanism…………………………………………..
iv) Biblical Teachings in relation to keeping a Peaceful Society…………………………
v) Activities of integration……………………………………………………………………………..

Chapter 2:
i) Understanding the Concept of Justice to Promote Human integrity and
fairness in Society……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) The Value of a Just Society………………………………………………………………………
iii) Traditional African Understanding of Justice………………………………………………
iv) Christian Teachings about Justice………………………………………………………………
v) Activities of integration…………………………………………………………………………….

Chapter 3:
i) Understanding the causes of conflicts in society………………………………………….
ii) The role of Christianity in Conflict Resolution…………………………………………..
iii) Appreciating the Traditional African Understanding of the Conflict
iv) Appreciating the Bible Teachings on Resolving Conflicts in the Today Daily
v) Activity of integration………………………………………………………………………………


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Topic; PEACE
subtopic 1:1
Definition of Peace?
Peace is a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence.
Or Peace can also mean a state of harmony and being free from any disturbance.
Or Peace is a state or period when there is no war or war has ended.

Causes of Instabilities in Different Units of Society

Much as God has good plans for peace, there are many instances of instabilities in families,
villages, schools, communities and the country.
In the activities that follow, a learner will find out the causes of instabilities in different units of

Causes of instabilities in Families

(activity 1;2 fountain)
Qn. Identify common causes of lack of peace in families
 High levels of unfaithfulness among the family members.
 Increased poverty levels which bring a lot of quarrels and abscondment of duty by
 High levels of indiscipline between the partners and also the children with their parents.
 Lack of proper communication skills among the family members i.e. evidenced when
there are disagreements between the family members.
 Differences in the religions i.e. when the husband and wife are in different religions, it
brings religion wrangles and conflicts hence instabilities.
 Differences in the education levels of the partners in the family can cause instabilities i.e.
one will claim to be more knowledgeable than the other.


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 Differences in the traditions and cultures. This is evidenced by the Bagisu culture where
by women call the uncircumcised men boys hence if they happen to be one, this can lead
to a family instability.
 Differences in interests, preferences and behaviors of the family members also at times
causes family instabilities.
 Lack of love and trust among the family members, this leads to cheating of one another
hence a conflict in the family.
 Lack of prayer and knowing God in the family. This leads to many disorders like
alcoholism with its associated evils, redundancy, immorality etc.
 Political differences among the family members also at times causes divisions in families.
 Forced or early marriages also tends to cause disorders in families.

Qn. Give opinions on how you can create and maintain peace in a family
 Being open to one another i.e. the parents and also the children.
 Being honest and loving one another despite the conditions in the family.
 Attaining guidance and counselling from the councilors whenever there is a problem in
the family.
 Being faithful and humble to one another.
 Having proper communication and coordination amongst the family members.
 Being prayerful whenever there are hardships.
 Practicing team work so as to build the spirit of togetherness.
 Being submissive and obedient especially for the children to their parents and also
women to their men.
 Being exemplary and also having mutual understanding to each other especially the
family heads (fathers).
 Fronting forgiveness as the key to building personality for peace and harmony in
 Taking up decision making together as a family so as to avoid misunderstandings
especially for the fathers and the mothers.
 Respecting each one’s opinions and making proper resolutions to a given problem.

Causes of instabilities in Schools

(Activity 1;3 fountain)
Qn. Identify the causes of instabilities in schools today.
 Lack of transparency between the administration to the staff and students.
 Poor services like diet, teaching etc. causes the students to strike.
 Too much restrictions and corporal punishments on the students at most cases also causes
strikes hence an instability in schools.


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 Misuse of the funds for other activities instead of running the school programs, like
payment of staff, facilitating the learner’s welfare also tends to cause instabilities in
 Too much tribalism at times i.e. by the learners themselves and also administrative wise
causes divisions.
 Differences in religions also tends to fuel up instabilities in schools since each religion
needs to be recognized.
 Discrimination in the age, sex and colour at times causes instabilities. i.e. there is
increased segregation.
 Influence of drug addicts like alcohol, cocaine, etc. addicts due to being insane and
influenced by drugs can cause strikes, damage leading to instabilities in schools.
 High levels of immorality attract children upbringing with wrong, pagan and indecent
values e.g. homosexuality etc. which creates a bad reputation for a school.
 Increased levels of permissiveness of the learners at schools at times makes it difficult to
control them leading to instabilities in schools today.

Qn. What is a strike?
This is a collective refusal by employees or any entity to work under the given required
Effects of strikes to the students and the rest of the staff members in schools.
 There is rampant death of innocent souls. i.e. students and staff members that could be
useful in the nation in the future.
 Damage of valuable property e.g. documents etc. when the institution is set on fire.
 Disruption of academic activities i.e. the normal studies are put on hold.
 This strikes also lead to conflicts between parents and school managements. Parents tend
to blame the management for poor management.
 Create a negative attitude towards the school and school management after one or more
strikes. This leads to loss of trust and drop in the level of a particular school.
 Also have effects on the student’s attitude. i.e. lowers the level of academic performance
and indiscipline since the students take a lot of their time being rebellious instead of
 Strikes also cause positive changes in school in that it exposes the school administrative
 Learners views and demands are also at times considered out of the influence of strikes.
i.e. diets, academical programs etc.
 Leads to detention of students to prison and also expulsion of others for miss conducts
and bad behaviors at school.
 Leads to loss of money and also banning of the school for misconduct and being un able
to provide proper services for the school operative procedures.
 Leads to increased school dropout rates.


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Activity of integration
Qn. Write a speech that can help to reconcile and create peace among the staff and students of
Mutono Secondary School.
Share it with your teacher
Solutions of instabilities in schools
 Promoting moral leadership and education.
 Promoting school authorities to be of good models.
 Provision of adequate facilities for the teaching process.
 Promoting games and sports to keep the learners freshen up so as to avoid idleness.
 Involvement of students in making rules and regulations governing their welfare at times.
This makes the administration to know their demands and needs.
 Reduction of class sizes.
 Valuing re-orientations.
 Promoting effective parents-teacher’s associations/relationship. i.e. calling for AGM.
 Enforcing of the rules and regulations so as to minimize disorders.
 Payment of teachers, also proper coordination between the administration, staff members
and students at school to create an understanding environment.
(Activity 1;4 fountain)

Causes of instabilities in villages, communities and the country

 Differences in religions among the community members.
 Land wrangles and disputes.
 Polygamous living in villages with its associated problems e.g. power struggle,
inheritance struggles also at times causes instabilities.
 Differences in political ideologies of the people also create instabilities in the country,
villages. This include struggle for power and its associated evils.
 Tribalism and selection depending on age, sex etc. at times is considered an instability in
a country and community.
 Increased levels of poverty. This leads to bad associated acts of theft, drug abuse, family
neglects hence causing an instability.
 Conflicts among people in the villages or communities for personal gains like land, cause
 Territorial gains are always evidenced in the country levels.
 Civil wars and strikes among the citizens e.g. for power struggle, bad governance etc. in a
country also tends to cause an instability.
 Revolutionary and defensive wars i.e. this is done against other countries e.g. Uganda and
the LRA rebels in Congo which are causing a lot of terror in western Uganda.


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Effects of instabilities in villages, communities and the country
Villages and communities
 Too much violence is realized.
 Destruction of crops/property in the cause of fights and conflicts.
 Public and private assets are destroyed like animals, houses etc.
 People are maimed or killed at the cause of the conflicts.
 Conflicts often lead to forced migrations i.e. when there are clan conflicts.
 Leads to long term refugee problems i.e. due to the constant wars.
 The revolutionary and civil wars also lead to loss of peoples lives since it involves
exchange of fire arms at times.
 Can also lead to the destruction of infrastructures e.g. roads, flights etc.
 Social, political and economic institutions can be permanently damaged.
What are the solutions to the instabilities in villages, communities and the country.
Villages and the community
 Attaining clan meetings so as to resolve given conflicts.
 Obtaining moral leadership and electing able leaders.
 Taking part in guidance and counselling sessions.
 Having peace talks amongst one another. i.e. between the conflicting parties.
The country
 Developing strong communication channels with other countries.
 Providing conflict resolution training sessions to the citizens. i.e. through sensitization in
the form of patriotism.
 Providing communication skills training to the people.
 Help staff develop positive work relationships.
 Implementing team building and team work activism with other nations or with the
country. i.e. the government and its citizens.
(Activity 1;5 fountain)
Causes of violent relationship among the young people today.
There are many different forms of abuses in relationships and this include;
 Physical abuses
 Emotional/mental/verbal abuses.
 Sexual abuses.
 Financial abuses.
 Social abuses.


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Emotional/ mental/ verbal abuses
This include;
 Using put-downs, insults, name calling, humiliations.
 Threatening to harm or kill in families, friends, a new partner.
 Threatening to commit suicide if a partner left.
 Making threats like “if you leave me, I will spread rumours about you, tell your parents
that we had sex.”
Physical abuses
This include;
 Hitting, grabbing, pushing, shaking, restraining you physically.
 Intimidation (blocking exit doors, hitting things or throwing objects at or near partners)
 Using or threatening to use weapons, stalking etc.
Sexual abuses
This include;
 Ignoring partners sexual choice(s) through pressure, manipulation, coercion e.g. saying
“you would do it if you loved me.”
 Rape. Forced penetration without consent of the opponent. Include use of threats,
intimidations, weapons etc.
 Sexual assault, forced sexual contact.
 Sexual harassments which is unwanted sexual attention.
Financial abuses
This is through;
 Controlling all money, using money to threaten or manipulate others.
 Controlling possessions like cars, phones, clothes, jewelry.
 Excessive gift giving with strings attached e.g. “I gave you this, now you owe me”
 Using gifts to make up for abusive behavior.
 Sabotaging a partner’s work or school career e.g. harassing a partner at work and causing
them to get fired or refusing to give a partner a ride to work or school etc.
Social abuses
This is through;
 Spreading rumors or using blackmail to control a partner’s actions.
 Keeping a partner “in check” by monitoring their cell phones constantly or using friends
to keep tabs on them.


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Qn. State and discuss the causes of violence among the young people today.
 The young people today experience problems of anger management. i.e. most are short
tempered and have rashly discussions hence causing violence.
 Lack of self-control is also experienced among the youth today.
 Too much moral decay i.e. phonography influences etc.
 Peer influence i.e. being led to bad actions by peers.
 Use of strange substances e.g. drug abuse leading to brain damage.
 Emotional torture because of too much stress factors.
 Family burdens that are always carried forward e.g. neglect of responsibility by the main
heads. (father and mother)
 Influence from social media with its associated effects e.g. critics.
 High levels of poverty also at times bring wrangles i.e. when one fails to provide for the
 Poor communication among the young people also tends to bring violence in
relationships today.
As a Christian, how can one avoid violence in a relationship with others.
 Avoiding bad peer groups because such groups spoil character.
 Learning to listen to other people instead of fighting.
 Being at peace with others.
 Seeking guidance and counselling whenever in a strong argument or trouble.
 Having good communication skills with others.
 Being faithful and trust worthy to each other.
 Also taking part in prayers whenever in a given problem.
 Sharing freely with others e.g. ideas, material things so as to create a peaceful living.
 Promoting self-esteem, a sense of belonging and also being human to one another.
 Developing the spirit of problem solving and having social skills amongst relationships
so as to prevent violence.


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Sub topic 1:2
Ways through which people struggle for Peace
(Activity 1;6 fountain)
Qn. Define the term Peace?
Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there is no fighting or war.
Everything coexisting in perfect harmony and freedom is peace.
However, peace can be big and small, seen in entire countries or brief moments. After a war, two
or more countries may sign a peace treaty agreeing to not fight any more.
Qn. Mention any ways people are struggling to make peace.
 Electing leaders democratically.
 Forming and joining peace promoting organizations.
 Fostering agreements between the parties with differences.
 Reporting suspicions to the responsible offices e.g. police for proper investigations.
 Applying peace talks where there are conflicts i.e. on the country levels.
 For the Christians always participate in prayers and fasting that peace prevails.
 Preaching the gospel of forgiveness so as to prevail peace.
 Also advocating and spreading the message of equality. i.e. people in all races are equal
hence avoiding racism which incites violence.
 Forming security unit forces like the army, police etc. who tend to fight against violence
so as to create a peaceful environment to stay.
 Creation of organizations and projects to re-settle the homeless e.g. refugees, street kids
etc. and also creating job opportunities for the poor.
Qn. Discuss how Peace is promoted in the community/ country today.
 Allowing open and verbal communication where people express themselves freely.
 Punishing disturbers/ crime breakers of peace.
 Educating people about the peace benefits.
 Carrying out peaceful demonstrations that are recognized.
 Composing and singing songs about peace.
 Helping people/staff to developing positive work relationship i.e. despite party
affiliations and other associated peace evils.
 Implementing team building activities so as to create cooperation.
 Developing strong communication channels and awareness in the communities and also
the country.


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 Preaching the gospel of forgiveness and transformation by different denominations
concerning peace missions.
 Sensitizing the masses through guidance and counselling basing on the out-comes of
 Also call upon people to promote peace and harmony while settling disputes in
communities/ country.

People in our communities who struggle for peace

The peace makers in our community are many and this include;
 Local clan leaders.
 Local chiefs (LCs).
 The religious leaders.
 School administrators.
 Elders and parents.
 Police and the arms.
(Activity 1;7 fountain)
Describe how the cervices of the LCs, police and religious leaders promote peace in the
Local chiefs (LCs)
 Manage people in their areas and also speak messages of peace.
 They help people to do reconcile amicably.
 They always take part in sensitizing the masses over government programs and
encourage their people to live with in the demand of the government.
 They promote guidance and counselling to their people amicably.
 Help coordinate and report to the responsible official. e.g. the police when a crime is
identified in the community.
Police officials
 Help sensitize the masses on the government changes basing on the security sector.
 Help to arrest people who disturb the peace in the community.
 Tend to promote justice and define the equal laws to the people. This makes them take
part in promoting the laws so as to keep order.
 The police and other armed forces also tend to keep security and monitor the peoples well
being i.e. providing protection and the welfare of the citizens.
 Also tend to promote guidance and counselling to the citizens since they have different
offices in different departments. e.g. they settle disputes in families when one is taken to
the family care unit.


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Religious leaders
 Promote guidance and counselling to the people / Christians.
 Take part in interceding for the country or communities, i.e. praying on behalf of others
through prayers and fasting as a way of promoting peace.
 Formed up peace making organizations so as to promote peace talks between conflicting
 Preaching the word of God advising people to keep in peace, forgive each other and
reconcile amongst themselves.
 Act as advisers and consultants by government or responsible authorities on measures of
minimizing violence and promoting peace in the community or country.

Different personalities in the struggle for Peace.

(Activity 1;8 fountain)
There are many personalities who struggled to bring peace in the world. Some examples are;
Modern figures who contributed to peace
 Nelson Mandela
The first black president of south Africa who led a defiance campaign against apartheid policies
in south Africa. This was social discrimination of the people of South Africa by the whites.
He also advocated for political equality where all the blacks and the whites participated in
 Mahatma Gandhi
Liberated India from colonial rule, promoted peaceful resistances by preaching the philosophy of
non-violence in politics and advocated for a peaceful self-governance.
 Martin Luther
Led the civil rights movements demanding for equal rights between the whites and the blacks.
He led to the institution of legal and justice system across all states in America. He took a stand
against poverty of the Negros in America and made every man get equal opportunities to work in
He also advocated for the end of the war in Vietnam. All these brought peace to Africans who
had not been happy (the back Negros).
 Betty Williams
In 1943, Williams along with Mairead Corrigan co-founded the community of peace people.


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An organisation dedicated to promoting a peaceful resolution to the Northern Ireland conflicts.
She was jointly awarded the Nobel Peace prize with Corrigan in 1976.
 Tegla Laroupe (1973-)
Kenyan marathon runner and peace activist.
Widely praised for promoting peace amongst African tribes. In 2003, Laroupe created an annual
series of peace marathons sponsored by the Tegla Laroupe peace foundation.
 Malala Yousafzai (1997-)
Pakistani school girl who overcame assassination attempts by Taliban to campaign for universal
access to education.
The youngest person to be nominated for Nobel peace prize in 2013.
Spiritual contributions to world Peace.
 Acleod Baker Ochola (Macleod/ Macleord)
An Anglican Bishop in Uganda, he was the inaugural Bishop of Kitgum, serving from 1995 to
Ochola was educated at Uganda Christian university and ordained deacon in 1969 and priest in
1972. He served in the diocese of northern Uganda and Boga-Zaire.
He is the board member of Ambassador of Peace at Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative,
the founder and chair of the Acholi Education Initiative. He remains a committed peace activist.
His also the founder of the Acholi Religious Leaders Association, an area in North Uganda
whose people are suffering from the consequences of war. Bishop Ochola has a deep connection
to the war not only because of his ethnic ties but also because he lost his wife and daughter to the
 Jesus of Nazareth (2BC - 7AD)
Jesus taught a radical philosophy of love and forgiveness.
These teachings formed the basis of Christianity. “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be
called the children of God”
 Pope John Paul II (1920-2005)
Had a great effect on many lives that he touched. People felt he was a sincere and compassionate
Lived through two very difficult periods of Poland’s history occupation by Nazi Germany and
communist era, before becoming Poland’s first Pope.


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 Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
Author of war and peace and committed to principles of non-violence. His literal interpretation
of the ethical principles of Jesus Christ led to the creation of his non-violent philosophy.
Tolstoy’s writing had a big impact on Gadhi and king Martin Luther.
Humanitarian contributions to world peace.
 Susan B. Anthony
American suffragist and campaigner for women’s equal rights. Played a significant role in
women gaining the vote in the US.
 Desmond Tutu (1931-)
Campaigner against apartheid in South Africa. Since the end of apartheid, Tutu has campaigned
on a wide range of humanitarian issues, seeking to overcome racism, sexism, homophobia, AIDS
and poverty.

Organizations in the World that promote Peace in Society

(Activity 1;10 fountain)
Qn. Identify the organizations in the world that are promoting peace in the society.
There are very many organizations that have mushroomed up in the world aimed at promoting
peace in the world and some of them include the following;
 The United National Education, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO)
This is a specialized agency of the United Nations aimed at promoting world peace and security
through international cooperation in education, arts, science and culture.
It’s based in Paris, France. Pursues its objectives through five major program areas i.e.
education, natural science, social/ human science, culture and communication/ information.
 International Crisis Group (ICG)
It’s a transnational non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in 1995.
It’s a think tank used by policymakers and academics, conducting research and analysis on
global crisis. Engages with policymakers, regional organizations and other key actors to promote
peaceful solutions to major conflicts.
 Nonviolent Peace force (NP)
An international non-governmental organisation that employs unarmed civilian protection.


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Their mission is to protect civilians in violent conflicts through unnamed strategies, builds peace
side-by-side with local communities and advocates for the wider adoption of these approaches to
safeguard human life and dignity.
 International Alert (IA)
It’s a global peace building charity. It offers dialogues, training, research, policy analysis,
advocacy and outreach activities focusing on solving the root causes of conflicts with people
from across divisions.
The headquarters are in Ovals, London Borough of Cambeth and in a European office in the
 The United Nations (UN)
UN was created with a mission of maintaining international peace and harmony/ security.
This is accomplished, deploying conflicts, assisting parties in conflict resolutions, deploying
peacekeepers, creating conditions favourable to allow and maintain peace.
 Human Rights Watch (HRW)
An international non-governmental organisation.
It pressures governments, policy makers, companies and individual human rights abusers to
denounce abuse and respect human rights. Also often work on behalf of refugees, children,
migrants and political prisoners.
The headquarters are in New York city.
 United Nations International Children’s Emergency Funds (UNICEF)
It’s now officially called United Nations Children Funds.
It’s an agency of the United Nations responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental
aids to children worldwide. This was formed to create peace and harmony.
Its headquarters are in New York, United States.
Others may also include;
 Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative (ARLPI) founded in Northern Uganda.
 Battery Operated System for Community Outreach (BOSCO) in Uganda.
 Education for Peace and Prevention of Violence (EPPHOVA)
 Caritas Gulu in Uganda.
 Facilitation for Peace and Development (FAPAD)

Activity to practice on
Qn. Word process or write a report about organizations that promote peace in the society.
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Sub topic 1:3

Traditional African Understanding of Peace

(Activity 1;11 fountain)
Qn. How did the people in Traditional Africa understand peace?
 People in traditional Africa understood peace as societal friendship and harmony in the
absence of hostility and violence.
 Peace meant having freedom from war and violence. This was evidence by a peaceful
stay with others.
 Absence of conflicts like fights for land struggle, property etc. amongst both individuals
and groups was also seen as peace.
 They also tended to mind about the peace of all the people in the society and not basing
on the individual peace.
 They would give offerings and sacrifices to the ancestors so as to get peace in their
 They also understood peace as a gift from God. This could be evidenced when their
prayers through the small gods were answered e.g. the god of rain, good harvest, success
 Peace building was associated with social solidarity, a tradition among the Bantu referred
to as Ubuntu. This was important in attaining peace since all members in the society had
concern for the wellbeing of each other.
 They also understood peace as both the victims and offenders were supposed to make
peace. This was by admitting guilt and repenting by asking for forgiveness and it would
be granted to reach reconciliation.
 They also understood peace by making peace talks with other tribes through exchange
like traditional marriages, material wealth like cattle etc.
 They also practiced inheritance and sharing of material wealth and also did communal
ownership of property. This tried to avoid wrangles and misunderstandings between
families or different clans.


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