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ECMAScript (ES) Introduction:

ECMAScript is the standardized scripting language
specification upon which JavaScript is based. Governed
by the Ecma International organization, ES defines the
core features and behaviors that a scripting language
must have to be considered ECMAScript compliant.
JavaScript is one of the implementations of
ECMAScript, and developers often refer to different
versions of JavaScript based on the corresponding
ECMAScript specifications. As new versions of
ECMAScript are released, they bring enhancements and
additions to the JavaScript language, enabling
developers to utilize modern features and improve the
overall capabilities of their code. Understanding
ECMAScript versions is crucial for staying up-to-date
with the latest advancements in JavaScript

JavaScript Introduction:
JavaScript is a versatile and widely used programming
language that enables dynamic, interactive behaviour on
websites. Initially developed for web browsers, it has
now expanded its reach to server-side development and
beyond. Known for its flexibility, JavaScript empowers
developers to create responsive web applications,
enhance user interfaces, and interact with data in real-
time. As an essential part of the modern web
development stack, JavaScript plays a key role in
shaping user experiences across various platforms.
Ch1;Variables and data
Primitive data types
Ch2; Operators and comments
In programming, an expression is a combination of
values, variables, operators, and functions that,
when evaluated, results in a single value.
Expressions can be simple or complex, and they
are a fundamental part of writing code in any
programming language.
In programming, expressions and operators are
closely related, as operators are used within
expressions to perform various operations on
values, variables, or other expressions. An
expression, in general, is a combination of values,
variables, and operators that, when evaluated,
produces a result.
Bitwise operators in JavaScript manipulate the individual bits of numeric values. They perform
operations at the binary level, making them useful for tasks involving low-level data manipulation.
Ch3; conditional statements
Ch4; Loops

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