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Lord, Heavenly Father, Almighty Eternal God, we raise our minds and hearts to you at the
beginning this Ceremony as we lit this candle that symbolizes the Spirit of Scouting. We humbly
beg for your guidance, protection and forgiveness of our sins. Grant us the grace to learn the
virtues of your youth and apply the Scout Oath and Law in every action in your honor and glory.
Grant our Patrol and Troop a happy spirit; bless all our projects and help us to make constructive
progress, so that our training will fit us for real service now and in the future. Let us be ever
attentive to their wishes, eager to make them happy and patient to accept their corrections, all
these we pray in your most holy name. Amen.
The Emcee calls for the Entrance of Colors: Please all rise for the Entrance of Colors and remain
standing for the Philippine National Anthem. The Emcee calls the person in-charge.
The Philippine National Anthem – Scout Salute!
The Emcee: Please remain standing for the Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas
 Facing the audience - Let’s recite the Panunumpa ng Katapatan sa Watawat ng Pilipinas
in unison. Facing the Philippine Flag - Scout Sign! The Person In-Charge recites the
Pledge. After the recitation. Ready front!
 Facing the audience - Let’s recite the Scout Oath and Law (BSP and GSP) in unison.
Facing the Philippine Flag - Scout Sign! The Person In-Charge recites the Pledge. After
the recitation. Ready front!
 Facing the audience - Let’s recite the Thought for the Day. Scout Sign! The Person In-
Charge recites the Pledge. After the recitation. Ready front!
The Emcee calls the Principal or Representative to give the Opening & Welcome Remarks: and to
give us the Opening & Welcome Remarks, please welcome Patrol Scribe (Maam Glemda)
(Person In-Charge delivers Opening & Welcome Remarks)
To our Scout Officials, Council Scout Executive, My beloved Scouts, Parents and Guardians, distinguished
guests, ladies and gentlemen – Good Morning.
First, I would like to extend my warmest welcome and greetings to everyone here at the (name of the
school). Being the Institutional Head, it is indeed an honor and pleasure for to welcome you all and officially
opens this year’s Troop Investiture Ceremony.
For the past years, Scouting has always been a partner of the Department of Education in stilling the
desirable values and character of our beloved students. We shall start this year with high hopes as we
formally accept new members in Scouting, with promise to nurture a culture of peace as we ground our
students for Skills & Self Reliance, Citizenship Training and Character Building. All these shall raise-up new
breed of future leaders of our society. Once again, on behalf of (name of the school), please accept our
warmest welcome, congratulations in advanced, Thank you very much and Mabuhay Kayong Lahat!
Emcee: Thank you very much ___________________, for such a wonderful words of welcome and
opening our ceremony this afternoon. We shall now have our Troop Investiture Ceremony Proper. Let’s all
welcome (The Session Leader) Troop Leader to formally officiate our ceremony.


Sir Jerome: “In this ceremony you will be received into this Troop and into the world brotherhood of
Scouting. Before you is a single, lighted candle. It represents the Spirit of Scouting.

As you become Scouts you will learn more about the Scouting Spirit. The law of the Troop is the Scout
Law. It is know and followed by millions of Scouts. You will learn and follow this law, too. The Senior Patrol
Leader will now lead the rededication of the Scout Oath & Law.

Participants pledge themselves to the Scout Oath and Law. Scout Sign Pose! After, Ready Front!

(The Lightning of 3 Main Candles which represents 3 Main Duty of a Scout namely Duty to God and
Country, Duty to Others and Duty to Self followed by the lightning of all the scouts.


EMCEE: The Scout Law. Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient,
Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.”

Sir Marlon: “You have heard the words of the Scout Oath and the twelve points of the Scout Law. Do you
accept these three duties and the twelve points of this law as a Scout?”

Participants: “Yes, we are!”

Sir Marlon: “Do you promise to do your best to live and pledge yourself to learn and follow the Scout Oath &

Participants: “Yes, we are!”

Sir Marlon: “Very well. We began in almost total darkness. Now in the light of these candles, we can see
one another well and have renewed ourselves in the Spirit of the Scout Oath & Scout Law.

Sir Jerome: My fellow Scouts, before you is the Scout Neckerchief and the Carabao Slide, allow me to
present to you its symbolism before the donning ceremony.

Our Neckerchief represents as the identity and basic uniform of a Scout…The Universality of the Scout
Movement Serves as many practical purposes such as Bandage and tourniquet, Signal Flags during
emergencies, In absence of ropes, may also be joined together to be used as one and Protects the head
from the heat of the sun.
The Wooden Carabao Head as Slide… The symbol of hard work, humility, perseverance and strength…
An animal of burden which is so valuable, an asset to the Filipino farmer. It Exemplifies kindness,
friendliness, hospitality, patience and persistence which are held highly by every Filipino and Our national
animal – that possesses “good character”, which also render selfless service to all. You may now prepare
yourselves and accept your charge as we request your parents and guardians to lead the Neckerchief
Donning Ceremony.


Emcee: May we request all parents and guardians to don the neckerchiefs of their sons as symbol of
acceptance in the Scout Movement. “And now for the official acceptance, let us all welcome our
Institutional Head/Principal.
Sir Marlon “By the authority vested in me by the Boy/ Girl Scouts of the Philippines, Pangasinan Council,
and as the Institutional Head of Obong ES, I now officially declare you as full fledge member of Obong
Elementary School Scouts 2022-2023.
You may now accept your Membership IDs from your Scout Officials in the presence of your loved ones the
symbol of your membership. Welcome to the Troop!
Best Scouting Wishes and Thank You very much!
Sir Marlon: Once again, allow me to express my sincerest thanks and gratitude to all your parents and
guardians for allowing you join the noble cause of the Scout Movement. Now, let us all welcome back your
Senior Patrol Leader to lead the Troop Installation Ceremony.
The Senior Patrol Leader: As mandated in our Institutional Charter, We shall now have our Troop
Installation Ceremony, Patrol Leaders, kindly organize your members surrounding our Troop Flag. Put your
left hand at the shoulders of the Scout in front of you and execute a Scout Sign and repeat after me.


I, (state your name) of OBONG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCOUTS, having been admitted as bona fide
member of the Boy/Girl Scouts of the Philippines, ILOCOS REGION, PANGASINAN COUNCIL. And do
hereby solemnly swear, to uphold the highest ideals of the Scout Oath and Law; and obey the Constitution
and By-Laws of the Boy/Girl Scouts of the Philippines as stipulated in our Institutional Charter.

I promise to render selfless service to my home, school, church, neighborhood, community and country and
be at its disposal anytime. “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country, the
Republic of the Philippines, and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself
physically strong mentally awake and morally straight.”

So, help me God. Fellow Scouts, Congratulations! And Best Scouting Wishes!

Emcee: You may now extend your SCOUTS’ LEFT HANDSHAKE to your fellow Scouts as sign of
brotherhood and acceptance. Scouts all over the world use the Scout Handshake. Scouts everywhere
greet each other with a warm left handshake. Using it makes one feel that he belongs to the world
brotherhood of Scouting and that he is one among the millions of Scout in various parts of the world
dedicated to the same ideal of service.


The Guest Speaker delivers his/her Speech.

Having been a witness with this kind of ceremony is indeed an inspiration in itself, what else could I ask
for? Now, my beloved Scouts, my message for you today is a just gentle reminder from the movie Spider
Man, recalling the scene when the old dying Uncle Ben reminded the young Peter Parker, that with “Great
Power Comes Great Responsibility”. Another remarkable line in the same movie series is when Pater
Parker was breaking up with his dream girl MJ and said “Sometimes to do what is right, we have to give up
the things we want the most, even our dream”. Now, what have these messages got to do with our
Investiture Ceremony? The moment you decided to join the Scout Movement, you already have acquired
the Scouts’ “Great Power”, having the ability to train oneself in Scout Craft for Skills and Self Reliance,
Citizenship and Character Building. Another great power that comes within is the very good side of human
thought, which is service, the opportunity to serve other people, be of service to our neighborhood,
community and country. Having all these powers within comes great responsibility, having great sense of
responsibility is an outward sign of servant leadership, trustworthiness and self-discipline. You may find it
difficult to stick and fulfill our Oath and Law, especially during tough times, and may come across
compromising circumstances. When this time comes, always be reminded that a Scout has a positive
outlook in life, he often look at the bright side of things instead of the gloomy ones – seeing the glass of
water as half full rather than half empty. As the eight point of the Scout Law reminds us – A Scout is
Cheerful, despite of difficult situations, he manages to keep his temper and whistle at life’s challenges.

Now, to end, my message let me share with you another practical guide as we traverse our great journey
called life... The tale is all about the Parable of the Pencil. One day the Pencil Maker shares 5 most
important lessons in life with his pencils. First, always be reminded that as pencil, whatever you do will
always leave a mark. Secondly, you can always correct the mistakes you made. The third one is always
remember that what matters most is what is inside you. The fourth one, always remember that in life, you
will undergo painful sharpening which will make you a better pencil. Lastly, is to be the best pencil that you
can be and allow yourselves to be held and guided by the hand that holds. God Bless us all, Mabuhay
Kayong Lahat, Congratulations and Thank you very much!
The Emcee thanks the speaker and calls a Parent or Guardian (a member of the Institutional Scouting
Committee) to give the Closing Remarks.


First, I would like to extend my warmest greetings and congratulations to everyone, especially to our
parents and guardians, Scout Officials and my beloved Scouts. As I carefully observe the ceremony, it was
really an eye-opener and enlightenment at the same. A very timely call to renew our desirable customs and
traditions, morale values and character through Scouting. Having your commitment to the Scout Ideals
shall help strengthen the moral fiber of our society, with the Scouts as future servant leaders.
I would just like to summarize my remarks in two challenging rules – rule #1 is to try live up with the ideals
of the Scout Oath & Law, with much courage and perseverance – rule #2, during tough times and
challenging years try not to compromise rule #1. And God, our great Scoutmaster will help you to do it.
Again, congratulations and happy Scouting.


Let’s bow down our heads, join us and be with our God’s loving presence. Dear Lord, we thank thee, for
gracing our Troop Investiture Programme. As this ceremony comes to an end, we humbly beg for your
Lord, my Scouting started with You, let my Scouting end with You, the Great Scoutmaster of all. All these
we pray in your most holy name. AMEN.



Scout Sign Post! “May the Great Scout Master, of all Scouts, Be with us, until we meet again”

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